Wednesday 31 July 2024

Thursday 1st - Saturday 31st August 2924

Thursday 1st August 2024

A top of 16 degrees C and showers again. It did rain last night lightly. I can feel it is a bit chilli this morning at 5 am this morning. I woke up early around 4 am this morning.

A pinch and a punch for the first day of the month.

I woke up quite early this morning but went back to bed after having breakfast. 

Today will just be a life admin day and cleaning as the rental unit I am living in is being inspected by the new owners tomorrow . I think everyone is cleaning up as all bins are almost full again. Neighbour # 3 must be on drugs as he is getting a lot of facts wrong I have noticed. I put my rubbish into the correct coloured bins red for general green for plant and vegetable matter blue for paper and cardboard and yellow for plastic bottles containers  and other glass bottles bomtainers as well as metal cans. The yellow and blue bins vary from suburb to suburb depending on local councils. A rare purple bin for glass only I think is also provided by one council in NSW. So my neighbour got the blue and yellow bin incorrect and says someone had put a whole lot of white envelopes into the blue bin - that was me the other day when I separated all my paper cardboard a plastic glass and metal into the correct bins as well as take out my general rubbish. I don't see him ever helping to bring the empty bins back in or take them out as he keeps complaining about his back pain. How can he even take his rubbish out if he has back pain. I bet he puts all his bottles he used to take for recycling and puts them into the wrong bin. Someone put a beer cartin into the container bin and it is too far down to take out and put it into the blue bin so I left it. All the red bins are full again because people are chucking out old clothing and sherts in them. Probably too lazy to wash their clothes like they are too lazy to put tgeir rubbish and separate it into the correct bins. I'm constantly  separating rubbish from the wrong bins as the bins may be rejected if stuff is not in the correct bins.

It's laundry day today and I hope to make some dessert again like a bread and butter pudding made with loads of pear and apple naked ginger custard wholemeal bread and chocolate chips. No added sugar as it is sweet enough already. Yum!

News headlines today include ( a lot of news)

Jess Fox wins another gold in C1 event. Now a dual gold medalist after her k1 event. She is still to compete against her sister

Aussie wins first medal bronze in bmx with the medalist celebrating with a beer and maccas  and also a first medal in shooting since Rio.

Heartbreak in the pool 4th and 5th with Molly and Shayna in the 100 m freestyle missing out on a medal 

Aussie Matildas lose to USA 2 - 1 .

Australia is 4th on the leader board.

Another overnight factory blaze in Footscray outside of Melbourne CBD. 

Another ram raid in Western Sydney where a group of thieves who tried to rob an ATM in a shopping centre. ,  men attack in Greystanes.

Another tobacconist torched after a ram raid and a man assaulted in Strathpine QLD

Trump remarks on Kamala Harris false race claims have surfaced  . He thought she was of  Indian not black hertitage.What?

A former BBC presenter who announced the Queens death has been charged and jailed for indecent photos of children.

Meanwhile the Pies CEO Craig Kelly racism Saga has the support of the President Jeff Brown who says he is not the type of guy who would make those types of racist remarks.

What? US Carl's Jr burger chain is in administration while a new store opens in Towoomba ? This is because company owned stores have gone into administration however franchise ones have not. I have never heard of this burger chain and don't really care. We should be supporting Australian fast food chains not foreign ones. 

Full out war in the Middle East could break out after yet another attack and Hamas leader is assassinated. Terrorist? Peace negotiator?  Finger pointing as to who is to blame.Australians warned to get out of Lebanon by Penny Wong and a travel warning issued . 

2 bodies have been found on a boat in Cammaray. Police are investigating.

A riot breaks out in the UK in Southport over the stabbing atrack that killed 3 children.

Spain swelters in heat waves upto 40 degrees C.

Still no word on the Metro extension opening date which all depends on the aporival of a safety notice.

Post Malone's biggest collab is coming out.

Kylie seen at Ibiza on the dance floor.

The government may tmrefuse to step in to save Rex Airlines but a freight company may . Qantas has stepped in to assist stranded passengers after Virgin Airlines did and they may even bail Rex out of administration.

Australia blamed over Chinese doping scandal what? blaming it on the meat?!

Another craft beer company bites the dust sacking employees on the spot and going into administration as a result of the rising cost of living . Don't ask me which one, there is more then one recently.

The demand of larger housing rentals has increased over single units due to the costs of living alone compared to share housing arrangements which works out quite a lot cheaper per person when rent and utliity bills are shared. Makes sense so maybe more boarding houses and co living apartment blocks and houses should be built.

Wicked movie Green and Pink  babies have been released.

Aussie swimmer Michael Klim reflects on his Olympic career and the current Olympic team and has teamed up with ancestry to discover performance traits.

Kevin Costners 2nd instalment a sequel to his movie Horizons is to debut in Venice. The first part of his movie which he self funded was a flop but says you need to see both parts of his movie to understand the concepts behind it.

Snoop Dog getting swimming lessons from Michael Phelps.

An Olympian and swim coach has slammed the Chinese swimmer winner of the mens 100 m saying it's not humanly possible and feels sorry for Karl Charmers who came 2nd. 

The trio responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attack in a plea deal have escaped the death penalty and will serve life in prison.

Final safety checks are being performed on the Metro extension line but when will it open? A real life rescue trial is being performed but the government is not announcing a new opening date yet as a precaution.Concrete is still being poured at Crows Nest Metro Station and the timetable is being adjusted with additional buses to make up for bus services that were cut on the date of the opening of the Metro. Derr  the government should have thought of this problem possibly occurring and put a plan in place to have  parallel services running for at least a few weeks until everything functions correctly and to timetable on the not so new Metro extension line  .

A new Western Sydney link is planned.

A toddler  in the US has fallen and has been trapped in a pipe. Rescued he is a bit shaken and dirty but fine.

A Jewish man who wanted to laminate or was it copy a Jewish news article was refused service at an Office works.  He did not want to be identified but too Officeworks with his complaint to the tribunal. The employee who is pro Palestian who was following company policies and procedures was not stood down by management but sent to a trains course and  be re educated by visiting a holocaust museum as part of their re education/training.

A new drug that is better then Ozempic is being made available called Wegovy - sound so dodgey - I mean Chinese. Higher doses than Ozempic but this new drug used for weight loss rather then to treat diabetes will stop chemists manufacturing dupes of Ozempic. It is over $2000 a month in the US but only around $500 in Canada and the UK and it seems it may be a similar price in Australia when made available. 

Friday 2nd August 2024

A top of 17 degrees C today and showers.

Well all bins are overflowing again as everyone rushes to clean out their apartments for the inspections this morning. 

Today I went to Chatswood to the library to do my tax return and I was about to leave when the new property manager arrived. We spoke about the rubbish situation and apparently the cleaner is meant to take the bins out buthe comes on a Tuesday when bins have to go out on the Monday night and he only comes twice a month not weekly. So glad she saw the overflowing bin situation today! Everyone was cleaning their apartments and there was so much rubbish overflowing in every single bin!

I spent quite a few hours at the library completing a large part of my tax return which is not that complicated this year as I haven't been working but studying the whole financial year. Students were waiting for me to leave my little spot at Chatswood library this afternoon as every single desk and corner in the library was full. It's always like this. Students in the Lower North Shore don't spend their time stealing and attacking , they are all hanging out at Chatswood library . To get a spot with a power point or charging station or even just a desk you need to get there as soon as the library opens 7 days a week and almost until closing times. We need a bigger library in Chatswood and more resources. I love Chatswoid library . There is also the Tafe campas library at St Leonards but it closes at 7 pm and does not open on weekends or usually during holidays and another smaller newer library in the new shopping area where the large Coles is located but it's only open limited hours and is not open on Mondays and Tuesdays unfortunately and again you have to get there early and fight for a spot to sit at a desk when it's open. Often I have to sit on the floor at both Chatswood and St Leonards libraries just to do some work as long as it has a power point. Not comfortable but power points and charging stations are essential for long stints on electronic devices in libraries. The libraries also get quite noisy. There is a quiet pod at Chatswood library but you need to book it and there is a time limit and no teens are allowed to book it under a certain age. Sometime if the collab creative events room is not being used I will set myself up in there until the events start. 

I am still missing a few pieces of info though like not being able to log into my Telstra account - yep another problem with another account related to Telstra. And I still have nor received a response from HCF for a tax statement. It gets worse I actually went to HCF at Chatwood Westfield to get a copy of my tax statement for my income protection as it was holding up my completion of my tax return preparation. Well the customer service I received was so bad I am do glad I finally left their private health insurance after decades of problems with them but I kept my income protection insurance going as you can't suspend this even when not working and no other private health insurance offers this insurance and because it has tax benefits. So I asked a whole lot of questions about my policy which I have also had for decades with them. And this is the type of customer service I received - I made them stay back well beyond their closing time to sort my problems out!

1 . I received a phone call asking if I wanted to continue my income protection policy or not and if I did not I would have to fill in a form to cancel it. I was still thinking about it and was about to make a monthly payment via bpay tgat have been doing since I purchase it decades ago. I did not ask to cancel it.

2. I made a payment by bpay and it bounced back . This has never happened before with any of my bpay payments to any organisation over the decades I have been using the service. It said refund of overpayment .What? 

3. I sent an inquiry on the HCF website asking for a tax statement and change of email address. I did not receive a response 

4. When I visited the HCF branch at Chatswood Westfield today I inquired about all of tge above and was told that my policy had been cancelled back in March 24 for being in arrears when it was never in arrears and had been paid by bpay since I took out the policy and I've never had a bounce back until this particular incident. And asked why I wasn't informed. I also found out that my email address was not updated as requested and I also asked for a tax statement which I was told would take some time. I said no I want it now because no one responded to my inquiry I sent on line. They also told me that it was not their fault that my payment bounced back and to contact bpay. It is not bpays fault it is their fault as they have a very long history of misallocating my payments over the decades that I have had both my membership and income protection with them.I have a golder full of complaints. I finally gave up and went to another private medical insurance company which I keep think I have to pay monthly ( again by bpay) but with one phone call to get a copy of my tax statement, I was told I had I think 2 months free as I must have signed up and received this offered but still kept thinking I need to pay my membership so kept paying it . My parents were with Bupa and I was with them before I defected to my chosen private medical fund HCF - bad choice. So many problems.

Getting back to my visit to HCF and speaking to a real person but not so bright person. She was told by the manager to call the office to get a copy of my tax statement and find out about my cancellation of my policy. Apparently it was in arrears and therefore cancelled and despite having written down my request for a tax statement she hung up without asking for a copy so had to ring the office back. She said I had to make a payment now if I wanted to reinstated my policy.  I argued tgat they can't just cancel my policy especially if I have paid it and have had it for decades as qell as advising me tgat if I decide to cancel have to fill out a form. She said there is a waiting period - I was the one who bought this up. The manager told her that there wasn't one but a new policy number had to be issued. The policy also increased by $13 a month. I don't understand what is going on as they said I had a credit next to my policy still. The policy tgat was cancelled back in March that I did not know about because they did not inform me of or respond to my inquiry or send me a tax statement I requested for? Anyway I made them wait until I transferred some fund into my account to pay for one month to reinstate my policy temporarily. I made it clear that I am taking this to the tribunal and how I left their private medical insurance after decades due to all the problems with payment misallocations and extremely poor customer service they provided. Oh I finally got a copy of my tax statement for my income protectionby email after they changed my email address today which had not been done.

I went home quite angry and found the bins even more overflowing!

And that was my day. I did get a spicy chicken burrito as dinner from my favourite gyg and I did do a very tiny grocery shop as I forgot my shopping bag so could only fit a bottle of water a box of tissues and a packet of compost able snaplock sandwich sized bags in my backpack and tech bag. 

Oh and I paid 3 weeks rent in advance because the new property management company does not do bpay ( I'm not the only tenant that used to pay rent via bpay - yep first no WiFi and now no bpay). I usually pay on Monday but lucky I paid in advance today as Monday is bank public holiday so all the banks will be  closed in NSW. 

News headlines today include

A bronze in the 20 km run. Another Gold in the swimming 4 x 200 m relay with a new commercial to the team of 4 Olympians. Queen Mary ( yes Australia's Tassie Mary) hugs Arianda Titmas and Molly O' Callaghan. Titmas it has been revealed is related to Queen Mary so it was a family affair by the poolside.

Australia drops to 4th spot on the leader board. Meanwhile there are storms in Paris. Meanwhile pin swapping is big and began from the first Okympic games when pins were made of thread not laminated metal.

Another arson attack in Hoxton Park in Sydney's South West on a kebab shop  . 2 people were doing their laundry at the time. A teenager was arrested.

Another stabbing atrack at a shopping centre outside of Melbourne. A teen is fighting for his life . There seems to be a serious crime every single day in every single state. Is this because crime is increasing and out of control or just an increase in crime incident reporting on the news?

A lawn mover accident in QLD that killed a woman is being investigated .

QLD premier defends the 2032 Olympic Games after all the drama over the controversy in the planning. QLD now has 8 years to get it right in time to host a sucessful Olympic Games. ( depends if he gets re elected doesn't it - there is nothing worse then a change of government in the middle of planning a major event or infrastructure) Details of the athletes village and affordable housing has been made available.

A fire-fighter was shocked by electricity when opening the door of a metro train during a safety drill.

Britney Spears is back working on a secret Biopic.

Tones & I has new music.

Peter Boles has arrived in the Olympic Village ahead of the athlete events .

A boat made from 15000 beer cans sailed in 1977 ftom Darwin to Singapore. Now his son is into craft beer. International Beer Day is being celebrated with a craft beer festival and the beer Olympics.

3 American hostages have finally been released from Russia . This was the most complicated hostage exchange ever taking years to plan involving multiple countries.

Meghan and Harry back in front of the camera and ready to shock protecting children.

Tomorrow it will be 19 degrees C and mostly sunny.

Saturday 3rd August 2024

Happy International Mustard Day!

A top of 19 degrees today but cloudy - not where I am, the sun was beaming in the window this morning and was so bright I had to pull the blind down.

Today I'm not going to do much but relax.

The sun is still out but there are a few grey clouds out. 

This morning I had 2 slices of barramundi in a crumb coating made with fresh herbs whatever I had on hand, fried shallots, garlic granules, chili flakes salt pepper vegetable stick cubes rice flour sesame oil and a few other things. I also made a fruit stack made from leftover fruit salad mainly strawberries raspberries persommons lime juice yellow kiwi and mandarins sandwiched in between leftover filo pastry sheets naked candied ginger dark chocolate chips and leftover  vanilla custard powder mixed with water baked in the oven. I hope this is as good as my apple pear ginger chocolate vanilla custard  filo stacks I make.

I noticed that the more I clean the dirtier one of the walls and door gets in the studio.  I wonder if what I am cleaning with is reacting with the paint on the walls and doors. It looks like mold but I just wiped it yesterday with some beach. Maybe I'll just wipe it with disinfectant next time.Could be something already under the paint not on top of it and just painted over. 

News headlines today include

2 more gold in the pool in a 9 minute span. Veteran Dolphins swimmer at his 4th Olympics Cameron McEvoy wins the 50 m freestyle and Kaylee Mckeown defending her 200 m backstroke  gold medal from Tokyo ( backstroke has to be the most difficult swimming stroke I believe) . Note : I hope auto correct hasn't changed the McKeon with the McKeown in my blog. Two different swimmers, 2 different swim strokes. Apologies it it has. I have not gone back and checked. 

Sakakibara wins in BMX after her failure in Tokyo - she said she did it for her brother who suffered a horrific brain injury from the sport. Australia is now back in 3rd spot on the leader board ahead of the USA. 

Another home invasion and a house then set on fire in Minto South West of Sydney. The attackers are still on the run. This is the second attack on this house according to neighbours.2 women inside escaped and a man has head injuries attacked by 2 men unknown to the man.

Queensland's tobacco wars continue. Business owners fear for their lives as attacks explode.

Another humpback whale has been saved off the Gold Coast by Seas World Rescue. This has been the 4th whale rescue since the whale migration started. 

In football Parramatta Eels wins over Worriers in NRL.

After the leionaires outbreak in Melbourne, the largest since 200 a few days ago, where most are adults over 40 were infected, a 90 year old woman has died from it.

There are calls for 10 days paid leave for menopause to help women at work but the argument is menopause and perimenipause last much more then 10 days and symptoms very and last for years not just a few hot flushes.

Justin Timberlake found guilty of drink driving in court. He is currently touring..

Sunday 4th August 2024

A really sunny morning and a forecasted top probably of 18 degrees C today. The temperature is so consistent there really hasn't been a Winter this year or is is coming in August. Winter is almost over and Spring is next month !

Well the new Metroline line extension that was suppose to open today didn't but I still had to do a medium grocery shop as I was running out of certain items again. 

I have uploaded another 2 videos onto my YouTube channel on my observations of the Metro line as it continues to test it's trains. It could be chaos for commuters tomorrow on public transport if there is public transport! There is lack of signage around or the incorrect signage on public transport services and if you go to the NSW transport website good luck. It is a little confusing in parts and keeps changing but it does outline all the  bus services that will be cancelled or amended and any new bus services that will be added but unclear when they will start or end running.

News headlines today include

Another car crash as a car T bone accident has occurred on Forest Rd Peakhurst.

Trump is running scared and pulled out of a debate in September against Kanala Harris instead  running to Fox news to rescue him in an alternative debate with the TV station. Kanala Harris will appear at the debate regardless of whether Trump is shows up or not. 

A missing mum and baby was last seen in Logan Reserve

More riots in UK over the Southport attack where 3 girls were killed.

A NSW father is feared dead after a crocodile atrack in the NT.

Jimmy Barnes has had to cancel his tour around Australia due to another health energency a twinge in his hip which had a second  remedial surgery but he says he will be back with dates of his tour rescheduled. He is so tough having survived open heart surgery and Puemonia previously.

A repeat batch of Bluey gnomes are back on the shelves at Bunnings after they sold out. A collectable Gnome known as Hammerbarn is already reselling on ebay for $500. There are limits on how many per customer can be purchased as they are selling out again. 

The late Elizabeth Taylor has unseen footage of her released.

Australia was apparently up in 2nd place for a very brief time on the ladder board before dropping back down to 4th with a gold on the the men's pairs tennis  ( Ebden and Peers) - the first won since the Woody's ( one of the men's pairs actually looks a little like one of the Woodys). Kaylee Mckeown won 2 bronze ( after one race where US swimmer was disqualified for an illegal turn pushing Kayee up to the bronze position)  and Ariana Timus swum again US rival Ledecky winning silver again in the 800 m frestyle. Ledecky is the queen and unrivaled 800m and 1500 m distance swimmer. This rivalry will continue for a while.A silver in Windsurfing the first since Barcelona. 

As the national average mortgage increases over $150 per day abd the housing market gets tighter , more and more Australians are  flat and house sharing instead of living alone which is more expensive  A story has immersed of an unlikely flatshare with an elderly lady sharing with a young student 72 years or so in age difference. Affordable housing is becoming so difficult to find.

Snoop Dog steals the Olympics. Everyone wants a selfie with him. He even has a person pin which if you get your hands on one are valuable pin swap items.

AA is at the Garma festival in the NT to announce economic plans.

Monday 5th August 2024

More showers and a top of 18 degrees C for Sydney today.

It's overcast outside but not raining at all. The road is dry. I'm watching a Unity tutorial on YouTube and hear a bang but it's not as loud as previous ones. I look out the window and there is a crash just outside the apartment driveway . It did not hit the mail box block this time and was not a solo car crash but a 2 car crash however there are 3 cars involved . Noone is hurt but there is damage to the front passenger side light ( you can hear the crunch of tyres driving over the broken glass on the road) and possibly a rear ender bender. It's just after 12 noon. What happened? A blue sedan hit a white Sedan with the woman in a 3rd sedan behind also getting out to inspect what happened. A young skinny Asian guy gets out of the driver's seat of the blue sedan who looked to have the worse damage just a smashed front passenger side light. Surprised my neighbour #3 didn't hear it and run out but the crazy man that used to live next door to his unit did and spoke to one of the passengers in the 3rd white car which did not seem to have any damage.The white cars have disappeared now but the blue damaged sedan is still parked on the road outside the driveway of the apartment block. Should they have both their blinkers on? ( I don't drive so don't know about hazard lights) .They are getting beeped at by cars as they are blocking a lane of traffic which is quite constant at the moment outside in both directions.

After the tow truck came and towed the blue car away, I kept hearing the crunch of tyres driving over glass but unsure where it was coming from. Surely the crash wasn't that bad. Anyway after 1 pm the fire brigade came and blocked the lanes off on the road heading towards Chatswood and manually cleaned yo the mess on the road from the crash using brooms. Sweeping the debris to the side of the footpath.

My neighbour in # 7 sorted the rubbish as best as he could into the correct bins so it did not overflow but nobody has taken the bins out still and it's getting dark after 4 pm. Either waiting until it is darker when others put the bins out or they just can't be bothered. Some of the neighbours are so lazy , they fill the bins up overflowing and don't even bother to sort their rubbish into the correct bins yet they won't take out the bins.

If I put the bins out again then everyone will think they don't have to do it as there is already someone allocated to do it.

I did absolutely nothing today. Can't go out everyday. 

I had to take the bins out tonight but had some help from neighbour #7 who had previously sorted the rubbish and he found a spare red bin in the park and sneaked it back somehow. He said it was just sitting in the park. I said it's probably the one that was stolen from outside in the carpark from this apartment block during COVID ( a man just walked into the carpark one day and took off with the large red wheelie bin which was empty at the time and after I had it rrplaced by ringing a rather  rude council officer for one, deciding to mark all the bins with the apartment block number so they won't get stolen again) 

Anyway I did not notice the number of bins and had increas and  counted them ( the extra bin was pointed out by neighbour # 3) I still want to hide the bins or padlock them after they are emptied so the other disgusting lazy neighbours can't dump their rubbish into the incorrect bins, over fill them with their uber eats bags or in any of the bins actually. 

I was doing some more of my tax return , playing games and fell asleep. 

News headlines today include

Another person in their 60s has died in Melbourne from the growing cases in legionnaires disease. There have now been 77 cases reported and it is sill unknown where the source is.

Camel races are on in regional QLD. 

50 cent fares across all public transport bus rail ferry start in QLD today and is a 6 month trial but it is yet to be seen how popular this scheme will be . Claims it will relieve traffic congestion on roads and save residents a lot of money easing the costs of living expenses. public transport usage has not bounced back to pre covid levels and hopes tgat this scheme will make public transport popular again. Fat chance this scheme will ever be implemented in Sydney - we can't even get any form of public transport bus rail and train to work!

Djokovic wins gold in tennis against alcarez. 

Giants win over Gawks as PM AA watches on.

A silver for Meg Harris ( who interestingly has a hearing impairment) in the 50 m and another silver for the women's medley relay team. Showing the great rivalry between the Aussie and US swim teams at the Olympics. It is the final day in the pool for the Aussie swim team.

High jump one silver and a shared bronze.

Kookaburra's out of Olympics.

Jess Fox has finished her Olympic campaign overnight being knocked out by her own sister Naomi.

Jacinta Allen's Victorian government support has dropped according to polls and is now neck and neck with the opposition.Her handling of the Victorian health system budget cutd is to blame.

Slow down in food inflation could be a factor in the interest rate decision as the RBA prepares to make it's interest rate announcement tomorrow. Economists still think they will hold interest rates this month.

Olympic surfing completion continues to be postponed in Tahiti. 

Virgin has discounted domestic airfares whereas Jetstar is having a 72 hour sale domestically and internationally particularly to Japan.

Mount Edna has erupted in Italy with recent increases in volcanic activity. 

Another car crash in Melbourn's suburbs in Buleen where a mini van crashed into a truck, one man died.

Another car crash in Padstow on the main road connecting Southern Sydney to Western Sydney has occurred overnight. A man is fighting for life whilst 3 men are still on the run fleeing the crash scene.

No Aussies in this race but USA Noah Lyles has become the fastest runner in the mens 100 m final sprint winning gold by the narrowest margin.

Drinking from plastic bottles cause high blood pressure and drinking tap water reduces blood pressure. It was only a small study of 8 people over 2 weeks but showed microplastics do cause blocked arteries. I better stop drinking countless bottles of lightly sparkling mineral water then as they are in plastic bottles! Maybe that's what's causing my increase in allergies!? It's harming my immune system. This is why I hate those triangular teabags made of that plastic mesh instead of paper but apparently there is still micro plastics as a lining in those paper teabags as well. 

Zac Effron was taken to hospital whilst partying at Ibiza . It is unsure if he had a medical episode whilst swimming in the pool. I think it was probably party drugs involved.

Ed Sheeran shows his gerky side and plays Pokemon before his shows.

"Tropical North Victoria" or Mildura, Shane Jacobs has put himself in the QLD firing line in a new tourism campaign for Victoria. 

A rare onager has been born in the UK with only 600 left in the wild .

Tom Brafy has posted at selfie of himself at 47 years old.

Justin Bieber and his wife have shared last photos of themselves before they welcome their baby Bieber.

2000s UK pop group S Club 7 has made a come back at UK Pride having a great time performing. With the death of one of their members, they can't be called S Club 7 anymore -   How about rebranding themselves to S Club 6?

Another meth drug bust outside of Melbourne worth $280 million.

Airlines are slot hogging  premium slots at Sydney Airport blocking out any other airlines  and minimising competition. A new airline slotter his being implement with strict conditions , one being not having any conflicts of interest. 

Harry and Meghan address internet trolls in their first interview since Oprah.

Australia's terror treat warning has increased with 50% possible to probable. Mainly terrorism from radicalisation has been seen I  teenage boys especially noticed from the past 8 attacks in Australia.

Tuesday 6th August 2024

I slept in again this morning until 7 am. The sun was glaring in through my window. A top of 16 degrees C and mostly sunny today.

Today was another do nothing day. The cleaner came to clean and take the bins back in. I hope the yellow bin was emptied as it could have been missed due to the cleaner moving it off where it was placed last night and where it should be to be visible to the garbage collection truck. The cleaner dies his job but it is useless that he only come on a Tuesday when the bins have already bern emptied and anyone can take the bins back in. He needs to be here to take thefull bins out every Monday!

News headlines today include

The stock market took a tumble in Australia and internationally yesterdayaffecting superannuation funds. I have always never believed in relying on my retirement from superannuation. It's a useless compulsory employer contribution retirement fund to have unless you spend the time to self manage one which most people don't and just have am industry or retail super fund. I have more then I have in my super fund which is esten up by fees and life and personal  disability and accident insurance. And this will discontinue if you or your employer does not contribute once a year to your super fund. Super is too complicated to follow.  I would have earned more over all my emyears of working if I just had a simple high interest earning retirement saving bank account which I could not touch until 65 retirement age which was tax free. Now that's what simple self managed superannuation should be and not the shit system in place. Maybe this economic stock market downturn will result in the RBA being more likely to make a hold in interest rate decision. The RBA has left rates on hold for now but it is unsure for long due to the downturn in the stock market last Fri and Sunday. The US Wall Street stock exchange is on the brink of recession and a flow on affect is likely to be felt globally .

No more wfh demanded by Minns government as public servant workers in NSW must return to the office 5 days a week from today. 

Jess Fox jumps into the water after her sister Naomi Fox qualified then won a gold medal in the final canoe cross race at the Olympics. Jess may have been knocked out in the qualifiers but she was glad her sister had a chance to take the spotlight and winning.

Australia was up to 2nd position for a very short time before dropping back to 3rd position on the leader board .

Surfing is back on at the Olympics , pole vaulting, track and field and skate boarding are still to competed.

In increase in online shopping has resulted in an increase in home security cameras as more delivery packages are stolen, not delivered or damaged.

Snoop Dog & Martha Steward stole the show at the Olympic Equestrian event with their fashion and reportedly paid $500 a day to appear- a free holiday! They are just 2 of countless celebrities in Paris watching the Olympic sports. Meanwhile Serena Williams has taken to social media ranting and asking for an apology for being refused entry , turned away to a roof top balcony dining venue. The restaurant apologied for not being able to accommodate her as the French restaurant was fully booked. 

Meanwhile team Canada's Olympic uniform compared to bacon online.

Australian swimmers were gifted pairs of gold Rossi boots and Gina Reinhart invited Australian swimmers to a party so they could let their hair down after the swimming events are over. Ariana Titmas has announced that she will be taking a much needed break from swimming and it could be a year before she returns to competitive swimming.

British silver medalist  diver has gone viral for his knitting skills where he knitted some Paris Olympic items. 

Human remains have been found inside a crocodile in Cooktown but they are yet to be identified after the crocodile was shot yesterday and a man fishing was dragged in the water by a crocodile. The Australian father that died as a result of being dragged into the water by a crocodile was praised for saving his wife.

Another hit & run in Geelong.

Cavoodle are the most popular breed of dogs along with labradors.

Jimmy Barnes is recovering well and out of ICU with visits ftom a grandson.

A silver in surfing has put Australia back to 4th on the leader board.

The last rat of Tobruk Tom Pritchatd has died aged 102. 

A Coles supermarket automated distribution hub in Sydney's West will create jobs and service most of NSW's few hundred supermarkets. Coles takes on Costco with bulk buys.

Former NSW premier Domonique Perrotte gives his final parliamentary speech and admits to mistakes during COVID. 

Travel warning to Australians heading to the UK amidst violent riots and protests.

Google has been sued for their monopoly of search engine.

AI is helping people secure loans in the time it takes to have their lunch break.

Wednesday 7th August 2024

A top of 18 degrees C today and sunny.

I woke up at 7 am this morning. My next four neighbour was up in the middle of tge night and early hours of tge morning watching movies with the volume really loud. The smoke detector in the hall at the other end also went off again I suspect there is a defect with the smoke detector setting it off as everytime I have the fan or heater on in my apartment it seems to set it off but when I turn it off it stops. Although it could be my next door neighbour as he tends to eat cheese toasties in the middle of tge night in his apartment ( he told me so and I can smell it sometimes using his toast oven). It could also be the rather heavy maker at the other end of the apartment on the top floor. 

Anyway my allergies continue with random coughing fits watery eyes and runny nose. I am sure any type of micro soray or dust and cheese are definite allergens and set off my allergies. Happens all the time with cheese with particular hard cheeses I love to eat unfortunately. Goat cheese not as much but it is a lot more expensive to purchase.

It's Dental health awareness week where only 52% of Australians brush their teeth twice a day.

Well today we received an email about a dirty kitchen - why am I unsurprised. It is probably the same resident(s) that does not clean the lint basket out and if they do leaves it on top of the 2nd washing machine in a pile. And the same resident(s) that does not separate their rubbish or take out the bins when they over fill all the rubbish bins. I don't use the kitchen- never have because the state of it is just so bad. There is a sign above the bench to clean up after yourself but residents are ignoring it. I have drafted an email in response to the new real estate agents  one expressing my concerns. Sould I send it? I don't want to be evicted for speaking out like my neighbour was when he complained about the wifi being cut off. It's a health hazard.

News headlines today include

Gold Coast Arisa Twew 14 years old is Australia's youngest Gold medalist in skateboarding. The Boomers with Patty Mills are out of the basketball losing to Serbia. Australian bike team wins a bronze medal beating France , a dream come true for cancer surviver Matt who crashed out in the  Tokyo Oympics. Australia is now hovering between number 3 and 4 on the leader board.

Another teen crime, 5 teens arrested after a wild police pirsuit in a stolen car outside of Melbourne 40 km away.

A man has been charged in Penrith court yesterday for the fire in Kingswood in Sydney's West.

Another Victorian earthquake measuring 4.1 on the Richter scale has occurred near Woods  Point. Not the first time the town has been hit by an earth quake with the last one above 5 on the Richter scale.

A car has hit a church in Adelaide.

Liza Minelli has put pen to paper in a new memoir Kids Wait Unitl You Hear This.

Rates may have stayed on hold yesterday but bad news no interest rate cuts for at least 6 months . This is argued is a result of the government's tussle between the RBA giving out assistance after assistance packages to ease the cost of living for residents.

A new biography has been released of Princess Kate.

Illegal fishing boats hiding have been busted by boarder patrol in WA Kimberley region known for it's sea cucumbers.

Melissa Wu calls it a day after finishing 11th in the diving event at her 5th Olympics.  He team mate Ellie Cole ( not to be confused with the retired Olympic medal winning swimmer Ellie Cole) debuted in her first Olympics finishing 7th.

A teacher has been suspended and accused of having sex with a 17 year old boy.

A Western Sydney warehouse worker has been accused of stealing and selling online Bluey coins. The pallet of coins were stolen ftom the back of a truck but was not discovered missing in Brisbane until staff did an inventory count and discovered the batch of missing Bluey coins one month later. A real life Bluey Bandit.

PNG's power network an energy asset could be bought by China.

Lack of trades, delays in new houses being built - this is how bad the housing crisis is in NSW.

Police Commissioner is corrupt over gin purchased with police comisdioner fund which she alleges are gifts to hide to visiting ploice dignitaries and she never opened a bottle for herself. Meanwhile hundreds of police protection vests have gone missing 

Kamala Harris has chosen her running partner Tim Walz but already branded extreme lefts.

$4.25million win for victims of Melissa Caddick but how does it compared to what they originally lost. This is 32 c per $ mostly from the funds from the sale of her Edgecliff apartment.

More shooting raids of homes in South Western Sydney bikes targeted by police. Guns drugs other weapons etc were ceased .

What Kiwi PM has a dig at Aussie language?

Chinese flying cars will be on display in Melbourne this weekend.

Thursday 8th August 2024

Sydney Sunny today and a top of 20 degrees C! 

Well it's been 3 weeks yesterday since the course I did not finish and re enrolled in commenced and I still have attended any classes continued with any assessments or contacted any of my former classmates or teachers not even the head teacher. I have been watching quite a few tutorial videos. zi'm just not interested in C# or so called AI which is not really AI  but I am curious about ML in Unity and Python . I haven't done any experimenting yet just watching videos. 

Another life admin day but I am running out of groceries again.

Today I paid my Telstra bill oops a little late because I forgot but I did remember the price increase on the 4th or 5th August 24. Everything just keeps going up. 

I am slack and still haven't checked sbd lodged my very basic tax return this financial year to my tax agent. 

Every day I ensure I have a good breakfast which includes most if not all of the food groups  and ensure I have a hot black or green tea, a juice and a probiotic drink usually Yakault with a piece of dark chocolate if I have any.

Today I need to consider emptying my bin ( although not full yet) , do my laundry and wash my dishes.

Finally completed and checked my tax return done on a spreadsheet and emailed it to my tax agent along with relevant documents attached  today.

News headlines today include

Victorian hospitals have been thrown a $1.58 million life line by the Australian government although it is unsure how the funds will be split amongst the hospitals.

A payrise of 15 % for early childcare workers over 2 years and capped child care fees for 12 months.

Another Arson attack in Logan QLD 

Disgraced Olympian Tom Craig a member of the Kookaburra's men's hockey team was found in pocession of 1 g on the drug cocaine when the team was out at an function in the red light district. He was caught buying cocaine and arrested by police. He was put into custody but released after 18 hours with only a warning before making  a public apology and admitting that he made a mistake. .He was to march in the closing ceremony but has been stripped of his Olympic privileges  and will not be marching in the ceremony and has left the village to go on a holiday so not much can be done anyway. There will be other consequences when he returns to Australia as Chef de Comission of the Australian Oympic team Anna Meares and others support him and will offer him help if he needs it.

Taylor Swift concerts have been cancelled in Europe due to territory threats by a teenager claiming allegiance to Islamic state in Vienna. 

Skateboader Keegan wins back to back gold medals ( he won in Toyko as well) . 4 gold medals in one day bringing a total of 18 gold and currently 3rd on the leader board.Pole vaulter Nina Kennedy wins gold as well as Aussies winning gold in cycling and sailing ( delayed until conditions improved)

Accused murderer of missing mother Samantha Murphy faces court and her family are hoping for some answers. Her body still has not been found.

Facebook Whistle-blower opposes ban for social media for under 16 due to the fact that damage goes beyond the age of 16 and may cause more damage. More warnings need to be disclosed instead.

An Adelaide swim club sinks. The pool was undergoing a refurbishment but now it's future is now up in the air. 

Cows are running wild in suburban streets on the Gold Coast believed to be from a property across the NSW border.

Blake Lively ( starring and producing her own movie It Ends With Us ) takes on husband Ryan Reynolds at the box office. 

Hamilton returns to Sydney on its second tour at the Lyric Theatre.

Tenacious D comes back after cancelling their tour in Australia after those Trump assination comments. 

Calls for intervention as fears PNG could sell its power grid to China. PNG says they are not selling. Is AA sure about this? Australian government is too innocent and too soft and can't stand up for itself which is a problem. If war broke out tomorrow China would wipe us out immediately - that's how unprepared I personally think the government is and as a country.

A Nike store in Melbourne has been destroyed

NASA astronauts are stranded in space where Boeing"@ Starlinee is docked at the international space station. Debate is whether it is safe to bring the astronauts home back to the US as scientist continue to figure out the fault on the space craft. They could remain in space until February but they are not stranded in space. The passengers were only suppose to be in space for 8 days, they have now been stranded in space for 64 days and it is unsure when a retrieval rocket will be available to return them to Earth. They are likely to spend Christmas in space. Talk about a one way ticket to the moon, just like a Jetstar cancelled flight isn't it?- pay for a budget return ticket and chances are the flight is cancelled or delayed due to mechanical problems leaving you stranded somewhere . I can't imagine being stranded on the international space station to be any less comfortable then staying at an international youth hostel however the international space station can't exactly kick the 2 stranded astronauts out after the 21 days or so limit stay most international youth hostels can do if you become stranded!

Part of a crane platform working on Metro site Gadigal Station in the Sydney CBD crushed an Australia Post van narrowly missing 2 Australia Post workers.  The piece of metal plummeted 20 m onto the van caused by a snapped rope. The Metro will not be delayed anymore due to the accident.

The teacher caught having sex acts on a 17 year old student in her car and at her home when another student walked in on them has been charged with 2 accounts of sexual offences and suspended from her teaching job.

The gin jokes are out on the police comisdions usage of tax payers money to purchases expensive bottles of gin as "gifts"

Rex employees grounded have gathered at a farewell bashing an effigy of the outgoing CEO with a large payout. They can't access their benefits, can't start new jobs and are unsure what is going on  etc as administrator move in.

"Democracy Manifest" Jack  Karlson arrested for credit card fraud whilst eating "A succulent Chinese meal "has died from a long illness. He passed away from advanced prostate cancer and his life support switched off at the age of 82. 

There is a link between micro pastics and the increase in autism cases. BPA exposure can come from drinking out of soft plastic bottles  touching till receipts and microwaving or heating plastic containers.

Japan has been rocked by a 7.1 magnitude earthquake.

Friday 9th August 2024

I woke up at 6.30 am this morning . I had some weird dreams again but It's my fault as I ate cheese before going to bed and this is known to give you cheese dreams  or nightmares. My weird dreams were I was on a vintage train travelling through some underground tunnels when it broke down and we had to get off it . There were people screaming that the they could see the wheels of the train on fire . The trains were partially made of wood it seemed and it was a long walk back through the train carriage and through some sort of platform through the tunnels to safety as you could not get off as there was this huge gap that was getting wider between the train and platform on a wedge shape where the carriage may have derailed. So I am walking and following the other passengers through the train and was seeing all these other vintage trains and trams along the other tracks and tunnels parked stationary next to other platforms. It was if zi was in a heritage transport museum except deep underground in Sydney's CBD. Then I woke up but I did not want my dream or nightmare to end. It was a lityle dark but I was not spooked by my weird cheese induced dream/nightmare.

It's still Winter but today it's a top of 21 degrees C.  

Science Week is next week and there was an interactive game of trust so I decided to download it from the play store. Some games are good to play but terrible in design. I could not find the button to exit the game which meant you were trapped and had to continue playing. I eventually found a way to delete my saved information found the icon to the app I think it's called bard and bandits and  installed the game from my phone immediately. It looked like an innocent children's game but I don't think it actually was.

Today I had to go out as I was running out of groceries. It was a rather large grocery sprint haul today ( not really lots of stores visited but I took my time a record  6 hours or so getting home around 9 pm I always loose track of time including a snack of sushi and a large pizza to go for dinner  - very heavy stuffing everything that would not fit in my large shopping bag into my backpack both full to the brim. I went to Best & Less where I purchased a long sleeved white printed T shirt and a blue short sleeved T for $6 before purchasing at Big W a $12 pair of black sports leggings. These are really light weight but I am unsure of the quality.  I like Target leggings better but there are very few Targeta around now mostly converted to Kmarts. Then it was a trip to the green grocer where I decided not to purchase anythingforgetting about eggs which are still in short supply at Aldi and these giant blackberries which were the same price per punnet as Aldi Coles and Woolworths but much better quality, then Aldi where I did the majority of my grocery shopping including the blueberries which looked better then the Woolworths and Coles ones in the punnet.Bext it was onto Coles then finally Woolworths. This Woolworths is a larger Woolworths which Chatswood does not have and you can find products here that aren't available at the Woolworths Metro. The Coles is also large but very hit and miss I find as with other larger Coles . The Coles in Chatswood is also just a Coles Local  so again the variety of items is not good. I am often scrounging every week to find common grocery items. I also sense that Woolworths is cheaper then Coles whereas Aldi although is suppose to be the cheapest supermarket isn't always the cheapest to me . The other difference I have noticed betwwen Coles and Woolworths is the junk find aisles- Woolworths tends to be cheaper in the savoury items whereas Coles seems to be cheaper in the sweet items. Woolworths  is dominated by mainly Cadbury chocolate products whereas Coles is a little more balanced out having their own brand of chocolate which is pretty good and on the eye level shelves usually or up high whereas Woolworths brand of chocolate blocks are hidden right in a dark corner very bottom shelf where nobody can see them and very limited to milk and salted caramel chocolate only . I had to really search the shelves full of Cadbury chocolate blocks to even find them. Even finding them did not convince me to try them - I rate it almost the same as Mr Beast chocolate bars - do not buy to try!

Home with my mostly healthy groceries ( no chocolate included) , I was hungry again  and did not want to cook. I thought about a refrigerated pizza but waited to get back to Chatswood and tossed up between a fresh woodfire pizza from the Charswoid Mall Friday night markets or a Domino's Pizza. I went for a domino's large pizza supreme with chicken instead of meat and with a thin crust. It ended up being $15 which was the same price as the one same size pizza at the market . Maybe a mistake - the Domino's pizza was OK and I ate the whole pizza for dinner with fresh spinach added to it , it was very thin and the chicken was pretty lean but OK but maybe I should havegot a woodfire pizza instead asking to swap out the meat. I just hate meat on my pizza. Pineapple? amstill undecided about that. 

Home on the bus hardly able to carry everything.

Lost track of time and it was almost 9 pm when I got home! What?I had been out shopping for over 6 hours! I did have a sushi for a snack and also chatted to an old man who was taking photos of the signs at Domino's Pizza for some reason whilst waiting for his mini pizza which he showed me . He doesn't seem to get out much eventhough he only lives near North Sydney. He kept talking about meeting his friend and how he was still hungry and how he doesn't usually eat pizza and we talked about when the Metro will open - good point he made about opening after the city to surf . I showed him my pizza I ordered and how I asked for the meat to be taken off. I think Domino's was reluctant to do so and substitute with chicken when I ordered. But the old man thought it was a good idea. I also hate thick crust so asked for a thin crust and it was thin - very thin just the way I like it so thin the topping peeled off it! I wonder what type of cheese or additives it had as it made me scratch and cough after I ate it quite badly! I would rate it a 6/10 probably not eating a Domino Pizza again and stick to other pizzas if I do eat another pizza . It's been so long since I ate a pizza. 

Uploaded my YouTube videos . Sleep .

News headlines today include 

The QLD EKKA show starts tomorrow .It is the equivalent to the Royal Easter Show in Sydney where country meets city and runs ftom 10th Aug - 18th Aug 24.

The states police comissioner has banned giving out booze as gifts . She says she has only given out 26 of the 50 bottles of gin she purchased with tax payers money so the rest of the bottles are now in limbo. Karen Webb and her husband are friends with the distiller. How much did age spend on the gin? $11k? 

A shortage of 1000 doctors will occur in the next 4 years it is forecasted by NSW health..

There was a lot going on in Paris the city of love during the Olympics -  romance between computers, a very busy village tattoo Lalor where Olympians wanted to take home a souvenir of their time there etc.

Is your phone listening to everything you say. Yep and watching and sensing my keystrokes of everything I type. Nothing is 

Another silver in the 4 team kayak with a narrow margin to the gold medal. The water polo stingers go on to play for gold against the US. 2 bronze in boxing a sport Australia has never medalled in and Australian the volleyball team is through to the bronze medal round.  Australia sits 3rd on the leader board behind China and the US with 45 medals. 

Jess Hull is into the final of the 1500 m run. Can she win it?

The AUKUS deal has been sign sealed and delivered made the nuclear power agreement has been official although the new US president can still veto the nuclear submarine agreement .

43 year old Vanessa Amorosi's decades long dispute with her estranged mother over a verbal handshake deal over a litchen table of gift of property has ended in court with the court siding with her saying thst it never gappened  meaning the eviction of her mother from the property however Amirosi was ordered to pay $800000 retitution to her estranged mother.

Noah Lyle was aiming for a second gold medal at the Olympics in the 200 m only managed to get a bronze medal after collapsing and having to placed in a wheelchair chair with breathing difficulties and contracting COVID probably bought on by an asthma attack.( something I seem to be experiencing this morning)

A 19 year old ring leader of a failed terrorist attack has been arrested a day before the Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna it has been revealed. He admits that his aim was to kill as many people as possible at the concert. There have been no such terrorist warnings so far for other Taylor Swift concerts in Europe to date.

Australian footballers Dustin Martin and Tom Hawkins both call it time in the AFL retiring from the sport.

A missing 16 year old from Melbourne has been spotted in NSW seeking emergency accommodation in Surry Hill . His family are urging him to return home.

A TikTok trend has seen the younger generations spend less and save more.

The SA Liberal leader has had enough fed up and stepped down.

Banky's lastest work in London has been stolen removed from a rooftop.

A fog alert has occurred in Adelaide this morning with flight delays.

There was a Google outage globally this morning and a Testra outage apparently.  If this is the case I should be unable to blog or play games or watch YouTube videos or send/receive emails this morning. So far so good so I guess it hasn't quite hit my online services yet and I just paid my Telstra bill that just increased!!!!

Boy bands Boyzone & Westlife join together to produce new music. Ah they still have it decades later.

Saturday 10th August 2024

A top of 19 degrees C today and cloudy.

Woke up at 7.30 am or so this morning. Checked my calender and forgot the Sydney Farm Science Day was on today from 10 am - 3 pm . Could not decide to go or not as it isn't the best day and will take me an hour at least to get there. Maybe not. Yes it is Science Week this week.

Today I went to the White Rabbit Fallery in Chippendale to see Laozi's Furnace then to Central Park Nall then looked around Central Station at progress with the Metroline and intercity platforms refurbishments and finally to do a small grocery shop to find some items I could not find or were too bulky to carry on my last large grocery shop. I do not want to venture out tomorrow due to the City To Surf where it is a fight for public transport between North and East. 

Refer my YouTube channel for all my adventures today.

News headlines today include

The EKKA in QLD opened today with concerns over the weather.

Aussies win a silver in Spring board driving a first in the 3 m event  and track cycling just beaten by the Netherlands . The Opals play for a bronze after being defeated by US. Meanwhile Volley Ball team lost their chance for a bronze medal coming 4th. Controversy the gold medal winner  in womens boxing is an Algerian man in the 60 kg against China?! A bronze also in the the doubles canoe sprint I think?? Australia manages to stay in the 3rd position on the leader board.

62 people all passengers and all crew members have died in a Brazil plane crash.

The warewolf killer is back in in jail although not expected to spend any time in jail after being released and re committing crimes. In 2016 he was a 19 year old sentenced to 25 years in a maximum psychiatric ward for killing a homeless man.

A cargo ship has exploded in Northern China with effects felt over a km away.

NFL is looking at the MCG as a future venue for American football matches. NFL already plays games internationally. Makes sense as NRL already plays games in the USA although I think it should be in NSW - nah we just don't have the sporting facilities or management/ organisation/planning skills to be able to host such big  international sporting events anymore. 

Ray (Rachael) Gun has become viral in the debut sport of  breakdancing at the Olympics including the kangaroo and sprinkler moves in her routine keeping audiences glued to her routine but judges unimpressed with 3 scores. LA has not included break dancing in their Olympics yet and Brisbane in 2032 is unlikely to therefore this maybe the only time Australians will compete in the "sport".

AI healthcare is quickly becoming our new Doctor Google. Good idea or dangerous.

A 70 year old woman is in a stable condition  after being hit by a car in Greenacre crossing a pedestrian crossing yesterday.

An 18th NRL team has been announced for 2027. The old North Sydney Bears team delivered in 1999 will be making a come back along with their original jersy design with a colour modification but will be based in WA. 

An 11 year old student has been banned from the school canteen for over a year now in WA after his mother wrote a letter to canteen staff saying that they mixed up her son's butter chicken lunch.

NAD+ being used for anti aging hype or not? Hype as studies have not shown any proven results despite every celebrity and their dog promoting it as the next big thing to Ozempic that is being used for weight loss. 

Kylie has another new music video posing in a gold dress.

A photo of Ben Affleck has people questioning his life after Benifer ie the breakup after his relationship with Jlo.

Recap of the funniest moments at the Olympics The male pole vaulter whose bits got caught on the bar causing it to topple. The shooter with no earphones or eye ware just nerves of steel and steady accurate aim apparently previously military trained. Then there was Snoop Dog's viral Tik Tok of his visit to the Louve which was quite funny.

A woman has been charged of 3 cases of murder and 1 of arson of a Greenslopes property which involved domestic violence killing 3 people last month.

A very expensive bag of coffee has been sold ftom Panama. 

Sunday 11th August 2024.

The Olympic Games end this weekend.

It's the annual City To Surf today, I was woken up from runners outside on their way to the start line in the city. This year 90 000 runners inspired by the Paris Olympic Games are up running the race this morning. No me , I retired quite a few years ago  - I think 25 City To Surfs and at least 3 no longer running City To Seas is enough plus countless Blackmore Running Festivals over the years.  I will be running in the Sydney Running Festival in September ( the former Blackmores Running Festival ). Have to keep running in one of the 2 major annual runs in Sydney.

I woke up at 7 am this morning. It's overcast.

I am staying well away from the city today - public transport nightmare! A top of 19 degrees C today with posdible showers but it hardly ever rains on City To Surf Day. The sun is trying hard  to come out .

8 am and the City To Surf has started but not without pro Palestinian protestors which police have moved on away from the race course.

It was so sunny outside but now the glare has disappeared.

It's catch up day today - laundry bills recycling and washing the dishes as well as catching up with my blog and YouTube channel which is a little behind. OK I think I have caught up and the sun is still out.

I think runners today from the North must have walked to the closest train station as there were certainly no buses going past until 10 am this morning when the race had already started by 8 am and this is why I don't do the City To Surf anymore as well as having to travel all the way to EQ just to pick up my race kit since it changed from the lower town hall for both the City To Surf and Blackmores Running Festival. This year I am unsure if I should stay in the city or wake up really early and walk to North Sydney which is quite a walk as I don't think there will be any buses towards North Sydney or Chatswood. The starting point for the race this year has changed and I am unsure where it is  and apparently the race route has changed. The bib collection and running show has also changed venues and a little easier to get to. The last year  or two it was also out  at an obscure location out at Alexandia nowhere near public transport so shuttle bus services had to be put in place running regular services to and from the venue just to pick up race bibs and kits. Some people were using the shuttle just to get to and from their accomodation with suitcases. The buses were full to the brim and it waa just a nightmare to get to and  back from the running show venue where the closest shuttle bus stop was a short walk from  Redfern Station with another closer to the venue but if you waited there for a shuttle you had to either stand on a packed shuttle bus all the way to the venue or wait forever for a seat on one and then coming back the shuttle buses were not very regular so thank goodness the organisers have got their act together this year and we can pick up our race kits at their running show at the ICC Darling Harbour! Let's hope the venue is locked in as there is no room before the actual race to try and get to another venue to pick up your race kit if it gets lost or undeliveted for example.

After 12 noon now and most of the runners should be at Bondi Beach by now but the race usually continues with road closures until as late as 3 pm . If I had run the race today I would definitely be at Bondi Beach by now and even fighting my way back home on public transport! I would have gorged myself with water , some type of electrolyte drink, a sausage sizzle or 2 , chocolate, chips, fruit, soft jelly lollies and possibly a protein bar of some sort then went I arrived home would have a shower and sleep for the rest of the afternoon but not today, I'm just doing nothing! Well not really, I have stuff to do but just made myself some roast chicken pieces  pieces of salmon and mixed vegetables! Yum can't wait to eat it. So many ingredients in it. Today I did not wake up coughing but was still itchy - I think it must be some type of cheese, I have been trying to eat less cows cheese and more goat cheese as well as coconut milk rather then non lactose  cow milk maybe that has made a difference or the fact that the sun was out and it is not raining. Yesterday it rained and again I was coughing badly although when I was walking through the city, my cough stayed away. It only returned at St Leonads and when it had started to sprinkle. Really weird.

It's forecasted for showers today so I'll just have to see what happens.

News headlines today include

More medals - a silver for Aussie Stingers in water polo ( making history after 24 years reaching the finals) against Spain. A silver for Jess Hull against the world's best middle distance 1500 m runners which was won by a Kenyan. The first Aussie to win a 1500 m since Herb Elliot Still at 3rd place on the leader board with a total of 50 medal behind China and the USA it is the  the first time Australia has been up in the top 3 position on the leader board since Melbourne 1956 Olympics. There is still the Marathon to come with  a midnight 10 km fun run afterwards ( for those who don't remember pre opening of the Sydney Olympics in 2000 there was a fun run sponsored by Samsung of a 3 - 5 km run around the then new Olympic Park precinct - no medals but a special souvenir pin was given out to participants which was expanded in length and became an official Western Sydney fun run called Run4Fun  for a while post Olympics and yes I ran in both ) and the Closing ceremony as the 2 weeks of Olympics in Paris wraps up this weekend. The Olympics apparently has inspired the 90000 runners to participate in the City To Surf. Flag bearers have been named by Anna Mears Swimmer Kaylee Mckeown and Dinghy sailer Matt Wearn for the closing ceremony. 

The teenager who went missing  and spotted seeking crisis accommodation in Surry Hills has travelled 900 km and has been found safe and sound in Penrith NSW from a small town Truginara in Victoria where his family live and have been travelled from and are now reunited with him.

A search in Sydney's waters are underway for a man from Sydney's SW.

A new heel prick test for babies is hoping to identify not just 4 genetic diseases in babies like the original heel prick tests but possibly hundreds more.

John Farnham will be honoured at the logies with a performance from numerous Aussie singers such as Jesdica Mauboy,  Guy Sabastian 

Disney is releasing a handful of sequels for Frozen, Toy Story, Freakiest Friday, Avatar, Moana Mufasa a Lion King type movie etc what number sequels are they all upto now so difficult to keep up!

The widespread  riots in the UK continue  over anti racism and immigration policy problems such as illegal immigrants comming across the English Channel from France.

Melbourne is planning a Christmas Parade European style and Christmas Market in order to lure people back into the city. What so the Myer Christmas windows are not enough? After Sydney's public servants that were ordered to return to the office Melbournians were luring them to and boasting their state as being the WFH state.

Yesterday was the start of National Science Week and Australian astraonaut Katherine Bennell Pegg  is at Science Works in Melbourne to meet and greet kids who aspire to go to space. 

A 3rd police shooting is traumatising  the police force

More airstrikes on a school in Gaza.

A mother has given birth to a wopping 5.7 kg baby boy by c section and just as well.

Cosmopolitaian  (Cosmo magazine) Australia is being relaunched after it left Australia in 2018 - 6 years ago. The relaunch will feature Tones & I on it's cover on it's first relaunch magazine ( no sealed section of the magazine though).

A Sydney water main has broken for a second time flooding the same family's home in Penrith. Last time the water main broke was in 2021.

A woman in her 70s has died in an accident hit by her husband in a car in Revesby. Her husband has been arrested and tested .

Monday 12th August 2024

It rained all night and most of the morning just clearing up this morning . The sun is trying hard to come out this morning at 7 am. A top of 20 degrees C today with showers. QLD is under flood watch with rain likely washing out the EKKA show.

First task on my list of to do is done this morning. Still have so much more to do.

It's past 10 am and it's raining again continuously but not storming. A constant grey light rain.

News headlines today include

400 forced to flee as a helicopter crashed into a roof of a hotel in Caines on the Esplanade at 2 am this morning. Fire  concerns for the pilot amd an exclusion zone has been set up in the event a petrol supply could explode. Questions are now being raised as to why a helicopter would be operating at 2 am in the morning. Was it a medical helicopter? A tourist helicopter? A resvmcue helicopter? or just an illegally operated helicopter? Terrorist attack perhaps? There are no curfews known in Caines for aircraft operations . An eye witness who was interviewed by channel 7 news gave her rather uneducated account of what she saw occur between 1 and 2 am in the morning. She kept saying she wasn't concerned about her safety even being so close to the accident and it's flying debris she just kept videoing what she was seeing. By the way she spoke I was wondering what she was doing out so eRly in the morning - was she homeless just sitting or sleeping on a bench in the park when she was woken by the bang when the helicopter crashed? Did she even bother to contact energency services on 000?So many unanswered questions. A stolen helicopter and the pilot dead questions as to why he w a behind the control. In helicopter crashed into the roof and pool of the hotel and a couple taken to hospital in shock but uninjured. Part of the rotor ended in the park of the Esplanade below.

Final day of the Paris  Olympics ahead of the closing ceremony today. Another silver and bronze in the cycling and the Opals womens basketball ball team won a bronze medal a total of 53 medals in total for the Australian Olympic team. Anna Meares has done a great job managing the Australian Olympic team as Chef de Comission.  Australia ends 4th on the leader board with 18 gold behind US China and Japan saying it was the best Australan Olympic performance to date . Tom Cruise abseiled down on whatever he was on a helicopter motor cycle  at the closing ceremony - another Olympics done and dusted flame extinguished see you in LA in 4 years time. Thomas Bach IOC - is he retiring ? John Coates vice IOC - is he retiring?

A truck and a car collide at Barangaroo.

Another fire at punchbowl and another suspicious fire at Brlfield in Sydney's South West .

Victoria softens stance on youth criminals.Lifting criminal age to 12 and then to 14 in a few years. Operation Trinity cracking down on Victorian youth crime. Another teen loses his life over a stolen motor cycle. 

Worls oldest cowboy was presbted with a custom buckle at Mt Isa.

A man has been intercepted by police for climbing the Effel Tower and when he can down all he could say was hot isn't it?

Figures have been revealed and 800 000less people attended VIVID this year - I am not surprised at all. It wasn't too good . Getting increasingly uninteresting with decreasing light installations and that disappointing cancellation of the closing night drone show so it was not just due to the amount of rainy days during the event whilst it was on.

Must be a slow news day when cameras onto lions mouths makes the news. 

Sam Pang is back hosting the Logies this Sunday. He was actually really good last year hosting it for the first time - maybe he should be nomiated for a Logie for being the Logie host! Love Sam Pang he was very funny on HYBPA as the loser of the celebrity news oriented triva show most of the time and a mistake that he lost his co hosting gig at the annual Eurovision song contest.

11 years of age is the average age that Australian kids get their first phone. 

Raj the cat was reunited with his owner 2 months after he escaped in the outback hundreds even thousands of  km away. The owner had to drive 9 hours to collect him.

Prince Wiiliam and Pricess Kate along with David Beckham ansmd Snoop Dog pay tribute to Team GB however it was Prince Williams beard that drew all the attention.

Greece is sufferring from wildfires. 

Jess Fox was welcomed on stage as a new member of the Olympic Comission.

A woman found dead stabbed in a Burwood unit a man down below with 2 broken ankles looking as if he had jumped  believed to be a murder suicide. Believed to befrom China. 

A photo believed to have been taken in Dubbo over tge weekend at a training session  of Latrell Mitchell where he is bent over a table looking like it  contained white powder has emerged however his team mates have no idea of the photo and have not seen it.

NSW transport is investigating a train driver who is being paid $80 per hour overtime ranting and raving about stupid passengers  live stream in the driver compartment which is a safety issue and will be investigated.

Also being investigated is vision that has appeared of electric shocks on Metro trains which are a concern. Passenger shoes are adequate to take the static electric type shocks but the way a safety officer was touching the platform caused a more substantial electric shock which is a concern.

An arsonist attack on a barber shop has backfired when the arsonist himself caught on fire in Melbourne I think?!?


It's tge offical start of National Science Week!

A top of 20 degrees C today and it's still  raining and it rained all night and early morning.

Someone took the bins out very early this morning or very late last night.However only 3 red bins were taken out and the yelow bin. The blue bin and over filled red bin was not taken out. So weird. Someone also took them back in this morning but they were not cleaned out as they are usually done. I thought my neighbour might have taken the bins out but I don't think so. 

Well that's stupid the cleaner has come and put 2 of the red bins back out on the curb when they were all taken back in already because the ones that had been put out this morning had already been picked up ,  those that weren't well too bad. The blue and yellow bins were put out again when only one of the bins was put out last night then bought back in before being put back out again. These 2 bins get picked up later on a Tuesday. So both may have ended up being picked up today or not depending on when they were still on the kerb when the truck passed by. The yellow bin that was put out last night or very early this morning should have been picked up if it was left on the kerb and not moved back in then taken back out. If it's not empty then it means it was the cleaners fault because they moved it from the kerb and it therefore missed the pick up. 

News headlines today include

There is a record rental fall  in Brisbane Sydney and Melbourne since COVID but in Adelaide and Perth there has been a rise. Rental prices are still increasing and high and it is a very low decrease in the rental market as housing availability remains tight . The theory behind the fall although very small eg only 0.1% in Sydney is an increase in boarding horsing,  flat and house share, co living, moving back in with parents relatives and  friend to save on costs of living. Mortgage holders are still stressed and this also helping to ease mortage stress where possible. 

Meanwhile new laws are being planned for renters who own pets in QLD SA and Victoria protecting them from being refused rentals from landlords because they own a pet(s).

Melbourne's e scooter problem with safety eg not  wearing helmets speeding etc and dumping may lead to scooter hire ftom e bike companies being banned. A Lord Mayor candidate is calling for the ban. The ban on scooter share hire could be enforced as soon as September that's 1500 green or orangey red scooters share hire scooters gone from Melbourne's CBD but privately owned scooters will still be allowed to be riden in the CBD.

The helicopter has confirmed that the chopper that crashed in Cairns was stolen from it's hanger but won't reveal the pilot's id or background as to eg whether he was a former studentor  employee pilot of the helicopter company or not. The chopper is now being removed from the roof of the luxury hotel in Carirns. More info has emerged of the pilot he was not licensed to fly in Australia and was out drinking with mates for a promotion he had just received overseas some how managing to getting hold of the chopper from it's hanger as he was a current employee of the  ground crew of Nautilus  Aviation and had joined the company 4 months ago.

106 people have been arrested in a NZ bikie gang raid Australia wide .

A gold standard digital id is being developed instead of having to pull out your drivers licence to identify that it is you or to prove your age to enter clubs and pubs . Will it help identify problem famblers and alcoholics for example as well banning their entries.

A push to ban pokies on 25th April Anzac Day but not 2 up and amending the Minns retail closure and non essential services trading on Anzac day.

Challenges are being  faced by major retail brands 

Banksy has struck again after an animal themed series if artwork has been seen on display after his last artwork on a sign above a roof top was stolen. 

Youth crime has increased 5 fold for 15/16 year olds and 10 fold for 12 year olds on average breaking bail ( depending on the stat's you read)  . Youths are being arrested but not stopped from reoffending crimes. Police are still hunting a teen driver who killed a 19 year old teen motor cyclist. In VIC the state government and Premier Jacinta Allen is about to announce new youth crime reforms and bail laws .

Aussie Olympians are heading back to Australia from Paris now tgat the Pool kympics are over. 

QLD Shark nets could be changed as there are calls to remove them due to the destruction of marine life being caught in them.

Trump continues his presidential campaign and returns to X whilst he accused Kamala of AI images of huge crowds supporting her when there was actually nobody there.

Pop star Sabrina dodges rogue firework whist performing at a concert.

A 9 year old Max has won the junior wood chopping completion at the EKKA  taking after his dad and grand dad.

Actress LisaMcCune wins Dancing With The Stars ( DWTS) . I dodn't watch it all just 1 episode towards the end and I thought Samantha Jade was better and should have won. Lisa was good but it didn't have that excitement that made me stayed glued to the end of her routine like Samantha's did.

A new clause has been added to the AUKUS submarine deal agreement whatever you want to call it by both the UK and US that they can walk away from the deal with a years notice  to be given if they there is a threat that would weaken their own nuclear submarine programs.  I can see a lot of problems happening if this occurs - unemployment, vaunability - Australia will be left to fend for themselves and even lose it's 2 major allies if this happens- all hell will break loose. I hope the government has a backup plan in place which I am sure is almost 100% unlikely! Checkmate!

Miley Cyrus has been received a Disney award for her role as Hanna Montana.

All eyes are on wages growth released by the bureau of statistics by the RBA . Wage growth is still to high and the RBA is waiting until it slows down and decreases before it decides on any interest rate cuts.

Chris Hemmsworth celebrates hos birthday with a supermarket cake and no photos? 

50 years of Mills & Boons romance books.

Elon Musk speaks to Trump about his attempted assasination at his presidential campaign via X but not without technical issues. Did the site crash because of its infrastructure not being able to cope with online traffic or shut down due to a cyber security threat?

A 12km earthquake has been felt in LA with no reported injuries but people trapped in lifts burst water pipes and shaking felt. Which raises the question if tge Olympics are in LA in 4 years time and there is an earthquake what happens? Are there stretegies and contingency plans in place ? 

Alarms from parents of AI being used in classrooms after the nude photos generated by AI of girls and posted onto the internet.

The "Ray Gun how did she get chosen to represent women's break dancing at the Paris Oylmpics?" continues. She legitimately won a competing through the Dance Sports Federation and Dance Sports Australia competition and was chosen by judges in that competition. Wait on Dance Sports Australia is Competitive Ballroom and Latin dancing so how did break dancing end up being a Dance Sports Australia dance genre ?

Parents be warned no baby food products passed the nutrients tests.


Well it's raining this morning and a forecasted top of 19- 20 degrees C today.

I slept in until almost 8.30 am this morning! Although I didn't do much yesterday I was mucking around with Unity and Python ( not together ) yesterday.

I took my rubbish out separating all my cardboard and paper from my plastic glass and metal containers.

Tried to return AEC call but when they rang back I missed their call again as I was downstairs doing my laundry.

One load of my laundry is in the washing machine and I caught up with my neighbour downstairs. Did not get the 2nd load done.

I also oven roasted a batch of chicken pieces which I ate for brunch.I just ate whatever bits and pieces I had for breakfast cheese, last slices of rye bread, lettuce, a banana etc It's almost noon and it's still dark grey and wet outside. 

It's so wet outside and it takes forever to dry just one batch of my laundry.  No time to do the other batch. 

My pasta is probably ready now but I need to make a sauce. 

Yummy dinner a creamery chicken spinach parma cheese fettuccine 

I was up until past 1 am can't sleep and watching coding ideos and playing the block game and trivia game .

News headlines today included

The AUS$ is up well above the $0.66 mark against the US$ after days weeks sitting above the $0.65 mark.

This weekend is Logie Awards is on weekend .

Nothing the whole morning was about the live arrival of a Qantas direct flight Paris to Syney via Perth of Australian with 186  Olympians on board . Those from Perth alighted the plane there whilst others sat in the lounge relaxing before flying on to Sydney. Olympians were reunited with their families that could not be in Paris to watch them from around Australia.Cingrats Australia ending up  4th on the ladder board not bad for such a small country if only Ausralia could e as powerful and strong in all of tge other things not sport eg military defence, STEAM, health, housing,  economics, self sufficency,  Government & leadership , planning ,organisation, project management, Strategic Planning , cyber security - any type of security,  infrastructure and transport etc etc etc  - is Australia actually good at anything except sports? Can't survive as a country just on the strength of sports!

ASIC is suing the ASX claiming faulty tech is costing investors millions taking them to the Federal Court.

A woman charged after finding a 10 year old girl dead in a Gold Coast home .

NAPLAN shows 1 in 10 kids need educational suport and 400000 students need tutoring to catch up in NAPLAN fail.

After 35 years Byron Bay's  Bluefest has announced the end and it's 2025 concert lineup will be it's last although the line-up has not been announced yet and is expected to be next week.  Another music festival bites the dust along with a string of music festivals permanently cancelling due to increasing insurance costs and unpredictable weather conditions.

East Coast heavy rain deluge is expected to fall in August.

New rules for Sydney night-life and entertainment precincts.

Taylor Swifties are now to be banned from outside the concert venues due to increased  security risks.

Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra in new memoir doco whatever.

With the increase in war and security concerns Peter Dutton has called from the ban on immigrants from Gaza as they could be the security threats to Australia.

110 years of the Red Cross saw landmarks around Australia lit up in red to mark the occasion.

Mystery artist Banksy has been at it again this time at a zoo in thr UK.

Another fire at a gym in Melbourne where arson squad police are investigating.

Mazda has a recall of 55 000 mv over a faulty fuel pump control valve 

Calls to expand Lindt attack suvivers group

Spring is just 2 weeks away and allergy season is coming

A lolly pop man is banned from giving hi fives in Mt Dandenong and his story has made it all the way to the US news.

Commonwealth Bank loan arrears are on the rise as the bank posts $9.48 billion profit for the year.

Kids in psychological distress is surging. 2 in 5 have a serious mental health problem and unable to seek medical treatment.

The race is on to find and retrieve meth that look like wraped lollies donated to a charity in NZ with the lollies containing more then 300 times the normal amount.

The Russian Ukraine war is now over a year long. It is unknown how much more Russians can tolerate the invasion by the Ujraine defence force to relaim territories and how long the Ukraine defence can push and last reclaiming Russian territory.

Australian cyclist wins a gold medal then goes straight into another competition but failed to medal due to a tyre puncture.

What?? AI to help pedestrians and avoid accidents ie being hit by a car all from the control of traffic lights. 


A top of 20 degrees C  and rainy again. It rained all night and into the morning and is still raining and grey this morning.

Today it is still so wet but I would like to go out today. I do need to do and get a few things . Great day for the library. 

It's Science Week so there should be things on

No time.e to go out today but maybe tonight later. 

So much life admin to do AEC ring them back done. Create a new account online on their new recruitment siftware package and register my expression of interest to work at the next Federal Election in 2025 done. Register my expression of interest to work at the I did not even know local council elections on 14th Sept 24. Done and ring them back in regards to my application just received done. Next apply online at the EC for a postal vote to be sent to my PO Box as I will definitely be out of my registered to vote council area done. Follow up on my tacx agent as I have not received a response ftom their admin team online or from him. Done - made an appointment to see him on Mon at 4 pm - 4.30 pm online ( can't make it anyway as I have another appointment) done. 

News headlines today include

The Bunnings Rave location   and date has been confitmed in Melbourne at  Preston's on 31st August . Tickers are available today.

An astronaught at the international space station has photographed stunning images of the Northern Lights.

2 gunman are on the run from a gas station outside of Melbourne near Deer Park

A 70 year old man  missing on a kayaking ride has called in to say he was safe. 

Always live at QV Markets is back in Melbourne before Christmas although it has not been announced of who will be highlighting the show.

Vince Vaughn has received a star on the Hollywood Walkof Fame and has a new comedy series Bad Monkey.

An Australian 11 year old girl was grabbed and  stabbed by a 32 year old Romanian man whilst with her mother as tourists taking in the sights in London. This could be a copycat attack from the Taylor Swift dance party attack.

Mystery woman speaks out about the Latrell Mitchell white powder photo taken inside a hotel room. If it was in Dubbo , the drug lifestyle is a norm.

2 men are dead as their fishing  boat capsized North West of Kangaroo zisland.

Peter Dutton has been branded as racist after his announcement of a crack down on visa ban from anyone feeing Gaza.

Trump's legal woes continue has been denied a 3rd "appeal" over his hush money case. 

The largest  blue stone from Stonehenge has been discovered that it is not from local Sainsbury but Scotland dragged there or floated.

Barbie x Stanley (Cup brand) have  collabed to create a range of designer cups.

First clips have been released of Rebel Wilson's new film "The Deb", it's not a trailer but a production clip.

Lord of the Rings musical is heading to Australia & NZ

Dolly has a new beati range including a  Jolene lipstick.

Adele performs in torrential rain - electricity an water don't mix and it was slippery on stage so she put on a pair of white sneakers as she performed.

A car has crashed into a bus that crashed into a porch of a house in Pensilvania. The river of the car is on the run.

The conga has seen an increase in the cases of M pox whivmch was first thought to have been confined to that country but has now spread to 4 neighbouring countries.

Roo- ver has been developed in WA as part of the Artemis project. First Australian to the moon perhaps?!

The unemployment rate increased to 4.2% up by 1%. The RBA will be watching this very closely. Our economy is slowing down.

Telstra has reported it's profits fall  but seen increase in mobile customers. What do you expect scrappy customer service with lazy and poorly trained staff outages and confusing information along with expensive phone plans both post and prepaid. 

The local government elections may be short of Liberal candidates due to the NSW Liberal Party missing the cut off dates for candidate nominations to be lodged. I did not know there were local elections on the 14th Sept 24. I applied for a postal vote to be sent out to me online as I will be absolutely outside my local council area on that day. I also submitted my expression of interest to work at the local elections on that day but there is a slight problem I could not change my preference to work close to where I actually live. I also submitted an expression of  interest to work at the Federal elections through the AEC ( they rang me) online creating a new account on their new software. The forescasted date for the next Federal election is may sometime 2025 butter have to hold an election before a certain date next year.

Patty Mills NBA basket baller has signed a one year deal with his new team Utah Jazz.

More Chinese made EVs flood the Australian markets!The new Zeekr EV was launched today in Sydney. Competition in the marketplace continues as more people switch to hybrid or EVs.

14 year old gold medalist skate boarder Arisa Trew is back at School today and skating withherfriends.

Residents were awoken in a US city to cars honking in a car park but no one was in the driver's seats just a parking lot full of self driving / autonomous cars with flashing red lights and loud horns going off  telling each other to get out of their way.  This is a WIP-  fix needed.

Supermarket smart trolleys to be introduced to shop smarter and save money???

Another SW Sydney jewellery heist.

The Metro finally gets the greenlight however there still has not been an announcement on it's opening date. Monday 19th is the new opening date????

E safety comission has revealed the amount of cyber bullying incidents reported.

A worker has been hit from falling wet concrete on M6. This freeway has been plagued by safety issues.

Ticket guarantees for REX passengers has been announced by government as to not to leave them frm. being stranded. 

Royce Simmons Panthers legend has ended his 300 km walk around Sydney in aid of dementia where he raised $1.5 million in donations. He was diagnosed himself with the ailment but that does not stop him and he will be present when Penrith plays at the stadium.

2 toddlers um nappies found walking on a freeway. The father has been charged for negligence after a car crash in Texas.

Taxi QR codes may be introduced to track payments and vaunable passengers from being ripped off.

Canabis laced home made  lollies have made it into a Perth school sold to students making them sick and ending up in hospital. The boy a student has been arrested.

Friday 16th August 2024

I went to sleep early last night as I have some busy days ahead .

It's still raining and dark . I woke at 6 am this morning. A top of 21 degrees C today.

So much to do today!

Today I am exhausted after doing so much.

1. pay rent 

2. get a Telstra recharge for my dongle which has 1 gb left on it and expires on Monday. Wait what is tge difference between a telstra recharge for broadband and normal prepaid mobile ? Aren't they both the same have a sim card and a phone number? what do you mean zi can only buy the broadband recharge for my dongle - isn't it the same ithas a prepaid sim and allocated phone number but data is a lot cheaper then a broadband recharge! What I need to do a direct debit? but I don't want to fo a direct debit it will compromise my personal details which are usually necessary for a prepaid phone. So I ended up just getting a $35 30 Gb only recharge broadband voucher. My options are limited when the Telstra rewards and Telstra app don't work for my prepaid.

4. Take the train into the city because the Metro is not operating yet. so slow!!! There is a bus but stops on the opposite side.

5. Notice there are charging ports coming soon to Town Hall Station but only 2. Video it but a couple stood in front of it and would not move so I had to video them from the side ( the still covered up charging ports not the couple that is).

6. A nice day so decided to walk down to Haymarket instead of hopping on a L2 or L3 light rail tram.

7. An other video walking tour of George Street towards Haymarket Chinatown pointing out landmarks along the way before making a waling tour video of Market City Shopping Centre and a separate one on Paddy's Market below.

8. Time to walk back towards George St and get on the L3 tram  very crowed before Central to UNSW/NIDA stop at Jensongton/Kingsford to attend the SciFest.

8. 4 pm - 7.30 pm attended SciFest , wish I had more time to spend there. Lots to see and do but had to leave early to avoid the football crowds on the L3 and L2 as well as leave time to do a basic essential grocery shop on my way home.

9. It poured with rain  whilst I was inside immersed in everything STEM, there were long queues everywhere for all the hands on activitied - kids it's past you bed time time to put the screens down and those VR sets away but no they are still all hypa from all those free sweet sensory snacks given out and all that free sugar loaded cups of  liquid nitrogen ice cream given out!   The science series of shows was mostly over and the next show was Scence Week Trivia at 7.30 pm the last event of the night except for the paid ticket adults only 18 + chemistry and cocktails session.  There was a long line for the planetarium because the telescopes probably had to be all bought back in when it started to down pour with rain , the clouds covered the skies and the thunder and lightening started it's intense light show - the show that was so close above it was scary and caused chaos at Sydney Airport just near by . 

10. Should I wait along with everyone else for the next L3 tram back to the city in 9 minutes Ute's forget the bus across the road? I wait and it was a long wait. Foot ball is on but it wasn't a packed tram thank goodness.

10. Town hall I alight and do a quick grocery shop at Woolworths Metro just for basics. There was a lack of certain items by the time I arrived but quite a few interesting items hidden around. Home on the slow train back towards Chatswood - wait what the train is delayed again for another 3 minutes? Typical on the Northern lines . I alight at St Leonards, the IGA is still open but the smell of Macca overpowered by the smell of frying oil from KFC next door is all you can smell as soon as you go through the Opal card gates ! Using the underpass to get the bus it home after a walk from the closest stop ( I always get off at the wrong stop at night) .

Finally try to unpack groceries but not hungry so just upload a few videos which take forever and try to fall asleep- will leave the rest for tomorrow as I have no plans this weekend!

Refer my series of videos that are now all uploaded on my YouTube channel.

News headlines today include

5 people have been charged over former Friends actor Matthew Perry's death. 2 doctors and 3 others over the supply of ketamine which lead to his death. Texts from his assistant who was traied by one doctor to inject Perry and one doctor in particular reveal they were feeding his addiction to ensure they continued to make money off his addiction.

Raygun speaks for the first time since competing at the Olympics with her triple zero scoring break dancing routine and countless menes, criticisms, mocking and debate etc over her participation and performance at the Olympics. She calls for the hate online to stop.

Severe fires destroy ANZAC graves at Gallipoli which could not be stopped.

Another Rowville knife attack at a us stop where a bus driver helped a teen injured jumping out of his bus  outside of Melbourne

West Coast of SA has been damaged by severe hail and storms. Farmers have been warned that there could be livestock deaths if their sheep are exposed to the storms and hit with hail stones the size of golf balls.

QLD premier Steven Miles's secret deal with mining giant to continue to operate in Central QLD has been revealed although it is unknownhow much tax payers' money has been used to fund it.

No Powerball jackpot win so a second chance of the $100M jackpot is on to be drawn next week. Half of Australians are expected to purchase a ticket - I must be the 50% of Australians that won't be purchasing a lottery ticket.

Amy Shark surprised a North Melbourne school dressing up in a school uniform and performed in the school talent show. Nobody noticed until she started singing on stage.

Storm win over Panthas as Nathan Cleary is lost to a shoulder injury.

Australian Para Olympics swimmers arrive in France to begin training outside of France. 

The Melbourne Cup parade has been cancelled for a send time this time due to construction along the parade route.

Another arson attack in San Sousi where a boat then a car were set alight devastating the Ramsgate community.

Harry and Maeghan are on a 4 day tour to Columbia.  Meghan was invited by Columbia after seeing her Netfox doco. Meanwhile there is no need to worry about their security they have been provided with security and probably the safest people in Columia at the moment after concerns over questions over why they were invited to visit Colombia - is there an evil plot to assainate Prince Harry via Meghan's invitation to the country? That won't matter if The Palace decides to strip Marry and Meghan of their royal titles which was ans still is seriously being considered by The King.Meanwhile tgeir chief of staff has resigned just 3 months after being hired - it was a mutual resignation between them and Harry and Meghan to not be the right fit for the job - the 18th member to walk since 2018.

The Gold Coast Pacific Air Show returns this year. 

Saturday 17th August 2024

A top of 21 in Sydney today and mostly sunny but more rain forecasted. 

I slept in until 7 am this morning and still so tired after a big day and late night last night.

The sunny is trying hard to stay out this morning.

Today I still have stuff to do before Monday ( another big day of adventures) . 

Last night I did a rather late basic grocery shop at Woolworth Town Hall . I did not realist what unique things you can find at tgat particular Woolworths that can't be found in Chatswood. They were very low on salmon and burramundi though and their Murray Cod which bot available at every Woolworths was almost expired so I ended up not buying it and went for skin off salmon pieces - something I never buy as I always think any fresh protein with their skin removed is less fresh then protein with their skin still on or the off cuts with poorer quality. I also purchased my very first TV dinner - I don't think I  have ever had a TV dinner as my mum and dad cooked everything from scratch being Chinese parents and my late father being a chef and having owned a restaurant and supermarket.  Shock but I needed to try one after seeing my chef neighbour living on nothing but packaged ready made meals with the occasional fruit only blueberries when available  and truck loads of watermelon coconut water! He chooses tge supermarket $10 meals but at Woolworths Town Hall there is almost a full fridge dedicated to just home brand packaged meals mostly for $6 each . I could not decide as there were so many different individual packaged meals for $6. After seeing my neighbour with a curry and then a butter chicken , I selected a meal I usually don't eat - lamb rogan josh with rice. Looks OK but I didn't look at it's ingredients . Breakfast this morning as it was too late last night to eat it.

Last night I did not arrive back to the apartment until after 10 pm and did not sleep until around 1 am?!

Today is a do nothing day - so much  to  do like upload all my videos from Friday which kept me busy all day and zi finally finished however have not touched this blog ( will update on Sunday)

Up late as I couldn't sleep due to asthma attack and noisy next door neighbour(s).

Tried to fall asleep by watch more Youtube tutorial videos on Python programming.

Finally fell asleep 

I wake to so much healine news which include

Ed Shereen has purchased 1.4 % stake in the Ipswitch football team.

Qantas flights are trialing an incoming digital landing card. The trial will be for Qantas NZ  Australian flights first , using scanned QR codes which will contain, store and forward passengers information  

Chaos as thunder and lighting storms reek havoc at Sydney Airports cancelling at least 30 flights, with a number of flights turned around and delaying flights for over 4 hours overnight which had a knock on affect domestically and Internationally. Passengers were left in the dark with poor communications and customer service. Last night I was so scared as the thunder and lightening was so close above after a down pour of rain as I left the Roundhouse to wait for the light rail back towards the city, I had no ideas it had rained quite heavily outside and it was a long wait of ( I think ) 9 minutes which seemed much longer for the next L3 to arrive. People were crossing the road or thinking about it to catch a bus into the city instead. The airport is very close in nearby Kingsford in Sydney's Eastern suburbs where I was in Kensington.  The Eastern suburbs is notorious for thunder and lightening storms. The light show was continuous. Relieved when the light rail finally arrived and I boarded it.

Melbourne 's tobacco wars continue with yet another fire bombing to 2 tabbaco stores set on fire in Glenroy in Melbourn's North. The search is on for the arsenist  as fire brigades managed to put the fire out saving neighbouring businesses. 

Sydney Swans beat Essendon in AFL overnight and the Roosters beat the Eels in NRL last night ( the reason why L2 and L3 light rail was so packed last night to Moore Park from both directions)

Another car crash and run in inner Western suburbs of Sydney near Strathfield.

The oldest panda has given birth to a pair of twins at a HK zoo. The birth took years in the making for Ying Ying and her mate.

Gaza cease fire and hostage release talks ends in Doha.  The US president Biden thinks talks are close to ending the 10 month war. Meanwhile the first case of polio has been detected in a baby and a vaccine has to reach the population otherwise it will spread throughout the Middle East. I don't believe any of the problem in the Midfle East will ever end whether it be poverty, war, terrorism, famine, diseases  or natural disasters.

Trump Verses Harris the presidential debate set to go ahead in September.

Save the Brisbane 2032 Olympic Games - A bold Brisbane Olympic Games Plan with a new 60000 seat stadium and accomodation village housing thousands of althetes and staff officials over the Brisbane River funded by private investors and not costing tax payers anything with a catch that the global architecture firm is given the tender and given a block of waterfront land by the government for going ahead with their bold plan and start building in 2026. This could work with the right rules regulations and laws and measures in place.

Harry and Meghan have been seen doing the hummingbird dance in Columbia as their 4 day tour continues.

Gen X is not having sex for a year to get on the property market in order to save to purchase a house? Makes no sense!

Restaurants in Melbourne want to start charging patrons who waste food and don't finish their food  on their plates at a buffet in an attempt to stop food wastage as some people go starving. Is it right to charge people for uneaten food on their plates ? Will it stop eyes bigger then stomachs, weight loss? Food wastage? Eating smaller portions? You won't be getting your money's worth of food that's for sure. Gone will be the all you can eat?? I will be one that will polish my plate off and get seconds.You can't take any leftovers home in a doggy bag but you can give it to someone else like a partner to finish it off therefore you won't cop the penalty for uneaten food on your plate which is like a surcharge nope my mistake it's more like a tax!

Sydney City Council and Clover Moore has been found to have over inflated the number of bike users in order to use funding to build more bike lanes which are still currently well underused by cyclists. What $70 million to build bike lanes ? and she had been squirelling away the funds to build them and more!?

A Southern France Airshow plane crash to celebrate WW II has resulted in a body being found in the plane, the were no ejection seats in the plane it was found .

A water main has exploded in Montreal spewing a large amount of water into the air . A huge clean up is underway.

Thousands of Alpaccas are competing for best in show at the Australian Alpaca National Show.

Black Cavier dies just before her 18th birthday.She was euthanasia as she was sufferring from a debilitating food injury after giving birth to a foal. 

A man charged over the death of a man in Brisnane yesterday who could have been killed a week ago.

Last weekend of the EKKA. 

More youth crime in South Western Sydney a woman is under police persuit. 

A 4 year old girl has been attacked by a dingo on K'Gari lsland (formerly Fraser Island)

Sunday 18th August 2024

Sydney is only a top of 19 degrees C today but sunny ( blind is down as the sun glares in my window today) . I woke up at 7.00 am this morning as I could not get to sleep , my next door neighbour was making a lot of noise vacuuming banging scratching around. The walls are thin don't know what he was up so late last night doing but it sounded like I had rats inside my wall cavities next to the side my bed is on!

Today I have a few things to do but mainly thinking about all the things I have to do tomorrow. 

1. Metroline extension opening day - no public transport for me to get to Chatswood on time for the very first ride so may have to give it a miss it. Nope Done I power walked to get to Chstwood Station in time leaving at 4.30 am in pitch black.

2.Appointment # 1 in Chatswood at 1.30 pm Done short and sweet

3. Appointment # 2 in Bondi Junction - most concerned about as there is absolutely no direct North to East connection by bus or rail. I am relying on being able to get on the Metro during peak hours and not getting lost at Martin Place Station to transfer between the Metro and Eastern suburbs train line with a very small window of time between appointments getting on a normal train at Chatswood and transferring at Town Hall will take too long and will be too crowed during peak hour on a week day. Fingers crossed the Metro us faster more efficient and not too crowded  and I don't get lost at Martin Place as the Station has countless entrances and exits and is very big, The station on ity open day was incomplete at the time and the transfer point entrances not open to the public yet . I'm going to ignore this appointment I've forwarded my docs for my rather rude tax agent this year. Far too tired to attend.

Laundry and other life admin still to do as well. Life is a constant problem solving adventure and mazes. You just have to do your best to navigate through them all . Can wait. 

Today I actually did nothing. Just updated this blog as I am a few days behind.

News headlines today include

It's Logie night tonight and Larry Emdur along with Sonia  Kruger are nominated for the hold logie. ( Australian equivalent of Oscats, British Baftas etc not am internationally recognised avtos award really). Larry Emdur takes out the Gold after not sparking any interest over his 40 year career. He also took out the Logie for his hosting gigs on The Chase The Morning Show etc.

The 2 visitng astronauts stranded in space in their faulty Boeing space craft have been restocked with food and fuel by a Russian spacecraft. Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore who were only supposed to be in space for 8 days may be stranded on the international space station until February. They had 2 options to return to earth however one option was ended up unfeasible due to their unsuitable space suits for the rescue space craft and the 2nd option the unmanned progress 89 spaceship that delivered the 3 tonnes of food and fuel supplies to them did not take passengers and was cargo only.  There are currently 71 astraunauts on the international space station and now these extra two. 

A magnitude 7 has caused a tsunami warning in Northern Russia. After the quake a volcano erupted.

The historic Somerset House has caught on fire . The fire started in the roof in the seiaring heat but fire-fighters had to be cautious putting out the fire due to the buildings' age. The fire luckily was in the West wing where the admin was not in the section which contained the priceless artworks.

Chechnya President Ramzan Kadyrov invited Tesla CEO Elon Musk to Russia on Saturday after being filmed behind the wheel of one of the company's Cybertrucks mounted with a machine gun. Did Elon Musk really gift him a Tesla Cyber truck? The same ugly cybertruck Kim Kardasghian posed with previously? The war lord vows to send it to the frontline of the Russia Ukraine war.

BeBe Rexha experienced hate crime at an airport after speaking Albanian to a security guard and banned from a flight.

A premature baby dies in Tawoomba QLD after there were no new natal beds available  for the baby to be saved. The mother's waters broke she was no examined and told to go home.

Another massive 2 factory fire in Dandenong South in Victoria where one factory fire blew out a wall from one factory into another factory. The fire is suspicious.

Police were busy around Sydney's suburbs Another 3 car crashes , one in Condell Park where the driver and passenger is on the run after hitting another car. Another one in Condell Park and a 3rd in Croydon Park involving a man and woman also on the run.  Yep another few seems to be at least one hit and run every day!

A Ferris wheel  has caught on fire at a music festival in Germany . There were reports of 30 injuries including 4 police officers.

Another Sydney road rage attack. Yep just another attack. 2 women aged 19 and 20 have bern charged. A man was also injured.

Workers have been working 24/7 to put finishing touches to the new Metro extension line which opens tomorrow. 

Indiana Jone's Fedora one of 2 used in the movie has sold for an equivalent of AUS$1 million.

An 87 and 89 year old Mark and Bev couple have just gotten married at an aged care nursing home - never too old.

The 4 year old attacked by a dingo on K'gary Island is recovering.

NSW Liberal candidate nominations paperwork for local council elections that missed the lodgement deadline has been rejected an extension request. 8 councils will not have Liberal Party candidates some of which are key seats  and several more restricted candidates . North Sydney and Northern Beaches are just 2 local councils in the 8 local councils without Liberal candidates.

What happens to people from the Midfle East including Gaza on temporary visas when they expire? Will they be deported? After Peter Duttons rant on banning immigrants from Gaza who knows - it's all Peter Dutton's fault. Another Australian immigration fiasco!

Harry and Meghan have now joined a drumming clas on their tour of Columbia. The couple look as if they are having fun. 

The Metro may be opening tomorrow with the very first train departing Sydenham Station at 4.45 am but construction workers are still put the final bits and pieces together at stations.

A fisherman in his boat was knocked over by a breaching whale's tail at Tweed Heads.. The 40 year old was taken to hospital with face and spinal injuries as he received quite the wallopping. 

A legal battle is raging against Peter Dutton being racist with Zali Stegal member for Warringah speaking out about his banning of visa push.

The Gold Coast Aurshow wraps up today

Monday 19th August 2024

A top of 19 degrees C and  grey. It was quite chilly this morning. but no rain yet.

Well it was a big day foe me today.

It started at waking up at  4 am , no breakfast just maybe a drink of water or juice. 

It's  pitch black still. I jump out of bed and have a shower. 

There is no public transport so I powerwalk to Chatswood around 4.30 am to make it to the first train to arrive from Tallawong to Sydedham on the New Metro line which opened today after a  2 week delay ( cancelled original 4th Aug opening) 

Hopping on that first Metroline train all the way from Chatswood to Sydenham and not getting off at any of the new Metro stations and the rest of the day is a series of about 15 videos all uploaded onto my YouTube channel. 

I actually went home to rest and upload the first half of the videos before heading back to Chatswood for my 1.30 pm appointment and then spending the rest of the afternoon back on the Metro line stopping at all the stations I missed or that did not have a community open day at.

I'm ended up not getting lost at Martin Place Station because I did not go to my appointment at Bondi Junction. instead I got back on the Metro for a second time ( now that it is daylight) to observe how the new Metro line is standing up to the masses of passengers throughout the day - are they still on time? Are they still running to speed? Are they still syncing up with the manned trains and other Metro trains in the opposit direction etc.

No I didn't find the USB type A charging ports at the front or back of the trains, yes there are windscreen wipers in the event the trains need to be put into manual over drive, yes I managed to get a I rode the Metro on opening day badge.

After I had enough of riding the Metro and looking around the stations , it was time to head back to Chatswood ( should I take the normal low train? no take the Metro ) in about 15 minutes from Gadigal via Martin Place, Barangaroo, Victoria Cross, Crows Nest and finally Chatswood about half the time it takes by normal train from Town Hall Station  via Wynyard , Millers Point, North Sydney, Waverton,  Woolstoncraft ,St Leonards ,Artarmon and finally Chatswood. ( if I made a mistake with the order or name or number of stations - oops sorry)

So at Chatswood it waa another snack as I had not eaten much since breakfast - a sausage and mcmuffin without cheese and minimal oil and 1 strawberry. I has a Japanese beef curry doughnut and some sort of sweet potato mochi which as either naturally a weird crimson purple colour or naturally that colour which I doubt would be.  

It was then a shop at a very empty shelved Aldi followed by Coles and finally Woolworths within a tight budget and  availability of the items on my shopping list. A sample shop of what I could find was a bag of butter lettuce, a bag of spinach, a packet of goat cheese slices, a packet of helgas wholemeal wraps, a punnet of tomato's, a coles homebrand dark chocolate, a packet of chicken mince , a packet of filo pastry, a packet of msrmi dried mixed herbs and maybe a few other small grocery items - oh and change for laundry.

A bit of a wait for the bus home. Luckily I had recharged my Opal card the previous day so I would not run out of fund on my Opal card or waste time recharging it so early today hopping on and off paid public transport today all day.

Home quite late my neighbour gets my attention to tell me some more news regarding our tenancy agreement being terminated , the option to sign a new occupancy agreement, a large weekly rent increase etc. We have a group tennant informal meeting downstairs in the hallway (if you can even call it that because it is so small). Unit 3,1a & 1b , the tenant in I think  in unit 9  ( one of the 3 units at the other end on the top floor ) and I were present advising each other to check emails and what their rent increases are. At this stage the second email with the termination and new lease contract atrached had been receivef. When I received this I went downstairs to discuss this with that neighbour #3. I'm wondering what the new owners and their property management real estate are doing is actually even legal . Can you actually terminate all existing Tennant lease agreements to boarding house occupancy agreements?

It's past 8 pm and I'm so tired. At least I got an email back in regards to my tax return being lodged - one less thing to worry about. I lodged it over a month late this financial year! Now I have to pay my tax agent who sent me his invoice!

Forcing myself to sleep as there is a lot of banging outside every night and this happens on a very regular basis. Why? Roadworks no footpath works , the main road outside is full of huge pot holes and there are dents everywhere along the metal guards from all the accidents that happen just outside this apartment block yet these are continuously neglected. 

I only fall asleep after I upload most of my  videos from today onto my YouTube channel.

News headlines today include

The End Is Near appeared mysteriously on a red background on a set of silos in Melbourne last night. It was The Weekend ( literally) hinting that they would be touring Australia. Those unfamiliar with the band would be a little spooked as the message appeared amongst the fog clearing.

Well the Metro actually opened with the first train from Sydenham departing on s hedule @ 4.45 am and I was on the first train ftom Chatswood to Sydenham. It was on schedule ( well maybe a few nimutes off departing at 4.57 am apparently)  and not as packed as I expected 200000 paying  passengers are expected to use the new service today which was a $2 billion project . 

The King has fired Prince Andrews security team and were told their services will no longer be needed from November. Has this got to do with Prince Andrew his brother refusing to move out of his existing residence? In the times of rising cost of living even the King has resorted to evicting his tenants from hos portfolio of investment properties!

There has been an increase in the numbers of  venomous sea snakes washing up on our beaches which are sick.  Warnings not to pick them up but to call the wild life rescue organisations.

A barge has been set on fire and destroyed in Sydney Harbour where an old Manly ferry is docked. Another sea vessel parked on the opposite side of the barge was undamaged.

Another home invasion on the Cold Coast in QLD.

Another fire bomb in Melbourne at a hair salon.

Democratic National Convention where Kamala Harris accepts her presidential nomination.

Now that the Logies are over and  Larry has won the gold Logie, he has to make good on his bet and his promise and have his butt tattooed.

Madonna turns 66.

Coldplay plays a cover of Katy Perry.

Green day sped up the lyrics at their concert before the crowds were evacuated from a thunder and lightening storm.

The annual T Rex race was on in the US  where participants all dressed up in T Rex costumes. Meanwhile the husband calling competitions were also on in the US.

Tuesday 20th August 2024

Today is a full day of life admin. 

Last night all tenants were sent a termination of tenant lease contract email and a new occupancy agreement which to me means a conversion from a proper rental agreement to a boarding house agreement where we have less rights then tenants.  To make things worse my rent was increased by $35 per week. These emails were all sent after 5 pm. I think if the new owners had a choice they would evict us all but with new tenant laws they can't as they have no grounds to however by changing over to an occupancy agreement and becoming a boarding house they can more easily evict us because the rules for boarding house residents are less. The new owners have already cut off our wifi which was included in our original lease contracts. My neighbour downstairs spoke out about this and was handed a 3 month eviction notice but was later granted another 3 month extension on his eviction period due to his circumstances but now has received the same 2 emails of the rent increase and termination of lease and option to resign a new occupancy agreement.

Got my tax return back and have to pay my tax agent fees.

Then I still owe the balance of my tafe fees but haven't been attending classes due to illness and threat of being eviction. 

I haven't worked for 18 months now as I have been studying full time but I really need to gind work now and not study anymore but having applied for so many jobs have not been able to find any work and that is why I decided to try and study as many IT subjects as I can.

I'm getting to old - almost time to retire possibly. 

I ended up doing nothing today except think about problems and how to posdibly solve them.

Headlines today include

A family's caravan was stolen whilst they were still inside in outback Northern QLD . A family of 5 had to jump out it as the thief drove away their caravan attached to their car from a popular tourist caravan park. They were treated by medical services and the thief is on the run. The caravan was found 10 minutes down the road but the driver has not been found.

Sydney's water supply is contaminated with cancer causing chemicals. Sydney Water has admitted for the first time of the presence of forever chemicals in the Sydney water supply and are monitoring the levels continually. Safe for Australians but would not meet the standards in the US ie 4 times too high ?????!!!!The highest levels of carcinogenic forever chemicals in the Blue Mts water supply with lower levels in Warragamba Dam and other dams around NSW.

Talk show host Phil Donahue passes away at 88 

A luxury yatch has sunk off the coast of Sicily due to a wild storm with 1 dead and  6 people missing including a British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch and his daughter.

A Melbourne Airport security and baggage handling staff went on strike which ended this morning at 6 am.  Threats are ongoing over pay disputes but did not seem to affect passengers on Virgin Qantas and Rex flights with only minor delays to gates.

444 game consoles have been connected to a single TV by a Saudi man who is a game enthusiast creating a world record . He became sick of having to plug and plug different game consoles whilst playing different games so figured out a way to connect all of them to work.

Sydney is a top of  22 degrees C today with mostly sunny skies. 

A popular hotel pub has been forced to shut their doors hours earlier due to some complaints to the council from neighbours that there were beer kegs were on the footpath.

Biden does his final checks before the Democratic  Nattional Convention. He will be making his speech tonight along with a speech from Hillary  Clinton and Kamila Harris in the celebrity 4 day event. Joe Biden in tears as he is tanked for his service as president.

Meanwhile AI generated old images of Taylor Swift endorsing Trump have surfaced . Swift has not confirmed the endorsement.

A SA bakery Banana Boogie Bakery  has taken out the Great Australian Vanilla Slice Competition. The secret they say is deep frying the pastry.

Belinda Carlisle is returning to Australia for a tour over 30 years since her first hit where she said she took a risk and quit her hospitality job so she could be a premiere of her first hit and the rest is history.

Jimmy Barns is up and walking and he says he is now a one crutch guy after his recent surgery.

Australian NIDA attress Yerin Ha is the new love interest in Brigerton.

Teenagers are flocking between 2 small country town across the NSW QLD border just 10 minutes apart to commit increasing crimes. This is a way to escape youth crimes convictions  as police have little to no cross boarder powers to deal with them.

Day 2 of the Metro apparently the busiest day of the week as people work from home on Mondays and return to the office on Tuesdays. Patronage is expected to go beyond 280 000 a week as the new service is not at full capacity at the moment. There were no major issues with the trains but just a few lifts out of order, doors not opening and shutting in line . 190000 passengers ride the train on day 1  with capacity to continue to grow. Today 133000 rode the train. Are these figures even right?

Former cricketer Michael Slader has been refused bale on domestic violence matters.

A search is on for missing Liverpool  rock fishers a father and son last seen near the Blow Hole in Kiama on the South Coast . Wild waves knocked them off the rocks. Although experienced fishermen they probably weren't wearing life jackets and hopes of finding them are fading.

6 bodies of hostages found in Gaza.

The number of Australian visas issued in Gaza cancelled before arriving in Australia is unclear and refused to be revealed.

Australian Olympian Matthew Richardson triple medal winning cyclist has defected to join the UK cycling team. He says sorry but not sorry . Attacks from all forms of social mediahave branded him a traitor worse then Raygun. He is returning to his original country and had to keep his defection a secret for 6 months or risk deselection for the Australian Olympic cycling team. 

NAB cutting interest rates in savings accounts by 0.8 %with CBA and ANZ cutting interest rates by 0.5 %  on term deposits. Westpac is tge only bank that remains unchanged. Borrowers will meanwhile have to wait . This is to protect their margins in the event of forecasted future interest rate cuts . umm sounds like the banks are protecting the lining of their pockets before customers typical economic greed!

One of the  Chasers Mara appeared from court looking as if she was starring in a Legally Blonde movie when in fact she is a real lawyer in a real defence case.

Garbage trucks are exploding due to the dumping of e waste with general rubbish containing  lithium batteries exploding and catching on fire  and rubbish on fire being dumped onto streets and roads. A reminder to  residents not to dispose of their e waste with general their rubbish .

Wednesday 21st August

It's 25 degrees C today in Sydney! It's still Winter but Winter is well and truly over. OK it only reached 24 degrees C today and tomorrow will be a top of 24 degrees C as well.

My allergies back again after the last few days almost free of them . 

Today I washed the pile of dishes I had.

I didn't do much but wrote to rhe local tennant advocate advisory organisation in regards to new land lord issues my neighbours and I are quring or having. What tgey are doing might be illegal and then after 5 I receive another email from them -  the old property management company has not transferred over the my bond to the new prpoerty mangement company - I thought this was resolved when a mistake was made on my address apoearing on the digital bond thst I was requested to transfer to from an old paper bond. This is important as it further complicates the current condition problem we are having with the new landlords. 2 weeks bond refunded not 4 or something like that - I can't remember if I reported this to the tenancy advisory advocacy probably not too busy reporting the termination of tennant least contract to occupancy agreement to be signed or option to vacate premises.

So many problems with the new landlord - we were all slipped with a rent increase , mine was a $35 per week increase and they were complaining about a dirty common area (kitchen) claiming it's a health hazard threatening action but they don't care about the eye sore build up of overfilled rubbish bins not being put our each week as the cleaner only comes 2 times a month and only after rubbish collection day which is a bigger health hazard. 

I have not signed the occupancy agreement yet until I hear back from the tenant advisory advocacy and my bond situation is sorted out.

News headlines today include

So much crime .

A body has been found in Auburn in a river bank  with the gunman on the run. Another innocent driver, a man was also shot in the neck and police believe the 2 shootings were related. The shooter has been found. 

A exotic tomato disease has been found on 2 properties in SA which could devestate the vegetable industy as it is highly contagious to fruits and  but not to humans. The source was found from contaminated seeds which somehow escaped Australia strict biosecurity regulations.

A sports community is in morning when journalist Sam Landsberger was run over whilst crossing a busy road by a truck in Melbourne. The 45 year old driver of the truck is co operating with police. The sports commentaor had just returned from reporting at the Olympics.

Coalition says 1300 ( is this figure even correct as there is a refusal by the government to release any actual figures as to how many visas were issued and cancelled) Paestinians fleeing Gaza on temporary visas should not be granted permanent residence and allowed to stay in Australia as they believe a cease fire agreement will happen soon with hostages released and they will be able to return home to help to rebuild their country and to live a peaceful life again where in reality wars in the Middle East has been ongoing for decades and nothing has really changed.. 

An Uber driver has gone over a cliff at Hallets Cove in Adelaide. 

A car explodes on the Westgate Bridge in Melbourne just before peak hour. The bridge has now been cleared.

King Charles has visited riot victims in the UK where riots broke out after 3 girls were killed at a Taylor Swift themed dance party. 

International travel is still continuing to recover post pandemic despite the rising cost of living according to June July figures as prices for flights become more competitive and more seats on flights  become available.

New technology in a  smart balls are being trialled and used to determine whether balls cross the line or not in AFL games. Chips have been inserted  and only adding to the weight of a normal football equivalent to a spoon of sugar into the footballs . 

World number 1 tennis player  Sinner avoids bans despite testing positive to steroids. It was found the source was contaminination from his physio.

Jetstar is having a jumbo sale in the next 6 days with 340000 discounted flights to domestic and international destinations.

Obama is the healine act at the Democratic Convention today making a case for Kanala Harris' bold vision for America. Michelle Obama will also make a speech. first black president now a push for first black woman as the next president.

Brisbane is blanketed in  fog and drivers urged to drive carefully.

An unidentified group of hooded thugs in QLD break into a string of  shops ransacking them in Graceville outside of Brisbane

Latrell Mitchell is pushing to serve his ban now for his white powder incident in Dubbo in order to avoid the 2025 suspension despite his injury.

Who will be the next NRL immortals player to join the NRL Hall of Fame? I want Peter Sterling to be but he is not a favourite. The final Immortals shortlist for the 2024 induction were Coote, Langer, Smith, Lockyer, Kenny, Sterling, Daley, Lazarus, Clyde, Johnathan Thurston, Billy Slater, Ken Irvine and the amazing Brad Fittler. It's expected just one player will be inducted.

JLo has on her own filed for divorce from Ben Affleck- well what do you know. I think we all saw it coming. House sold, not appearing together, not at JLo's b'day celebration etc . They separated back in April 2024 and had been together  for how long? Never mind too short a time to be a significant marriage period  There was no prenuptial interesting enough.Oh the significance of fiing her divorce today was exactly 2 years since their lavish marriage. 

Passengers are warned that strike action at Sydney Airport by refuelling staff will cause disruptions and chaos this Friday.

Drivers have been warned to refuel as the price if petrol is about to rise.

The 11 year old Australian tourist that was atracked and stabbed has recovered after over a week treatment and got to see Taylor Swift before heading home . 

A 13 year old was attacked at a train station at Mt Druit and forced to a nearby park before being raped. A 35 year old man has been charged.

Politicians can't be sacked for abuse bullying and harassment of any type . Female members of parliament are speaking out about  how they have never worked in such an unprofession workplace  and fines are being implemented for such actions by politicians.

Jetstar still has not refunded customers from COVID credit vouchers. Expiry dates they say have now been removed. A class action may result for passengers sold cancelled flight tickets that have not been refunded .

A 39 year old man who was on Centrelink benefits for 5 years has amassed luxury goods of  a car a motorbike and a watch worth a total of half a million dollars and is now being investigated.

The world's oldest woman from Spain has died at 117 . The title now goes to a 116 year old Japanese woman.

Amazon now offering same day delivery which will mean 90% of Sydney will be covered with more new Western Sydney distribution  centres only. This comes with Chinese online shopping companies Temu and Shein breathing down Amazon's necks. 


A top of only 22 degrees C today with possible showers but a warm end to Winter is ahead. What did the meteologist say it reached 27 degrees yesterday???? Brisbane could reach 30 degrees C and not good news for the ski resorts. Nit much snow at the moment - wow just a 1 - 2 month ski season this year not goid! No September spring skiing this year it looks like!

Well today I rang my tax agent and paid him for doing my tax return I though he had lodged it already but I found out he had not and he sent me an email  to ask if I wanted him to lodge it. Of course I did. I thought he had already done so when I paid him.  It can take 14 days to get a refund so now I have to wait a few more days. Better change the date I expect my refund from the ATO.

Next fill out my Workforce Australia mutual obligations so I don't forget. I haven't put my job searches in yet but I put a note in my diary everytime I apply for a job.

Next I talk to my neighbours #4 and #3. He has done absolutely nothing but just keeps complaining about the increase in his rent. I on the otherhand have made inquiries to the tenant advisory advocate and received a response which advised they need more information about my dispute. 

Next I did some more python coding practice watching YouTube tutorials but haven't looked at the assessments tgat I did not complete last semester. Hangman is a little more easier to understamd in python then in C# ( it's called C Sharp but I heard it also called C Hash or is that C Pound in American language?). I'm not a fan of coding in C #  - syntaxes forget to put closing  curly bracket or a ; and it freaks out whereas in Python I keep forgetting the closing bracket gets put in for you and I always end up with double closing brackets. This probably depends on the type of editor/IDE you are using????

What's wrong with just having a universal coding syntax for all programming languages 

Print "Hello World!"

giving the result Hello World!

No, or : or ; and no ( ), it's already in between a set of quotion marks!

After an hour or so of trying to concentrate in a noisy shopping centre with no recharging ports, I decided to do my grocery shopping at Coles then Aldi. Could not be bothered to go to Woolworths. lots of grocery items on my shopping list unavailable or not on special. Coles was interesting. People were lining up to get the variety of items in the markdown trolley being reduced by a grocery clerk. I rally wanted that big bag of red skinned potatos and tgat bag of organic tomatos but there were those I  front of me that got them and I was therefore eyeing the bag of slightly imperfect mandarins.  It did not matter that they were getting a bit spotty. I intend to juice then all along with the tart tangerines I purchased at the farmers market stall at the Chatswood Thus Fri & now Sat markets. I forgot to mention that I went to Chemist Warehouse for some toothpaste  dental floss and bottles of mouthwash and then to the farmers market stall before everything else I had to go to or do at Chatswood.  I withdrew some cash at the Westpac ATM for change for the laundry as well before making my purchases of passion fruit walnuts custard apples and tangerines from the farmers market stall and my purchases from Cemist warehouse. Snack was swet chilli chicken on a stick. 

Home I spoke to my neighbour after getting a response for further information from the tenancy advisory advocacy as well as looking at other rental properties. 

I received another email from the new property managers about how they have not received my bond transferred from the old property managers yet and a tenancy statement from them and a repeat response to my do you take bpay inquiry which had already been answered previously. I am still not signing anything until at least my bond is sorted out.

My facebook account looked as if it had been compromised so I changed the password on it but everything on it in my profile which is very limited personal information is fake anyway!

Now  back home it is unpack my groceries put them away and watch some TV update my blog then sleep.

News headlines today include

Tonight is the $100 million powerball jackpot draw . The draw is at 7  or  7.30pm tonight and I forgot all about buying a ticket today. There is a 1 in a billion chance of winning anyway and I have never won anything of value in my life . Born on the 4th of any month is a life time of bad luck in Chinese culture as it sounds like the work death and boy is this superstition real and not just a superstition . I have not had much if any luck my entire life . Everything I was awarded I earned not by luck but sheer hard work. Even when I worked really hard and did well it was never good enough for anyone. The winner of the $100 million pwerball jack pot winner has been found . A QLD woman from Aspley has become the biggest individual powerball winner. She had forgotten to check her powerball ticket.

Tina Arena is recreating her hit "Chains". What a power hit that was back in the day but I think her hit "I Need Your Body" had more listeners and received more views because of her music video back in the day.

Rescue crews have found 5 bodies ( including  the tech millionaure Mike Lynch and his 18 year old daughter) from the luxury yacht that sunk off the coast of Silicity. Divers still looking for a 6th body. 22 people were on the yacht with 16 survivors.

A Melbourne international grocery store/ supermarket in Hoppers Crosding has been fire bombed . It is not the first arsen attack .

People are eating less KFC and Maccas as the  prices of chicken rises. Fast food sales have dropped by 9% and Maccas has reported it's first global drop in sales. The rising cost of living is to blame as more people skip the weekly fast lood and spend more on groceries or other rising expenses.

An investigation of a Crows player hat flicking an Adelaide fan telling him to be quiet and stop shouting during a match. Did he assault a fan? The incident was reported to police.

Arisa Trew asked her parents for a duck if she won Olympic medal and she did so she got her duck. How cute. I had a pet duck growing up, actually quite a few. I loved Fluffy and Beaker.

The truck driver that ran over and killed the sports crossing the road in Melbourne has redused to have a blood test.  

Souths and Easts Ron Coote has become the 14th immortal in the hall of fame last night. Who?? He was a rugby league great during the 1970s apparently.

Travis Kelce is to join Adam Sandler in happy Gilmore 2.

Posh & Becks long awaited doco is being released.

Melbourne has been the chosen venue  to bring the ABBA Voyage hologram tour to Australia after it was a hit in the UK. The question remains - should the ABBA Voyage hologram  tour  come to Australia?

There has been an increase in post and boast youth crime . Dares from peers has lead to  juvenile criminals sharing their crimes on social media. Police are trying to tackle the problem. Meanwhile vehicle thief has increased by upto 160% on the Gold Coast , with increases in Brisbane and other QLD regions according to RACQ research data.

A shooting was reported at a furniture store in Richmond in Melbourne.

There has been a fog alert for drivers in Adelaide particularly in the Adelaide Hills.

BDIS legislation expected to pass today over hauling it and ending months of tension ie corruption and abuse of the system by service providers. There are concerns that some participants will miss out on services but there needs to be more control of how funding is used for what types of services.

Friday 23rd August 2024

A partially cloudy 22 degrees C today.

I woke up quite early this morning made myself breakfast then went back to sleep after watching the early news. it is quite hot.

Today I don't think I will be going out . I still have to do my laundry which I keep putting off. I need to do more life admin things but trying to put them off as well. 

Yep another almost do nothing day today.

I did apply for some more jobs though. With my rent increasing by another $35 a week I need to find work at least part time.

News headlines today include

The hunt is on for the myster powerball $100 million jackpot winner from Brisbane's Northside.Now found refer previous day's blog.

The rescue is on to free a humpback whale caught in a shark net off the coast of Sydney. Good news the baby whale has had a sucessful rescue and back out swimming in the heads of Sydney Harbour.

A jetstar passenger was arrested but not charged yet yesterday as he climbed on the plane wings after landing and breaking open the emergency exit door in Melbourne.

Aged care cost bombshell as the price of aged sky rockets by $50000 to some residents.

An Adelaide woman breath test was found to be over 8 times the limit whilst driving. She had passed out.

Australian Olympic break dance Raygun has signed with a talent agency.

Actor Golden Brolin turns 84 years old and looks so young for his age. He is happily married to Barbara Strisend for 26 years. He is starring in the 3rd season of Sweet Thooth filmed in NZ.

A feature from the defunct social media platform MySpace has had a revival. Instagram uers can now add a song to their profile leaving millennial mortified and confused!

Rockers go head to head in the World Air Guitar Campionships are on in Finland.

3 Chinese have been arrested for suggling illegal boat people in WA. 9 Chinese men arriving illegally in Australia by boat  undetected.  The 3rd illegal boat arrival. Peter Dutton has slammed the level of border security.  The illegal immigrants have been shipped straight off to Naru for processing. There are stern warnings for people smugglers.

Beyonce is rumoured to perform at the Democratic National Convention tonight as Kamala Harris addresses the convention and accepts the formally accepts her nomination as the candidate for the democratic party for the presidential elections.

A close call for a plane that took off from Bankstown Airport crashing into Bosley Park yesrerday where students were and on close to a road. The pilot and student both escaped uninjured. It is believed there was a mechanical malfunction.

The CMFEU is going into administration effective immediately. AA gave the green or was that red flag to go ahead sooner then planned. Thousands will loose their jobs. There is no turning back now officials told to turn in their keys , cards and cars today amidst the long known corruption and links to criminal organisations reported.

Today, the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court has ordered Tabcorp to pay $370,417 after pleading guilty to 43 charges for failing to prevent a minor from gambling across multiple venues in Victoria and for failing to properly supervise its Electronic Betting Terminals.  

A 5. something magnitude earthquake shook the Hunter region in NSW today with tremors felt as far as Penrith. Maitland residents and school students were evacuated.

A new toll free freeway to Sydney International and Domestic airports with a Sept 1st opening date with less traffic to the airport and more careful planning as not to cause another Rozelle Interchange spaghetti Junction traffic chaos. This new freeway is hoped to relive bottle necks to and from Sydney Airport. 

Latrell Mitchell may be injured so can't play but was hoping to service is match suspension period whilst he is injured rather then next year in order not to miss part of the season. Some think this is not exactly fair. It should be do the crime serve the time.

Right to disconnect laws come into affect soon where employees have the right not to respond to emails or other messages outside of work hours.


A top of 26 degrees C and showers. I have the fan on this morning . Winter is not over but it is actually. The snow has mostly melted by images I have seen of the ski resorts around Australia - another very short ski season which does not end until Labor day long weekend in early Oct ach year. There will be very little Spring skiing unless we have a cold snap.

I suspected this would happen and it did. Back in June I attended the Good Food and Wine Show in Sydney and purchased some fortune Cookies as well as entered a competion where hidden inside a free fortune cookie given away was a prize. I ate all of the fortune cookies I purchased within a week or so as I was unsure how long they could actually store for except I kept a free one at the end of the day and the free one to go into the draw to win a prize . I actually emailed Kneadyboi to ask the best before date and was told upto 3 months. So today I ate the last 2 and what do you know I was right, inside the free plain fortune cookie that was you were given in exchange for going online and scanning the QR code was the winner message but it is way too late to go to the stand as instructed - the show was back in June and it's now almost the end of August! refer photo below ( if it uploads) I broke the I never win anything curse I have, but in a way the curse is still present as I may have won but I never claimed the prize. 

Last Thursday I think it was I purchased some custard apples , whole walnuts , passion fruit and some tangerines I think they were and I also purchased a bag of gourmet mandarins that were marked down to just over a$1 from Coles. So glad I purchased all these grocery items. I juiced the total of 2 kg of tangerines and mandarins into a plastic bottle that I had just finish drinking after rinsing it out. I was told the tangerines were a little tart but they were so juicy and blended so well with the mandarins. The whole walnuts were so much better in the shells then in a packet and tge custard apples so sweet and creamy . I was told they still needed a day or 2 to ripen and after a day or 2 they were perfect for eating. Why does fruit taste so much better from the market then from a supermarket? They don't always look as perfect with odd sizes and blemishes over their skins but the yied and taste is so much better. I must try and buy more seasonal produce from that stand more often but I think the market stall is only there on Thursdays. 

News headlines today include

A man dies unable to be revived on a soccer field in Lemon Parkway  Derrimut West of Melb. This is a child friendly area and police are appealing to any witnesses who heard or saw anything.

21 positions at QLD and NT CMFEU were axed as the wipe out of  the organisation continues during it's administration process. Does anyone else think the footage of the head quarters of the CMFEUs look like underworld criminal drug lord gangster bikie headquarters with rather large black and white tattooed logoed facades to their headquarters?

It has been reveal that a cleaning tub is used for Taylor Swift's costume changes during a look at one of her behind the scenes rehersal sessions.

A knife attack in Germany has resulted in several injured and 3 dead at a music festival. The attacker is on the run fleeing after their attack. It has been deemed a terrorist attack.

More delays to Patramatta lightrail opening continue as kinks  are found in the tracks citing safety concerns and Rookie drivers are not hitting testing targets which are 4 minutes or so behind???

Commonwealth Bank cuts their rates as banks  increase competition in  the bortowing mortgage rate market.

Australians are working on US nuclear submarines docked in WA where the opportunity shows the seriousness of  the AUKUS submarine deal ahead. 3 second hand subs ( I think virginia class subs) will be delivered to Australia in the 2030s some time until Australia can produce their own replacing the outdated Colins class subs.

RFK Junior drops out ending his presidential election campaign to support Donald Trump in his election campaign for President. His sister has commented how by doing so he has disgraced the family name ie the Kennedy name and their political beliefs  ethics and morals.

The 7 year old that died in the Southport attack has been honoured at a funeral.

British celebrity Jeremy Clarkson opens his own pub called  The Farner's Dog in Burford. A farm pub with a menu made from local produce only.

Monash IVF was sued and the a settlement made due to inaccurate testing used and potential viable embryos destroyed.

An increase by millennials using magic mushrooms has been reported.

Alarming whooping cough cases have increased and spreading in QLD.

Qantas is offering 20% discounts to regional QLD destinations.  Two words competition and Rex .

Tennis star Sinner fires his physio for his doping accusation from contamination.

Sunday 25th August 2024.

25 degrees C today and cloudy today in Sydney.

By noon I could feel the heat although it is rather grey and overcast outside. No sun out at all. It hasn't rained yet.

Today it looks as if I am nothoing out again. I don't go out much . Maybe because I had a good look at my diary and the months ahead and found that I have a lot of things on! Events on during Sept Oct and Nov 2024. Very busy. I am going to have to pick and choose the events amd places of interest I want to attend. Events I missed out on in previous years, events I have not been to before, etc will probably be priority. More trips down to Melbourne. The only event I may not attend is Oz Comic Con - don't know what it is but I went to it once and not paticularly interested in attending it again now that there are other events that are similar like Super Nova which I still haven't been to and PAX in Melb which still haven't been to. Then there is SXSW my favourite new event from last year in Sydney - so much fun!

For my birthday this year I am planning to do something different again another first activity/place of interest to visit. 

So a lot of my time is spent planning instead of going out.

News headlines today include

NASA plans to return the 2 stranded Boeing astronauts with Space X to the rescue. This is a very complex situation as the planned space mission has to be reconfigured to accommodate the 2 stranded astronauts meaning restraining the astronauts in a very shirt period of time eg 4 weeks instead of 6 month, the original trained astronauts that were chosen for the mission lose their positions as a chance to go into space, the skills and nationality placements on the mission has to be reallocation and the experiments that were  scheduled have to completed by different astronauts.

Another fatal crash on the Gold Coast where the 31 year old driver was killed and 4 passengers taken to hospital with injuries.

There are severe wind weather warnings across NSW Vic and SA with thunderstorms along the SE coast  and wild winds mainly in the alpine areas .

The fight continues in QLD over the new stadium plans for the 2032 Olympics. 

New Right to Disconnect Laws come into affect tomorrow.

The 30 year old Perth trading that was hit by a scooter in Bali over the weekend has died and become an organ donor.

The boss of the CMFEU has admitted to the organisation's tie to the criminal underworld - so there are ties to the Mafia? a reporter asked.

Uber and DiDi strike on Monday in Adelade as drivers fight for better pay.

Corgi bun run is on  to determine the fastest and most fashionable.

Hundreds of Hunter residents have felt an aftershock  of 4.5 magnitude just days after the earthquake. The region of Mailtland lost power and water serviced but crews are working hard to restore services to residents. The tremors were felt as far as Manly.

The black box from the luxury yacht that sung off tge coast of Sicily has been retrieved and neglect and manslaughter charges could be laid over those killed.

A WA man has survived 4 days in the remote  Kimberley region. Found uninjured but sufferring dehydration and starvation. 

Every 000 call will be lived streamed. in NSW giving energency services live coverage  and access at crime or emergency scenes without having to download an app.

Justin and Haley Beiber welcome a Beiber baby boy to the world. Name yet to be revealed .

The NT has a new Country Liberal Party  ousting Labor there.

So far Australia has given a total of $1.3 million of aid to Ukraine. The government wants to give more aid - how much more can the Australian government actually give???

Another fatal accident outside of Melbourne with just a single occupant in the mv dying.

85% of detention centre occupants are crinimals with backgrounds in sex and other organised crimes. 

Monday 26th August 2024

Happy International Dog Day.

24 degrees  and sunny today in Sydney. Meanwhile Melbourne is 18 degrees with possible showers.

It was so hot today. I had to go out as I haven't been out for I think a whole week now.

It got to the point where I had to do stuff so today I did a big grocery shop at Mcquarie Shopping Centre, Monitored the Metro as I went on it and I must say after a week since it opened officially, it is joking up very well and all trains are syncing up with each other in both directions but how long will this last before it's first malfunction  or trackwork is required? How will rail replacement buses cope? 

Anyway today it was a shop at the green grocers, Aldi, Coles then finally Woolworths. Ih how I hate Woolworths but I hate Coles just as much because they are more expensive then Woolworths. Woolworths are just rude and the srlf checkouts to slow and malfunction.Today it accused me if shop lifting when I was just trying to finalise my payment for mygroceried at the self checkout! I had to call a staff member over who asked me if I had anything in my bags - not from Woolworths that's for sure just Aldi and Coles and Best & Less which all had receipts of purchases. Then it refused to spit out a receipt when I requested one. it had to take a minute or so to think before spitting one out. 

Before going to Macquarie today, I packed my bags, vacuumed the studio, recorded my job searches which is due tomorrow, lodged my fortnightly centrelink income reporting, wrote to Centrelink and posted my letter at Chatswood regarding my weekly  rent increase - now that we have no internet, I can't go online to contact them via a chat bot. Then I purchased some stamps, withdrew cash and paid my rent at the NAB over the counter that took me longer then expected because the bank officer just upped and left mid serving me and mid transaction. I made sure when he returned the details were correct and I received a receipt for the 2 weeks rent I paid in advance due 2nd Sept.I then returned my bottles for recycling at the return and earn at Macquarie Shopping Centre before heading to Best & Less where I purchased a backpack to be used for my swim bag. It was down from $20 to just $7! I love a bargain. Next it was grocery shopping and also exchange my voucher for cash and I hot some change for the laundry but not quite enough I think. 

I still have to organise the rest if my week. zso much to still do - no time to was the dishes or do my laundry today as zi did not get home until after 8 pm. I monitored the Netro and trains again when I arrived at Chatswood - still running to schedule and syncing with other trains. I had to stop and think fir a moment almost forgot to get off at Chatswood as I am so used to the Metro terminsting at Chstswood and not cobtinuing on to Sydenham. I also got on the wrong esculstor to the wrong platform going to Macquarie Uni on the Metro. 

Now it's filing of receipts after unpacking groceries and maybe a snack for dinner - just cheese and biscuits probably. Too late to cook. 

News headlines today include

Winter is well and truly over in QLD with a top temp of 30 - 31 degrees C forecasted.

Band Oasis reunited after splitting  15 year ago

Chris Hemsworth plays the drums at Ed Shereen concert.

29 year old man shot dead multiple times in the Western Sydney's Parramatta. The shooter on the run and a car found in Granville which could have the get away car found burnt out.

Another man shot East of Melbourne in Cranbourne East.The gun man is on the run.

Melbourne has been hit with huge wind, rain, hail and thunder storms with it's airport affected with delays and cancellations of flights.

6 people injured in an Engadine stabbing attack.

Major changes to Aussie Airlines with  passengers rights to rrefunds. The separate consumer watch dog is being set up to monitor airlines is still working on the new passenger rights charter.

Princess Kate has seen again in public during her preventative  chemotherapy  treatment looking happy and healthy wearing a small brown Fedora only she could make stylish  .Meanwhile there are concerns for King Charles heavy schedule during his cancer treatment which the King just brushes off known for his good worth ethic.

Hundreds attend a redheads festival. The gingers were dressed in green.

A bottle attack injures umpire at a football game. Calls for a lifetime ban.

Just short of a possible full scale war breaking out in the Middle East. A 48 hour state of emergency has been declared.Airstrikes exchanged between Isreal and Hezbollah in Lebanon . 

Another teen youth crime and stolen cars chased to Southport in QLD.

Celebrity cook Maggie Beer 79  has suffered a fall at home in the Barrossa. She is OK with minor fractures but will not be able to attend some events and apologies in a statement released.

Aussies have lost over $2 million in scams over the past year.

Daniel Ricardo can't seem to get out of 12th position and Oscar Piastri can't seem to get out of 4th position ( although he did win one Grand Prix recently)

An inquiry has been launched into " forever chemicals" in Australia's water supply pressuring the government to tighten regulations on drinking water. The question co ntinues to bring Australian water inline with US regulations which is 4 times less then the level of chemicals then Australian water.

Meryl  Streep and Martin Short could be dating is the latest hlHollywood rumour.

Tha AUS$ against the US$ has shit up to almost $0.68 at $0.6797 ! 

Tuesday 27th August 2024

Today I woke up before 5 am. First thing I did was portion out my protein into smaller snaplock bags to put into the fridge.

Today I nee to wash my dishes, do my laundry and start booking  and organising things before they expire or their deadlines.

Sunny and 24 degrees C today.

Well I washed my load of dishes and my load of laundry. 

I also did a few ither things like spoke with Northern Suburbs Tennant advocacy  about the ter.ination of old tennant lease contract and conversion to occupancy agreement with a rent increase  of $35 per week at the same time but  on a separate email sent to us "tenants". 

News headlines today include

A tourist has died and another tourist has been injured with 2 still missing  when an ice cave collapse during a tourist group glicier visit in Iceland.  Bad weather hampered rescue teams reaching the area.

An apartment block has caught on fire in the UK. Non compliant cladding that was to be removed may be to blame when part of the scaffolding caught on fire.

Another earthquake has hit the Gipland region in Victoria with a magnitude 3. Losing count of how many they have had now in Victoria.

2 armed gunmen in Petersham robbed the Livingston Hotel with patrons still it and they are still on the run. 

Mid morning stop work and protests of trade unionists thousands of them will match in protest of the government's breakup of the CMFEU will occur in Melbourne today.

Brisbane Winter scorcher from 31 degrees C - 34 degrees C may break 100 year record temperatures in the next few days.

Proposed nuclear reactor sites scraped due to 3 of the sutes located near fault lines where earthwuakes are a threat. The Coalition plans to ditch the nuclear power plants construction of the risk of earthquakes to sites is too high.

Fill up now while fuel prices are lower, another warning to drivers that fuel prices will rise again .

The Fox sisters ( Oympic Kyack  & Canoe gold medalists) who paid a visut to the NRL HQ presented with jerseys by an NRL Panthers team leader Ivan Cleary.

There are calls to restrict visitors to K'Gari ( formally Fraser Island) due to the number of recent dingo attacks. It's a tourist destination and a proposal to only allow families with children to camp behind the safety of fences  or ban families to the island is being discussed and considered.

Meghan and Harry have been accused of  attending fake tours and events with publicity stunts to rival the royals making the rift wider between them and the Royal family.

Footballer David Beckham( soccer)  pays tribute to former England manager Ericsson who has died aged 76.

A massive attack from Russia in the Ukraine has killed 6 and injured dozens as 200 missiles and drones attack Ukraine as the war hits over the continuous 900 days mark.

North Korean has been testing new suicide drones as they attack targets in the presence of a smiling Mr Kim their supreme leader. The country wants to further incorporate AI technology into them ( in the events war  breaks out with the US) 

Quinton Tarantino weighs in on the Alec Baudwin Rust shooting accident.

Emily in Paris  leaves Paris for Italy in the next series part 2 season 4.

Superman's (Christopher Reeves) life  is honoured in a doco hitting Australian cinemas in November.

The giant inflatable duck has made it's home on the river in Shanghai as part of an arts festival. 

Aussie tennis Popyrin advances through the next round and may end up playing Djokovic.

The luxury yacht that sank off the coast of Sicity is now declared was not due to severe weather but human error . The NZ captain is now being investigated for manslaughter and negligence that resulted in  the accident.

A 4 truck and 2 ambulances crash on their way to a truck crash on the Bruce Highway in QLD due to poor weather conditions and poor visibility. 

Mariah Carey's mother  and sister have both passed away on the same day and she has asked for privacy.

Mining giant BHP has made a $5 billion loss .

Ben Affleck has a new romance rumoured to be the daughter of a Kennedy.

When asked Channing Tatum  can't live without his dog Cutie he has been revealed.

Lattrel Mitchell faces court over his white powder incident. Nothing much has happened.

As 80% of the new Western Sydney Airport nears completion and thr first planes due to take off in 2026, Singapore Airlines is the first international airline to sign an agreement to land and take off from the new Western Sydney Airport. Wait but we have to be able to get out to the new airport at Badgery's Creek first. No mention about a rail link to be completed in time before it's opening in 2026 yet. It's going to be a pain getting to and from the airport in the near future. Curfew? What's this about a curfew? Hopefully those out in Sydenham will appreciate the reduction in deafening flights overhead every few minutes!

Trump and Harris muting microphones at the presidential debate?!

13 ride seekers were stuck for at least 2 hours on the Voyex ride at Seaworld which malfunctioned. There were noajor injuries just some sufferring back pain as they were rescued cherry pickers.  This comes after riders were stuck for upto an hour on another ride that malfunctioned previously.

Ikea takes on ebay and gumtree with cheaper with resale furniture- a sign of the times.

Coles offering discounts after celebrating a huge profit $1.1 billion .  Coles is tge most expensive supermarket so I don't shop there as much now.Now I know why they have been price gouging customers to feed their profits and they claim itis from increased online sales amd home deliveries both of which I don't use.Woolworths will be next to announce their discounts.

ADP and NDIS in the middle of the night raid a property in Adelaide. Links to organised crime within the NDIS are suspected .

Wednesday 28th August 2024

I woke up just before 6 am this morning and I probably just missed the peak of it but I had to take a photo of the sunrise this morning. The entire sky was an ombres of intensely bright reds crimson and pinks. I have never seen the sky so full of colour, usually the sun rise is very restrained in the background closer to the horizon and distant but this morning it was like looking at the Aurora Australius except not in the greens and not at night against a dark sky. 

Photo attached. I just could not describe how clear close colour intense and beautiful the entire sky and not just a part of it was during sunrise this morning. It only lasted a minute or so before the intensity of colours faded and gradually disappeared altogether and the morning sky turned cloudy dark and grey before my eyes. Perfect opportunity for non photographers who want to experiment with time lapse photography . 

Today I spent most of the morning applying for jobs. No one will hire me as I'm probably too old but at least I am trying and Centrelink can't say anything as I am sticking to my job search/ activities meeting the mutual obligations for both reporting periods ending 27th August and the next one.

I paid my mobile bill aa I don't want to be cut off. If become homeless the last thing I want is to be ex communicated!

I followed up on my tax return to endure it was lodged as it is not showing up on the ATO portal.

Ah the about of time spent on life admin tasks!

Caught up watching YouTube channels. It' tge late afternoon. Need to cook soon.

Still haven't done some things I need to do.

3.30 pm and it is so windy outside. 

News headlines today include

A scorching 28 degrees C today! It's 8.30 am and I'm already feeling it. Winter is not quite over yet but the ski season is already ending cut short by 1 and a half months as snow cams around all ski resorts and mountain tops that are usually covered in snow at the top are bare of snow and only covered in grass or very patchy. The NSW ski resorts are fairing a little better with snow cover then all of the more Southern resorts in Victoria and Tasmania.

Gas short falls will lead to big bills and cold showers. 

Zuckerberg accuses Whitehouse of forcing Mata to remove content such as COVID content. This legal battle has been going on in the background for years but only surfaced significantly now during the presidential election campaign as US law makers battle free speech laws which influences voters.

The Smoke Shack restaurant in Northern Sydney may be forced to remove it's outdoor BBQ smoker or  close and move elsewhere after a council ban on it's outdoor smoker when complaints from neighbours were lodged to the council citing "environmental"and air quality concerns. A petition has also been signed by 50 customers to keep it open. Did tgey have a permit for the outdoor BBQ? Neighbours were complaining that smoke was getting into their homes and making it it healthy.

Australian tennis player Kokkinakis wins and is onto the 2nd round of US Open.

It's singer Shania Twain's birthday

Wild winds hits Victoria with trees down around Melbourne across Victoria with a break but with more forecasted .

A man poured hot liquid a cup of coffee over a baby in QLD in a random attack. The baby has suffered burns to 60% of it's body including it's face. 

Carlton coach Michael Voss and a Barton Milk Bar cafe owner  takes down a armed thief  who overturned a car ( probably stolen) before running  by making a citizen arrest tackling him down and holding him in a bearhug in Horthorn in Victoria. The other thief is still on the run.

Police are powerless in tackling  cross border crime but now have a new police organisation set up to deal with this increasing cross border youth crime problem.

First the increase of  flat and house sharing now cross generational living for longer  is on the rise due to the rising cost of living.

In the US a drive by brazen thief has robbed a kids lemonade stand  but the kids managed to raise a lot more money and the thief was arrested .

Latrell Mitchell has copped a fine and a one match ban after his photo of him with white powder incident  in Dubbo. So much drama over weeks and this was his only penalty as a result?? The NRL is still deliberating his punishment . Meanwhile no comment in a hurry to dodge media Latrell has kept his promise and attended Tszyu's fight tonight.

Pembroke school in Adelaide is in trouble over a misogynistic footy fine scandal by males.

The PM is off again to meet Pacific Island leaders in Tonga and the plan to have an inter country police force set up in the event of upheaval in the Pacific Islands region. Concerns over Vhina trying to implement similar plans has caused some resistance from some individual  Pacific Islands like Vanuatu.

Premiere Chris Minns faces a grilling today. 

Golfing  husband and wife score a hole in one back to back in Victoria.

AFL star Cody Weightman is an artist and about to have his own exhibition.

A nude man chases teen thieves that broke into his home.

A 7 year old saves family from house fire which destroyed everything. the fire is being investigated but is thought to have been caused by an electrical fault.

Harry Garside the ballet dancing boxer may not have won a medal at the Olympics but he continues to train with a possible participation in a triathlon in his sights .

A father was mortified when his 4 year old son smashed a 3500 year old vase in a museum in the Middle East during a visit.

Another organised crime raid around Sydney by police .

A large grass fire at Horningsea near Camden Valley Way has been difficult to control due to strong winds a high temperatures. Isn't this where the old ONeil's Adventureland Amusement Park is located nearby?

Inflation is dropping and was 3.5% in July.

Actress Lynne McGranger ( Irene from Home & Away)  has had surgery to remove a toxic over-active thyroid. 

An exploding plane tyre has killed a worker

Superannuation changes due to a $5 billion in unpaid employer super contributions into employee super accounts.

A new blood test can detect Alzimers disease way before the onset. Researchers are looking for funding for human trials. Currently legthly Alzimers testing involves brain scanning. 

Two Boeing Dreamliner aircraft have suffered major tyre incidents within two days, with two ground crew tragically losing their lives in the most recent accident. Overnight, a Delta Airlines 757 plane at Atlanta Airport experienced a tyre explosion, killing two ground staff and injuring another.

Australia has become a leader in newspaper and magazine recycling.

Woollworths profits have hardly moved and meanwhile Woolworths is trialling new high tech shopping in supermaket scan and go devices at selected Woolworyhs around NSW ( mainly in the Western North Western suburbs) . And the current Woolworths CEO officially hands over the reins to a new CEO next Tuesday.

Al eyes on the Paris Paympics tomorrow morning at the opening ceremony . Around 160 Australians will compete.

Tomorrow Sydney will be a little cooler with a top of 23 - 24 degrees C with some clouds but no wind. 

Thursday 29th August 2024

Sydney is a top of 23 degrees C today and mostly sunny.

The sunrise before 6 am this morning is back to normal and nowhere as intense or beautiful as yesterday's sunrise. It's back to a more calmer dull pinkish ombras in the background. 

I will probably not be blogging any news in the next 4 days as I embark on yet another trip down to Melbourne on the XPT. My neighbour keeps asking me why I just don't fly . Maybe I will for my birthday.

I took the Metro from Chatswood to Central during the end of the evening peak hour and timed it to see how long it took. I just missed on Metro which just closed it's doors as I arrived on the platform so had to wait for the next one in about 7 minutes. It was a long wait. The next Metro arrived at exactly 6.46 pm and arrived at Central at 7.02 pm . I faced my first problem. The escalators are so steep you probably can't take carry on wheelie bags onto them in case you topple over so you have to walk to the end of the concourse and take the glass lift hidden at the end of it then take another small lit up to another another concourse before taking another longer less steep lift to the Grand Concourse where the country regional interstate and intercity trains depart from. Really annoying as there are no lifts or escalators between some courses and diffinately no one lift or speculator fits all. 

So all up allow 30 minutes to get from Chatswood to Central's grand concourse minimum as you still have to go through Opal gates and walk to the platform.

OK the overnight XPT was on time and arrived close to schedule but my problems continue . Customer service is not the same so many mistakes and requests not processed correctly.

So as soon as I arrived at Southern Cross Station it was straight to the NSWTrainlink office.  My ticket received in an email was not even correct I requested right leg out asile seat, I got a window seat ? What the? then when my emailed ticket was checked it wasn't even the correct seat number in first class. 

So it was a toilet stop and straight to the YHA Melb Central however my request to have a shower upon arrival as I normally do was not responded to and upon arrival I was told that I could not have a shower until after 10 am which wasted at least 2 hours of my morning. I have always been allowed to have a shower upon arrival previously. So I was allowed to have a shower at around 9.30 am however they had upgraded the lockers and they were

News headlines today include

The search is on for the stranger that randomly poured a cup of hot coffee over the 9 month old baby boy who suffered burns to 60 % of his body to his face arms and chest and underwent surgery. He is recovering in hospital while his distraught mother has spoken out on how she is now scared to take him outside anywhere now. 

Pacific leaders have signed up to a new Albanese ( PM AA) security pact deal. A win by the PM over China , this puts a dent in Beijing's policing security pact plans in and with the Asia Pacific Islands . 

Queensland's new heart of Brisbane opens today -  the Queens Whatf Project after years of controversy has opened but only partially open after it's construction with some cafes trading.Only 7 of the 50 restaurant and cafes were open to the public today with others opening later in the year. The site is still surrounded with construction.

A dam has been shut down due to to a contamination of Sydney's water supply. Medlow Dam in the Blue Mountsins has been found to contain traces of cancer linked chemicals which are so called "forever chemicals". The first time a dam has been shut down.

Margot Robbie has taken her baby bump belly to Italy on a holiday.

Ben Affleck says his romance with a Kennedy daughter is fake.

Koala a surprise new airline set to soar. What how? Especially when Bonza and Rex have both failed. There is not a lot of detail available about the new airline at the moment just communication that the new airline is out there.

Neghan Mark less business ventures are not taking off. What happened to her jam? What's her children 's book at? Now she is investing in herself - what just like an influencer - yes she will be just another influencer. Meanwhile Prince Harry will be in NY the same day as Prince William will be - talk about stealing the royals thunder!

Another 3.4 magnitude earthquake in Hamilton outside of Melbourne in Victoria has occurred measuring 3 meters deep.

Deadly weather has killed a male driver and seriously injured a woman in a car driving and hit by falling trees during heavy winds in Victoria trapping them for over an hour until the session could free them from the wreakage. Upto 160 km/hr wind gusts caused chaos around Victoria and NSW. 

Another attacker and home invasion in Western Sydney 3 men attacked 2 men in their home armed with a hammer?! Only in Holroyd

Another Trump campaign scandal. where staff were accused of an altication with officials at Alington National Cemetery . Trump defends his photo opportunities and claims that he had permission from military families to take photos at the sacred site reserved for military personnel and where no photography is allowed at the site.

Kouta's  race for Mayor with the lure of free coffee if they return to the office to work on Mondays in Melbourne to bring back life into the city's  CBD.

Le Bron James has said his son Bronny can't call him dad on court when playing together.

The latest financial results have been released for supermarkets ahead of the senate 's supermarket inquiry report. Woolworths came out on top ahead of Coles both making well over a billion dollar profit as more is spent on home cooking groceries . Retail may be sufferring due to the rising cost of living but supermarkets are booming.

Lego makes major changes to the way they make their bricks and are searching for more sustainable environmentally friendly resources and methods to manufacture their plastic oil based bricks. 

There are 2 ages where you fall off the cliff 44 and 60 - it's not gender related but everyone - 44 cardiovascular and 66 immunity .

Meal pack subscriptions have boomed with proportioned meal kits safing food wastage and cooking times. But are they good for you if you live on these 24/7. Meanwhile Adi voted #1 supermarket - I am unsurprised. I've certainly become a Aldier!

A crash on the Warribgah Freeway North of Sydney  where the driver was on the wrong side of tge riad may have been caused by the reconfiguration of lanes. This is being investigated . 

A real flying kangaroo was captured by a tradie high jumping over a full backyard fence.

Qantas has had a significant drop in profits to  $1.25 billion a first under new CEO Vanessa Hudson . This came at a cost to improving Qanatas customer service  including on time flights and less cancelled and delayed flights .

The teen that tried to assainate Trump, it has been revealed had considered other targets such as Biden.

More buses to cope with rail line closures.State government is offering public transport free rail replacement buses as the shut down of the Bankstown Line to convert to the Metro is revealed that it will take longer then previously planned. 

More Isreali military attacks as 10 more Palestinians are killed in attack. zi just wish the wars will stop. What is the point? What is to be gained?

Bega Cheese shares are up when most other industries are down - let's all go and invest in the diary industry!

Motor cyclist Mick Doohan's son Jack who is currently a reserve driver for the  Alpine F1 team will be promoted in the F1 team for 2025 joing Daniel Richardo and Oscar Piastri. Jack will be the first to graduate from the Alpine academy into a racing driver position with the team. I think Oscar has some competition now!!!! But both are still young in their racing careers.

Friday 30th August 2024

Arrived In Melbourne, a toilet stop and to the YHA Melbourne Central to have a shower and go out to explore the Now Or Never Ideas Sound & Tenology which is not quite like the Sydney VIVID event. 

Unfortunately had to make detour to NSWTrainlink office to get my return ticket reissued as I was given a left leg out asile seat coming down to Melb which was not reallocated on board B30 and a window seat B15 returning according to my email but it had been changed to an asile seat B36 but the wrong asile seat again ( did not find this out until I boarded on Mon night so had to move to B14)

So then I had to go to the toilet and had requested early arrival request to have a shower upon arrival as I always do but was not allowed to do so until after 10 am so it put me back 2 hours . I did not actually stop to get breakfast as I was going to do so as I explored the city to find each of the art installations so no breakfast just went without until late afternoon where I began to run out of time as I had to go back and check in  before heading out again.I had put my luggage in the paid locker for the day but again I wasted  even more time when the normal locker size ( a medium locker) had become only large enough for a backpack or overnight bag  on it's side . It was no longer deep enough or wide enough to fit my carry on wheelie bag and small duffle bag. I had to swap it with the assistance of the receptionist to do so and just fit in the largest pay locker which cost me $6 initially.

Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Back in Sydney about 75 minutes behind schedule arriving around 7.45 am, nothing new - this was due to being stuck in peak hour rail traffic, a medical emergency at Cootamundra and something else oh that's right late into Melbourne and departing out of  Nelbourne - pretty standard. Just as well I was nit in a hurry.

Onto the Metro to Chatswood as I needed a few groceries strawberries and spinach - I forgot bottled water. No problem I'll just boil our contaminated Sydney water. Done

Next to get some laundry money - oh no,  no change given.

To the awaiting bus but it was very full so I waited for the next bus which was also filling up along the way.

Home boil the kettle and eat whatever I had leftover in my bag of the bagel from Wood Frig Bajery and the chocolate muffin from the Fine Food Australia Show along with the bottle mineral water I purchased at Woolworths Metro at Southern Cross Station before boarding the XPT from Melbourne to Sydney.

Sleep catch up on news on  TV and catch up on YouTube .

News headlines today include ( catch up time)

The Spirit of Mateship which reported a mayday malfunction South East of Sydney have finally been rescued . 2 people were rescued and u injured early this morning around 7.40 am. All forms of search and rescue were involved to locate and rescue the 2 people whose racing yacht that has taken part in the Sydney to Hobart races was towed back to Sydney. The rescue was called off after traitorous waves which reached 5 meters high and damaging winds that reached 70 - 90 kph. The 2 people were rescued to safety by NSW Water Police vessel Nemesis.3 helicopters, the police, the Navy and other search and rescue were involved in trying to rescue the 2 sailors who spent 18 hours clinging to their damaged yacht.  They were given a sandwich and slept most of the way back to Sydney and have just arrived back at Balmain HQ of Stmydney Water Police. 

Liverpool Council building was deemed a cancer cluster with several staff  suffering from thyroid cancer but no traces of cancer causing agents have been found.

The Grounds Alexandria is opening their latest venture yet a giant coffee cafe.

Another teenager charged for planning a tourist attack - folied by by QLD police before he could execute his terrorist plans.

A top of 19 degrees C and mostly sunny. Meanwhile the clean up is on for Victoria where wild winds , severe storms and hail overnight have caused damage to houses with trees fallen and lines down resulting in power outages with hundreds of thousands of residents still without power. Whilst in NSW a series early spring fires continue to burn.

The annual Swiss cow parade celebrates the change of season where farmers take their cows from the mountains and parade them through the town/city to mark the end of Sumner and start of Fall.

A Thai company has granted employees  Tinder leave to go out and date and to release stress.

I missed all the Paralympics - is Australia really at the top on the leader board? Go Aussies. The relay team was trialling way behind medalling until a miracle happened in the final laps and Australia took the gold medal. 

A Dream World trainer was attacked by a tiger whilst taking a walk with it. Her colleagues came to the rescue as she was quite evenly bitten and was taken to hospital for treatment due to the possibility of infection where she was bitten on herarm and shoulder. The cause is being investigated.

Latrell Mitchel may still have to serve out his suspension next year over the white power incident if the proof that he could have still played despite his injury does not pass muster . The plan was for him to serve his suspension now and not be penalised next year but at present he is inured and can't play so should he still be able to serve his suspension now given that he is injured and can't play anyway.

Fans of Keith Uurban were given a special surprise concert.  

Another hit & run.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been paid out to teachers as workers compensation due to physical and psychological injuries to teachers which is increasing in Victoria due to anger issues increasing from students.

Philipines has been flooded closing stores .

Joe Biden campaigns with Kamala Harris for the first time as she was the one who was rampaging with him as the vice president last presidential election.

A cigarette butt was the cause of a fire in the garbage room resulting in the evacuation of a city apartment block of residents.

$200000 worth of stolen guns from a Lithgow armour museum has ended up down South of NSW. The museum has been told to clear it's museum and lock away any remaining weapons.

A Sydney bus driver has been charged with inappropriately sexually touching 2 disabled children .

A baby has been found dead in a Brisbane daycare centre. It was reported that the baby had been ill.

Drivers saved an hour on the new freeway to Sydney Airport today.

The debate continues as to whether yto issue tourist visas and protection visas to people escaping Gaza or not due to security risks.

Isreali PM is being accused of being more concerned over the war rather then hostages.

Another Seaworld whale rescue.

A tobacco store worker has been attacked by 2 teens in Western Sydney.

Controlled back burning is being tested around NSW.

The pope arrives in Indonesia for a tour.

Domestic airfares maybe increasing but international flights are becoming cheaper.

The Fox sisters who both won gold at the Paris Olympics have had a koala joey named after them.The joey will grow up to become part of the breeding program.

Advances in stem cell transplants.

Coles overtakes Woolworths in profits.

Drs have declared Letrell fit but not to play therefore sitting out his match suspension periodfor his white powder incident now rather then next year.