Saturday 1st March 2025
There is no way I am going out today as it will be crazy in the city today with the Mardi Gras parade on tonight. It is so hot. I have so much life admin still to do.
A very long parade from 6.45 pm - 11 pm with a live message from Kylie at her concert and some weird and wonderful debut groups such as an ice hockey team? Were there no police marching this year? The parade was a little more spread out this year. The parade ended around 10.30 pm. Abo made an appearance again and spoke to the ABC.
News headlines today include
It's the first day of Autunm and it's still a top of 29 degrees C today in Sydney and cloudy. It is the Mardi Gras parade tonight and in the past there are chances of showers on the night.
2 QLD women were misdiagnosed with breast cancer. One was misdiagnosed not to have breast cancer when she actually had it and is awaiting treatment whilst the other underwent unecessary surgery only for doctors to find no sign of cancer.
Victoria's government is trialling high risk homeless teen criminals with ankle bracelet monitors to track them to attend state schools in order to obtain some sort of normality and education. Schools are not happy with the trial and would like to see more evidence that it is safe and will not put other students at risk or harm them before the trial goes ahead. Teachers are also no equipped to handle these students or perform duties such as recharge ankle tracking devices. 50 teens selected for the trial will have to meet certain criteria such as are high risk who may have skipped bail and could reoffend.
A woman in the US who went on a revenge act , has ended up with egg on her face when it went wrong - she spray painted the wrong car, it was her neighbourrs' car.
It's 50 years of colour TV being celebrated today
Ross River fever has been detected in WA with residents urged to use inspect repellent and wear loose clothing .The mosquito's bites that carry the disease cause rash and fever.
Milo has released a protein power ( or was that just powder) Milo but not everyone is on board with it. The claim is that it contains a much higher amount of protein then normal Milo.
A firey exchange between Trump & Zelensky - no deal between US & Ukraine. The meeting was meant to be about mineral and trade in exchange for US support but ended up in a tense unsucessful meeting with Zelensky walking out and cutting his visit to the US short. Disrespectful was the description of the meeting. Threatening was another description of the timone of the meeting.
Police are on the hunt for a gang on the run after they crashed into a house in Seven Hills in Sydney's Western suburbs.
New wave of Jeffery Epstein files have been released but there wasn't any new information about the case. Was the case not just criminal but a financial criminal case as well.
The pope has had a major health set back overnight. He has had to cancel some events next week.
What? Abo to freeze the tax on beer for 2 years? But he still hasn't called an election yet!!!!
2 more people have been charged over the Bute party drug raid.
China warships are now circling Australia but calls for the government not to panic.
Gene Hackeman had been dead for 9 days and suspects his wife could have died at the same time.
Tonight's Mardi Gras is going to be bigger then Christmas with streets blocked off and spectators grabbing the best spots hours ago. 1978 was the first
Kylie is performing tonight at Qudos Arena and there is speculation she could be attending the Mardi Gras after party. Ticket are from $200.
Tomorrow is NRL game day in Las Vagas.
The Queen Anne is making her maiden voyage around the world. Sydney is the first stop of the Australian leg of her tour
A pill testing trial has begun at a music festival South of Sydney.
The heat is expected to hang around tomorrow with a chance of rain.
Hazard reduction burning has begun in North Western suburbs of Sydney with possible haze visible
A raid has been performed on AI generated child abuse overseas.
Contraceptive pills Yas and Yasmin for women will now become cheaper.
A protest lead to a riots on the 2nd anniversary of the train crash in Greece thsy killed over 50 people. Prmeople are sick of the governments incompetency and not holding anyone responsible for the accident.
A SES rescue training course was performed in Neapan's toughest rapids
Fire fighters have tacked a large toxic train explosion has occurred in the czech republic.
Drake's slipper throwing incident at a drone has captured the attention of aviation authorities where the height of the suite where Drake was staying in was far higher the safe height limits of the drone being flown. Did the drone breach flight restrictions is now the question.
A 17 year old teen has had the backing from a millionaire to achieve his formula one dream.
The Panthers are the underdogs in Las Vagas.
Sick kids that need ground breaking specialist cancer treatment have had to go overseas to be treated due to a state of the art cancer treatment centre that was built in SA in 2017 remaining closed due to government funding cuts where the contract to purchase the proton treatment equipment was cancelled . The SA government is working to get the equipment required to Australia from a US supplier so families with sick kids no longer have to travel overseas to receive treatment which is a financial strain.
Sunday 2nd March 2025
It's still so hot so this morning I just stayed in with the fan on and watched TV and YouTube videos. I washed my dishes and did my laundry but I had to wait as there was a queue for the communal laundry. I will try and venture out this afternoon as I need some essential grocery items which I could not get on my last shop.
News headlines today include
A top of 28 degrees C today and possible showers.
Police have shot a man in a standoff in Burleigh Heads on the Gold Coast in QLD where a chainsaw was involved. He has been to hospital and will make a full recovery.
Ukraine's Zelensky has arrived and met with the UK PM and has his full support after a tense meeting with US president Trump & vice JD Vance. The question remains why is Trump siding with Russia's Putin? Is he being blackmailed? Does Putin have some type of financial hold or influence over Trump?
A brawl in Greenacre in Western Sydney - is this even news anymore? There seems to be a new crime in the Western suburbs of Sydney everyday
There are 5 contraversal tests that are being promoting by social media influencers which may not be necessary or are overhyped
A man involved in a stabbing in Melbourne hid in a lake but finally surfaced.
The big dig up in SA wraps up today with now new developments on the cold case of the missing 3 Beaumont children.
Mardi Gras was a success and Kylie unfortunately could not make it to the after party but she did send a live message from her concert of Happy Mardi Gras. Mostly well behaved crowds except for 4 arrests and a man who managed to get on top of a police bus and do somersaults.
A 4.4 magnitude earthquake has rocked and shocked residents of Toowamba in QLD. Meanwhile cyclone Albert is expected to make landfall next week. The cat 3 cyclone is edging closer off the East coast of QLD but seems to be turning away as a category 2 between Bundberg and the Sunshine Coast of QLD but is heading back down towards the North East coast of NSW with warning fir the regions near Lismore..
Abo promises to open another 50 urgent care centres around Australia if re elected as PM.
The Oscars are on in a few days time but the red carpet has already been rolled out. Conan O"Brien is hosting it for the first time and he has not been to an Oscar ceremony before apparently. Adriana Grande and Cynthia Erivo are to perform.
A FedEx plane has caught on fire upon landing returning to New Jersey in the US Noone was hurt.
Raiders face Warriors before Pathers take on Sharks in Sin City Las Vagas in the season opener in the USA today.
Ocean Infinity is performing a new search off the coast of Perth for the wreckage of MH370 with a reward offered by the Mayasian government if found.11 years later the mystery of the plane's disappearance .
A photogtlrapher celebrates people with rare diseases by photographing them. If you have seen some of they are so beautifully taken).
Microsoft users have just come back online after an outage that left users being unable to access their MS office applications and emails for an hour or so. It is unclear what caused this outage to occur.
Pope Francis is doing better today after being on a ventilator.
Mark Zuckerberg puts on jump suit in a sparkling performance for his wife's 40th birthday.
Opposition leader defence promise as he pledges $3 billion for stealth fighter jets
The Sound of Music celebrates 60 years.
Egg prices are at a 16 year high and it could take more then 6 months before prices come back down partly due to the bird flu.
Blue Ghost lunar landing which will be used to collect samples from the moon.
NY window cleaners were trapped for a few hours dangling on a partially enclosed platform until rescued smashing constantly into glass panels that fell to the ground below.
Tomorrow it is forcasted to be 26 degrees C with showers. Showers are forcasted for the entire week ahead but temperatures will remain in the high 20s.
What, Calvin the topery pine tree neighbourhood watch dog has thousands of online fans? He is decorated for different celebrations such as Halloween and Christmas.
Monday 3rd March 2025
Today was a grey day but not as hot as the previous days with a top of around what felt like 26 degrees in the afternoon.
I stayed at home again today watched the Oscars and paid a few bills as well as watched YouTube.
News headlines today include
Britney Higgins and her husband David Shiraz have welcomed a baby.
A 14 year old boy riding an e bike without any protective gear has been run over by a car in Bass Hill in Western Sydney. A man hunt is underway. He was taken to hospital with head injuries and several broken bones.
The Oscars are underway tonight with some Aussie nominees.
A top of 26 degrees C today and showers. Meanwhile cyclone Alfred as a category 2 is likely to make landfall next Tuesday turning West and heading towards the South East Coast of Queensland as far as Bundaberg and the Gold Coast and North East coast of NSW with warnings to residents in regions to be prepared ( including the football match that is to be played in Brisbane as the cyclone is just 465 kms off the coast from Brisbane) and the cyclone's path is being monitored closely. A boat has been caught up in the severe ocean conditions off the Sunshine Coast. Meanwhile the transpacific rower in the boat caught up in srvere ocean conditions has been rescued by the navy. If cyclone Alfred does make landfall across the NSW border it will be the first time a cyclone since 1990.
After summit with European leaders and with their full support, Urkrainian president Zelensky has been welcomed and has met with the King flown to his private Sandringham estate.
A poll has showed which Australian PM would work better with Trump and Dutton is in front over Abo.
Well the Mardi Gras over the weekend is over and the NRL season opener is being played in Las Vagas Raiders blew the Warriors 30 - 8 now Panthers play the Sharks at Allegient Stadium in Las Vagas. The Jillaroos won to Lionesses by a long shot and Panthers won over Sharks 28 to 22
Train chaos in Melbourne with delays upto an hour due to overnight works. All main rail lines Frankston, Sandringham, Pakenham & Cranbourne affected with ongoing delays.
There is a secret push to include touch football in the 2032 Brisbane Olympics games.
Fashion focus was on Kim Kardashian's tiny Chanel handbag which could not fit anything in it and was found to contain just a what?! throat lozenges?!
A warning not to release goldfish into the wild as a massive goldfish has been found and caught.
The trade only toy fair is on in Melbourne at the MCEC which started yesterday and ends on Wednesday. Of course Lego will be there but this year Lego is teaming up with Formula 1 .
An ANU study has found men fall in love earlier or faster.
Rundle Mall in SA is in the news again over the amount of crime it attracts.
A Qantas flight from Sydney had to return to Sydney after a fire in the cockpit. A new flight was organised for passengers an hour later.
A woman was alledgedly thrown off a balcony in Maryland's in Sydney's Western suburbs . Her exhusband had ran from the incident after an arguement. The act of violence was possibly over the custody of their child.
80% of tunnelling is now complete on new western line - and metro milestone.
The Blue Ghost lander lands on the moon after obiting the moon for days.Hopefully the success of the landing will bring manned space travel back to the moon. This is the second lunar landing.
A medical breakthrough for ovarian cancer. Leader cells have been shown to slow down tumours increasing patient survival.
2 women have been struck and trapped by a tree in Kirrawee as they were walking past a property.
The Star Casino is under threat with shares suspended. The operators of the Casino has not been able to finalise the accounts. They only had one week's worth of funds left.
Peter Garrett has been slammed for comments he made about dancing on mining magnate Gina Rhinhart's grave & also Trump at a concert in WA.
Fire Flighters are looking for new recruits.
A Pyrmont eyesore is to converting into housing.Luxury units from $850k to over $2Million. Meanwhile 3 developers are viewing the old fish markets site into convert into apoarements.
Looks like at top of 26 degrees C tomorrow with showers at times increasing to decent falls all the way through to it's heaviest on Sunday.
Police are asking for witnesses to come forward with information of of a man who was seen on CCTV and died after being run over in the Blue Mts just a short while after a year ago
The AUS$ has dropped well below the $0.63 mark against the US$.
According Syadium at Sydney zolympic Park has been converted into a race track for this weekend with celebrity racing drivers racing against each other on the tracks in the Race of Champions.
Tuesday 4th March 2025
It is still so hot and I still have some much to do.
I started off reporting all the jobs I have been applying for on Workforce Australia. Next reporting period is not due until 27th March 25. Starting off with 5 positions/organisations most of which were not advertised directly via Seek or Indeed. I never heard back from any of the jobs I apply for anyway.
I had to venture out this afternoon. It started to rain very lightly as I was out. I had to multitasking whilst grocery shopping at Chatswood. I was shoping at Coles when the reminder went off on my phone. I rushed to get it out as I was at the checkout. There was a hold up at the checkout and it was 6 pm and I was suppose to be listening to a webinar between 6 and 7 but there is no internet signal at the Coles in Westfield so I dumped my groceries onto the conveyer belt and said I'm just going out the door with my trolley empty to get a signal to connect to the meeting. it took some time and I rushed back to the register as soon as I connected and loaded my groceries into my trolley after paying for them whist listening to the session.
Into to Aldi but before I entered I spent the hour sitting outside after standing in a corner for a while with the phone on speaker until zi could pull out my earphones to listen. After conclusion of the session an hour later I continued my shop at Aldi then finally back to Woolworths Metro for a snack. I had quickly recharged my local card at an earlier visit prior to Aldi but I forgot about getting some change for the laundry and Woolwirtjs don't give change as it is cashless.
My snack was a packet of meat pie flavoured CCs ( they don't taste like meat pie and I decided not to purchase it's matching packet of sausage roll CCs both a colab woth four & twenty pies) and vegetable tempura from the cold sushi bar ( don't get these either they were bland - tosding up between it and the last hot chicken veg & rice bowl left probably making the wrong choice)
Waited for a bus to go home.
Nobody took the bins back in so I asked my neighbour in #1 for some disposable gloves which he always has and I put them on and start taking the bins in when my neighbour in # came back from work and she helped me. She asked me what about the green bin and I said it's broken. It's been broken for a long time and has been sitting on the curb for ages. One of the wheels has broken off completely - how this happened I am unsure. We used to have 2 green bins so what happened to the second green bin? As soon as we take the bins in one of the neighbours from # 1 pops out to see what is happening. He always does this. Isn't it his responsibility to bring them back in? It's still a mystery of who is suppose to take the bins back in now that the cleaner puts them all out on Mondays when they do the weekly building clean????instead of coming on Tuesdays.
Got home and unpacked my groceries but what did I discover - the packet of what I thought was a 4 pack of icare toilet paper ( don't usually buy this brand at Coles as the normal brand of 4 pkt Coles 3 ply toilet paper was completely out of stock) and what I thought was toilet paper was actually 2 rolls of paper towels !!!!!!- the wrapper looked exactly the same and it was the last pack sitting in the icare 4 pack toilet paper shelf at Coles ( what's wrong with the toilet paper supply at the moment?)
News headlines today include
A top of 26 degrees C in Sydney today and it's currently raining . It started raining overnight.
Another blaze in factory in Richmond a suburb outside of Melbourne. Residents within a 2 km radius of the fire have been warned to keep an eye out for toxic smoke.The factory may have been an abandoned one.
A car flip in Kensington in Sydney's Eastern suburbs has seen 2 men fee the scene leaving a woman inside the back seating the car who suffered minor injuries and taken to hospital.
A large forest fire in Japan has caused widescale damage , the worst in 30 years. One person has already been reported to have died.
US 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico are imposed from today in what Trump says is an effort to keep illegal immigrants and illegal drugs out.
700 creditors are owed $1.3 billion from Wyhalla steel works.
Public servants will be forced to return to the office 5 days a week if Peter Dutton is elected. No more work from home in what is being described as a Trump like move to make public servants more efficient and cutting the workforce.
The Pope has had another 2 bouts of health setbacks and is back on a ventilator after bronchial spasms.
An Aged care payrise pledge of $2.6 billion if Peter Dutton is elected.
Preparations have begun in SE QLD and NE NSW for cyclone Albert as it turns and due to hit landfall by Thursday or Friday somewhere between Brisbane & Gold Coast. Sand bagging, with panic buying and some supermarkets already with empty shelves, the ferries in the region to islands and Brisbane ferries have already been cancelled and securely mored and tied up. Water from a QLD dam has not been released despite being at capacity with further deluge of 500 mm to double that in some regions to occur. There is the threat of flooding in regions of SE QLD and NE NSW. Wild ocean conditions has not stopped some keen surfers and the Burleigh Board Riders Competition has not been cancelled yet for this weekend with some pro surfers' boards snapping from the 6 foot waves already. Cyclone Alfred may also affect the NRL and AFL games with opening round of AFL Lions V Cats being postponed. Currently cyclone Albert is a category 1 which is likely to be upgraded to a category 2 as it makes it's way to coast of QLD. Residents have been warned to get out and off the islands if they want to leave now.
Peter V'landys has said that 4 matches of NRL in Las Vagas is too much and in 2026 will be reduced back to 3 matches as fans started leaving Alligence Stadium before the Pathers game started.
A Van Gough art masterpiece Sunflowers has been recreated with Lego.
A suspicious fire has occurred in a church outside of Melbourne. Police are trying to work out if it was suspiciously lit.
A good Samaritan has tackles a thug that struck down a mother and daughter in a Rundle Shopping Mall attack.
Speed limits cut to 30 km/ hr in and around Melbouune is being proposed eventually for all residential street but starting with areas around playgrounds and school zones.
Local businesses are being creative with clever cafe signs mimicking traffic warning signs eg pork rolls 100 m ahead with an arrow , coffee check to look like speed camera warning sign .
Another set of Chinese warships has been spotted 500 km SE of Perth and is being closely monitored.
A man who is a German citizen has driven a car into a group of people in Mannheim killing 2 and injuring others including children. It is unclear why the man did so is being investigated as it is the latest in a string of attacks in the town.
88 year old James Harrison, dubbed the man with the golden arm and has donated blood for plasma anti D type in order to save the lives of babies thousands of times, has died.
Did Adrien Brody really spit the gum out of his mouth and throw it at his gurlfriend to catch and dispose of before his acceptance speech at the Oscars in front of millions of people live and watching from around the world? How disgusting!! Gross!!!! His girlfriend looked as if she missed catching it and it probably ended up on the floor which maybe carpet - let's hope not on another celebrity present at the awards or stuck in the carpet.
Meghan Markle has given an intimate interview with People magazine where she explains how it is important for her and Harry to keep the Sussex name now that they have kids due to family history - her interview may be recent but the photos used are 9 months old and has been cruised for them. She has also launched her new umm wat would you call it? Lifestyle channel With Love Meghan where she show people how to make rainbow plates of fruit?! Doubts over where her 8 episode lifestyle show premiering is interesting enough to hold an audience. Harry makes a cameo in it and it's all very well made but described as a bit boring by viewers but it has not been poo pooed by big magazine or Lifestyle media producers such as Harper's Bizzare etc. Curiosity was the hype on the new production.
Wednesday 27th Mstch 2025
Millions on edge on the Gold Coast with winds of over 120 km per hour as cyclone Alfred surges towards the coast of QLD with the Gold Coast in the firing line. Heavy fog, storms and the tide levels will also influence flooding in the Surfers Paradise region. 11 evacuation centres have been set up and people are encouraged to use the hazards near me app. Th impact will affect as far North QLD as Sunshine Coast and as far South East NSW as Byron . The AFL opening matches have been postponed due to cyclone Alfred. Fears that power outages could last for days. There is no shortage of sandbags at the moment as sandbagging continues. A list of high risk suburbs has been compiled and residents told to stay off the roads. Green Day has apologised to fans at Robina and tonight will be their only stadium performance. 15 suburbs could be impacted by flooding . Erosion of beaches is a concern. A wall is being constructed along beaches to protect properties inland from them. The cyclone could make landfall as early as tomorrow night with the eye hitting Thurs or Friday. The cyclone could upgrade to a cat 3 with winds gusts to 160 km/hr. Everything is being tied down and flights delays and cancellation in planning. Schools are open today but on review and 122 schools in Northern NSW have closed as a precaution however QLD schools are open today but now closed tomorrow. The PM is about to make a speech with QLD premier. Brisbane airport is likely to shut tomorrow and Qantas is cancelling flights to most destinations in QLD and passengers on most flights into QLD can request a travel credit rebook for a later date or a refund.
Temp in real life - a new South African Panda Mart has opened outside of Melbourne sending shoppers into a frenzy with long queues winding down and around the building. This news is actually old news and the massive discount store has been open for a few days now and I had a good look online at their apparently huge range of discounted products and to be honest not my style of products, cheap and nasty looking just junk. The concern is whether they meet Australian safety standards .Australia already has a lot of chain discount stores including Costco, Reject Store, Daiso, Miniso etc therefore competition is tough.Will Panda Mart's first discount store in Victoria outside of Melbourne survive?
A 16 year old teen from WA Bunbury has been arrested for an online threat to an Edmondson Park mosque in Sydney's Western suburbs with reference to the 2019 Christchurh attack.
Another Melbourne home invasion where even a kid's piggy bank was raided on a kitchen bench. Victim pleas with Jacinta Allen to do something about the increase in crime.
The first woolly mamouth mice have been created using DNA from the woolly mammoth by scientists. But scientist are a long way away from bring back a woolly mammoth back from extinction. You have to admit these genertically modified mice are so cute - who wouldn't want one as a pet!
Rate payers are out of pocket for $200000 worth of public sculptures stolen, gone missing around Adelaide.
Manly has beat Bondi Beach as Sydney's top beaches list.
Another car crash into a tree in Greenacre in Western Sydney.
Indigenous Autralian tennis champions Evonne Goolagong & Ash Barty have had barbie dolls made in honour of them.
Parents are taking kids out of school more in order to take cheaper holidays.
The comedian host of The 1% Club returns to Australia and admits that not much money was given away in the first The 1% Club shows because people didn't know how the game was played. The 1% Club was filmed in Sydney and now new season is being filmed in Melbourne.
Hary Potter The Experience exhibition is heading to Melboune in April.
Making money with chat GPT or other AI - not a good idea to financial plan solely with AI tools as information is gathered from the internet and is very unreliable.
All Ally fashion clothing stores will be closing down by mid April . This comes after the closure of Mosaic Group fashion stores when the company went into administration.
The latest men's fashion ttend is men's white leather shoes with an oncrease in sales due to the White Lotus movie influence.
The Dawson's Ceek House is up for sale. Meanwhile a Hobbit style house is also up for sales.
The second nurse involved in the social media rants to kill Israelis has now been charged and arrested. Bail until he faces court next month he has also been charged additionally for drug possession found in his locker.
Urkraine has had an aid freeze. Zelensky is now wanting to make things right with the US and ready to sign a mineral deal well not really Tump & The Whaute House have bullied him into a corner so he really doesn't have much choice . What??? Zelensky apologised to Trump ? US defends trade wars with countries and tarriffs. All eyes are now on Trumps trade speech to congress for the first time. No it is going to be another " Make America Great Again" speech, rebranded into an 'America's Dream" speech . Who is wearing a suit & not a cap???
Fares were lit in the Serbian Parliament sending choas in the chamber injuring serval members and causing a stroke to occur to another member.
Prince Charles has visited a Naval warship and shares his fond memories of his time in the defence forces.
Raygun's brother has been charged for suspected fraud and will be facing court.
Unfair schooling system shake up. Private schools were once for those who could afford it, the question is have things changed? Not a lot. This creates a school system where private schools particularly elite ones are remaining non diverse. I grew up going to private Anglican girls schools school my entire school life. I hated it yet some of our families' next generation still attend these elite school even if even if it is not the same elite school I attended. 7 of my family attended the same private girls' school (including myself) and 2 attended the same private boys' school with another going to an alternative private boys school only due to parents decision not to enrolhim at the same private boys' school as they attended.
Online gambling is on the increase particularly in teens.
Electric vehicles are having quite a big jump in sales in the year to date. 65% down in Tesla sales. There is a 220% rise in hybrid cars though.
Australia's economy is growing with a 0.6% increase in last quarter however not significantly enough a growth.
Thursday 6th March 2025
What did I do today? nothing
Actually I cooked after taking the rubbish out and chased stuff.
The rest of the time I watched youtube videos and played brain train games.
I made oven roasted turkey steaks, a nice quinoa salad and a chocolate cheesecake mousse.
I sorted my laundry out
Watched TV and continued to plan my month.
Always bills to pay appointments to schedule etc.
It is raining and probably started raining earlier this evening around 7 pm.
News headlines today include
The hero of mother and child that was attacked whilst shopping in Rundle Mall in Adelaide SA has been found and given an interview with channel 7. His actions were influenced from his footy fan moves.
Trump suspends intelligence sharing with Kyiv. Urkraine is really being backed into a corner by the US after stopping aid and military support to them.
An investigation continues into the death of Gene Hackman & his wife, carbon monoxide poisoning has been ruled out at his home.
Prince William marks COVID anniversary by visiting a hospital.
The Beckham's have enjoyed a date night out in Paris at the Louve along with an A list of celebrities.
Isla Fischer (she is staying on the Gold Coast although it is unsure if her kids are with her & posted photos of her preparations ahead of the cyclone hitting landfall) and Chris Hensworth ( his luxury home in Byron Bay is in the firing line of cyclone Albert) are in NSW & QLD preparing for cyclone Alfred . Even rapper Ice Cube is bunkered down in his hotel warned not to ventire out to see his first cyclone in Australia.The cyclone is now travelling at an eerily 7 km/hr , the calm before the storm expected to hit landfall tomorrow morning. Erosion has occurred on beaches, extreme winds, flooding ,high tide, storms etc. Everything is closed today from public transport, elective surgery and schools. Supermarkets remain open but are being stripped bare. People are being swept out on the rocks by waves already. 7 meter waves have been reported and swimmers and surfers warned to stay out of the water , don't get swept out causing surf and rescue lifesavers unnecessary danger and risking their lives.
Cyclone Slbert has now slowed hovering off the coast of QLD and is now not expected to make landfall until Saturday instead of tomorrow however more calm means more serve weather conditions will occur.North Eastern NSW has had an evacuation orders.
Airports are already in chaos cancelling flights in the masses. Brisbane Airport is still open for now with a watch and act but Gold Coast Airport is closed. Sydney airport is unusually quiet. Flights between 4th & 8th March can be refunded, rebooked or credited for another flight at a later date to passengers. SMS will be sent out to passengers daily to advise if it is safe or unsafe to fly notifying them of delays and cancellations of flights.
Trump gave his major speech yesterday with a mixed emotions audience. It was approximately 1.5 hours long ( actually 100 minutes long) and he gave countless examples of his achievements to date in his first 44 days or so in office as his second time as US president. The trade wars ignite as tarriffs imposed on Canada Mexico & China begin. He also highlights what Americans have inherited from the previous Biden administration. ( yes I watched part of the speech until I received a phone call and also had to leave to get to my appointment yesterday)
Fed up crime victims in Melbourne has seen residents form their own protection force
The Australian economy has grown by 1.3 % over past 2 years.The GDP is rising again signs of growth in the Australan economy. But is this news is good enough for Abo to call a election this weekend??
A top of 25 green C and cloudy with rain forecasted for the rest of the week.
A factory in Tullamarine a suburb near Melbourne airport has been rained by a car and set on fire
Studies show 1 in 4 under 8 year olds have their own smart phones and 1 in 2 toddlers have their own tablets.
Melbourne local councils ban the use of loud units ( air conditioner curfew) at night???what??
A Federal election still hasn't been called and Albo has to call an election by Monday however if the cyclone is really bad then and election can't be called. The preferred election date at this stage is April 12th 2025.
The federal government boosts $143.4 million in funding to childhood cancer research.
The hunt is on for a sex attacker in Maryland's where a number of elderly victims were home invaded then sexually assaulted.
Digital services tax on big tech companies, there is no legislation to enforce these tech companies to pay their taxes.
Men still aren't doing any more housework then in the past.
A Lakemba School bombing threat was posted on tiktok.
2 HK investors are likely to take over the Brisbane Star Casino as the casino group offloads it selling it to raise money to save it's financially troubled casinos.
10 years jail is all one of the murderers of a non targeted father shot down on his way to a gym is going to serve. The other men involved in the murder are still on the run and in hiding. This man only found out about the murder plan before it was about to be conducted yet he still went ahead with the plan assisting the shooters doing it for the money.
Retail in recession ? ! Is it?!
Potholes becoming worse causing damage to mv and making roads unsafe.
2025 Women Of The Year awards have been held.
Sydney will still be a top of 27 degrees C tomorrow with possible showers.
Friday 7th March 2025
I did not venture out again today , it's rained a bit again but not all day.
Today I paid another bill, there are always bills to pay and chased stuff eg my transcripts from Tafe and IAT Digital RTO number. No response. If I don't hear anything I will chase them again on Monday.
I also made a oast turkey and quinoa salad today. So yummy. Now I am looking into making some type of slice and maybe a duck stroganoff.
Planning planning & more planning.
News headlines today include
Still a cat 2 cyclone Albert is very slow moving and now 180 km off the coast of QLD and changed direction slightly. Scarping along beaches has resulted in people going out to have a look with risk that they could collapse. Incredible waves of 12.5 m have been recorded on the Gold Coast. Lismore in NSW evacuated residents in the North East regions moving themselves and their animals on a watch and act alert .Flash flooding in low lying properties in Brisbane's bayside will experience flash flooding from rising tides. Thousands of residents are without power and residents expected to be without power for at least a few days. A few days severe weather event of high tides monster waves, gusty winds down pours of rain flash flooding etc is now expected to last 5 days. Warnings to say away from the waters as you may loose your life or no one will be there to rescue you. A man driving in flood waters got out of his car only to be knocked off a bridge as clung onto a branch and was swept away . Missing from Dorrigo he was speaking to police about his ordeal before being swept away.
A 17 year old teen armed with a shot gun stormed a jetstar plane bound for Sydney full of passengers. He parked his car cut a hole in the fence walked across the tarmac and walked onto the plane saying he was doing maintenance. A passenger in the front of the plane and now hero (Barry the shearer) spotted his shot gun and knocked him over. Police have arrested and questioned him and found he was known for a string of criminal offences including a bomb scare/ hoax.
A top of 27 degrees C in Sydney today and raining.
All the news is focused on the cyclone not even the morning show is on and it's 11.15 am. Tomorrowrge cyclone is meant to hit at 11 am.
A pilates studio has been set on fire after just 10 months in operation in a Sydney suburb on the Central Coast. The fire was suspicious and police are trying to figure out a motive.
A woman has been air lifted to a hospital after been bitten by a shark on the NSW South Coast in Bundeena in the Shire.
Allan Jones has been hit with new charges.
The Lithuanian man who had to be rescued at sea off the coast of QLD due to cyclone Albert's interception and who was so close to completing his trans pacific journey by sea from the San Diego US to Brisbane Australia to highlight the plight of Ukrainians has arrived in Sydney and reunited with his wife. He lost communication due to the lack of solar energy to recharge his communication devices and set off an emergency beacon finally rescued by a naval ship(s)
A 48 year old male cyclist is in hospital with severe head injuries after being hit by a bus.
The Star Casino has been saved with a HK $53 million investment in the sale of Brisbane Star Casino saving 3000 jobs however it's sale is still subject to approval by the government .
King Island cheese company which was partly owned by Canadian company Saputo ( who also owns brands such as Mersey Valley and Cracker Barrel cheeses) has been saved and bought back to being in Australian hands after a lengthy search for a buyer. ( King Island Dairy 2 Pty Ltd)
VIVID has ditched it's drone shows citing safety concerns and costs instead using the money towards more interactive and immersive experiences.
Meghan Markle has had an interview with Drew Barrymore on her show with a photo of young Drew at 7 years old meeting Princess Diana.Meghans kids helped make the biscuits with Meghan and describes how they have very strong American accents yet still say some words with a British accent.
Tomorrow will be around 26/27 degrees C and chances of late showers which will intensify as a result of cyclone Alfred's "side effects" travelling further South down NSW's East coast.
World's oldest barber has been recognised at 110 years old.
Saturday 8th March 2025
It's a little grey outside at 7 am in the morning.
News headlines today include.
Cyclone Alfred is weakening to a category 2 to 1 tropical low however stalling just off the coast of QLD near some island and it's path being watched and tracked closely. Wild winds some recorded as high as 170 km per hour others around 50 - 90 hours per hour and severe rain fall is being expected in excess of 200 mm rising in the next few days in QLD and NE NSW causing flooding. Dangerous surf and warnings not to go to the beach . The rainfall is going to move further South into SR NSzw and even down to Victoria. Thousands are without power in NE NSW and power will not be restored until it is safe wnough for ENERGEX to send workers out for repairs to power . Do not go near any powerlines residents have been warned. Stay inside . Residents have been warned that they are not out of the woods yet.
WA goes to the polls as Labour aims for a 3rd term in office.
Abo rules out and April election and a May election is likely to be called. Partially due to the budget and partially due to the cyclone . The deadline to call an election is May so Abo is really pushing the call for a federal election.
No news of the missing man that was swept off the bridge. QLD on the other had has no lost or missing people.Oh dear Chris Mins can't remember the coffee shop he visited to have coffee he described as a good coffee or the name of the cyclone what was the name of the cyclone again Albert no Alfred.15 minutes outside of Lismore NSW there were 2 army trucks with 36 soldiers that have crashed with 2 trapped & dozens of soldiers injured with 8 seriously injured. Tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of residents in QLD and NSW are still without power and seafoam is a spectacle attracting countless people on the Gold Coast to venture out to have a look. Calls of assistance are going unanswered due to the sheer volume of emergency calls. flights will start to resume tomorrow morning.
Two men have killed a 64 year old man in his own home in Penrith in front of his partner who hid from the man's attackers . Police are investigating if drugs were involved in the attack.
A March 25th budget is likely to be a deficit and Albo has wiped away any calls for a federal election this weekend. A minority Labor party is forecasted and Abo must call an election by May 17th.
Investigators have worked out how Gene Hackman and his wife died. His wife died first from a rodent disease and Gene died of advanced alzheimers and heart failure. He could have been alive for a week after his wife died confusrd and dazed and their dog died from starvation.
Some suburbs in the west are cheaper to buy then rent.
Mary from St Mary's celebrates her 105 birthday.
An old missile has been found in a Paris station and all trains had to be cancelled until it was safely removed
MJ the musical premiers tonight at the Lyric Theatre in Sydney. Michael Jackson's youngest son Prince made a surprise appearance.
Sunday 9th March 2025
Another do nothing day cooked a duck strogganoff with whatever I had left which was not much. Chased stuff and more planning. Did not venture out.
News headlines today include
Cyclone Alfred may have passed however the after effects are still lingering and will continue to do so for weeks and possibly months to come. Strong winds and flooding of river systems even towards inland regions , thousands still without power and even some regions having to boil water to drink or rely on bottled water due to the water supply being unsafe . Clean your has started and even ice is being shipped in to some regions without power. Some businesses have started to reopen, some buses are running on Sunday timetable in Brisbane and people can even dispose of their sand bags. Road closure warnings and not to head out in flooded regions or surf as there are lots of fallen powerlines trees and other unknown hazards beneath water bodies as well as the unknown depths of flooded regions. Meanwhile the 2 army trucks did not collide but rolled to avoid collision with each other. 32 including 2 drivers were on board the 2 trucks with 6 taken to hospital with severe but not critical injuries.SES received hundreds of calls across NSW and QLD.
A top of 27 degrees C and cloudy in Sydney. Victoria is experiencing a heatwave with temperatures in Melbourne well above the 30 degree C mark with even TAS experiencing temperatures in the high 20s. Very bizzare weather for Autunm. Far too hot.
Impeached president of South Korea who imposed marshall law and jailed back in January has been released from prison.
A man has managed to scale Big Ben and erect a Palestinian flag.
NRL Sea Eagles ( Manly) beat the Cowboys with a 30 point lead.
WA has won the elections with the Labor Party winning for a 3rd time.
A footy fan has hurled a meat pie at a bulldogs fan. So unAustralian.
A sun tax? A tax for sending excess power back into the grid from solar power generated which could overload the energy system hence batteries being installed on homes to store this excess power generated instead.
A woman has been taken to hospital after a wedding brawl in the Western suburbs of Sydney with no charges being laid. Where was it this time Marylands?
Last night saw a lantern festival inspired by those in Asia.
Dave Hughs stopped his show at the Adelaide Fringe Festival due to one woman who would not talking . 3 women were shown out the door but were offered a refund for missing a large chunk of his show .
Monday 10th March 2025
So much to do today but I just did not want to do it. Took the rubbish out, washed the dishes, watched youtube channels. Spoke to my neighbour , the old mail box block has now been replaced with a new one - only one problem nobody has a key to their corresponding unit's mail box. Why replace it and not give anyone a key? Now the mail box block outside is just for looks. I tried my neighbour's key to his mail box for him. It goes in with a bit of jiggling but does not turn therefore the mail boxes can't be opened or accessed. I was scared my neighbour's key would get stuck. Luckily it didn't and I didn't dare try mine.
Went for quite a large grocery shop today at Macquarie Shopping Centre - green grocer first then Aldibthen Woolworths with no stop at Coles today. It was really diffuse to get items on my shopping list with the items still out of stock at both Aldi and Woolworths. I managed to get the last block of my favourite chocolate at Aldi as well as treat my neighbour to a block of a cup of the one he likes from Woolworths which is really difficult to find and very expensive - double the price of the Aldi dupe - Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Whittaker's block which costs $8.50 a block or so compared to the Aldi dupe block of Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel for $3.99 a block.
First thing this morning I missed an call from Tafe but could not ring them back on their landline that I checked online before calling back.
I really needed transscript of my subjects and Tafe don't email them only post them or I had to got to the closest Tafe campus information centre which I did today to get it in hard copy. I managed to get cert 3 list of subjects but not cert 4 and was advised to see the teachers on level 2 to speak to them to see why they have not been entered into the system I know I got some subject outcomes emailed to me at one stage but can't find them. I was trying to get off the campus at St Leonards ASAP in case I have another allergic reaction so noway was I going up to level 2 today as I had already waited for quite a while just to get my cert 3 transcript.
A bus from Tafe to Crows Nest Metro Station, a metro to Macquarie Uni Station and a shop at Macquarie Shopping Centre before catching the hourly 291 direct bus home. No time to shop off at Chatswood tonight too much shopping in hand very heavy. Can't use my wheelie bag as it is packed with clothes and toiletries for next last minute trip .
No takeaway today not even a pizza which I keep think about and have not had since the Woodford one in Stevestin Village. My snack wasva packet of lemon and pistachio protein balls which were not bad from Aldi and I spotted the last bar of my favourite Aldo dark chocolate although the wrapper looked a bit dodgy it should be still good inside the foil wrapper.
News headlines today include
Ex tropical cyclone's aftermath has seen a list of ALD schools remain closed and public transport suspended yesterday afternoon begin to run again with a limited service.
Albo has visited injured soldiers in hospital from yesterday's accident which left one defence officer with spinal injuries.
Evacuations, warnings and it's too late to leave warnings for QLD and NSW regions are in place.
An arrest has been made on a group of youths for a brawl at the Moomba festival in Melbourne of the weekend.
A B Double containing paint has caught on fire in Ingleburn.
The egg shortages could last for months with limits of 2 per customer and high prices as a result of the avarian flu.
Jackie & Shadow the pair of bald Eagles have given birth to a 3rd brood of chicks with thousands watching via their Eagles cam.
A top of 27 degrees C and showers todayin Sydney.
A man has been shot near the Whitehouse by secret service officers in the US.
Pope thanked doctors. The pope has been stable for several days now but still no prognosis has been given.
Social media has been flooded with what people are doing during ex cyclone Alfred.
Polls show Labor is in the lead again and Albo as preferred PM over Owttwr Dutton however not enough to see Labor win the election outright due to swing votes , it is likely there will be a hung parliament.
Could Chris Hemsworth be the next James Bond?
National Hot Cross Bun Day is on the 13th March 2025.
It was Barbie's anniversary on 9th March.
An 18 year old boy is still missing in QLD and buses are cancelled as between 80 - 120 mm of rain fell and flooding continues around Brisbane's suburbs and the Gold Coast. Lismore residents are relived tgat the flood levels did not reach the 14 m level as businesses start reopening however evacuated warnings are on the Clarence River.
A small plane with 5 people on board has crashed and caught on fire into a car park in Pennsylvania in the US.
The 49th Birdman competition has been held in the Yarra ( yep in the Yarra not only the Yarra).
Lady GaGa takes on SNL as host and musical guest.
Katy Perry reunited and sang Last Friday Night with Rebecca Black. Who??
Dolly Parton send off her late husband Carl Thomas Dean who died on 3rd March 2025 with a new song if You Hadn't Been There.
The war in Gaza continues as Isreal cuts power impacting desalination plants.
Tuesday 11th March 2025
I forgot to take a photo of my transcripts to send to Wise Employment.
I'm bored, my brain is needing maths so I've been doing maths problems posted on Facebook.
Today I cooked again but didn't venture out again.
Planning but not booking anything yet.
News headlines today include
It's Grand Prix coming up this weekend and all eyes are on Melbourne and Oscar Piastri racing in his hometown. Meanwhile a 16 year old female named Joanne has been selected as the youngest driver as part of a program to get more females into Formula 1 for the Formula 1 academy and could be Australia's first female F1 driver. She is still too young to hold a drivers licence she just turning 16 but has been driving F1 cars with speeds upto 240 km/hr since she was 15 and started off with go carting after her brother's interest.
Sheep are running amuk in Adelaide's Northern suburbs tearing up vege patches and garden beds as well as retaining walls .
Former PM Malcolm Turnbull fires back at Trump after the former PM was called weak and ineffective. The tiff of dtanding up to bullies has made it almost impossible for Australian to receive an exemption from US tarriffs which be imposed in a few days time. Claims that these tarriffs are causing countries to lean more towards China. Trump claims that Australia does not understand China. Meanwhile all eyes are on the ASX as the US Wall Street stock exchange crashes with Trump denying that the US has gone into a recession. This will impact Australia's stock exchange and economy greatly especially with the tarriffs imposed by Trump.
A wippet from Venice has taken out the crown for all round best in show at the world's best dog at the Crufts show in the UK taking the crown off last year's Australian winner.
Sydney is a top of 26 today and raining. Yep it rained throughout the night and is still raining this morning at 8 am.
Good samaritans dug a trench to divert water near the Narang River and saved a Gold Coast rugby club from flooding. Sandbagging was already in place.
Superstar Rita Ora is launching a new haircare hair styling range. What's it called Type B???
A 18 year old has been charged over the 2 sexual assaults of 80 year old women in Marylands last week
Ipswich is on flooding watch and evacuation orders in place as the river rises.The Bremer River peaked at 11.57 m overnight to the relief of residents.Meanwhile The Lockyer Valley still flooded. One dam is open another has one gate open.
Gleelong is to be audited after suspicious sponsorships and 3rd party payments have drawn attention to the club.
Another shark attack at Wharton Beach in WA where a male still missing was spotted being bitten by a shark 3 times.
In the UK a Portuguese cargo ship has colloided with an American tanker which were carrying highly toxic & flammable liquids ( sodium cyanide) and fuel for the army respectively causing an inferno with one person still missing off the coast of the UK Both crew had to abandon the sea vessels and numerous crew were injured.
The King and Queen with other senior royals are back a year after missing the Commonwealth Day at Westminister Abbey service due to their cancer treatments. The King used the day to release his eclectic favourite music list which includes Kylie's 1980s Locomotion hit with the list ranging all decades and generes.
A boy has called 911 after he was angry after his mother ate his ice cream. He didn't want his mother to be arrested but wanted her to know she ate his ice cream - awareness of stealing is wrong by a kid perhaps .
A woman was arrested by police with a snake down her pants ( a real story she did have a python down her pants)
Police say the Dural caravan plot was a hoax by a criminal network and no threat on the Jewish community and nothing to do with antisemetism. The group has been arrested over the hoax. A group of 14 involved in this criminal network have been charged and arrested. They were not only responsible for the caravan hoax but the antisemetic vandalism and terrorist threats on the Jewish community which had nothing to do with antisemetism. It was all about trying to negotiate better jail sentences, plea deals etc and hoping the police and court would turn a blind eye to their original criminal offences. A distraction of sorts.
Yahoo Series accused of squatting. He was living in the granny flat at the back of an elderly man's house. The man has since moved into a nursing home with dementia and Yahoo has moved into the main house and won't leave refusing to move out when the owners now want to sell the house.
What does Nicole Kidman want to do after her new thriller Holland? She wants to do White Lotus as she is a massive fan. Speaking of which the stars of White Lotus were interviewed with a number of questions and were they were so loud with their responses.
If you thought ham and pineapples on pizza was dividing a nation how about orange and ham on pizza - gross or great??? Some say gross others are curious and want to try it whilst some think it is a great combination. umm??? Yum Yuk?!
Could cockroach milk be the new milk alternative? Some scientist think so. High in nutrients. Ewe. Imagine where they have been and what they have consumed. Not to mention the tiny quantity they would produce.
Blake Lively was spotted carrying a sparkling Martini glass purse. Worth how much??? It does look stylish though.
Baby Spice was handcuffed by Sabrina Carpenter at her London Show.
War cease fire talks continue with US and Ukraine reps meeting after the spat between Zelensky & Trump.
Tesla makes a loss as shares fell 15% and X was also hacked.
The AUS$ is again back below the $0.63 mark against the $US.
Professor Richard Scolyre devastated diagnosis of his brain tumour, his surgery to remove it was unsuccessful and he has 3 months to live. He was using his own research treatment on himself when he became ill himself. He is using the remainder of his time to spend with family.
The LA district attorney will not support the Manendez brothers release for murder saying they lied about the murder of their parents changing their stories several times. A set back for their release.
There are calls for a North Sydney Pedestrian Plazza and is subject to government approval.
Are chemicals causing Parkinsons diseas such as nano plastics chemicals in cleaning products PFOFs. etc.
A sea of red on the stock market today.
Wednesday 12th March 2025
Liam Neeson is downunder in Melbourne.
Beaches are being rebuilt in time for school and Easter holidays just 3 weeks away but councils have a massive task ahead of them on the Gold Coast.It will cost $1.8 billion to repair the beaches damaged by cyclone Alfred not including sand dredging.An estimated 80% of sand was washed away by cyclone Slbert but wants people not to cancel their vacations or keep away from travelling to QLD to QLD but to return.
The huge clean up has started in QLD. Some 122 schools remain closed in QLD which throws out NAPLAN student exams due to start. Power outages are still being experienced by some QLDers.
Trump's trade war continues doubling tarriffs on Canada' s steel and aluminium from 25% to 50% coming into the USA. Meanwhile Trump has also ruled out an exemption on tarriffs for Australian steel & aluminium going into the US. A month ago Trump had considered an exemption when speaking to Albo but has now rejected the exemption request and tarriffs imposed commence tomorrow. Abo has spoken out how this action is destroying the decades old alliance and friendship between Aus & US. Australia has no tarriffs imposed on US products to Australia and will continue to use this free trade agreement with the US to negotiate an exemption to the tarriffs.Abo has not imposed a reverse Tarriff on the US as retaliation as he says this would hurt the local market ie consumers.
A healer has pleased guilty to trafficking psychodelic drugs but not responsible for the tea poisoning resulting in the death of a woman who attended the healing heath retreat.
Ukraine is ready for a ceasefire and the deal will now be taken to Moscow. Urkraine accepts a 30 day ceasefire with Russia.
Allan government responds to increase in crime and bail laws in Victoria.
Shocked parents are concerned over children taking Ozempic drugs to school srecetly forming diet clubs in the playground and using the drug to lose weight. They are obtaining the drug from their parents prescription or purchasing it online. The drug has not been approved to be used by children for weight loss. More regulation is needed to prevent school children as young as primary school aged from obtaining the drug.
A pigeon struts it's stuff along the catwalk at a Paris fashion show - look out Chanel.
The King has a go at CPR with cadet nurses and ends up in hysterics.
A man gas been arrested for gross negligence and manslaughter as the search for the missing man is called off persumed dead from the cargo ship collision with a tanker off the coast of the UK.
Still a top of 27 and raining again today in Sydney. It rained throughout most of the night and is still lightly raining this morning.
Lady Gaga talks about her psychosis diagnosis and mental health struggles.
Gizgi swaps her modelling for a musical can't stop the beat from Hair Spray.
Billy Joel delays his concerts due to an on stage fall and surgery.
Lamborghini has released a pram.
Nicole Kidman daughter has walked the fashion runway for a second time.
John Farham has celebrated Jill's 70th birthday with family.
Rosie O'Donnell's has moved from the US to Ireland in protest of Trump.
Gene Simmons is accepting applications and is looking for a personal assistant and roadie for one day.
Trumps tarriffs have affected Australian retirement savings and superfunds. As the US stockmarket freefalls and the word US recession is mentioned only Trump can save the country of recession by offerring extra assistance and removing tarrifs. An this is why I have no interest in my super being my retirement savings. Never rely on super it is the most useless thing. If I had just invested the equivalent employer contributions myself and matched it into a long term high interest earning savings account I would have double what I have now!!!!
Lady Gaga surprises a dance masterclass.
Australian Super has been sued for delays in payouts of death benefits.
A military ambushed has seen 35 taken hostage on a train in Pakistan.
Supermarket shelves are still bare, red bins have been placed in every Brisbane suburbs, power is coming back on the grid although there are still some regions without power hopefully replaced by the end of the week schools are opening again as QLD continues it's clean up and recovery.
World's first total artifical heart implant transplant has been performed.