To my readers apologies again for my incomplete blogs and missing photos. The problems typing and uploading photos to blogs are getting worse. To the extent that i can't type a word without it running into the next and i can't upload more then 1 photo at a time.
Saturday 29th October 2022
Sunny all day today!
First thing was to pay my rent again in advance for another 2 weeks.
Yesterday I remembered to submit my fortnightly income to Centrelink - yes the first time I was able to online again since my payments were cancelled and the online glitch.
Sculpture By The Sea is on again and every man and his dog ( yep there were a lot of dogs!) was out and about today. It was a really warm day and really was 27 degrees but it cooled in the evening enough to put on a long sleeved top.
A bus a train another train and a bus to get there but getting home it was a bus a walk via woolworth town hall for a bottle of water and a soup mug then a long wait for a train and another bus .
So there were over 100 sculptures at this year's Sculpture By The Sea. Here is a list of them and photos. I hope I didn't miss any. I will indicate my favourites.
Paul Caporn WA Heads It Is
Zolotar Ukraine Edition of 5 Wind Rose 2019
Paul Hay ACT Trip Hazard
Isabella Lleo Castells The Doubting Column
Marina Debris NSW/USA Just A Drop In The Ocean
April Pine WA Tidal Body Edition Of 6
News headlines today include
Great balls of Fire legend Jerry Lee Lewis dies aged 87 from old age.
Energy prices continue to increase but there has been no action by the government to bring relief to this with an energy meeting no solution walk out . Electricty prices have increased by 56% and gas 40%. Changes to gas laws by the energy minister have been proposed with a cap on prices.
Westpac expects inflation to reach 8.5% by December 22 way above the the 7.75% after 6 rises in interest rates with more to come.
4 ISIS families and 13 children will be repatriated to Australia from a refugee camp and will monitored continuously upon arrival. Dueto thsecreacy of the operation it is unsure if or when they will arrivAustralia. They will be put up in hotels and their medical and psychological bills paid for as they are reunited with their families and assimilate back into the community
In Melbourne Australia England cricket had to be stopped due to heavy down pours deemed to unsafe to continue play and weatherwise not looking good for Spring racing and Melbourne Cup.
As the Jacarandas start blooming, it is snowing in the Victorian Alps after the ski season is well and truely over! Meanwhile a boy riding a bike was sucked into a storm water drain dragged 12 meters and had to be rescued by an off duty officer as he grabbed onto a metal grate.
A immune resistant COVID strain has reached Australia with increased cases in Singapore.The government is urging not to panic.
King Charles has taken over Prince Harry's stripoed role of Captain General of Marines
Sunday 30th October 2022
News headlines today include
Halloween Eve. In Soul South Korea at least 146 people have died in a stampede during Halloween celebrations. The cause is thought to be someone spotting a celebrity entering a restaurant causing crowds to run .
Another interest rate rise is forecasted on Melbourne Cup Day with the Reserve Bank expecting to rise interest rates to combat rising inflation which is sitting at 7.3% currently and expected to rise to 8.5% by 0.5%. It will be the 7th interest rate rise.
The first non stop 14 hour fight from San Francisco to Brisbane touches down today bringing much needed tourism to the region . The flight will run 3 times a week.
Cassius Turvey has been remembered in a memorial after a racial attack. His attacker has been arrested.
A major amphetamine raid in HK has stopped an import of the drugs hidden in coconut water from arriving in Australia originating from Mexico.
Wild weather with a cold wet windy snap is about to again hit parts of the East coast. Victoria parts of NSW Canberra SA and Tasmania will be affected. The Melbourne Cup will be a cold wet one and more snow will fall in the Victorian Alps . Floods in NSW are also a concern.
It is the eve of the deadline to lodge 2021/2022 tax returns. Late tax return lodgements will attract fines if not lodged by tomorrow however flood affected residents may apply for an extension and there is assistance with retrieval of lost documents in order to lodge a tax return.
Prince Harry has snubbed an invitation and will not be spend Christmas with the royal family indicating the extent of the rift within the royal family.
The first 4 wives of ISIS members have arrived in Australia and will be monitored.
Thousands of Victorians will be issued new licences with extra security features after the fiasco of the Optus cyber security attack.
Monday 30th Octtober 2022
Happy Halloween!
It's another dry day. I was prepared for trick or treating tonight having purchased some individually wrapped caramello bears to hang outside from my mail box with a help yourself sign as I usually do every year but ended up not putting them out as my mind was more on how I can get to the TAB to place a bet for the Melbourne Cup tomorrow. I knew which horses I wanted to bet on but it was just a matter of getting to a TAB. I had downloaded the TAB app but I didn't want to set up an account and give my location as well as all my personal details out especially after the recent Medibank cyber security attack.
News headlines today include
Australians and residents of other countries such as America have died in the South Korean Halloween celebrations. An Australian woman has died amongst the number of deaths. Latest estimated numbers is 154 deaths with quite a number of others injured in a stampede down a narrow laneway.
A QLD woman has been forced to crawl down the aisle of a Jetstar flight when a wheelchair was delayed for 40 minutes and she was asked but refused to pay for the wheel chair service which is usually free. Jetstar has apologised credited her flight and insists that they never requested payment from her for the service although there was s language barrier.
Melbourne suffered strong winds overnight as wild weather bought down trees and cut power to some regions of Victoria . The Melbourne Cup tomorrow is forecasted to be the coldest one on record at 14 degrees.
Prince Harry's book Spare has been described as not being sexy enough so ghost writers have turned to interviewing his ex girlfriends to make the book more sexy and the name of his book will have different names in different countries such as Leftover ( talk about lost in translation or literacy translations)
Tuesday 1st November 2022
Happy Melbourne Cup Day!
It is an overcast day today. It was really windy overnight. Rain is forecasted for today but nowhere to the extent of wild weather of snow in the alps. hail and heavy rain in the Adelaide Hills and Tasmsnia and fail force winds a cold snap and possible thunder storms in Melbourne.
I decided to work until around 1 pm and then take a bus during my lunch break to place a bet at the TAB in Chatswood as I needed some more moisturiser bottled water green juice etc .
My first stop was the TAB where I made a place win on 5 horses 1, 4, 5, 8 & 9 with a $10 total ie $1 each way. I don't remember any of the names of the horses I just picked according to numbers except for number 1 which I picked because I liked the name of the horse "Gold Trip" and yesterday one of my work collegue's father had a stake in the horse # 9 "Stockman" so that became the 5th horse in my bet. I paid cash for my bet and it was a quick bet as I got one of the staff at the TAB to fill in the form for me however somewhere along the way I lost my Opal card which still had $40 on it so had to purchase a new one and put $20 on it from Woolworths so I could get home. I purchased a spicy chicken burrito for lunch from GyG with a chimy mayo on the side - it wasn't very good. Where was the spice?
I stayed to watch the race at 3 pm outsidetheTAb Chatswood before getting a bus home and getting back to work at aound 4pm.
News headlines today include
Melbourne Cup will be the coldest in decades with storms and blasts of cold air down to 14 degrees still forecasted. 75000 people are expected to attend and Gay Waterhouse has 2 horses in the race. Last minute scratchings and vet checks are underway. A debut race called The Big Dance will also run at Royal Randwick today. A $2 million race to give country race trainers a chance to race in the city races bringing country and city closer together. Late scratchings from Melbourne Cup Luna Flare whereas Interpretstion cleared to race
The Victorian government has come to the rescue with tax payers money sponsorship and Tourism Victoria. The team will wear tourism Victoria logoed uniforms. This comes after mining magnate Gina Reinhart pulled her $15 million sponsorship.
There was an Instagram outage this morning where instagram accounts were shut out of and a message popping up suspending their account due to breach of community standards and to take action within 30 days otherwise accounts will be permanently shut down for no reason. It is unsure why this occurred but a glitch in the system was the likely cause and users are now starting to be able to access their accounts again. Meta has apologized as users lost hundreds thousands even millions of followers.
Interest rates rises again for the 7th time however unsure if it will be .25% or .5% . ( I forecast .5%).
The debate continues with the resettlement of the wives and children of ISIS members in Western Sydney. Leaders and members of these communities were not consulted and there is fear amongst residents especially those to fled to Australia to escape terrorism. The question remains of why the secreacy and location of resettlement of these families. There is pressure for a meeting with the PM as Syrian families become concerned.
Kim Kardashian has turn up to a party in full halloween cistomeonly to find out it wasn't s costume party as a character from Avatar.
A Star Casino cleaning contractor has been sacked for videoing a football star's room citong an invasion of privacy.
It is 1000 days since the first COVID case was reported but the pandemic is far from over due to new variants that are more infectious and immune and vaccine resistant. Vaccines and boosters still being pushed.
Price caps on energy - I've lost interest the government just need to find a solution Too much talk and no action does
The Miss USA beauty pagent is rigged. (who cares)
Wednesday 2nd November 2022
A nice sunny but very windy cooler day today. Still no sign of rain yet although it did look as if it could rain around lunch time today.
News headlines today include
The 4 women and 13 children that were refugees and wives and children of ISIS members have settled into their new homes in the Western Sydney suburbs. The debate continues as to how safe residents are and why locals were not informed of their resettlement in the area. The women are not required to wear ankle bracelets or be monitored 24/7 and are free to wander around the community.
The Reserve Bank has raised interest rates on Melbourne Cup Day a quarter of a percent yesterday making it the 7th interest rate rise in 7 months with more to come. The next interest rate rise to combat inflation is forecasted to be .5% .
There are plenty of sore heads around as horse #1 Gold Trip won the Melbourne Cup yesterday at 3 pm. 2nd place was Emissary and 3rd place was High Emocean.
There are lions on the loose at Taronga Zoo this morning breaking out of their enclosure. 5 lions now found outside of their enclosure are now safely back in their enclosure. Alarms were raised at 6.30 am this morning.
The debate continues as to who will replace the Queen on the $5 note.It is not likely to be the King.
There was a fire at St Catherine school today in Waverley.
Snow is falling in the alps as cold blasts continue.
Thursday 3rd November 2022
Another mostly dry but s little cooler day today.
There wasn't much to do again this morning so I finished around 11 or 11 30 am. today.
I made a large calzone with tomato paste, tom tom tomatos cheese bully beef spanish onion garlic granules & spinach leaves and salmon with butter and mixed herbs with spinach leaves.
Still in the headlines the 5 lions that escaped from their enclosure at Taronga zoo now found to be a fence issue not human error .
Floods caused by the Lachlan River . Fears for the Murrumbugee River. 100 flood warnings around NSW. The body of a man swept away in flood waters earlier this week has been found.
Qantas recreates it's very first route 100 years ago with one passenger and 106 letters yesterday. Meanwhile they have won a Choice shonky award for their poor service.
Will Donald Trump run for re election as mid term elections commencein the US?
A house has been deliberately lit alight for the 2nd time in 6 months.
A new trial using magnetic pulses to stimulate the brain which is already being used to treat depression may aid patients with mild to moderate alzheimers.
The increasing cost of grocery prices has caused an increase in alternatives such as frozen fruit & veg and imperfect fruit and veginstead of fresh fruit and veg as well as the consumption of more poultry rather then red meats.
William Tyrrell 's foster mother has been accused of knowing where his body is after facing court for other asault charges.
As an increase in cases of the new COVID variant occur residents are urgedto be up to date with their COVID vaccinations ie 3 doses.
Friday 4th Novmber 2022
My Birthday!
I have had so many things to think about I didn't make any plans for my birthday this year. My allergies have become very severe as well.
Today it was just pick up my winnings from the TAB all $20 and the usual get change for doing my laundry, essential grocery shopping and return bottles for recycling ( which I forgot all about today).
I went to Macquarie Shopping centre but I never go to the Woolworths there as I spend all my time at Aldi and Coles and can't be bothered lugging my groceries to the Woolworths.
There is trackwork again this weekend on the Northern lines and Metro - what's new? More time is spent on trackwork then actually in operation!
News headlines today include
Supermarkets warn of food shortages over summer due to supply chain issues and wild weather with certain supermarkets implementing buyer limits. The trend is towards frozen fruit and veg due to the high cost of fresh fruit and veg. Potatos and mixed veg are in short supply hence frozen chips are in short supply as well as milk and meat.
The airports will be in chaos again as fire & rescue crews vote to strike for a 15% increase in wages over 3 years. No fire and rescue crews means international flights will be grounded and not be able to to land.
Former cricketer Imran Khan has been shot in the leg in an assassination attempt and taken to hospitalin a stable condition.
Netflix will offer cheaper subscription prices for non ad free subscriptions. Yes sit through the movies with ads and pay less.
A baby has been found dead and it's parents charged and arrested by police for murder and injury of the 7th month old baby. The father had abused the baby but instead of calling emergency services waited and prayed for the baby to recover before calling police.
Flocks of sheep have been rescued from the floods by being airlifted in crates by helicopter in batches to drier land near Forbes.
Shoplifting has increased. And it's not just a sneaky grape in the mouth or snags, it's the targeted luxury items.
Don't report your lotto winnings to Centrlink. A man did the right thing and reported his $60000 set for life win to tmCentrelinonly to have his disability payments and his partner's payments slashed Normally if you win a lumosum in lotto it does not affect your payments but due to a technically where the set for life winningsis not paid in a lump sum but in regular installments he was deemed a professional gambler therefore had his regular disability payments reduced as if his winning were a regular stream even if it was only for a temporary period of time.
Saturday 5th November 2022
Yesterday it was mostly dry but by lunch time it was cold and was raining but the rain was brief. Today it is dry but overcast this morning.
There maybe no rain but floods have affected 10 regional areasin NSW including WagaWagga, and Gunnedah. Forbes is in the peak of it now as the river rises to 10.8 m which was a record in the 70s. A pregnant woman has been rescued from the floods in Forbes when her waters broke.
Trump has announced that he would " very very very probably do it again" in reference to campaign to run for a 3rd time as President of the US.
Dan Andrews is being investigated by IBAC anticorruption commission for his $3.4 million in grants to health workers union priorto his last election as premier so close to Victoria's next state election. Although he is still the preferred premier for Victoria some want to see an independent candidate.
The Foster parent of William Tyrrell is still being interrogated as to information about his whereabouts. She still insists she had nothing to do with his disappearance depite pressure from police.
It has been confirmed a fence integrity was the cause of the 5 lion escape at Taronga Zoo.
Hundreds mof workers including Australians have been sacked from Twitter since Elon Musk took it over.
Imran Khan has spoken for the first time since being shot advising that if he had not fallen making the second shooter think he had been shot dead , a second shot from the side would had killed him.
Everyone will ferlthe pinch this Christmas as grocery items continue to increase in prices.
Certain medicines such as penicillin are in short supply. Meanwhile there has been a great increase in COVID variant cases in all states except QLD and residents are urged to be upto date with COVID vaccines.
Sunday 6th November 2022
Today turned out to be a beautiful dsybut with howling winds in the afternoon.
around lunch time today I ventured out to Lsne Cove Aquatic Centre for a swim. I had not been for a swim or done any exercise since the Blackmores Running festival ( going shopping and hauling 2 heavy full bags of groceries home every week is not really considered weekly exerecise). It was the best swim i just did not want to get out or leave. The temperate of the indoor 25 m pool was not too cold. I used the pool noodle and aquatic dumb bells to do mt exercises in the pool for about 45 minutes before spending 5 minutes in the kids pool which is slightly warmer then the 25 m pool and then a final 10 minutes in the hydrotherapy pool which is warmer then the kids pool but nowhere as hot as the hot tub. I had a shower which took forever as there was a queue. I thought the swim would help my skin. Whilst waiting for the shower ny skin was stinging from the chlorine but bearable. A little boy tried to pushin front of me in the queue but I told him he had to wait his turn. It was peak hour and every parent and their children were there playing in the indoor pools or swimming in , eating or sun baking around the outdoor pool. As I finished my shower and left, the indoor pools were almost empty and there was no longer a queue for the change room showers. Peak hour at the aqustic centre was over. A little girl was screaming her lungs out whilst I was having a shower in the next cubicle all because she did not want to keave the pool.
After my swim it was a trip to get some groceries . The new Harris Farm was now open and there was a good amount of shoppers inside. Of course I had to have stick beak inside. Wow! It is not only huge but everything is available here. I would be surprised if you could not find everything you needed here! I found the layout a little off putting as I could not get to the bread section via a short cut say from the cheese or seafood section - you have to walk all the way round like an Ikea.. There is even a donut concession with freshly made donuts and a Messina concession as well.
I ended up getting some reduced rice noodles and marinated lamb ribs as they expired today. Lamb and rice noodles don't usually expire quickly. Meat is better aged and rice noodles just go a little hard. Dinner or breakfast tomorrow.
Those items were not on my shopping list so it was time to walk to Aldi and Coles to get the items that are on my shopping list. Done. My final stop was GyG for a small serve of fries ( they said a medium serve of fries but when I saw it shrinkflation!) with chimy mayo . I had been craving fries after seeing kids eat them from the cafe after their swim. Don't get fries from GyG they are not like they used to be years age. They are awful stone cold over salted and dry. I had to wait forever to get them missing a bus that seems to come only every half an hour.
I waited for the next 252 home . It took forever for the bus to arrive.
Home I unpacked my groceries and watched tv. I was a little tired so took a nap.Actually I had a drink if water and went to bed early. The wind outside was howling eventhough the sun was out.
The indoor 25 m pool & outdoor 50 m pool at Lane Cove Aquatic Centre. On a nice sunny day like today the grassy area to the side of the pool is full of sun bakers.
Harris Farm's Meat & Poultry section
Harris Farm's Seafood section
Harris Farm's ready meals & sushi section
Harris Farm's cheese & diary sections
Harris Farm's international sections
Harris Farm's bread & bakery sections
Teas Sweets and look fresh donuts and Messina ( in the background) . I did not photograph the florist and fruit & veg sections. It's not a supermarket but it might as well be one!
News headlines today include
Aaron Carter brother of Back Street Boys Nick Carter dies aged 34. ( Probably from drugs)
Thousands of Victorian tax payers personal data has been stolen due to a company the government uses was hacked. 6 government departments use this company.
COVID is in the news again as increased number of cases of the new variantare reported. The question is whether the curreentboosters are still effective against the current variants of COVID.
The water in Forbes which has reached 10.6 m is showing signs of receding . Residents have been advised to boil their water due to contamination.
An Australian man fighting the war in Ukraine has died.
There is a shortage of childcare workers in Australia.
A boy is sill missing in the other suburbs of Canberra after his mother and brother's bodies were found in a pond yesterday.
The winds are howling again outside and it's 17 degrees c. The sun is out though. It's Spring but sure does not feel like it.
Myer looks as if it is paying it's shareholders a meager final dividend again. How much is it this time? Their AGM is next Thursday afternoon at 2 pm - of course it is ! So they don't have to provide a free lunch for their shareholders like they normally do! Coffeetea and biscuits is a lot cheaper then lunch.
News headlines today include
A world cup cricket star charged with sexual assault was arrested just as the team was about to leave Australia for Columbo. He was charged for 4 accounts of non consented sexual acts on a 29 year old woman who he met on Tinder. After exchanges online they met for a drink before he went her Rose Bay home where the assaults happened. Bail has been refused and information about the case suppressed for now.
Police have travelled to India on a manhunt for a man who murdered a lady walking her dog 4 years ago in QLD. Police think they are closing in on finding the muderer who has been on the run for the past 4 years leaving his job in the healthcare industry his wife and kids behind in Australia.
A car ploughed into a home in Eastern suburbs of Melbourne almost hitting an 18 month old baby. The driver of the car was way over the alcohol limit.
There are plans to increase wages for the lowest paid workers however strikes and job losses may result due to less enterprise bargaining powers.
Rugby league player Liam Hampson who fell 14 m to his death at a night club in Spain last month has had a memorial service today.
The annual Myer Christmas windows were revealed yesterday. This year's theme Disney celebrates their 100 anniversary. It is part of a multi million dollar grant to increase tourism into Melbourne CBD which has suffered due to COVID. Meanwhile the David Jones Christmas windows have been revealed in Sydney.
It is 2 more sleeps until the new season of The Crown.
An extra bank holiday on 8th May a few days after the Kings coronation next year will be introduced to allow time for families to get together.
Medibank Private will not pay the random amount to the hackers putting 9.7 million customer accounts at risk including current former Medibank private customers and AHM customers and international students. Hardest hit were passport numbers of international students.
A man murdered his wife 2 years ago during COVID because she kept nagging him.
A class action of small business holders has been taken against the state government over loss of business due to the consrtuction of the light rail system which took 3 years well over the original time frame.
High school leavers may be forced to do mandatory national service such as join the military services volunteer or join the peacecirpfor example for a period of 6 - 12 months in a proposal by Tony Abbott. It is unlikely he will get his way as the proposal has been seen as out of touch.
Taxi and ride share passengers may be forced to pay more with an increase in service fee of 20 cents until 2030 to compensate taxi drivers.
COP27 is being held in an isolated town in Egypt. AA will not be present at this climate summit instead sending his ebergyminister.m
I can't be sure but I think it may have rained lightlylast night after the gusty wind stopped. The road was a little wet. This morning utis still overcast but I'm sure it will reach the mid 20 degrees C forcastedlater today.
News headlines today include
The Medibank cyber security attack saga continues as the company refuses to pay the ransom to hackers who threaten to sell upto 10 million past and present customers personal details in particular their medical records. They have decided not to pay the random as this will only encourage the hackers to perform more cyber security crimes. There is also no guarantee that after the random is paid that records won't still be sold on the dark web by the hackers or even if the hackers were bluffing about having access to records at all or if the records have already been released into the cyber world. Medibank has 24 hours to pay the random but stay firm on not paying it. It is contacting every single customer who maybe affected.
Rebel Wilson has welcomed a new baby girl into the world via a surrogate. This was years in the making and she thanked her surrogate for carrying and giving birthto her baby girl and helping her start a family of her own.
Residents in the Central Western suburbs near the Blue Mountains in the suburbs of Lithgow Oberon and some surrounding suburbs have been forced to take hot showers in the port a showers set up in the show grounds due to a gas pipeline that was destroyed in the floods which has cut off gas supply entirely. Some residents are back online after 4 days or more without gas with others having to wait upto another month for their gas to be restored. This is a real inconvenience to retired senior and disabled residents. Businesses are also suffering and residents are also using friends families gyms and pools to have showers or boil water just to wash themselves. Portable gas bottles are being used just to cook meals.
A giant inflatable Bluey has made it's debut in the annual Macy's Christmas parade.
Will Donald Trump run for re election now that the mid term elections have begun in the US
5 more interest rate rises are planned in the next 6 months with the next one just before Christmas. There's that R word again. The cash rate is forcasted for 3.85% by some banks.
Click Frenzy is on again from tonight. It is their 10 year anniversiary.
The cricketer that was arrested for rape and refused bail is still to face court. All information on his case has still been suppressed.
Cirque de Soleil Crystal which is on ice is coming to Australia next year.
A kayaker fushing in Port Augusta SA has had a close encounter with a shark before it swam away.
A lunar eclipse ( blood moon) is due tonight that can be seen with the naked eye. This will be the last time one will be seen until 2025.
A smurf costume has vanished from a South Australian performing company stolen by a blazen thief . This has occurred after a Big Bird costume was stolen last year but was promptly returned. Some say it was a publicity stunt which it is definitely not.
Still an overcast morning but temperatures forecasted mid to late 20 degrees c today and mostly sunny
News headlines today include
Trump hints that he will be running for presidency in 2024. Meanwhile the mid term elections in the US begin.
2 men have been rescued and winched to safety after their boat took in water and sunk. They wer forced to hold on to floating cushions treading water in their lifejacketsfor 90 minutes fearing sharks near Caloundra.
Medibank customer details have been released by hackers since the 24 hour deadline to pay the ransom passed and Medibank Private refused to pay it.
4 families have come forward to testify in the AFL Hawthorne investigation into racism scandal however the woman alleged to have been advised to have an sbortion by a Hawthorn offical has refused to testify in the investigations.
Michael Klim has been inducted into the Swimming hall of fame.
The mayors of Liverpool Fairfield & Campbelltown have written to AA with their safety concerns of the 4 wives and children of ISIS members being resettled in into their communities particularly when residents in their suburbs have come to Australia to flee ISIS.
A bounty hunter in Deli is on the hunt to find the nurderer of the Queensland woman.
JLo changes her last name but is under fire for it.
It is 25 years since their single Mmbop rocketed Hanson to fame as teenagers.
Energy bill relief before Christmas? watch and wait to see.
Sea World's new wooden roller coaster is about to open - the first in 30 years in time for the Christmas holidays.
Someone in LA has won the billion dollar lotto matching all numbers.
It is a beautiful but windy day ag as in today. I am really sick today. My body is in total pain and my skin is just peeling off. I only worked a few hours today but it was the Myer AGM this afternoon starting at 2 pm it did not end until 4 pm. I again did not attend in person down in Melbourne as you had to be vaccinated. It did not matter you could feel what was going on just by listening in online. Shareholders mass exiting the meeting so they don't miss out on the free refreshments ( either that or they were just disinterested bored or frustrated). Big questions this year on cyber security, conflict of interests with the possible election of a new board member which was met with some hostility and one shareholder declaring that he thought it was time to go for one of the female board members and that he would not be voting for her. Quite a few congratulations for Myer paying dividends again and getting the company to the financial position it is now in after all that is happening locally & globally and the past pandemic. I am unsure of the voting results this year snd did not vote myself this year.
News headlines today include
The hackers have made good and released another batch of customers personal information onto the dark web as Medibank private refused to pay the ransom to the hackers by the deadline. Personal information such as medical records and conditions & procedures of customers have been released.
Residents of a retirenent village have been forced to evaculate as a fire erupted in a unit caused by a man cooking fries who ran to get the fire extinguisher but by the time he returned with it the unit was alight. Some residents were allowed to return to their units whereas others had to find alternative accommodation as their units were destroyed with a roof collapsed.
A toddler gas been mauled to death by 2 dogs at a motel the family were stayingin. His face and neck badly injured. The dogs were taken to the pound and put down.
Chris Dawson's daughter has begged her father to reveal the locationof her mothers body. He is sentenced to life in jail but his lawyers are arguing to shorten the sentence as he is showing signs of dementia. It will be another 3 weeks until a decision is made about his sentence.
King Charles and Camila have been egged by a protestor whilst on a walk about. They escaped unscathed.
China may be poaching Australian ex armed forces personnel to train their military personnel but any Australian ex armed forces that shares military secrets with China or is employed to train the Chinese military is considered as comittingt treason.
Today it was mostly dry but it has to rain when I decide to venture out! Luckily it only lasted a few minutes and was very light.
After doing one load of my laundry and catchingup with the guy next door to me ehoalso was doing his laundry , I venturedout to returned my 13 bottles for recycling then to chenistwarehouse to get some more vitamin E cream which I have completely run out of before getting something to eat from the Friday markets at Chatswood Mall and recharging my Opal card with $20. I then did a shop at Woolworths and then Coles Local as I needed some more change for the laundry and Woolworths Metro Chatswood does not give change. Some laundry sanitiser and 4 pkt of toilet paper plus a mini bottle of Contreau ( not for drinking but for baking) Change in hand , it was time to head home but not before having a taste of my marinated grilled lamb skewers I purchased from one of the newer market food stalls and one that I have not tried before. ( photo below).

The lamb skewers looked good but for 4 lamb skewers for $12 I don't think it was the best value for money and a Greek kebab at the Greek market food stall down the mall could have been a better choice. So what did I think of the lamb skewers? Far too salty and very small pieces of lamb on rather long skewers. They were tasty but service took too long and they were so salty it made me really thirty. I took the remaining skewers home and was going to have them as a sandwich but instead poured hot waree over a packet of Shin instant noodles in a bowl ( I only eat Shin instant noodles now) to soften them, added the dried garnish packet but not the msg flavour sachet, added some fresh spinach leaves and also the pieces of lamb off the skewers. Because the lamb was so salty, I figured the favour would be a good substitute in the soup and healthier then using the msg flsvour sachet. Rating 5/10. Another market food stall i will not be rushing back to.
It was around 5 .30 pm and it took forever again to get home as it was a very long wait for thebus. Home I watched the news, The Cook Up The Living Room and an encore of HYBPA falling asleep.
News headlines today include
A 4th wave of COVID has hit QLD where there is now a code amber from a code green where masks are recommendedbut not manatory in high risk settings such as medical facilities and on public transport.
Hackers have released another lot of Medibank Private personal information relating to those with drug alcohol mental health prenancy terminations and other very personal conditions and procedures. Will Medibank private be fined especially for not having any cyber security insurance. The ransom was $9.7 million which equates to $1 per customer.
Today is remembrance day. At 11 am people will pause for a minutes silence to reflect and remember those that fought and those who died.
A world first male injectable contraceptive gel is being trialled in Melbourne. 25 patients will trial this new gel which is likened to a temporary vasectomy done under general anesthesia.
An unfinished book is being released about the recollections of the late Aaron Carter. Questions have already been asked about how accurate the information is in the documentary due to the amount of drugs the celebrity was consuming.
30 - 50 percent rail disruptions will occur again this weekend with industrial action and trackwork as contributors.
QLD is about to trial a driverless truck. It is hoped that this will help ease supply chain logistics issues in the future
Is Facebook in financial trouble? Meta's Zuckerberg sacks 11 000 staff . Is this a Copycat after Elon Musk sacked staff after he took over Twitter? These platforms are showing their age with users going elsewhere.
800 COVID positive passengers are on board the Majestic Princess docked Sydney. Is this de ja vu? Those with are still on board those without have been allowed to disembark.
As cases of COVID continue to increase QLD has declared a 4th wave.
The AFP have identified the hackers that are responsible for the Medibank Private cyber security attack wbo are continuing to release sensitive information of customers onto the dark web but are not releasing their names. Originating from Russia it is not state fund criminal activity and AFP are working with Russian aurthorties.
30000 Russian troops have withdrawn from the city of Kherson however is this a trojan ? Are there Russian troops hiding in the Ukrainian city who have disposed of their Russian military uniforms and blending in with with Ukrainians.
No train on T5 line between Richmond & Leppington whilst all other lines are running on reduced timetables with half an hour waits due to trackwork and industrial action over the weekend.
First home buyers have choice of paying stamp duty until Jan next year.
AA may not have attended COP27 and sent his energy minister which he was critized for not attending particularly as Australia would like to host it in the future but he is busy after atrending a remembrance day event in Sydney yesterday flying off to Cambodia to attend ASEAN before hopefully meeting China's leader. It's been 6 years since Australia met with the Chinese leader partly due to the pandemic.
Flood watch continues as rain is forcastedfor the East coast of Australia again.
It's a very overcast morning and by 10 am it started to pour with rain. I am still going to try and venture out and do laundry in the afternoon. I am glad that I took my rubbish out yesterday.
I went for a swim at Lane Cove Aquatic Centre again after lunch before waiting forever for a bus to Chatswood where I did a weekly grocery shop at Chemist Warehouse Aldi Coles Local and Woolworths Metro stopping at McDonald's for an Angus burger as I was a little hungry after my swim.
Home on the bus and a snack before tv and bed. It rained overnight and I was ver itchy again.
Work again tomorrow. My last day of my 3 month contract is this Thursday. I am unsure what to do after my employment ends but i will spend time trying to get rid of whatever is causing my severe allergy attacks.
News headlines today include
Storms are forecasted for today across the East coast of 5 states Australia with power outages already in SA.
AA is at the ASEAN summit with a few unexpected leaders turning up at the gala dinner including the Russian forign minister and Chinese Premier. AA has made it clear he has no plans to meet with the Russian foriegn minister due to recent Medibank cyber security attack and war in Ukraine.
A plane crash during a flight demonstration in Dallas has occurred during an air show.
Alec Baldwin has sued the crew members including the armourer for not checking the gun properly for damages pyschologically financially.
The Danish queen 3rd cousin to Queen Elizabeth celebrates her 50th anniversary on the throne.
Prince Charles attends Remembrance day with the Queen Consort and William Kate Edward Sophie Anne & Timothy and will celebrate his first birthday on 14th Nov without his mother.
Knife crime is on the increase in QLD with criminals underthe age of 14.
Victorian early voting opens tomorrow 26days before the actual elections. Dan Andrews starts this campaign trail. There are still some Dan haters but they are in the minority.
AA meets the Russian foreign minister and tells him exactly what he thinks ofthe war in Ukraine but no mentionof the cyber attackers who targeted Medibank Private. He also met President Biden and invited him to speak at Parliament in a future visit to Australia. Will he get to meet China's leader next?
A terrorist attack in a major shopping district has occurred in Istanbul.
Early voting has begunin Victoria for the state elections today with voters not having to provide a valid reason for early voting and even encouraged due to the increase in COVID cases.
A freight train has derailed about 28 km from Geelong where flooding is thought may have been the cause.
Daniel Riccardo has crashed out in the 1st lap of the Formula One in his 2nd last race with McLaren.
Prince Charles turned 74 today 14th November 22.
Parts of SA are still without power which is not as bad as a previous storm which blackedout the whole of SA. Forbes Wagga Wagga and other parts of Central West NSW are flooded as rivers continue to rise and rain falls.
I only worked for 2 hours today as there was nothing much for me to do as i finish up my 3 month contract on Thursday. Should have finished up today but I had so much to do yesterday. I actually didn't finish until 6.30pm last night. Today I just filled in my time sheet for the next fortnight, emailed payslips to myself and started deleting stuff bnb off the work laptop.
AA gets to meet Chinas leader Xi after 6 years he will be the 1st Australian PM to meet the Chinese leader face to face and Chinas trade sanctions with Australia may be lifted. The G20 continues.
As rain continues to fall and the release of the equivalent capacity of half of Sydney Harbour's water gashes from it's release from Wyangala dam, the Central West towns of Canowindra, Forbes. Molong and Eugowra flood and are in evacuation order with one in five residents having to evacuate or be rescued from flood waters in Eugowra.200 residents were airlifted to the safety of Orange as the town becomes isolated. Residents were given until 7 am this morning to evacuate in Forbes.
AFL umpires have become involved in a betting scandal however there is no suggestion that the Brownlow medal votes have been influenced by this betting scandal.
A QLDer is suing a QLD theme park for injuries on a ride resulting in a broken shoulder.
A class action from bank customers is being taken against 3 major banks for credit insurance sold to them which was unnecessary.
Prince Charles has celebrated his 74th birthday with a new portrait of him leaning against an sncientoak tree oreleased and the changing of the guard playing happy birthday to him as well as a gun salute.
Mascots for the Paris olympics and Paralympics has been revealed. They are 2 french hats one with s visible running blade the first time a disability has been visible in a mascot.
Jay leno has been rushed to hospital dye to burns to his face from a fire in hos garage.
Margot Robbie's pirates of the Caribbean movie when pitched to Disney has been axed.
A fire in Sydney's Western suburbs manufacturing plastic tubing has put been out with a warning for residents to keep their windows closed to keep the black toxic smoke out. CC tv vision has shown 2 bike riders entering and leaving the property before the fire started creatingsuspicionthat thefire may have been deliberately lit. It will cost millions of dollars for the clean up.
Jennifer Aniston 's father John passes away.
The world is doomed. It was a windy day again today before becoming a rather cold day today ( I had the heater on) before a brief but freak hail storm sweeps across Sydney lasting just 10 minutes.
I didn't start work until 12noon today as I attended the Medibank Private AGM between 10.30am and 12noon online today. After the recent cyber security attack where I was a victim not once as a former Medibank Private member not twice as a newly joined AHM member but 3 times as a Medibank Private shareholder, i ust had to attend to see and hear just what the board had to say for themselves. About 80 of the AGM including questiontime was aboutthe cyber security attack - forget the financials this year. I didn't even bother to vote but there was still a lot of support and applause throughout the meeting.
I worked from 12 noon - 3.45 pm today. Again not much to do.
As the flood waters recede the town of Eugowra is a ghost town and as the search is on for 2 people missing since Monday - a woman in her 60s and a man in his 80s. The woman's body has since been found deceased however the man'sbody is still being searched for. 1 in 5 residents had to be pulled to safety clinging to trees and on rooftops. Forbes is now flooded with waters forecasted to reachthe 10.8 m mark.Floods in Central Western NSW are now in their 64th day. meanwhile SE Qld is facing bush fires with rising temperatures and gusty winds.
Novak Djokovic will be able to play in the Australian Open in January 2023 after his visa was cancelled due to his vaccination status last January. His 3 year ban from entering Australia again as a result has been overturned.
AA meets Chinese leader Xi for a whole 32 minutes going overtime ( Didn't US president Biden get 3 hours with the Chinese leader?). It is the first time since Malcolm Turnbull last met the Chinese leader face to face 6 years ago.
Stray Rissian missiles have hit Poland's rural region close to the border of Ukraine killing 2 people. Poland is a Nato member and if a member country of Nato is attacked all member countries will respond however Natio member countries have not retaliated yet but trying to gain more information as to whether it was an accident or deliberate missile attack before taking action not to alarm and make the war situation in Ukraine worse.
The cost of toilet paper could rise 3 times due to increases in energy costs.
NASA's Armitis 1 is due to lift off tomorrow after many delays. Meanwhile a space walk has occurred at the international space station.
Well it's official Donald Trump is running for president again. This time instead of Lets Make America Great Again he has a new slogan (and I thought it was Let's Save Anerica. ) - it's "Keep America Great" because "America's Not Great Now"
The offical last day of my 3 month contract.
It's too late for residents to evacuate as the river is still yet to peak to the record 10.8 m as it is the 65 day of flooding in Central Western NSW.
The missiles that hit Poland and killed 2 residents were deemed an accident not a deliberate attack and not Russian although Russia is still blamedfor the accident as they started the war with the Ukraine.
Christmas travel is inchaos as airport firefighters have been to cleared to strike on 2 x 12 hour strikes. Cancellations and delays of flights will result.
Deliveroo exits Australia closing its services in Australia and other countries leaving workers without pay.
Most of mymorning was spent wairingfor my work laptopkeyboard and screento be picked up. It was suppose to be picked up at 10 am this morning meaning I could go for a swim and make it to Chatswood for the noon advance screening of The Menu however my plans wentoutthe window when i received a phone call advising it won't be picked up until close to 11 am. Almost 11 am and I received another phone call that it won't be picked up until 11.45 am . Well there goes my plans. A whole morning wasted.
I ended up going for my swim at Lane Cove Aquatic Centre for an hour having a shower and walking to the highway to catch the next 530 bus to Chatswood. A quick stop to Chemist Warehouse and Priceline to get cortesone cream and moisturiser but no time to grab anything to eat as I made it just in time for the 3.25pm advance screening of The Menu at The Mandarin Centre Hoyts as I missed the 12 noon screening at Westfield Hoyts which I had originally planned to go to. I should have taken my time as the first 30 minutes was just full of ads. I joined the free Hoyts loyalty membership and grabbed a small cloudy apple juice and a packet of Honey Soya sauce chicken chips as I was starving. Not the best snack to watch a foodie movie with and not the most nutritious. It cost me $33 just to see this movie . I had the cinema almost all to myself - there was just one other person who sat down the front. I was told I could sit anywhere I liked butsat in my allocated seat of F4. I still could not get my seat to recline and I was freezing cold as i was still dryingoutfrom my swim. I could have done with a blanket or hot tea but had nothing with me not even an extra top which I usually carry with me so I put on my wind jacket which helped a little but not 100% as I was still cold. So what did I think of the movie? 8/10. You have to see it but ensure you have food and drink as you will leave hungry. I could not take my eyes off the screen. I am unsure if the lead actor was the most appropriate choice but you will not get the clap out of your mind for a while and it is full of twists and turns throughout the movie. Starts off innocently enough with the Amuse Bouche but as the degustation courses progress the more movie becomes more and more intense. Food critics, money launders/tax evaders, obsessed want to be chefs , cheating husbands and washed out actors watch your backs. There is something very adult Willy Wonka about this movie. I won't spoil it but you know when there is always a spoiler that says everyone dies in the end - well they all do except for one of the guests in the movie. Let's hope there isn't a top end restaurant named Hawthorne out there. By the way I don't like Smores never have never will. Good attempt with the retro Pro Hart at the end of the movie sans ending.

News headlines today include
Dutch trial found 3out of 4men guilty of a Russian missile killing over 200 passengers in the MH17 plane crash 8 years ago. One russian was not charged as there wasnot enough evidence of his involvement and he was the only Russian of the 3that hsd legal representationincourt. The other 2 Russians and Ukrainian were charged with life in jail however it is unlikely they will serve their sentences due to Russian State protection.
The flood waters may be receding in Forbes however the water is moving to other towns and Condobolin. A 3rd person has been reported missing.
Tickets for Taylor Swift's concerts hit a snag with the system unable to cope with the high demand.
Nancy Pelosi has stepped down as speaker but will still remain in congress in US after over 2 decades. Her decision may have come after the attack of her husband at her home.
Economic adviser to Mayamar deposed president has been released from jail after over 600 days in jail and will be heading straightback to Australia after speaking to AA..
A driver and passenger in a fegistrationless mv has hit and run injuring a boy on his bike with his father and brother in QLD.
A recycling plant in Victoria ihas caught on fire.It was not thought to be deliberately lit.
A very sunny but gusty day today. I am feeling pretty sick withmy skin allergies today so not planning to venture out.
I made a mini lamb roast with whatever I have in my fridge. carrots onions and zucchinis. This waa lunch since I didn't really have tome to eat yesterday except a bag of honey soy chips and a small cloudy apple juice. Not an ideal diet. The lamb and veg was really yummy.
News headlines today include
Whilst world leaders were at the world leaders summit, North Korea fired a missile test over Japanese waters which was a little concerning.
French president Macron is still lashing out about the dumping of the French submarine contract with Australia during the Morrison government and warns the AUKUS agreement won't follow through. Meanwhile AA is having selfies taken with Macron and trying to smooth over the soured relationship as a result of the dumped submarine contract.
Flood warnings now spreading to other central NSW country towns such as Condobolin and Tumut as sand bagging is under way as the river rescedes in Forbes although there is still avery long way to go before people can return to their homes and businesses.
Today is McHappy Day - the annual main fundrsising event to support Ronald McDonsld Houses.
Forecasted temperature for today is 29 degrees C but windy. I don't know if it was cooler last night ornot but I think it may have rained as well. The sun is out this morning but it is really windy again outside.
I ventured out today to do a big grocery shop at Chatswood. The usual stops Chemist Warehouse, Aldi Coles Local then Woolworths Metro.
Pretty borong day but you have to do whsthas to be done. I took my rubbish out and caught up on my blog watched Youtube and The Food channel.
It will feel a bit strange that tomorrow will be my first day of unemployment again.
News Headlines today include
The Manu which is in cinemas on 24th November was reviewed on Channel 7 this morning with 4 stars. I have to agree with that. If you like food and thriller movies go see it. I was glued to the screen . I usually don't like murder thriller or scary movies and this is a mature audiences movie but this movie I was able to keep my eyes open throughout. The clap & the constant question of "Who are you ?" keep playing in my mind even after 3 days since I watched the movie. Eat before you see this movie or bring at least a drink and snacks with you otherwise you may remain hungry ( I certainly was).
The flood waters continue to ravage Central nSw and the man missing since Monday in his 80s has been found in Eugowra, the second death as a result of the floods. Meanwhile heavy winds have cut power to Sa residents.
After the plug was pulled on a major sponsorship deal at the FIFA World Cup to relax alcohol laws in Qatar to allow Budweiser to sell beer and now not allow any alchohol to be sold in the stadium and for beer 'villages" to be moved away fromthe venue, FIFA has gone on a tirade ranting on about morals making no sense. Meanwhile there is speculation over who will be performing at the Opening World Cup Ceremony as Shakira has rumoured to have pulled out along with Dua Lipa and Rod Steward refusing to perform. Shakira due to her ties with the LGBT community. It has been known that the Australian Scoccer team voiced their concerns over Qatar 's human rights issues and stance on other issues in relation to LGBT.
A man has escaped a plane crash in NSW where his plane crashed into a car in a carpark after he had engone problems. He was shaken but escaped uninjured . His plane is now being investigated.
Queenlsnd is suffering major ambulance ramping problems worse then reported.
AA has returned from his 9 day tour of meetings with world leaders. He attended ASEAN, G20 & APEC. His most successful was his 32 minute meeting with China's leader , howeverhe wwawwas not as successful as Jacinda Ardern's meeting whichredulted in a discussion of trade meeting to be scheduled.
Masks are now strongly recommended snd to be wornin any healthcare sector as cases of COVID variants increase.
First day of unemployment again
Today idfirecast for a nice sunny day reaching mid 20s but with strong winds in the afternoon after winds over the weekend.
I did not venture out today as I had a massive amount of laundry to do which took forever to wash and dry - most of my day was waiting for my laundry to wash and dry.
Another pretty boring day. I paid my rent a month in advance again and ate the remainder of my mini roast lamb and veg I made over the weekend.
I get a text and photos from the unvaccinated Myer team member. I was haviganothernot so goid day with my skin allergies so have not answered her. I did not see her text until quite late today. I took an antihistamine ( I hate taking these) which helped me sleep better throughthe night.
I fell asleep watching the Kath & Kim special.
So any news headlines today!
Buy now pay later customers may be subject to credit checks to stop spiralling debts.
QLD is stinking hot whereas NSW ViC & TAS face wild weather almost towards the start of summer. Snow in TAS and possible parts of VIC and NSW. VIC is freezing cold with storms and hail and NSW are experiencing strong winds. Adelaide has also experienced strong winds.
QLD police force has had scathing reports of racism sexism etc in the past 5 months and the police commissioner's job is on the line with requestsfor her to step down as to how domestic violence cases are handled and the culture within the police system.
In the last week of parilamental sittings, sittingscould be extendedto getthrough some of the bills and issues that need to be passed. Some of which include industrial relations, childcare, energy prices etc. Meanwhile the 200 strong climate summit that AA did not attend CoP27has ended. ( well AA can't be everywhere at the same time).
One week of free travel on rail lines which for the first time includes the airport line in an attempt to the union government rail workers dispute causing industrial action resulting in travel disruptions and commuter chaos.
A shooting in Colarado Springs gay night club The Q Club has occurred killing 5 lives and i juring many. It was a hate crime shooting. The shooter is in hospital under guard.
The Opening ceremony in Qatar of the FiFA World Cup has happened with a contraversal cameo appearanceof Morgan Freeman with a Youtube star. Qatar played Ecuador and were the first host team to lose .
Twutter troubles continue since Elon Musk took over. Mass exit of staff mass sacking of staff staffbeing lockedout of offices staff forcedto work long hours if they wanted to remain employed. RIP Twitter with rumours that it would not survive the weekend. All this and there are more Twitter users then ever and even Donald Trumps account has been reinstated - he has not Tweeted yet as he uses his own social media platform since he was banned from Twitter.
King Charles may strip his younger brother Edward of his promised title of Duke of Edinburgh however this is only a rumour. If anything there is an expansion of the slimmed down working royal family members.
A UFO sighting in QLD? the truth is out there? This is what a Harvard professor is seeking out off the coast of Qld thought to be a meteor but it could be a crashed alien spacecraft and he wants to retrieve it.
Olympic Cyclist Anna Meares has been announced as Chef de Mission for Australian Olympic team for Paris 2024.
Daniel Ricardo has raced his final F1 race with McLaren before joining Red Bull as a reserve driver.
Black Friday & Cyber Monday is approaching.
A very windy but nice sunny day today. I woke up quite early today and made myself a toast with onion shallots mushrooms sage mustard mascarpone garlic granules topped with melted tasty cheese.
Today was an almost do nothing day except my 5 series sydney dance company is about to expire on 28th Nov and i have notbeen able to use it or the previous LG signature pass at all since SDc switched over to the SDc and mind body app. I have tried everything over the years installing and uninstalling both apps and trying them on different devices even emailing SDC for help with no solution to my problem. They could not help and I was told it was my app. So I gave up and never used my LG Signature prize which was worth a few hundred dollars or this 6month series I purchased at a discount attheir first open day in person. I rang SDC and bookeď 2classesover the phone. I also asked how I could get an extension on my 5series pass since I still haven't been able to use it 6 months later. I was advised that because I am not using ans iphone i need to use the mind body app instead of the sdC app and clear my cache daily. What? I just got a new phone and instalkedthe SCC app - there should notbe anythongin the cache toclear yet I still can' t use it to book classes. There seems to be a missing link. I evencheckto ensure i don't have 2accounts with SDC whichwas confirmed that I only have one.
So I booked the 7.45 pm Hip Hop Livestream beginner class for tonight and 7.45pm in studio beginner Jazz class for tomorrow until I can figure out how to nook future classes.
The hip hop class was quite easy but there was a problem withthe audio until the very end when the class was over and the audio was nice and clear - too late. After an 1.5 hour class. It was a bit more tv then bed.
News headlines today include
Paul Hogan gets a roasting.
11 primary school children and teachers were injured in a sugar snake experiment that went wrong as West Manly Public School. 2 children were taken to hospital with burns one air lifted the other by ambulance.
Australia verses France tomorrow in the FIFA World Cup tomorrow. Australia is the under dogs but we never know. Meanwhile England has won their match.
A 5.6 earthquake with aftershocks has rocked Indonesia which could be felt as far as Jakarta.At least 162 have been killed with aftershocks hampering rescues. Another earthquake has occurred in the Solomon Island which was not related but was much more intense as staff in Australian high comission building had to be evacuated tohigher ground. The earthquake was 7.0 on the Richter scale.
A massive goldfish the size of a large plate has been caught by a fisherman and released back into the wild.
QLD's police culture and treatment of domestic violence victims is still under investigation.
Wild weather around the Eastern states of Australia continues. In Sydney extreme winds caused the cancellation of 10 flights and only 1 runway in operation as well as a tree collapsing onto a house narrowly missing a family . A snow white out is occurring in the NSW alps. In Victoria a tree has collapsed and damage a cemetery up turning grave stones. SA is still without power in some areas. Tasmania has also been hit hard with winds and snow in some regions. Meanwhile AA has arrived in flood stricken areas in Central NSW.
Pink has sung a tribute to honor Olivia Newton John singing Hopelessly Devoted To You at the American music awardsalong withher own roller skating hit. Meanwhile Kelly Roland has been interrupted and "booed" for accepting an award on behalf of Chris Brown.
No ballot stuffing and no foul play were the slogans during the annual Thanksgiving turkey pardoning of 2 turkeys chocolate and chip spared their lives at the dinner table by the US president Biden.
Nurses will strike tomorrow over the governments $3000 COVID payment.
Guy Sabastian has lashed out at his ex manager who has been convicted for theft of earnings from Sabastian whilst he was under hos management.
Nine News have been striped of Wakely award.
As with champagne, Australia is now no longer able to use the name prosecco .
Samoa didn't win but they are still proud of making the Rugby League World Cup.
Wind reached upto 82 km/hr in the mountains.
Today I actually venturedout ffirst to return my bottles at the Lane Cove Return & Earn Self Service Depot - really annoying when Asians are there with bags of cabs bottles and cartons half of which are ineligible to be recycled. After returning my bottles it was offfor a swim stthe aquatic centre . I was told upon arrival thst the outdoor 50 m pool was unavailable due to interschool sports. Not a problem I only want to use the indoirpools and better still I hadthe hot tuball to myself after my swim today in therather cold indoor 25 m pool. After a shower it was off to Woolworths. I don't usually go to the woolworths at Lane Cove because it is too far away from the Aldi and Coles. I went via the Priceline. When I waschecking out the checkout operators were not concentratingon servingme and chattingaway to each other . I placedmy basket of groceries on thecounter where it should go but somehow mid service when i benddown to get my card out to pay the basketstill half full fell off the counter and nearly hit me. I yelled. Someone heloedto retrieve the items however on closer inspectiononeitem was damagedand instead of one of the checkouooerators getting me a replacement i had to find it myself holding up the nextcustomer who was not happy. If I had not inspected the item closer it would have leaked all over my other grocery items. The checkout operator was so badat packing I had a packet of toilet paper left out of my shopping bag which meant I had to carry it when it fit into the shopping bag. I lodged averbalcomplaint to be passed onto the manager as i wasn't sticking around. I needed to recharge my Opal card but decided not to as I ihad to line up again to do so. The nextcustomerhad a very full basket which she placed on the counter and a pram with a baby. I was scaredtge same thing was going to happen to her basket. Not hanging round to see.
I caught the 530 bus to the highway then crossed the road before catching the bus home.
I had booked the 7.45pm Beginner Jazz class tonight to attend in person yesterday but wasn't well again and did not know how to cancell it online since i was having so much trouble booking clases and had to do so by phone so just did not show up. I booked a 6 pm beginner jazz class for Monday night as well but after clearing the cache on my new phone andreinstallingthe mind body app. This took forever to workout how to use. I guess no DJ window viewing as well tonight.
I watched tv and fell asleep after taking an antihistaminetohelp calmmy allergies.
News headlines today include
AA is out with DP in flood ravaged NSW critized by a resident for flying out to world leader summits as the floods raged . AA defended himself by advising his deputy was on the grounds whilst he was away.
King Charles has hosted his first state visit by the South African leader since becoming King
France wins the soccer match against Australia at the FIFA World Cup 4 to 1 goals.
The entire board at Mackay hospital has been sacked as a result citing mismanagement of the hospital and lack of skill set and infant.deaths and blotched surgeries.
An exclusive private school Xavier College in Melbourne has been hacked where student records and birth certificates have been stolen - 100 students and possibly past student records have bern compromised. Meanwhile The Smith Family charity has also been hacked where emails sent to donors advise fundin details may have been compromised however the difderence between the 2 cyber security attacks was The Smith Family was targeted for theft of money rather then extortion attempts.
The R word has been mentioned again by the Reserve Bank.
Meanwhile new laws passed through Parliament last night has allowed pensioners to work upto an extra $4000 without affecting their Centrelink pensions. Seniors say that this is not good enough and that they should be able to work as much as they like and pay tax rather then deal with Centrelink who are a pain in the arse to deal with .
After the house of fraudster Melissa Caddick lived in was sold, her collection of priceless art and jewellery is now being sold off to try and raise money to pay back investors she ripped off.
Happy Thanks Giving & Black Friday Cyber Monday shopping!
Today I had to ventureout to get more moisturiser, recharge my Opal card and grocery shop for a few items. Train travel is still free until midnight Friday so I took thetrain from Chatswood to Central then onto Town Hall.
I stopped off at Cebtralto see if i could get on the XPT Sydney to Melbourne between tomorrow and Sunday. After waiting in the queue on the phone forever not once but twice today to try and book a ticket and a very rude lady on the other end who told me that every service was fully booked out even when it did not indicate online at all that all services were sold out, I decided to ask for myself at the NSW Trainlink office at Central and a very nice NSW Trainlink officer ( after a bit of a wait but nowhere as long as on the phone) , booked my return overnight XPT Sydney Melbourne return trip in a matter ofminutes and after asking a few questions. He advised me it was probably due to cancellations but I advised him that I don't think so due to ringing twice today to check . So it looks as if I am heading to Melbourne on Saturday night ( Idid not realisedhe booked an economy seat not a first class seat coming back until I left the office will deal with that later) I am staying at the Melbourne Central YHA again butjust booked a bed in an 8 female dorm as it is only 1 night and that was all that was available .
After I booked the trip I had a crumbed fish from my favourite shop The Little Fsh Shoppeand walked to my destination which was the annual David Jones Christmas windows. Where were they? So disappointed- I won't even bother to upload the video onto my YouTube channel . Tge windows were just mainly covered up with a few Louis Vitton Lego displays and musical moving hands. Big budget cuts and us DJ's really up for sale? Speculation that Myer was going to take it over were just speculation and atthe Myer AGM recently there was no intention to purchase DJs at all. A final stop at Officeworks and the onto Woolworth Town Hall for another small grocery shop before heading home on thetrain and a wsifor a bus home. End of another day.

I just don't get these DJ windows. Gone are the days where queues of families stood waitingfor their turn to vuewthe annual Christmas windows. Since South Africa's Woolworths took over DJs the windows shave never been the same - could this be because they do not celebrate Christmas?
News headlines today include
A global drug bust has ended in 7 men being arrested in Western Sydney and another man in the US. A year long investigation has revealed the drug trail travelled between Germany the US and Australia. 300 kg of drugs were intercepted during the raid.
The seekers celebrate their 60th anniversary just months afterthe passing of Judith Durham.
Nicole Kidman has been awarded a lifetime achievement for her services to acting in US.
A piling rig has collapsed onto the Frankston hospital. 70 patients site workers and staff were evacuated. The impact was on the hospitals mental health ward where patients were being treated. Patients are being treated at alternative hospitals whilst an investigation is underway to find the cause of the collapse and ensure the building is safe to return to. The crane driver escaped uninjured.
Election weekend is this Saturday in Victoria with a chance that Dan Andrews will lose his seat. He is struggling this weekend and could become a minority labor government losing upto 12 seats with an independent moving in on him at this election.
Whats new? Airport chaos again in Adelaide at the Virgin check in counter due to a technical glitch?
Western Sydney suburbs community leaders are finally getting to meet face to face with government instead of the initial Zoom meeting to discuss concerns over the resettlement of 4 ISiS wives and 13 children into the Western Sydney community where residents gave fled ISiS occupied regions to escape to safety.
Australia Post courier caught on camera dumping parcels. Australia Post has apologised and advises that parcels are not normally treated like tgatand nrusually treated with respect.
Happy Black Friday
It's 2 pm and I'm being slack. I almost forgot to lodge my fortnightly income to Centrelink . They really are watching what I earn. The hours may not be prefilled but my gross wages are certainly pre reported for me. I still had to check the amount was correct though. Done. Should I go for a swim or not today?
I would like to do my laundry today and have just updated my looking for employment Gumtree advertisement.
I did my laundry in the morning and it took forever to dry about 80 minutes for each batch of laundry. It came out really hot this time. So hot that i could not touch the zippers of my track pants as they were like forged iron hot!
News headlines today include
Finally a face to face meeting between the Mayors of Western Sydney suburbs and the Home Affairs Minister to voice their concerns over the resettlenent of ISiS brides and children intotheir communities.
Current Victorian Premier Dan Andrew's breaks tradition and casts his vote before the Victorian election day tomorrow because hehas a bit on ( school sports posdibly?) .It isestimatedthat 36% of Victorians have alreadyore voted.
Bluey has debuted at the annual Macy's Thanks Giving Parade in NY withtheparadeending with Mariah Carey singing ( or was that miming?) her trademark "All I want For Christmas" hit - it ain't Christmas until the fat lady sings!
All the Paddington Bears left as tributes to the Queen have been collected and donated to kids of a kids charity which the Queen was then Camilla Queen Consort is a patron of.
Qantas flight attendants plan to strike and cause chrustmas airport chaos over pay and conditions. As Qantas makes a killer profit, long hours and low pay are what the strike is about.
Andrew O'Keefe has broken bail conditions by using drugs which he clsims his weekly drug testing sample was tainted when he tested positive to drugs
Christian Renaldo has scored a goal after his contract was torn up by Manchester.
Saturday 26th November 2022
So much to do today before I leave tonight.
Seat G44 economy on the overnight XPT Sydney to Melbourne train. There were still seats available right up to the minute of departure with just 1 seat left. How do I know? I asked a man that just made a booking and he managed to get a seat on this service so why couldn't i get one when I rang 3 times with that rude lady. I lodged a complaint with transport NSW and they still have not responded yet. Postscript : Monday 28th Nov 22 and they still have not responded .
I sat next to a guy that booked his seat the same day as I had snd for the same dates except online. I don't know how he did it as there was a major glitch hen you got to the payment screen. I said maybe it was different when you booked with an iphone rather then an Android phone. i ended up paying $50 or more then the guy sitting next to me because I could not book online and because the rude lady refused to make my booking over the phone 3times. knew that if I booked via the office in person it would cost me more because there is a booking fee but over $50 difference - that's just ridiculous!
News headlines today include
It's state election day for Victorians today.
The murder that killed a young Qld er walking her dog in Cairns in 2018 i has been found hiding in Punjab by police where a $1 million reward was offered for information on his whereabouts. The man has been arrested by police overseas and faces court before being extradited back to Australia.
Schoolies week may have ended for Qlders as today is their last day however it is also change over day today where thousands of interstate schoolies from NSW and VIC ascend onto the Gold Coast for the next 7 days of schoolie week.
Dreamworld is getting an upgrade with new rides and kids play area.
Kanye West is running for president so Trump has competition.
Sunday 27th November 2022
Well what do you know after advising the guy I sat next to on the train overnight Sydney to Melbourne that this XPT service is never on time, today it was! 7.30 am and my first stop was the toilet then Woolworths to get a ham and cheese croissant ( I'm impressed it was so soft and still warm) for breakfast and a few toiletries.
I then headed to Melbourne Central YHA where i ask if I can have a shower and upgrade from a bed in an 8 female dorm room to a private double or an ensuite room. They offered me a twinbunroom and I said no I want a double bed private room. No rooms werready so I said iwill come back tc heck in. I ended up paying for a private ensuite room which they advised was a premium room - big mistake no tv and the water took so long to heat up ( 30 minutes) and was warm not hot and very intermittant. The water coming out of the sink tap was hotter then the water coming out of the shower!
I had a shower in the shared female bathrooms takingmy timeuntil we were kicked out by house keeping..
Next stop was to leave my luggage into a medium pay locker. A tram to Elizabeth Street breakfast of a ssusage and egg no orange cheese mcmuffin with tomato lettuce and a hash brown onroute to Carlton Gardens Exhibition Hall to attend the first Good Food & Wine Show Christmas Markets around 11 am.
I tram 86 from Bourke Street and a short walk to the entrance of the Carlton exhibition hall which to my surprise was across from the Melbourne Museum rather then at the frontnear the fountain.
I purchased s ticket at the front desk rather then online thinking I could save the booking fee and because I was unsure what day I wanted to go.Surprise surorise it cost me the same $12.50 instead of the advertised $10 plus booking fee.
Was I impressed? Could have done with a mixture of and a few more stalls. Some products were already sold out by Sunday. I msnaged to grab another bottle of NZ cherry juiceat $20 bottle which I purchased at the last good food & wine show but this time they had NZ blueberry juice as well which I tasted but did not purchase. I also purchased a packet apple pie chocolate coatalmonds from Sweet Addictions for $10 and a medium packet of Murray Rive Salt for $8 which I kept putting off buyingfrom the supermarket. For a snack I purchased
Did Dan Andrews win the Victorian state election? Can't tell you as I have no tv in my so called premium ensuite room again at Melbourne Central YHA which I upgraded to paying an extra $115 per night for ( room 414 right in a corner next to the fire escape door) . Should have booked an apartment at Bradys down the road.
At 4pm it actually rained whilst I was having a nap not once but twice - 4 seasons in one day as it had been perfect weather all day.
So lazy today. It's 11pm and I am still up and have done absolutely nothing today after going to the firsGood Food & wine Show Christmas Markets at Carlton Gardens Royal Exhibition Building. I returned with a few goidies only to be too tired to do anything else so had a catch up sleep or tried to and before I knew it, at 4pm it rained then when I woke up it was 8.15 pm but still light outside - what the? How did I lose 4 hours or so today? I was hungry but did not want to make myself something to eat in the communal kitchen all the way on the ground floor. But dragged myself downstairs to the communial kitchen and at 10.30pm made myself a quick dinner ( along with everyone else - the dining room was full and so wasthe kitchen). Ihad a packet of blueberries ( which Iwashed and was my dessert), my marinated cooked duck breast which i sliced up, a small packet of dry slaw and a packet of instant shin noodles. Ifound a smallnoodle bowl and washed it. i boiled some water. In the bowl I placed my shin noodles broken up to fit, poured the boiled water over them, placed some slaw into the bowl and the sliced duck breast . Ileave it for a few minutes, crunched up some grain chips I also had and made myself a hot green tea in my thermos - no cutlery required as I had also packed a set - viola! dinner in 10 minutes. photo below

By the time i finished my dinner and washed my bowl it was past 11 pm . time to sleep. I was too tired to eat my blueberries so they were for breakfast ( I took them back upto my room)
Monday 28th November 2022
I wake at 5 am to the sounds of rubbish trucks emptying dumpsters of cans and bottles. I wake to the rattle of the noisy rail network as it starts for the day. It is still a little dark outside. It's almost Summer nights are short days are long.
I slept until about 7 am not wanting to get up but I knew I had to because I did not pack last night and the shower takes forever to even warm up. I eat my punnet of blueberries, drink my tea in my thermos, transfer my water to my empty flask, pack my bags, put conditioner in my hair and brush my teeth. I turn the shower on and wait for it to heat up. It must have taken 30 minutes to even getwarm and kept going cold. The tap watercoming out of the basin was hotter then the shower. So I had an initial cold shower. It was freezing. i turned on the heateeithecv room as I knew I would freeze if I didn't
The lift is out of order this morning so I to drag my suitcase all the way down 4 flights of stairs. At least I didn't have to drag a full sized suitcase like the girl in front of me!
I checked out just before the 10 am deadline. Next was a line up for the paid lockers which there was not much choice - the only medium locker left was a top locker. I needed help with putting my suitcase up into it but no problems taking it down only because you need one hand to hold the door open and the strength of the other hand to lift the suitcase up into the locker. Done with the help of a guy next in line renting a locker .
Once my suitcase was in the locker, it was time for breakfast which I had trouble finding as the fridge was so full of bags. Found i ateand anana and toasted my 4 pieces of leftover bread and filled my thermos with hot water and a green tea bag.
After breakfast I was still hungry so get the tram to Elizabeth Streer find the nearest McDonslds and purchase a sausage and egg Mcmuffin no cheese with tomato lettuce and a hash brown. I eat on the way to where I am headed today - Time Rone. This exhibition is sold out until January 23 online but if you show up you can get tickets if there is space available. I managed to line up snd get into the 11am session so didn't have to waitlong. I took so many photos but only videos can describe how amazing this exhibition is. ( I will upload my videos onto my YouTube channel ). Recommended time at the exhibition is 60 minutes.
After visiting the exhibition on level 3 I visited the gallery on level 2 and purchased a set of souvenir postcards of the exhibition and the a final look at the mini newsagency exhibition on street level. Time Rone located on level 3 of an old disused Flinders Street Station building entry via green door near Boost Juice.
Take the stairs - this old lift is scary!
Floor plan level 3
Corridors in thisold disused public building on level 3 led to a series of rooms. the building was last used in the 1980's for various activities such as a gymnasium and ball room. The Ball Room has now been partially restored and it is planned the rest of the building will be as well
The Classroom
The art studio
The Library
The Secret Room in The Library
The Drug Store
The Newsagency Stand Flinders Street ( free bonus exhibition room)
The view of Flinders Street Station below and Gallery Pop Up Shop located on Level 2. I did purchase a set of postcards of the current exhibition for $20 from the gallery shop.
The Corridors on level 3 & the large collection of old newspapers that cover the windows partially to protect the exhibition from the uv light , partially for privacy and partially for aesthetics. Always a good read as they dated back to the early 1900s.
The Executive's office suite - a very large office with a amazing view, corner lounge , asingle desk and private telephone line, it is almost the same size as the secretaries office and is attached at the end of it. Just look at the set of central filing system cabinets!
The Main Office - just like today everyone has their own desk, the office is open planned with very little privacy, we still lunch at our desks and good luck getting a desk next to a window!
The Swtich Boards
The Mail Room Post Office
The Sewing Room - This takes me back to my fashion industry days when clothing was still manufactured in Australia! I should have donated my blocks which i still have in storage. I am surprised the industrial sewing machines are Janomes not Singers. I remember using the fabric cutter with a mesh glove on of course for safety (missing from this exhibition)
The Ball Room - still photos cannot describe this room which is partially restored with planstot restore the rest of the building. with the customised sound track you really do feel like dancing. ( refer my videos uploaded onto my YouTube channel for Time Rone artist and composer of music)
The Piano Bar
A walk along Swanson Street to Bourke Street Mall to see the Myer Christmas windows celebrating 100th years of Disney. Theline was really long but not as long as sunday afternoon when it was all the way up Bourke Street and snaked around the corner up Swarnston Street!
The queues on a Mondayonly half way along Bourke Street
The queues on Sunday - all the way along Bourke Street & around the corner up Swanston Street
I am unsure how long I queued for but seemed like hours. I have some very poor photos and videos due to there reflections off the windows ( I will upload videos onto my YouTube channel at a later date). I think there are 6 windows. Mickey Mouse & Friends in Hawaii, The Lion King, Mary Poppins, Peter Pan, Frozen & Disneyland.
Window # 6 Disney's 100th Anniversary
Window # 5 Frozen
Window # 4 The Lion King
Window # 3 Mary Poppins
Window # 2 Peter Pan
Window # 1 Mickey Mouse & Friends In Hawaii
After the Myer Christmas windows it was a quick walk to Federation Square to view the Christmas decorations before taking a tram back to the yha to recharge my phone and retrieve my luggage from the pay locker.
First stop is to try and upgrade to a first class seat due to a mistake in my paper in person booking. no can do first class is fully booked out but there are sleeper bottom bunks available. How much more to upgrade? Initially I was advised another $88 but wait they made a mistake and it will cost me an extra $134. I took it as I just wanted a good nights sleep. ( the price sounds correct as it does cost around $234 for a sleeper advertised online and I had paid around $102 for an economy full priced seat ) . ididask tokeepmy iriginalreceipts as I had lodged a complaint and needed it to keep an audit trail of original date of purchase of my tticket.
I left for Spencer Street Station before 6 pm hoping to find something hot to eat for dinner but most shops were closed already. I decided to go to Spencer Street outlet to go shopping and get something to eat there but as i was approaching the entrance to the outlet, signs were up advising sorry we're cl oio sedand a security guard was standing at the doors with keys ushering people out . I guess dinner will be anything from Woolworths Metro. No, Grilled was still open and it's been ages since I ate anything from Grilled. I ordered the only thing I eat from there a Zen Hen on a gluten free flat bun. It took forever to get my order. Finally got my order I scoff it down on platform 1 - if idon't the eagle eyedseagulls will swoop down on me and hijack my dinner. All eaten it fell apart duetothe flat bun. Now I just have to wait for the XPT to arrive be cleaned andmove forward before boarding. I have 60 minutes to wait. There are no bins on the platforms so I use this time to get rid of my rubbish outside of the platform.

The Grill'd Zen Hen on a fiat low carb "bun" I scoffed down to avoid the seagulls swooping my dinner on platform 1.
I had a nice deep sleep for s few hours but could not get back to the same sleep afterwards. My cabin buddy just wanted to chat. I just wanted to sleep.
Tuesday 29th November 22
I arrive back in Sudney on the overnight Melbourne to Sydney XPT service which was 20 minutes late (no surprise) due to priority rail traffic. Instead of arriving at 6.59 am , it arrived around 7.20 am. I think I made the right decision upgrading to a lower bunk sleeper A 29 from an Economy G 33 seat. I shared the cabin with another lady from China who had 2 showers over the service complaining that the cabin was too hot. it was not too hot but a little warm. I did not want to have a shower this time round nor did I use the bathroom this trip instead using the other general toilets which have s fixed toilet and sink and where the floor is not wet! Around 5 am the train officer knocks on your cabin door and delivers your very cold very basic breakfast of a tetra pack of small apple juice mini long life milk and single serve cornflakes with more packaging and cutlery then actual breakfast! You had an option of a cup of tea as well but don't even ask for any special dietary requirements , don't even ask for coffee, don't even ask for orange juice or even a single piece of toast - none of these are not included in your "breakfast"! Back in the 80s hot breakfast options were offered then in the 90s only cold continental breakfasts were offered. Now only cornflakes a small longlife milk and a small apple juice and/or a cup of tea is offered.
My cabin buddy missed her regional train and it is another 5 hours until her next train. I catch the next train home which took forever. I don't know why it took so long for a bus from St Leonards Station to arrive as is Tuesday morning peak hour. I finally arrive home around 9 am. I did absolutely today nothing except catch up on things and I had a proper hot shower!
ladder to access top bunk. The window was fogged up.
I had a lower bunk which I had made up as soon as the train departed Southern Cross station as I was dead tired
Each passenger in a sleeper is provided with a nice fluffy white towel, a toiletry bag ( less the pen no longer provided) and a snack pack which contains a cup of water, crackers, chutney, biscuits, a wet wipe, a mint and some soya chips
day seating not made up into bunk beds yet.
News headlines today include
Crocodile wrangler charged with causing a fatal helicopter crash that killed his co star and friend as well as injuring the pilot. He is expected to turn himself in at darwin.
First celebrity Dr Wright dies aged 92.
Australia plays Denmark in the soccer World Cup in a few days after their last match against Tunisia.
Aviation fire fighters planned a strike to go ahead from 6am - 10am on 9th December sending airports into chaos during the Christmas travel season again.
Wednesday 30th November 2022
Last day of Spring!
Another do nothing catch up day today.
New headlines catch up time
A legal loophole in COVID fines for more then 33000 NSW residents has set a possible precedent for the rest of the residents of other states around Australia. Fines were deemed invalid due to the vagueness of the reasons for the fines which are now expired. Fines were ripped up and any fines already paid are to be refunded and unpaid fines dismissed. 2 NSw cases were taken to the Supreme Court one of which was a fine issued to a couple sitting on a bench in a park deemed vague and unreasonable and therefore could notstand up in court.
The Crocodile Wrangler Matt Wright has turned himself in and has been charged in Darwin and will face court for his involvement in meddling with evidence involving 3 men. He is on bail for his involvement in the fatal helicopter crash that killed his co star and friend and injured the pilot although he was not present when the helicopter crashed.He faces charges.
Jimmy Barnes has called off his tour due to doctors advising he needs urgent surgery on his hip and back from all those years jumping around on stage over the years and needs to take time out. His last performance will be in SA for the Adelaide 500.
Will Smith has spoken out for the first time since he hit Chris Rock. He talks about how his 9 year old nephew was sitting on his lap holding the Oscar when asking him "Why did he hit that man?" Smith has been banned from attending the Academy Awards for 10 years.
Love Actually is having it's Diane Sawyer 20 year anniversary tonight.
Scott Morrison censured for his secret ministerial portfolios? who cares he is no longer the PM and can't do much harm as a back bencher now.