Friday, 28 February 2025

Saturday 1st March

Saturday 1st March 2025

There is no way I am going out today as it will be crazy in the city today with the Mardi Gras  parade on tonight. It is so hot. I have so much life admin still to do. 

A very long parade from 6.45 pm - 11 pm with a live message from Kylie at her concert and some weird and wonderful debut groups such as an ice hockey team? Were there no police marching this year? The parade was a little more spread out this year. The parade ended around 10.30 pm. Abo made an appearance again and spoke to the ABC. 

News headlines today include

It's the first day of Autunm and it's still a top of 29 degrees C today in Sydney and cloudy. It is the Mardi Gras parade tonight and in the past there are chances of showers on the night.

2 QLD women were misdiagnosed with breast cancer. One was misdiagnosed not to have breast cancer when she actually had it and is awaiting treatment whilst the other underwent unecessary surgery only for doctors to find no sign of cancer.

Victoria's government is trialling high risk homeless teen criminals with ankle bracelet monitors to track them to attend state schools in order to obtain some sort of normality and education. Schools are not happy with the trial and would like to see more evidence that it is safe and will not put other students at risk or harm them before the trial goes ahead. Teachers are also no equipped to handle these students or perform duties such as recharge ankle tracking devices. 50 teens selected for the trial will have to meet certain criteria such as are high risk who may have skipped bail and could reoffend.

A woman in the US who went on a revenge act , has ended up with egg on her face when it went wrong - she spray painted the wrong car, it was her neighbourrs' car.

It's 50 years of colour TV being celebrated today

Ross River fever has been detected in WA with residents urged to use inspect repellent and wear loose clothing .The mosquito's bites that carry the disease cause rash and fever.

Milo has released a protein power ( or was that just powder) Milo but not everyone is on board with it. The claim is that it contains a much higher amount of protein then normal Milo.

A firey exchange between Trump & Zelensky - no deal between US & Ukraine. The meeting was meant to be about mineral and trade in exchange for US support but ended up in a tense unsucessful meeting with Zelensky walking out and cutting his visit to the US short. Disrespectful was the description of the meeting. Threatening was another description of the timone of the meeting.

Police are on the hunt for a gang on the run after they crashed into a house in Seven Hills in Sydney's Western suburbs.

New wave of Jeffery Epstein files have been released but there wasn't any new information about the case. Was the case not just criminal but a financial criminal case as well.

The pope has had a major health set back overnight. He has had to cancel some events next week.

What? Abo to freeze the tax on beer for 2 years? But he still hasn't called an election yet!!!!

2 more people have been charged over the Bute party drug raid.

China warships are now circling Australia but calls for the government not to panic.

Gene Hackeman had been dead for 9 days and suspects his wife could have died at the same time.

Tonight's Mardi Gras is going to be bigger then Christmas with streets blocked off and spectators grabbing the best spots hours ago. 1978 was the first

Kylie is performing tonight at Qudos Arena and there is speculation she could be attending the Mardi Gras after party. Ticket are from $200.

Tomorrow is NRL game day in Las Vagas.

The Queen Anne is making her maiden voyage around the world. Sydney is the first stop of the  Australian leg of her tour

A pill testing trial has begun at a music festival South of Sydney.

The heat is expected to hang around tomorrow with a chance of rain. 

Hazard reduction burning has begun in North Western suburbs of Sydney with possible haze visible

A raid has been performed on AI generated  child abuse  overseas.

Contraceptive pills Yas and Yasmin for women will now become cheaper.

A protest lead to a riots on the 2nd anniversary of the train crash in Greece thsy killed over 50 people. Prmeople are sick of the governments incompetency and not holding anyone responsible for the accident.

A SES rescue training course was performed in Neapan's toughest rapids

Fire fighters have tacked a large toxic train explosion has occurred in the czech republic.

Drake's slipper throwing incident at a drone has captured the attention of aviation authorities where the height of the suite where Drake was staying in was far higher the safe height limits of the drone being flown. Did the drone breach flight restrictions is now the question.

A 17 year old teen has had the backing from a millionaire to achieve his formula one dream.

The Panthers are the underdogs in Las Vagas.

Sick kids that need ground breaking specialist cancer treatment have had to go overseas to be treated due to a state of the art cancer treatment centre that was built in SA in 2017  remaining closed due to government funding cuts where the contract to purchase the proton treatment equipment was cancelled . The SA government is working to get the equipment required to Australia from a US supplier so families with sick kids no longer have to travel overseas to receive treatment which is a financial strain.

Sunday 2nd March 2025

It's still so hot so this morning I just stayed in with the fan on and watched TV and YouTube videos. I washed my dishes and did my laundry but I had to wait as there was a queue for the communal laundry. I will try and venture out this afternoon as I need some essential grocery items which I could not get on my last shop.

News headlines today include

A top of 28 degrees C today and possible showers.

Police have shot a man in a standoff in Burleigh Heads on the Gold Coast in QLD where a chainsaw was involved. He has been to hospital and will make a full recovery.

Ukraine's Zelensky has arrived and met with the UK PM and has his full support after a tense meeting with US president  Trump & vice JD Vance. The question remains why is Trump siding with Russia's Putin? Is he being blackmailed? Does Putin have some type of financial hold or influence over Trump?

A brawl in Greenacre in Western Sydney - is this even news anymore? There seems to be a new crime in the Western suburbs of Sydney everyday

There are 5 contraversal tests that are being promoting by social media influencers which may not be necessary or are overhyped

A man involved in a stabbing in Melbourne hid in a lake but finally surfaced.

The big dig up in SA wraps up today with now new developments on the cold case of the missing 3 Beaumont children.

Mardi Gras was a success and Kylie unfortunately could not make it to the after party but she did send a live message from her concert of Happy Mardi Gras. Mostly well behaved crowds except for 4 arrests and a man who managed to get on top of a police bus and do somersaults.

A 4.4 magnitude earthquake has rocked and shocked residents of Toowamba in QLD. Meanwhile cyclone Albert is expected to make landfall next week. The cat 3 cyclone is edging closer off the East coast of QLD but seems to be turning away as a category 2  between Bundberg and the Sunshine Coast of QLD but is heading back down towards the North East coast of NSW with warning fir the regions near Lismore..

Abo promises to open another 50 urgent care centres around Australia if re elected as PM.

The Oscars are on in a few days time but the red carpet has already been rolled out. Conan O"Brien is hosting it for the first time and he has not been to an Oscar ceremony before apparently. Adriana Grande and Cynthia Erivo are to perform.

A FedEx plane has caught on fire upon landing returning to New Jersey in the US Noone was hurt.

Raiders face Warriors before Pathers take on Sharks in Sin City Las Vagas in the season opener in the USA today.

Ocean Infinity is performing a new search off the coast of Perth for the wreckage of MH370 with a reward offered by the Mayasian government if found.11 years later the mystery of the plane's disappearance .

A photogtlrapher celebrates people with rare diseases by photographing them. If you have seen some of they are so beautifully taken).

Microsoft users have just come back online after an outage that left users being unable to access their MS office applications  and emails for an hour or so. It is unclear what caused this outage to  occur.

Pope Francis is doing better today after being on a ventilator.

Mark Zuckerberg puts on jump suit in a sparkling performance for his wife's 40th birthday.

Opposition leader defence promise as he pledges $3 billion for stealth fighter jets 

The Sound of Music celebrates 60 years. 

Egg prices are at a 16 year high and it could take more then 6 months before prices come back down partly due to the bird flu.

Blue Ghost lunar landing which will be used to collect samples from the moon.

NY window cleaners were trapped for a few hours dangling on a partially enclosed platform until rescued smashing constantly into glass panels that fell to the ground below.

Tomorrow it is forcasted to be 26 degrees C with showers. Showers are forcasted  for the entire week ahead  but temperatures will remain in the high 20s.

What, Calvin the topery pine tree neighbourhood watch dog has thousands of online fans? He is decorated for different celebrations such as Halloween and Christmas. 

Monday 3rd March 2025

Today was a grey day but not as hot as the previous days with a top of around what felt like 26 degrees in the afternoon.

I stayed at home again today watched the Oscars and paid a few bills as well as watched YouTube.

News headlines today include

Britney Higgins and her husband David Shiraz have welcomed a baby.

A 14 year old boy riding an e bike without any protective gear has been run over by a car in Bass Hill in Western Sydney. A man hunt is underway. He was taken to hospital with head injuries and several broken bones.

The Oscars are underway tonight with some Aussie nominees.

A top of 26 degrees C today and showers. Meanwhile cyclone Alfred as a category 2 is likely to make landfall next Tuesday turning West and heading towards the South East Coast of Queensland as far as Bundaberg and the Gold Coast and North East coast of NSW with warnings to residents in regions to be prepared ( including the football match that is to be played in Brisbane as the cyclone is just 465 kms off the coast from Brisbane) and the cyclone's path is being monitored closely. A boat has been caught up in the severe ocean conditions off the Sunshine Coast. Meanwhile the transpacific rower in the boat caught up in srvere ocean conditions has been rescued by the navy. If cyclone Alfred does make landfall across the NSW border it will be the first time a cyclone since 1990.

After summit with European leaders and with their full support, Urkrainian president Zelensky has been welcomed and has met with the King flown to his private Sandringham estate.

A poll has showed which Australian PM would work better with Trump and Dutton is in front over Abo.

Well the Mardi Gras over the weekend is over and the NRL season opener is being played in Las Vagas Raiders blew the Warriors 30 - 8  now Panthers play the Sharks at Allegient Stadium in Las Vagas. The Jillaroos won to Lionesses by a long shot and Panthers won over Sharks 28 to 22 

Train chaos in Melbourne with delays upto an hour due to overnight works. All main rail lines Frankston, Sandringham,  Pakenham & Cranbourne affected with ongoing delays.

There is a secret push to include touch football in the 2032 Brisbane Olympics games. 

Fashion focus was on Kim Kardashian's tiny Chanel handbag which could not fit anything in it and was found to contain just a what?! throat lozenges?!

A warning not to release goldfish into the wild as a massive goldfish has been found and caught.

The trade only toy fair is on in Melbourne at the MCEC which started yesterday and ends on Wednesday. Of course Lego will be there but this year Lego is teaming up with Formula 1 .

An ANU study has found men fall in love earlier or faster.

Rundle Mall in SA is in the news again over the amount of crime it attracts.

A Qantas flight from Sydney had to return to Sydney after a fire in the cockpit. A new flight was organised for passengers an hour later.

A woman was alledgedly thrown off a balcony in Maryland's in Sydney's Western suburbs . Her exhusband had ran from the incident after an arguement. The act of violence was possibly over the custody of their child.

80% of tunnelling is now complete on new  western line - and metro milestone.

The Blue Ghost lander lands on the moon after obiting the moon for days.Hopefully the success of the landing will bring manned space travel back to the moon. This is the second lunar landing.

A medical breakthrough for ovarian cancer. Leader cells have been shown to slow down tumours increasing patient survival.

2 women have been struck and trapped by a tree in Kirrawee as they were walking past a property.

The Star Casino is under threat with shares suspended. The operators of the Casino has not been able to finalise the accounts. They only had one week's worth of funds left. 

Peter Garrett has been slammed for comments he made about dancing on mining magnate Gina Rhinhart's grave  & also  Trump at a concert in WA. 

Fire Flighters are looking for new recruits.

A Pyrmont eyesore is to converting into housing.Luxury units from $850k to over $2Million. Meanwhile 3 developers are viewing the old fish markets site into convert into apoarements.

Looks like at top of 26 degrees C tomorrow with showers at times increasing to decent falls all the way through to it's heaviest on Sunday.

Police are asking for witnesses to come forward with information of of a  man who was seen on CCTV and died after being run over in the Blue Mts just a short while after a  year ago 

The AUS$ has dropped well below the $0.63 mark against the US$.

According Syadium at Sydney zolympic Park has been converted into a race track for this weekend with celebrity racing drivers racing against  each other on the tracks in the Race of Champions.

Tuesday 4th March 2025

It is still so hot and I still have some much to do. 

I started off reporting all the jobs I have been applying for on Workforce Australia. Next reporting period is not due until 27th March 25. Starting off with 5 positions/organisations most of which were not advertised directly via Seek or Indeed. I never heard back from any of the jobs I apply for anyway.

I had to venture out this afternoon. It started to rain very lightly as I was out. I had to multitasking whilst grocery shopping at Chatswood. I was shoping at Coles when the reminder went off on my phone. I rushed to get it out as I was at the checkout. There was a hold up at the checkout and it was 6 pm and I was suppose to be listening to a webinar between 6 and 7 but there is no internet signal at the Coles in Westfield so I dumped my groceries onto the conveyer  belt and said I'm just going out the door with my trolley empty to get a signal to connect to the meeting. it took some time and I rushed back to the register as soon as I connected and loaded my groceries into my trolley after paying for them  whist listening to the session.

Into to Aldi but before I entered I spent the hour sitting outside after standing in a corner for a while with the phone on speaker until zi could pull out my earphones to listen. After conclusion of the session an hour later I continued my shop at Aldi then finally back to Woolworths Metro for a snack. I  had  quickly recharged my local card at an earlier visit prior to Aldi but I forgot about getting some change for the laundry and Woolwirtjs don't give change as it is cashless.

My snack was a packet of meat pie flavoured CCs ( they don't taste like meat pie and I decided not to purchase it's matching packet of sausage roll CCs both a colab woth four & twenty pies) and vegetable tempura from the cold sushi bar ( don't get these either they were bland - tosding up between it and the last hot chicken veg & rice bowl left probably making the wrong choice) 

Waited for a bus to go home.

Nobody took the bins back in so I asked my neighbour in #1 for some disposable gloves which he always has and I put them on and start taking the bins in when my neighbour in # came back from work and she helped me. She asked me what about the green bin and I said it's broken. It's been broken for a long time and has been sitting on the curb for ages. One of the wheels has broken off completely - how this happened I am unsure. We used to have 2 green bins so what happened to the second green bin? As soon as we take the bins in one of the neighbours from # 1 pops out to see what is happening. He always does this. Isn't it his responsibility to bring them back in? It's still a mystery of who is suppose to take the bins back in now that the cleaner puts them all out on Mondays when they do the weekly building clean????instead of coming on Tuesdays.

Got home and unpacked my groceries but what did I discover - the packet of what I thought was a 4 pack of icare toilet paper ( don't usually buy this brand at Coles as the normal brand of 4 pkt Coles 3 ply toilet paper was completely out of stock) and what I thought was toilet paper was actually 2 rolls of paper towels !!!!!!- the wrapper looked exactly the same and it was the last pack sitting in the icare 4 pack toilet paper shelf at Coles ( what's wrong with the toilet paper supply at the moment?)

News headlines today include

A top of 26 degrees C in Sydney today and it's currently raining . It started raining overnight.

Another blaze in factory in Richmond a suburb outside of Melbourne. Residents within a 2 km radius of the fire have been warned to keep an eye out for toxic smoke.The factory may have been an abandoned one.

A car flip in Kensington in Sydney's Eastern suburbs has seen 2 men fee the scene leaving a woman inside the back seating the car who suffered minor injuries and taken to hospital.

A  large forest fire in Japan has caused widescale damage , the worst in 30 years. One person has already been reported to have died.

US 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico are imposed from today in what Trump says is an effort to keep illegal immigrants and illegal drugs out.

700 creditors  are owed $1.3 billion from Wyhalla steel works.

Public servants will be forced to return to the office 5 days a week  if Peter Dutton is elected. No more work from home in what is being described as a Trump like move to make public servants more efficient and cutting the workforce.

The Pope has had  another 2 bouts of health setbacks and is back on a ventilator after bronchial spasms.

An Aged care payrise pledge of $2.6 billion if Peter Dutton is elected.

Preparations have begun in SE QLD and NE NSW for cyclone Albert as it turns and due to hit landfall by Thursday or Friday somewhere between Brisbane & Gold Coast. Sand bagging, with panic buying and some supermarkets already with empty shelves, the ferries in the region to islands and  Brisbane ferries have already been cancelled and securely mored and tied up. Water from a QLD dam has not been released despite being at capacity with further deluge of 500 mm to double that in some regions to occur. There is the threat of flooding in regions of SE QLD and NE NSW. Wild ocean conditions has not stopped some keen surfers and the Burleigh Board Riders Competition has not been cancelled yet for this weekend with some pro surfers' boards snapping from the 6 foot waves already. Cyclone Alfred may also affect the NRL and AFL games with opening round of AFL Lions V Cats being postponed. Currently cyclone Albert is a category 1 which is likely to be upgraded to a category 2 as it makes it's way to coast of QLD. Residents have been warned to get out and off the islands if they want to leave now. 

Peter V'landys has  said that 4 matches of NRL in Las Vagas is too much and in 2026 will be reduced back to 3 matches as fans started leaving Alligence Stadium before the Pathers game started.

A Van Gough art masterpiece Sunflowers has been recreated with Lego.

A suspicious fire has occurred in a church outside of Melbourne. Police are trying to work out if it was suspiciously lit.

A good Samaritan has tackles a thug that struck down a mother and daughter in a Rundle Shopping Mall attack.

Speed limits cut to 30 km/ hr in and around Melbouune is being proposed eventually for all residential street but starting with areas around playgrounds and school zones.

Local businesses are being creative with clever cafe signs mimicking  traffic warning signs  eg pork rolls 100 m  ahead with an arrow , coffee check to look like  speed camera warning sign .

Another  set of Chinese warships has been spotted 500 km SE of Perth and is being closely monitored.

A man who is a German citizen has driven a car into a group of people  in Mannheim killing 2 and injuring others including children. It is unclear why the man did so is being investigated as it is the latest in a string of attacks in the town.

88 year old James Harrison, dubbed the man with the golden arm and has donated blood for plasma anti D type in order to save the lives of babies thousands of times, has died.

Did Adrien Brody really spit the gum out of his mouth and throw it at his gurlfriend to catch and dispose of before his acceptance speech at the Oscars in front of millions of people live and watching from around the world? How disgusting!! Gross!!!! His girlfriend looked as if she missed catching it and it probably ended up on the floor which maybe carpet - let's hope not on another celebrity present at the awards or stuck in the carpet. 

Meghan Markle has given an intimate interview with People magazine where she explains how it is important for her and Harry to keep the Sussex name now that they have kids due to family history - her interview may be recent but the photos used are 9 months old and has been cruised for them. She has also launched her new umm wat would you call it? Lifestyle channel With Love Meghan where she show people how to make rainbow plates of fruit?! Doubts over where her 8 episode lifestyle show premiering is interesting enough to hold an audience. Harry makes a cameo in it and it's all very well made but described as a bit boring by viewers but it has not been poo pooed by big magazine or Lifestyle media producers such as Harper's Bizzare etc. Curiosity  was the hype on the new production.

Wednesday 27th Mstch 2025

Millions on edge on the Gold Coast with winds of over 120 km per hour as cyclone Alfred surges towards the coast of QLD with the Gold Coast in the firing line. Heavy fog, storms and the tide levels will also influence flooding in the Surfers Paradise  region. 11 evacuation centres have been set up and people are encouraged to use the hazards near me app. Th impact will affect as far North QLD as  Sunshine Coast and as far South East NSW as Byron . The AFL opening matches have been postponed due to cyclone Alfred. Fears that power outages could last for days. There is no shortage of sandbags at the moment as sandbagging continues. A list of high risk suburbs has been compiled and residents told to stay off the roads. Green Day has apologised to fans at Robina and tonight will be their only stadium performance. 15 suburbs could be impacted by flooding . Erosion of beaches is a concern. A wall is being constructed along beaches to protect properties inland from them. The cyclone could make landfall as early as tomorrow night with the eye hitting Thurs or Friday. The cyclone could upgrade to a cat 3 with winds gusts to 160 km/hr. Everything is being tied down and flights delays and cancellation in planning. Schools are open today but on review and 122 schools in Northern NSW have closed as a precaution however QLD schools are open today but now closed tomorrow. The PM is about to make a speech with QLD premier. Brisbane airport is likely to shut tomorrow and Qantas is cancelling flights to most destinations in QLD and passengers on most flights into QLD can request a travel credit rebook for a later date or a refund.

Temp in real life - a new South African Panda Mart has opened outside of Melbourne sending shoppers into a frenzy with long queues winding down and around the building.  This news is actually old news and the massive discount store has been open for a few days now and I  had a good look online at their apparently huge range of discounted products and to be honest not my style of products, cheap and nasty looking just junk. The concern is whether they meet Australian safety standards .Australia already has a lot of chain discount stores including Costco, Reject Store, Daiso, Miniso etc therefore competition is tough.Will Panda Mart's first discount store in Victoria outside of Melbourne survive?

A 16 year old teen from WA Bunbury has been arrested for an online threat to an Edmondson Park mosque in Sydney's Western suburbs with reference to the 2019 Christchurh attack.

Another Melbourne home invasion where even a kid's piggy bank was raided on a kitchen bench. Victim pleas with Jacinta Allen to do something about the increase in crime. 

The first woolly mamouth mice have been created using DNA from the woolly mammoth by scientists. But scientist are a long way away from bring back a woolly mammoth back from extinction. You have to admit these genertically modified mice are so cute - who wouldn't want one as a pet!

Rate payers are out of pocket for $200000 worth of public sculptures stolen, gone missing around Adelaide.

Manly has beat Bondi Beach as Sydney's top beaches list.

Another car crash into a tree in Greenacre in Western Sydney.

Indigenous Autralian tennis champions Evonne  Goolagong  & Ash Barty have had barbie dolls made in honour of them.

Parents are taking kids out of school more in order to take cheaper holidays.

The comedian host of The 1% Club returns to Australia and admits that not much money was given away in the first The 1% Club shows because people didn't know how the game was played. The 1% Club was filmed in Sydney and now new season is being filmed in Melbourne.

Hary Potter The Experience exhibition is heading to Melboune in April.

Making money with chat GPT or other AI - not a good idea to financial plan solely with AI tools  as information is gathered from the internet and is very unreliable.

All Ally fashion clothing stores will be closing down by mid April . This comes after the closure of Mosaic Group fashion stores when the company went into administration.

The latest men's fashion ttend is men's white leather shoes with an oncrease in sales due to the White Lotus movie influence.

The Dawson's Ceek House is up for sale. Meanwhile a Hobbit style house is also up for sales.

The second nurse involved in the social media rants to kill Israelis has now been charged and arrested. Bail until he faces court next month he has also been charged additionally for drug possession found in his locker.

Urkraine has had an aid freeze. Zelensky is now wanting to make things right with the US and ready to sign a mineral deal well not really Tump & The Whaute House have bullied him into a corner so he really doesn't have much choice . What??? Zelensky apologised to Trump ? US defends trade wars with countries and tarriffs. All eyes are now on Trumps trade speech to congress for the first time. No it is going to be another " Make America Great Again" speech, rebranded into an 'America's Dream" speech . Who is wearing a suit & not a cap???

Fares were lit in the Serbian Parliament sending choas in the chamber injuring serval members and causing a stroke to occur to another member.

Prince Charles has visited a Naval warship and shares his fond memories of his time in the defence forces.

Raygun's brother has been charged for suspected fraud and will be facing court.

Unfair schooling system shake up. Private schools were once for those who could afford it, the question is have things changed? Not a lot. This creates a school system where private schools particularly elite ones are remaining non diverse. I grew up going to  private Anglican girls schools school my entire school life. I hated it yet some of our families' next generation still attend these elite school even if even if it is not the same elite school I attended. 7 of my family attended the same private girls' school (including myself) and 2 attended the same private boys' school with another going to an alternative private boys school only due to parents decision not to enrolhim at the same private boys' school as they attended.

Online gambling is on the increase particularly in teens.

Electric vehicles are having quite a big jump in sales in the year to date. 65% down in Tesla sales. There is a 220% rise in hybrid cars though.

Australia's economy is growing with a  0.6% increase in last quarter however not significantly enough a growth.

Thursday 6th March 2025

What did I do today? nothing

Actually I cooked after taking the rubbish out and chased stuff. 

The rest of the time I watched youtube videos and played brain train games. 

I made oven roasted turkey steaks, a nice quinoa salad and a chocolate cheesecake mousse. 

I sorted my laundry out 

Watched TV and continued to plan my month.

Always bills to pay appointments to schedule etc.

It is raining and probably started raining earlier this evening around 7 pm. 

News headlines today include

The hero of  mother and child that was attacked whilst shopping  in Rundle Mall in Adelaide SA has been found and given an interview with channel 7. His actions were influenced from his footy fan moves.

Trump suspends intelligence sharing with Kyiv. Urkraine is really being backed into a corner by the US after stopping aid and military support to them.

An investigation continues into the death of Gene Hackman & his wife,  carbon monoxide poisoning has been ruled out at his home.

Prince William marks COVID anniversary  by visiting a hospital.

The Beckham's have enjoyed a date night out in Paris at the Louve along with an A list of celebrities.

Isla Fischer (she is staying on the Gold Coast although it is unsure if her kids are with her & posted photos of her preparations ahead of the cyclone hitting landfall) and Chris Hensworth ( his luxury home in Byron Bay is in the firing line of cyclone Albert) are in NSW &  QLD preparing for cyclone Alfred . Even rapper Ice Cube is bunkered down in his hotel warned not to ventire out to see his first cyclone in Australia.The cyclone is now travelling at an eerily 7 km/hr , the calm before the storm expected to hit landfall tomorrow morning. Erosion has occurred on beaches, extreme winds, flooding ,high tide, storms etc. Everything is closed today from public transport, elective surgery and schools. Supermarkets remain open but are being stripped bare. People are being swept out on the rocks by waves already. 7 meter waves have been reported and swimmers and surfers warned to stay out of the water , don't get swept out causing surf and rescue lifesavers unnecessary danger and risking their lives.

Cyclone Slbert has now slowed hovering off the coast of QLD and is now not expected to make landfall until Saturday instead of tomorrow however more calm means more serve weather conditions will occur.North Eastern NSW has had an evacuation orders.

Airports are already in chaos cancelling flights in the masses. Brisbane Airport is still open for now with a watch and act but Gold Coast Airport is closed. Sydney airport is unusually quiet. Flights between 4th & 8th March can be refunded, rebooked or  credited for another flight at a later date to passengers. SMS will be sent out to passengers daily to advise if it is safe or unsafe to fly notifying them of delays and  cancellations of flights.

Trump gave his major speech yesterday with a mixed emotions audience. It was approximately 1.5 hours long ( actually 100 minutes long) and he gave countless examples of his achievements to date in his first 44 days  or so  in office as his second time as US president. The trade wars ignite as tarriffs imposed on Canada Mexico & China begin. He also highlights what Americans have inherited from the previous Biden administration. ( yes I watched part of the speech until I received a phone call and also had to leave to get to my appointment yesterday)

Fed up crime victims in Melbourne has seen residents form their own protection force 

The Australian economy has grown by 1.3 % over past 2 years.The GDP is rising again signs of growth in the Australan economy. But is this news is good enough for Abo to call a election this weekend??

A top of 25 green C and cloudy with rain forecasted for the rest of the week.

A factory in Tullamarine a suburb near Melbourne airport has been rained by a car and set on fire 

Studies show 1 in 4 under 8 year olds have their own smart phones and 1 in 2 toddlers have their own tablets.

Melbourne local councils ban the use of loud units ( air conditioner curfew) at night???what??

A Federal election still hasn't been called and Albo has to call an election by Monday however if the cyclone is really bad then and election can't be called. The preferred election date at this stage is April 12th 2025.

The federal government  boosts $143.4 million in funding to childhood cancer research.

The hunt is on for a sex attacker in Maryland's where a number of elderly victims were home invaded then sexually assaulted.

Digital services tax on big tech companies, there is no legislation to enforce these tech companies to pay their taxes.

Men still aren't doing any more housework then in the past.

A Lakemba School bombing threat was posted on tiktok.

2 HK investors are likely to take over the Brisbane Star Casino as the casino group offloads it selling it to raise money to save it's financially troubled casinos.

10 years jail  is all one of the murderers of a non targeted father shot down on his way to a gym is going to serve. The other men involved in the murder are still on the run and in hiding. This man only found out about the murder plan before it was about to be conducted yet he still went ahead with the plan assisting the shooters doing it for the money.

Retail in recession ? ! Is it?!

Potholes becoming worse causing damage to mv  and making roads unsafe.

2025 Women Of The Year awards have been held.

Sydney will still be a top of 27 degrees C tomorrow with possible showers.

Friday 7th March 2025

I did not venture out again today , it's rained a bit again but not all day.

Today I paid another bill, there are always bills to pay and chased stuff eg my transcripts from Tafe and IAT Digital RTO number. No response. If I don't hear anything I will chase them again on Monday.

I also made a oast turkey and quinoa salad today. So yummy. Now I am looking into making some type of slice and maybe a duck stroganoff.

Planning planning & more planning.

News headlines today include

Still a cat 2 cyclone Albert is very slow moving and now 180 km off the coast of QLD and changed direction slightly. Scarping along beaches has resulted in people going out to have a look with risk that they could collapse. Incredible waves of 12.5 m have been recorded on the Gold Coast. Lismore in NSW evacuated residents in the North East regions moving themselves and their animals on a watch and act alert .Flash flooding in low lying properties in  Brisbane's bayside will experience flash flooding from rising tides. Thousands of residents are without power and residents expected to be without power for at least a few days. A few days severe weather event of high tides monster waves, gusty winds down pours of rain flash flooding etc is now expected to last 5 days. Warnings to say away from the waters as you may loose your life or no one will be there to rescue you. A man driving in flood waters got out of his car only to be knocked off a bridge as clung onto a branch and was swept away .  Missing from Dorrigo he was speaking to police about his ordeal before being swept away. 

A 17 year old teen armed with a shot gun stormed a jetstar plane bound for Sydney full of passengers. He parked his car cut a hole in the fence walked across the tarmac and walked onto the plane saying he was doing maintenance. A passenger in the front of the plane  and now hero (Barry the shearer) spotted his shot gun and knocked him over. Police have arrested and questioned him and found he was known for a string of criminal offences including a bomb scare/ hoax.

A top of 27 degrees C in Sydney today and raining.

All the news is focused on the cyclone not even the morning show is on and it's 11.15 am. Tomorrowrge cyclone is meant to hit at 11 am.

A pilates studio has been set on fire after just 10 months in operation in a Sydney suburb on the Central Coast. The fire was suspicious and police are trying to figure out a motive.

A woman has been air lifted to a hospital after been bitten by a shark on the NSW South Coast in Bundeena in the Shire.

Allan Jones has been hit with new charges.

The Lithuanian man who had to be rescued at sea off the coast of QLD due to cyclone Albert's interception and  who was so close to completing his trans pacific journey by sea from the San Diego US to Brisbane Australia to highlight the plight of Ukrainians has arrived in Sydney and reunited with his wife. He lost communication due to the lack of solar energy to recharge his communication devices and set off an emergency beacon finally rescued by a naval ship(s)

A 48 year old male cyclist is in hospital with severe head injuries after being hit by a bus.

The Star Casino has been saved with a HK $53 million investment in the sale of Brisbane Star Casino saving 3000 jobs however it's sale is still subject to approval by the government .

King Island cheese company which was partly owned by Canadian company Saputo ( who also owns brands such as  Mersey Valley and Cracker Barrel cheeses)  has been saved and bought back to being in Australian hands after a lengthy search for a buyer. ( King Island Dairy 2 Pty Ltd)

VIVID has ditched it's  drone shows citing safety concerns and costs instead using the money towards more interactive and immersive experiences.

Meghan Markle has had an interview with Drew Barrymore on her show with a photo of young Drew at 7 years old meeting Princess Diana.Meghans kids helped make the biscuits with Meghan and describes how they have very strong American accents yet still say some words with a British accent.

Tomorrow will be around 26/27 degrees C and chances of late showers which will intensify as a result of cyclone Alfred's "side effects" travelling further South down NSW's East coast.

World's oldest barber has been recognised at 110 years old.

Saturday 8th March 2025

It's a little grey outside at 7 am in the morning.

News headlines today include.

Cyclone Alfred is weakening to a category 2 to 1 tropical low however stalling just off the coast of QLD near some island and it's path being watched and tracked closely.  Wild winds some recorded as high as 170 km per hour others around 50 - 90 hours per hour and severe rain fall is being expected in excess of 200 mm rising in the next few days in QLD and NE NSW causing flooding. Dangerous surf and warnings not to go to the beach . The rainfall is going to move further South into SR NSzw and even down to Victoria. Thousands are without power in NE NSW and power will not be restored until it is safe wnough for ENERGEX to send workers out for repairs to power  . Do not go near any powerlines residents have been warned. Stay inside . Residents have been warned that they are not out of the woods yet.

WA goes to the polls as Labour aims for a 3rd term in office.

Abo rules out and April election and a May election is likely to be called. Partially due to the budget and partially due to the cyclone . The deadline to call an election is May so Abo is really pushing the call for a federal election.

No news of the missing man that was swept off the bridge. QLD on the other had has no lost or missing people.Oh dear Chris Mins can't remember the coffee shop he visited to have coffee he described as a good coffee or the name of the cyclone what was the name of the cyclone again Albert no Alfred.15 minutes outside of Lismore NSW there were 2 army trucks  with 36 soldiers that have crashed with 2 trapped & dozens of soldiers injured with 8 seriously injured. Tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of residents in QLD and NSW are still without power and seafoam is a spectacle attracting countless people on the Gold Coast to venture out to have a look. Calls of assistance are going unanswered due to the sheer volume of emergency calls. flights will start to resume tomorrow morning.

Two men have killed a 64 year old man in his own home in Penrith  in front of his partner who hid from the man's attackers . Police are investigating if drugs were involved in the attack.

A March 25th budget is likely to be a deficit and Albo has wiped away any calls for a federal election this weekend. A minority Labor party is forecasted and Abo must call an election by May 17th.

Investigators have worked out how Gene Hackman and his wife died. His wife died first from a rodent disease and Gene died of advanced alzheimers and heart failure. He could have been alive for a week after his wife died confusrd and dazed and their dog died from starvation.

Some suburbs in the west are cheaper to buy then rent.

Mary from St Mary's celebrates her 105 birthday.

An old missile has been found in a Paris station and all trains had to be cancelled until it was safely removed 

MJ the musical premiers tonight at the Lyric Theatre in Sydney. Michael Jackson's youngest son Prince made a surprise appearance.

Sunday 9th March 2025

Another do nothing day cooked a duck strogganoff with whatever I had left which was not much. Chased stuff and more planning. Did not venture out.

News headlines today include

Cyclone Alfred may have passed however the after effects are still lingering and will continue to do so for weeks and possibly months to come. Strong winds and flooding of river systems even towards inland regions , thousands still without power and even some regions having to boil water to drink or rely on bottled water due to the water supply being unsafe . Clean your has started and even ice is being shipped in to some regions without power. Some businesses have started to reopen, some buses are running on Sunday timetable in Brisbane and people can even dispose of their sand bags. Road closure warnings and not to head out in flooded regions or surf as there are lots of fallen powerlines trees and other unknown hazards beneath water bodies as well as the unknown depths of flooded regions. Meanwhile the 2 army trucks did not collide  but rolled to avoid collision with each other. 32 including 2 drivers were on board the 2 trucks with 6 taken to hospital with severe but not critical injuries.SES received hundreds of calls across NSW and QLD.

A top of 27 degrees C and cloudy in Sydney. Victoria is experiencing a heatwave with temperatures in Melbourne well above the 30 degree C mark with even TAS experiencing temperatures in the high 20s. Very bizzare weather for Autunm. Far too hot.

Impeached president of South Korea who imposed marshall law and jailed back in January has been released from prison.

A man has managed to scale Big Ben and erect a Palestinian flag.

NRL Sea Eagles ( Manly) beat the Cowboys with a 30 point lead.

WA has won the elections with the Labor Party winning for a 3rd time.

A footy fan has hurled a meat pie at a bulldogs fan. So unAustralian.

A sun tax? A tax for sending excess power back into the grid from solar power generated which could overload the energy system hence batteries being installed on homes to store this excess power generated instead.

A woman has been taken to hospital after a wedding brawl in the Western suburbs of Sydney with no charges being laid. Where was it this time Marylands?

Last night saw a lantern festival inspired by those in Asia. 

Dave Hughs stopped his show at the Adelaide Fringe Festival due to one woman who would not talking . 3 women were shown out the door but were offered a refund for missing a large chunk of his show .

Monday 10th March 2025

So much to do today but I just did not want to do it. Took the rubbish out, washed the dishes, watched youtube channels. Spoke to my neighbour , the old mail box block has now been replaced with a new one - only one problem nobody has a key to their corresponding unit's mail box. Why replace it and not give anyone a key? Now the mail box block outside is just for looks. I tried my neighbour's key to his mail box for him. It goes in with a bit of jiggling but does not turn therefore the mail boxes can't be opened or accessed. I was scared my neighbour's key would get stuck. Luckily it didn't and I didn't dare try mine. 

Went for quite a large grocery shop today at Macquarie Shopping Centre - green grocer first then Aldibthen Woolworths with no stop at Coles today. It was really diffuse to get items on my shopping list with the items still out of stock at both Aldi and Woolworths. I managed to get the last block of my favourite chocolate at Aldi as well as treat my neighbour to a block of a cup of the one he likes from Woolworths which is really difficult to find and very expensive - double the price of the Aldi dupe - Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Whittaker's block which costs $8.50 a block or so compared to the Aldi dupe block of Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel for $3.99 a block.

First thing this morning I missed an call from Tafe but could not ring them back on their landline that I checked online before calling back. 

I really needed transscript of my subjects and Tafe don't email them only post them or I had to got to the closest Tafe campus information centre which I did today to get it in hard copy. I managed to get cert 3 list of subjects but not cert 4 and was advised to see the teachers on level 2 to speak to them to see why they have not been entered into the system  I know I got some subject outcomes emailed to me at one stage but can't find them. I was trying to get off the campus at St Leonards ASAP in case I have another allergic reaction so noway was I going up to level 2 today as I had already waited for quite a while just to get my cert 3 transcript. 

A bus from Tafe to Crows Nest Metro Station, a metro to Macquarie Uni Station and a shop at Macquarie Shopping Centre before catching the hourly 291 direct bus home. No time to shop off at Chatswood tonight too much shopping in hand very heavy. Can't use my wheelie bag as it is packed with clothes and toiletries for next last minute trip .

No takeaway today not even a pizza which I keep think about and have not had since the Woodford one in Stevestin Village. My snack wasva packet of lemon and pistachio protein balls which were not bad from Aldi and  I spotted the last bar of my favourite Aldo dark chocolate although the wrapper looked a bit dodgy it should be still good inside the foil wrapper. 

News headlines today include

Ex tropical cyclone's aftermath has seen a list of ALD schools remain closed and public transport suspended yesterday afternoon begin to run again with a limited service.

Albo has visited injured soldiers in hospital from yesterday's accident which left one defence officer with spinal injuries.

Evacuations, warnings and it's too late to leave warnings for QLD and NSW regions are in place.

An arrest has been made on a group of youths for a brawl at the Moomba festival in Melbourne of the weekend.

A B Double containing paint  has caught on fire in Ingleburn.

The egg shortages could last for months with limits of 2 per customer and high prices as a result of the avarian flu.

Jackie & Shadow the pair of bald Eagles have given birth to a 3rd brood of chicks with thousands watching via their Eagles cam.

A top of 27 degrees C and showers todayin Sydney.

A man has been shot near the Whitehouse by secret service officers in the US.

Pope thanked doctors. The pope has been stable for several days now but still no prognosis has been given.

Social media has been flooded with what people are doing during ex cyclone Alfred. 

Polls show Labor is in the lead again and Albo as preferred PM over Owttwr Dutton however not enough to see Labor win the election outright due to swing votes , it is likely there will be a hung parliament. 

Could Chris Hemsworth be the next James Bond? 

National Hot Cross Bun Day is on the 13th March 2025.

It was Barbie's anniversary on 9th March.

An 18 year old boy is still missing in QLD and buses are cancelled as between 80 - 120 mm of rain fell and flooding continues around Brisbane's suburbs and the Gold Coast. Lismore residents are relived tgat the flood levels did not reach the 14 m level as businesses start reopening however evacuated warnings are on the Clarence River. 

A small plane with 5 people on board has crashed  and caught on fire into a car park in Pennsylvania in the US.

The 49th Birdman competition has been held in the Yarra ( yep in the Yarra not only the Yarra).

Lady GaGa takes on SNL as host and musical guest.

Katy Perry  reunited and sang Last Friday Night with Rebecca Black. Who??

Dolly Parton send off her late husband Carl Thomas Dean who died on 3rd March 2025 with a new song if You Hadn't Been There.

The war in Gaza continues as Isreal cuts power impacting desalination plants.

Tuesday 11th March 2025

I forgot to take a photo of my transcripts to send to Wise Employment.

I'm bored, my brain is needing maths so I've been doing maths problems posted on Facebook.

Today I cooked again but didn't venture out again. 

Planning but not booking anything yet.

News headlines today include

It's Grand Prix coming up this weekend and all eyes are on Melbourne and Oscar Piastri racing in his hometown. Meanwhile a 16 year old female named Joanne has been selected as the youngest driver as part of a program to get more females into Formula 1 for the Formula 1 academy and could be Australia's first female F1 driver. She is still too young to hold a drivers licence she just turning 16  but has been driving F1 cars with speeds upto 240 km/hr since she was 15 and started off with go carting  after her brother's interest.

Sheep are running amuk in Adelaide's Northern suburbs tearing up vege patches and garden beds as well as retaining walls .

Former PM Malcolm Turnbull fires back at Trump after the former PM was called weak and ineffective. The tiff  of dtanding up to bullies has made it almost impossible for Australian to receive an exemption from US tarriffs which be imposed in a few days time. Claims that these tarriffs are causing countries to lean more towards China. Trump claims that Australia does not understand China. Meanwhile all eyes are on the ASX as the US Wall Street stock exchange crashes with Trump denying that the US has gone into a recession. This will impact Australia's stock exchange and economy greatly especially with the tarriffs imposed by Trump.

A wippet from Venice has taken out the crown for all round best in show at the world's best dog at the Crufts show in the UK taking the crown off last year's Australian winner.

Sydney is a top of 26 today  and raining.  Yep it rained throughout the night and is still raining this morning at 8 am.

Good samaritans dug a trench to divert water near the Narang River and saved a Gold Coast rugby club from flooding. Sandbagging was already in place.

Superstar Rita Ora is launching a new haircare hair styling range. What's it called Type B???

A 18 year old has been charged over the 2 sexual assaults of 80 year old women in Marylands last week

Ipswich is on flooding watch and evacuation orders in place as the river rises.The Bremer River peaked at 11.57 m overnight to the relief of residents.Meanwhile The Lockyer Valley still flooded. One dam is open another has one gate open. 

Gleelong is to be audited after suspicious sponsorships and 3rd party payments have drawn attention to the club.

Another shark attack at Wharton Beach in WA where a male still missing was spotted being bitten by a shark 3 times.

In the UK a Portuguese cargo ship has colloided with an American tanker which were carrying highly toxic &  flammable liquids  ( sodium cyanide) and fuel for the army  respectively causing an inferno with one person still missing off the coast of the UK Both crew had to abandon the sea vessels and numerous crew were injured.

The King and Queen with other senior royals are back a year after missing the Commonwealth Day at Westminister Abbey service due to their cancer treatments. The King used the day to release his eclectic favourite  music list which includes Kylie's 1980s Locomotion hit with the list ranging all decades and generes.

A boy has called 911 after he was angry after his mother ate his ice cream. He didn't want his mother to be arrested but wanted her to know she ate his ice cream - awareness of stealing is wrong by a kid  perhaps .

A woman was arrested by police with a snake down her pants ( a real story she did have a python down her pants)

Police say the Dural caravan plot was a hoax by a criminal network and no threat on the Jewish community and nothing to do with antisemetism. The group has been arrested over the hoax. A group of 14 involved in this criminal network have been charged and arrested. They were not only responsible for the caravan hoax but the antisemetic vandalism and terrorist threats on the Jewish community which had nothing to do with antisemetism. It was all about trying to negotiate better jail sentences, plea deals etc and hoping the police and court would turn a blind eye to their original criminal offences. A distraction of sorts.

Yahoo Series accused of squatting. He was living in the granny flat at the back of an elderly man's house. The man has since moved into a nursing home with dementia and Yahoo has moved into the main house and won't leave refusing to move out when the owners now want to sell the house.

What does Nicole Kidman want to do after her new thriller Holland? She wants to do White Lotus as she is a massive fan. Speaking of which the stars of White Lotus were interviewed with a number of questions and were they were so loud with their responses.

If you thought ham and pineapples on pizza was dividing a nation how about orange and ham on pizza - gross or great??? Some say gross others are curious and want to try it whilst some think it is a great combination. umm??? Yum Yuk?!

Could cockroach milk be the new milk alternative? Some scientist think so. High in nutrients. Ewe. Imagine where they have been and what they have consumed. Not to mention the tiny quantity they would produce. 

Blake Lively was spotted carrying a sparkling Martini glass purse. Worth how much??? It does look stylish though.

Baby Spice was handcuffed by Sabrina Carpenter at her London Show.

War cease fire talks continue with US and Ukraine reps meeting after the spat between Zelensky & Trump.

Tesla makes a loss as shares fell 15% and X was also hacked.

The AUS$ is again back below the $0.63 mark against the $US.

Professor Richard Scolyre devastated diagnosis of his brain tumour, his surgery to remove it was unsuccessful and he has 3 months to live. He was using his own research treatment on himself when he became ill himself. He is using the remainder of his time to spend with family.

The LA district attorney will not support the Manendez brothers release for murder saying they lied about the murder of their parents changing their stories several times. A set back for their release.

There are calls for a North Sydney Pedestrian Plazza and is subject to government approval.

Are chemicals causing Parkinsons diseas such as nano plastics chemicals in cleaning products PFOFs. etc.

A sea of red on the stock market today.

Wednesday 12th March 2025

Liam Neeson is downunder in Melbourne.

Beaches are being rebuilt in time for school and Easter holidays just 3 weeks away but councils have a massive task ahead of them on the Gold Coast.It will cost $1.8 billion to repair the beaches damaged by cyclone Alfred not including sand dredging.An estimated 80% of sand was washed away by cyclone Slbert but wants people not to cancel their vacations or keep away from travelling to QLD to QLD but to return.

The huge clean up has started in QLD. Some 122 schools remain closed in QLD which throws out NAPLAN student exams due to start. Power outages are still being experienced by some QLDers.

Trump's trade war continues doubling tarriffs on Canada' s steel and aluminium from 25% to 50% coming into the USA. Meanwhile Trump has also ruled out an exemption on tarriffs for Australian steel & aluminium going into the US. A month ago Trump had considered an exemption when speaking to Albo but has now rejected the exemption request and tarriffs imposed commence tomorrow. Abo  has spoken out how this action is destroying the decades old alliance and friendship between Aus & US. Australia has no tarriffs imposed on US products to Australia and will continue to use this free trade agreement with the US to negotiate an exemption to the tarriffs.Abo has not imposed a reverse Tarriff on the US as retaliation as he says this would hurt the local market ie consumers.

A healer has pleased guilty to trafficking psychodelic drugs but not responsible for the tea poisoning resulting in the death of a woman who attended the healing heath retreat.

Ukraine is ready for a ceasefire and the deal will now be taken to Moscow. Urkraine accepts a 30 day ceasefire with Russia.

Allan government responds to increase in crime and bail laws in Victoria.

Shocked parents are concerned over children  taking Ozempic drugs to school srecetly forming diet clubs in the playground and using the drug to lose weight. They are obtaining the drug from their parents prescription or purchasing it online. The drug has not been approved to be used by children for weight loss. More regulation is needed to prevent  school children as young as primary school aged from obtaining the drug.

A pigeon struts it's stuff along the catwalk at a Paris fashion show - look out Chanel.

The King has a go at CPR with cadet nurses and ends up in hysterics.

A man gas been arrested for gross negligence and manslaughter as the search for the missing man is called off persumed dead from the cargo ship collision with a tanker off the coast of the UK.

Still a top of 27 and raining again today in Sydney. It rained throughout most of the night and is still lightly raining this morning.

Lady Gaga talks about her psychosis diagnosis and mental health struggles.

Gizgi swaps her modelling for a musical can't stop the beat from Hair Spray.

Billy Joel delays his concerts due to an on stage fall and surgery. 

Lamborghini has released a pram.

Nicole Kidman daughter has walked the fashion runway for a second time.

John Farham has celebrated Jill's 70th birthday with family.

Rosie O'Donnell's has moved from the US  to Ireland in protest of Trump.

Gene Simmons is accepting applications and is looking for a personal assistant and roadie for one day.

Trumps tarriffs have affected Australian retirement savings and superfunds. As the US stockmarket freefalls and the word US recession is mentioned only Trump can save the country of recession by offerring extra assistance and removing tarrifs. An this is why I have no interest in my super being my retirement savings. Never rely on super it is the most useless thing. If I had just invested the equivalent employer contributions myself and matched it into a long term high interest earning savings account I would have double what I have now!!!!

Lady Gaga surprises a dance masterclass.

Australian Super has been sued for delays in payouts of death benefits.

A military ambushed has seen 35 taken hostage on a train in Pakistan.

Supermarket shelves are still bare, red bins have been placed in every Brisbane suburbs, power is coming back on the grid although there are still some regions without power hopefully replaced by the end of the week schools are opening again as QLD continues it's clean up and recovery.

Friday, 31 January 2025

Saturday 1st - Friday 28th February 2025

Saturday 1st February 2025

Back In Sydney after landing around lunch time yesterday Friday 31st Jan 25. So much news to catch up on - so much to catch up on in general!

Whilst I was away overseas apparently I didn't miss much. Or did I during the entire month of January?

A federal election still hasn't been called yet - gee the government is leaving it late the deadline and latest call for a federal election is in May 2025. How do I know this?, I still have not filled out my police check yet and was told not to worry about it as an election hasn't been called yet in an email response from the AEC whilst I was overseas. 

Severe weather a storm cut power to suburbs leaving thousands without power , trees fell everywhere and buildings even shook according to the shuttle driver who picked me up and drove me home from Sydney Airport. I received an email requesting to remove all loose objects from balconies ahead of the severe storm from the property management company. Luckily there are no balconies where I live.

The price of groceries has not become cheaper - I probably won't notice a difference after paying such exorbitant prices for food and other grocery items in Canada for the past month. I may miss some of my favourite Canadian treats though! The fight between the 2 major supermarket chain stores Coles & Woolworths continues though - the airport shuttle driver recommends stick to shopping @  Aldi and I have to agree as I shop more at Aldi and less at Coles & Woolworths now.

Today I went to Chatswood and had no idea that there were rail replacement buses between Chatswood & Tallawong I assume and not between Chatswood & Sydenham as there was a waiting Metro at Chatswood Station but signs on the Pacific Highway side of Chatswood Station for rail replacement buses.

There were so many people at Chatswood. I had forgotten that the regular Saturday markets were on @ Chatswood Mall and I could see some red & smgold Luna New Year Lanterns in the distance in the mall area but had no idea that on the other side of Chatswood Station where the markets are there was actually a huge Luna New Year Festival going on as big as the annual spring festival even bigger extending to side streets and all the way up Victoria Ave before the Chase which was closed off to traffic.

I had a snack of sushi ( dying to have some since refraining from eating any whilst overseas for a whole month - too dodgey to risk consuming it) from one of my favourite Sushi places IMA Sushi @ Chatswood Station.

Was going to go to Macquarie shopping centre to return my bottles but just as well I changed my mind.

Just did a major grocery shop at Aldi and Coles today.

Had a quick look around the Luna New Year Festival picked up a few freebies a green gold up lantern pity the yellow and red ones were all gone. A snake tatoo for my neighbour because he is one and a brown paper bag with a cheap bottle of water and squashed lindt chocolate from a local church where I don't even know the location of.

News headlines today include

A top of 27 degrees C and overcast. Will it rain in Sydney today?

All eyes are on the 67 passengers that died in the Washington Air disaster where a passenger plane ( American Airlines Jet AA5342 which will now be retired)  was crashed into by a Blackhawk helicopter during a training exercise . There were no survivors and the skating community as well as other passengers family and friends have been devastated over the accident. Investigations are being conducted as to the cause of the accident some blames include understaffed of the traffic control room with the operator doing dual duty on different communication frequencies,  the helicopter flying far to low  amongst several other reasons 

The Perth parents who starved their ballerina daughter have been charged.

Beer and spirits tax , the excise is set to increase prices of beer and spirits this Monday. The tax is set twice a year.What taxes have increased by 20% since pre pandemic days - lots of unhappy fmdrinkers 

Over 20 stars perform at the California fire fund-raiser with many losing their own homes during the severe fires.

Germany has a deer calling competition ? What?!

Rain has delayed day 3 of the cricket betweenslanka & Australia with the Australians ahead. Meanwhile women's cricket continues @ the MCG.

Severe flooding continues in regions of QLD.

A man has died from a motor cycle crash in Elizabeth St Melbourne and police believe that the bike may have been stolen

A body has been found at Ascot Vale outside of Melbourne. Police are asking witnesses to come forward with any information.

In the 1960s there were a number of single name animal series. Some include Lassie Flipper & Skippy. An original script has been found hidden in a box of Skippy the crime fighting marsupial 60 years on and showed that the original name of the series was not called Skippy but could have been know by alternative names such as Hoppy - does not really quite have the same ring to it does it? There was a lot of merchandise that went along with the TV series including mugs, board games and even cereal. 

What? I missed an explosive laced caravan potential mass casualty event in Dural outside of Sydney? QLD police are now assisting NSW in an investigation as to who is responsible for this incident and Eastern suburbs Jewish schools and other Jewish institutions are being monitored and guarded more intensively by security.

Sunday 2nd February 2025

Catch up day today - jet-lag is starting to hit. Uploaded more videos onto my YouTube channel, changed sheets on my bed, vacuumed, sorted my laundry to be done and made myself a lunch box full of fruit salad to last me for the week.

Sleep, TV taking it easy today.

News headlines today include

Flooding in Townsville with an evacuation notice for Northern Qlders  - 6 suburbs have been advised to get out now before noon today.

A boat in Adelaide goes up in flames with a man sufferring severe burns from the explosion. It is not known what caused the blaze.

Parking spots in new apartments in 26 suburbs around Brisbane have been slashed which will make it difficult for residents and people working around these suburbs. Parking could be reduced by 50% in new developments of highrise which is already heavy controlled - cheaper for developers but a real hassle for those living rent ir owning in these suburbs with an aporoximately 1.5 parking spot to a 3 bedroom apartmebt

King Charles will be starring in a new documentary about his passion project on sustainability called Amazon already started filming to be released at the end of this year or early next year the BBC will not be involved this time as King Charles wants the documentary to appeal to a wider audience. His doco will not be compared to Meghan new lifestyle series with the premiere delayed due to the Californian fires.

All eyes are on the cause and investigation of another US plane crash a medivac flight carrying a sick child who had just received treatment also on board her parent. The flight crashed into a car killing that person and 7 in total.

An inquiry is underway as to why the PM was not informed about the caravan laced with explosives and only finding out this news when the public were informed.

3 states face heat waves today VU SA & WA. Meanwhile the fires in the Gampians continue to burn in regional Victoria.

The NFL is coming exclusively to VIC @ the MCG expected to premiere in Oct next year making VIC and Melbourne an internationally recognised sporting state hosting venue.

Opposition leader Peter Dutton is to review "golden ticket" for immigration to Australia by rich applicants.

Dame Edna may have passed away but an auction is being held in London of Dame Edna and Barry Humphrey's memorabilia including his paintings and that dress Dame Edna wore when they sat in the Royal booth with the  " they found me a better seat" sketch.

After 100 years the mystery of the identity of Jack the Ripper could be solved due to DNA testing  from a shawl purchased with blood stains on it.

4.1 million parcels go missing in Austrslalia each year. So called porch pirates are on the rise. An estimated AUS$600 million of parcels go missing each year. 

Transport Minister Jo Haylen has been slammed and may be sacked by using her ministerial driver founded by tax payers as a personal chauffeur for a private lunch in the Hunter Valkey with family and friends.

More antisemtic vandalism has occurred in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney &  in the suburbs of Kingsford and Randwick..

A boy has drowned in Bents Basin which had just reopened from flooding.

Trump's tarrifs on imports from Canada, China & Mexico is going ahead and Australia is now wondering how these tarrifs will indirectly affect the countries economy. Well history has demonstrated how tarriffs killed Australia's car manufacturing industry!

Parliament returns this week with the focus on the cost of living.

Monday 3rd February 2025

The jet lag has finally hit late yesterday and today therefore today was a do almost nothing day .

News headlines today include

A top of 28 degrees C and partly sunny today.

Best dishwashing tablets Aldi cane up on top with Finish next best choice if you shop at Coles or Woolworths 

1700 people could loose their homes from the severe storms and flooding in Northern QLD. One woman has tragically died.

A crime scene in Georges Hall as shots are fired and a burnt out car found in nearby Bass Hill. Two different crime scenes being investigated.

The Grammys are on in a few hours and Kylie Minogue is set to present an award . Meanwhile will Beyoncé win album of the year finally? - she has never won this award but faces stiff competition from Sebrina Carpenter, Taylor Swift, Billie Elish, Troy Sivan,  Nick Cave, Charlie XCX amongst a list of others.Lady GaGa is set to perform. The mood won't be as upbeat though as California is still recovering from the wildfires. A record 99 nominations for Beyoncé and a record number of Grammy awards 32. 

A 3 day heat wave in Victoria will push the state's energy supply to the limit as fire-fighters fight blazes that continue to burn. With last night being a severe thunder storms and power outages in Geelong. Meanwhile SA are expecting 40 degrees C heatwave temperatures today  continuing in high 30 degrees for the rest of the week.

Sam Kerr faces court today 2 years since her racist insult in a taxi incident.

One year on from Samantha Murphy's disappearance , her body still has not been found but the search has not been given up on.

Canada and Mexico fight back by imposing  counter equivalent tarriffs against USA imports into their countries.

Another terrifying home invasion by 2 boys found 2 suburb over by police in Brisbane.

Residents and commuters got their first look at the new Gold Coast Merrimac Train Station which is the most expensive transport project in QLD. The cross river rail project is a welcome transport that has gone ahead when other projects have been shelved due to budget restraints.

A safety car was deployed 7 times at Bathurst 12 hour Race

A third aircraft incident is being investigated in the US as passengers were evacuated off a United Airlines plane that caught on fire.

A large bull shark has been spotted lurking in the waters at Brisbane's Thornside.

Karl Sunderland's reveals he needs brain surgery for a brain aneurysm. Meanwhile Kate Richie is taking time off to deal with her mental health issues due to past stalking etc.

It's the annual ground hog day in the US today where a ground hog predicted that there will be 6 more weeks of Winter. Meanwhile Sand Moutain Sam a possum  in North Carolina has predicted that Spring will come early.

What!? Sales of pineapples have flatlined due to it being an inconvenient fruit to eat.

Tuesday 4th February 2025

Almost back to normal now.

So much I have to do.

Up early this morning and no longer falling back to sleep in the morning. 

Started with uploading more vidros I could not or did not have time to upload whilst overseas.

Breakfast and catch up with news and blog.

Today I got 2 calls one from the AEC who hassled me with phone calls and emails throughout the time I was overseas about suitability for working as  DVIO at the federal elections yet there is no guarantee of employment. I have been constantly hassled by them so much since my early expression of interest that I submitted about a year ago online that it's beginning to put me off. I still haven't completed my police check yet and an election still hadn't been called - it's February and the deadline by the PM Albo to call the next Federal election is May 25 - I guess he is holding on to being PM as long as possible. He's been pretty quiet lately and Dutton is snapping away and very vocal about his plans and policies. People are wondering has Albo lost touch as PM?

Wise Employment run and an appointment made for 2 pm on  February 21st. They said that I haven't had an appointment for a while - of course I haven't I've been overseas for the whole of Jan 25band just returned.

I paid a portion of my bills health insurance ( only part as I am searching for an alternative to change over to maybe go back to HCF), paid my storage unit rental, my mobile phone bill and inc pro ( still keeping a min going eventhough I haven't been working for over a year).

Started looking into courses where I can become an acquafit instructor and seniors activity manager.

News Healines today include

Costco in Australia is set to join the grocery home delivery services with same day delivery and door dash. No membership needed on delivery app but beware the extra costs for groceries making the more expensive. Coles and Woolworths offer same day delivery but only in store. Ah remember the good old days when home delivery was much simpler, just shop in person in store get to the check out and ask for home delivery and pay the extra fee.

Trump has delayed the tarrifs for a month imposed on Mexican imports as the country's leader agrees to assist with border security by sending more troops to stop illegal drugs and immigrants crossing into the US across the border. There's that mention again of Canada's more agressive counter tarrif again and Australia's call to strengthen trade relationships with the US as the AUKUS deal could be on the line.

An inquest into the 2020 death of a man John Kennedy of a cardiac arrest where he could have lived if the ambulance had arrived faster. The ambulance took 23 minutes to arrive.

Travis Head has claimed the Alan border medal. Anabelle Sutherland claimed the Melinda Clarke medal.

A teenage girl has been killed by a shark on a popular North of Brisbane beach on Bribie Island. Her upper body injuries were so bad there was nothing more that could be done to save her.

Qantas international fares on sale again?! Biggest sale ever?!

A meter of rain and no power as flooding continues in Northern QLD.

New details have surfaced of  how Sam Kerr believes she and her partner was being kidnapped on the night of the racist remark cab incident.

Another violent home invasion in Terry Hills injuring a 68 year old man. The 2 attackers with a machete are on the run.

Vic Premier has admitted that bail laws are too soft and a review of laws to be be overhauled. Meanwhile SA will have the toughest knife laws to prevent the shocking knife crimes seen interstate happening in SA.

Oz Lotto has a $100 million jackpot tonight, it's biggest Oz lotto draw - a 1 in 62 million chance in winning.

A top of 30 degrees C today in Sydney & sunny.

As the grammys wrap up Beyoncé has won that top album award finally. The awards ceremony saw some weird and not so wonderful displays of attention seeking such as Jayden Smith ( Will Smith's son) appearing in a black house over his head and Kayne West ( with questions over whether he was actually invited to the awards or not) and his wife in a cute outfit before stripping and revealing a very nude shear bodysuit ( which appeared to be coercive control)

The card surcharge has reared it's ugly head again after countless complaints last year. The surcharge is not illegal but businesses should not be charging customers more then 1% or whatever they are being charged to have merchant services available.

Outrage as a public toilet has been put in place in Paddington to stop drunks urinating on the streets of Paddington. Local residents hate it and have said that it doesn't belong in their suburb as it doesn't fit in with it's heritage buildings and should belong out in Blacktown. I say just make the public toilet completely exposed - that will embarass these drunks and nobody will use it then and it will have to be removed! Shouldn't this public toilet be located in The Reservoir hidden away from the public as there isn't one there when there should be especially during events? Use the pub's toilet across the road - I don't think they would be too thrilled about this! Why wasn't this public toilet made to look more heritage ???

6 year old Prince Louis has taken a photo of Princess Kate his mother in the woods enjoying nature with her arms out for Workd Cancer Day. It is a really beautiful photo and looks as if he takes after his mother's photographic talents.

Australian entertainment icon Patty Newton turns 80 today.

Former President Joe Bidens next move - what he has signed with a Hollywood talent agency? Public speaking umm?! A night with Biden.

Copenhagen has collaborated with food & drink vendors to create the first Bun Run a half marathon which involves running 21 km stopping at each patisserie,  thousands of applicants applied to run but only a lucky 100 were accepted. Talk about incentive to participate in a half marathon!

Transport minister Jo Haylen apologises and quits after using a government driver and car ie "ministerial perks" for personal use dropping her kids off to weekend sports, a trip to the Hunter Valley and other family trips which is the inappropriate use of tax payer's money.

An inferno at a St Mary's factory is now under control after hours of fighting it and an exclusion zone was set up around it. Residents are now allowed to return to their homes . It was unclear what caused the inferno and whether it was just heat.

2 teenage boys have been charged over an egging which was first thought to be a targeted antisemtic attack on 2 women in the Eastern suburbs who were Jewish but turned out not to be the case.

A bus crashed into a Bonnyrigg house. Luckily the home owner was at work rushing home and the kids were not home. Tge passengers were able to walk off the bus un injured catching the next bus . There are 2 probable causes the bus driver had a medical episode or the bus had a mechanical failure.

A woman who murdered her husband in Victoria whilst camping may have her case dismissed due to a sleep disorder where she sleep walks.

Parliament returns it on for the March budgets and May elections.

It's the first wave of back to school for some students today with public schools returning on Thursday.

Wednesday 5th February 25

Today I had to return my bottles out at Nacquarie Shopping Centre by catching the Metro, do a top up of grocery items mainly cleaning and toiletry products.

I paid my annual PO box rental at Chatswood post office over the counter and went to the bank but due to a stuff up was kept there for much longer then expected hence wasting my time and not being able to pay my rent or do a few other things on my list of things that I must do.

News headlines today include

Remember that unwanted kiss from that soccer chief Luis Rubiales to a soccer player Jenni Hermoso after a soccer match at the awards ceremony? Well it's now gone to trial - finally  after days of  reappearing in headlines and he is facing sexual assault charges with allegations min 1 years sentence in jail.

A man has died after a stabbing attack at Kingswood Station.

The police involved in the Sam Kerr had been grilled for changing his statement to push the trial to go ahead with what was the motive for racial harassment claim. Racial profiling may have been involved.

Chinese AI app Deep Seek is to be banned on all government devices and people are encouraged to uninstall it due to the way personal data is harvested and links to the Chinese communist party  making it unsecure similar to the bank on the TikTok app following other country's bans on it's use.

Budget Direct has denied an insurance claim when a couple's car was stolen from their home on the Goldcoast when they did not read the clause that says not to leave their keys in their car but hidden from site. Their claim was denied twice.

Air Asia are in talks and could spark wars with Jetstar with new direct flights from Adelaide to Bali where Jetstar is the only airline to fly directly out of Adelaide to Denpasa 

Australia falls short of the 70000 homes of new housing targets.

A Redbull Grand Canyon extrene stunt has been sucessful.

Aussie NFL Philidelphia Eagles star Jordon Mailata is loving his superbowl week. The Eagles play The Kanas City Chiefs in a rematch next week. Meanwhile one week until the Superbowl and the Superbowl ads are coming in hard & fast with new ones airing. Some watch the Superbowl for the game, others for the half time entertainment or for the ads.

The hunt is on for the winner of last night's $100 million Oz Lotto division 1 draw from Elizabeth Hills in Western Sydney.

A baby has been found dead in a car strapped in a car seat  in Earlwood. The father has been taken away for questioning by police.

7 teenagers are in custody after a police persuit and car crash which went all the way from Melbourne to Geelong and back.

Tributes flow in for Charlize Zmuda the 17 year old shark attack victim on Bribie Island QLD.

What? a too woke failed Great Northern Brewing Beer Co campaign has led to the CEO of  Carlton & United Brewery Danny Celoni to steop down although it is claimed it had nothing to do with the failed campaign which was suppose to run until March but was already pulled after ridicule online. Beer & Outdoors not always a perfect match?!

Princess Kate has mixed it buddying up with 4 and 5 year olds taking turns holding hands with them around an interactive portrait art gallery as part of early education programs.

11 tons of Kimchi was confiscated at Icheon Airport last year. Good for eating not good for carry - on.

An episode on Bluey teaches kids to give mums some space which is much appreciated by parents.

Sabrina Carpenter has new music much to the delight of her fans including a collab with Dolly Parton.

Blakely Lively has a new filmA Simple Favour which is set to premiere at SXSW out but release was delayed due to her legal action against her former co-star from It Ends With Us.

A third sudden shock death of an AFL player in 2 days. Adam Hunter aged 43 has died.

Trump plans to take over the Gaza strip displacing Gavin's but what happens if they don't want to leave. Trump wants to "level" the site. What is actually going to happen? Neighbouring countries don't want anything to do with this plan and it seems Isreal is the only country interested in the plan being an ally of Trump and the US.

10 prople have died at a Swedish school shooting. No motive has been found for the rampage at the adult education centre.

There has been a slump in Tesla electric car sales in Australia with the reason unknown. Something it may have to do with Elon Musk getting involved with politics whilst issues such as charging and service of electric cars  may be the reason for the slump. Australians are more interested in hybrid cars.

New movies Bridget Jones another sequel of her raising her children on her own with a little help from a past lover ( dodn't he die?), and another comedy Kinda Pregnant staring Amy Schumer whichcsee her strapping on a belly and pretending to be pregnant are amongst new releases.

$123 million have been revealed as dark money donations to political parties. Any amount over $16000 has to be declared as donations to political parties. A suggestion has been made to stop having this as a tax deduction.

Security is being beefed up ahead of the superbowl in Mew Oreleans after previous terrorist attack.

Anna Winter has been made a Dame Commander for her services to fashion. The 75 year old is the longest serving fashion editor and is rarely seen without her trademark dark glasses but this is the second time she has taken off her glasses to acceptan award from the King , the last time was for the late Queen's presentation to her.

Thursday 6th February 2025

So much news on TV today in the morning but later on there was. 

Another do nothing day today, it's just too hot. So hot my TV is failing to work.

Made some meals today. Did a few other life admin things.

News headlines today include

102 red belly snakes were found in a family's backyard and they need to relocate them 20 km away from where they were found in Sydney's Western suburbs

A new royal portrait of Queen Mary of Denmark has been released to mark her 53rd birthday.

Leaders in Europe have woken up to Trumps plans to take over Gaza and rid it of Palestinians ( likened to ethnic cleasnsing) by sending US troops in. The UK Prime Minister has voiced his concern over Trumps plan and how this is not a advisable plan if  it goes ahead and how Gaza need to be given a chance to rebuild.  Germany, Spain, Ukraine even Russia have rejected Trump's plan and when Russia objects to these plans it really does indicate that Trump has gone to far  with land grabbing. 

Jordan Mailata if the NFL comes to Australia will be really excited. It has now been confirmed 3 NFL teams will be heading to Australia in Oct 2026 right after AFL & NRL grand finals.For now he is just eyeing a win against the KC Chiefs.Confirmed later today no Eagles due to scheduling where they aren't playing  but Rams confirmed to be the NFL team coming to Australia to Nelbourne's MCG. 

It's the official back to school today however a new school has opened in Sydney's Western ( Melomba)  suburbs with over 600 students enrolled there already. 7 new schools opened as 800 000 students returned to their first day of school.

A wind turbine in Victoria has been destroyed by high winds.

A top of 29 degrees c in Sydney today and partly cloudy after it rained very lightly yesterday evening.

PM Abo will visit flood ravaged Northern QLD. Meanwhile what does Albo think of Trump's plans to turn Gaza into one of Trump's golf resorts? ( Get it "Gulf" resorts)

Today marks the late Queen's ascension  to the throne. 

Sam Kerr  faces court for the first time telling her side of the story where she feared for her life and believed tgat she was being kidnaped in a cab the night she threw up and will face cross examination tomorrow over her racist insult charge.

1 in 4 Aussies are purchasing private health insurance to avoid the Medicare tax surcharge.

There will be tweaking to NRL obstruction rules .

In Melbourne a first attempt of a half marathon by 2 distance runners in the air is being run where participants will be running on tread mills in hot air balloons 

More tickets have been released for Kylie Minogues Tension tour in Australia.

Elton John has a new album out "Who believes In Angels? " with Brandi Carlile. 

Kenrick Lamar is set to perform at the Superbowl this year however do to the legal battle over the song he plans to perform between him and Drake it is uncertain if he will be able to perform it or if the lyrics will be modified as not to interfere with t legal proceedings.

Billie Eilish interviews Wicked's Adriana Grande.

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry have been in the media a lot with Harry back in Vancouver for the Invictus Games - his 11 year passion project which has been very successful. Then there was the comment from Netflix about whether their contract with the Sussexes will continue and also Meghan's do good social media post going viral which some say was too loud and brash and that good deeds should be done more quietly. ( Meghan had reached out in her social media posts to find a replacement Billie Elish t shirt for a teen who had lost everything including her Billie Elish t shirt in a fire) 

A Japan Airlines flight has hit another plane but no one was injured.

A mother at her wits end has confronted her child's bullies who had bullied her daughter to the point where they were repeatedly advising for her daughter to kill herself. The mother thought that the school had not taken any action against this bullying and feared her daughter would self harm

Ah the childcare subsidies is on the discussion board again as an election promise.

Police raided a canabis plantation on Ingleburn Rd in Leppington where crops grown were used to produce the drugs  for commercial sale .

Next Wednesday, trains will be on a go slow industrial action AGAIN on Western Sydney railway lines.

Next Thursday nurses AGAIN  will be on strike protesting outside parliament .

Home Affairs pushed through tough legislation laws for antisemtic crimes hours before the PM Albo travelled to flood ravaged Northern QLD.

Laos is yet to accept help from the AFP in relation to the investigation of the methanol poisoning deaths which is a bit of a setback.

New plans to revive Parramatta road and create thousands of new homes .

Trump has signed a ban for transgender athletes and cutting funding if found  training transgender athletes. Trump has been a busy man with backlash and condemnation from world leaders, Trumps plans to take over Gaza has been backtracked.

There is a scarey spike in dementia cases.

Beauty company MECCA is up for sale with a price tag of $1 billion.

A $10 000 reward for a missing dog Frankie on the South Coast.

Americans Brits & Aussies have participated in Red Flag a military training exercise. A friendly rivalry in the skies including refuelling in the sky. 

An Astraroid if it hits earth is due around Christmas 2032 but scientist say don't panic they have a plan.

Friday 7th February 2025

I have to go out today as I need to do some essential things.

Rent paid and it was the first time I had to walk down to the main and now only branch of the NAB in Chatswood across from The Chase. The smaller NAB branch at the interchange end is empty well and truly closed.

I went to the larger Coles first then Losurdos at The Chase ( the entrance has shifted again and not much has been done on the facade of the buildings since I returned from a month overseas however a lot of new food concessions have opened up or under construction inside the mall) , followed by Aldi at Westfield the finally Woolworths Metro. 

A few new concessions and small shops are opening up around Chatswood  eg Fatty Catty Tobacconist but what found really strange was there are at least 3 currency exchange and money transfer hole in the wall concessions that have opened up in Chatswood - there are probably more hidden in the malls side streets and laneways off the main drag of Victoria Ave in Chatswood

I recharged my Opal card and purchased some rocket from Woolworths Metro at the end of my grocery shop today.

News headlines today include

It's the 2025 ACTA Awards with Robbie Williams set to make an appearance. Russell Crowe is hosting the event.

Fans are going crazy for the UFC wrestling.

A top of 30 degrees C today and sunny in Sydney. Apparently the rain is coming.

Sam Kerr says she never meant to use the word white as a racist insult during her trial which continues.It is unclear when she will be returning to soccer at this stage.

Another teenage firearm arrest outside of Melbourne.

Northern QLD floods will affect the banana supplies as they are unable to transport them out due to road closures in flood affected regions.

A torched car has been found in Mansfield Park Adelaide.

A QLD Bribie Island male retiree has won the Powerball $60 million jackpot overnight. He had a dream that he would win $40 million . He had manifested the win and it happened. When asked he is going to buy a vintage car his mother had to sell and also help and support family and friends who have been doing it tough as well as some kids.

1 in 4 millennial rely on social media influences for managing money.

Puppy Bowl XXl is on has seen rescue pups duke it out .

Adam Scot wants to meet with Trump to reunify golf.

Not long now until Superbowl 59 which airs on Monday morning Australian time Eagles verses Chiefs .

Australian kids fail to understand democracy and there is a discussion to make civic studies compulsory for all year 11 and 12 students.

January 2025 was the hottest January ever, and this was not just in Australia even overseas it's been a very mild winter in the Northern Hemisphere this January.

Turkey remembers those that lost their lives in 2023 massive earthquake.

Prince William has put on an apron trying his hand at the trades.

A PHD setudent's research has seen a huge corpse flower was on display at the Botanic Gardens to work out whether the plant really does smell like a dead body.

Karl Sunderland's reveals an update on his health condition. Keyhole surgery is no longer an option. He now has 2 options and was advised to think about his options over the weekend for the best outcome. Either leave it and live with a ticking timebomb in his brain or have major surgery to remove it as it can't  be accessed by keyhole surgery. Another health concern has since been found in his chest which will also need surgery.

The return of Buffy The Vampire? Only if done right says Sarah Michelle.

Micro retirement for gen Z is a trend taken to avoid corporate burnout by changing careers and taking long periods off to travel and comit to causes they are passionate about before they become too old.

The French have come up with a set of  recommendations of how often you should launder various items including jumpers, bed linen, jeans , underwear, gymwear etc

The idea of a Back To The Future 4 has been shut down and that there will never be a Back To The Future reboot.

Oh dear Kanye West is going to use AI for the voice of a young rapper and that his wife and he could be crashing the superbowl.

Adiana Grande has sung an improv on Jimmy Fallon Show and asked if she ate sausages. No she is vegan. Great job ,Adriana.

Santorini is being evacuated of residents and tourist after experiencing a large wave of earthquakes. It has a history of eruptions and earthquakes.

All eyes on the by election in Victoria. Meanwhile Albo has lost popularity and 50% say they will not be voting for him and just over 30% say they will.

A new transport minister has been appointed after the resignation of Jo Haylen. The acting transport minister is John Graham.It is hoped that the end is near for the long running dispute between the rail workers union and government and a new deal negotiated and signed putting an end to the ongoing train strikes and rail disrruptions to commuters.

A paragliding has become stuck in trees and has had to call search and rescue to rescue her in the forest . She wasn't badly inhmjured and back in the skies again the next day. She was worried if the branch broke she would have suffered catastrophic injuries which made her rescue a delicate one.

A big day for baby Goose the penguin as he took his first swim after shedding his fluff.

Domino's is slashing stores across the world, bad news for Pizza lovers as stores close but the good news is their share price is up.

Yuk! a man has been caught on camera having a bath in a kids pool in NZ, cleaning himself with soap to the disgust of swimmers.

The Lion King returns to the Capitol Theatre next year.

Saturday 8th February 2025

Today woll be a do nothing day again as I still have a lot of catching up to do.

Life admin - forms to complete, things to apply for, planning the year ahead, laundry & cleaning. Trying to declutter and retire things that are worn out and are at the end of their useful life (I hate doing this but it has to be done as I am a bit of an environmentally conscious person and hate throwing stuff out especially if it has been your favourite and most functional things) I think I am practising the one in one out method. Only replace items if broken and can't be used anymore. Things are not made the same anymore everything is disposable and of poor quality made overseas. I want stuff that lasts for decades even a lifetime garanteed so I don't have to find a replacement that will have the same or similar functionality - this is a problem just finding replacements.

I haven't seen rain for over a month now and finally tonight it is actually raining , well at least the road and footpaths are wet. Not enough rain to be clearly visible out the window though. I hope it causes the temperatures to fall overnight.

News headlines today include

Premier Chris Minns has ordered an immediate inquiry into why the man who committed the antisemtic arson /terrorist attack in the Eastern suburbs setting fire to Bondi's Curly Lewis Pub wasn't given a more severe sentence. Looks as if I missed out on a slew of antisemetic arson and vandalism attacks around Australia in the month I was away overseas.

All eyes are on the Wirrabee  and Prahan by elections. Labor is bracing for a massive swing. Polls open at 8 am this morning 

AOC Olympic boss has given a 2032 Olympic warning saying venues & funding ( waiting on government paperwork)  must be finalised by July in order for the Brisbane Olympics to be sucessful - ie stop fluffing around Australia doesn't need or want another Victorian Commonwealth Game embassing last minute cancellation!

A plane crash gas happened in Brazil with 2 dead.

Team mates have given glowing statements in support of Sam Kerr's racial insult case which is about to wrap up however nothing anyone says in praise of her character reference can change what Sam Kerr did.

New Oleans is gearing up for the Superbowl which is on Monday.

A top of 29 degrees C today with possible showers in Sydney today.

An East West bus trip scheme has designed to reverse antisemetism as a drive towards change but the question is will it work as several councils are in favour of it.

A midnight knife attack of a man in a cemetery at Mary's Hill has left the man with severe injuries and has led to an alleged attacker charged. 2 men were wondering the cemetery just before midnight when they were approached by a man sleeping rough camping in the cemetery.

The AFL has handed out memos with concussion rankings to clubs however do not give any recommendations as to how to prevent concussions and have been therefore slammed.

Robbie Williams has given a comic thank you speech where he took out 4 awards for his biopic featuring himself as a chimp at the ACTA awards on the Gold Coast. Sarah Snook also won an award which she accepted via video link.

Another blow for Northern QLD with more deluge and flooding to come  just as they were cleaning up from the last disaster.

For the first time 5 Tasmanian beaches have made it into Australia's best beaches list. In the End it was The Bays of Fires that made it to the list. 

The earthquake stricken island residents of  of Santori has been warned that this could last for months as residents and tourist have been evacuated from the island as a precaution. 

Studies have shown that kids are not getting enough iron which could affect their brain development.

Nathan Carey's younger brother Jet has joined in a test trial football match following in his older brother's football footsteps.

West London's Grenfell Tower which caught alight in 2017 and killed several residents is going to be demolished as there is no save way to save and restore it even with family and friends of victims wanting it to remain as a memorial to remember those tgat died in the inferno.

Trump is back in the news again cancelling Biden's security clearance just as Biden did to Trump when when Trump lost the election and Biden won. This means Biden will no longer have access to sensitive and secret government information.

Australia takes out a clean sweep of the podium in a FIS Freestyle World Cup event at Deer Valley.

Prince's estate has pulled the long awaited  Prince documentary from being aired by Netflix 

Sunday 9th February 2025

Happy World Pizza Day!

Today I decided it was again too hot to venture out. ai did absolutely nothing again. Well not exactly. I made a fusion version of Australian Chinese Peking duck ( marinated overnight in a marinade made from countless ingredients) pancakes ( I made a nice tasty Danish with grainy mustard, spinach leaves, mini roma tomatos, shallot , lamb mince, rosemary, chilli flakes, cream cheese, coby cheese,fried onions yesterday) today complete with shallots and cucumber - oops I forgot to sprinkle fresh corriander over it.

I started registering for volunteering jobs . Had a shower , took the rubbish and sorted my recycling to take out and did my laundry.

I csught up on videos and uploading some videos onto my YouTube chanbel and checked emails and Facebook.

I also packed some more stuff away into my main suitcase & carrying for next year. I still need to repack my ski bag.

News headlines today include

It's Superbowl eve and everyone is gearing up for the game which airs in Australia on Monday morning.

A  top of 28 degrees C with showers and storms forecasted for today.

Residents have been ordered to move to higher ground in Townsville and the Bruce Highway is cut off as flooding continues in Ingham and surrounding regions. There is a monsoon warning from Mt Isa to Tiwnsvilke with the town of Halifax cut off ( that's Halifax  in Australia not Canada)

The Labor seat of Wirrabee which has been held since 1979 could be lost. It's a very close call for this by election with swing voters.

A pledge of half a billion dollars will be made by the Abo government if re elected for women's health.

Hamas has released 3 more hostages all men. Meanwhile Isreal has released 183 more hostages since the cease fire began. Isrealis were appalled by the condition of the 3 hostages released by Hamas looking emaciated. If all goes well with the release of hostages then stage 2 of the cease fire will go ahead.

A rare dewarf sperm whale has washed up on West Beach in Adelaide.

A stunning start to the Sail GP on Sydney Harbour with the Aussies leading in less then optimum wind conditions. The NZ and US had to pull out of the race and there will only be 2 races today due to the wind conditions on the final day of the sail GP .

WA state election campaign goes ahead

Charles and Camilla host an Italian themed dinner with several celebrities attending

Another car crash & police persuit at Mulgrave outside of Melbourne.

A Derby soccer hooligan brawl has occurred at Central Station 

A woman has been struck by lightening hitting a tree in South Western Sydney. She died after being unable to be revived. Another person struck by lightning was taken to hospital in a critical condition.

A plane that crashed in snowy conditions 50 km from it's destination has been found in Alaska. There were no survivors as the wreckage is cleared.

A 300 year old Stradivarius violin has been sold for $18 million in NY.

What?! The NFL Superbowl Eagles verses Chiefs has been compared to AFL Collingwood Verses Carlton!!!!!?????

Trump has advised that he won't deport Prince Harry because he has enough problems with his wife Meghan - she is terrible. How bizzare.

There has been Volcom recall on hooded kids towels which have no fire hazard warnings on the. The items recalled were sold at various Surf shops between December 24  & January 25

A judge has blocked Elon Musk from accessing treasury records.

A pair of Adelaide guys have put out spot fires with an old car bonnet they had. The fires were started by an arsonist who has been arrested by police.

The AUKUS deal has been secured with a downpayment of $798 million . The first US manufactured submarine is set to arrive in Australia in 2032. However caution should be taken as it is only the first 3 weeks of the Trump administration and anything can happen with this multi billion dollar AUKUS submarine contract which is to aid the growing presence and threat of China's presence in the Pacific region.

The 2nd annual esky riding race is on today in Sydney ( is this actually a news headline?).

A lot of rain is forcasted for Sydney with a top of 27 degrees C. 

Renee Zellweger has hit the red carpet  premiere in Sydney for he sequel to Bridget Jones "Mad About The Boy".

Monday 10th February 2025

I am getting bit sick of AI spellcheck automatically changing at least one word in every sentence I type to something that is nonsense when it is spelt correctly and is what I want it to say. I don't want to turn it off as it may affect the spellcheck function. I didn't ask for it to be turned on it did it automatically during a software update - pain in the arse!

A bit of a yucky day today at top of 27 degrees C and rain even storms forcasted.

Today I have decided to stay at home and watch the superbowl this morning broadcast on 7 from 10 am this morning. I wish I was overseas still as there has only been I think one year where I have been overseas when the Superbowl has been on and it's a lot of fun watching it with other Canadians and others from around the world. Not necessarily understanding the game but you know the teams playing, enjoy the half time entertainment  plus all the other entertainment and watch and review all the multimillion dollar hardly minutes long hyped up commercials and maybe even have some Superbowl snacks.

Watching the superbowl I hear and see the first rumblings or thunder and lightning around 11.45 am outside . It's really grey and a little dark outside but no sign of rain yet. Still really hot and humid though.By 12 noon it started to rain and now it's raining quite heavily all in a matter of 10 minutes or so but hopefully the showers will be a flyover and it will stop soon - unlikely as I can still see thunder and lightning and it's a little windy outside.

Not even half time and the Eagles are leading 24 to 0! The Chiefs are in trouble maybe the rumours that Travis going out with Tay Tay the night before instead of never going out the night before the super bowl but staying at home was a sign that something was up this year. Has Travis Kelce lost his mojo? Was he acting too confident? Is Australian NFL player Jordan Mailata a threat to Chiefs?

Still pouring with rain windy and in the distance I can still hear the thunder well after half time of the Superbowl. The score still han't changed  24 to 0. Kendrick Lamar as half time entertainment was OK but not my favourite. The dancers in the red white or blue outfits and the reference to Uncle Sam ( At least I think it was) where Samuel L Jackson performed monologues inbetween Lamar's rapping was very patriotic. Don't know who was the guest performer though. - oh Serina Williams danced on stage with Lamar and SZA performed a duet with Lamar. Who is SZA?

The scores just changed at 1 pm or did it? Nope ! The 3rd quarter and there is no way the Chiefs can win now!

Almost 1 30 pm and the score is now Philidelphia Eagles  34 to Kansas City Chiefs 0. I fell asleep as it is just so so. The rain outside has calmed down a little but the roads are still wet - the sound of mvs swishing past is constant. The Chiefs just scored it's now 34 to 6 with only a few seconds left until the end of the 3rd quarter. One more quarter until the game is over. The score is now 37 to 6 and it's 1.42 pm! There is now absolutely no way the Chiefs can win and my TV has gone haywire probably due to heat & rain. uh oh an Eagles player has hit another Chief's player in the face pushing him to the ground almost. Deliberate or accidentally?

It's now 2 pm and the score is now 40 to 6 . No the games not over till the father lady sings 40 to 12 is now the score at 2.03 pm. The TV is back to normal now and it is starting to dry up outside with skies clearing up rain stopped and it's no longer so dark and grey - the sun may even come  2.05 pm and the score is now 40 to 14 . Still playing and shock horror a whole large bucket of fluro yellow green Gatoraidis poured over the Eagles coach. Which means ...2 minutes until celebrations.

2.13 pm  and  the Chiefs just scored a touchdown making the score 40 to 20!Then 40 to 22 in just another minute!

Are they just playing for fun now? It's over. The game is over!!! The Eagles have officially  won Superbowl 2025 40 to 22 against the Chiefs.

Well we know who has won the Superbowl for 2025 and it wasn't the Chiefs this year which means Aussie Jordan Mailata makes history as the first Aussie in an NFL team to win a Superbowl!!

2.20 pm and the I see blue skies have come out - no more rain, no more wind, no more dark grey clouds no more thunder and lightning and no more swishing of mv constantly driving past.

Watching the post game presentation and Eagles players are all touching the trophy to ensure it is real and it's theirs.Just saw the Aussie flag being waved by Jordan Mailata.

News headlines today include

Well it's Superbowl Sunday in the US in New Orleans. Donald Trump is heading to the superbowl in his Airforce One jet. The first sitting president to do so although he hasn't chosen a team to support yet. Meanwhile it is $30000 for a ground level superbowl ticket! 

A tree has crashed down in Hampton in Melbourne's South East across a road cutting power lines.

Vic deserts the Labor party a stark warning  and wake up call for the Abo government. A 10.4 % swing in Werribee and in Prahan a swing away from The Greens.

A dancer is suing Dreamworld for $900000 over an alleged injury. A foot injury sustained from dancing on a slippery surface and from working long hours without adequate rest causing them to become exhausted.

A 29 man has been charged for a daylight brawl in Sydney's West yesterday involving chasing  a man with baseball bats.

Tony Abbott calls for a council rates boycott in Sydney's Northern Beaches.

A blaze in Townsville's South West has seen a man burnt with the cause unclear 

Germans have held a deer calling contest

Just as it was thought the bird flu had been eradicated,  a smaller chicken farm has been placed in quarantine outside of Melbourne Victoria with a more deadly H7N8 strain of bird flu which may cause egg shortages across Victoria.

Errors have been found in medical transcripts where one recorded the wrong side of breast cancer n a patient highlighting the dangers of using AI and not to use AI as sole source of information but to use it in conjunction and consultation with other sources of information. 

The debate on the  use of shark nets is escalating. A trial is currently being performed where led lights have been placed along shark nets in NSW to observe if they prevent other sealife from getting caught in them. Other states are using different types of nets as well as other methods such as drones and or removing shark nets.

QLDers are about to lose their power/energy rebates which was part of the premier's package to ease the rising cost of living.

The new cast of Dancing With The Stars has been announced with celebities including Actress Rebecca Gibney, Comedian on another channel Shaun Micallef, Boxer Harry Garside

$150 million mansion in the suburb of  Torak in Melbourne has become the most expensive property sold . The owner wanted to downsize and originally purchased the mansion for $14 million.

Rick & Sue celebrate 40 years as anchors together on Channel 7 News Perth and also hold the Guiness World Record for being the longest length a pair has delivered news together as anchors on air.

Aussie DJ Dom Dolan closes down a street in New Orleans to throw a street party.

Crows and Power fans in Adelaide will be forced to pay more for high demand AFL tickets as price increases.

Trump has imposed tarriffs on all steel and aluminium imported into the US which includes AUS. This comes as Trump travels to the Superbowl.

Andrea Boccelli returns to Australia for 1 night only on April 3 @ SCG

The American anthem was sung at this year's superbowl by Jon Batiste on piano. 

The brief storm that hit Sydney caused widespread damage. Hardest hit Western and South Western Sydney suburbs. Town Hall flooded and so was Parramatta Rd.

The boy from Bankstown has made history. The first Australian Jordan Mailata to play in and win a Superbowl. 

The party at Marsden Park may have gone on during the rain but the storms interrupted  technology and the broadcast of the game on the big screen forcing family and friends to watch the game on their phones.

A fire may have been the cause of a house fire in Hurstville Grove.

The PM Albo has scheduled a call to the US to speak to Trump in regards to the tarriffs he has imposed on imports to the US as it could affect the Australian economy in relation to manufacturing and jobs with exports to the US of steel and aluminium worth billions of dollars.

There are plans to make groceries less expensive to remote and indigenous communities by government.

Sydney Airport's faulty passport gates are causing processing delays to passengers. Yep they sure are. ( was very confusing about what to do and where to go upon landing back at  Sydney Airport- airline ran out of landing cards again on the plane but before you even can fill out a landing card at the airport you need to get to a self service kiosk for passport scan and collect ticket then line up to go through one of the manned desks then you have to fill out a landing card as well then luggage claim then you have to go through another gate either nothing to declare or everything to declare before finally exiting out to the airport foyer - it takes at least an hour but most of the time more particularly if your luggage was check in first in last out! ie FILO & LIFO not FIFO - my shuttle driver picking me up was unimpressed!!!!) .

Plans for the construction of new afforable housing in Camperdown for essential workers. 

AMP will be the first to issue numberless debit/cedit cards to business and personal customers in an effort to combat card fraud. ( I want one particularly after my incidences of debit and credit card fraud). This makes it safer when making purchases online where card numbers are generated for single or multiple transactions using the card .

Woolworths has ordered their 10000 support staff to come into the office at least 3 days a week. 

JB HiFi share prices have increased in value.

E batteries are a problem as another battery has exploded hitting a person with shrapnel

Korean Air has topped the best airlines awards. Qantas came in 8th.

Owning a home is now not the dream as it is almost unaffordable without help from family or friends.

Tuesday 11th February 2025

A top of 28 degrees C today and another round of storms forcasted today after yesterday's noon storms with some parts of regional NSW with severe hail.

Liam Neeson's has lent his Taken acting voice to sell a friend's family home in Waverley Park outside of Melb Victoria by a real estate agent by making a cameo in the ad. The owner of the house for sale had struck up a friendship with the actor on a casting set.

The stars of The Liv Golf Adelaide have now landed in Australia and started practice.

The 50 cent public transport trial in QLD is set to stay after it's sucess but it will cost the state government $60 million per year. This means a trip between Brisbane and the Gold Coast which normally cost just under $30 per trip will only cost $1 return.

Another  out of control BMW has crashed into the front windows of the bedroom where a couple was sleeping in Smithfield in Sydney's West. They couple were lucky to escape uninjured. Police are investigated if speed was a factor.

A woman has died in a fire outside of Melbourne unable to be revived.

Another police pursuit of 5 armed teenagers aged between just 13 - 16 years old in Eastern suburbs of Melbourne for a string of robberies including a tabacconist and 2 carjackings - the first unsucessful. They were stopped at Box Hill.

Chaos and wild Superbowl riots have errupted over the Eagles win and Phildelphia loss as celebrations continue and Jordon Mailata  makes his first breakfast tv interview. Jon Hamm & Bradley Cooper introduced the 2 teams at the superbowl. The word of the Superbowl is "tush push". Lady Gaga provided pre game street entertainment which was a tribute, a slew of celebrities were present at the game including Tay Tay who made it onto the big screen at the game being booed at - was Travis annoyed or distracted? And who can forget the appearance of New Orleaner  Harry Connick Jr performing. 

A rare first edition of a Harry Potter book the Philosopher's Stone has sold for just over $41 000. The book was about to be thrown out due to a spelling mistake of the word Philosopher but was rescued.

As Donald Trump renames The Golf of Mexico to The Golf of America, the PM Abo will make a desperate phone call to Trump for tarrif exemptions of any steel entering the US being hit with a 25% tarrif imposed by Trump which will wipe $15 billion off the ASX.

A suspected "Moguls" bike on the Gold Coast has been charged with stalking & extortion. 

The AUS$ is $0.63 against the US$ which is a slight improvement from previous free fall of the AUS$ against the US$.

Ed Sheeran has been booted off the streets of India by police for not having a permit to busk. Ed Sheeran was in between shows in India when he was busking.

While Lamar was performing at the Superbowl Half time entertainment,  his nemesis Drake was in Melbourne Australia drowning his sorrows with over $2000 worth of Nandos chicken.

A woman has given birth in Ingham amidst the flood ravaged region.

QLD premier has spoken about how he has delivered on everything he has promised in his 1st 100 days as the premier of QLD and will continue to deliver on things as adult time for adult crime laws to be passed and fixing the Bruce Highway black spots as well as working together to send aid and to rebuild a more resilient flood ravaged North QLD region 

There are calls to expand bulk billing GP clinics.

A QLD couple has celebrated a remarkable 72 years of marriage.

The results of Sam Kerr's trial will be known tomorrow morning. If found guilty she could face years in jail ending her soccer career.

Kylie Minogue has started rehersals ahead of her Australian tour.

A shortage of buses in Neutral Bay today left queues of passengers waiting. Bus companies Busways and Keolis Downer don't have enough bus services to cope with the number of commuters.

A new block of units for renters only in Medowbank right next to the train station is being built. Build to rent apartments are becoming more popular now.

An app to help combat vaping addictions.

Woolworths says the supply of eggs will not be impacted by the bird flu outbreak. 

Trump threatens all he'll breaking out if hostage exchange and stage 2 cease fire goes wrong.

Guatemala has had a bus crashed.

The final stages of the Sydenham to Bankstown Metro has started testing. 

An on-site kitchen and catering company has been signed by DNATA with Western Sydney Aurport which will create thousands of new jobs. Only 2 airlines including Qantas have signed up to the new airport so far.

A former real estate agent has been been charged with 14 accounts of sexual assault, choking, attacking etc of women.

Figures show Seven West media advertising is improving.

Overseas buyers are still targeting Australia. Coming from China, Malaysia and Singapore. Australians therefore have to compete with the foreign dollar. Victoria has the most international sales followed by QLD NSW & SA.

A channel 9 reality TV show has been axed due to faking content. Find my ideal beach house was found to have already owned the properties featured on the show.

Are school tuckshop meals becoming too expensive? This is the question under discussion.

Go slow action has been banned however rail industrial action tomorrow will be going ahead for an hour.

Well it didn't quite storm at 4 pm today as forecasted but still 28 degrees C tomorrow and rain &  storms possible again tomorrow.

Wednesday 12th February 2025

A top of 28 degrees C and a threat of rain again today. Meanwhile parts of SA and Adelaide could reach 49 degrees C!

Sam Kerr found not guilty and whilst she apologised insists she never meant to racially insult or harrass that police officer. She is looking forward to getting back to and concentrating on her soccer career but will have to pay for her legal costs with the judge telling don't try and make a cost application. 

All eyes are on whether Trump will exempt Austraia from imposed tarrifs of steel and aluminium imports into the USA as he did with Mexico and Canada. Abo has just 1 month ( March 12th)  to secure an exemption however he may have an issue due to a deal made by Malcom Turnball in the past to limit imports of aluminium into the USA and how Australia has broken the promise. Also too close a tie to China . Abo will have to pull this off before the federal election.

Government agencies have spent $550 000 on welcome to country ceremonies in 2 years and a debate on whether this amount of taxpayer money should be spent or redirected to other areas of spending and or adjusted has arised.

A Melbourne woman has been tasered inside a Seven Eleven which she lit and tried to set fire to in Windsor outside of Melbourne by police.

A gang of teens has held a young mum at knife point in a rampage of home invasions in and around the suburbs of  Brisbane going from home to home suburb to suburb.

Sydney train strike is going ahead (AGAIN)  today with 1 hr rolling stopages by the electrical union between 8 am and 4 pm with railworkers rallying outside Parliament House A rail strike by has been delayed for 24 hours???

A plan to charge Gold Coast residents to dump their waste at a local tip will lead to more illegal jumping due to running out of space for landfill. Council operating cost have increased as well.

Virgin releases details on pet friendly flights policy. With some rules including small pets under a certain weight only, certain rows of seats dedicated to being pet friendly , not all flights will offer this service, pets must be able to fit under seats in a soft carrier, seats can't be booked for pets, dogs and cats only, pets must be up-to-date with vaccinations and meet hygiene standards and over a certain age  ( hopefully must be potty trained ). There are still a lot of rules and regulations to iron out such as passengers allergies. Australia is way behind the US where they have been carrying pets on planes for years.

Major airports to spend billions on upgrades but does new upgrades to airports mean more expensive flights? Australian airfares are expected to increase by 12 - 13% this year.  The cost of flights have just decreased. Upgrades of billions are being spent on airports such as a 3rd airport for Perth

The price of cocoa is increasing 20% again as bad weather & disease of crops has led to a shortage of coaco crops in South Africa meaning Easter eggs will be more expensive eg a Lindt chocolate rabbit could cost around $20!

Jack Black has made a big splash on the Gold Coast as he tries to stay upright balanced and afloat on a paddle board.

Sabrina Carpenter becomes alter egos reporter Katrina Sharpenter, Christina Barbenter the Karen, Serena Capen-Terra red carpet glamourer & Regina Harpenter sports comnentator in a Vogue cover shoot.

Hotspots for singles to find love include Lakemba?! Where there are more men to women there. Whereas in Double Bay there is more women to men.

New Marvel movie releases include Captain America  Brave New World starring Harrison Ford 

The remote QLD town of Chinchilla's Melon Festival is one which includes the sport of Melon Skiiing.

A big change to Melbournians who have had pro Palestinian protests every Sunday for 70 weekends every weekend but now protestors have announced that they will now hold monthly major protests instead to the relief of business owners who have suffered through these disrruptions.

CBA see a 2% rise in half year result and a $2.25 dividend. A $5.13 billion profit for the CBA. Rate cuts when the RBA meets next week??? With this profit it is hoped that the CBA will pass the rate cuts onto customers where a large portion are on hardship repayments.

That imfamous kiss from football boss to a soccer player at an award presentation has surfaced again with the football boss saying that the kiss was consented to when the soccer player insisted that it wasn't. 

Ryan Corr plays the kangaroo resuer Chris Barn  in the new documentary about his life in "Kangaroo"

Jimmy Barnes is up and walking 24 hours after a hip operation in hospital 

Elon Musk( who bought his son to work with him)  has joined Trump today making a joint statement to make the public service department and public servants more efficient by cutting it's workforce. Meanwhile Trunp's renaming of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America has been changed by Google and on Google maps Americans will now see it as the Gulf of America however Mexicans will still see it as the Gulf of Mexico and everyone else around the world will see it as both. Was there a joke about seeing Australia renamed to America??? There are probably already memos and pranks about Canada in regards to this and it's is not a joke but a possibility in the future if Trump gets his way.

Liam Gallegher slams fan over Oasis ticket cancellations advising he doesn't make the rules of who gets to go to his concerts he is just a singer

The Superbowl half time entertainment figures are in, 133 million viewers watched Kendrick Lamar 's performance. A record number of viewers.

2 nurses in Western Sydney have been accused of antisemetic verbal abuse bragging they won't treat Isreali patients, they will kill them. They face serious charges for their comments on a late night social media channel whilst on a night shift at Bankstown Hospital . Their families have apologies for their actions . Neither have been seen since.  Police are investigating. They have now been reregistered never to work in a hospital in Australia again.

Trump discusses Gaza takeover with King of Jordon in Oval Office. 

If a buyer csn't be found to buy the collapsed Rex regional airline, the government will step in to acquire it as it is an essential service for regional and isolated areas of Australia especially for medical services.

A tropical cyclone category 3 is set to hit Northern Australia by Friday.

A police officer of 28 years has been found dead at work taking his own life. Tributes are flowing in. An inquiry 

A woman's phone has exploded in her back pocket in Bazil. Motorola has contacted the woman to wok out why it caught on fire. The husband tried to put it out and the woman was taken to hospital with burns.

Socialite Primrose Dunlop of Bellevue Hill has passed away at 70.

HK Airlines is adding services starting in June on 20th to Sydney bringing more services and competition. It currently only flys to the Gold Coast. Flights are currently monopolised by Cathay and Qantas.

ToGoodToGo the food and drink app that tackles foodwaste by offering surprise bags filled with excess or leftover unsold food at the end of the day at a discount is making it's way to Sydney. Last year it was already being established in Melbourne and Sydney it seemed at the time was a little slow to the app (refer my video on my YouTube channel from last year where I actually visited their stand in Melbourne at a food & wine show asking what and how the app worked).

It will be a top of 29 degrees C and rain again tomorrow in Sydney. It is getting I no hotter again but not feeling as hot - maybe because I have the fan constantly on .

Weight loss drugs could damage eye sight it has been found.

Thursday 13th February 2025

Tomorrow may be Valentine's Day but today is World Dump Day. Free email break up initiative. What?!

Today it is blue skies and hot but not a heatwave and very windy. No rain but it did shower later in the evening.

News headlines today include

A new elephant enclosure has been completed at Werribee Zoo and the Asian elephants have moved in giving them more room to roam around.

Negotiations to end the war in Ukraine by Trump has begun with a phone call to Russia's Putin with negotiations. He said he will also call Ukraine's president Zelensky.

Meanwhile the 2nd stage of a ceasefire plan in Gaza is under threat citing Isreal has broken it's side of  cease fire conditions.

139 anglers were rescued in Russia from an isolated fishing area but not all the fisherman were happy to see the rescuers.

WW 2 practice "targets" were found digging up a playground in Northern England

The Princess of Wales has visited a special mother and babies unit at a UK prison. 

Westpac has cut it's fixed interest rate to 5.59% for owner occupiers . The first of the 4 major banks to do so.

Prince Charles took a turn throwing an NFL football with a bit of a fail. Oh well you can't be good at everything.

The AUS$ is $0.6302 against the US$

A great white shark has had an encounter with a NZ man in a kayak on a fishing adventure ( should tgat be a NZ man in a kayak has had an encounter with a great white shark?)

Sun surf and sopranos on the Gold Coast may return after disappearing decades ago. The Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate wants to bring Opera On The Beach on the Gold Coast back citing it will be a boost and revive the Experience Gold Coast tourim's economy. Last time Opera on the Beach was on was back in 2024 oon Coolangatta Beach.

Actor Liam Neeson has praised the Victorian filming industry. He is in Australia filming his new movie "The Mongoose".

Police are on a manhunt for an attacker who knifed a 19 year old in Melbourne's CBD causing him to be taken to hospital with non serious injuries.

Liv Golf 's Cam Smith has met his mini me mullet match who won a mulket competition recently. This little one is apparently good at chocolate milk shoes as well and scored a signed cap from Smith.

Australians have been involved in a wild Bali brawl 

Theories have surfaced of  how there could have been 2 and not 1 gun shot that assainated JFK.

It's singer Robbie William's birthday today. He turns 51.

A Cafe has placed a handwritten note on their shop advising customers that they don't give refunds to customers if their food they purchased gets "eaten" by birds eg bin chickens ( which were singled out) seagulls, pigeons, crows etc who just love to swoop and steal your fish & chips. It read ".....birds don't work for us...."Yep I have had that happened many times including twice at Southern Cross Station with 2 seagulls swooping and stealing my sausage & egg breakfast muffins from Hungry Jacks out of the bag in my hand before I have even taken a bite out of them with shocked passers-by asking themselves what just happened? 

MCoBeauty company CEO has sold the company valued at $1 billion cashing out her remaining 50% share in the company. The company outsold major makeup brand companies such as Rimmel, L'Oréal. The CEzo is now taking time out to spend with family and travel.

PDiddy is back in the news again. Isn't he in jail yet?

Celebrities wearing white T shirts with Kayne on them? What's that all about ?

White Lotus season 3 moves to Thailand.

3 wheel electric scooters for rent are about to hit Australia in a test run. But wait isn't it illegal to ride on in NSW? On the other hand Melbourne is flooded with e bikes and scooters everywhere.

The Centuries old Magna Carter is back on display at Parliament House after restoration 10 years in the making stored in a CSIRO climate controlled bag,  it was purchased for a bargain price of  $12500 in 1952 now worth millions.

The oldest and busiest fire station on Castlereagh St has had a visit from a lion dance group celebrating Luna New Year the year of the snake to bring the station a prosperous new year.

Chemist Warehouse is now a $32 Billion chain after the Sigma Health takeover.

The AUS$ has fallen below $0.63 mark against the US$.

A man from Brisbane has married his old Ford in a ceremony but it was a publicity stunt.

A woman in her 90's from Holland Park in QLD managed to chase away a home invader who took off with some her late husband's valuables and monentos as well as some of hers. Her only regret was not having her walking stick with her at the time to beat the thief with it. When neighbours heard what happened they came to support her. The home invader is on the run and there is a hunt to find them.

China is on the brink of war with 3 of their warships in Australian waters.

Tomorrow and Saturday storms forcasted and temperatures of around 30 degrees C.

Friday 14th February 2025

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy 20th Birthday YouTube! Established 14th February 2005.

Almost a week now and I still haven't left the apartment. The weather has been awful and I hate going out when there is thunder and lightning. 1.38 pm and I heard the first sound of  thunder. Thunder storms are predicted from 3 pm today and later tonight atmround 6 pm. I really need to go grocery shopping but too scared to get stuck at the bus stop as there is so much thunder and lightning where I reside.

I really want something from the Chatswood Mall markets to eat. Even just a loaf of rye bread and butter would be nice and some fresh fruit & veg!!!!

I ended up going to Macquarie Shopping Centre by bus and returning on the Metro to Chatswood transferring onto a bus home. It was quite late after 7 pm by the time I finished shopping. I lost track of time as I had trouble getting everything on my shopping list. Egg shortages left the green grocer with empty shelves and if there were eggs they were refrigerated in the Coles and Woolworths there all the time which I hate. I won't even try the Aldi I shopped at - they always have no eggs left on the shelves there!!!! Managed to grab a $5 carton of very small half doz of  free range eggs from the green grocer. I did not have time to go to Woolworths just a main shop at Aldi and Coles.

I tried a new pop up sushi concession Sushi Naya ( refer vidro on YouTube channel) and managed to try some tempura fish and Japanese fried from Motto Motto Japanese Kitchen for $5 between 3 pm and 5 pm which is an after school snack time special which is regularly $8  ( refer YouTube video)

News headlines today include

ADF monitors 3 foreign here defence officals confirm 3 naval ships in the Coral Sea on North East coastline . Meanwhile a Chinese flighter jet has dangerously deployed flares within a 30 m  of a RAAF jet in the South China Sea flying in international waters citing that  "was unsafe and unprofessional" of China to have done so. Luckily no defence personnel were injured.

Another car crash in Laverton North man of Melbourne with 1 dead and 3 cars involved. One car was wrapped around a traffic pole completely destroying it knocking it down and spitting the car in half up and around the pole. 

Trains are on a "Go Slow" to run at 23km under normal speed and official have confirmed that no South Coast trains will run in yet another rail industrial dispute this morning. Commuters have been warned to plan for major delays  and chaos after train driver payrise talks failed last night  Again!!!

$500 million is what Aussies are expected to send today on Valentine's day. Bouquets over budget.

A kayaker was briefly stalled by some humpback whales they spotted near Chile. All was good afterwards and the father can be heard saying to keep calm in the background whilst the whole incident was videoed on camera by the son.

It has been revealed one of the nurses in the antisemtic rants was granted Australian citizenship 5 years ago. Peter Dutton thinks immigration laws should be reviewed in Australia. One of the nurses was actually granted Australian citizenship under Peter Dutton during his immigration ministery. There is no place for hate like this ie this behaviour is unAustralian is not to bought into Australia. The 2 nurses have refused to be voluntarily interviewed by police who are building a case against them.

A convicted drug lord serving a 16 year jail sentence has been granted IVF treatment to impregnate his girlfriend. The argument was did she start treatment before he was sentenced to his hail term and who is paying for it? Should it be funded by tax payer money and many other questions as it is not illegal for prisoners to receive ivf treatment .

Lady GaGa could not handle the heat on the hot ones challenge. 

A category 5 cyclone Zelia is about to pass over Port Headland in Western Australia. The town is on emergency warning and it's too late to leave.

Trump signs new tarrif orders with reciprocal tarrif orders on trading partners to stop unfair trade agreements between trading partners with the US. 

Kayne and Bianca in splitsville rumours are circulating heading for devorce. No surprises there after the nudity stunt at the Grammy awards. Meanwhile are Taylor & Travis getting engaged? Well know if she is because nothing in Taylor's life is public now in contrast to hiding her past relationships which did not work for her.

The sale of Imperial hotel on the Hold Coast  is in the works. The Chinese owners of the hotel are in talks with the Hilton hotel group.

Liv Golf tournament in Adelaide tees off tonight with more partying , live music and food.

A driver in a car in the US has escaped a train crashing into it. It was one of those heavy double decker passenger trains that are built to be bucket proof and look like they were built from rovetted shipping containers. Very heavy & solid  hurting past.

The PM has been heckled at a visit to Lake Illawarra over offshore wind farms.

Another traffic accident on the South Coast of NSW and drivers advised to travel through Woolongong.

The funeral for AFL footballer Troy Selwood was held today in Geelong.

A car attack in Munich is thought to be an Afghan asylum seeker and terrorist attack.

Kylie's Tension tour kicks off in Perth tomorrow.

3 live hostages must be handed over by noon on Saturday by Hamas to Isreal in order for the next stage of the cease fire to proceed.

India's PM Modi has met with Trump with talks to make India great again by strengthening trade ties with the US.

In order for an end to the war between Russia and Ukraine any negotiations between Trump and Putin has to involve Zelensky in order to be sucessful and have the support of European countries.

Migrants from have been moved to Panama before being returned to their countries. This was a talking point between Modi and Trump in regards to Indian migrants in the US to be returned to India and for India to take them back.

An Australian waiting the death penalty  in the US has been in jail for 6 years due to the law where anyone with a death penalty must be detained but now that the death penalty has been removed she may be released on bail. She was charged for the murder of a police officer's 7 year old daughter and child abuse. 

Kerr has the full support of her club and is back at soccer training .

Pesto the penguin has found love with pudding at the Melbourne Sealife. He weighted more then his parents,lost his fluff, learnt to swim and now at 10 months old has been caught smuggling up to a few of the ladies.

Saturday 15th February 2025

Another do nothing day today. Well not really. I made a fruit salad and roasted the sweet potato pumpkin corn and beans I had left hoping to blend it all up to make a soup. 

Breakfast was soy & Lindsey's soughdough with cream cheese, a piece of lamb, roasted mini tonatos with seaweed , mushrooms and 2 eggs - yep and full breakfast. A yakault and some water. 

I cailught up on uploading some more video shorts onto my YouTube channel. 

News headlines today include

AI is being trialled at 12 elite QLD schools to mark assessments by teachers easing their marking of exams workload and reducing the stress on teachers. It is thought to improve conistency in marking. However AI is a long way off from being reliable and how can  teachers tell students that they can't use AI. It has been trialled and used on 20 top institutions.

It is the era of staged photoshoots love it or loath it, filters are being used in photography everywhere to hide true identities not just flaws.

Former now defunct nuclear power plant in the town of Chernobyl has been bombed by an unmanned Russian drone although it is thought to have been an accident. The town is deserted except for tourists who visit the town. The shelter housing the remains of the nuclear plant has been damaged however radiation levels remain low.

Ukraine has the support of Euorpean leaders to be involved in any peace negotiations between Trump & Putin even if Trump and Putin talk to neotiate a peace deal and an end to the war between Russia and the Urkraine without  Zelensky's involvment. Zelensky is in Munich Germany and will meet with the vice president  JD Vance 

The Bankstown house of one of the nurses involved in the social media antisemetic video has been raided by police after he was admitted to hospital fror mental health. Police are still waiting for the full unedited version of the video.

Victorian's top police officer Shane Patton has been sacked with a no confidence majority vote - ousted by fellow police . He was told his contract won't be renewed.Who will replace him is now the question.

There were 50 flight cancelled yesterday sending the airport into chaos and passengers will not be refunded for the cancellations , all due to one air traffic controller calling in sick. Rescheduling  of flights and the chaos has eased at the airport this morning.

Zelia has been downgraded from a cat 5 to cat 3 and has now passed but the worst is not over yet as it made a turn and makes it's way across WA.. High winds  heavy rains and trees have downed as residents are being assisted to being evacuated.

The Pope has bronchitis and taken to hospital for tests.

A top of 28 degrees C and possible showers. This morning there is no sign of rain with blue skies trying hard to stay out with just a slight breeze.In fact the storm last night did not even eventuate.

A baby sling has been recalled due to the baby falling out or suffocating if used incorrectly.

There is an Eagles Superbowl parade . Jordan Mailata holds a sing-along "we are the champions" with crowds.

Industrial action continues by the rail union with another meeting today around 11 am after failed pay negotiations which means more train strikes and go slows. Just don't use the trains when possible use buses and the Metro - thank goodness for the driverless train network!!! ( when it's operating).There were 576 no shows today and countless cancellation of train services.

An opossum ate an entire Costco chocolate cakefound chowing down on it in the backyard on Valentine's Day but was fine after being taken to the vet.

SNL turns 50.

Dolly Parton and Sabrina Carpenter perform a duet together.

Captain America hits screens . Meanwhile Bridget Jones Mad About The Boy is another box office hit after just a few days premiering at the cinemas.

A boarding house in Petersham in the inner West has caught on fire. E scooters were to blame for the fire. Residents escaped.

Police were on a pursuit of a teen who was caught running from a rail corridor after grafitiing it.

Doug's annual Winter Party has gone viral with thousands wanting to go. He used to host his gatgerings with his late wife. 87 year old has sent out invites advising "...4 pm until the cops arrive...." He sent out 27 invites. 

Cirque Du Soleil is back in Australia in August 2025 with CORTEO.

Sunday 16th February 2025

What a beautiful day today. I have to venture out for the final weekend of Luna New Year celebrations, festivals and events.

It's now over 2 weeks since my return to Sydney and I still have not caught a normal train service. I have been using buses and the Metro and restricting where I go because I don't want to get stuck somewhere that you can only get to and from by normal train.

Today I took the bus and Metro to Central to go to the White Rabbit Gallery to see the free XSWL art exhibition on until 18th May 25.( refer YouTube videos)

I walked to the gallery located in Chippendale via Central Park Mall and the park at the back of it which are on the former brewery site. Rements of the old Brewery buildings can still be seen and have been restored.

After the gallery visit, I walked around Chinatown, Haymarket, Chinese Gardens and Darling Square to look at the zodiac lanterns around as well as all the other Luna New Year decorations and installations around which were beginning to be packed up or dismantled and taken away. 

The scaffolding has now been removed from the gates to Chinatown at both ends and a restoration and repaint of the gates has been completed however all the lions and plinths have been taken away and are being replaced or restored.

A snack at breadtop of a Japanese beef curry "doughnut" and a chicken " doughnut" ( this is new and not available at all Breadtops and was not very nice - soggy and a but squished) before heading to Woolies Townhall for a top up shop and to get some change for laundry.

Hone on the Metro not the train even if I had to walk to the closest Gadigal Metro Station. 

Alight at Chatswood & a waiting for a bus home.

Quite a few videos to upload onto my YouTube channel tonight and tomorrow.

Dinner was a fruit salad.

News headlines today include

QLDers could be owed millions in unpaid Medicare benefits. The average person is owed  $265 

The Isreali influencer has handed over the full video version of the 2 nurses making antisemtic statements after the locker of one of the nurses was raided. 

Further industrial action continues as a stalemate between the rail union and government remains unresolved from yesterday's meeting.Legal Intervention may now happen to stop further industrial action. (wasn't this what happened a few months ago? - looks as if nothing has changed).

Raygun has taken a tumble on stage during a performance after admitting having one too many drinks.

Polls show Peter Dutton is inching ahead of Abo in " popularity" however the Labor party is still slightly ahead of the Liberal Party.

4 people have had to be rescued off Botany Bay when their boat capsized . They were sufferring from hypothermia.

Another twin molotov cocktail in Guildford  in Western Sydney targeting 2 separate homes. Police are investigating if the 2 are related.

Australian Open winner Italian Jannik Sinner ( and yes he is ) has had a 3 month dopping ban slapped on him for testing positive to drugs ( a banned substaunce)  Some tennis players have critized that the ban is not long enough particularly when he had tested positive previously but it was from a physio's spraying something on a cut and a massage contamination accident. Discussions on how entourages of tennis players should also be held responsible for drug tests is also circulating. The was no completive advantage to Sinner with the banned drugs he tested positive to and there is contravery over how he was allowed to keep the prize money, the winners title and his suspension ended in time for him to be able to play in the French Open. Tennis is not a clean sport anymore - then again is any sport a clean sport anymore????

A perfect milder top of 24 degrees and a mix of sun and clouds today. It is a beautiful clear blue morning today .

Interest rate cut relief by the RBA are still circulating - there is no garantee of a rate cut when the RBA meets again next Tuesday but there is speculation. The benefits will not be seen by mortgage holders until at least November as they continue to feel the financial pressures for the next 12 months and into the future  - the cost of living is not going to come down and inflation is not going to decrease .

Another 3 Isreali hostages were released by Hamas in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners . 

Trump has weighed in on both the peace negotiations in Gaza (ie what could or will happen if the noon deadline does not evenuate) between Isreal and Palestine and between Russia and Ukraine.

Trump has acknowledged the hostage exchange in Gaza in a post.  Meanwhile Ukraine's president still has the support of Europe and says the US can't be relied on anymore and that Trump is scared of Putin?!

A man was shot by police after running at officers with a meat cleaver. He was teasered and taken to a hospital

SA has recalled a batch of hot cross buns with a March expiry date  sold at Foodlands supermarkets and online due to the possible presence of glass in them.

A woman who alleged she was raped when she was 13 back in 2003 has dropped her charges against PDiddy.

Mt Edna has errupted sending melting ice and water down the mountains affecting flights.

Day 3 of the LIV Golf tournament in SA and the event may be a sucess however the premier  has had to fend away interstate interest competition trying to "lure" the event away from SA which for now has been unsuccessful.

Peruvian police have dressed up as a capybara in a drug bust.

The BAFTA s are on with one big absence,  the Prince and Princess of Wales will not be in attendance this year. Prince William is the patron of the BAFTAs  and has been since 2010.

A ban on phones in schools last year is showing that it is paying off. No phones more focus teachers have observed.

Rapoer Drake has landed in Sydney the first time in 8 years.

There is a lot of indigenous football playing at the moment . It's Mori verses Indigenous. 

The Supacars drive over the Garbour Bridge.

Monday 17th February 2025

Another do nothing day today . Catch up day , sorted laundry and take the rubbish out as well as upload vidros onto my YouTube chanbel. A bit of cooking  and preparation of more fruit salad.

A meal of herbed chicken rice and cucumber.

News headlines today include

Panic Monday as 197  train drivers did not turn up or work causing continued rail service disrruptions this morning. Thousands of workers told to work from home today. The rail union blames the government. Trains arr operating today at around 90% of services however delays will become worse throughout the day. what 700 train staff did not turn up for work on Friday?! with this not communicated to commuters.

The election still hasn't been called yet but it was predicted to be a March or April election with the deadline for a Federal election in May. It is very close with a 3 % swing and although Labor is still ahead however Albo is trailling behind Dutton as preferred PM however both leaders are in the negative in terms of popularity polls Albo - 20 something & Dutton - 10. Voters are sick of the 2 parties and want change - it's the same every single election . Coalition leads Labor  51% - 49%.

Guy Pearce  just missed out on a Best Supporting Actor in the BAFTA award for the very long film The Brutalist. The Royals are holidaying on an island away from the English cold.

What bombshell has the terminated Victorian Police Comissioner dropped? He has resigned immediately overnight as the search is on for a new police comissioner. Rick Niggent will be acting police commissioner for now.

Where is Tayla Spies the missing QLD woman? She has not been seen for 15 days now. Last seen leaving a hotel in Dalby in a small country town.

A 34 year old TikTok mother who drugged her baby just to get clicks has faced court. She has been charged with child abuse, poisoning her baby and other alledged charges. The child required brain surgery she would not have required if not abused by her mother.

Just a week after attending the Superbowl, Trump has made another appearance at a major sports event the Daytona 500 where his "Beast" made a lsp around the track. He is a massive sports fan and made a speech from inside his "Beast".

The LIV Golf is to remain in Aldeaide after the contract was due to expire after this year with other states especially Melbourne eyeing the eventto be hosted in their state and is now locked in at least until 2031 secured by the SA premier with some intense negotiations over the weekend ( so hands off the Liv Golf Melbourne and other states ) however the tournament will move closer to the CBD.

Today it is a top of 24 degrees C and mostly sunny today.

All eyes are on the RBA tomorrow when they meet. All banks are expecting between 2 and 5 rate cuts. Inflation is falling unemployment is stable at 4 % so many economists are expecting a rate cut tomorrow as there has been 12 consecutive rate increases in 13 months with just 1 rate cut. Some say a rate cut will cause inflation to increase again. 4 cuts are predicted. 

A man has died in his 60s or 70s have died in a house fire overnight outside of Melbourne.

Student debt is now being looked at by government and regulations changed as to whether they will be considered as part of personal debts by banks when applying for a home loan approval in an effort to get more young people into their own homes. In average it takes 10 years to pay off a HECS debt ( this is why I paid my university fees upfront back in the day however who can afford to do this now?)

The cash cow is returning to Channel 7 Sunrise with a cute little cash calf!!!

Romcom Pretty Woman the sstage musical is coming to Brisbane. 

Kylie has kicked off her tour in Perth with her old and new hits to rave reviews. Meanwhile Jason Donovan is also playing to large crowds in the UK.

Shakira was taken to hospital during her tour with abdominal issues and has cancelled her Peru concerts.

Selena Gomez has celebrated Valentine's day with her "boyfriend" with a very cheesy celebration yep a bathtub full of gooey orange cheese served with a bowl of cornchips to dip into it!

The first twin panada cubs have been born in HK. A competition to name the 2 x  6 month old panada cubs is being held. The pandas are so popular visitors are limited to just 5 minute sessions to view them as hundreds of thousands of visitors are expected .

Weight loss drugs Wegovy is set to undergo a clinical trial to treat heart disease and strokes without having diabetes. It has to yet undergo a thorough clinic trial before being approved by the TGA but is showing initial promising results on patients.

The governments is backing off with pushing social media platforms and paying for news to be broadcaster on them as not to upset the delicate trade and tarriff conditions imposed by Trump.

10 minutes in ice baths is good for you. you don't say. I've been dipping into freezing seawater whenever I can for over a decade!

Antisemetic messages & Swastika symbols have been graffittied on the side of a buildings supply building wall  that was owned by a Jewish family until it closed down last year outside of Melbourne.More details are being obtained from police.

Career changes for gen Z. University is not for everyone and there is a great shortage of qualified tradies which will continue into the future particularly in the building and construction industries. Tradies can earn 6 figure salaries 4 years after they finish their apprenticeship where as the average graduate salary of a university graduate is around $60 - $70 000. Once considered blue collared jobs and undesirable 30% are now considering a career in the trades. It's also very expensive to get a university education.

Daryl Mcquire faces court on Downing St for 3 days trial for lying about a Chinese business deal to ICAC.

North Sydney Council is going to gouge their residents with a huge rate increase which could see countless businesses close. The money is to fund the restoration of that pool next to Luna Park. 

Police are looking into new technology used overseas in the US to track mv in criminal investigations.

A2 milk has paid it's first ever dividend thanks to a Chinese baby boom.

Rent assistance will be part of a bi annual welfare payment increase.

Tuesday 18th February 2025

Another beautiful day today but nothing planned again.

News headlines today include

91 year old womam who fought off a thief at her home may be getting get her engagement ring back as some of the stolen itens from her late husband and her wallet are being returned to her in new developments. She is waiting to see what is still inside the wallet. The thief has been found and sthe 91 year old's stolen items were present in the thief's apartment along with other stolen goods.

A passenger jet has crashed and flipped upside down in Canada. The Delta Airlines Jet from Minneapolis upon landing skidded on the icey runway, it's wings ripped off and flipped at Toronto international Airport after a 90 minute flight. All passengers were accounted for , 18 injured including a child with 3 serious. Weather conditions in North America are severe at the moment. Luckily the plane did not catch on fire. 80 people were on board 76 passengers and 4 crew. The aurport has shut down

A 27 year old woman that was killed back in January in the tobacco trade war fire was found to have been an address mistake.  Tragically it was a targeted attack but the wrong house was set alight. The woman was house sitting for her brother and stuck on the 3rd floor. She rang 000 but could not escape the fire and dying.

A man has been kiled in a fire in Guildford with 5 others escaping. An e bike left overnight to charge exploding in his room was to blame.

115 train staff have not turned up for work today. Services have not seem to be affected  as rail industrial action continues. Industrial disputes continue - just sacked them all was the what was suggested ie sacked all union rail workers. 

Trump the Trump card at NRL?!Peter V'landys invites Trump to get involved with the NRL's opening season in Las Vagas." Thankful Fox & Friends" we know you watch it hope to see you al Alliance Stadium on March 1st.

EU European and NATO leaders are locked in crisis talks to try and end the war in Ukraine. as negotiation meetings between the US and Russia will not be involve them or the Ukraine. 

The next cyclone is to be named Abo by the bureau of meteorology since the naming of cyclones has now returned to A and because Anthony has already been taken. No offence to the Australian PM. Nope the bureau has decided to name the next cyclone Alfred as not to confuse it with Abo's name Anthony.

Kylie has been in the Adelaide Hills doing a bit of wine tasting and having a cheese platter in between her Tension concerts tour. Kylie at Penfolds Estate - tax deduction for her visit? She is after all a wine maker sort of.

Sydney a top of 27 degrees today and sunny.

Lack of funding could see a 90 year tradition where every Sunday at 4.45 pm at the Shrine of Rememberance there is a last post ceremony to celebrate the fallen  because the Victorian police can't afford the funds for the police who act as guards in the weekly ceremony.

Residents on the Gold Coast continue to fight the view tax in a protest. More then 200 people are expected to march to council chambers at 10 am at the Esplanade.Locals have escalated their fight to have the view tax dropped.

It's RBA rate announcement day today at 2 pm today. It will soon be know if rates will be cut today. Finally a rate cut to the relief of mortgage holders. All 4 banks have announced that they are passing on the cut. 4.10% but will this trigger a federal election. The election date remains in the air as Abo prepares for a budget. Small business are also going to be happy with this rate cut. However repayments will not immediately go down. 

Civic studies may be bought back into the school ciriculum again due to the amount of students not know who the government works in Australia, how to vote etc . The Liberal Party is supporting this idea.

Adults ordering kids meals - a restaurant was fed up with this and stopped selling kids meals accusing this practice of adults ordering kids meals as stealing. What if you genuinely only want a kid's sized meal as a snack?

A Port Stephens fishing group has encountered 3 great white sharks off the coast.

Another shooting in Brighton Le Sands as shots were fires at 3 men standing near a car. The target is still unclear.

Smoke on a train at Gordon has caused delays on the Northshore line and commuters asked to use the ( thank goodness for ) Metro.

Ireali influencer is still in contact with police and rallying Australians to stop attacking Isrealis .

9 year old was walking to school when he ran into a car at My Pritchard. 

More parents are choosing private education and more students are choosing trades.

A young girl that was found drowned in a pool has been remembered with her parents reminding the importance of pool and water safety.

A building under construction has collapsed in the US from heavy snow.

Australia's oldest Catholic paedophile has died in jail.

BHP has taken a profit hit due to slow in China's need for steel  with profits down 23%

CBA thinks super contributions should be made for under 18 year olds which is estimated to cost $350 million.

The premier says the new fish markets will be open before next Christmas with it's on track completion by November 25.

It has been found an ncreased screen time in kids has caused an increase in  posture issues .

There has been a treatment breakthrough for treatment of melanoma which is the most common form of cancer that has spread to the brain involving 2 immuno theraphies.

Mogo Zoo has had a new addition of a baby gorilla. The mother's second baby.

Marsden Park one of the fastest growing suburbs in Western Sydney claims the government has forgotten about the suburb claiming that the suburb does not have enough facilities to keep up with it's growth. 

John Travolta celebrates his 71st birthday today.

Wednesday 19th Febtruary 2025

Today was another do nothing day. 

I cooked again, I washed my dishes , did my laundry ( which takes forever) , watched the news and researched possible dstinations for my next trip(s).

Up late last night watching YouTube videos.

News headlines today include

Unseen photos of former PM Scott Morrison on holidays have been found in an op shop in Rockdale.

Police are calling for any witnesses to come forward in regards to the Maroubra antisemetic vandalism incident and few weeks ago.

A top of 26 degrees C and showers in Sydney today.

Update on the Delta jet that flipped at Toronto airport in Canada with new footage released of the accident and 19 of 21 of the people on board the flight released from hospital most suffering from back strains, fume exposure resulting in nausea and vomiting, panic attacks and head injuries. The weather is likely to be a cause of the accident as the airport had received 50 cm of snow the day before. The images show  the plane landing catching on fire after the landing gear failed before flipping but luckily the rest of the plane did not catch on fire therefore passengers on board were able to climb out. There is an investigation underway where it is hoped the plane will be removed and the runway reopened after it's examination and investigation.

A woman was used by a criminal as a human shield on the Gold Coast at an home invasion before he was taasered by police all caught on an offiers body cam.

Top US and Russian officials meet today in Saudia Arabia. Rusdia will not accept NATO troops in Ukraine.

60 workers were evacuated from an aerospace factory inferno in Philidelphia .

Meghan Markle is closing her brand Anerican Riviera Orchard or whatever it's called and announcing she is staring a new brand "As Ever" on her social media account. Prince Harry had a small cameo on the announcement and Lilibet is seen playing in the garden.

147 train drivers no show again in Sydney ie industrial action continues. The NSW ststehovernmebt and RTBU are to face the Fair Work Comission today to end the continuous industrial action and to end the disrruption of train services for commuters. 

Great concerns from the Vatican for the Pope's health in hospital as he battles pneumonia. His weekend events have been cancelled while he recovers in hospital.

Fans are already lining up ahead of  Billie Elish's 2nd concert. Billie had apologied to fans about battling a bit of a cold.

A 46 year old woman and a young girl as young as 6  have died in a house fire in Heckenberg in Western Sydney. There were 10 people inside the house with the other 8 surviving taken to hospital.

5 men were arrested for a home invasion in Cranbourne in a police pursuit of their minivan which they had loaded their stolen goods into including a stolen bike.

Police tackling a house fire outside of Adelaide have found it was a marijuana grow house.

Casey residents protests have caused a council meeting to be abandoned and beheld at another date.

The main 4 banks say they will pass on the interest rate cuts announced by the RBA yesterday but don't get too excited they won't be passed on until at least 28th February which is a little faster then previous rate cuts passed onto customers.

Abo and his partner are getting married in a small ceremony after the election in the second half of 2025.

Bruce McAvaney is returning to Australia to commentate the AFL footy season on channel 7.

The AUS$  is hovering above the $0.63 against the US$ .

Guy Pearce speaks out about his time on LA Confidential and encounters with working with Kevin Spacey who was accused of but acquitted of sexual misconduct charges and how he was targeted by Kevin Spacey. Previously Spacey had been described as being "handsy"

A pair of gimmicky glasses for around $10 on Amazon claims to stop motion sickness but do they really work?

Mining magnate Clive Palmer is creating his own party " Trumpet of Patriots"  inspired by Donald Trump . Abo has made a statement that just because you have money that's not the way politics works.Palmer tried this previously and failed.

Over 250 whales have been stranded along a beach in Tasmania.

Interest rates may have been cut and good for mortgage holders but it's not good news for term deposit holders for self funded retirees. 

There is a hunt for a peeping Tom in SA who has been caught on home security cameras trespassing on private properties.

A study shows that men are more romantic then women and first to say "I love you'.

Drake throws a slipper at a drone that was invading his privacy in Sydney catching him using a gambling app? Who cares.

Train disruptions are over for now, on hold until 1st July ie 4 months

Thursday 20th February 2025

A top of 24 degrees C in Sydney today with showers.

Another do nothing day today. Well not really I cooked again.

And I am constantly vacuuming and making sure everything is clean , sealed or put away in the studio apartment as I have a problem with it and there is nothing I can do about it. The apartment I am residing in is the only apartment without a fly screen and it faces right onto the main  street so it's the noisiest particularly on the top floor. It has a screw in the window stopping it from opening up more then a few cms and it's probably for safety but probably for other reasons as well. I can't open the window more then a slither because birds that reside year round in the bottle brush trees outside will fly straight into the apartment . I keep the blind down most of the time as it is glaring from the sun during summer, is noisy from all the traffic, it also gets very wet and windy so if I open the window stuff blows in and it can also flood when it rains heavily. 

Over the years I have had to deal with sneaky blow flies,  normal flies, spiders, large roaches and tonight I spotted a little lone lizard making it's way up the side of my wardrobe wall next to the window which is still only opened by a slit. ( captured on camera). I just let it fall behind some magazines hoping it will find it's way back out the window slit.It's a constant problem with all sorts of insects. I even think there maybe a mouse somewhere as I keep hearing mouse noises but I have never seen it. Maybe it's in the walls somewhere or it could just be a noisy possum outside scampering up the electrical poles and along the wires to rooves above. I did spot a possum one night next door doing so. 

This is why I still haven't agreed to the rent increase, not only am I being charged the same rent for an unfurnished apartment, I'm dealing with this problem constantly. I am still paying the old rent in advance. The other problem I am having is the fridge which is faulty. The bathroom is falling apart but the issues are non critical but there is a mystery leak somewhere in it and the sink drains at a rate it thinks suitable randomly. The faulty power door is still sitting wrapped in a sheet across the floor under the window never repaired ever since I moved in and it fell on me when I managed to catch it ( the repair man failed to show up at an arranged time twice) and as for the ceiling fan, it worked fine for a few years then it just stopped working. It's not the batteries as I changed it twice but it randomly refuses to work when it's the peak of Summer ie between November and February. The former property manager came and inspected it got it to work when the remote was not in the cradle but after she left it refused to work at all for another year then randomly worked again off the cradle and it happened again refusing to work the following year during Summer.The ceiling fan light work OK though.

Though it was a grasshopper at first just as well it was not and just a baby lizard.

News headlines today include

Ferrari reveals a new car.

Police are looking for a woman caught on camera robbing a house in Camberwell without pants. Footage shows her putting on clothes she stolen from the house.

Another inferno in Revsby in Sydney's Western suburbs.

Concerns for the Pope's health as he continues to receive complex treatment in hospital. He continues to battle bilateral pneumonia.  He as a young man had the top half of his right lung removed due to pleurisy and has a history of respiratory illness. He is in good spirits and followers are praying for him. He is in his 80s and could be forced to resign like tge previous Pope. A high profile celebrity has paid the Pope a visit in hospital - the Italian PM.

It's Rihannah's birthday today.

A hoon in Port Melbourne in a stolen car has sped up onto a footpathknocking over a male pedestrian and was found to have been involved in a previous criminal offence. The car was dumped and police believe it was a targeted attack.

The Minns state government will go back to the negotiation table with the rail unions but for now industrial action will cease for 4 months until 1st July 25. A fare fee day is promised sometime in the future and rail unions will now find it difficult to negotiate pay deals without being able to strike.

Brisbane bus drivers go on strike - they want over 4% payrise,  the council is willing to give 3.75 % . The strike was meant to end at 6 but the knock on effects will continue for a while.

ASIO reveals threats to Australia. Especially from China, Russia and Iran. Chinese warships have been spotted in Australian waters.

$28.1 billion was spent by Aussies over December in credit cards which is a record.

A new location for Gold Coast's Out 2 Lunch 2 day festival to be held in Surfers Paradise in May.

There is a housing fund flop as zero homes have been completely built from the Government 's flagship laws. A total fail as it is so slow and takes so long for building approvals to get through councils . Government funding is required to open up new blocks of land to build on. The governments needs to work together . The fail is also due to a skilked labour shortage in the building industry.

A SA steel mill in Whyalla , the SA government seized control of the debt laden business forcing it into administration ousting Sanjeev Gupta's GFG Alliance  and the Labor government will put $500 million into it if it is sold to new owners. Now the government has announced a $2.4 billion putting a rescue package with Abo fown there at the moment.

Australian actor David Wenham reprises his role in Spit a sequal 22 years in the making a follow up to Getten Square.

The number of E bikes and E scooters accidents have surged and there are pressure mounts for urgent reforms.

An astraoid now has a high 3.1% probability of the space rock hitting earth and NASA is monitoring this.If the 2024 does hit earth it could take 8 years to happen.

Trump blames the Urkraine in starting the war with Russia. Trump accuses Ukraine president Zelensky a dictator.  European leaders are disgusted at the remark by the US president. Trump warns Zelensky that he better move fast and Zelensky accused Trump is living in a disinformation bubble created by Russia. World leaders all acknoeledgd that Russia started the war not Ukraine and Australia supports the Ukraine  but this will sour Australia's relationship with the US and the AzkUS deal us in real danger and the money paid to the USA will never be seen again by Australia.

What an American tries to the toast the Aussie fairy bread treat???? Wrong bread for a start - he used wholemeal ( whole wheat in North America) instead of white bread & he used the wrong sprinkles ie the long ones not the round ones. But the big question is how did he get it all to stick without the sprinkles tipping out to the bottom into the toaster? Lots of butter 2 pieces of bread pressed tightly together probably-  It's just wrong. Australian fairy bread is untrusted, white bread, unsulted butter sprinkled over with hundreds and thousands not the birthday cake sprinkle s*** Anericans use in everything!!!

2 people have died in a plane crash at a regional airport with no air traffic control in Arizona.

QLD kerbside collection delays due to the increase in the amount of rubbish put out for collection and there is a backlog in collections.

Telstra posts a profit up  from last year with an intrim dividend paid to shareholders of 9.5 cents per share, up from last year's 9 cents per share.Bwga cheese & Westfarmers were also up on the ASX.

Chinese fake snow attraction was found to be made from soapy water & cotton. What?? That's worse then the fake animal attractions. If China can make it China can fake it!

Tech neck is on the rise from the increased constant use of phones.

Meanwhile iPhone has released a new cut down version of the lastest iPhone 16e which has several of the top end iPhone 16 model however the camera is not as good, there is no longer a home button and it is an aluminium chassis not a titanium one but a it boast a longer battery life. A phone for those who are unsure about purchasing an iPhone, have never used or owned one before , a school aged user, those who can't afford the latest top end iPhone model or those who need assistance second, spare or interim phone. 

Mark Beretta or Berrets as he is know celebrates 30 years on channel 7 mainly in sports commentating and often appears in food segments as the seagull.

54 000 full time jobs may have been created but the employment rate has risen from 4% to 4.1% meaning further rate cuts may not happen.

A little boy has died at a Northern Beaches after vomiting violently and having to wait 2 hours to venture treated.  Branded a terrible mistake that should not have occurred. The mother frantically rang around to get slternative medical attention for her son who was transferred to another hospital but it was too late and the little boy had suffered irreversible brain damage from a cardiac arrest  and his parents decided to turn off his life support.

A man has been stabbed at a hotel in Geelong 

AFL player Adam Hunter who died suddenly at just 43 is being farewelled in a service today

IVF clinic Genea has had a cyber attack but is doing everything it can to secure it's network and personal information.

A mosman man has survived and is in hospital after being bitten by a blue ring octopus at Balmoral Beach.

A leopard has crashed a wedding in India.

3 new puppies have been trained and inducted into NSW family courts to calm children and adults reducing stress for all court users.

A couple's proposal at at a Drake concert has ended with the rapper paying for their honeymoon . An act of kindness?!

A fire is still smouldering in Revsby and started in a furniture store. 

Tomorrow it will be a top of 26 degrees C in Sydney with possible showers.

Split level seating planes interiors have popped up again in discussions as to whether this design of seating would solve airline's seating arrangements , leg room, capacity, accessibility and comfort.

Friday 21st February 2025

Well today I can't do nothing. I need to get groceries again as I am running low and I have an appointment at 2 pm in Chatswood. 

I also want to try and recycle my bottles as they are filling up my bag, get change for the laundry and recharge my Opal card as well as do a few other things I have been putting off since I returned to Sydney.

My day starts off making myself go for a skate at Macquarie Ice Rink. I am doing this for a few reasons - Exercise as I have done none since returning to Sydney 3 weeks ago and was very active with running swimming skiing walking acquafit and ice skating; Breaking in and getting use to my new and first pair of synthetic Jackson Evos as I only had time to skate in once in Canada; Ensuring I skate at Macquarie Ice Rink before it closes down temporarily for renovations, or closes down permanently which could happen as the ice rink was and still is "skating on thin ice" physically and literally. It's falling apart and needs urgent repairs and renovations hence I am ensuring that I at least skate there one more time in the event this happens. I ended up going for a 1.5 jour flat rate sessions from 11 30 am - 1 pm which is $22 regardless of whether you have your own skates or not instead of the 9 am - 11 am 2 hour session which costs $30 but with a small discount if you have your own skates.

Straight after the session at Macquarie Ice Rink,  I quickly returned my bottles at the Return and Earn machine which was delayed a bit due to the machine having to be emptied at the time I arrive. I did not have time to cash in my vouchers this time as I had to catch the Metro straight back to Chatswoid in order to make it to my appointment there at 2 pm. 

After my appointment it was a main grocery shop at the green grocer ( to find eggs which were far to expensive and wherr there is a lot of cheap fruit and veg) , Aldi ( to grab my favourite items which are usually slightly cheaper) , Coles ( for its house brand items & last chance to get some more change for the laundry)  & Woolworths ( to recharge my local card).

I wanted to get some fruit and veg and a snack from the Chatswood Mall Markets which are on weekly most of the year on Thurs Fri and Sat but it was pouring with rain so zi ended up getting a pasties from the Seven Eleven. I really wanted a gourmet pie but all they had were sausage rolls that one pastie I purchased and some other pastries.

Home on the bus and spoke to my neighbour.

So much to still deal with.

News headlines today include

The Cronulla sharks arrive in Las Vagas

It's Super Car 500 weekend at Eastern Creek 

A top of 26 degrees C today in Sydney and showers .

Vote stacking accusations as thousands of Australians will be granted citizenship before the election. Councils are having a citizenship blitz mainly in Western Sydney in order to gain more votes. Peter Dutton says Labor is fast tracking Gazaians in Australia citizenship. 

Chinese Navy have found to have sailed as far Suth as Sydney. Clams they have the right to be there as much as Australian defence has the right to be there in the South China Sea.

Northern QLD is again bracing for another potential cyclone expected to develop for Sunday.

Can former Olympian Matt Shervington outrun a supercargo this morning? It was very close but the super car won. A rematch to happen perhaps?

Finally Victorians could be able to tap on with payment from their cards on smart phones in 2026 when the method of tapingon on public transport is introduced however it will be limited to only full adult  fares no concession or child fares.

An unwelcoe venemous Eastern brown snake has been found in a washing machine in QLD taken away by woldlife rescuers. Great excuse not to do the laundry

A bus explodes in Isreal as it was a suspected terrorist attack all services have been suspended.

Spain's football boss has been found guilty of sexual assault from that infamous unwanted kiss , charged but not sent to jail

Hundreds of nurses & midwives have decided to call off ie cancel their strike at the Northern Beaches Hospital at the 11th hour. Fair work comission suspends all industrial action - this news headline didn't quite make sense to me there has to be more to this strike cancellation which involved the nurses & mid wives, the  association, Northern Beaches Hospital, Healthscope and the Fair Work Comission.

Robert De Nero appears on a new cyber attack thriller series " Zero Day"

The statue of Kylie which was removed for the construction of a new highrise building in it's place, has been taken out of a warehouse and could be dusted off and displayed somewhere in Melbourne during Kylie's homecoming concerts in Melbourne. Melbournians have been asked where it should be placed.

A wax figure of Trump has been produced by the wax museum on the Gold Coast although Trump has never visited or set foot on the Gold Coast.

The Blake Lively  & Justin Baldoni legal case over accusation of sexual misconduct on the It End With Us set continues with claims of how the stress is affecting Blake & Ryan's children on a daily basis especially with a contraversal joke Reynolds made at an SNL rehersal about it. It Ends With Us ( I actually did not watch this on my flights to and from Syd Van not interested) , I wish it would just End.

Just after 2 years Neighbours has been axed again.

The family that crated James Bond has sold it to Amazon.

Katy Perry slammed for seeing veteran. Not the first time she evicted an 85 year old , she kicked out some nuns in the past.

Kylie Minogue is involved in a new Netflix murder mystery series called The Residence.

Saturday 22nd February 2025

Another do nothing day today , well not really - just a lot of planning and dealing with life admin stuff.

Getting very allergic again . Change of seasons.

News headlines today include

The first red neck wallaby has been born at Denver Zoo in the Down Under exhibit.

A heat wave in SA with temperatures reaching high 30s and with some regions reaching the 40s with bush fires in drier region particularly in the Finders Ranges regions

A low in Northern QLD has a 60% chance of  forming a cyclone by Monday if it hits landfall. A warning to residents that the wild weather is not over. The cyclone will likely be named Albert???

Australia's best farmers have been awarded in an award ceremony last night. A farmer transforms 200000 plants a week discarded as waste into a green nutrient powder in packets sold in supermarkets hence repurposing it.

People are selecting their travel destinations based on movies known as the White Lotus effect.

The mystery long running cold case of the missing Belmont children in SA from 1966 has been reopened and continues for a 3rd time as a tip off was received by the son's of his late father who he says he was admanent was involved in the disappearance of the children. The site of the possible disappearance of the children is being dug up as it is slated for revelopment.

P Diddy's lawyer steps down.

A pill to boost longevity. Is this real? Apparently taking omega 3 might be beneficial to boosting longevity due to its anti inflammatory properties. I took omega 3 fish oil capsules high potency for my eczema recommended initially by a doctor and took them for a few years with a few short breaks in between. I stopped taling them but should go back to taking them as I did notice a difference in my skin - I would scratch but the rash would not appear.  My skin is really bad now so I should try it again. In order for it to have any effect I did need to take 6 - 8 a day. That's a lot. I like to eat a lot of fish and salmon in general every week but not as much as I would like to. 

Flights of major airlines have been forced to divert flight paths due to an excusion zone where Chinese military exercises , drills are being conducted. Australian and NZ airlines such as Qantas was forced to change course due to live military exercises in the Tasman and the failure to notify traffic control and the Australian Defence Force about it or with adequate notice. 

Luigi Mangoni faces court.

The US postal service has honoured the late actress Betty White by issuing a stamp of her.

It's world yoga day today.

A top of 27 degrees C in Sydney and cloudy today

AI generated sexually explocit photos of students have circulated in a Melbourne's North East school. More the 20 female students have been affected. 2 year 11 male students involved in the criminal offence have been suspended as an investigation begins.

IDF accuses Hamas of not handing over hostages body in a hostage swap.

Super fund Australian Super has been fined multimillion dollars for charging fund holders multiple sets of fees. Unfortunately I am with Australian Super amalgamating all my super funds into it  and I have less assets in my super fund then I personally own due to the amount of fees they charged over the years. My super is going backwards , I wish I could have just withdraw it all and put it into a term deposit decades ago,  I am sure I would have at least 5 times as much as I currently have in the fund currently. iIt's not doing anything for me so I have abandoned it and not contributing anything into it and treating it as if it does not exist and not using it as savings for my retirement. Super is useless in Australia yet we are required to have it.

A Jetstar outage has caused chaos at Sydney Airport today with no information given to thousands of passengers affecting flights nation wide and even international flights with at least 6 flights cancelled and many delayed flights.

A NZ defence force has spotted live fire rounds from Chinese warship in the Tasman Sea. Flights to NZ that usually take straight flight paths had to divert in order to avoid the live fire from Chinese warships. Meanwhile Albo was in Tasmania unaware of what was happening.

The Northshore rapest  has struck again touching a 16 year old at a George St Chemist Warehouse amd is back in jail appearing in court.

A firefoghter has been injured with minor injuries taken to hospital from a Wentworthville house fire.

A body mix up of the bodies of hostages returned to Isreal by Hamas. The 2 boys bodies were returned but the mothers body did not match the DNA of the woman and was found to be a random anonymous female body. Distress for the family of the returned woman and children.

The Sharks have visited a fire department in LA.

Aussie stars shine at GDay Australia

The best savings accounts are not with the top 4 banks.

Sydney has the worlds best coffee??? Sucked in Melbourne! A Toby's Rstate cafe located in Chippendale hidden away . It won the award in Madrid beating Melbourne who had a  number 8 placement.

A pregnant shark has become stranded.

Back Street Boys are back?! A 15 show residency in Las Vagas.

There is a push to return refurbished bendy buses back onto the troubled Northern Beaches Bline bus services and remove the restrictions on number of drivers.

Gambling is a problem within the construction industry after a man was found asleep on a highrise construction site.

Too much screen time is bad for your eyes ( developing myopia short sightedness)  remember parents warnings of " square eyes"?

One time Australian and an Isis fighter that was injured has been located 6 years later. 

Spiderman Tom Holland tries to purchase his own beer only to be stopped due to his ID fail.

Sunday 23rd February 2025

My allergies are getting worse again really itchy eyes, sneezing more and itching in general.

I had planned to go on the train out towards the Blue Mts today to Springwood Markets and Valley Heights Railway Museum ( they only open once or twice a month and today is diesel day) however it is really hot today and there is trackwork again so it will take me twice as long to get out there with a train only as far as Parramatta a then a bus replacement to Valley Heights and Springwood. There are meant to be showers this afternoon and I really do not want to get stuck in the heat or rain waiting for an hourly bus and train service.

The poor little lizard that found it's way into the apartment through my window slit somehow is still alive and has found it's way into the bathroom this morning.

News headlines today include

A top of 29 degrees C and cloudy today.

Bart the Ram a giant sculpture from the country town of Wetlands Park Wagin in WA is looking for love with support from the local council. What? My suggestion : How about matching the 40 year old up with The Big Merino at Goulburn in NSW also 40 years old?  What's that ? It's a ram as well ? Nothing wrong with 2 rams having a long distance relationship

The Pop's health has taken a turn and is in a critical condition. An asthma attack resulted in himbeing hooked up to a respirator. He also has anaemia discovered in a blood test. He has received a blood transfusion.

Abo prepares a pre election promise of Medicare with an injection of $8.5 billion to lift bulk billing rates up to 90%  to ensure all Australians get free healthcare not just concession card holders and kids. A rebate increase to 12.5% and a program to increase doctors and nurses to be trained. The question is how is is he going to pay for all of this? Abo is set to make the announcement in Tasmania.

A second live fire yesterday afternoon from China in the Tasman Sea has been spotted by NZ's defence force who are keeping a close eye on the warships in Australian waters. Albo is accused of being too soft to react to China's growing and threatening presence the Pacific region and so close to the coast of Australia as well as issuing sanctions against China for not notifying Australia .

An outback pub the only one  in Bollon has gone up in flames destroyed. Locals are devastated.

A 2 car crash in Middleton Grange in Sydney's Western suburbs has occurred with a 17 year old taken to hospital. ( Where on earth is Midfleton Grange? There are more and more suburbs (with crime, incidents and accidents mostly) popping up in the news that are in Sydney's Western suburbs that I have never heard of!)

Another QLD shark attack off Morton Island. The man was rushed to hospital and doing ok considering his injuries from the attack.  This is the 4th shark attack this month in QLD and eerily on the day of the last shark attack of the female's memorial service.

A terror attack has occurred in France 

Another hostage exchange between hostages in Gaza 

Kylie Minogue has been honoured with her own star in Melbourne for all she has done for the city of Melbourne over the past 3 - 4 decades. The star will be at Melboune Park to celebrate her sucess at Rod Laver Arena.

A study has found that 1.3 million underage children are on social media. Delaying digital use - movement to help children without phones not to feel alone.Online bullying has increased.

Pamela Anderson dazzlers Vagas in The Last Showgirl.

Supercar weekend continues.

Monday 24th February 2025

Another do nothing day today. Sort laundry and other stuff I still haven't done.

News headlines today include

A top of 28 degrees C today in Sydney

Fears that a man Paul Barning skipper of the fishing boat has been taken by a shark up near Newcastle as there have been a number of sharks spotted in the area. The man had been part of a fishing tournament up there with 80 boats in the competition but was caught in some fishing lines pulled overboard by the shark which could be a great white.The search is on for the man recommencing at first light and many of the competitors stayed out last night to help search for him.

There was a home fire incident last night in Lane Cove North where firefighters were confronted with a man in his 60s armed with a knife. Fire-fighters called police where the man was taken to hospital from smoke inhalation I was wondering why there were so many sirens racing by last night one after another.

A bid to put a sauna in the middle of the Yarra River and to make it more swimmable? No thanks. Ewe that river in Melbourne looks like the Seine! Poo brown and I often wonder how amy team can row in it. Warrandyte is where the Yarra River is swimmable, even Kew & Healesville apparently is pretty poor quality. 

A new poll shows Peter Dutton and the Coilition is clearly ahead of Abo and the Labor party - 55% to 45%  Peter Dutton is well ahead of Abo  34 to 18%. So close to an election and an election could be called any moment now. Did the interest rate cut change voters choice of who they will vote for? Apparently not for the majority the survey indicated.

Russia has launched it's 3rd drone attack on the Ukraine on the anniversary of the Russian invasion  Zelensky is considering  resignation  if Ukraine fails to gain membership to NATO.

Elon Musk's ultimtium for government workers in the US show me you what your role for involves during a week's work or be fired in an effort to streamline and make government departments more efficient and cost effective in the US. Will Australia's public servants face the same fate???

The SAG awards for 2025 has commenced for the 31st Screen Actors Guild awards in LA. This is the awards by the actors for the actors and could determine who wins the Oscars in a week's time. Guy Pearce and Nicole Kiman missed out on nominations  but Cate Blanchette will be flying the flag solo for Austraia at the SAG awards. No awards for Australia at the SAG awards this year. Awards went to Timothy  Charlemagne & Demi Moore.

Tropical category 2 cyclone Albert is hovering over Northern QLD and could make landfall and turn into a category 3 or possibly higher heading down towards Central and Douthern QLD. . Meanwhile another there is another cyclone in WA .

Pope Francis has had a peaceful night in hospital as he continues to battle his lung conditions and also has partial kidney failure as he receives oxygen to help him breath.

A bomb scare has seen a direversion of an American Airlines plane on route to New Delhi to Rome.Where it landed safely after the airport was cleared of flights for it's landing.

Tom Tate Gold Coast Mayor says he can seal the 2032 swimming event off Brisbane and is meeting with Olympic Committee who are keeping an eye on the progress of the city's preparations towards the 2032 Olympics. He says that building a temporary aquatic centre in Brisbane to host the event is a waste of money when the Gold Coast already has an aquatic centre that has hosted world swimming events and therefore can be used to host the swimming events for the Olympics. He says he can do a Steven Bradbury and come from behind to snatch the hosting of the swimming event from the Brisbane Olympics.  Brisbane has 100 days until they have to submit a progress report and Tate is confident that the Brisbane council will come back crawling back to the Gold Coast to host the event.

Another Qantas flight sale. Looking at the examples of sale prices they are not really cheaper.

A man uses the woolie discount code when he knows his wife hates it.What? is this really news?!

Another crime rampage in Sydney's West in the suburb of Ernington.

Another football brawl has errupted overnight with just one 27 year old man arrested in Melbourne.

Digging continues today hopeful of finding the grave it's of the 3 missing Beaumont children aged 9,7 & 4 back in 1966 when they disappeared.

A lobster dinner for the Sharks in the US . Not bad . No more fun for the Sharks who went to a shooting range today, it's time to concentrate on the season opener games in Sin City.

9 out of 10 GPs will be free by 2030.

World's first footy festival will be in Las Vagas with hundreds of thousands coming from the UK, Australia and NZ hoping Americans will also come along to see the NRL with an international women's game being played a well.

Lynne McGranger who plays Irene is leaving Home & Away  and Summer Bay after 33 years. She was the longest serving female actor on the series. Her final episodes will air later this year.

It's the first time a goats cheese has won the Australian cheese competition.

There is a problem on the Spit Bridge causing traffic chaos and delays this morning. A man in his 40s is trapped in his car crashing into a truck resulting in  Southbound lanes being closed. Traffic is banked all the way back to Manly and Spit Junction.

Cirque Du Soleil returns in August with 'Corteo' with some Ausdie acrobats in the show.

Maccas are offerring workers to learn whilst they earn with micro credentials towards university credits. a great idea as an alternative to the US Maccas Hambuger Umiversity. Workers will not only gain experience but reduce their time at university which is very expensive.

There is a burst water main in Brisbane on George Street.

What Kayne & his Aussie wife have a new documentary out amidst roumers of their separate devorce proceedings with lawyers. Bianca was fully dressed for it's premiere after her nudity fiasco previously, she was covered in a black outfit. 

Hold times to customers service departments  are getting longer. That is not new news, it's reality.

Germany is set to have a new chancellor from ex Chancillor Merkel 's party. 

Women are more reluctant to call 000 then men when symptoms of heart conditions ( attack) arise.

A hiker lost for 13 days in the Snowy Mountains back in December has spoken for the first time and recalls  how he almost died . He survived on wild berries and a few museli bars until he was found by hikers.

Fans have been camping some for days ahead of Billie Elish's concert.

An app has been developed to detect sleep disorders by staring at a screen with chaging shapes measuring the frequency of eye blinking.

An Uber driver has been caught stealing and eating a customers order then taking a photo of the bag outside of their mv to show that it had been delivered

A cloudy day with possible showers tomorrow and a top of 25 degrees C.

Tuesday 25th February 2025

Pretty yucky day today. another life admin day today. 

The lizard is still in the apartment. Yesterday I went to pull up the blind and it fell down onto the floor trying hard to scamper away. It's probably living amongst my clothes now. I wish I could catch it and release it outside.

I forgot to lodge my fortnightly centrlink reporting online yesterday so did it this morning. Too busy trying to enrol in a course or courses to satisfy mutual obligations or activities as it is called now . The employment service provider has not assisted me with anything since I joined them. They change staff everytime I have an appointment with them, they are always missing information on my files or not received documents, they have actually  hindered my job search and not helped me find employment at all . They recomposed my resume and it's just really bad therefore I need to sit down and redo it. They were supposed to get back to me with a job inquiry and never did claiming they knew the manager and would speak to them. I never heard back from that staff member and I never saw her again at Wise Employment. Meanwhile last year I managed to apply for some volunteer work myself and did it before Christmas. Now I have been spending my time looking for alternative volunteer work. It's what I would like to continue doing but on a more regular basis a few days a week now tgat I have more time.

I had planned to go to the library today but never made it there however I did sit down at a table in Westfield Chatswood and did a few things.

First thing I did arriving at Chatswoid was buy myself a sweet treat a matcha mochi dounut - I spotted the flavour was available today as it is one of those flavours that either sell out before the end of the day or are unavailable at all for days on end . I just purchased one  but was tempted to purchase their new flavour mango toped with what looked like toasted shredded coconut. Nope just stick to my favourite flavour. 

Next was to stop off at the post box and drop off my 5 pages handwritten letter to Centrelink in Canberra re check payment should have tax deducted and rent assistance no changes made to my profile.

Onto get a loaf of bread from Vina Bakery as it is happy hour. Love their sourdough and rye bread. Done .I just purchased a small round light rye loaf as I still have some wholemeal flat bread wraps left.

I then sat down and completed my fit4work police check for my application to work at the next Federal election - I am not keen on handing over so much of my personal information to 3rd party organisations due to my previous id fraud incident. Why do I have to do a police check and working with children check for every single job. You should only have to do it once but no I did one tge previous year and last year and again this year and all of them are through different 3rd party organisations and you wonder why there are so many cyber security attacks , data breaches and identity fraud cases. After tgat I wrote to the AEC and hopefully the daily emails I kerp receive as a reminder to complete the Fit4Work consent for a police check will stop now. I also advised the AEC how I should be enrolled as a silent voter and was not happy forwarding all my personal details to 3rd party organisations all for a no guarantee of employment 1 day of work.. After this I uploaded my shorts of my matcha mochi dounut review onto my YouTube channel before foing a topip shop at Aldi and Woolworth Metro.  I skipped Coles today because I know they won't have what I need and therefore I won't bother going there to purchase the other things I need.

After Woolworths something strange happened on my way to the bus stop. I was looking at the out of order esculator again - yes it is still out of order - how many weeks has it been out of order now and was heading towards the lift when a little toddler cane running out and I looked at him thinking how cute a Eurasian he is then it suddenly dawned on me on how much is looks like someone I know and I turned around and look a second look and my cousin caught my attention at the same time I caught hers. I have not seen her for years and have never seen her son ( who calls himself ET for short)  which I was even more surprised when she had him. Oh my goodness - it was so great to actually see her as she is one of my younger first cousins and I used to see her sister all the time in Chatswood but have not seen her around for years.  Now both my first cousins and my aunt in law live in the Northern suburbs. It may have taken me a very long time to get used to living in the Lower North Shore but I love it now and wouldn't live anywhere else. We all grew up and spent our entire lives living, working  in the Eastern suburbs and going to the same private schools in the Eastern suburbs . It was so different to the Northern suburbs which was far too slow and quiet for me as the Eastern suburbs was go go go and very fast paced. Now Chatswood is buzzing and so much more progressive then the Eastern suburbs and I feel ( I hate to say it ) a little safer here and away from antisemtic attacks currently happening in the Eastern suburbs as well as all the other criminal offences that has happened there. I am so greatful for living where I am even if I am unemployed and still renting.

News headlines today include

Is the pope's health improving in hospital or is he in a critical condition and on death row? Reports have been mixed one frank report says he is on his deathbed whilst others report that he has improved despite having a nasal cannula and kidney failure. Even trump sends his well wishes.

A manhunt is on for South Brisbane thugs that tried to steal money from a till but when the thieves could not find it started to vandalise the fish and chip shop smashing it and causing thousands of dollars damage . The owner does have insurance but is sick of the crime and inconvenience it causes to her her business staff and customers.

The French president is to meet Trump and then the UK's PM afterwards. That's right tell Trump and the US not to get too chummy with The Russian president and Russia.

Dogs and cats showcase the latest fashion in Vietam

2 naughty Raiders NRL boys have apologised for going on a bust up with a blow up baseball bat involved at a hotel after a night on the town  in Las Vagas . They were unable to check into the hotel and alerted security with their antics. Both are best of mates with their families travelling together.The incident apparently occurred over a dispute in regards to sharing a hotel room with a team mate due to a check in malfunction. Sharks verses Panther clash is on in LasVagas.

Tim Tszyu is to fight again in Newcastle.

A top of 25 degrees today and showers in Sydney today. The temps are dropping as Sumner ends and Autumn ( Fall) begins next month.

A night of crime sprees outside of Melboune one at Boardmeadow and another at Cranbourne. Both involved youths with attackers as young as 13 years old. Victorian premier has been slammed for yet more knife crime incidents.

To pay for the Medicare boost , Peter Dutton plans to reduce the number the number of public servants following in the footsteps of Trump by sacking tens of  thousands of public servants where Abo has just increased the number of public servants.Will they now be sacked. The exact numbers and details of  Peter Duttons reduction if public servants is unknown.

Even with the rising cost of living enrolments in private education is up over 18% according to ABS statistics.

Singer Roberta Flack has died after a battle with a degenerative disease. She is known for her "Killing Me Softly " song.

A cat has been found after 3 weeks inside a couch when a family moved.

Australia has one of the world's highest rates of breast cancer.

A Bali 9 member who appeared in court this morning has had a legal win acquitted of 2005 joyride in a stolen car at that time driven by another Bali 9 member  - a no conviction.

A driver died in North Morang car crash outside of Melbourne.

A Virgin Airline pilot was the first pilot to notify of China's live fire picking up a message enroute to NZ and notified air traffic control. It was legal however 24 hours is suppose to be notice given but was not .

Wednesday 26th February 2025

Another do nothing day today.

News headlines today include

An Australia woman born in Sinapore raised in Melbourne now living in Florida with her husband and family of 5 kids has made history Australian woman Elaine Chia Hyde travelling to the edge of space overnight. The physicist entrepreneur has wanted to go into space since she was 10 and her dream has finally become reality with Blue Origin's Perfect 10 New Sherpherd rocket a tourism mission ( their 10th)  launched.

A plane abandoned it's landing in Chicago  in order to avoid hitting a smaller plane.

Molly the magpie has finally been able to stay with it's carer after years of legal battle

Brian Austin Green ( former Beverly Hills 90210 star)  is in Australia next month to meet and greet, sign autographs and promote his charity.

Nicole Kidman is in a new movie in a lead role on the triller Holland.

Another unit inferno in Whalan in Sydney's Western suburbs. A suspected arsen attack sending families running at 10 pm last night. 9 units have been completely destroyed. 

Another car ramming into police in Melbourne.2 people arrested over using a stolen  luxury car to ram police at a Hawthorn East service station.

Australian Defence Force  are under a grilling over the Chinese live fire exercise and how a Virgin pilot was the one to pick up the signal and report it to Air Services Australia who forwarded the information to the Australian Defence Force. 

The Brisbane  and Gold Coast Mayors clash over the venue for hosting the 2032 Olympic swimming event . Brisbane is keeping the  swimming event and building a legacy aquatic centre possibly in Roma St.

The 26 year old female nurse Sarah Abu  involved in the antisemtic video was charged and arrested overnight.She has been released on conditional bail. The other male nurse has yet to be charged but police are working on it. Maybe they should just be deported from Australia. 

Another jetstar airfare sale! Qantas just had one. Looks like the airline company is on sale every few months.

A top of 28 degrees C and cloudy today.

Opposition leader Peter Dutton has been accused of unusual activity during the 2008 financial crash of inappropriate share trading , seliing his shares in 2009 after they signifcantly rose in price  and making a large profit from them. Did he have insider trading knowledge when he purchased and sold his shares prior to the Labour announcement.

Autumn fashion trends include purple being the colour of the season, metallic fabrics, sheer materials , layering, tartan and  a touch of Gothic. Fake furs leopard and zebra prints, fringes, French, Bohemian & blanket like drap wearing  to keep warm and  have the cosy look.

Malaysian government has announced a new search for the Mayalsian Airlines plane MH370 that disappeared 

Marty Seagold apologies for offensive comments he made about the matildas.

The trail of murdered Toyah Cordingley enters it's 2nd day today in Cairns. Her killer enters a not guilty plea.

The infamous Fyre Festival is set to make a comeback . The organiser is set to organise Fyre ll after he is released from jail.

A man has been caught hiding cocaine under his toupee at an Amsterdam airport.

The next Australian Euovision hope has been announced TikTok sensation Go Jo's " The Milkshake Man"

Another tobacconist has been ram raided in Jimbrooma as tobacco wars continue.

Singer Michael Bolton turns 72 years old

A woman has purchased a $30 large strawberry from the most expensive supermarket in the US . It's meant to be the best strawberry in the world sourced from Kyoto. This beats my CAN$5.20 jumbo palm sized Australian lychee I found at Granville Island Public Markets that aren't even sold in Australia!

Rumours that Drake is cutting his Australian tour short cancelling shows in Brisbane. 

The parents of a cult that denied their type 1 diabetic child medical treatment resulting in her death have faced court. They will self represent saying they don't need lawyers as God will represent  them.

The 4th day of digging up a factory site in SA for the missing 3 Belmont children from 1966 continues determined to find and solve this decades old cold case.

Thursday 27th February 2025

Today I did nothing again. It is very windy by 6.30 pm but the sun is still out. It was so hot today and even hotter tomorrow.

If anyone is wondering what I have been doing now tgat I am not studying or working , well I have enrolled in online micro credentials ICT courses and am still looking for work or volunteering.

News headlines today include

Trump has posted a bizzare video of the future of Gaza complete with a Trump building, bars hotels, money being thrown around and images of Trump featured heavily in it with Elon Musk eating hummos?!( I though he was featured in the video but was unsure) . The video was so bizzare it was left on his social media account for people to make up their own mind ,  thoughts, discussions  conclusions etc about it. Watching it for a few seconds was enough for me - one word to describe it insane. It has been described as a Trump take over of Gaza and turning it into another European Riveria. Someone tell Trump that he can't just buy a country and dictate it - maybe this is his second takeover attempt after he failed to try and buy Canada to make it into the 51st state of the US. Could Gaza become the new 51st state of the US?

Inflation has risen from 2.7% to 2.8% data shows with another rate cut less likely. Waiting for March CPI figures to come out before decision.

Labor accuses Coaliltion leader of hidding assets in private trusts as a federal election looms

Marty Sheargold has departed Triple M over sexist comments over the Matildas and women's sports. He was meant to make an apology but was pulled from the air. The ABC has also distanced themselves from him amstating that he is not an employee.

Category 3 Cyclone Albert is still being tracked off the coast of QLD and has intensified heading along populated areas of QLD

It's the end of Summer this weekend but it is still sohot with a top of 29 degrees c today in Sydney!

A 27 year old woman was guned down driving past a primary school in Tarwoomba.She did not survive.

A suspious device has been found on the Gold Coast  first spotted by a dog walker and a lifeguard causing a lockdown/exclsion zone of  the considered 400 m safe distance in the event of an activation of the device in the the area. They contacted police who contacted the bomb squad. The mystery object washed up on Main Beach in QLD and the beach has been closed until it has been confirmed of what exactly it is. Some suspect it may be a torpedo or missile as police were notified of it and an investigation underway. It has now been confirmed that it is a torpedo which may have been in the water for a long period of time and advising everyone to keep away from the beach. I was convinced that it was a Chinese torpedo and everyone else was asking the same question but they have been advised that it is not and not from the recent Chinese military exercises ( too far South off the coast of Australia) . It may have washed ashore as a result of wild waves caused by cyclone Albert's presence off the coast of QLD.It has just been confirmed that the torpedo that washed up onto Main Beach is harmless and a dummy used in military exercises and did not need to be deactivated by the ADF.

Insurance premium may have peaked resulting in slower growth for  insurance companies in 2025.

This Sunday is opening season weekend in Las Vagas for the NRL.

Singer Guy Sebastian has become an actor starring in Hindi Vindi.

Electricity prices are on the rise again.Some have not changed electricity provider for 10 years. Only 35% of Autalians believe they are getting the best deal on their electricity bills.

The partnership between Virgin and Qatar Airlines sale of 25% of Virgin to Qatar Airlines has been given the approval by Treasurr Jim Chatrmers however with conditions and safeguards on the planned sale to keep Virgins representation in Australia and domestic flights.

Easy money to be made to sit in a queue for concert goers for a few hours? Recently at a Billie Elish concert fans were hiring and paying people to sit in line in order to mind or secure a spot in the queues for them for a few hours.

Qantas announces it's profit for the year and paid it's first dividend of 16.5 cents per share  in 5 years as profits rise and increased by 11.2%.

The Oscars moninees dinner and class photo has occurred. 

Actress Michelle Thatchenberg from Hosdip Girls & Buffy The Vsmpire passed away aged 39

Contents in the post Oscars celebrity swag or goodies bags have been revealed.

Some Kmart stores in QLD are rolling  out coin operated trolleys.Customers are not happy.

A Melbourne mother has given birth to one of her twins in a hospital elevator.

The Pope is continuing to make slight improvements and no longer has kidney problems.

Mehan Markle launches her new what is it again? at the same time as the Prince & Princess of Wales William and Kate visit a market kitchen for a bake off making Welsh cakes.

The NZ deputy PM is meeting with Chinese leaders over the live fire military exercises off the coast of Australia that occurred in an effort to improve communications and raise concerns and the 3 military warships cirumnavigating the coastline of Australia.

3 hostages in Hamas were laid to rest in a funeral today. Orange balloons were released.

Could new studies show black tea filter out cancer causing heavy metals in drinking water? The health benefits of a cup of tea have always been know. 

Footage emerge of Chinese warships reaching the Great Australian Bight

Another tragic death a new born from complications from a ruptured placebta at Northern Beaches. Hospital.Meanwhile Healthscope is being grilled over the death of the toddler.

A  huge stash of 6 tonnes of fantasy party & date rape drug Bute has been found in a bust in a storage facility at Homebush. A man and his gurlfriend have been arrested.

Abo is under fire over the handling of  China's military live fire exercises off the coast of SA.

A fire at Emu Heights as a roof collapses sends residents running for their lives with their treasure trove inside destroyed.

NSW to make green compost organic waste bin compulsory by next year in order to reduce if not  eliminate unnecessary recyclable waste going into landfill

Hundreds even thousands of dolphins have been seen swimming off the coast of the US.

It will be 32 degrees C with a slight chance of showers tomorrow!!!!.

A school has banned all ball sports.

Rory Amon former Northern Beaches MP has faced court to stand trial for sexual offences on a 13 year old boy. 

Students protests have been shut down outside Granville high school over a teacher's antisrmetic speeches on social media.

Sydney has a brand new St George Hospital on Kensington Street with high tech and tailored towards older patients.

Friday 28th February 25

It's not even 11.30 am and it's already 29 degrees C. Was going for a skate at 11.30 am today but just as well I checked, there are no public sessions today  cancelled due probably to the heat as there is a problem with refrigeration. 

Today it was so hot it really did hot the 32 degree C high and it felt a lot hotter then this. 

It's the last day of summer but certainly did not feel like it and I don't know how much more of this heat I can take. 

Today I went to find a bank to pay my rent for the next 3 weeks in advance. I then went to an HCF which happened to be near by and transferred my private health insurance from Bupa. About time I did this. What is the point of remaining with Bupa when they have lost contracts with all Healthscope Hospitals - isn't that why you take out private health insurance ? No it's because if you don't after you turn 31 years old you get hit with an extra Medicare surcharge and the longer you leave it after you turn 31 the more loading you have to pay on top of your private health insurance membership. In the end you're dawned if you do get private health insurance and named if you don't. Annual premium are going to rise again on the first of April anything between 3.8 % and 4.99% depending on your private health insurance fund. I am going back to HCF because I have tried Medibank Private , Bupa and AHM. I don't think I have tried NIB HBFor any of the other weird and wonderful private healthcare funds such as Priceline. They are all the same greedy money grabbing organisations except for HCF which is suppose to be operating as a not for profit - I had been with them for over 25 years and have never had any breaks in having private medical insurance but had enough with their extremely poor customer service so eventually left to try other funds who are all the same. All offer 6 weeks free to lure you in but only after a certain time period to qualify but other then that offer nothing much. Back in the day decades ago private healthcare insurance was worth taking out and was an option not a government tax requirement. They offered benefits outside of health such as rebates on sports equipment gym running sneakers and swimming lessons now you can't even get discounted gym membership without referrals from doctors or are limited to which gyms you can use to get discounts for. Private health insurance is run differently to all other insurances whether compulsory or optional. Why should I have to pay the same premiums as someone else that has made a heap of private health insurance claims if I haven't made a single medical expenses claim on my private health insurance? Basically my premiums I pay are being used for other people's medical expenses which is EXTREMELY UNFAIR. Is the Australian government stupid? Of course people are going to drop their private medical instance it's too expensive, it's too restrictive and you don't get much rebate back from it ( if any) as more and more medical services are being excluded from policies. The whole private health insurance industry should be looked into and revamped.  Another issue with HCF is my existing inc pro which was not adjusted as requested months ago. 

After paying my bills I made a trip to Decathslon to find a buoyancy belt . It is not cheap to get one and Rebel did not have any , they only had one set of aquatic dumbbells left and kick boards. The dumbbells at Rebel and the buoyancy belt both cost the same $50 but I think I will get more use out of my buoyancy belt. Should get both to exercise both my legs and arms in the water. I already have a noodle but unsure where it is. 

Onto my walk in the heat to Cook & Phillip Park Aquatic & Fitness Centre for a swim ( refer my YouTube videos) An hour in the pool and and hour to dry out in the sun with a hat sunscreen glasses sun screen and lip balm. My body is covered head to toe in SPF a rashie. I did have a shower in between which started off slightly warm but heated up quite quickly which is probably due to a solar energy system . Completely dry I didn't bother to change out of my swim gear just walked to Gadigal Metro Station and caught the Metro to Chatswood for a shop at Aldi the green grocer and Woolworths Metro. Still no eggs at Woolies and Aldi shelves are bare. Got my dozen 700g caged eggs not even free range eggs for almost $9 and they were on special from the green grocer who had heaps of eggs left however they were all $9 and above for a dozen. 

Last stop for the last night of Summer was dinner as I lost track of time - it was already dark so I assume it was around 7 pm by the time I ordered my usual spicy chicken burrito from GyG at Chatswood Concourse with chimi Mayo guacamole paying extra  and some other condiments. Disappointing ( refer my YouTube video) 

Home on the next bus, the upward esculator is finally working again thank goodness as I have bags of shopping.

The end of Summer in Sydney.

Beach Party In The Courtyard or Mardi Gras ? The Bear Had A Balancing Problem. First Swim @ Cook & Phillip Park Aquatic & Fitness Centre

News headlines today include 

NRL has sold 50000 tickets to the season opener in Las Vagas hopeful that Trump may still attend. Meanwhile rowdy UK fans have booed the Pathers.

The Pope has had a restful night in hospital but he is not out of the woods yet.

The government may step in to allow employees of the troubled Masaic Group early access to their payments and benefits before the company goes into liquidation.

Gene Hackman who was 95 and his wife Betsey found dead in their home in New Mexico with a mystery of how they died. They could have been dead for 2 weeks as their bodies were found mummified along with their dog. A suspected fall could have been the cause of death.

The red carpet to the Oscars  night has officially been rolled out with the help of it's host.

A car jacking has happened at a car wash in Frankston where a woman was washing her car & the attacker hitting the woman on the head before  good sanartians chased the attacker from a bus dragging him off. The attackers had committed another carjacking before this one.

Cyclone intensifies to a category 4 and could increase to a category 5 with residents of Great Keppel Island evacuated as a precaution.

A suspicious fire in Prospect at a barbar shop in SA . The second in 2 weeks in SA.

The Qatar Virgin deal has been signed off on by Jim Charmers the treasurer yesterday bearing more competition between airlines and 25 more  flights. There has been in passengers increase in domestic flights with a fall in international flights taken it has been found after Qantas announced it's profits .

Prepare for a longer fire season in SA fire fighters have warned even with Summer ending today.

An 7.35 % increase in pay for QLD bus drivers over 4 years has been accepted in order to stop industrial action.

The defence force is under pressure to explain how they lost the dummy training torpedo and how a tracking device failed to detect the torpedo to be retrieved and reused.

Sydney's biggest food festival is on at Lakemba Night Markets in Sydney's Western suburbs. On until the end of March millions are expected to attend the end of Ramadan celebrations

A temporary pool in Suncorp Stadium for the 2032 Olympics in Brisbane? Olympic swimmers Duncan Armstrong has supported this despite Gold Coast Mayor's disapproval. Is this actually a waste of money?

Australians are dining out 8% more then a year ago.