Sunday 1st May 2022
Day Off
Finally it's the first day of May 2022. April seemed to drag on forever! I am so glad the month is over and the rain is finally easing.
A beautiful morning outside with the sun peeping out , a contrast to yesterday's pouring rain wet and grey slightly cooler weather. Forecast is around 21 degrees C and possible showers forecasted.
I watch the news and catch up on my blog. I need to update my changesto my shifts I noticed in Kronos yesterday. Yep changes to shifts again! Tuesday's shift has now become a 9.30 am - 5 pm shift instead of an 11 - 5 pm shift ( hopefully not back in homewares as that would defeat the purpose!)
I had to venture out today to see 107 On The Rocks ( closing day ) and the rest of Biennale Rivus @ the MCA. I absolutely loved 107 On The Rocks but Rivus @ the MCA was a little boring in comparison. Somehow without Cockatoo Island as a Biennale venue this year, it's just not the same. I enjoyed the Prima Vera Young Artists and Perspectives On Place exhibitions also on @ the MCA much more as although I am not a fan anymore of the MCA.
100 Capes By The House That Dan Built
107 On The Rocks HQ
The Arcade Games by Z Ball room
Jams In The Hueosphere
So cute this kid photo bombed my photo of Devil Devil
Yep we had to duck under these "pipes" to enter and exit these underground cavities. I can just imagine the plague, rats, squatters and ghosts that ravaged the rocks.
Rizzotopia By Rizzeria. I registered for a ticket to attend this but there was nobody there so it was a quick look around
The wrap up party @ 102A George Street from 2 pm, I went to it but came and went after I checked in. I didn't stay long nor had a drink or food. I just used the toilet facility. I think I must have been the only non volunteer or employee of 107 on the rocks there . I just sat and listened to the music and dj and blogged/ uploaded videos on YouTube about the event.
The first half of Rivus at the MCA I quite enjoyed looking at - it was a message of look after the environment and the environment will look after you.
This is a familiar art installation from previous art installations I seen previously possibly at the maritime museum
I've seen an att installation similar to this in a past exhibition - Robert Andrew
Canowindra Fish Fossil
Another familiar art installation that I've seen in a previous exhibition Milton Becerra

After I completed my visit to the MCA (and picked up my backpack from cloaking), which was a very short visit as I wasn't that impressed with this years Biennale Rivus, I returned to the 107 on The Rocks Wrap Up Party which was starting to pickup to recharge my phone battery and tried to continue blogging and upload some more videos before returning home by light rail train and bus. On my way home I stopped off to buy a few grocery items at the IGA @ St Leonards Station ( chicken and chocolate) and stopped off at McDonalds for something to eat as I had not had anything to drink or eat at the Wrap Up Party ( to shy to help myself to something from the catering tent). Talk about shrink inflation again - I purchased a fillet o fish with the tartaresauce but no cheese and some lettuce and tomato instead from the St Leonards store and again when I received it , it was the same size bun as the previous junior burger I purchased again fitting in the palm of my hand!
(photo below)

Home to prepare for work tomorrow again.
So tired I think I just went to sleep.
Selected photos uploaded but I have uploaded a few videos of 107 On The Rocks onto my YouTube Channel already. Again I am unable to upload as all photos due to problems with this blog.
News headlines today include
Robert Irwin sings along to Crocodile Hunter at an adults only Wiggles concert in Brisbane as a
tribute to his late father. A reported 10 000 adults attended the concert without a child in sight.
Kylie Miogue and Jason Donovan will be reprising their roles on Neighbours for the final episode .The soap opera is ending after a long running 37 years.
AA Labor party has promised to pay 10 000 lower income earners home buyers 40% ( equiry contribution) of the cost of a new housing and with only a 2% deposit to help them buy a home . It is a radical scheme to co own a home with the government. A campaign launch & great scheme in theory but will it work? Meanwhile house prices in Sydney & Hobart have stalled and gone backwards while all other states have not. Interestrates are forecasted to go up on Tuesday.
The Liberal government meanwhile is concentrating on cyber security and military support.
Angela Jolie has had to evacuate a visit to orphans during her visit to the Ukraine when an air raid siren sounded.
A tornado in Kansas in the US has caused massive destruction as a state of emergency is announced. Drones have been used for aerial surveys to assess the amount of damage raised has caused.
Ian Chesterman takes over retiring John Coates as AOC president .
British MP Neil Parish resigns over the watching porn in parliament incident. He was caught twice. He has apologised.
A building has collapsed in China with several people missing.
A solar eclipse happened last night whilst we were sleeping. ( just as well as we would have been blinded!)
Christian Ronaldo has posted a photo of him and the surviving twin baby girl days after the death of her twin brother.
Monday 2nd May 2022
Myer 9.30 am - 3.30 pm ( The new manager asked me if I could stay back until 5.30 pm today at this morning's huddle as there were Home Sweet Home Sales Tickets to print out and put up this afternoon for tomorrow)
It was a cooler but dry day today. I took my rubbish out to the red bin on my way out the door.
I managed to get a 144 bus and then there was a wait for the next B line bus which now comes every 15 minutes on average.
First thing I did when I started work was select and print out all the Home Sweet Home sales "tickets" ready to put up at 4 pm this afternoon so it will be 1 job out of the way. There did not seem that many items on sale for this Home Sweet Home sale. More sales tickets were added in the late afternoon which put pressure on the Homewares team to put them all up in time before the store closed today at 5 30 pm.
There are still mark downs today with no time to do them. I only managed to scan Linen House sheets and quilt covers and only found 1 set that was an orange clearance ticket item. The non clearance Linen House items were not scanning up as 50% discounted as per sales ticket therefore I took the sales ticket down to show the team leader.
There were the price increases to do which I did not do as the item was not on the floor.I thought it was the item on the report but it wasn't.
No Myer One sign ups today and my scan rate has dropped due to an increase in overseas visitors. I also had trouble finding s few customers Myer One membership #s despite entering all their correct information. I tried to re sign one of these members up however could not do so as they were already in the system but I just could not get their membership # up - all methods tried mobile and last name, first name last name & post code and even tried their email address. All were correct however none all matched to bring up the membership #. Her sale ended up going into her daughters Myer One membership with a little note for her to have a look at her mothers profile and updating it after down loading the Myer One app and finding her membership number from her physical card..
Both tills did not balance today when a till reconciliation was done by another homewares team member and team leader during my lunch break. Upon my return I was asked to recount them both. The end till balanced after I recounted it due to a few counting mistakes made however it is a mystery why the other till did not balance as there were no mistakes and it did not indicate any shortage ( under) or additional ,( over) yet it was still $4 under. Reported to the new manager, a cash clearance was done quite late in the afternoon.
Lunch was at not until 3 pm today for me after relieving another team member from the kidswear department. I had to buy my lunch today as I was only originaly working 6 hours today which means no lunch break. By 3 pm the lunch rush is over and it's happy hour so I had 3 rice paper rolls for $10 from Roll'd. The last 2 barramundi and 1 tofu- they weren't very nice really dry. Rating 5/10 edible. Oh well it's lunch. I also went shopping at Woolworths for more grocery items off my shopping list since I won't have an opportunity after work today as previously planned.
The VM manager had to break something just as the store was about to close and to make things worse the cleaners were not answering the phone as they had all gone home so I ended up sweeping it up myself but the dumpster had been emptied and taken away so I just had to place all the broken pieces into a plastic bag and place it in the bin at mens shoes as well as leaving the dust pan and bloom in the cleaning supplies cupboard at menswear ti be put back tomorrow before running to get my bag from the staff locker, signing out and running for the bus. I am pretty sure I missed the 5.40 pm 280 bus to Chatswood so had to wait for the next 199 bus to Manly across the road and wait for the next 144 bus at Manly which I also ran for and just made.
Home after 7 pm I managed to catch the rest of The Cook Up and 8 out of 10 Does Countdown before going to sleep early. I went down stairs to take the 2 red bins out before going to bed. No time to do my huge bag of laundry tonight. Far too tired and it's late.
News headlines today include
As the war continues in the Ukraine, residents seeking shelter in the basement of a steel factory are being rescued. They have not seen or heard anything except for shelling and bombing for the past few months.
Prices Mary's eldest daughter Isabella now aged 15 has had her confirmation.
A man in the crowd at a baseball match in the US has caught a ball knocking the drink out of the hands of the friend or partner sitting next to him causing her to be showered in the drink. This does not beat the previous incident where a man in the crowd of a baseball game was feeding his baby milk caught the ball whilst doing so with his free hand not spilling s drop of milk or disturbing the baby he was holding.
Inclusion training of politicans in NSW has lead to the no drinking in the office no use of the word "mate" and other bans.
The AA as had a slight lead over SM as preferred PM after coming out of isolation in the final 3 weeks of the Federal election campaign although the Labor party is still lagging behind the current Liberal government. AA may have promised to improve the the cost of living by paying 40% of housing costs to 10000 eligible home buyers but he was pipped at the post for his announcements to decrease the costs of healthcare by SM promising to lower prescription costs and eligibility for older Australians to receive concessions to public transport and other cost of living expenses subject to a means test.
AA officially started his federal election campaign in WA.
Every VIC home will receive a one off $250 payment to ease the cost of living with improvements to the MCG with new hospitality venues and a new hotel behind the Shane Warne stand to boost attendee numbers.
The Reserve Bank is set to meet tomorrow to lift interest rates at 2.30 pm tomorrow.
Tuesday 3rd May 2022
9.30 am - 5.30 pm ( originally this was my day off then asked to work by new manager in kidswear from 11 am - 5 pm but shift was changed to 9.30 am - 5 pm on Kronos but I made a mistake and worked until 5.30 pm today).
It took me ages to get to work again today . There seems to be 2 144 buses and 2 114 buses to every 1 connecting b line bus which is almost always full. Why is the always 2 empty b line buses that just drive pass with not in service on them?
What a mess the kidswear department was in. I put as much stuff back as I could but more stuff just accumulated. There were items with no labels or missing a piece ( I had a customer ask if she could buy a little dress with no label- I had to say no as the missing t shirt could be fh floating around and gave the label on it - it was in the clearance $10 trestle table)
Half of the inquires I had today weren't even related to kidswear.
The cash reconciliation I did today in kidswear balanced and so it should.
A customer rings up trying to locate a special knee support which no stores carried and could only be found online probably via Myer Market. I could not help the customer.
Another customer rang the customer service line and was trying to contact the hub downstairs but tried 6 times without any success st getting through. They must have been extremely busy. I ended up asking customer service to put me through to the customer and after speaking to them asked them to give me their contact details for me to pass down to the hub so they can call them back. I could not help them directly as it was a pair of pants she was over charged for from the womens wear department which was on sale online.
Then there was thereally rude older couple who asked me if we had baby sized Nikes sneakers that were designed to be warn by older children. I explained to them that they only came in a size 11 12 23 1 2 and 3. They did not seem to understand this when I showed them how big they were and how they are not available in baby sizes. They weren't happy and left. No please no thank you . Why on earth would you buy a pair of Nike black sneakers with gold trim designed to be worn by an older child for a baby?
They held up another customer behind them who also thought they were very rude. This customer was po rice checking pieces of kids clothing and one was not on sale but she still purchased it.
Then there was the customer who bought over to the counter about 10 separate pieces of kids clothing and most of it was not on sale. Of all the ones she chose I knew they were not on sale but she wanted a price check on every pieces of clothing and only purchased all the sale and clearance items. She did but 2 extra reusable Myer bags and a bow so it was ok that I had to put back all the pieces of clothing she did not want to buy.
Quite a few customers in the morning were bringing over non sale items which obviously not on sale which meant I had to put them all back. A rude customer was frustrated that the top she wanted to purchase was one that was not on sale. She did not seem to understand what a knit or sweat top was. The one she picked up was a long sleeved top which was similar to a flocked long sleeved t shirt. To save the sale I honoured her purchase with the 30%.
One rude customer returned an ugly green Seed brand sweat top which she didn't even purchase from the Warringah store but from Chatswood. The Seed kids concessionb exited the Warringah store months ago and I didn't want to accept the return but after asking the electricals team leader if I could accept it did so. She said she did have time to return to Chatswood to return it but had to return it by today. I accepted the return but took the details off her receipt I may need to transfer it. I wrote up a yellow transfer form to return it to the Chstswood store where the Seed concession still exists only to find out from the dock manager that all Sed items now get transferred to the Myer city store regardless of which store it was purchased from.
I had quite a nice customer who was wanting a long sleeve coverall in a size 1 however the one she wanted I could not find as it could have been behind all the stock that was blocking the baby clothing racks. There were 2 but not on the floor. The one she had found was a size one but she asked if she could have a discount on it as there was a very small mark on it. To save the sale I offered a 10% discount on it and put it under a soiled and damaged which the customer accepted and thanked me for.
On the other hand another rather rude customer returned a dress on clearance and 2 pairs of pink tights. The tights were ok to return but clearance items are not. She indicated there was a black mark on it so it was "faulty" so I accepted it.
Lunch for me today was from 1.45 pm - 2.45 pm and yes I did bring lunch today!
The change rooms had been doubled checked today. I was checking them but the team leader was also checking them all day and I did not know this until the end of the day. She took the ipad and I took her change room check sheet.
I was doing a final folding and tidying tables and tresses when I had to drop everything .It was around 4.55 pm and I had a customer who as approached me and has a difficult son who was around 12 years old who had behavioural problems. His mother was shopping for clothes for him but he wasbeing really rude and had a really bad attitude towards his mother and just refused to try any clothes on . I ended up spending quite as bit of time with her trying to find pants and jean's in the kidswear section for her and getting her son to at least try a few of them on. Her son kept walking away and there was not much choice in the pants that would fit him. He tried on a few pairs after the mother mentioned that her sons won't be as rude to her if I was present. I thought the 2 sizes of pants he tried on were not quite the right fit so in the end suggested to her to stay put with her son in the change room whilst I found the smallest pair of Jean's in the mens youth department. I ended up finding a pair of black Levi's for full price in a size 28 . By the time I returned her son had changed back into what he was wearing and wondered off again. I showed the mother and in the end she purchased 2 shirts 2 pairs of PJs 2 sweat pants and the black her son did not even try on. I just said to her if he refuses to try them on or wear them just return them with the labels intact and the receipt as they are not clearance items and explained to her only clearance items are not exchangeable refundable or returnable. I lost track of time and there was a whole stack of clothes that had piled up on the back counter that I had to rehang and try to put back. I lost track of time. It was I think 10 minutes to closing. O by and looked at the time and told the mother that she still had around half as n hour to shop and that at least she didn't come in at 5 minutes to closing to shop. I did not realise that I would be sd or being so long with her as s kast customer. She did reject quite a few pieces of clothing but did purchase over $300 of clothing in the end so I suppose it was ok. However a pesky team member from homewares had to come over whilst I was serving this customer and tell me to take down the one sign he had put up in kidswear for the Home Sweet Home sale - I asked why couldn't he take it down since he was the one who boasted that he was the one that put it up? He said as if he had time to do that - and I have time? I was with a customer! His cocky attitude was worse then this mother's son had. I ended up finishing at 5.30 pm punched out and practically ran out the staff entrance/exit ti mske the 5.40 pm 280 bus to Chatswood. The bus was cancelled, there were quite a few people waiting for it and it was at least another 25 minutes before the next 280 bus ( if it showed up) I overheard someone waiting for say. Back at the staff entrance/exit there was trouble in the homewares department, one of the newer team members was in tears and speaking to the customer service manager- before I left I did go over to ask if she was ok. I'm sure I'll find out next time I work with her.
I ended up catching the first Manly bus across the road dragging a team member from the Womens shoe department with me. The lift said it was out of order so we used the stairs only to find it working. ( note I know what the little girl meant the day before who warned us no to po rese the button as the lift did not work and whilst she took the stairs with her mum, we got in the lift and it did work - magic fingers I told her)
It was a very long trip home as we missed a Manly bus and had to wait another 9 minutes I think for the next 199 to Manly. Then we missed a connecting 144 bus from Manly to Chatswood do had to wait for the next one which was about 15 minutes. It took 2 hours to get to Chatswood although I got off before the bus terminated at Chatswood Station therefore arrived home around 7.15 pm. Just enough time to catch the end of The Cook up.
I go downstairs to take the red and green bins back in as nobody else will do it.
A snack of fruit salad vanilla yogurt cheese and crackers and a few chocolate biscuit and a green tea before going to bed. So tired! Work again tomorrow.
News headlines today include
The old house that Kath & Kim was filmed in has been demolished to make way for a new 2 story house. The new owners have not set foot in the original house but thought the original house did not suit their living arrangement and lifestyle therefore are demolishing it and rebuilding. They thought the demolition would go without anyone noticing.
Netflix has dumped Meghan Markles children animation series Pearl. It is just one of several animation projects given the axe as subscriptions continue to decline and the value of Netflix on the share market continues to fall. A $191 million dollar deal was made back in 2020 so what will the "Royals" now do? Suggestions may be that they may have to go back to talking about the Royals. Harry does have as another documentary about the INVICTUS Games coming up.
The reserve bank board will meet today and it is expected there will be an interest rate rise today @ 2.30 pm from the current .1% to .25% although they could wait and sit on it for another month until after the elections and wages growth report in 2.5 months ( may 18th ). Mortgage stress is still a concern.
Teachers go on strike today urging parents to keep their children at home as there will be minimal supervision of children today.
The cost of living continues to rise with inflation rates at 5.1% currently. The highest since the introduction of GST over 20 years ago.
The AUS$ is still barely hovering above the 70 cent mark against the US$ a contrast to a few months ago when it was hovering above 75 cents against the US$
Former yellow Wiggle Emma gets married again to her musician husband.
Lisa Curry turns 60 and has written a memoir about her life love and loss.
A Melbourne university lecturer has murdered his wife and their young son is being cared for by a cousin.
The temperatures in India have been 40 degrees C for 4 consecutive days now.
Mariupol is under seige.
Victorian government is giving residents a one off $250 and encouraged them to not use gas.
Eggs are good for you according to studies. They are high in vitamin D which we lack during the winter months They do not the increase cholesterol as thought. Ham on the other hand is not good for you to eat. The Cancer Council is discouraging school students not to eat them.
The Queenslsnd premier has been criticized for bringing her boyfriend to a meeting with IOC members Sydney who are in QLD this week to inspect progress of venues in preparation of the 2032 Oympic Games whilst leaving out and not inviting the Paralympic, Indigenous and other Olympic representatives to this meeting. She defends that it was inappropriate by advising it was not a formal meeting, it was a dinner and on s weekend and that there was plenty of time for other Olympic representatives to meet the visiting IOC members.
Wednesday 4th May 2022
Myer 11.30 am - 5.30 pm
A deceivingly beautiful warm day outside this morning with the sun out. A cold front is on it's way apparently.
I sold a $300 Myer gift card today which meant a $30 bonus gift card.
No Myer One sign ups today and again I was pushed to sign some up as the departments were down again. The guy in mens youth again signed up 9 Myer Ones mentioned during the huddle yesterday. How does he do it constantly?
There was yet another return of a blanket without details written up that Myer Warringah does not even sell. After the last fiasco with one of the newer electrical team members who accepted a return of an Aldi product you would think team members in homewares have learnt their lesson. Nope. I bet this is another return that isn't a Myer product.
I am so glad today is over at work. It was so busy. I hardly had time to have a break and when I did I could hardly have one without being interrupted. I was told by the customer service manager to go and help out in kidswear to help with recovery. Why I have no idea. So I told a team member in Homewares that I will have a break first before I go over as it was past 3 pm and I had not had a break.I was then told again to go over to kidswear bu a team member from homewares whi had been told by the electrical team member to tell me that the customer service manager wants me to go over to kidswear. For Christ sake how many team members and how many times do I have to be told to go over to kidswear? I got the message but it didn't end there. I was over in kids wear putting pieces of clothing back and asked the team leader in mens shoes how I had been told to go over to kidswear and said to ask the team member over in kidswear if she needed help. Why would she need help? There was something odd about sending me over to kidswear. When I was asked to do so originally by the customer service manager I asked why and there was some lame excuse about not having enough staff and body language and they way she said it made it very susdoect that she almost let something slip but didn't . I also asked what was happening tomorrow as everything was being organized including 4 scanner guns I had to stick "home" labels on. There was a no response from both team members on tomorrow.
The till I did a cash reconciliation on balanced today.
More sales tickets to put up again.
Back to my sorry which I really need to lodge a formal complaint about. As I was tidying up the kidswear department, a customer approached me and asked for assistance. I had just started to assist him when my phone kept ringing. Who on earth could be calling me and how rude. The phone just kept ringing and would not stop so I answered it and it was the customer service manager asking " where are you?" my response was " with a customer" and she continued to interrogate me "where?" I responded again with "with a customer in the kidswear department where I was told to go and have been!" She did apologise but I will not accept her apology and will be lodging a complsint as this was not the first time she has done this when I have been with a customer. I had to apologize to the customer I was with and explain with who it was calling and a "how rude". The customer was quite nice and looking for a hooded puffer jacket for his 7 year old daughter. He was trying to fit her into a size 5 jacket . When I asked her age I advised h ik m that a size 5 jacket would be way too small for her and I could see it when she struggled to do it up and the sleeves were far too short. I walked around with him and selected a few jackets in the Milkshake range which would be more appropriate for her age. He insisted a size 8 would be too big for her but I explained that j as cletus need to have room enough for the child to move with extra layers of clothes underneath. So I did a search for 2 jackets he had selected in her size on the ipad. Both were not as available in her size therefore I suggested that I go to the reserves and try and find something that was in her size and that he liked on her. I managed to find 2 size 7 jackets in the same style that he wanted. His daughter tried them on and I asked her if she could raise her arms above her head ( if she couldn't it meantthe jacket is too small) and liked the navy coloured one. I think he liked the pink on her. I did advise him that I tend to stay away from lighter coloured jackets myself as they tend to get dirty and I liked the navy one as well. He ended up purchasing both in the end and using his $10 bonus gift card. He then went on to tell me how he was taking his family on a trip on Tuesday to Hobart for an as anniversary- how sweet and I ended up writing down s list of places he might like to visit whilst he is there as this was his first trip to Tasmania and he will be driving around.
I ran for the staff entrance exit again after doing a final check at 5.30 pm of the kids change rooms and returning the fitting room sheet. signed out and grabbed my bag. We made it on the 280 bus to Chatswood today. I stopped off at Woolworths to get some bread and turkey steaks as I was completely out of them. I was hungry and there was nothing decent left in the hot food section of Woolworths Metro therefore stopped off as the 711 across the road and purchased a vegetable pastie eating it whilst waiting for the next 144 bus home. It was a long wait. I thought I had missed the last one but no there were people still waiting for it at the bust stop.
Home I manage to watch the last 10 minutes or so of The Cook up and 8 out of 10 does Countdown followed by Numbers and Letters before falling asleep.
News headlines today include
Teachers are in strike today
The RBA increased interest rates yesterday to .25% and the major banks are passing on this increase onto mortgage holders within the next few months. Great for term deposit holders but bad for home loans as cost of living continues to rise there is an increase in mortgage stress.
A man was arrested on the Gold Coast for hitting a 16 year old girl who was taken to hospital in a stable condition.
There is a cold snap ahead for TAS VIC and NSW.
The increase in interest rates is bad timing for the current Liberal government and SM federsl electio campaigning as the last time internet rates rose during an federal election campaign John Howard was PM and he lost the federal election.
Celebrities dazzled at the Met gala.
Thursday 5th May 2022
Day off!
It's a rather grey morning and it looks as if I will rain today as forecasted.
So much to do today but I'm so tired and just don't want to do it.
So today I did not venture out but slept most of today because I was that tired. I did do one full load of my laundry wash and dry but still have another one to do tomorrow.
There are no events to attend until at least Sunday.
I made myself some pastries with leftover fruits and veg and short crust pastry as well as caught up on my YouTube channel and blog.
My leave should have been approved for Sat 14th May 22 which I applied for back on 5th April 22 by text to the customer service mansger however I am fostered on to work until 6 pm on Saturday when I had advised on the same text can't work beyond 5 pm. I hope my leave on the same text message for 21st May 22 has not been forgotten about as well as for Friday 20th May 22 on another text message has not been forgotten about. My leave for Saturday 28th May 22 ( SDC open day) and Wednesday 20th July 22 (annual tax agent appointment booked to see my tax agent to lodge my 2021/2022 tax return ) has been approved . ( oops I made a mistake on my text message 20th July is a Wednesday not a Tuesday)
I watched the cook up but 8 out of 10 does countdown was not on therefore watched more of the food channel before falling asleep .
News headlines today include
A toddler has been left locked in a minibus for around 7 hours in the hot sun outside a childcare centre and has been taken to hospital in Brisbane in a critical condition.
SM's election campaign continues with promises to support small businesses and to create more small and family businesses.
Aspiring teachers will be required to sit a numeracy and literacy test before starting there course to boost the credentials of teachers' qualifications.
A group has been condemned for having a Neo Nazi dinner party in Melbourne at a restaurant celebrating the anniversary of Hitler.
Tom Cruise in the Top Gun film Maverick is about to have it's long awaited world premiere 20 years after the original Top Gun movie.
Amber Heard has taken the stand in a high profile court case which is now in it's 4th week.
Health Official fear "Flurona" will put strain on hospitals as a "twindemic" is forecasted.
Friday 6th May 2022
Day off!
It's another beautiful day today. Not cold at all Nice and warm the sun is out.
Around lunch time after paying a bill, I venture out. First stop recycle my bottles at Chatswood then it is 2 trains to Bondi Junction to at least empty my PO Box which I haven't emptied for maybe a year now - maybe longer. I don't like going to the Eastern suburbs. It's just a nuisance since the 200 route was cut to terminate at Gore Hill instead of Chatswood and the M40 which became the 340 buses were cut altogether from Chatswood.
I arrive in Chatswood and return my 4 bottles for recycling but on my way there is this giant inflatable - umm urr - a gnome?? What the? This is why I love living close to Chatswood - it's modern clean close to most things but most of all quirky. On closer inspection as I make my way down to the station the gnome has cloned itself and there stands it's brother rather then it's twin complete with a suitcase. Photos below.
Behind railway station pointing to The District Dining above
Selfies anyone? The gnomes day to night. I haven't found all of them yet!
What's happening @ The Concourse Chatswood - projections of the history of Chatswood on the big screen & the above art installation across the library's courtyard water feature above.
These are what I waited more then 7 weeks to arrive. I hope they turned out as I expect. One is for me and one is for a little boy over in America.
Let's open them. They would have been returned to sender if I had not claimed them from my PO Box today!
2 black plastic bags containing 2 white rectangular cardboard boxes containing 2 drink customised bottles. It took under 10 minutes to create each one and over 7 weeks to arrive. When I received them I was so disappointed . The quality was not the best very cheap materials and the wrap was not the best printing
After collecting my mail, I went shopping at Harris Farm for my favourite the bread and butter project mixed grain bread rolls and the larger Coles in Westfield. I had some lunch of sushi from one of my favourite sushi places at Eastgate shopping centre ( photos below). After lunch I went shopping at the smaller Coles and Aldi as well as Devine green grocer and The Reject Shop in Eastgate Shopping Centre. Because there is no Reject store or Harris Farmb anywhere near Chatswood, it's a "treat" to shop there. There are grocery items that only they stock. Lime scents bulk roll of garbage bags and The Bread & Butter Project bread - these are unavailable where I live.

What makes a good sushi place from an ordinary one? Freshness, tastiness,variety, uniqueness , value for money and the quality of chopsticks. This is one of my favourite sushi places to eat from because the sushi pieces are all of the above - this is equal to my other favourite sushiI place Tamon Sushi. These sushi places are not like the typical sushi hub, sushi train or other chain sushi places - no small portions that are the same price as the above, no stick together rough wooden chopsticks with splinters when broken apart to use, no boring tasteless generic sushi that looks as if it was mass produced by a robot. I rate this sushi place a 8/10.
All done I check my Kronos again and have been rostered to work on days that I am unavailable on and had requested leave. I even went back and asked the customer service mansger ti check the text message I sent to her in regards to unavailability on 14th may and 21st May 22.
It took quite a while to get home from the Eastern suburbs A train to Town Hall changing into another train to Chatswood then a bus home.
When I arrived home I put my full load of coloured clothes in the washing machine and watched the 2nd galf of the news followed by the Cook Up and then 8 out if 10 does countdown before putting my laundry in the dryer and leaving it in there overnight ( I am too tired to go downstairs to take it out before going to bed tonight).
Sleep work again unfortunately tomorrow.
New headlines today include
There is a bus strike in Melbourne today with only buses going to special schools running leaving commuters in chaos today. The strike is likely to run until midnight tonight.
AA has stuffed up his own party's policies again forgetting his 6 point plan to fix the NDIS system during his federal election campaigns at a press conference and blames the media for a "gotcha" moment. He was passed a copy of the policies.
The condition of the little toddler girl left in a bus outside a childcare centre in the heat has improved in her condition and is now breathing on her own after a deep brain scan and her kidneys failing yesterday. A investigation is being conducted as to how this could happen in QLD for a second time and the childcare centre has remained closed.
The Queen has again pulled out of attending all palace garden parties in Spring due to mobility issues. Other senior royals will attend in her place.
First look at House of the Dragon ( new Game of Thrones prequel )
Saturday 7th May 2022
Myer 10 am - 6 pm
It' a beautiful day today but I am working. At 8.00 am I am already out the door and waiting for the next 144 bus to Neutral Bay Junction before waiting and connecting onto the next B line to Warringah Mall.
One Myer one sign up .
I did not have to do a till reconciliation today.
Lunch was at 2.45 pm . The customer service managerwas unimpressed at the way the lunch breaks were organized. She questioned why nobody went at 1 pm and so many team members went at the same time. Not my problem I didn't do the break schedule today.
The customer thatwanted me to put the 2 12 piece diamond dinner sets and 8 tea cup and saucers aside for her for today did not show up
A customer wanted to purchase a Joseph & Joseph vegetable dicer today but the productcame up on the POS as a "do not sell product recalled". The customer was shown an alternative Zylizz mini pull chopper but it was not on sale therefore they decided not to purchase it. The recalled products were taken off the shelf by a team member from homewares after I advised her of this issue however there may still be some in the reserve.
I rushed out the door at 6 pm and walked across the road and caught the first 199 Manly bus and waited for the next 144 bus home. I was going towait for a team member but if i did would have missed the bus. I probably got home around 7.45 pm or so and went straight to bed so tired. Can't wait for my day off tomorrow.
News headlines today include same as previous days - IOC visits Sydney now in Brisbane to actually visit future 2032 venues. The war in the Ukraine continues as the city of Mariupol continues to be attacked. The little toddler girl left in the bus has made a great progress in her recovery and is now breathing on her own and talking. The push is on to get school children vaccinated against the flu. NSW wins their fight to keep the NRL grand final games in NSW instead of moving it to QLD. SM and AA continue their federal election campaigns with less then 3 months until election day after AA stuff up again, SM & AA go head to head in election debate. The cost of living continues to rise with inflation, the increase in interest rate
Add to these news headlines
Harry and Meghan will be bringing their children to visit the Queen but they along with Prince Andrew will not be standing alongside the Queen for the trooping of the clouds. Only a cut down group of senior working roa lk s will be on the balcony.
Sunday 8th May 2022
Day Off!
Mothers Day Warringah Mall
Happy Mothers' Day!
I can't even have a day off without being asked if I can work tomorrow via a text message from the customer service manager who by the way finally re read my text message back on 5th April requesting leave on Saturday 14th May and Saturday 21st May which was ignored. I could work tomorrow but only in the afternoon. I just don't want too. I need to conserve public transport costs. It's already costing me $15 per day every day to work 6 hour only shifts. Waste of my time and money already.
News headlines today include:
Over 100 000 in a sea of pink run in the annual mothers day classic this morning to raise money for breast cancer. The annual running event is in it's 25th year . Dozens of events were on across Australia .
QLD is about to have a severe rain bomb with 1 months rain to fall in a few days forecasted. Emergency warnings now underway. Flash flooding is inevitable and a close eye is benign kept on the wild weather.
It is the final fortnight of the federal election campaign Both parties released Mothers Day pledges - the current Liberal Po arty promises to assist 6 thousand Australians with fertility treatments including the freezing of eggs due to cancer treatment, perinatal mental health and genetic diseases. The Labour on the other hand has concentrated on gender pay equality and making childcare more affordable to get more women back into the workforce.
Reality TV Series Big brother turns 21.
Monday 9th May 2022
Day off! ( was asked if I could work today by the customer service mansger coa text yesterday but decided not to).
It is a rather grey cooler wet day this morning. It isn't raining butthe road is wet outside therefore it was raining overnight into the early hours of this morning.
It's 7.30 am and there is a construction crew parked outside in the car park blocking the front door hopefully working on the mail box block finally (the raw materials have arrived and have been sitting in the front car park for quite a few months now). They are here until noon then leave. I could not do anything as their truck was blocking the bins therefore I could not take them out. I hope they have finished for the day and don't return.
On my way out of the apartment block the yellow bin is full with the wrong rubbish in it. If other residents are going to fill up theblue yellow and large red bin quicker then I fill the mini red bin and put the wrong rubbish in the wrong bins then they can take the bins out for rubbish collection dat abd take them back in. I only took out the mini red bin with my rubbish in it forrubbish collrction day tomortow.
I ventured out late afternoon as I had to do grocery shopping after looking on Kronos at my shifts for this week and next week. This week has notchanged except for my leave requests but next week there is another scan count on Tuesday so it means getting home at 9.30 pm and having to wake up and leave home on Monday Tuesday & Wednesday no later then 7.30 am and I have a slight reprieve on Thursday morning but not much. Hounded by text messages again to respond to shift changes and to complete care plan training on my my days off.
I took the bus to Chatswood and went shopping at uniqlo purchasing a black skivvie for work. Oh look another giant inflatable gnome inside Westfield shopping Centre.
Gnome inside Westfield Shopping Centre Chatswood
Next stop It was a trip to the Aldi at the other end of Chatswood today and I did intend to go to the larger Coles at Chatswood Chase across the road afterwards but could not be bothered so didas much of my grocery shopping off my shopping list as I could at Aldi.
Oh look I found another giant inflatable gnome outside Chatswood Place ( I think it's called where the Aldi I went to was)
Gnome outside Chatswood Place
Lets try a new "wonder cream" - I tried it and it's orange and very thick like vaseline - oh it contains vaseline! After reading its contents and trying it on my hands it's a not worth the $10 a tube - no wonder there was so much of it left!
I am also trying a new strawberry yoghart - it's meant to be a new premium yoghart but when I read the contents it's high in sugar. I usually get a particular brand of diary farmers vanilla yoghart but there was not much choice at Aldi so strawberry it is.
I walked back to the Woolworths Metro to top with extra grocery items I could not get at Aldi like green juice before catching the bus home.
On my way back it was a stop off st 85 degrees C for some Chinese sweet bread/ dessert. Therewas not much left as there was a soecial bulk buy on of 5 for $12. I did not need that many sweet treats and I don't like pork floss or frankfurts in bread buns. I just purchased 2 breads one with custard and the other i can't even remember - oh that's right a tuna mush filling. Both were not very nice.
On my walk back I caught the last 1/4 of an animated gnomes projection running on a loop onto the building at The Concourse where the past annual VIVID projections were. This year to attract and retain visitors to Chatswood the local council has put on several events to encourage people to eat out in the countless restaurants cafes and other takeaway food establishment in Chatswood especially as Chatswood is not a VIVID venue this year. First there was Happy Chatty with it's live djs every Friday night coinciding with the Thursday and Friday day and night markets then there was Into the Woods with the giant shrooms and rabbits around Chatswood. I am surprised they didn't host the Hello Kitty Town which was recently hosted at Darling Harbour. ( refer uploaded video onto my YouTube channel of part of the animated gnome projection ).
Preparation for work again tomorrow. I did not have to pack my lunch as I only have a 6 hour shift tomorrow - water a banana and a po penguin bar was enough to pack for a break tomorrow. The usual thecook up and 8 out of 10 does countdown before falling asleep .
The nights are getting cooler. Hot cups of tea and an extra blanket required. It' still dark snd wet outside.
News headlines today include
Labour is slightly ahead of the Liberal Party after the 2nd leaders debate between SM & AA last night with less then a fortnight before polling day. SM is still preferred PM although the gap has closed between him and AA. The debate was a tie with a glitch in computerised voting. Minor parties remain the same. Early voting officially starts today ( I've already posted my vote). Final policies were promised by both parties if they are elected from increased defence spending to purchase and replace existing helicopters from the US to strengthen Australian defense especially against Chinas presence in the Solomon Islands and cash bonuses of $10000 for students considering studying education related courses to improve the quality and credentials of teachers.
A drag car race pit crew almost faced disaster out at Eastern Creek with one crew member injured when an engine block backfired and exploded. This usually happens on the race course and is much more dangerous during a maintenance session. One has been transferred to the burns unit of Concord Hospital and another 4 have been released from hospital.
Collingwood is under controversy over it's racist and sexual remarks according to a leaked documentary.
The toddler abandoned in Mexico outside a church has been reunited with her Australian family and are on their way back to Australia but the investigation is still on to find out what happened to her mother and possibly her father who may also have been a victim.
A series of 24 coins has just been minted and released at Australis post . Each coin features an Australian icon ranging from as native animals, food and buildings.
Queensland is bracing for a rain bomb as other regions of Australia experience more wet weather.
A new Uber Eats campaign features the Irwings and Paris Hilton with her chiwawa at Australia Zoo and Robert Irwin being told about the birds and the bees by his mother and Paris Hilton.
First lady Jill Biden makes an announced visit to the Ukraine. Canadisn PM Justine Trudeau has also made a separate visit to the Ukraine. U2 hosts an impromptu concert to support victims of the war in Ukraine.
John Lee is HKs new leader replacing outgoing chief executive Carrie Lam.
QLD pharmacy diagnosis trial slammed.
A nurse who served during WW2 who turned 100 has taken to a sky dive. She said if she ever reached the milestone she would take the plunge.
The little QLD toddler left in a bus outside a childcare centre has been released from hospital QLD health has announced but an investigation continues as to how this could have happened.
Actor Dennis Waterman dies at 74.
Tuesday 10th May 2022
Myer 10.30 am - 4.30 pm ( shift change verbal by new manager as I was walking towards Myer after 10 am to start work today, I get a phone call asking if I could stay until 5.30 pm today. I said yes but it wasn't even busy after 4.30 pm today)
Rushing to get to work again today, I get to work to find out today that the team leader of Homewares and the ofher unvaccinated team member have both called in sick. The team leader finally contracted COVID after she tested negative so many times as each of her family members contracted it. As for the unvaccinated team member well she claims to have tested negative several times to COVID but has had a bad cough for a few weeks now. We were all in close contact with her last Saturday ( one team member said maskless as well).
The team leader was concerned about taking down of the Home Sweet Home tickets and putting up any new sales offers therefore posted a message on the what's app. I responded with how I was asked to stay back therefore will ensure that they are taken down.
Itturned out that there may have bedn a glitch and the one day only HSH salk e may be extended for another day therefore we maynot need to take them all down however new sales tickets may have to be printed to go up by the end of today. Nothing had been confirmed and the communications only came through firthe extension of the HSH confirmation and no new sales tickets to be printed and put up late in the afternoon. One less thing to think aboutas we had so many otother things to do.
I did not have a lunch break until 3.45 pm today and during that time the com came through and just posted it on the what's app when the team leader rang me during my lunch break to tell me about the HSH sale extension until the end of tomorrow. She sound hoarse but ok but shessid the worset of COVID is still to hit her.
So many complicated customer inquiries.
A team member had a customer who wanted to return a warm king minijunbuk quilt that she received delivered to her address. Her father had ordered it for her online but she did not have the receipt. The customer was originally told she could not return it without the order number so returnedthe quilt to her car before coming to me to purchase the quilt she wanted. Before she purchased the quilt and a little disappointed shecould nit return the other one ordered incorrectly by her father for her online, I was able to process her online return in the end as I found out that I think I served her father remembering the name and address . They were very distinctive. He was on on holidays therefore could not present the online order number. Not to worry ijustdid an order search and thecustomer retrieved the wuilt from her car again. I then processed the return and the new purchase. Done. It took a bit of time but I finally resolved the situation.
Again it was a race to the exit a after grabbing my bag and punching out. I took the long way home as I was sure that I had missed the 280 bus to Chatswood.
Home and I prepared lunch for work tomorrow. Same routine The Cook up and 8 out of 10 does countdown.
News headlines today include
Rain bomb expected for QLD Mackay & Townsville should have had their wet season by now but have had a dry summer and are only now experiencingtheir wet season. Some regions expecting upto 500 mm.
Tech skills passport to upskilling tech workers
The Queen has pulled out of the annual state opening of parliament marking the new political year due to mobility issues. Charles will speak on her behalf. It is his first time he will be doing this with William by his side.
Harry has made a new advertisement where he plays himself for a NZ travel campaign with a sustainability message. It was filmed in LA.
Aged care workers will be going on strike for an increase in wages and better work conditions in QLD and WA.
A man has been found in diving gear in the Hunter River in Newcastle. An investigation is on the way into his death which is thought to be a failed drug haul as bundles of drugs were found near by.
Naplan tests online begin today for students in NSW. There has been calls for this test to scraped but it still remains a national standard.
Wednesday 11th May 2022
Myer 10.30 am - 5.30 pm
It's a very wet day this morning as it rained overnight throughout the night into the early hours of the morning. It was also quite cold overnight enough for an extra blanket.
7 am and it's just starting to stop raining. Today was a very wet day. It was raining on my way to work and it always has to start pouring with rain when I get off the bus. I even stopped off at k mart to try and find a pair of boots and some jeggings as my jeans felt wet and so did my feet and standing for 7 hours in wet clothes is not the best feeling. I was unsuccessful in finding anthing boots or jeggings in my size unfortunately. I do have a spare set of clothing in my bag. Bythe time I started work my clothes and shoes had dried out enough to be not uncomfortable to be in all day.
A lot happened at work today. It was so busy to the end there was barely enough time to do anything. I cut my lunch short as we had so much to do.
I had to rescue a team member from anold man who started yelling at her . He was a nuscience andwasting her time and my time and not intending to purchase anything. I managed to get rid of him by advising him that he should go to a larger store like chatswood or Macquarie as we did not have whathe wanted ( he actually had no idea what he wantedsnd was just ranting and raving). When i went toserve another customer he returned to thecounter and was again harassing this team member , this time holding up a building queue of customers behind him.
The Home sweet Home sales signs all had to be taken down by the end of today and I delegated one of the newer rather cocky team members from the electricals department to take them down starting at 4 pm. He did a good job taking most of them down but I knew he had missed some so i went around checking and found 5 that he missed and had to take down. We did not have time to take the large single and triple stand HSH signs down as we were bombarded with a last minute customer who spent almost an hour looking and selecting $1000 worth of cushions and a throw. She refused to use a trolley to put all her cushions in as she could not push it saying she had a broken
arm ( which later she advised me was actually her shoulder) and wanted to make several trips back snd forth to her car with a few cushions at a time . The team member serving her was concerned about the time as it was less then half an hour before closing and she was still gathering more cushions which by now filled most of the counter. I suggested she start entering all of them snd do a suspend so she canjust unsuspend the transaction later and add sny new items to it to save time. Shesys po ended the transaction but somehow she had done something and could not unsuspend the transaction so had to re enter it all again. I advised her to keep the suspended transaction receipt as it will put the inventory out. I advised the new manager of this who said it does not matter as it disappears after a certain amount of time . I kept the receipt snd wrote a note on it for the customer service manager in the event that it does matter. The new manager meanwhile pulked me away to do cash clearances. Again we had a change issue too many $5 notes and coins and not enough larger notes to bank. We had to swap denominations at the ekectricalscash register but thebest we could do was swap a $20 note. Off iwentto do the cashclearance hoping the machine would accept the smaller notes. Done. Back to assist the team member who was going a final check of the transaction with the customer. It was now 10 minutesuntilclosing so i madethe snapdecisionto help put thecushions into a bag and get her to take as many bags of cushions as she could with the customer to thecaras quick as possible after asking where thecustomers car was parked and i said that I would wait for her to return. Done She was very quick. We did a final tidy leavingthe back bench clean and registers all logged out of. She took the ipads back.
black plates for cafe tomorrow. posted on whats spp group chat. No time totsje down triplestand HSH
Running for thebusagain. missed the 199 bus, lift for oed bridge out of orderstill.
Home in the pouring rain again.
strip off wet clothes and hot cup of tea
8 out of 10 doescountdown followed by letters and numbers. fsll asleep.
News headlines include
A gang land drive by shooting a Western Sydney suburbs gym's foyer has left 1 dead and another taken to the hospital. A bike boss and his brother were shot around 8 pm last night as they left the gym and there were still people in the gym. 2 burnt out cars were found in 2 suburbs which could be linked to the shooting.
QLD has had a drenching of rain as other regions of Eastern Australia is also experiencing wet weather.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg 47% Melbourne seat of Kooyong is under threat and he may lose it due to increasing popularity of independent Monique Ryan 53%.
Domestic violence cohesive control laws in QLD are to be introduced which although too late for previous victims will assist future victims of domestic violence and families of victims of domestic violence.
New COVID clinics in SA are to open to deal with patients with long COVID symptoms or other COVID symptoms.
Twitter's ban on Trump could be over turned if Elon Musk is successful in his Twitter takeover citing it as a mistake to ban him.
Prince Charles delivers the Queens Speech for the first time for the opening of Parchment whilst the Queen watches via video link fue to continued mobility issues.
Mike Tyson has not been criminally charged for his inflight outburst with another passenger. The victim has persuaded not to press charges.
Changes to school hours are under discussion again as the 9 am - 3 pm is considered too archaic and inconvenient to working parents. A consideration of flexible school hours is being trialled in NSW in term 3.
AA has been criticized for his mispronouncing the word "Melbournians" in a press conference. "Melburnians" "Melbornians" who cares? Hogan or not it is more important is getting his policies for his federal election campaign correct.
The AUS$ has dropped to 69cents against the US$ for the first time for a long time - great fofor Australian exports but bad for imports making them more expensive and as the international borders open up Australians wanting to go on holidays overseas more expensive.
The Thor hammer is being auctioned off.
The final showdown is on tonight at 7 pm on Seven
Apple announced that it is discontinuing the ipod ending of the end of an era.
Thursday 12th May 2022
Day off.
It's a horrible day outside. It rained and it rained all night all morning and I slept in until almost 9 am this morning.
It's just stopped raining after lunch but it is so grey outside and slightly windy.
I needto get groceries again but just don't want to go out.
I have to return my bottle for recycling, recharge my opal card , fill my prescription, go to the post office to get stamps etc.
I ventured out to Chatswood very late in the afternoon. it took forever forthe next 144 to arrive.
It was another grey wet day.
I walked to the other end of Chatswood . Apart from looking for the gnome which was suppose to be located somewhere in the chase and which I just could not find, it was a trip to get some light bulbsfrom Kmart ( no 810 edison bulbs therefore made do with 800 edison bulbs) and to Priceline to refill my perscription which expires near the end of May. Then it was back to Woolworths Metro for a final shop for grocery basics. I think i got enough change for my laundry alongthe way. No stamps or recharge of opal card though. I did stop by Chemist warehouse to pick up some moisturiser though also on my list to get as I have run out.
Home on the 144 bus which i just missed and had to wait quite a while for the next one. Justas wwellas passengerson the one beforewere stranded 2 bus stops from where I usually get off due to a suspension problem and had to wait for this one. Yes it was raining too and dark.
I'm still catching up on my blog.
Home to watch 8 out of 10 does countdown before trying to fall asleep.
News headlines today include:
Christchurch Grammar School in the South Yarra in Victoria has caught on fire and classes in K & year 1 have been cancelled.
A 62 year old was arrested in QLD as he attempted to board a plane to Singapore last night forthedesth of a drug mule who died previously.
Wild weather with huge swells has closed beaches on the Queensland coast. over 100 mm of rain fell overnight in some region of QLD.
Local rugby league games gave bern cancelled in the Western Sydney suburbs to to increased fears of gang violence imposing on local games after the recent shootings.
SM and AA have gone head to head in their final federal election campaign debate where AA pulled at the heart strings of voters possibly winning them over with his wage increase and rising cost of living comments against SM.
A man's wallet mising for 18 years has been found and returned to it's owner. It was buried on a construction site.
Ian Thorpe's former partner has passed away.
An auction of Betty White 's memorabilia is on.
Friday 13th May 2022
Myer 10.30 am - 5.30 pm
It rained overnight again and is a grey day outside. It has stopped raining.
What's new at work? I'm yelled at again and again. Asked for the100th time if i'm working on Saturday. NO! Refer leave request back on 5th April 2022 via text ie in writing and notes in notes Homewares diary! And reminder verbal and texts to customer service manager.
Too tired.
Happy Friday the 13th!
News headlines today include:
Beaches are still closed along the coast in QLD. Flood warnings are in place in regions again in QLD. Gympie is on high alert again and may need to evacuate as it experiences its 3rd major flood this year. other regions affected are Harvey Bay , Ladley etc. Low lying areas of Brisbane are under watch as well (mention of ferry services were previously temporarily cancelled at one stage to to rising waters) . Warnings are out not to drive through flood waters
Labor's environmental plan includes a $194 million pledge to save the great barrier reef whereas SM is concentrating illegal immigrants to pay for their own detention in Australia.
Australia has secured it's bid to host both 2027 mens rugby world cup and 2029 womens world cup. It's the 3rd time Australia has won the bid to host the mens world cup. The race is now on as to which state gets to host it. The Opera House was lit up this morning when the winning country was announced.
Students in SA will have to re sit their NALAN tests again after a major computer gitch. The tests are yet to be rescheduled.
The NSW government is working with police to stamp out Sydney's criminal underbelly to stamp out organised crime and gang violence after the recent gym shooting in the Western suburbs.
The Eurovision song contest has begun.
No one wonthe multimillion dollar powerball draw last night.
The fire of the oldchurch and grammar school in South Yarra was found to be caused by faulty old wiring.
Saturday 14th May 2022
Day off! ( original shift was 10 am - 6 pm but cancelled after reminder of leave request sent by text to the customer service manager back on 5th April 22)
Another grey day but it's not raining this morning.
It managed to stay dry all day and night today. Saturday night and Chatswood is buzzing!
Tonight i wentgrocery shopping at the larger Coles at the Chase. Groceeies at Coles are so expensive. 4 pieces of fresh salmon once cost as low as $12 now it is 2 pieces for $12!
I found another 3 gnomes which means that there is only 1 or 2 more to find.
I stopped and actually watched the full animateporojection ofthe gnomes at The Concourse tonight as well.
For dinner I sm trying the new takeaway hoke in the wall Guo Kui Master. No curry chicken available - very disappointed so I got a lamb " pancake" instead. This is a new but extremely busy place to get a snack. I was advised that it is a 20 - 30 minute wait. Let's hope it's worth it! I did not try it on Friday night as the queues were even longer! Smelling a little burnt. Maybe that's the way it should be.
I'll blog while I wait. I still need a toilet stop and a top up at Woolworths done as well laundry money done and an opal card top up again not done !
The gnome in The Distrct Dining
The gnome in The Mandarin Centre
The gnome in The Chase Shopping Centre
What did I think? I rate it a 8/10. Tasty not quite a pancake though more like a giant water table cracker with a smear of curry mystery meat sandwiched between. A health conscious snack as there was absolutely no oily residue that soaked the brown paper slip bag it came in. Covered in black and white sesame seeds, it was like a very thin dry crispy oversized pizza pocket without cheese or tomato paste. It could have passed as naan bread as it looked as if it was being cooked in tandoor type oven but not as puffy or soft or oily. Thin piece of flat or unleavened bread perhaps? Would I have it again? Unsure but I recommend that people do try it. Location Chatswood Mall .
It was a very long wait for the next 144 bus home. I took my rubbish out and did my 2 loi ads of laundry wash and dry when I got home.
News headlines today include:
The rain has eased in Qld but the water levels are still rising and flooding. Beaches are stillclosed and people arewarned to stay out ofthe water with huge waves over 4 meters and high tides. Winds on Gold Coast above 60 km/hr. Brisbane water levels are still being monitored after yesterdays city ferry services were again temporarily cancelled. Gympie is under an evacuation alert as residents move valuables to higher ground as waters rise.
AA and the labor party are still in the lead accordingly to news polls however last time a leader was in the lead and a sure thing to win the election according to news polls, it was completely incorrect according to the election results. The bob the builder references AA and SM made have been criticized as being childish. One week until the Federal elections on Saturday 21st May 22.
A man in his 20s has been shot dead last night in Belmore. Investigations are underway as to whether it is related to other shooting incidences
A chinese warship is under surveillance and it is suspected as spying in Australian water collecting data off the coast of WA.
The horse loving Queen has been seen out snd about with a cane attending a horse event. She attendedthe event with Prince Edward & Sophie. The queen's grandaughter Lady Louise is expected to participate in the Royal Windsor Horse event.
Beijing is facing its first lockdown after Shanghai. Panic buying and supply chain problems continue.
Elon Musk's twitter deal is on hold as he waits to find out of less then 5% of twitter users is spam.
Australian singer Sheldon Riley is in the grand final of the Eurovision song contest.
Road closuresarein place around The Rockds tomorrow morning for the annual Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon.
Sunday 15th May 2022
Day off
Another grey day.
I did not venture out today. I had left my laundry in the dryer overnight and had to extend it's drying time as it was still not completely dry after it's first drying cycle of 60 minutes.
I woke at 5 am this morning and went downstairs to retrieve my laundry fromthe dryer. I tookthetime to fold all my laundry before bringing it back upstairs as i have time today.
Breakfast and news watching before preparing lunch for work tomorrow.
Today I baked s brownie with a twist. If apinch of salt can enhance chocolate then I don't see why finely chopped up fetta cheese wouldn't as well due to it's saltiness. It turned out not too bad.
I also made a large calzone filled with finely chopped peking duck breast meat, finely chopped tasty cheese, coriander spinach and shallots. Itwadelicious. Dinner for tonight and for lunch on Tuesday.
I applied for a few jobs or at leastlooked at some and followed up on an inquiry I had for SDC .
Bythe time I caughtup on YouTube blogging and watched the Eurivision song contest the day is over.
News headlines today include:
Sydney half marathon was run for the firsttime since 2019. Road closures around the city, Pyrmont and The Rocks are closed but should be reopened by 1 pm . The light rail should reooen by 9 am.
Australia has performed in the semi finals in the Eurovision Song Contest and is into the finals. The Ukraine is the favorite to win. And have just won but were always the favourite . They won by a lead of 631 votes due to popularity votes , show of support due to the Russian invasion backed by a really good rap song entry however the winner hosts the next years event and it is unclear how a war torn Ukraine will be able to host it in 2023. Australia did not even come in the top 3. Runner up was the UKs Sam Ryan with Space Man snd Spain taking 3rd place.
SM has officially launched the Liberal Party campaign on the final week before the federal election. He plans to decrease the age from 65 to 55 where older Australians are encouraged to sell up their large houses and down size to smaller more manageable units to make room for younger Australians to move into by easing the number houses available . The proceeds arethen allowed to be deposited back into super funds earlier then 65 years of age.
There has been a shooting in Buffalo NY in the US where the gunman has been found and arrested. 3 people have been injured and 10 killed, shot in a car park of a grocer store. An 18 year old was arrested. White supremacist and hate crime was involved.
Meanwhile abortion protesters were out protesting against the abortion laws that make having an abortion illegal across many US states.
The first electric scooter race has been held in the UK on customized race track with speeds of up to 100km reached.
Cyrpto currency crash - is the future to buy or sell and get out.
Russia is cutting the fuel supply to Finland as a threat if they join NATO.
More sad news for the cricketing world . Cricketer Andrew Symonds has died in a single car accident in Townsville where he retired to.
$38 million in failure to vote fines! For every voter that did not vote a $55 fine was issued in the last lection. Voters in the Sydney and Wentworth electorates were 2 of the electorates with the highestnumber of votersthst did not bother to vote. An increasing number voters are becoming disillusioned therefore are refusing to cast a vote.
Houses are 2 to 3 times more expensive then units with the gap widening although forcasted to narrow in the future.
Nominations for Logies include Sonia Kruger ( Dancing With The Stars) and Ray Meagher ( Home & Away).
Myer 9.30 am - 5.30 pm
It was another grey but dry day today. I left home just after 7.30 am to catch the 144 bus and connect onto a B line bus in order to make it to work this morning. No customer service manager, no team leader and a team member who is just not quite up to speed with taking directions and instructions.
The first thing i did today was collect the ipads and then go to the stupid huddle. Nothing new except for all the customer champion awards and team members Myer One scan rates . I was not included because I did not work over the weekend. The scan rates of team members are also on the day sheets now.
The posey of senior management are coming in on Wednesday to inspect the Homewares department specifically.
There was stuff to read in the diary but no time to do it all. I only did the important bits - take down the expired Sheridan sales tickets ( where the advertised sales discounts on towels were not coming up on the POS and Ihad to honour one for a customer today but only on the towel she purchased not the hand towel or face washer) and put up the new ones already printed out ( except for reilly linen as i could not find this on the floor and left in the diary).
The store manager gave me a mission today of selling the 4 remaining Easter eggs by moving the 4 remaining Easter eggs to the counter. They were 80% off down to $2.80 each. At first I didn't succeed with my first customer but sold 3 of them to the same customer's family member notlong afterwards. I kept the remaining one for myself to purchase but if a customer or other team member wants to purchase it they can. I asked the store manager and new manager if they wanted it and both didn't citing they are on a diet.
Next I printed the tickets so that they were ready to put up at 4 pm this afternoon. Date of sales tickets checked. I didn't over print them just enough to get enough up.
The morning started off slow and the cocky team member from electricals was sent to mens youth today. It was so slow he rings homewares up and says " I'll give you $50 if you do a swap with me in mens youth" I folded towels and asked the team member i was working with to do so to as it needed to be done for the posey of senior management coming for a visit on Wednesday. Theteam member did so for a few minutesbut kept disappearing do do other things that were not a priority like finding and filling up a trestle of $20 cushions instead of restocking what needed to restock in the diary.
I sent a text message to the unvaccinated team member after work who was off sick but worked over the weekend . Her sister dropped in today to buy something
"K***** is going to yell at me tomorrow. I didn't put the triple stands up. Went back to get the tickets I printed to put them up and asked S**** where they were. She binned all the orange tickets and the white tickets as well as left over small tickets. She pulled them out of the bin but they were as little scrunched up. So I left them on the counter."
Yep she did put all of my remaining tickets in the bin and used the wrong backing board for the single stand. ( I hope it was only one of them).
Thelift is still out of order for the overhead pedestrian bridge ( not really). Caughtthe next 199 bus to Manly then waited for the next 144 bus which was a long wait.
Prepared lunch for tomorrow and went straight to bed after watching the rest of the cookup and 8 out of 10 does countdown.
News headlines include
The premier holds urgent talks with rail union boss to prevent future rail strikes.
QLD wakes to a second day of a blanket of fog over its city of Brisbane with low visibility and delayed or cancelled flights aand other regions whilst still battling flooding and wild conditions along coastal beaches resulting in s sea of foam and beach closures.
Victoria 's hospital crisis continues .
Petrol is above $2 in VIC and remain high across australia blaming it partially on the war in Ukraine.
The AUS$ is still 69 cents against the US$
Twitter share prices plunge Elon Musk puts a hold on his bid of a take over whilst Trump watches closely pending a possible release on his Twitter account ban.
SM last week of election campaigning announces plans to allow Australians to access up to $50 000 from their super to purchase their first home which may result in driving the price of housing up.
Britney Spears announces that she had a miscarriage admitting she announced her pregnancy too early due to her excitement.
Tuesday 17th may 2022
Sweden to Follow Finland to join NATO.
MacDonalds pulls out of Russia permanently after 32 years when Russia opened up to the captalist world.
The bill board awards event featured one music artist after another.
The PM SM won't be stepping down of the Liberal party of he loses the ekection.
Volunteers have closed businesses in a town to track down missing grand father Christos missing in the vic alps for 5 days.
The investigation is underway as tothe causes of his death from his truck rolling over.
There has been a 195% increase in private health insurance 4 x the inflation rate in the past 4 years. A survey indicates an increase of Australians are dropping their private health insurance due to annual increases.Millions are set to drop their private health insurance.
Wednesday 18th May 2022
Myer 9.30 am - 5.30 pm - I had to call in sick this morning. After texting the unvaccinated team member about having to call in sick today due to a severe allergic reaction I had last night, I rang the duty manager number and spoke to the assistant store manager that answered just before the first thing that is asked is " it it COVID related?"- of course not explaining it was a severe allergic reaction last night. Will I be back at work tomorrow? - I have a later shift so I hope so. Please call earlier if you think you won't be I am advised. The tone was not very friendly ( I'm no surprised - the pressure to complete a stocktake last night ( the day before a visit from senior management) and the pressure to get everything in place ie sweep everything under the car carpet , hide the homeless etc ie get rid of anything undesirable they don't want senior managers to see on their important visit specifically in Homewares tomorrow. They always panic when there is a visit. Is this typical behaviour of every Myer store or just Warringah? Either they are disorganised or just - no they are just disorganised. A store should not gointo panic mode every time senior management visits if they running efficiently. It's obviouslythey aren't.
So the allergy calmed down overnight but returned again. I tried to sleep it off but my entire body is covered in an itchy red patchy rash. My eyes keep watering and itchy and my nose is running. I cannot figure out what is causing it.
I have run out of groceries therefore need to venture out whether I feel like it or not. I ventured out in the late afternoon butitoo me much longer then it should have as quite a few grocery items were just unavailable at any supermarkets.
First stop is to return my bottles .Done. Next was Woolworths Metro Coles and Aldi. I did not shop at coles astheydid not have anything I needed. Aldi hahad a limited edition packet of lemon chicken chips which I taste tested on my wayhomewaitingfor a bus.
I received an email to volunteer at the national trust and am organising a day off each week on a Monday to volunteer. I will start off on 30th May for 1 day to start with to see how I go and if it's for me.
I was hounded by a phonecall from the returning officer from the AEC again to accept my job offer at the federal elections. I advised them that I was still waiting on a response from them inregards to location allocated and vaccination status. I have contacted them twice. How rude this person was ringing me. I verbally rejected the offer as I did not want to work at Bondi Beach and it was not my first or second choice originally. I advised her that I always worked at Bondi junction. She kept saying the positions at Bondi were all filled and that it was just another 380 bus. Whstdid this rude person not understand when i told her that I do not live inthe eastern suburbs any more?
News headlines today include
The queen is out and about again with her youngest son Edward opening a new rail line in london named after her the " Elizabeth Line". The second line opened after her - the first back in the 70s named the Jubilee Line. After her mobility issues she was seen making a surprise visit with a thumb stick rather then a walking stick which is taller and helps her with posture. She even asks where she could go and even added a few pounds onto her royal Oyster card. She did not go on a ride on the new line but left it to Prince Edward to do.
Meanwhile Charles and Camilla are touring Canada visiting Newfound Land & Labrador greeted by PM Justin Trudeau. The 3day tour is under controversy due to the Commonwealth's treatment of indigenous Canadians. Prince Charles has not offered a formal apology but advises that he is listening.
Amber heard verses Johnny Depp - the trial continues. Amber heard is cross examined.
Victorian hospitals may be in crisis ( code orange) but so is the SE QLD hospital where there is ambulance ramping. Patients are waiting hours before being admitted into hospitals. Covid and flu cases were partially to blame however government central control at the state and federal level were also a cause for pressures on the health systems
The gap between the Liberal and Labor parties is very narrow with a slight lead of the Labor party as the final days of campaigning continues for the May 21st Federal election. Popularity in minor parties The Greens, One Nation , Clive Palmers United Australia Party for example continues.
Interesting AA is to give his final policies at a press conference right after the wages report. Wages remain low but inflation is at a 5.1% high!
The cost of living continues to increase. The employment numbers are released tomorrow and expected to be in the 3% range. These figures will determine if there will be interest rate rises. Theresults will be leverage for some politians election campaigns
Another drive by shooting in Sydney has occurred as extra powers are being given to police to stamp out gangs, drugs and other underworld crimes. Police now have powers to raid properties without warrants in situations.
An hour long search for a gunman who open fired at a man on the Surfers Paradise ended as a 38 year old was arrested and it turned out to be a gas powered bb gun although it was unsure why it was fired.
Home schooling has return in Victorian schools due to staff shortages and cases of COVID .In somecases whole grades are back to home schooling.
A carpet python named Pablo has had a delicate operation to remove 2 dog harnesses he swallowed. The harnesses were gently eased out with massaging avoiding surgery to remove them. Actor Russell Crow footed the bill with the family from Australia Zoo thanking him. No dog remains were found inside the python. ( Interesting piece of news considering the timing of it. The Irwin family just did a series of Uber Eats commercials with Paris Hilton at Australia Zoo where she is near the python enclosure carrying her chiwawa & dressed in pink. The 2 dog harnesses that were retrieved from Pablo the python were pink eventhough there was a claim that " no dogs were harmed in the commercials" Look closely at the commercial and the camera focuses on a python snake in the background that has a rather unusual rectangular shaped hump of something it swallowed such as the buckle of a dog harness - I hope that was not poor Pablo in the commercial)
The grandfather lost in the Victorian Alps has been missing since Friday now as the search for him continues the theory isthat he may have fallen off a track whilst walking along them. The search is becoming more difficult as snow fell overnight and temperatures plummet.
Friday 19th May 2022
Myer 11.30 am - 5.30 pm
It was another dry day today . I left home for work on a 144 and Bline. It was quite a wait for both buses as it was off peak. Arrived at work and the customer manager was being super niceto me. I 'm still lodging a formal complaint about her for her abusive behaviour towards me however in writing to HR not verbal to the assistant store manager. Everything has to be a in writing.
I was talking to one of the junior VM girls today and the mention of staying back and doing overtime was mentioned. She mentions that she often stays back if asked to. I advisedger tocheck thatshe was being oaidfor utas it isnot automatically paid if approved and told her it's called " wage theft " something I keep an eyeout for hence diary entries.
I thought I would miss the visit to homewares by senior management today by the time I arrived. As soon as I arrived I find out that it has been cancelled and that they were coming next week instead.
It's a Thursday night shoping and finishing at 5.30 pm I usually catch a Manly bus and the 144 bus home instead of the risk of waiting and finding out that i have missed the 280 bus at 5. 40 pm or that it had been cancelled. Poor team member who is my bus buddy is working until 9 pm tonight.
I went shopping at Coles Warringah after work to try andfond some unavailable grocery items at Chatswood on my shopping list. I managed to find just one item a bunch of shallots. Thefree 4 cheese and salami sourdough pizza from Coles was unavailable at this Coles to claim as well so i will keep trying to find it atother Coles. I have until the 29th May to claim this free pizza. I don't eat salami as it is pork and processed meat but it's free so I'll claim it and pick it off the pizza replacing it with something else.
Home on the next Manly bus which was a 167 bus travelling along the pretty lit up coastline at night - a rather long scenic route towards Manly. A long waitforthe next 144 bus home I missed The Cook Up but managed to catch 8 out of 10 does countdown before falling asleep. I am still getting over my severe allergic reaction after scan count so am still a little itchy. It has definitely calmed down a lot today. I managed to sleep quite well despite the cold snap overnight.
On Wednesday eventhough I was sick I had to venture out to purchase some groceries at Aldia as mentioned peviously Although I didn't feel like some junk food i didpick up a bag of Blackstone Linited Time Only deli style spiced chicken & lemon flavoured slow cooked potato chips. The chip market is very competitive so what did I think ofthis new flavour of chip? It was ok but I do prefer Honey & Soya Sauce Chicken flavoured. There was nothing stand out about the new flavour but it didn't taste bad. Would i purchasethem again? No. A little to salty for me. Rating 5/10.
News headlines include
A man from Queensland that went missing after a night swim has reappeared from the bush shirtless and is alive and well after going missing after 24 hours. He saidhe had slipped and fell.
A toddler has escaped from a Child care centre in Victoria. It is not the first time it has happened.
Taylor Swift has been awarded a doctorate for herservices to music.
Final days of the federal election campaigns and both AA and SM are out and about where during a recreational game of soccer in Tasmania SM wiped out a smal boy crash tackling him to the ground accidentally. So concerned SM rang the boy a few hours later to ensurehewas not injuried and was ok. ( SM wasn't wrong when he referred to himself as a bulldozer and knocks things down in a previous speech he made)
Singer Cody Simpson came 3rd in his swim the 100 m butterfly and has qualified for the commonwealth games. Shayna Jack former swimmer caught doping and banned from competing has returned and also qualified for the Commonwealth Games
Convicted baby muderer Kathleen Folbigg may have her 20 year case overturned due to genetic evidence that her babies died dieto a genetic mutation .
Friday 20th May 2022
Day Off (leave requested)
Federal Election Eve
It's a rather wet day today today.
I requested unpaid leave back on 5th April for today and tomorrow which was originally for attending a training & working at this years Federal Election not happening now due to my vaccination status.
I did not venture out this morning as it is so grey wet and cold. It only stopped raining midday and has remained dry .
I may venture out later tonight. What I would really like to do is escape Australia and anything to do with the Federal election tomorrow. Although I have been following the election campaigns when I can , I actually don't understand how the election process works nor am I interested in politics. I think a lot of Australians have become disillusioned with this year's federal election with people refusing to vote, voters still undecided on who to vote for and the eleventh hour of how voters with COVID will vote with possible delays to phone voting. Australia is a democratic country yet Australians still don't really have much choice as to which party should lead the country as there is usually only 2 major parties - the Liberal Party or the Labor Party. Ithink more and more Australians are considering minor parties and independants.
I wonder what the result would have been if Gladys Berejikian had decided to run for the Federal Election?
It's 5 pm I take my rubbish out to the red bin and I leave to go into the city. It decides to startraining againg and it's cold. No problem i have a knitted hoodie and a reversible puffer hooded jacket on to keep me warm.
A bus to St Leonards then a train to Wynyard I walk to the Museum of Sydney to see Walking Through a Songline. I haven't visited a museum or art gallery after 5 pm for quite a few years now and this is certainly the first time I have visited this musum after dark. I was also considering visiting Chinatown's Friday night Markets but have never been a real fan of them so stuck to my sole purpose tonight to visit the museum. I prebooked a ticket online however you can just turn up. Until June 2022 it is free entry to tthe Museum of Sydney on Friday nights from 5 pm - 8 pm and on Saturdays and Sundays. Fridaynights is the best time to visit as there are no crowds.
So what did I think of Walking Through A Songline? I quiteliked it as i did feel as if the dark room was moving as i sat and watched this short but beautifully made immersive indigenous projection ( see video I have uploaded onto my YouTube channel ) Rating 8/10. Suitable for kids withtheir shorter attention spans with colourful images and sounds but caution dark room and the sounds may be a little loud for younger kids. After the viewing head to the kids activity room overlooking the streets below and with partial views of harbour to create a songline family tree from colourful pipe cleaners plastic beads crape paper small bundles of raffia etc. I justvouldnot make mine stand up . I did notta ki ed mine home and I forgot to take a photo of it to post on my blog as an example of the activity or did I - yes I actually did ( refer below).
There was another new exhibition next door called History Reflected ( short video of outside wall uploaded onto my Youtube channel as well).
This was interesting but I won't mention what's it's aboutas tthe title explains it. If you like moments in Australian history you will enjoy this exhibition . I love the visitor's activities in this exhibition where you can write what you would put or leave in a 200 year old time capsule and your memories or highlights of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. Quite a few overseas visitors just used the activities to leave comments if theirvisit or the museum or the exhibitions. There were these old fashioned black keys sitting upright on the front reception desk and I was wondering whatthey were for. They matched the logo of the museum. It turned out to be part of the History Reflected exhibition. They were the limited free souvenirs given away. you had to read the activities to find out about these keys. They are 3D printed replica keys from Rookwood Institution I believe if I read correctly. It was an example of how modern technology can assist in recreating history. What would I put or leave in a 200 yearold time capsule? Easy answer this 3D printed replica of the original key on display that I took as a souvenir- can you imagine the shock and horror when the time capsule is opened in 200 years time only to find this key is actually a fake!

A dam good replica ofthe real thing!
Before I went home I walked around circular Quay. It's just over a week until VIVID starts and the Sydney Harbour Bridge is already partially lit up, the projections on the MCA are being tested, the colour changing 'Endless Love' light display is also being tested and just beside Customs House is a Dell tent with what may be the testing of an interactive display. All around Circular quay are giant projection towers set up.
Buildings have already iluminated themselves with coloured lighting.
First Fleet Park
Opposite the Overseas Passenger Terminal
Home on the light rail to Wynyard, a train to St Leonards Station and the first bus home. The lure of Maccs & KFC as well as other fast food outlets wafts as fried food but I resist temptation I head straight home. Gone for a maximum of 3 hours I missed the cook up but caught up with a rerun at 10 pm. I managed to catch 8 out of 10 does countdown.
A sandwich tea and sleep. Still very allergic. I wish it would just stop raining. It rained through the night again.
News headlines today include:
SM & AA continue their last ditch eleventh hour election campaigns today before tomorrow's Federal Election. SM will be in Perth tosave 2 Liberal seats and AA flys to 3 states today.
Projects in QLD may be cancelled to help fund the damage caused by floods. QLD is forecasted for more bad weather.
William and Kate have atrended the premier of Top Gun Maverick in London with Tom Cruise accompanying Kate along the red carpet. William was found to have a loti n cmmonwith Tom with William an ex helicopter pilot .
A man due to face court on Monday for importation drug manufacturing components is on the run and is thought to be be in hiding using fake identities to work , setting up fake bank accounts and live amongst family members in SW Sydney. Australia's most wanted man has been onthe run for 2 years.
American teen band Hanson who rose to fame with their cutsie chart topping hit Ummm Bop 20 years ago is returning to Australia.
Thousands of voters who tested positive to COVID in the past week and therefore are unable to vote because it was too late to register for postal voting have taken an emergency court challenge. After a news announcement this morning in regards to this and after SM announced that it was not up to him to make recommendations in regards to this situation but the Australian Electorial Commission, within 2 hours an announcement was made to allow voters with COVID to vote although there was no mention as to how ie the method. Now an announcement has been made to allow them to vote via phone.
VICs ambulance services is u der fire for operating like a call centre rather then an emergency service. Patients have died due to waiting times for an ambulance.
Labor is still in the lead by a few % according the polls however it's neck and neck between SM & AA andthe polls have been known to be completely wrong in the past.
More charges have been laid for Charlize Mutton's murderer who is her mother' fiance and with whom she was under the care of .
Cody Simpson's swimming debut may be snatched from him due to the return of an injured swimmer. Cody Simpson legitimately qualified for a spot at the Commonwealth Games coming 3rd in the butterfly with a qualifying time however this may noe he in doubt.
Pop star Rhiana has welcomed her first child, a little boy.
Ed Sheeran partner has also welcomed another baby to the world.
The employment rate has fallen to 3.9%.
The first case of monkey pox has arrived in Australia from Europe. the origin is from Africa. Thecase is in home isolation.
Saturday 21st may 2022
Day Off (leave requested)
I was supposetobe working at the elections today but due to allocated location and vaccination I'm not working this year. I spo ent all day at home doing absolutely nothing except eating. i had booked a livestream balkett class at 8.15 am this morning and a livestream latin funk work out class for 3.45 pm but missed both classes as I just could not access these Zoom sessions despite following all directions on both my phone and laptop . I have emailed SDc to find out why. No error messages appear they just take me to a page of text advising me enjoy the class but not the classes themselves. Notrouble booking classes and my LG signature 8 sunscription prize wasreactivated on my SDC account I set up. So i am baffled.
Federal Election Day & It's Raining
News headlines today include
Cody Simpson has missed out on his spot in the Commonwealth Games as Kyle Chalmers decides to return to swimming. Simpson is concentrating on a spot at the Paris Olympics.
Craig McLachlan has withdrawn his defamation case against sexual harassment of woputting ng his time in The Rocky Horror Show. He will make settlement payouts but this will leavehi. almost unemployable andhas affected his family putting pressure on his family relationships. He has withdrawn duetobeong unable to cope menatlly and financially.
A second case of monkey pox has presented in Sydney after a first case in Melbourne. A man in his 40s is in isolation after contracting it whilst travelling in Europe. Health authorities say there is no cause for alarm.
Latest news polls indicate preferred leader is neck and neck at 42% to 42% whilst Labor 53 % has a slight lead over Liberal 47%
The final count down where both AA and SM are doing their final rounds of campaigning. it's been a very long 6 weeks of election campaign. Both are in WA and will both return to Sydney today to cast their votes.
A mascot Hugo the tortoise has been used to predict who will win the federal election and was given two plates of food one representing AA and the other representing SM. Keepers watched to see which plate of food the tortoise would walk towards. Hugo headed towards the SM plate of food before turning and heading towards the AA plate of food before retreating back to his love interest. Is this a sign? Labor is predicted to win federal election today however a result may drag on due to the number of postal votes . About 1/3 of voters are estimated to vote for independents but it looks like Hugo the tortoise is more accurate in his prediction with a possible hung government. ( he is either uninterested and doesn't want to vote, can't decide whotovote for or
9 million people are expected to vote today ( meaning the majority of Australians have already prevoted).
Sunday 22nd May 2022
Australia has a new Prime Minister .
I avoided watching the news all day and night yesterday exceptforthe morning news and the news headline this morning is Anthony Albanese and The Labor Party wins the Federal Election yesterday.
Today was another do nothing day. I did not venture out again not even to take my rubbish out to the red bin. I sorted my laundry out to be washed and dried tomorrow. I did not even watch the news at all today as I didn't want to be bombarded by election news. Lots of food channel watching and Masterchef ( repeat episode?). A complaint email to HCF inregards to misallocation of my payments again and hence my non payment for May membership.
More cooking and washing of dishes. cleaning and sleep early.
It was another cold wet grey day. It continued to rain heavily overnight with thunderstorms.
Someone in the apartment block keeps setting off the smoke detector.
Applied formorejobs and completed my mutual obligations on the job active site online.
Monday 23rd May 2022
Day Off!
The morning is wet again. Forecast is more rain to come. The news headlines advise that Sydney has had more rain days then dry days this year - hence my severe allergies. Update from BOM is now sunshine from Thursday.
Very early this morning the smoke detector went off again and a Bing truck came to take the Bingo dumpster bin away now that the mail box block has been repaired and replaced as well as exccess building materials and rubble from the car crash finally removed and the car park cleaned up.
Today I ventured out in the rain after writing a few complaints to my private health insurance fund for missallocation of my payments again ( I still have not paid for the month of May) and sending yet another inquiry tothe organisers of the cake bake and sweet show as they still have not responded in regards to my ticket I paid for back in sept 2020 to attend the show which was cancelled twice in 2020 & 2021 due to COViD and did not refund or bring forward ( the show is on the 27th - 29th may 2022 in Sydney and I have emailed them 3 times at least this year). Why is customer service so bad? Why am I constantlychasing or complaining about goods and services?
So icaughtthe busto chatswoodcand themetro to macquarie shopping centre.
News headlines today include
AA will be sworn in as the new PM of Australia today. He will travel to Canberra to be sworn in before flying off to Japan for a quad meeting where he will meet Biden along with Penny Wong as the new foreign minister.
The Tamil family in detention on Christmas Island and community detention in Perth when their child developed a serious blood infection now has new hopes of being returned to
Biloela in a few weeks as Labor wins the Federal Election and AA promised to release them if he won.
Peter Dutton may be the man to lead the Liberal party
Monkey pox is spreading around the UK Europe Canada and Australia. Originating in Africa, 15 non endemic countries have had cases and over 120 cases have confirmed and suspected. Unlike COVID this disease is not as transmissible. Found mainly in men and sexually transmitted are the theories. Belgium is the first country tomandate a 3 week quarantine.
K Kardashian & Travis Barker marry for a 3rd time in Italy. ( which one and who cares?!)
Ariarne Titmus breaks the 6 year Katie Ladecky's 400 m world record . Cody Simpson missed out on a spot on the World Championships swimming team but was named on the Commonwealth Games Swimming team.
Biden has flown in a plane load of baby formula from Germany to help ease the shortage of baby formula dueto COVID supply chain issues and bacterial contamination resulting in the closure of the the factory US's major baby formula manufacturer that supplies a majority of baby formula in the US.
The AUS$ remains hovering just above the 70 cent mark against the US$ from 70.3 to 70.6 cents pre and post Federal election. Meanwhile fuel prices continue to rise.
A unprovoked fight has broken out in Melbourne after an AFL game at the MCG where aman was hit with a didgeridoo and is in hospital with a serious brain injury.
It's Top Gun Maverick week with the premier in Australia on the 26th May 2022. Tom cruise is turning 60 this year.
Click frenzy is about to start.
2 members of the original Popstar group Bardot are reuniting for a project.
Charles and Camilla aretmake a cameoon Eastenders.
The late Shane Warne's son Jackson turns 23.
Myer 10 am - 4 pm
It' a short 6 hour shift for me today. Thank goodness! I didn't have to do much except serve today whilst everyone else was rushing around preparing for tomorrows seniormanagement visit to Homewares after it was postponed from last Thursday. They had an extra week to prepare so I don't understand why they are still panicking . We were all preparing assoonas we found out last Thursday that the visit was cancelled.
Sucked in the customer service manager had to work all weekend and an extra day overthe super weekend . The team leader and part time unvaccinated team member were both off and I had requested leave way in advance not knowing it was a super weekend. A whole 4 days off.
I finished 10 minutes over my 4 pm finishing time which I will not be paif for because i hadto do a till reconcilliation. It was that busy today I did not even have time to have a 10 minute break.
It was Large sales due to big hsh tiesadaysale 50% off.
told to justdo whatyouaretoldnottosethe customer manager off again. DOES NOT MATTER EVEN IF I DO ALL THE RIGHT THINGS I STILL GET YELLED AT BY THE CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER.
Stoppedacoles still no freepizza caught bus to manlystoppedoff at colelocalthere and after 5 coles and not findingthe freepizza wasabouttogive up but in theback othfreezesectioamongstthe otherpizzas was asingle freepizza standingup atheback behind other pizzas. Ipurchased a bottleofwater. $1 purchase timetogohome an try it.
Australia is set to join a new economic alliance with the US to curb China's dominance. AA will attend a quad summit today in Japan and is expected todefend Taiwan if China invades.
There was a suspicious fire at a strip club on King St in Melbourne . No one was injured.
Melbourne is set to replace Russia to host a swimming championship.
Naomi Osaka may not play in Wimbledon
The heavy rain continues alongthe east coast
Petrol prices are above $2 per a litre inmoststates and the fuel excise exemption is not likely to extend beyond Sept with the new Labor government.
Myer 9.30 am - .30 pm.
ofcourse I haveto berostered oforthewhole dayfor Myer ceO mr King snd his posey of senior managements visit todayaroundlunch time.
Nostayingback todayand lunchwasat 3 pm today
nostaying back oorvisitto thesupermarkettoday straighthome on 199and 144 bus which imissed
Quad leader meeting success in Japan . Japan India and US. intensions to counter china's milititary and economic agression in indo pacific region, stengthening the quad aliance. boosting trade and commitmentt the region.
SM Liberal leader ditched for JF with
3 people feared to be dead inside the Goldfingers strip club fire in kingsstreet Melbourne syesterday. these peopleare unaccountedfor and maybe squatters who livedthere along with otherssince covid. Fire fighters arestillunableto getin toinvestigate and drones wereused. Trafficstill blocked frompassing through.
A househas ccaughtfirein ipswich candle litbeforewoman suffered a medical episode. shemanagedto escapewithher dogs by crawlingout.
Investigation into thedeathof a 5 yearold boy wwho complained ofstomach achegivenmedication toldto gohomeonly to diewholst his parents were goingback to emergencdeoartment.
29 houses havebeenraidedin westernsydney breaking up a drug operation . 18 menarrested. assets seized and was the first step in breaking up majorgang crime.
announcement of Free flu vaccines this weekfor nsw after qLD similarprogream recently.
deathcap mushrooms
Thomasmarkle rushed to hospital has suffered a stroke and isnow in a hospital inthe us. No longer goingtoatrend the queens jubilee dejavu when he suffered 2 x heartattack beforeatrending daughterswedding to prince harry waa
queen of denmark celebrates 50 years as queen nicknames ( lilbet & diasy when they talk bwteenthemslveses) celebrates platium jubalee. Princecha lk es hasagain stepedin forthe queen ceremononial robes tooheavyfor queentowear.
$1 is now hovering abovethe $0.71 mark against $us .
Apologies for the typing. when the words start automatically run together like this and don't make sense and lags severely , it means that I have possibly exceeded the number of characters per page on my blog.
I have a massive 3 day/night weekend of eventsattenftherrffore will set up a separate blog page justfor it.
Thursday 26th May 2022
Myer 10 am - 4 pm ( verbal change to finishing time this morning by customer service manager to 6 pm today due to a team member calling in sick sgain)
No sales tickets to put up or pull down today but heaps of clearance stock still to put be out onto the floor today.
A Melbourne man and his pet cavoodle were attacked by a pitbull. The man was badly bitten and his pet cavoodle killed.
Penny Wong is flying to Fiji to strengthen Australia's relationship with Fiji and the Pacific Island at the same time as China visits the Pacific Islands possibly to broker a deal similar to that with Tonga which will become a treat as they increase their presence in the Indo pacific region. AA has a tough job ahead of him and will have his interview on tv this morning.
The Johnny Depp court case continues.
The shooting at a Texas school has resulted in 19 children and 2 teachers dead. an 18 year old living with his grandparents and a loner was responsible for the mass shooting.
Novak Djokovic has no problems advancing to the 3rd round of the French Open. Only 1 Australian remains in the French Open.
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