1st December 2023
First day of Summer and it has cleared up this morning into a beautiful clear day as forecasted. What a top of 27 degrees C today but more rain!?
Today I did my laundry and took all my rubbish out including my full bin of containers (that don't qualify for a refund) to the correct bins.
I really need to finish my assessment but I just can't. I'm just feeling tired, my leg is still a bit sore ( I think this maybe a permanent injury) and I had another asthma attack this morning although it was not as bad as the previous ones when it poured with rain and stormed. Thunderstorm asthma is not just a a well known illness in Melbourne where it originally became known.
I haven't heard back from my teacher still on my incomplete assessment submitted. I am determined to finish it even if it is late. I find out that there are now 3 other classmates of mine who haven't finish either. We were all up very late last night chatting about it and doing it on out B2 DH HEJ chat room we set up for one of our projects. Things are really wrong with this cert 3 course. My 2 classmates still haven't had their privacy and security assessments marked where I have and so I advised them that they had to send an email to melanie to chase and push the teacher to mark it. Strange how one of my classmates has finished and passed part 2 of 3 and the other part 3 of 3 of network build so they can help each other whereas me and the 4th classmate have completed half of each. The other problem we have is the modules are duplicated so on our records we still have these modules as outstanding when we have actually completed them.
Still no word from the centre for volunteering in regards to my police check or from CCSA (I think it's called ) in Eastwood who keep saying they will contact me but twice have failed to do so in regards to my volunteer application I returned and the pharmacy ID form I also completed with my details and returned. I am beginning to suspect it is a scam especially when Pharmacy ID have never heard of them.
News headlines today include
Australian Netball players are locked in a pay dispute. Many sleeping in their cars, move house, move back in with family etc as the last time they were paid was 2 months ago. There is not much money in the netball fund at the moment.
The royals have kept their cool over the book that named which royals questioning the colour of Archie's skin before he was born. Legal action is looming over the original transcript of the Dutch translation of the book which named the royals. The author insist it was not in the original book's transcript to be translated.
What Paris shilton kept her 2 children secret even to her family?
Kylie Minogue to return to tv in a cameo in Strife alongside Asher Keddie decades after she stared as Charlene in Neighbours.
As Charlie Steward is farewelled by his father SA police commissioner, his mother and older brother and sister, people were enouraged to donate to operation flinders instead of bringing flowers
Firefighters fought to control a blaze that complete destroyed a building at the historic Brisbane golf club. Police are guarding the club whilst the cause of the fire is being investigated but is thought to be from an electric charging station for golf buggies.
A case of alledged drink spiking has appeared in at schoolies week. A Melbourne girl drank a glass of water only to wake up in hospital not remembering what happened during schoolies week for NSW and Victorian students. Other students who also drank from the same bar reported feeling sick but did not end up in hospital only having hallucinations.
Another house fire in Carnagie that is suspicious where residents ran from the flames.
Victoria is on flood watch yet again.
People smugglers are telling people that it is now even easier to live in Australis due to the illegal laws to detain illegal immigrants. People are flocking to Indonesia but illegal people smugglers are being warned in 16 or 17 languages that if their boats are found in Australian waters they will either be told to turn back or be taken to Nauru never setting foot on the Australian mainland.
Whittlesea council is being a Christmas Gringe by refusing the annual Christmas light festival where thousands flock to see the lights and there are food trucks and a visit from Santa and the road is closed off to stop cars entering all to raise money for charity.
A 21 year old has better on the shoulder by a shark taken to hospital is now in a stable condition.
Saturday 2nd December 2023
It's 4.30 pm and the police are parked in the front carpark (again) but this time it's not a car crash but something is going on with my neighbour in unit 7. I don't see him come out of his unit much but I hear him all the time vacuuming moving things around like shifting cabling and banging - quite a bit of it coming from his studio apartment ( the walls are thin). He tends to leave when I am out or inside my apartment . It started to stink a bit in the hallway recently and I wonder if it was coming from him. I was talking to my other neighbour downstairs who caught someone taking a photo of him one day . I asked him if he knew who it was from upstairs and which unit. I asked him if he was sure and that he wasn't hallucinating and he said no he wasn't hallucinating Was it the guy from unit 7 next to me? He did not know. I have always suspected that he was a hacker " a bad actor" of some sort and I still do. I have seen inside his unit and it is set up in a weird way and he also had a camera attached to his window looking out but it seems to have been removed or hidden from view for a while now. I know he has adhd as he told me and he also has some type of shoulder injury. Maybe he witnessed something - maybe he caught it on his security camera. Who knows why the police are here knocking on his door and interviewing him. Now there is an ambulance outside.
My cough is returning and it looks like it is about to storm again.
My neighbour is taken away in the ambulance and there are at least 5 police officers escorting him into the ambulance. A black bag is placed in the ambulance as well ( no not a body bag) and there was something in one of the officers hand as well which I could not see what it was.
Whatever happened, my neighbour was able to get into the ambulance himself. police and ambulance now gone.

I went downstairs to try and find out what was going on after the police and ambulance left. Apparent the police have called previously knocking on the front door and asking the guy that lives in unit 3 downstairs whether he knew the guy from unit 7. And I found out that the guy who took the photo of the guy in unit 3 was indeed the guy from unit 7. The lady from unit 4 like me has spoken to the guy from unit 7 as she would see him at the bus stop and also knew about him being away in hospital for 2 months due to a severe case of COVID.. He seemed normal enough to me although he did tell me he had a shoulder injury and adhd as I mentioned. So we now have a name for the guy in unit 7 Andre. ( Hold that thought I think the guy in unit 3 has got his facts wrong as 1. his story about the police knocking on the front door previously has changed - they didn't actually come knocking previously and 2. the name of the guy in unit 7 may or may not be Andre as he not the same guy he previously told me about as the guy that lives in number 7 is not a young Filipino with his 2 parents that visited him and he does not work at the North shore Hospital. The guy in unit 7 is younger but not thst young, is caucasian, solid and is Microsoft certified. ) We still don't quite know why the police were called and he was taken away in an ambulance with 5 police ensuring that he got into the ambulance ( I was tempted to take a photo from my unit window but didn't as it would look suspect) . The guy from unit 3 said that it sounded as if one of the police pepper sprayed him as she was coughing. The guy from unit 7 looked as if he was still in his pjs. I wonder if he had a shower as he looked a bit scruffy? It did stink a bit in the hallway for a while as I mentioned . Is he an ex prisoner ? He was the one who told me that part of the Linwood Motel next door was a place where released prisoners stayed. Who knows. There is plenty of those around in the neighbourhood where I live apparently. I just wish I could work out what was going on with the guy in unit 7. I tried to listen but could not hear what was being asked or said as there was too much coughing. All I heard what something that happened at 3 am and the police making a comment about him locking himself in (his unit) again. There was certainly a while before he answered his door and let the police in. Then there was all the noise of what sounded like cabling being moved to get to his door inside. Suspicions that were self harm, witness protection perhaps, a hacker , a prison released........ Pandora's box has been opened.
9 pm and it's about to storm as flashes of lightening and the sound of thunder appear. There is thunder and lightening very close and wild winds but no rain yet. And then the down pour begins!
I have decided to withdraw from my Network Build subject as I am so close to finishing it but the deadline extension to complete it was yesterday. I was surprised at how other students were also struggling to finish and I am unsure if they made the deadline yesterday either . If they managed to get an unofficial extension for a week then I should have 2 weeks to make up for the one week I had the accident and could not go to class.
News headlines today include
US Congressman George Santos expelled from the House just months after the speaker was fired.
Concerns continue as the cease fire agreement between Israel and Hamas expires and not all hostages have been released.
Mortgage stress continues from over borrowing for an estimated 600 000 of homeowners who admitted to overborrowing and all eyes are on the RBA for next week's interest rate announcement- raise or hold.
1 in 4 Victorian police plan to quit due to poor pay and conditions.
AUS UK & US counterparts come together to discuss the AUKUS deal. It is the first time all 3 defence ministers have meet together and they will not only be discussing the submarines but about sharing information and technology.
The Brisbane Lions will be compensated for not being able to play at the Gabba due to major renovations.
Nadal makes a tennis comeback choising to play in a tennis tournament in Brisbane.
Netball Australia and the players pay dispute continues 11 % pay increase but only those on minimum wages. Shocking news was recently reveal that the government had funding available but Netball Australia could not get their act together to justify they needed the funding which infuriated players as they are in debt .
Sydney's NYE is under threat as ambulance workers plan to strike meaning no 000 calls will be taken on NYE.
King Charles addresses climate change in a speech.
Sunday 3rd December 2023
After last nights severe thunder and lightening storms which saw an hour or so of heavy downpour of rain , it has cleared up again to another clear day this morning with a forecasted top of 27 degrees C today but possiblity of more showers.
I should really go out today but there is plenty of time to do that now my course is finished. I do want to work though but nobody wants to hire me so I have messaged an ex work colleague who used to work at Myer who did the cert 4 in ICT at Tafe and asked if there were any positions available where she works.
I paid another bill yesterday.
I'm running out of food so really should go out and get some more.
News headlines today include
Virgin staff are planning to strike over the Christmas holiday season and may start as early as next Tuesday over "poverty pay" rates. Staff who stay on and work will be given a "bribe" bonus of $150 per day extra. Over 95% of virgin staff voted to strike over pay and conditions.
South Korea launches a SpaceX rocket into space in California after North Korea was successful in doing so.
Victorian police strike for better conditions and pay. Most reported to be burnt out due to the amount of unpaid overtime and irregular rosters. They will stop advising the government warn motorists of speed camera in advance write pay and condition protest messages on cars and not work overtime.
Canada against Australia in a round of soccer friendlies with Canada winning 5 - 0.
Wild storms caused athe good things music festival to be abandoned and good things music festival attendees asked to evacuate and seek shelter in centennial park as a band fall out boy was about to play and an A league football game was also abandoned.
Blues World set to come to Brisbane set to open late 2024.
There are warnings of flooding along certain rivers systems in Victoria.
A tsunami warning has been issued in the Phillipines as a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck an island. Meanwhile another tsunami warning has been issued in Japan.
The Gabba rebuild is in trouble again with the withdrawal of support .
The war continues after the cease fire period expires. People in the south are now told to leave they already have nowhere to go. Food and other supplies are still desparately needed. The end of the cease fire is a result of Hamas not keeping their side of the bargain releasing all hostages particularly women and children.
Inflation has falled in October from 5.6% to 4.9% but there has been a rise in unemployment particularly for those who want to work more hours but can't due to childcare for example or hours not available. The forecast is for the RBA to not raise interest rates again for December and possible hold until next September before another rate rise and watching consumer spending very closely over the Christmas period.
Consumers are being advised to take advantage of the higher AUS$ which is up above the $0.66 against the US$ at the moment for spending on consumer goods like whitegoods as their prices start to drop however the cost of services still remain high such as dental optical energy rents etc .
Holden celebrates it's 75th aniversiary eventhough Holden cars are no longer produced in Australia.
The new Trolls movie hit the cinemas.
Monday 4th December 2023
A rather overcast day today. A top of hardly 22 degrees C today - that's rather cold. Looks like more rain is coming
Today I did absolutely nothing just cooked a pesto pasta with chicken edamame and shallot.
I took my rubbish out and put the correct bins out for rubbish collection day tomorrow , the guy in unit 3 only puts selected red bins out and put the blue bin out when it is not being collected this week and left the overfilled yellow bin in so I had to wheel the yellow bin and other half filled red bin out. Last week he put the bins out on Tuesday night instead of Monday. - so I thought.
I finally got and paid for my national police check and emailed off to HKCC for the digital mentoring volunteer program.
I still have not checked my unit outcome. I am abandoning it as I don't have time to complete it and am still a bit asthmatic.
I packed my backpack and am recharging all my electronic devices ready for tomorrow.
I folded some of clothes to put away but slept most of today as I was feeling exhausted.
I wat her quite a few YouTube videos and uploaded my own of the wild storm on Saturday night ( from inside of course).
I will try and sleep early tonight. I have a bit of a bite on my forehead from something so put spm teatree oil mixture on it.
News headlines today include
Replicas of Princess Diana's leapard skin print swimsuit she wore whilst dating Dodi are being released for sale and was the one worn on The Crown.
New detainee laws are being passed after the release of detainees with criminal records.
Carol's In The Domain are on 16th December 2023 to be aired on tv on 23rd December 2023
US warship and commercial vessels has come under fire in mid east.
Another shop fire bombed in Melbourne. The store had just been opened and the fire bombing is thought to be part of the tobacco wars.
An emergency Rozelle Interchange hoprs to easy the chaos of the new Westconnex tunnel
Cyclone Jasper is hovering off the coast of the Pacific Islands.
Mayor Tom Tates is pulling the plug of trying to save the Commonwealth Games by having it on the Gold Coast after months of campaigning to try and save the Commonwealth Games by offering an alternate place to host it and save Australia sporting event hosting reputation.
The AFP has warned that online gaming is recruiting children as young as 12 for extremists organizations.
Supermarket price gouging - CEOs will be called for questioning in a Senate inquiry .
A 6 meters high Christmas Tree has been erected in George's Hall
A chicken who lost his feet due to scaly mite was given a pair of shoes originally for dogs who had lost their paws. Viewers have been sending in their own pairs of shoes for the chicken who now has thousands of pairs of customised shoes.
Nicole Kidman has been signed up to wear Balenciaga.
Beyonce 's Renaissance movie did well in the US but not as well overseas. It was not as successful as Taylor Swifts Eras movie.
Noise detecting cameras are bv ening installed to stop hooning.
Tuesday 5th December 2023
It is really not today and feels like 27 degrees C in the morning already. The red bins are emptied by 8 am The other bins much later.
I am feeling really tired but have a shower and head off to my weekly Tuesday 10 am - 11 am Digital Mentoring session.
Today we were presented with certificates of appreciation and a card and chocolates. Lovely touch but the certificate is what I was more interested in. Last time I received one of these was tax help way back in the late 1980s or was that 1990s .
After volunteering, it was home on the train and bus. Spoke to the neighbour in unit 3 who told me about The new young Flippino named Andre that is moving in and working at the royal North Shore into unit 7- wait what? Not possible - unit 7 is occupied by the guy that was taken away by police and ambulance , his stuff is still inside the unit. The security camera is also still inside his unit, seen from outside. The mystery remains but I know a lady has moved into unit 5 yesterday - too much banging do I stuck my head out.
My brother sent me a text message this morning my cousin had a blood clot in the brain and is in icy and it does not look good. I didn't know what to say so sent a message to my cousin - the twin thst lives in Sydney ( it is his father who had the blood clot) after I found out
News headlines today include
Virgin"s Resilient Lady cruise ship docks in Sydney Australia. Richard Branson is in Sydney to meet the ship.
2 released detainees have already committed offences. One assaulting an elderly lady with her walking stick seriously injuring her and another indecently assaulting a woman in an Adelaide motel who had a previous criminal record of assaulting women. The other in Western Sydney arrested for drug (cannabis) pocession.There are calls for members of parliament to be sacked over this freed detainee with criminal records laws not being in place fiasco. 3 detainees released have now been arrested one from Sydney Melbourne and Adelaide and a rush to pass new laws through to redetain detainees relased that reoffend are being passed. The 3rd detainee being a child sex offender who tried to contact a child online.
The Labor party especially AA and Penny Wong were fighting back tears as they announced the passing of MP and colleague Peta Murphy from breast cancer.
Another arson attack as another restaurant is firebombed. Police believe it is related to ongoing tobacco wars. Police are looking for 2 men. It was lucky that residents living above in apartments were not injured. They were evacuated .
Jason Donovan to don the fishnets again to star in The Rocky Horror Show.
A tropical cyclone Jasper warnings is in place for QLD which is forcasted to travel off it's coast from the Pacific Islands. A category 1 cyclone is forecasted to become a category 4 cyclone by Friday if and when it passes over the Northern & East coast of Australia.
A Westpac outage has left customers with a zero bank account balance in their accounts or unable to log into internet banking online. Customers want compensation for their inconvenience - unable to pay for their trolley full of groceries they had to abandon or unable to pay for their meal at a restaurant even having a heart attack to find their account was empty. Westpac apologies for taking too long to fix the technical issue due to an update. Customers feared they had been hacked.
2 separate stabbings in Matraville and Doonside arr being investigated which are unrelated so far.
King Charles is set to visit Sydney and Melbourne on their way to CHOGM in Samoia. The first time in 6 years ( 2018) and the first as King.
Rizz is the word of the year for generation alpha meaning having charisma . Orevious word was Cossy Liv ( or is it cossie liv?) meaning cost of living.
Taylor Swift has attended another Chiefs game to support her beau Travis Kelce. What a few days for Taylor Swift she has made it on the cover of Time magazine as well.
Russia has been blanketed in snow with flight cancellations and severe temperature drops.
The reserve bank has decided to keep the interest rate at 4.35% ie holding on another interest rate hike for December. The reason cheap petrol and fuel prices . Most economist believe that the cash rate has peaked.
Rebel rages as she is trapped again at Roselle interchange which is in chaos again. The was suppose to be a fix with an extra lane but this fix is not quick enough and spaghetti junction remains with traffic chaos. The barriers and path are now being dug up to make way for another lane - a rethink of the Roselle interchange tunnel to speed up traffic flow.
Jeff Fenech 's Five Dock home was broken into when thieves tried to seal one of his cars only to steal the wrong set of keys.
Britney Higgins was asked to reveal how much she received in compensation payment ie $2.3 million which was paid for by tax payers at the Bruce Lehrmann defamation trial. She may have concluded giving her evidence but the defamation trial continues.
A teenager been arrested for muder after moeing down victims with a car.
$3 million company phone fraud has resulted in a man arrested for stealing mobile phones and reselling them on the market.
A high ranking US diplomat for 40 years has been accused of being a spy . Born in Cuba but becoming an American citizen he rose through the ranks in US Congress undetected.
Time Magazine person of the year include Putin, Taylor Swift, Barbie, King Charles etc it's not a popularity contest so the good and and the ugly are all up for nominations and voted for.
Emergency clinics opening to ease GP crisis.
Increases in road rage in the upper northern suburbs when a car parked illegally in a private or allocated parking spot was gladwarpped and graffitied with messages such as You should be parking here you moron.
Wednesday 6th December 2023
A top of 26 degrees C today - the weather forecast just changed from a top of 23 degrees C to a top of 26 degrees C.
I did absolutely nothing again today as I am now suffering from chronic fatigue. I think it has to do with just stressing about things in general.
I tried to start organising a trip overseas but just can't make up my mind.
News headlines today include
Prince Harry's security court case continues. He won't be present at the court case leaving it up to his lawyers to fight the case. This security case has gone on for months and is the reason why he and his wife Meghan and their children don't visit the UK as he lost his security entourage when he left the country for the US and gave up his royal duties. Meanwhile after the Dutch version of Endgame was released "accidently" revealing the names of the 2 senior royal who made the "racist" comment on the colour of Archies skin before he was born , ie Kate and Charles, Kate has ignored all the controversy and made a royal visit to a early childhood institute and where is William well he has gone undercover again selling copies of the Big Issue with other homeless Big Issue sellers.
Another shooting at a home in QLD overnight where the shooter is still on the run.
Budget airlines Bonza Airlines has cancelled the Melbourne to Gold Coast flights causing chaos for travellers who will be given refunds.
Another shark spotted in a QLD beach the shark swam in and then out sgain.
$40 for a schnitzel in SA? what the ? In SA most if not all pubs use gas and following in the footsteps of Vic has is being phased out gas making it more expensive for gas burner using businesses therefore price increases are being passed onto consumers.
Extinction Rebellion climate protestors start 4 days of climate change protects in Melbourne causing mayhem for commuters in the CBD.
Spotify lays off 17% of it's employees equating to about 1500 employees it's 3rd round of layoffs.
A YouTuber has been taken to court and sentenced to 6 months in jail for videoing a fake plane crash back in 2021 where he lied to air safety investigators. He would not take them to the crash site as he had flown his plane into a remote mountainous area outside of California where he jumped out of it with a parachute videoing it as it crashed and getting a private company to retrieve the wreckage at the crash site and breaking up the pieces of the wreckage dumping it into the rubbish bins.
Smart devices are to blame for making kids dumber with increased amounts of time playing games and watching videos.
A 4th detainee released has now been arrested for trying to steal a passengers luggage at an airport.
The policeman that tasered the elderly woman with dementia at a nursing home who later passed away from head injuries from falling and hity long her head has faced court at ee n his sentence was upgraded to manslaughter has been deemed a flight risk and unable to travel anywhere as his passport was confiscated.
Australia Post is no longer delivering letters daily but every second day thanks to a big loss in revenue. Parcel delivery will still remain a daily service and a standard letter posted will increase to $1.50 next year.
There has been an increase in speedy cheaper home loan approvals.
Another person has died waiting for an ambulance in QLD .
Australia's space race to the moon has begun with the naming competition of the moon rover to be built. Some suggestions were roo - ver,pav- rover, mateship,
North Koreas president sheads tears as he appeals to women to have more babies as North Korea's population declines.
More self serve checkout with less staff with a push to increase staff again whilst overseas there is a push to reduce staff and increase self serve checkout. - are they serious do you know how slow these self serve checkout are and how much frustration they cause with incorrect transactions which results in having to call over a check out operator anyway to fix issues. Tgese srlf serve checkouts are so old and outdated they need to be replaced.
Thursday 7th December 2023
It maybe cooler and slightly overcast now but the heat waves in Sydney are yet to come. Scorching temperatures well above 30 degrees C eve
News headlines today include
Cyclone Jasper may or may not cross over Mackay in Northern QLD. A close eye is being kept over the cyclones path as a watch and act.
Police are searching for a late 20s male vandal who graffitied the PM's office with pro Palestinian messages before taking off.
Rosehill Racecourse is slated to be converted into a mini city of 25000 new houses and the racecourse relocated . Possible relocation sites are being considered. The new mini city will be next to a new metro station with other facilities and amenities within the vicinity.
A man and conspiracy theoretist Donald Day has been found in the US and arrested fronting court for his involvement in the fatal shooting of 2 police officers and a neighbour on a remote QLD property.
The Outback Wrangler Matt Wright has appeared in court for the fatal helicopter crash that killed Chris Wilson. Chris Wilson's wife is also suing the company for loss of damages to her family - loss of her huband's income , physiological trauma etc. - wait didn't the helicopter company get sold by Matt Wright previously so he could concentrate on his legal issues?
Taylor Swift has been named as Time Magazines person of the year.
Melbourne's CBD is in a second day of turmoil due to 2 protests
Allan Jones broadcaster has been accused of indecent assaults during his time at radio station 2GB. 4 men have come forward with allegations and Jones has denied all.
Another shooting at a college in the US no deaths only the shooter. ( I think I forgot to mention this in a past blog but one of our teachers explained when we first started our course that there are signs around the classroom advising is a what to do in case there is ever a lockdown - fingers crossed we never have to put these instructions into action . On one of our final 4 weeks on a Thursday when we have Privacy and Security and System Admin classes all day there was a lockdown drill. Our teacher had left the classroom ( she always leaves us for very long periods of time ) and did not return so we were left alone during this lockdown drill. I looked outside and there were 2 "teachers or wardens" standing there in the hallway so I shut the classroom door which we leave open as it gets really hot inside and these "teachers or wardens" seemed to approve of what I was doing unaware that our teach had hone MIA. Anyway when the lockdown drill was announced over I opened the classroom door again and continued with what I had been doing. Our teacher finally comes back and I told her about the lockdown drill. She must have been off campus as she did not even hear any announcements of the drill. In a real situation you would not just wonder off).
Flying insects are increased due to optimal weather conditions.
Forcasted national house priced are on the rise next year.
Bris Johnson has been questioned over his management of the CIVID pandemic.
Lawyers have argued that Harry and Meghan have been treated unfairly
Camila hosts children and families at Clarence House with Christmas tree decorating and a morning tea.
Friday 8th December 2023
It was definitely really hot today and I have no idea what the maximum temperature was today maybe into the 30s degree C.
Well it's done my tickets have been booked and paid for but not without a lot of dramas with payment. Use debit visa and there is a surcharge. Pay with savings and it kept declining so I chose to pay with bpay in 3 parts from 2 different accounts taking my problem with using the HSBC app to the HSBC bank at Chatswood. It just stopped working . I swear I have a virus of some type on my phone. I spotted something odd on my phones' homescreen photo. I have had this sepia photo I took of the steam clock at Gastown many many years ago. I love it but fon't kn o w where the original photo is. I noticed just in the last week that there is a small image of what looks like a man's head in the very right bottom corner of my phone. It maybe nothing but I can mnake out the ghostly image of a man's face with a beard 2 eyrs a nose.Am I seeing things or do I need to perform an exorcism of my phone? The resson why I tbink it is an image of a man's head is because the left side of the photo does not match up with the right side of the photo. it's as if a patch of the photo has been pixelated out. It is too blurred to screenshot and zoom in as the resolution of the photo is not thst great being so old. The neighbour from unit 3 didn't think it was anything and thought it might be a cat.
Anyway after my trip to the return and earn bottle recycling machine in Lane Cove ( where I had to wait ages for the elderly Chinese woman to finish recycling her dirty garbage bag full of bottles), it was off to Flight Centre Lane Cove to try and book a flight before heading to Coles Local and Woolworths Metro for some groceries before heading home. It was almost 5.30 pm by the time I arrived home. A quick change of clothes then it was off to tonight's HKCC Christmas Party for Treachers Volunteers and students of the college ( I was fashionably late around 30 minutes - the party stated at 6.30 pm and ends at 9 pm) where it was announced that the college is 99 years old next year and they have just had an audit and accredited as a approved training institute for the next 7 years. Wow. This college is a really good community college just like Macquarie Community College in Chatswood where I completed my Cert 2 in Applied Digital Technology . ( I have inquired about doing a few more subjects not offered in the cert 3 at Tafe until cert 4 to do next year at HKCC if they are running it).
When I arrived at the party I looked for a fellow digital mentoring volunteer but could not find them I felt so awkward turning up alone but I was not the only one. But during the night there was a trivia competition where prizes could be won, a Bingo game which was not your typical bingo game but one where you had to go around and find people that matched certain criteria and get 5 in a row matched - first few thst got the 5 in a row matched won a prize. This was then fill oi we'd by a line dance session followed a Latin dance session and selfie corner with some very good selfie Christmas props. A lot of fun. The food was not fantastic vegetarian or vegan Indian finger food which was rice lentils or fried potato or vegtables. Most of the finger food was fried except the river and desserts. There was plenty of alcohol but the soda water was almost empty by the time I got there with only orange and sift drinks.
I left before 9 pm when most people had left but there are always the ones that want the party to never end still dancing the night away. So many photos and videos were taken but this is not an event I would post onto my YouTube channel- it was a private event. I will however post a few photo onto this blog. I was asked to forwsrd photos I took with my camera to others at the party but did not get any photos of me forwarded as I did not even know who took them or who the other people were in the photos
A walk to Hornsby station after saying goodbye to the volunteer manager. A train ride to Chatswood and a bus home. On the train I met one of the Mandarin speaking ladies at the party who was part of the marjong group and friends with the computers for seniors in Mandarin teacher. She got off at Turramurra. It's funny after the bingo game the teacher and these 3 ladies from the msrjong group were still playing the game and I asked are they using it to learn English then the teacher asked me what the Australian slang word daggy meant - there is no word to describe what it meant I suggested Mitch and to Google the meaning. The word is daggy not doggy.

These are 2 of my fellow volunteer digital mentors who I sort of met at my last digital mentor session on Tuesday. I loved what my fellow volunteer digital mentor was wearing - it was a custom made cheongsam - now I know why she wants to do a similar course that I once did at ( but had to drop out of due to my bookeeping commitments) what was once know as East Sydney Technical college now where the National Art School is which is the apparel manufacturing business course which is very different to fashion design but when I did it you still had to complete pattern making sewing even cutting and computer ( this tsught you about allocation and costing) subjects.

This is the group of Chinese Manadrin speaking ladies I met at the party. The one in the cream dress is the teacher who instructs computing for seniors in Mandarin at HKCC and the other 3 are classmates and friends in the marjong classes.The lady in the hot pink and blue dress is the lady I saw and spoke to again on the train from Hornsby
This is the line dance class we had at the party. I did do some of the routine but was trying to take photos and videos at the same time . The lady in the red and green is the volunteer manager. She is a really good dancer.
News headlines today include:
A heat wave sweeps across Australia with Western Sydney suburbs hitting 38 degrees C today and tomorrow hitting 44 degrees C in Penrith!
A 120 year old library book has been returned after being spotted at a garage sale in the US. At the going overdue rate of the day per day this would equate to $1300 .
Tropical cyclone Jasper is still hovering off the coast of QLD with winds that could reach 280 km/he and become a category 5 cyclone. Locsls have stocked up on supplies and sandbagging stations set up in preparation for when and if it hits.
34 schools closed in SA due to wild weather. Blackouts also widespread.
A 25 year old has died in hospital after he fell into a hole and buried alive on Bribie Island . The family had made the decision to turn off his life support after 2 weeks.
Penny Wong foreign minister is to visit Israel to try and broker a cease fire deal.
A 5th detainee released has been arrested for breaking parole conditions.
Prince Harry has made a claim in court during his loss of security case that he and Meghan were forced to leave the UK to live in the US.
A massive 7.6 underwater earthquake downgraded to 7.1 magnitude has occurred on Vanuatu .
Tiny towns North of Melbourne will be used as the locations for a new movie.
A new AUKUS deal will see Australian nuclear submarines.
Ophra Winfrey and Steven Spellberg step out at the premiere of The Colour Purple .
Brisbane Airport is in chaos over the Virgin Airlines flight. The airline meets with cabin crew to avoid Christmas strike action.
Another restaurant in Docklands has been firebombed meters away from a restaurant that was targeted and fire bombed twice previously.
Saturday 9th December 2023
It was still stinking hot today and at one time in the afternoon it looked as if it could storm but it didn't with it clearing up by 5 pm. The wind had died down as well but it feels as if it is still above 30 degrees C.
Well my travel agent from Flight Centre Lane Cove stuffed up. I had told her I wanted a return flight on the 28th Jan but she booked and issued a ticket today with a return flight on 30th January and said that the flight price has now gone up on the 28th Jan when I wanted to change it . She didn't even bother to check the 29th for flights but told me that the flight departing on the 29th is the same price. I haven't heard back from her and was quite angry because I was trying to finalise my accommodation in Vancouver.
I did absolutely nothing today except stay indoors as still as possible watching tv YouTube and sleeping just to conserve energy and stay cool.
Received a message this morning from my cousin whose father who had a blood clot to the brain a few days ago had passed away this morning in hospital. He had been rushed to the ICU. I did not know what to say to him. Do close to Christmas. It felt like when my grandfather passed away the year I was travelling back to Canada also so close to Christmas.
I am still looking at thst bizzare ghost image of a man's face in the right bottom corner of the sepia photo on my home screen thst appeared within the last week. Maybe it is not a virus. Was it a sign? I know when I was really upset when my mother passed away and blamed my father for disappearing the day she died leaving her alone at home , I took a walk very late one night not knowing where I was heading. I was walking along one of the main streets when a tiny possum appeared from nowhere from a tree near an apartment block just hanging there watching me as I stopped for a moment still angry and in tears. It was as if this tiny possum was telling me thst everything was going to be alright before disappearing scurrying back into the bushes.
News headlines today include
Scotty James claims gold in world cup halfpipe.
Wild weather continues as Sydney hits a minimum of 40 degrees today with Penrith hitting 45 degrees C today. Meanwhile Adelaide is on flood watch and and QLD is on cyclone watch.
Sunday 10th December 2023
Fog blankets Sydney after a sweltering heatwave yesterday. The heat wave has eased in Sydney today with a top of 24 - 26 degrees C and overcast today. It was recorded as 45 degrees C yesterday the hottest in 4 years . meanwhile there was a mini cyclone North of NSW in the Longjetty are ripping rooves off. It hit 40 drgrees C today in Western Sydney! It actually was around 28 degrees C. Who in o as how hot it was today - the top temperatures kept changing but it is a little cooler now after 6 pm. 28 degrees C is forecasted as a top tomorrow again .
Today I just went in the early evening for a grocery shop at Woolworths Metro as I had almost nothing left .
It was still stinking hot.
Chased my travel agent today about the mistake she made on my ticket . Due to the weekend I assumed I would be 're issued the ticket tomorrow but I hot it today.
Received a message from my brother my cousin's funeral is on Monday 18th from 12 am for the service and 12.30 pm the wake in Strathfield. I had put my name down to volunteer as a gift wrap that day from 12 am - 2 pm . I have not heard back so I guess it was not meant to be. Originally I put my name down for Thursday and/or Fridays with Thursday my preference but it was ignored and I had to chase the volunteer organisation twice. By the time tgey sent me am the updated s heckle with days available left all Thursdays were taken and most Fridays were also taken with only one Monday and Tuesday available. Tuesday I am Digital Mentoring so can't do it.
News headlines today include
Cyclone Jasper is expected to make landfall by Tuesday over QLD towards Caines.
A new black and white portrait of the British royal family in matching white shirts has been released ( Prince William Princess Kate George Charotte & Louis)
The Venican canal has been dyed green in protest over climate change . Extinction Rebellion are involved.
CosMc's an experimental drinks store in the suburbs of Chicsrgo US has opened. There is only one Spin off store and is owned by Macdonalds. People lined up for hours to try it but if successful more maybe opened. Heavy on drinks drive through o my with only a few burgers and snacks is what is on offer ie not your average Macdonalds.
Princess Mary has been spotted arriving in Sydney with 2 of her children . She is heading back to Tasmania to reunite with het family but Fred is nowhere to be seen. Controversial after Fred was caught having an affair with a Mexican model. Is there a continuing rift between Danish totals?
Overseas investors will be slugged a 600% tax if tgey leave their investment properties vacant to release a potential 3000 properties back onto the market and ease the rental crisis. ( this is not a new idea Canada had this plan years ago)
Meanwhile immigration intake policy is too high. We need skilled immigration but not as much as we currently have. The government is planning to lower the rate of immigration numbers allowed.
The overgmhaul of immigration laws over detainees and release of detainees continues.
Another stabbing wound to the face of a woman in QLD. after a house fire.
50 people were involved in brawl early this morning in Darling Harbour where police had to be called in to break up.
Another shooting on King Street Melbourne at a strip club injuring a young man just 3 months after the last one at the same venue.
Another state premier bites the dust QLD premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announces her retirement after almost 9 years as premier.
Foo Fighters member was drenching in sweat as he performed on stage.
Shannon Noll pulled a woman out of a burning car and started CPR on her to no avail. She died at the scene along with the 28 year old male driver. It is unknown how the accident happened.
More Pro Palestinian protests in the city of Sydney st Hyde Park.
A Hydgrogen powered bus is being trialled in Wollongong carting 32 kg of hydrogen with the only by product water.
Due to anti abortion laws now in place, a legal battle has occurred in the US as a woman about to have an emergency abortion was stopped. He life could be in danger if she carried her child who has a genetic defect and unlikely to suvive to full term resulting in being still born is now in limbo at 20 weeks.
There is an increase in abusive customers towatds supermarket staff and vr tools are being used to train staff how to handle situations.
New laws to cut and halve the number of incoming imigrants to ease housing crisis and bring it back to sustainable levels. 185 000 by 2027.
The current QLD premier gives her endorsement to Steven Miles as the next Labor premier. Tge question remains was it the premier's decision to resign or was she pushed out due to her unpopularity by her own party who didn't think she could win the next election? The end of the reign of COVID premiers .
Terrorist attacker who plotted to bomb the MCG is to be freed after his 15 year in jail when his sentenced ended in 2020 but has been on a continuous detention order since that expires on 23rd December 2023.
Cyclone jasper to make landfall by midweek with panic buying by residents in Townsville. 5 days of supplies is recommended to residents.
Storms continue to batter SA knocking down trees roofs and powerlines with particular concern for southern suburbs.
Guy Sebastian opens at the Opera House with special guests Shannon Noll and Ricky Lee to celebrate Australian Idol.
Mariah Carey Adriana Grande and Jennifer Hudson reunite to sing a Christmas song together Oh Santa they sang together was the song they performed together a few years ago.
Kylie has performed a one off tv event at Royal Albert Hall to celebrate all her hits.
Billionaire Taylor Swift has an army of trades people building a new property in the UK where she can be based for her Euorpean tours.
Victorian students will be the first state to received their ATAR results today.
Today is the final day of volunteering as a digital mentor as the college closes for holidays next Monday 18th Demember 2023. Sessions recommended on 16th January 2024.
28 degrees C with a chance of showers today.
I had not eaten breakfast this morning and feeling really flat so after the volunteering digital mentoring session stayed in Hornsby and walked around Hornsby for the rest of the afternoon. A grocery shop at the large Coles after finding a cute Japanese Ramen cafe where I purchased a takeaway bowl of karaage chicken served with rice finally shredded slaw pickled ginger and a few green leaves. I ate it quite quickly but it gave me some type of allergic reaction. Maybe I should have gone with the teriyaki salmon or chicken or even just a bowl of ramen. I did spend at least 20 minutes trying to decide what to eat even having a look at what was on offer at the sushi concession across from this Japanese cafe. Nah not today. For some reason I just wasn't interested in enjoying my food. Was it too hot? Was I too tired? I was even late to the volunteer digital mentoring session today and there were more volunteers today then seniors.
Home and I started planning for the month of January 2024.
I went to sleep earlier but did n out sleep well. Still really hot throughout the night. I have to sleep with the fan on.
Today I received an email advising me that I had been unsucessful in securing tickets for the Cahill Expressway ballot I entered to see the NYE fireworks. What's new? Everything I apply for whether it is a job or other I am always unsuccessful, everything I enter every lotto entry or Melbourne Cup ticket I purchase every competition I enter I am never successful in gaining or winning. Even when I pay for sometbing it is always a dud. I must be the most unlucky person in Australia if mot in the world - I 100% believe in the superstition that being born on the 4th which means death in Chinese is true and that I will be unlucky for my entire life even after I die.
News headlines today include
Just turn your electronic device off and on again is what Optus told customers at 7 pm last night when they experienced another major outage.
2 MPs Shannon Fentiman and Steven Miles are front runners to replace the retiring QLD premier. A backroom deal may decide who the next QLD premier will be.
Chemist warehouse is merging with Sigma Healthcare worth $8.8 billion however the deal still has to be approved by the consumer watch dog and regulator ACCC.
A high risk terrorist offender has been released without restrictions overnight. This comes after news of the terrorist that planned to bomb the MCG and is due to be freed became public.
ANZ announces some branches plan to go cashless.
Far north QLD braces as cyclone Jasper is forecasted to make landfall in the next 24 hours. It is the calm before the storm and hopefully does not become a category 3. It's the calm before the storm with just a few showers starting to fall with high humidity and a category 1 to 2 at the moment. Sand baging has been done Tens of thousands of people have bern warned that they could be isolated from the rest of the state and country. Head the warnings and be prepared residents have bern warned.
The man responsible for the Daysford crash has been charged. He had ignored several blood sugar level warnings as a diabetic before he crashed due to his medical episode.
Aussies and the Golden Globe awards with Barbie movie up for nominations.
Zac Effron gets his Hollywood star after Home Alone star Macaulay Culkin got his over the weekend.
A survey has revealed that half of NSW Paramedics intend to quit due to pay disputes that mean with the current cost of living they can't afford to live in NSW.
Prince Harry has been ordered to pay around $90000 in legal costs to publishers of the mail after losing part of his libel case against the mail.
Adelaide is still being ravaged by storms with hundreds still without power.
Melbourne us covered in a heavy blanket of fog causing traffic chaos and numerous flight cancellations.
Raiders played the Vikings in the US to sell the NFL game.
Costco sells new cars in QLD NSW & Vic after a successful trial. The only catch is you have to be a COSTCO member.
Wednesday 13th December 2023
A partly cloudy day today with a top of 29 degrees C today.
Another do nothing day today but I did make a Korean chicken Gochujang dish with fresh Perilla leaves and Shin noodles . This is the first time I have tested Perilla leaves and have been able to find them. I love them better then sesame leaves.I can see why Koreans like eating them with their be meats.
It wsas another hot day and very windy outs I use. The weather must be so bad that a rather l are brown spider decided to hide and seek refuge behind my bathroom door giving me a fright!
More planning for the month of January.
Uploaded 2 flashback
It's past 10 pm and not only was there strong winds outside most of today but a sudden thunder and lightening show has now appeared. No rain yet but there are workmen outside digging up the footpaths as the lightening continues to flash. Let's hope they are not using electrical equipment . And now it begins to rain as the thunder and lightening continues. It was not forcasted for thunderstorms until tomorrow afternoon but it has come early.
News headlines today include
The residents of Northern Queensland are prepared and on constant watch as cyclone Jasper travels towards the region. Cyclones are unpredictable and Jaoer could change direction completely misding the region or cause widespread destruction of the region increaing or decresing in category with wild winds flooding and storms. 6 pm the category 2 cyone is predicted to make landfall at 6 pm between Port Douglas and Cooktown. It has slowed down but storms will cause flooding and strong winds . People are warned to stay indoors whenever possible.
The Bruce Lehman defamation trial continues with the chanbel 10 producer grilled and an alleged postdated stamp photo of a bruise on Britney Higgins leg as a result of the rape incident emerging as evidence.
The RBA warns the impact of a cashless society where customers will be charged to use their own cash as more banks go cashless. Banks need to absorb the increase in costs due to the decrease in the use of cash ie to pay in cash and to withdraw cash. Cash needs to be always present due to technical issues eg what happens if systems go down and people can't use their cards ?
Vline regional trains have disrupted commuters travelling into Melbourne today with strikes until 8 pm tonight.
There are Thunderstorm Asthma warnings again in Victoria as wild storms hit Melbourne yesterday.
Charles will be visiting Canada next year first before coming to visit Australia.
Steven Miles does not officialky become QLD's new premier until Friday but he has already started dustancing hinself from the current QLD premier and started to the reshuffling of his cabinet with the health minister to renain on his team.
Jimmy Barnes health is get to getting worse. His bacterial I section has spread to his heart where he will have heart surgery to replace a valve which will hopefully clear up his infection.
Jim Chalmers gives his mid year budget update. Throwing more money into the economy will increase the inflation rate which is not good for the economy. The government is trying to pay down the country's debt but a surplus is not likely for the new year at this point in time.
UN General assembly vote in favour of a cease fire in Gaza but decisions are not legally binding.
2 teenagers 15 and 16 years old have been arrested after crashing a Toyota Prado into a house at Hasslegrove.
Johnson Street Annandale is now the victim of traffic chaos with traffic backing up for kms and travelling at a sails pace after Balmain due to the Roselle Interchange fiasco.
51 year old fire fighter Michael Kidd who died yesterday fighting a fire when a beam fell on him has been honoured today.
Another shark attack in QLD - an Italian backpacker 20 year old was attacked by a tiger shark in shallow waters. He was taken to hospital where his leg was amputated. His father is travelling to Australia to take him home .
The best and brightest students were celebrated today with top HSC achievers in their subjects.
Paramedics to receive a 25% pay increase saving NYE 000 chaos when there was a planned strike.
A forecasted top of 37 degrees C tomorrow.
A 10 month end to pay wars with netball Australia.
China marks anniversary of Baking Massacre.
Thursday 14th December 2023
37 degrees C in the Sydney CBD today and 40 degrees out in Western Sydney today with possible storms. Total fire bans are in place.
If you are wondering how hot it feels today, it feels really hot but at the moment it's still quote windy outside and not as hot as it was around lunch time. It is now past 4 pm and I just paid my travel I strange and continued to plan my itinery - things I want to do, events I want to attend, places I want to visit or see, food I want to eat etc. Can I fit it all in within the month of January 2024?
I still haven't gone out yet and I need to but tonight is late-night shopping. Hopefully it will be cooler and no storm is forecasted.
News headlines today include
Cyclone Jasper has passed over and now downgraded to a tropical low as it heads inand but the rainfall of 5000 mm continues. Heavy winds downed trees and the power is still out for around 40000 residents since yesterday in and around Cains and Port Douglas. Mossman residents have been asked to evacuate as flood warnings are issued on the Mossman River. There is a reassessment as to weather the airport will reopen for flights today.
A new political party the Gen Z party party representing the under 26s wants no tax .
A young 14 year old school girl was almost abducted by a random male stranger whilst on a school excursion in Hosier Lane. A bystander stepped in pretending to be her teacher saving her from being abducted. The stranger is still on the run.
Kylie has continued with her very busy schedule of performing her residency in Vagas, doing her tv special an audience with Kylie and now modelled for clothing line.
Victorian police threaten to stop issuing speeding fines and not patrolling major events such as tge Australian Open in January 2024 as the fight for better pay and conditions continues.
Virgin Airline staff also threaten strike action durimg this busy holiday season as they fight for better pay and conditions.
A request has been made for Australia to send warships to the midfle east.
Kathleen Folbigg will learn whether her conviction will be overturned . She had been pardoned for her sentence of murdering her cjildren due to scientifoc evidence but her criminal record still remains on the registry. Her conviction was overturned overnight and now it will be a w as it and see how much compensation she may receive for her 20 years in prison.
Friday 15th December 2023
A top of 27 degrees C in Sydney today but higher in the Western suburbs - a little relief from yesterday's heatwave.
It's still too hot for me and I don't feel like doing anything except sleep.
I booked my airport shuttle today hopefully they will get back to me with a confirmation.
I also booked a 6 pm tour ono1nst February 2024 for a tour of tge old GPO. I eould hsve loved to hsve hone next Thursday or the following Thursday after Christmas but tgey are either booked out not running or unavailable . January is out completely for me do it will have to wait until 1st February 2024.
So much to do before January 2024.
I finally heard back from the gift wrapping volunteer organisation and cancelled my Monday 18th shift from 10.45 am - 2 pm as I will be st my cousin's funeral all day but rescheduled and confirmed for Tuesday's volunteer gift wrapping session . I can't believe the amount of admin thst has to be done just to volunteer for 1 session on one day. There was the volunteer form to fill out and now a 20 minute induction session online to complete before commencing. Also need to be tgere 15 minutes before the shift starts. I think I am going to regret this!
News headlines today include
Firefighters fought to get 3 blazes under control in and around Cessnock as NSW sweltered yesterday with heat waves and total fire bans.
The new QLD premier is formally sworn in today and a cabinet shuffle starts today.
The clean up from the extensive damage from cyclone Jasper has begun in far north QLD after the banks burst of the Mossman River and residents warned to evacuate. As clean up begins looting is becoming rampant in towns affected bt the cyclone.
Qantas has estimated that 150 000 passengers will travel today on one of it's busiest day of travel. An estimated 8.5 million passengers from now and during January are expected to travel.
Melbourne's council has waged war amongst residents as signs around Melbourne suburbs have been changed from Merry Christmas to Make Merry Christmas in order for the council to make Christmas more inclusive. The signs have been vandalised with many being graffitied on.
Did Eddie Jones have a meeting for the role of coach for the Japanese Rugby team whilst still with the Australian rugby Wallabies team? He denies this and insists he only had an interview for the role in December.
Barry Humpheries will be remembered today at a ticketed state memorial at The Opera House. A message from King Charles and Elton John will video a message and a poem will be read out by the NSW premier Chris Minns.
US Congress has approved a nuclear submarine deal with Australia. What the deal won't be delivered until 2030 and not in action until 2040 and still has to have the approval by the president of the day?
William visits the naval college his grandfather , his father and he attended in naval uniform which he has not worn for a decade. He made his visit as short as possible due to the cold.
Taylor Swift releases footage from her 34th birthday party with her besties.
Saturday 16th December 2023
Today it is meant to be a top of 27 degrees C with some clouds but news reports it will be a sweltering heat wave of 35 - 37 degrees C today!
It is just to hot so I did absolutely nothing again today. More planning and research for things to see do attend and visit during the month of January 2024.
News headlines today include
Israel has accidently killed 3 hostages held by Hamas by mistake thinking they were threats.
A US request was made with Australia planning to sent warship(s) to Middle East to respond to Iranian-backed Houthi rebels attacking ships passing through the sea lane. This would disrupt supply chain of oil in the region after a Norweign oil tanker was attacked recently as well as Danish shipping company Merck with a near miss.
One person is dead killed by a falling power line due to a freak storm in SE QLD with over 169 km winds stronger the cyclone Jasper. Several planes have been destroyed.
Prince Harry wins his first case against phone tapping incident where the press accessed personal information including banking medical records with over $260 000 being awarded in damages to him. This is just 15 of 30 claims submitted and Harry still has other cases to be heard against other newspapers such as the Sun and Mirror.
Firefighters on full alert in the Hunter and Illawarra with a total fire ban in NSW.
The man who was involved in the Daylesford accident killing 5 people has been released on bail with lawyers arguing it was a medical episode that caused the accident. He has been a diabetic for decades but in this accident had allegedly ignored 8 sugar level warnings.
North East link project has blown out of budget by Victorian government.
Another fire in Western Sydney. Another car crash hitting a tree and carmtching on fire.
Energy market operator says coal will end 5 years before expected. The energy grid is already stressed at the moment as every time a coal plant is closed the energy grid get smaller and under more pressure. Residents in NSW have been warned of possible blackouts during this summer and to turn off any unnecessary appliances during this period.
The cause of Matthew Perry has been released- basically it was drugs found in his system, a heart condition and drowning that lead to his accidental death which was not a suicide attempt.
The residence of the 4 college students killed in the US is to be knocked down by a university's decision.Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor, already had been held liable for defaming two Georgia election workers before the civil trial began in Washington, D.C., federal court. Giuliani made the defamatory statements about Ruby Freeman and Wandrea “Shaye” Moss as part of a series of false claims that Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election due to ballot fraud.
Sunday 17th December 2023
A forecasted top of 27 degrees C today and a rather overcast morning. Outside the windows bins and road are wet indicating it rained overnight or during the early morning hours but only lightly. It is slightly windy outside but I can't tell if it is still raining or not. A hot and wet Christmas is forecasted.
I really need to do stuff but just don't want to do it.
News headlines today include
An increase in Ozempic poisoning has been reported in the US from overdoses and off brand Olzempic due to the shortage in supplies . The popular diabetic drug used for weight loss is being over self administered .
Another 10 year old girl and a man in his 60s have both been struck by lightening in separate incidents during the freak Brisbane storms. The little girl is fighting for life at Brisbane childrens ospital . Another round of storms continue today.
2 teenagers have been stabbed at a 16 year olds birthday party after gate crashes entered the party.
A cowra bus crash has occurred.
Wish a new old school 2 D Disney animated feature film will be released next year.
Meanwhile the new Wonka movie hits the screens.
Another hit and run drunk driving incident has injured a police officer in SA.
Jimmy Barnes is up and about in hospital after heart surgery in a photo uploaded with an update of his condition by his wife on docisl media
Betty the tunnel boring machine arrives in Five Dock.
The defence minister has said that Australia will not take the US and UK's nuclear waste.
Jim Chalmers the treasurer forecasts cost of living relief with rate cuts by the end of 2024 with 3 rate cuts . A second surplus is in sight after the mid year boost to the bottom line.
Summer blackout fears continue as the energy transition debate continues - telling people to turn off the air conditioning during the heat waves is not a good option!
An intake of immigrants to ease the aged care workers shortage has commenced.
A top of 29 degrees C today but overcast. No rain forecasted.
I went to pull the blind up this morning and the little plastic d ring that is screwed into the wall to hold the plastic roller chain in place just broke away as if the extreme heat had weakened it so much it had melted. It was not a snap when I was rolling up a blind but more like a soft ball candy break as if you are pulling clear sugar toffee. Luckily the blind still functions. Since moving in 4 years ago, this is minor compared to the shower door never sliding properly from the beginning and am.ost falling on me- it has sat wrapped along the wall against the window since I removed it when I moved in, the toilet roll hold never held a tools roll upright from when I moved in and it fell right off shortly after so remains in the cabinet in the bathroom, the half flush never worked since I moved in, the mixer had a random leak when on full flow cold water since I moved in, there arr leaks somewhere in the plumbing in the bathroom which I have not been able to identify, the crack on the wall next to the window has become worse but the landlord knows about it, The ceiling fan randomly did not work whilst the remote is on the wall bracket but now it does and mould is an issue because there is very little ventilation in the unit.
Today is the funeral of my cousin so I need to leave around 9 am this morning. I was panicking because I left home a little after 9 am leaving 2 hours to get to Burwood Station. It was a long wait for the next bus and it did not stop at St Lkeonstmrds station but turned left into the run hospital so I had to walk a block. I watched very carefully where I was going in order not to have another trip and fall at St Leonard's station. I decided to take the most direct route ( I assumed it was the most direct route to Burwood Station according to Google maps which is often wrong and according to it I would arrive at my destination Galaxy Funerals on Burwood Rd at around 10.47 am). I was waiting forever for the next train to Central f from St Leonard's and I still had to change at Central for the train to Burwood so I thought according to Google. The train when it arrived was packed as it was still peak hour between 9 am and 10 am . The train travelled at a snails pace and kept being delayed. Finally arriving at Central I actually go off the train only to see that the same train I was on continued on to Burwood station on the indicator board so I quickly hopped back onto the train checking the indicator board twice inside the train and on the platform.
Being a postcode snob I had never bern to Burwood where the service was held or Strathfield except for transfers on the train which is very rare. I had no idea where to go when I arrived in Burwood. I asked a random man and he was luckily a local and was really nice when I showed him where I needed to get to when he asked me if I was looking for the shops and I said no the funeral place. I love how Burwood has a park in the middle of their shopping district and on their main Road ( Burwood Rd) where all the buses are. You really can't miss the park as you walk down Burwood Rd but you have to be heading in the right direction! I arrived at the funeral place before my brother and sister . Gee that's brother you asked me if I needed a lift then ended up getting a lift yourself from my sister! Just as well I took public transport! The funeral service itself was nice but sad so close to Christmas. It was nice to see all my relatives again particularly the ones I did not even know about it haven't seen for decades. I have not actually seen one of my non identical twin cousin's since he was little as he lives in the UK. It was the twin's father's funeral today. When they first came to Sydney they had Chinese names and one had the name Wen ( pronounced "When") so I used to joke about it and ask "So is the other twin's name Where? " They changed their names and are now known as Tony and Raymond ( not the first Raymond in my family and co incident I have a set of idrntical twin uncles on my late mother's side nsmed Raymond and Albert!) Then there are 3 Louises in my family 2 cousin's on my late father's side - Louisa from QLD and Louise Anne from Sydney and my cousin on my late mother's side who is just Louise in Canada. Apparently my late grandfather on my late father's side is named Charles and my late great grandfather on my late mother's side is also named Charles, My late grandfather on my mother's side was named William but known as Bill and hopefully he isn't related to my old college physics teacher who is also named William or Bill Lee as I suspect my old physics teacher was setting me up with his son because that could have been a bit incestuous if it ended up that his Lee was related to my Lee! I suspect if he was born around the same time as I was then there is a chance that he could be a part of the other 4 Lee's I know Edmond ( the son of my late father's friend - I didn't really like him as I did suspected he was into illicit substances) , Michael ( I met at dragon boat rowing ( I think also the son of one of my late father's friends probably from CYL or ACCA unsure about CIC) and of course Lorna Wendy & Edwan ( who I thought were just my late mother and fathers family friends daughters and sons unrelated until they showed up at a wedding reception and I found out that they were actually my 3rd cousins but that's not the end of the story - Wendy and I actually ended up graduating from Tafe Ultimo in Applied Science Chem Tech together) . So once we worked out who and how we were all related to before the funeral service begun the topic I bought up was there is a rumour that the Lee clan' s ancestors are from the Gold Rush era in Australia but we were not hold diggers but merchants- now that explains why there are so many Chinese restaurant owners in Lee family and my obsession with kitchenware!
The funeral service was in Chinese and trafitional with so many beautiful photos put together in a presentation. My favourite photos were of Mr Lei ( I am still a little unsure about the surname but apparently it is different to Lee which is the HK way of spelling it and the mainland Chinese way equivalent of Li) with a stuffed Kanagroo and a Reagan's hat on and standing in front of the Big Pineapple The Big Merino and Old Sydney Town!
Ah the memories of the Lee clan's countless family road trips all over the East Coast of Australia back in the 70s & 80s.
At one stage my late father was in some of the photos and I whispered to my sister "Was that was in the photo?" to which she replied " I don't know I can't see!" Yep she is blind as a bat and even admitted she now needs bifocals.
White roses were selected from the floral bouquets on either side of the open casket and deflowered with the petals placed in a small wicker basket. Row by row starting with the immediate family members we paid our respects by coming forward and placing the petals in the casket and bowing or praying. I silently asked for my late cousin to say hello to my late mother and father. I hope all the late Lee clan members that have passed have been reunited. My uncle from Sydney buried at Rookwood cemetery, My cousin ( William and Louise 's father) , My Aunt and her husband from Canberra buried in Canberra and I hoped that they have found the unmarked grave of my grandfather (my father's father) who is buried in country NSW . Apparently a natural disaster- a fire destroyed the town and it's records hence the grave has been unable to be located. I tried to contact my father's old country town high school in NSW but did not receive any response- a dead end so gave up - maybe it was the wrong country town school or he never actually attended high school who knows.The school's records may be all destroyed.
The service ends with 3 final bows to the departed, the closure of the casket and the receipt of a little white envelope. Everyone knows of the little red envelope which contains money and given out by married couples to children as well as at weddings to the bride and groom but not many people know about the little white envelopes given out at funerals. These contain not money but usually a candy of some sort. The red envelope symbolises the beginning of s new life and the white envelope symbolises the end of a life. It's like to closure of some sort.
Car pooling - this is common at a lot of Lee clan functions. My brother
After the service was the wake at a well known Chinese restaurant that
News headlined today include
Its inundated with rain in Cairns with flooding widespread flooding and the airport under water and closed. The region cut off as if it is an island. Roads closed and people stranded some on gloves waiting to be rescued.
The holiday road tolls in NSW continue to increase. 10 people lost their lives over the weekend. 1 demerits point lost for speeding.
Meanwhile a 2 year old boy has died when waiting to cross with his father when hit by a car in Vic.
$80 million is what it will cost to host the ABBA futuristic concert with Victoria in talks with producers to bring the show to the state. There were rumours that the show maybe coming to Sydney but no Melbourne can have it.
A council meeting has been interrupted with egging over closure of childcare centres. He suffered an eye injury when bits of egg and shell hit his eye but he did not realise until later.
The new QLD premier has hit the ground running with a cabinet reshuffle and allocation of more resources towards tackling the out of control increase in youth crime. 3 Olympic portfolios have been scrapped and merged into one as the state government concentrates on more pressing issues of the state such as the rising cost of living on top of youth crime.
The GC is covered in a blanket of fog.
Residents in Southern Gaza are starving desperate for arrival of any aid thst arrives and not knowing what their next move will be.
What's just as bad as an invasion of fireants across the QLD border into NSW? A plague of cane toads in QLD which breed like rabbits.
Cricketer Nathan Lyons scores hos 500th test wicket.
A shortage of mangos cherries and flowers over Christmas this year is due to the wild weather conditions meaning the quality and prices will increase with a decrease in supply.
Tuesday 19th December 2023
I could not sleep. I 've been feeling so flat after yesterday's funeral and wake. I wasn't depressed but just a little tired and not wanting to even go shopping. It was a feeling difficult to describe. A what just happened today feeling. Something that felt surreal. I could not sleep but lingered in a semi conscious state and woke up around 1.30 am forcing myself to complete that 20 minute Stockland induction course for today's 3 hour volunteer one off gift wrapping gig run by Wesley Mission from 10.45 am - 2 pm . To volunteer there is so much red tape these days. I love volunteering but some NGOs just make it difficult for me to volunteer for. I had to withdraw my expression of interest after returning all my paperwork and asking the organisation to destroy all my information as they were just fluffing around taking too long and I had found 2 volunteering gigs so far in the time it took me to chase this organisation out at Eastwood so I have added them to my black list of employers employment agencies and NGOs not to work for. Yes I have a blacklist! I am hapoy to continue being a digital mentor for as long as I can but giftwraping well I'm unsure if I will register to do this again next Christmas. Will have to see how it goes today.
Another sweltering 35 degrees C in Sydney today with storms wbereas in Sydney's West it could hit 40 degrees C.
It was so hot today around midday. It reached a max of 33 degrees C in Sydney but up to 36 degrees C out in the Western suburbs. It was not only hot but Smokey and grey. Not pleasant at all. Police were out in force.
From 10.45 am - 2 pm I was at the Picadilly Arcade gift wrapping desk with 2 other regular volvolunteer gift wrappers and one one off volunteer gift wrappers. So much for completing that 20 minute induction questionnaire to get a white card or green card. It wasn't even asked for. Do much for arriving at 10.45 am 25 minutes before the start of gift the wrapping session - the volunteer manager was very late showing up . Was it busy - no not at all . A lady came in with a big box containing a bike for her 4 year old to be wrapped - this was my challenge for today! I needed help as it took 6 pieces of wrapping paper taped together and patched up around the box.
We were waiting for a guy to return to collect his pile of gifts thst had been wrapped. Tgey had been left there for over an hour. Had he forgotten? No he eventuality cane back to pick them up but he came back with an extra one which I wrapped with the last piece of organza ribbon. They only had this awful curling ribbon left which was so stiff you could not do much with. I did not want to use the other ribbon as it would not match all the other presents wrapped.
2 pm the volunteer gift wrapping session is over and I decide to walk around the city looking for a large suitcase before heading for a snack of calamari rings from my favorite seafood stall The Little Fish Shoppe at Townhall. Onto to a quick shop for a bottle of water and a bottle of cold juice from Woolworths Metro before heading back to Chatswood for a loaf of dark rye bread from Vina Bakery , some bananas from a greengrocer some of my favourite Coles $2.50 a block Belgium hazelnut chocolate from Coles Local and finally some more groceries from Woolworths Metro before waiting with a bus stop full of people for the next bus home. It was stinking hot.
Home I unpack my groceries eat my leftover breakfast which was loaded French toast - rye bread dipped in egg with cream cheese seaweed finely chopped shallots fried shallots salt garlic granules and topped with a slice of tomato savoury and yummy.
I watch tv and fall a sleep . I slept better tonight but it is still quite hot so I keep the ceiling fan on It rained through the night at times heavier then it seemed as if it stopped and then it rained again in the very early morning.
News headlines today include
An entire town in Northern QLD is to be evacuated from flooding.
A man in Glen Waverley has stolen a purse whilst a funeral procession was on outside. Police are looking for an Asian man.
Penrith Beach opens today to 700 people with bookings.
A popular Gold cCoast beach has been closed due to sewer water contamination
Melbourne tops the explores list by Airbnb trending destinations list
Nicole Kidman has been seen at Sydney airport picked up by husband Keith Urban and daughters and whisked off quickly.
A woman's body was found at Canberra Zoo yesterday and the zoo evacuated.
New Rivercat ferries are being built in Tasmania to replace the current 30 year old ones on the Parramatta River. The ferries will sail up to Sydney before testing in the waters before passengers are allowed onto them.
Wednesday 20th December 2023
I wake around 2 am and the first think I did was lodge my fortnightly Centrelink income reporting as it can be lodged early due to public holidays. No income to declare as usual.
A top of just 22 degrees C and rain in Sydney today.
It rained and rain and is still raining at 4 pm today. My asthma is back. I have not ventured out at all today.
A good day for laundry. I put my quilt and pillow in the front load washing machine. It takes up the entire machine . Lucky it is an industrial one, if it was a domestic one the quilt would not fit.
By 5 pm it was only 17 degrees C although inside it does not feel like it. I'm a really a little hot where I am with the ceiling fan on.
News headlines today include
The NT chief minister steps down after conflict of interest was found where she owned shares in a mining company. She will still remain as a back benches.
Celine Dion's sister gives an update on her Celine 's heath . She is now suffering an autoimmune disease.
A woman has made history where a daughter has carried her own baby with the transplant of her mother's uterus back in January. The woman was unable to jave a second vhild dur to damage caused from the birth of her first child but with the transplant of her mother's womb she was able to carry and deliver her second baby . The baby is 25 years in the making .
A foiled kidnapping in North West Sydney of a 24 year old lead to a raid of a huge haul of cocaine by police.
A report has revealed how stressed the 000 call centre is in Victoria with only 3 or 4 staff on at a time for the whole of Vic.
Australians can now get a Silva test for glaucoma where normal eye tests can't pick up.
126 people have been killed and 700 injured by an earthquake in China. Schools and homes have bee destroyed.
After a reveal weeks of eathquakes Iceland's volcano has erupted again after getting as close as 3 km to a remote fishing village last October where residents were evacuated. Scientist say the volcanic erruption is not a threat to life but will be closely monitored as it spews 200 - 300 m of lava.
One year on from the floods, hundreds are still living in temporary accommodation.
The terrorist who was freed after trying to blow up the MCG is back living with his family
The QLD flood cleanup has started in far North QLD set to cost 1 billion dollars. AA is to visit affected regions tomorrow.
A home in Roseland was broken into by 3 men who threatened residents with a shot gun. Police think it was a case of mistaken identity of the young family.
2 weeks of strike action by Victorian policr who are in crisis and suffering from burnout has lead to a break through of police changing to work conditions of 9 hour shiftsin however an increase in pay is still under negotiations.
Australia Post to compensate business and customers $3 million for lost and damaged parcels - I was never compensated for the countless priceless letters parcels documents photos etc that were lost and damaged from Australia post in the past despite all my complaints tgat I have kept in a 5 cm thick A4 lever arched folder - a few stamps won't compensate me for the priceless items that were lost.
454 adults had unknowingly had one heart condition with the 4 minute free heart check testing machines installed in chemists and shopping centres a legacy initiative set up under a foundation by the late Shane Warnes children.
The NZ PM makes his visit to Australia meeting AA for the first time to discuss security & if NZ can contribute anything to the submarine deal.
No division 1 winner for Oz lotto last night so the Jackpot is now $90 million.
Allens Jaffas ( orange chocolate balls) will no longer be stocked in Woolworths as they quietly remove the popular lolly off shelves. Another iconic Australian treat bites the dust - not quite they are stI'll available at Coles and Big W.
Jimmy Barnes will be home for Christmas from hospital. He will be discharged on Friday.
Ken's Kristmas , A festive version of I Am Ken to be released tomorrow.
Nicole Kidman will be walking the red carpet to premiere her new film Expats.
Airbnb has been fined and ordered to pay $15 million to Aussie customers for tricking them into paying in US$ which equates to be the equivalent of around $230 to each customer over a 3 year period.
Ukrainian drones have been released.
North Korea has had a missile launch.
Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin lifts off with another unmanned rocket launch in the US after a previously failed one .
Qantas first A220 flies into Australia from Canada to replace the aging A1
For the past week or so the AUS$ has been up around the $0.67 against the US$ which is good if you are travelling overseas but not the best.
Petrol prices are at a high at the moment but hopefully at the top of it's fuel cycle and fuel prices to fall towards Christmas.
Trump has been banned for running for president in Colorado due to his involvement in the Jan 6th riots. It is now a wait and see by courts as to whether he will be banned from running as president by the rest of the US states. - I say off with his head! not exactly but there is a push to remove his name on ballot papers and of course Trump is unhappy about this.
Another rather overcast cooler day today. My asthma continues to linger. 24 degrees C showers and windy.
I've been pretty sick since Wednesday and still am so have been mainly sleeping. A really bad cough and massive headaches and body aches runny nose watery eyes pressure in my ears and cheeks. I feel horrible. I hope I recover in time for my holiday. I am not going to my cousin's get together on Christmas Day - I think I caught something from my day at the funeral. My brother and sister probably gave it to me as both have been sick recently. I thought it was just bad asthma but it's not.
News headlines today include
Another intoxicated driver causes a car crash and injuries a woman in Sydney.
A man has been arrested for attacking 2 woman in Adelaide where one woman died and the other injured in a real estate office.
WA building reforms will require new buildings to be regularly checked before completion to stop he increase in building defects but won't be in place until 2026/2027.
A thief has stolen 510 kg if meat from a butcher in QLD.
Iconic Melbourne furniture man Frank Cozxo dies at 87 .
Residents are asked to stop using ambulances in Victoria as taxis.
The GC tops tourism destination for Summer.
Britney Higgins and her boyfriend have landed in France to start a new life. Meanwhile back in Australia Lynda Renholds wants a freeze on Brittney Higgin's assets.
Kristina Keneally 's police officer son has been charged for interfering with evidence that put an innocent victim in prison.
A top of 24 degrees C today but not the best of days a little overcast.
The guy in unit 7 returned today. ( if you don't know why I am mentioning this you need to read one of my previous blogs)
Still really sick.My brother had texted me about how he had changed his plans to attend our cousin's Christmas Party on Christmas Day. I had to tell him tgat I won't be able to attend as I have been pretty sick since Wednesday. I waited a few days to respond to his original text message thinking I will be ok to attend by Christmas Day but I knew that I would not be.
News headlones today include
A mass shooting has occurred at the Charles University Prague where 14 were killed and the gunman eliminated. It occurred when the 24 year old opened fire at students and teachers in the arts department. The human's father was found dead and it was unsure whether the gunman was shot dead or took his own life.
AA visits far north QLD flood affected regions with the new QLD premier.
The final day of the Bruce Lehman defamation case is to be heard today.
St Vincents Hospital & Health has had their patient records hacked into on Tuesday and have called in an external cyber security organisation to investigate.
Rudy Giuliani files for bankruptcy who owes half a billion dollars.
Still really sick today. The weather is pretty overcast and around the mid 20s. I didn't really pay attention today as I am feeling terrible.
News headlines today include
7 people were badly injured in a 2 car crash in Western Sydney. An 18 year old is being investigated by police. A family was in one motor vehicle and 2 teenagers were in the other.
At 5 am this morning the Sydney Fish Markets opened for their annual 36 hours straight of Christmas shopping.
A mother in her 30s and her toddler were struck by lightening in Mareeba . The mother is in a serious condition but the toddler is fighting for their life.
Carl Webb QLD Ruby League great dies after a battle with motor neuron disease aged 42.
A WA fire is burning in Serpentine.
The troubled Taipan fleet will be pulled apart and buried as landfill.
Police in Victoria are going on speed camera strike.
The founder of JB Hifi John Barbuto passes away aged 86 .
Jimmy Barnes is leaving hospital and heading home for Christmas.
Sunday 24th December 2023
Christmas eve and it's a top of only 25 degrees C with forecasted storms and I'm still pretty sick. The cough is the worst but I feel it's moving down to my stomach as I can't hold any food down - not that I have been eating much because I have been feeling sick. I can still taste and don't have a sore throat or fever so I don't think it's COVID but a very bad flu. My cough has been pretty wet and my head just hurts because I feel pressure particular in my ears and cheeks . My nose keeps running my eyes water I just feel bad and weak.
It's noon and it has started to rain. I know I have to out but am I too sick to? I haven't been out for 5 days now - since Wednesday. It's now thundering and the rain is bucketing down.
I did not end up going out as there was nothing that I urgently needed.
I did think about going to get some KFC as I have not been eating much except bananas everyday and grated ginger and lemon juice in sparkling mineral watee or as a hot tea beverage every day with the odd prices of cheese . I tried to eat someone roasted marinated Korean chicken breast with sweet potato and some seeded dark rye bread but it did not go down very well.
I will try eating some roasted marinated duck breasts tomorrow. I have prepared this to roast in the oven tomorrow and I would like to try eating some pumpkin tomorrow. I've run out of bananas eating the last one today. I don't have any green stuff left but I do have I think corn mini tomatos a bunch of mint leaves carrots onions shallots dill eggs and I still have pasta which may be something I could stomach. I have rice and heaps of cheese I have for emergencies juices water tinned tomatos retired beans dehydrated peas and a bag of potatos which have sat in the bottom of my fright from quite a while so unsure if tgey are still ok. If I get desperate there is at least 2 petrol stations up the road both with small convenience stores attached to them ( one a seven eleven) and tge good old KFC ! I won't starve. I just hope I am feeling well enough by tomorrow to take a walk about 3 - 4 blocks up the road to get something if I need it. If I get desperate for green stuff, I could order a slaw from KFC and rinse out all the sugar chemicals and mayo or whatever is in it before eating it. Do I hate KFC slaw! It's absolutely horrendous. ( I have to mention that my auto correct predictive text has become a nightmare! It is actually changing all my correctly spelt words it does not recognise into it's own words without even considering if the words make sense at all - this is AI out of control and gone wrong! No I don't want to switch it off as I still need it for correctly stored people's names.)
All afternoon the sun tried very hard to come out and it almost succeeded but it's become overcast again and it might storm again tonight.
So what did I do all day today - well m post of the time watch the food channel, YouTube channels and research for products on the internet.
And it's raining again.
News headlines today include
A house in Western Sydney has been ambushed and police are investigating as to whether a burnt out mv found nearby was related to the home invasion.
A plane in France has been grounded for the 3rd day as identy checks are carried out due to an Indian people smuggler group. Makeshift beds have been set up outside the airport terminal.
Christmas Day is set to be a cooler grey wet one.
Monday 25th December 2023
Merry Christmas! ( unless you are in a time zone which is behind Australia)
A forcasted top of 27 degrees C with storms in the afternoon.
What a year it has been. I think for someone who hasn't worked in paid employment since November 2022, I still have done so much.
My achiements have been completing my cert 2 in the first half of 2023 in Applied digital Technology which was so much fun and I learnt so much thanks to my teacher Nick at Macquarie Community College Chatswood as well as all my fellow classmates who were equally great. I will never forget Harmony Day and that interactive Cyber Security video we watched. That was so much fun - the decisions we made affects how the video ends and it did not end well - just as well it was not a realise situation.
I told myself that if I did not get a job by July 2023 I would continue my studies in ICT and this I did. Unfortunately I could not finish the last subject of the course due to my fall illness and funeral followed by more illness. I did so well in the course - finishing and passing every subject except that 1 and surprising my classmates in team DJ HEJ or group B2 as we originally called it which did not mean anything so I came up with the team name. I'm proud to have had set up our own little group chat on teams from one subject and continued to use it across all the other subjects. We really worked as a team whereas the other half of the class either dropped out or worked on their own doing the minimal team work. EllaLee thought that I was behind in completing all my subjects - nope only one the Network Build subject but then again half tge class was struggling to finish and I thought I was the only one who offically applied for an extension - hardly any of the other students had finished before the final week! Then there was the complaint about the Thursday teacher who had not market both subjects - I had to advise the classmates that they needed to push her as I spent 5 weeks chasing her and finally told her that I could not attend her last 2 classes because I had started my volunteer digital mentoring program and she marked my assesdments straight away but I found that she had missed 1 section so my result for the subject was still pending so I emailed the admin to chase it for me and advised my classmates to as well. I'm so disappointed with this cert 3 course. Now I am unsure which course to continue with next year. I am still considering gaming.
But my best achievement this year was finally being able to become a volunteer digital mentor which was something I always wanted to do face to face not remotely. I wanted to give back to community with something meaningful. During COVID I did apply for a similar volunteer role that was remote however I am unsure what happened with my application - did I forget to send it? Was it lost ? or was it just another one of those organisations that were just wasting my time by not responding ( I hsve found thst there are a lot of organisations out there that advertise for volunteers and I apply to them but never hear back from them or there is just too much red tape - volunteering should not be like this, they are unpaid positions - you are offering your skills and time pro bono therefore organisations should not be so demanding of volunteers nor should you have to pay to volunteer - one example is when I found out it is $15 per police check which only lasts for 1 year and you require police check for every volunteer position you do not just 1 police check for all positions including paid employment which requires a different police check - ridiculous . My last police check which was free for another volunteer position expired after COVID so I had to reapply for a new one. To make things more complicated it's not instant and different organisation require police checks from different organisations. If you do one from Pharmacy ID they charge $52 If not done through a volunteer organisation. If done through the main volunteering organisation it cost a subsidised $15 using a different National police check organisation and the amount of private information you need to provide is a lot. It freaks me out that major security breaches could occur and hundreds of thousands of volunteers could have their personal information stolen via these organisations. After all the effort I put into completing my application for the volunteer digital mentoring program I hope to continue this for as long as I can.
Still pretty sick today. Sicker then before. I still haven't gone out and it been almost a week now. This hideous cough I have has become worse. Some days it is not as bad but when it is about to rain and during storms like today it gets severe.
I haven't eaten much in the past week - too weak and sick to as I just have been trying to get some sleep any sleep when I'm not fighting my cough which is exhausting.
My brother texted again and one of my first cousin's is planning another get together on 30th Dec. I don't think so I told my brother that I am still pretty sick and not getting any better so won't be able to attend.
I took my rubbish out to the bins which were all full yet someone ( I am pretty sure it is the guy in #3 who is just weird) had already put the rubbish out on Sunday but only put 3 bins out and not all of them. I checked again later tonight and after I made the bins look overfilled by putting my rubbish in the 2 bins which were almost full and he had put the other 2 bins out as well.
I watched Love Actually to the end and finally fell asleep. I put a mask on the rain had stopped and my coughing fit just stopped so I managed to get a relatively good night's sleep.
News headlines today include
Yesterday it was a white Christmas in Western Sydney but not the type you want - not snow but giant hail stones. Other regions of NSW flooded due to torrential rainfall overnight destroying anything in it's path. Bondi Beach became Bondi Falls, Pagewood was flooded and 20 flights had to be diverted delayed or cancelled at Sydney Airport.
Today the weather remained dry and everyone made the most of today out and about or with family. Church services midnight masses present opening and meals organised by charities.
79 year old hit and died in Bonnyrig
The Pope has held a service calling for world peace
Bethlehem has cancelled Christmas celebrations this year due to the war in Gaza.
The King has broadedcasted his Christmas message via video.
Suspected barnicle infested cocaine packages have been showing up on Sydney Beaches.
Carol by candlelight events have been invaded and interrupted by pro Palestinian protests..
The days of cashing a cheque are numbered. The system will be start being phased out by 2024 with no cheque books by 2030.
Tuesday 26th December 2023
I still have not left home to venture out as my coughing fits are still really bad. The harbor came today collecting rubbish from the blue and yellow bins but knocking one of the three red bins out of sight as a result it was missed by the cereal rubbish collection trucks when it passed by.
News headlines today include
28 degrees C with rain today is forecasted.
Boxing Day - which means Boxing Day sales
Sydney to Hobart 78th Yacht Race wherr bad weather is forecasted
Boxing Day Test Honouring Shane Warne Heart Health. Live coverage of the cricket match from 9.30 am today.
The AUS$ to US$ is now up above the $0.68 mark
John Farham has been photographed at the Head of the table at a family Christmas Party
11 drowning have been recoded since 1st Dec a reminder to exercise water safety.
TikTok privacy years- what you don't need a TikTok account to even have your information tracked and collected without your knowledge just by the ads you receive? Just ban TikTok in Australia.
Next years election for QLD premier sees Steven Miles slightly behind Crisafulli.
Taylor Swift was escorted by Santa to watch her boyfriend play sporting a Santa hat with 87 on it. Taylor Swift tops greatest singer of all time tying with Elvis Presley.
Very wet weather over the East Coast of Australia with most of QLD under storm and flood watch. States affected QLD NSW and Vic.
Tennis player Naomi Osaka heads to Australia.
Oz lotto jackpots to $90 million for Boxing Day draw tonight.
3 theme parks are closed today on the Gold Coast due to the severe storm damage.
Wednesday 27th December 2023.
Today it started off ok but - as I was about to leave home thunder lightening and the down pour! So I went back inside and stayed home until the storm blew over and it finally did in about an hour.
I headed off to Macquarie Shopping Centre where I did a massive shop. I needed it as I was living on bits and pieces of whatever I had l aft which was not much.
News headlines today include
Wild weather continues on the East Coast of Australia with 200 housand without power and could remain so until the new year. There were severe hail storms overnight in the Hunter in NSW and flooding in Victoria. In QLD A girl has died being swept a ways by flood waters after she was unable to be revived . 4 lives have been lost .
Today a top of 29 degrees C with showers forecasted in Sydney.
The favourite Scallywag retires early in the first few hours from the Sydney to Hobart due to bow damage and after the near collision between it and Comanche in the Sydney to Hobart resulting in a penalty turn as yachts tossled for a good position in the race.. LDV Comanche takes the lead in the race neck and neck ith Lawconnect. Acadia also suffered damage with a torn windsail.. Current has also retired due to damage where the 2 ladies had to shelter near Eden.
3 lucky people shared in the Oz lotto Boxing day draw division one winnings. All are from NSW. 2 have been sucessfully contacted but the third going dtraight to voicemail.
Due to a fault in a clean water plant in Elmore Victorians have been warned to drink bottled water only. The plant will be out of order for at least the next few days. Meanwhile wild weather damaged the QLD hydro electricity station which will be out of action for repairs at least until June 2024.
Another documentary on the Royal family this time on the coronation of King Charles & Queen Camilla. careful editing leaves no trace of Harry in the documentary.
A paddle boarder has downed at the newly opened Western Sydney Beach when he failed to resurface. This drowning occurred after 2 separate unrelated drowning incidents on the central coast.
A campaign is on to bring the UFC and WWE to QLD.
The same comments or who made the gaff of announcing Taylor Swift as Travis Kelce's wife has done it again!
Sam Mitchell Hawks coach was on holidays with is family in the US when he ended up in hospital with pneumonia.
Australian cook Bill Granger dies aged 54. The cause of death is unknown.
A Million dollars worth of fire fighting equipment was stolen on Christmas Day from volunteer fire fighters in Werribee..
Today it will be a stinking hot 31 degrees C with no rain forcasted although there was a tiny mention that there could be a very slight chance of a shower. I don't think so - the sun is out this morning and I feel a little better. The cough is still lingering but it has changed and not so severe or forced and no longer feel like an asthmatic cough. Still very phlemey though. Yesterday I lost my voice which made it very difficult for me when I went shopping as I could not even ask to change a five dollar note for change for example.
This morning I was up again by 6 am. I slept quite well but I am still really tired. Exhausted from yesterday and the exagerated dreams I was having. My head feels as if it is still not connected to my body after being sick for so long.
First thing I did wash some cherries and ate them. Fruit never tasted so good after being sick for over a week.
Next was to deal with my shower drain blockage problem which has plagued me for the past 3 days and I haven't been able to do anything about it due to being too sick. It was getting so bad. I knew what I had to do . I had purchased the cutest miniture plunger- you know the old fashioned roughly moulded black rubber plunder with the wooden or white plastic handle ? I was surprised that Woolworths had any after going to Coles and all I could find was a plastic bulbous one for the toilet which is not what I need. Anyway I thought it would be a simple job just keep lunging the shower drain and if it does not work then use the drain in clothes pellets ( not train I as that is corrosive and not good for pipe connections). After several attempts it was not working so I plunged the bathroom drain which also did not do anything. What's going on? I then did 2 things poured a small amount of the drain unblocked in the toilet eventhough I hardly have any problems with the toilet and flushed it. Next I poured a small amount down the bathroom drain but concentrated on the bathroom sink although was draining fine I poured a large table spoon or so into it and tried to dissolve the pellets
I did not venture out today but did do my laundry.
I also caught up with the guy in number 3 who thought I had gone awsy over Christmas but no I was sick so haven't left the apartment until yesterday afternoon. I mentioned tgat the guy from number 7 has returned and was told that he came back with a bandaged arm and not happy - self harm perhaps? Nah drugs more likely. He always has his tv on really loudly even in the early morning hours.
News headlines today include
Aussie man along with his brother and wife have been killed in an Israeli air strike . He was on his way to Lebanon to pick up his wife and was about to return to Australia spending time at his brothers house.
Victorians will hit with a gas fee as they phase out gas usage in Victoria after a new law that all new builds will have
120 kg bags of cocaine have been washing in on beaches between Newcastle and Woolongong and police are unsure where the source is from yet.
Sydney suffering a man drought?! If you are looking for a man West is best?!
Comanche and Lawconnect are neck and neck in finishing the Sydney to Hobart yacht race . They hope to reach Constitution Dock sometime this morning. Lawconnect just overtook Comanche and won the Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht race for 2023. A total of 11 boats had to retire from this years race due to damage sustained .
The 9 year old girl that was swept away by the storms has been identified as an autistic girl who loved life and adventure. The 4 others victims have also been identified.
TikTok is being investigated under Australian privacy laws.
The borders of US Mexico are being inundated with Mexicans travelling enmass from all over Mexico hoping to cross over into the US for a better life and conditions . They are sick of the government's corruption.
LucusFilms sues a Chilean carwash over their Star wars themed Starwash.
I have to apologise but my predictive text is getting worse.
Today I went shopping at Chatswood and Macquarie Shopping Centre. I am still very weak and still have my lingering cough but it seems to slowly getting better ( I hope).
I still haven't packed and need to but just can't find a suitcase. I really don't feel like going overseas but have already spent so much money on my trip I have to go.
So much to do still. I plan not to stay for the midnight fireworks this year just for the 9 pm kids fireworks as I need to leave home at 7.20 am the next morning for the airport.
News headlines today include
A top of 26 degrees ( according to the news but Google says a top of 23 degrees C with 70% chance of storms from 1 pm or 2 pm) and storms again.
A SA boy has been attacked at Ethel Beach and died.
The home of the Victorian mushroom poisoning woman has been broken into by thieves 3 times and a set of keys may have bern stolen
Mercedes-Benz is the most recalled car in 2023 recalled 33 times.
Another blow for those residents still recovering from tge Christmas Day tornado that ripped through the region and those still left without power , more wild weather is forecasted for the East Coast of Australia. Meanwhile all 7 residents that died during the QLD storms have been identified with the last 2 women identified as mothers. Still related to weather the BOM is under fire for not warning residents of QLD of wild weather leading to flooding and the lost of a life . It has been blamed for it's inaccuracy to forecast weather which is the bureau's job.
Yalault has had a cyber attack where a ransomware group claims to have stolen sensitive information
The U.S. powerball hits the 1 billion dollar jackpot
The best in tennis arrive in Australia ahead of the United Cup in Perth today.
Celebrities have been honoured at the Kennedy Centre Awards by friends. Barry Gibb, Dionne Warwick & Billy Cyrstal were amongst inductees.
With the war in the middle East there is the risk that Australia could be under local attack. The government has warned that anyone that is a resident of Australia and becomes radicalized or decides to fight f our terrorists either here in Australia or overseas will suffer the consequences as this is a criminal offence. People that come to Australia to escape problems in their own country are given a new chance of life and therefore should repect the laws of Australia.
End of 4 days of Cricket ie the boxing day match - thank goodness! Oh how I hate cricket ! but it's not the end of the cricket season.
Saturday 30th December 2023
A top of 26 degrees C today with showers. So far this morning it's a beautiful clear sunny day.
I've been up since 6 am doing all my lsundry and cooking as much of my leftover food as possible.
Today I plan to book my airport transfers. Purchase a new suitcase. pack and just get ready to leave on Monday morning. Poor QLD will cop another round of wild weather and storms.
Today I went all the way to Bondi junction to STM to purchase a new suitcase. It was a toss between the Burton and Ocean Earth. After much deliberation I chose the Ocean Earth because the Burton had sold out of large suitcases and the only one left was an 86 L one which was far to small after we tested putting a pair of ski boots onto it. Burton are no longer producing suitcases made for the snow - that explains why I can't find any at all in Australia online. Suitcase sorted ( but only after a refund of an overcharge - you can't sell the same product online at a cheaper price then in your one and only shop!)
After I purchased my suitcase it was time to search for a backpack - no success. Then onto my storage unit - I repacked a suitcase but did not need anything from it. Onto my final stop to empty a years worth of mail from my po box and there was heaps of it - it was crammed full! I had no idea how such a small po box can hold so much mail!About a quarter of it was junk.
Finally a train and a walk around town hall before getting back on the train and getting off at Chatswood where I purchased a snackbox from KFC. I had been sick in the morning unable to keep my breakfast down so thought maybe a small non acidic snack maybe ok.
News headlines today include
More tgen 80 councils including The City of Sydney have decided to cancel citizenship ceremonies on Australia day ever since the AA government made it optional to do so.
Kate and Wills have released their wrap of 2023 on social media with photos in a slide show set to music
St Vincent's Health could be fined millions for non compliance of having in place cyber security protocols in the event of a breach as they are being investigated by homeland security. St Vincent's still are unable to determine what information has been stolen. eg staff or patient data services remain unaffected
There was a 5 car pile up in Lithgow leaving 2 dead and several I hired including children taken to Westmead Hospital in critical conditions.
18 shipping containers of fireworks are ready for NYE celebrations and 2250 extra public transport services will be added to ferry party goers to vantage around Sydney which are again free this year.
AFP pay dispute has lead to industrial action.
Gypsy Rose Blanchard shares her first free day out of jail ( if you don't know about her story YouTube it as it is a very well documented case)
Trump maybe removed from ballot papers in yet another US state.
Despite interest rate rises there is still housing price growth with Melbourne the lowest growth.
Sunday 31st December 2024
NYE well almost it's 11.19 pm on Saturday night and it's raining. I'm up doing the filing of my years worth of mail and also my receipts.
I am up because I still haven't packed.
All bills paid but I just can't pay my transfers to the airport.
News headlines today include
It's NYE finally and it's not a very nice day overcast cooler and it looks as if it's going to rain tonight. It's not even 7.30 am and a large group of people have been lining up this morning for the gates to the Opera House to open and let tgem in to get the best vantage point to see the fireworks tonight. 3, 2,1 .... and they are off at around 7.10 am this morning running as if it's a marathon - only problem is there is no finish line or trophy for the first to finish just a 17 hour very long wait until midnight tonight for the fireworks!
Actor Tom Wilkinson dies aged 75.
Paula Abdul files a lawsuit against Nigel Lythgoe for sexual assault from her days on Dancing with the Stars and Idol.
Hard new gaping laws come into effect which will see an increase in visits to the GP to obtain scripts for cape usage.
Shirley Bassey, Emilia Clarke , Paul Hollywood for services to baking were just some of the celebrities named on the Kings Birthday Honour List .