Saturday 30th July 2022
Day off ( First day of my 14 day leave requested)
Still no word of my transfer to Myer Chatswood - looks as if it's not happening.
Received a casual contract to sign off on last night from KNC.
For once it is beautiful day outside.
So much to do before I depart tonight for Melbourne on the good old overnight 1980s XPT with no charging stations or wifi on board.
There is a horrible tenant in the apartment block who threw my clothes out of the washing machine today and into the dryer so he could hog both washing machines. He is the one who is clogging up the detergent dispensers so everytime I go to use it I have to scrape out the solidified chunks of laundry power he has overfilled in the fabric softener compartment. He is also the one who never cleans out the lint catcher after using the dryer and fills the bins up with the most rubbish. I have to spend so much time each time before I wash my clothes scraping out the solidified chunks of laundry powder and flushing out the fabric softener compartments with hot water in order to unclog them it's not funny. I have to also clean out the lint catcher constantly as well. He is probably the one who is using up the large box of laundry powder the guy in unit 1B that passed away left behind along with using all the other laundry and cleaning supplies including hogging the ironing board ( thank goodness I don't need to use it!)
2 loads of washing done - one load did not dry properly for some reason but the other load did as I dried it for double the time. The load will be fine to hang dry whilst I am away.
Packed and cleaned the dishes, I have a shower ready to go but find that St Leonards Station is shut due to trackwork again so I have to wait for a replacement bus which is not very frequent therefore catch a 320 to Town Hall which was packed like sardines in a can and take the light rail to Central instead of staying on the bus. It is at least a 1.75 hour wait until the Sydney Melbourne XPT train arrives. I grab a chicken and mushroom pie from wherever was open and there was not much open even at 7pm on a Sat night. I was asked if I wanted the pie warmed up. Yep and guess what? It was still stone cold. I could not finish it. Pity it was a nice pie.
Still waiting on platform 1 at Central Station I sit and blog.
Finally on the train at Sydney Central platform 1 overnight xpt to Melbourne Southern Cross Station. No power points and no wifi on board as reminded by train attendants on board. Poor passenger who tried to use the one industrial power point he managed to find on platform 1 prior to boarding. It was deliberately locked so you can't use it. Not only are there no power points on board the trains there are absolutely no owerpoints at Central Station not even in the bathrooms or waiting rooms. Same at Southern Cross Station except they do have a travellers aid service where you can pay to charge your phone or use their computer, have a few hours nap in a day room, store your luggage temporaily, have a shower or hire a mobility vehicle .
I found my seat in first class car B seat 45.
What the? I asked for an aisle seat with my right leg out. I got a window seat with my left leg out so I asked to swap. The train was not crowded so I was given the set of front seats with extra leg room and a fixed table.
I had a sleepless night eventhough I had 2 seats to myself and lots of leg room. There was a man sitting across from me with an extremely bad cough who did not wear a mask the entire train trip. Thank goodness he and his friend got off at Albury. Why did they not move him to the back of the train or ask him to wear a mask? I swear if I get Covid I will sue NSW Trainlink. I wore a mask the entire train trip Sydney to Melbourne and slept with my hood over my head and my hooded monkey blanket backwards covering me head to below the knee as an extra barrier to block the virus. It didn't block the sound of his constant coughing but it kept me warmer as it was cold and my hoodie was not enough to keep me warm.
Sunday 31st July 2022
Day 1 Hello Melbourne!
QV Markets & South Melbourne Markets
Arrived at Southern Cross Station in Melbourne almost on time - the train was just 5 minutes behind schedule due to a slight delay in signaling.
I walk to the Melbourne Central YHA but it is too early to check in. I had to put my luggage in the largest pay locker which no longer spits out paper receipts. it cost me $8 in total for half a day until I was able to check in after lunch.
First stop was to ask reception since it was far too early to check in if I could have a shower. After presenting my id and having a photo taken I was given a swipe card to access any floor to have a shower in the communal bathrooms. I just took a shower on the first floor. Just as I was having a shower in the communal female bathrooms, the showers on the 1st floor only 1 shower was not flooded and I had to wait my turn to use it. As I was having a shower someone else decides to use the other shower and it flooded into my shower so I was having a shower in someone elses dirty shower water that kept rising and covered my ankles. Yuk. Quick get out! I had to move my shoes twice as they were getting too close to getting flooded as well. I was praying that my bags of clothes and towel would not drop from the hooks or tiny bench onto the soaking wet floor! Why did the shower flood? The drain was clogged with hair! Yuk! The manager came in and cleared the flood out with a rake like a giant window squeeegee.
Out of the shower and ready to venture out to eat drink and be merry - not really just go grocery shopping for the week. I take 2 trams to the qv markets. Luckily I had purchased another myki card earlier and it was $6 for the card and I charged it with $20 . I keep forgetting to bring my old myki cards with me that still have money on all of them. In Melbourne it cost $6 to purchase a myki card and they do have expiry dates whereas in Sydney our Opal cards are free with no expiry dates on them.
I'm so overwhelmed at the markets by the sounds the crowds the sights the smell! I wanted to try everything on offer but stuck to a potato and spinach berek and a lamb and spinach berek and regular sized minty green juice . I purchased a tub of quail eggs, a block of smoked applewood cheese, blood oranges, bananas, a passionfruit . some lemons , a large piece of salmon, grapes , a container of mixed greens eschallots, sweet potato, half a pumpkin and a few other things. On my way back I stopped to buy a serated victorianox knife ( which postscript I cut myself twice with) and a bottle of water. So glad the YHA were now offering free reusable non plastic bags!
I purchased 2 of these from the Qv Markets
regular minty green juice from QV Markets
An example of what is on offer in the QV Markets Meat Department
An example of what is on offer in the QV Markets Seafood Department
Back to the YHA Mebourne Central I grab a second free calico bag and put all my purchases in it and into the fridge in the communal kitchen before grabbing my stuff out of the pay locker and checking into my private room 401.
An example of what is on offer in the QV Markets Fruit & Vegetable Despartment
Inside this building you can find everything cheeses breads small foods sausages pastries pasta sauces alcohol game meats for example
There were plenty of food trucks around the QV Markets for coffee drinks and snacks or even a serious lunch
These were the largest loaves ofbread I have ever seen! At least twice the size a normal loaf of bread!
So my room is freezing because the heater is not working , it is facing the main street therefore extremely noisy and I can't shut the window which has been left open and the bathroom has really noisy plumbing.. There is no tv artwork or in case of emergency exits and directions in my room. The ceiling paint is chipping off onto the white bed linen and the shower decides to run randomly before stopping as if there is a ghost in it the bathroom when I haven't even used the shower in my room yet.
I dump my luggage and dirty clothes and after a quick rest head by tram 96 to south melbourne Markets. Again the people,sights, smells, sounds. So much to see. I settle for trying 2 oyster mornays so ordinary here in Melbourne unlike the ones at Sydney Fish Markets. Then it was off to the Woolworths to do an ordinary shop for things I could not find or get at the markets and a quick stop for an unsalted small serving of sweet potato fries from Schnitz next door before heading back on the tram to the YHA. Rest of my groceries in the fridge I head back to my room to relax or try to.
Oyster mornay from South Melbourne Markets
a small serve of unsalted sweet potato chipsfrom the local Schnitz near south Melbourne Markets near the local Woolworths I also visited for general grocery items.
So much for the renovations to this YHA after it closed during COVID. It is still as run down as ever.
I could not sleep the heater did not seem to work the window would not shut held up by a fence lock the bathroom plumbing was noisy and so was the noise coming from the open window off the main street even with the blind fully down it was cold and noisy as the trams rattled and ding donged constantly up and down Flinders Street . I'm surprised a pigeon hasn't landed and flown into my room - maybe it will during my stay. The sheets were tucked in so tight they are cutting off my circulation - no chance of stealing them! The bedside table light doesn't work very well and there is no tv not even any paintings or prints to look at in my room. The ceiling is clipping off onto the bed and you can see the water damaged stains on the ceiling. The carpet is disgusting! Don' t ask what that even looks like!
I waited so long to go on leave and I think I am just wasting money thinking things have changed staying here again..
I spent quite a bit of time researching and trying to book day trips. I booked a day trip to Lake Mountain for Tuesday and tried to find any tour operator that ran the day trips to the Peninsula Hot Springs without success as most did not recommence day trips to the springs until September.
Dinner was whatever I had purchased today at the markets that did not require much cooking fruit quail eggs cheese bread etc. I boiled water for a hot tea which I made by refilling my thermos and placing a green tea bag in. I love a good hot green tea. Why are all the lids on the kettles all broken off? The hot water urn is also out of order hence the only way to access hot boiling water was to boil it in one of the 2 broken kettles.
Bed was very early. I am so tired and plan to spend the day at Melbourne Museum tomorrow and to see Tyama.
End of my first day in Melbourne.
News headlines on Saturday include
Australia dominates the opening day of the commonwealth games atthe top of the ladder with 16 medals. Mens and womens swim teams both winning 1st 2nd & 3rd. Ellie Cole swims her last race before she retires but misses out on a medal. Cody simpson misses out in a spot in the finals but still has another race to swim. Gold also in cycling tandem.
It' s 25 years since the Thredbo landslide disaster where 18 people were killed with only 1 surviver Stuart Diver in 1997 just before midnight on 30th July .
AA puts a simple question to Australian for a future referendum and wants to make changes to the constitution to recognise our first nations people. It will be a simple yes or no question. No dates for this referendum but it will be the first one in over a decade and will be in his first term as PM.
The peak of COVID Omicron is over? whyarewe still being told to work from home and wear N95 masks.
Bags of dead animals were found in a park by rangers traumatising them. Dead animals included possums koala, dogs cats . No charges have been laid yet.
Singer Shakira may face 8years in jail due to tax evasion in Spain from 2012. She maintains her innocence.
Next Tuesday the reserve bank will lift interest rates ( again) . It is forcasted the inflarion rate will reach 7.75% by December as the cost of living continues to rise. Fuel energy groceries etc continues to rise and labour shortages continue. Mortgage stress , shortages of second hand mvs slow wage increases etc also contribute to the current economic situation which is dire but economists insists we are not heading into a global recession. ( if Myer described as a forgotten retail dinosaur shares can increase in value recently on the share market then that's an indication that the world is not heading into a global recession at least not yet!)
4 months after the Will Smith Chris Rock slapping. Will Smith apologies to Chris Rock.
Monday 1st August 2022
Day 2 in Melbourne
Tyama & Melbourne Museum
After making myself some breakfast and meal prepping I slowly ventured out and took a tram into the city centre walking to Melbourne Museum to spend a day there. It is my very first visit to the museum so I intend to take my time. I went specifically to see Tyama but so glad I purchased a museum pass instead. A ticket cost $30 and it was at least a 2 hour wait to see Tyama. First available session was not until 2.10 pm.
I had about 2 hours to look around the rest of the museum and anything I missed or did not have time to see I could see after Tyama.
First stop The Forest. I absolutely loved this section of Melbourne Museum. I spent quite a bit if time inside. It's absolutely relaxing and full of school excursion groups. I listened to the sound of birds and spotted them as well. The waterfall and the tallest trees! Even the wattle was starting to bloom. Photos below snd refer my video uploaded onto my YouTube channel.
Dinosaurs creepy crawlies pharlap even aquatic animals tapestries the history of melbourne this museum had it all with plenty of space to sit relax or have a home packed lunch or snack. A small cafe is available to sit down and have a meal or snack.
I managed to see most of Melbourne Museum but I did get little lost.
I arrive a little early to see Tyama ( only about 10 minutes early) so had to wait a bit. I had asit down snack drink as underneath the esculators there was a seat then a toilet stop before it was time to enter to see Tyama . So whatdid i think - I didn'thateitbut I didn't think it was worth the amount I paid to see it. I have uploaded a series of videos onto my YouTube channel.
After this exhibition I wentbackand viewed the rest of the parts of the museum i may have missed or did not have time to see. I went back to the first nations gallery and found this much more interesting then Tyama. I haveuploaded a video onto my YouTube channel as well.
After wondering around the museum I was wondering if i missed anything especially on the grounamd and lower ground floors as the museum is huge and there were sections barricaded off in preparations for new exhibitions.
I stumbled upon a road safety exhibition. iasked if it was part of the museum exhibitions. It turned out to be an interactive road safety course aimed at high school students. Iwas welcomed to view the exhibitionas I was advised all the school groups were done for the day. It was very interesting. You get given a card whichyoutap on to participatein each activity. The final activity is a multiple choice quizz similar to an online driving test. So how did I do? I failedit 4/10 - niwyouknow why i don't have a licence and therefore don't and can't drive!!!! But to be fair these questionswerebased on Victorian road rules and regulations and I am not from Victoria but from NSW therefore unfamiliar with their road rules and regulations and I am sure NSW road rules and regulations are very to Victorias. We don't have hook turns in NSW for example as we didn't have trams until recently and even now onlyhave 3 sets of trams crossing the Sydney CBD.
After spending an entire day at melbourne museum it was back to the YHA.
A snack of whatever i had from yesterdays market purchases and sleep.
(I return tonight. I am a little behind in my blog and photos sorry.)
Tuesday 2nd August 2022
Day 3 in Melbourne
Day Trip to Lake Mountain ( Finally!). Beechworth Bakery Healesville Steavenson Falls & Yarra Valley Chocolatier
Must wear masks on the bus and seat belts!
It's a beautiful day in Melbourne today after a cold wet night .
I selected the closest pick up point of Holiday Inn on Flinders Lane at 7.30 am unknowing that this hotel had closed. It did not matter as there were other day trippers going on the sameday trip to Lake Mountain today.
After picking up most passengers the mini bus was almost full. The driver had one last pick up stop to make in Ringwood before heading off to our first stop breakfast/brunch at the famous Berchworth Bakery in Healesville. I think we stopped there a little too long 40 - 45 minutes - more time should have been spent at Lake Mountain.
Well what can I say No lockers at Lake Mt and I could not be bothered wasting an hour queuing up and paying for a bag to leave my stuff in. There was no snow on the Mountains washed away by the previous days rain and it is forecasted to rain wed and thurs but today it was a mostly clear dry day but windy at the top of the Summit. No need for snow shoes today as it was all mud rocks patches of slushy snow to the top. I saw a lyre bird pass by on my way up to the summit but it was too fast to capture on camera. It was a hard hike to the top with all my unnecessary gear I was carrying but I was determined to get to the top and I did taking a few photos along the way with my stuffed possum. It was a quicker trip down back to the warmth of the cafe. A hot tea and packed lunch and a toilet stop then it was back on the bus - how 3 hours goes so quickly!
It was a difficult very muddy hike upto the top to the summit. Most of the top was very patchy with very little snow coverage. I saw a lyre bird and a sad looking snowman with it's carrot nose missing along my journey and gee thanks Telstra Complaints for calling me back when I had reached the summit and there stands a huge communication tower - I hear you loud and clear but i did not answering your call as I am on holidays!
I had to give up my seat for a mother who literally snuck her child onto the bus for this day tour . One of the last to get on the driver was only expecting 1 adult as per his manifest and the tour only has 3 spare single seats. She didn't even ask me she just took my seat at the front of the bus when we left Lake Mountain. So rude. She could not even tell me where she was sitting.
After Lake Mountain it was a stop at Steavenson Falls. Yeah I began to lose interest.
yep follow the arrow do not go down the set of stairs! It was only a 20 minute max sight seeing and toilet stop at Steavenson Falls
real falls
Wewere told to stick to the path to the waterfall and not go wondering off to any of the other trails like the turbine trail down a set of stairs!
When you arrive you see this baby falls
Next a stop at the Yarra valley chocolates. I researched what I wanted so it was a quick in and out. First inside I was the first out with nothing! The had ran out of the Vegan tutti fruiti and it would cost me $18 just to order and have delivered to me one single bar of chocolate. I was the first to get back on the bus with not even photos of the place. Totally disappointed.
Because I had to give up my seat I had to put my snow shoes and poles in the bottom of the bus which was fine as my back pack was with me on board with everything I needed. So squishy.
Last stop Holiday Inn on Flinders Lane ( first pick stop) . The hotel is closed so don't make a booking to stay there. I remind the driver of my snowshoes in the bottom of the bus.
Back to the YHA it was a hot shower, a trip to Coles and Woolworths then diner a yoghart fruit salad and a large piece of salmon with mixed herbs and garlic butter. Sleep.
The girl I ended up sitting next to on the bus back hot off at the immigration museum but she was actually staying at the hostel and on the 4th floor next door to my room although she was in a dorm and I was in an private still freezing ensuite room with a rather uncomfortable bed and a very noisy bathroom with very poor pumbing ! The dorm room would have been better and it did not matter about the bathroom being shared - there was an accessible bathroom right next to it!
Total waste of my money.
Wednesday 3rd August 2022
Day 4 in Melbourne
Day trip to Penninsular Hot Springs Matthews Lookout, Kangaroo Spotting in Seahigh Gardens & Bathouses
Today's day trip Penninsula Hot Springs was the best day trip ever after a very disappointing day trip to Lake Mountain yesterday. To think on Monday when I initially booked it, it was not likely to go ahead due to not reaching the minimum number of 4 people required to run the tour.
I waited at the Mail Exchange Hotel and when the clearly labelled mini bus arrived with white and purple Explore Australia on it I get in and there was only 1 other passenger in it from Brisbane. She had been picked up from Southbank by the driver but there was still a passenger or 2 missing. A mistake on the correspondence to the 3rd passenger which said Mecure rather then the old hotel name meant the driver had to go back to Southbank to pick her up. Then there was the mystery of the no show 4th passenger which the 3 of us were sure was invented so that this day trip to Peninsula Hot Springs would go ahead. Minimum numbers for the tour to go ahead is 4. I think after speaking to my 2 day tripping bus buddies we all had begged the tour operator Explore Australia for this tour to go ahead. It was hot springs or nothing!
I had also planned to go to the Winter Wednesday Night Queen Victoria Markets tonight after returning to Melbourne and had mentioned it to my day tripping bus buddies. I was going regardless and asked if either of them wanted to join me. The American considered it whilst the QLDer was a little exhausted to. Yep it was going to be a very long day.
It was funny the bus driver gave us a tour around Melb and beyond. Only in Melbourne would you find strange artworks along freeways such as a fake hotel. I didn't take a photo of it. On day trips out of Melb it is not easily missed.
Upon arriving at The Hot springs we check in as well as have options to book activities and get a wristband for a locker. You also get a free towel rental and an option to rent a white robe. I ended up purchasing an ice and fire activity at 12 noon and a wristband for a locker. My 2 day tripping bus buddies also opted for a wristband locker and the 1 pm clay painting activity. The American also rented a fluffy robe and at the end of the day the QLDer purchased a clear water bottle.
After a quick change into our swim wear ( I was really quick as I had it on underneath my tracksuit which I whipped off really to go) , it was 11 am approximately snd we had approximately 4 hours to explore the spa. I said we head straight upto the Hilltop pool. When we found it and arrived the views were amazing but it was a little windy andthepool crowded. We waited our turn in it nice and the thermal spring was nice and warm but no lizard this time round sun baking underneath and our towels were blowing away. Luckily not over the hilltop and down the rocks below .
We stayed there for quite a while before moving on to find an even warmer pool soon it was time for me to leave them to go to my fire and ice activity at 12 noon. Totally lost even with a map, I asked for help to find where i needed to go. The hots springs had expanded to double the size since my last visit years ago. Where i had to be was the new section where the amphitheatre was so you could sit in the series of thermal pools and watch the live entertainment or listen to the tunes from the stage in the distance.
There were 4 other people signed upto do the ice and fire activity at 12 noon. Because My 2 bus buddies had there activity at 1 pm so I organized to meet them at 2 pm back at the change rooms ( how I managed to found my way back to the change roooms is a mystery) to possibly have some lunch although Ihad snacks with me. I have to admit the wood fire pizza mentioned to us earlier sounded appealing but i forgot all about it!
I hate saunas and have never been in one as I think they are like spas a germ pool. I stayed outside whilst the group had their meditation session and shower. I expl ou red thethermsl pools around the amphitheatre and decided to plunge into the double ended cold plunge pool. Luckily i jumped into the 1.4 m end and not the other end which was 1.9 m deep. I got a shock when i jumped in not from the cold water butfrom the depth of water which was upto my chin standing on tippy toes! I can't swim.
When it was time for the cold water pool plunge i was already relaxed and use to the cold temperature of the water. Then it was a 30 second plunge into the 1.9 m ice jet pool at 4 degree c. I held onto the ladder as I can't swim. I was in the 1st group of 3. I put my hand in the water to feel the temp which I wasn't suppose to do as it is cheating in a way. Nah that's not cold .Then it was into the water. OK so it was cold but i was laughing my head off. I quite enjoyed it actually. Only 2 degrees colder then the polar bear swims I do. Piece of cake! Back into the sauna ( yep I finally decided to try the sauna). I sat close to the door just in case it became too hot. I managed to stay in there whilst it was explained about the benefits of ice and fire . I already knew that plunging into freezing cold water reset the immune system and that the minerals in thermal water were beneficial to a range of health conditions so the information received was not new to me. It's not quite the same as my annual pre COVID trips to Canada where the cold Winter temperatures fresh air high altitudes and glacial mountain water that I showered & bathed in along with the plunges into the icey cold sea or spending time in the heated outdoor pool and hot tub then rolling in the snow before jumping back into the heated pool or hot tub or intensively going to the local YMCA and spending time in the uv treated pool and spa but it is a close enough form of natural cryotherapy. I am not into those artificial cyrotherapy sessions using liquid nitrogen set up in clinics as they can be dangerous if not used properly. So the second sauna session had no meditation session but did involve tapping and slapping of the body which is meant to stimulate circulation. Interesting and i came out wondering whether that is the reason why I always see ice skaters slapping their legs as they enter onto the ice before they start their routine. So we were all asked if we were familiar with the ice man who can spend ages in freezing waters . Yep i sure am. It's all about controlling our breathing we are told. Nah just getting that tingling sensation which means the cyrotherapy is working. So we were the first group of 3 again to do the second cold plunge except this time it was for 3 minutes . This time as a distraction a game was played to name countries beginning with letters of the alphabet whilst we were in the ice water for the 3 minutes. A quick shower firstthen onto the cold water pool again then into the ice plunge. I get in and its cold but not bad then the ice jets turn on and ithe temperature of the water really drops. I start feeling it but distract myself by repeating the words polar bear over and over . I can hear one of the other participants trying to distract herself by playing the name the country game whereas the other participant was silent concentrating on her breathing. Again i was cracking up. My feet were getting numb like i was getting frost bite but therest of my body felt fine and Ifelt as if I should be deeper in the freezing water. Still holding onto the ladder I start joining in the name the country game . Name a country beginning with "I" I yelled out " igloo" name a country beginning with "L" I had brain freeze literally so yelled out " the country that speaks" French and Swiss" I just could not think ofthe name ( Luxenberg) as my brain was frozen. Beforewe kknew it 2 minutes 50 seconds was up and the remainder of 10 seconds was to lower ourselves deeper intothe freezing water wetting the back of the neck head or even submerging into the freezing water- I wanted to but due to warnings about the dangers of putting your head under water in communal spas pools decided to just wet the back of my head and neck. We were told our body would feel as ifit had run a marathon and we will feel tired. Wewere also warned to keep hydrated. So why didn't I feel any different after the cold water plunge? I felt a little hungry. ( Postscript 2 days later after after returning to Sydney Iwas hit with severe jet lag - a delayed reaction).
Inside the ice caves. Enter via 3 doors. The deeper you go in the colder it gets . We are going in there!
Inside The Cave Pool
The Reflexology pool
Someone always has to photo bomb my shot of whatever I am taking a photo of! He just had to do a dive bomb straight into this cold plunge tub out of nowhere.
Hydrotheraphy pool and jets
These "birds" were everywhere - Victoria's brush turkey?
No didn't go inside this Turkish Steam Bath but my 2 day trip bus buddies did!
Outdoor showers
It was difficult not to
get lost around the hot springs or not to relax and take in natural surrounds. The sounds of birds frogs and other wild life amongst the marshes and waterways. Bridges pathways lead to everywhere and sometimes nowhere.
Amphitheatre thermal pools where you can relax and listen to some tunes or watchlive entertainment across the waterway
Hilltop pool and the view from it!
the c shaped 1.4 m and 1.9 m deep cold pool and 2 m deep 4 degrees c ice plunge tub ( barricaded off for ice & fire activity use only)
After I finished my activity I explored the pools on my own whilst my 2 day tripping bus buddies went to their clay painting activity. I had snacks and dried off back at the change rooms to warm up ( getting so lost!) lsI sent them a text message that I am heading to the hydro therapy pools as there was a a cafe near by. The hydro pools had jets which kept being hogged up by young men in their budgie smugglers who just kept pressing the jet buttons and laying in the water jets making their budgie smugglers inflate constantly - not a good look! Finally I get to have a go of the jets. On my way I went into the ice cave but only opened the first door beingtoo scaredto enterthe second door alone. The noisy blowing fans were scary enough. Basically they were giant deep freezers.
I walked to the cafe to reunite withmy 2day tripping bus buddies whohad just finished their wood fire pizza. I had forgotten all about it afteritwas mentioned previously to us. Aftertheir lunch we went together to explore allthe different thermal pools together looking for the hottest pools. We stopped off at the hydro therapy pool and jets. They loved the jets but pity there wasno neck pillow. They would not try the buckets as they didn't think they would be able to get in and out of them as they had larger frames. Onto the ice caves where we went into the first cave then deeper into the second cave. It was cold but not too bad. We pretended to be freezing but we were actuallycracking up inside.
We could not find the other jet pool which was not working when I visited it before but our favourite was the cave pool ( see my YouTube video uploaded) . Then the QLDer found a reflexology thermal pool. I did not like this at all - it wasn't massaging my feet the rough bottom of the pool was actually hurting my feet walking over it and felt as if i was walking over broken glass. I have never had reflexology and don't intend to either after that. My US daytrip bus buddy still had traces of clay on herfacdespite having a few showers.
After we felt we had tested out most of the thermal pools and keeping an eye on the time we made our way back to the change rooms emptied our lockers and had a shower and change of clothes. Nice and dry as well as warm we put our used towels into the used towel cages and checked returning our wristbands which i had lost along the way after emptying my locker luckily.
Best day trip ever and to think it almost never went ahead!
We were told on our drive by the bus driver this morning taking us to the hot s porings of whattime we had to meetthe bus and where and thatit would be a smaller bus picking us up with different bus driver. I think we had to be back at the meeting point just outside of the entrance/exit to the reception of the hot springs around 3.45 pm. We were early just in case. I think we should have made the bus wait for us a bit. When the bus arrived, there were seats occupied with peoples items on them but they must have calculated the number of spare seats needed. We took the single seats where possible and were off to who knows where. Itturned out that every seat in the bus was taken except for the very front seat next tothe bus driver. It was a very cozy full bus and we were picking up a group who were on a brewery tour around the Mornington Peninsula.
Next stop was Mathews Lookout where a gondola had been built to transport tourist up to Matthews Lookout. No this was not included in either tour today. Maybe look into this tour for another time. Onto I think it was called Seawind Garden to spot and get up close and personal with kangaroos. I didn't feel the need to as they were close enough to take photos of them from insidethebus although the windows have a green filter ( refer photo) . Ofcourse my little US day trip bus buddy just had to get out of the bus at every kangaroo spotting opportunity to get a selfie or hundred and each time the bus driver would shut the door and pretend to start driving off ormove the bus making the remaining passengers inside thebus crack up! Our final stop were the brightly coloured beach houses similar to those along Brighton Beach before heading back to Melbourne CBD.
Ok so this was the view from Matthews Lookout- I thought we were going to Arthur's Seat! Who are these people anyway.? Above is a photo of my other day trip bus buddy from QLD. She is pointing at the city of Melbourne in the far background which appeas to look like a floating island.
Kangaroo spotting at Seawind Gardens. Note that green filter from the bus windows I mentioned. There were quite a few kangaroos about and they seemed tame around visitors but we were still warned not to get too close.
We arrived in time for the sunset but the tide was also rising.
The colourful bathing boxes along the beach
There were quite a few drop off points and mine was one of the last at the mail exhange hotel. I asked if my 2 bus buddies wanted to join me at the Wednesday night Markets. The US bus buddy was.
After arriving back to the Melbourne YHA it was a quick shower and change of clothes. I had ran out of clothes to wear but managed to find a few pieces of unworn clean clothes I could change into. I took the tram to Elizabeth Street but on my way to catch a connecting tram, stopped into a Coles Express and looked for the Wagon Wheels my bus buddy reslly loved but has been unable to find. I dodn't think I had a chance of finding any at this small Coles but reached up on the top shelves of the confectionery aisle and found a very small box of individually wrapped wagon wheels left. I grabbed 2 and quickly paid for them and placing them into the free YHA bag I had grabbed to give to my US bus buddy before hopping onto a tram bound for the QV markets. I was not alone heading there, everyone else had the same idea.
When I arrived everything was shut around the QzV markets except for a very large mainly undercover area reserved for the Wednesday Winter Night Markets with a large pink neon sign indicating the location of these mar kn ets ie the main entrance to the night markets. It was shoulder to shoulder crowds of people. Almost every food and drink stall had queues that snaked for meters. It was really difficult to see where one queue started and ended. Luckily as you walked further inside there spaces between people widened - I can now breath a little. I spent quite a bit of time walking around the markets to see what was on offer. Clam chowder in a round bead cob bowl - yum! but I ended up queuing up for the very first dish from the very first food stall I spotted as I entered the markets a huge plate of spit roasted lamb with chips salad and rounds of flat bread. Whilst I was queuing up my bus buddy texted me and asked where I was. This is the text conversation we had below
ME : "I'm going to try and make it to the markets. on the tram now" ( this message didn't send for some reason)
"I'm on the tram trying to get to the markets now"
"Awesome!! I'll leave in abt 5 on the tram! You'll probably get there before I do! I'll text when I'm there😉"
"K!See you soon 😃"
ME: "why is the message I sent to failing. Maybe just black spot?"
"trams are so slow!"
"got you a present"
"Ooh!!! I can't wait to see what it is!!😃👏😃👏😃👏😃👏😃"
"I'm waiting for my tram now! It says it should be here in 1 minute👀"
ME: "it's crazy here. how am i going to find you?"
"Meet me where you enter for the food court😋"
ME: "can't I'm stuck"
"I heard it's insane 😳 👀 "
"Lol!!! Squeeze between people's! Use your height to your advantage 😁"
ME:"find me at the black sheep queue"
"Is that in the food court area?"
ME:" go to the entrance that says night markets in pink. the black sheep is first foid stall next to cocktails. I have my purple back pack on"
"Got it!"
"I'm here"
Yep she found me as I was almost nearing the front of the very long queue at The Black Sheep. I ordered a lamb plate for $22 after tossing between the chicken or lamb and it was worth every cent. The service was so fast and so friendly and best of all just beside it was a space to stand and eat or wait like I did for my friend who decided to get what I got and join the very back of the queue which had now grown to twice as long. I tried to look for her but could not find her. Whilst I was eating she finally received her plate of lamb but i forget the chili sauce and napkins . oh no. I managed to finish everything off my plate whilst she struggled. I said to her that if I entered an eating competition in the states i'd probably win! She agreed that I probably would. I handed her the free YHA bag ( which actually came in really handy for her market purchases later that night) I grabbed with the 2 wagon wheels I managed to find at the coles on my way to the markets. She had been going on about how much she loved our version of them although a similar product is readily available in North America. See not every visitor to Australis loves our Tim Tam!
This was my dinner from The Black Sheep above and yes I licked the plate clean! Chips flat bread lamb off the spit yoghart dressing and a Greek salad. I was so hungry after my day at the Penninsular Hot Springs - the detox from the fire & ice activity must be working!
"Hey Love! Just wanted to say THANK YOUUUU SOOOOOO much for my treats and hanging out with me tonight 😃👏🙌 I had SOOOO MUCH Fun!! Again. Don't me a stranger! My number in Az is *-***-***-**** and i'll have that number Monday of next week😉Keep me posted with your job and I'm wishing you ALL The Best💙🤗💙🤗💙"
ME:"you are welcome come back to aus again we'll have to go to the springs again and into the ice cave"
"🤣😁 YES!!! For sure🤗"
Thursday 4th August 2022
Day 5 in Melbourne & Final Day
Victoria State Library, Melbourne Central Shot Tower, Sushi , Bread Top Fried Buns , Choux Pastries & Surveillance Eyes @ Federation Square
Today is my last day in Melbourne. Holiday over , it is time to catch the XPT back to Sydney tonight at 7.50 pm.
Yesterday was a very long 12 hour day and although I didn't feel like I had just run a marathon, it finally hit me today and I am so tired.
I tried to sleep in but with everything that had to be done for today last night that didn't get done I had to do this morning. Sorting packing thrown stuff out shopping for snacks and dinner etc.
After having a shower and packing everything ( I threw out my poles as the click clack does not work very well on them and I didn't want to take them back to Sydney with me as I have a new pair without click clacks back home)
I go downstairs ,check out. place my bags in a largest paid locker ( as late as possible) . It still cost me $8 for the day. I prepared a nice salad in a container from left over salad vegetables I still had and kept it with other items that needed refrigeration in my YHA bag in the communal fridge in the kitchen.
Now I was ready to spend my final day in Melbourne out and about. I was still really tired and had planned to go and see the Light : Works From Tate's Collection at the ACMI followed by as visit to the Victoria State Library to see some free exhibitions there but decided to give it a miss and head towards the State Library as it was less taxing.
I had absolutely no idea hiw to get to the Victiria State Library. I had to ask a visitor informantion officer. I was walking in the right direction. I have never been to the library before in all the times I have been to Melbourne. It is an absolutely beautiful library. I needed a map snd directions once inside. The architecture is amazing a blend of old and new. As soon as you step inside there are 4 distinct sections of the library surrounding a large central area dedicated to the use of technology ie laptops phones computers tablets etc with plenty of work spaces with charging stations. As you ascend deeper into the library up sets of side stairs and elevators you enter the central part of the library - The Dome. You can ascend as high as the observation deck on level 6 although most of the observation decks on level 5 and 6 were barriered off due to refurbishments. The views below to the ground floor starfish like arrangement is amazing. The atrention to detail on each floor is amazing eventhough the sections are not accessible to the public and the black narrow original spiral staircases were definitely off limits. On the lower few levels there was a free world of books exhibition . Wow some of the books on display are hundreds of years old and many were beautifully illustrated with botanicals and were huge in size.
The other exhibition that was on in a side gallery was the handmade universe exhibition This was also as very interesting free exhibition. I didn't understand what this exhibition was about however the more time I spent looking at it the more I found it fascinating. Hacking a knitting machine to create the penguin books icon and recoding it to produce a more proportional higher resolution knitted penguin - just genius especially back in the day.
After the State library I was hungry again so I went exploring first at street level where I found a sushi store which was not one of those chain stores then I went exploring underground ( getting a bit lost along the way) and followed the tunnels under Melbourne Central's Shot Tower leading to station entrances which led to food courts and unique food concession - many of which were tiny hole in the wall places with specialty food items on offer. I came across Breadtop. Now this is a chain store Asian bakery around Australia but back in Sydney a few of them are closed permanently or under renovation. Both in Chatswood are closed and have been for a while now. I didn't reslise how much I missed Breadtop until now where I purchased not 1 bread item but 2 fried buns - one stuffed with curry beef and the other with chicken and mushroom. I haven't had a fried bun for so long as I usually opt for the healthier bread options. I scoffed the curry beef one down but kept the chicken and mushroom one for the train trip back to Sydney placing it in the container of salad i prepared. Next stop I found a Japanese style patisserie soecialising in choux pastries filled with flavoured custards. Disappointed that the stores selling chocolate covered custard filled Spanish churros I love so much had all closed down, I think I have found a substitute dessert. I could not decide which to get so settled on a lychee custard filled "eclair" and a mango "eclair" . I scoffed the mango one down snd it did not disappoint! I kept the other one for my trip back to sydney as well but knew they may not survive the trip as the pastry is much more delicate then a churros and the custard is a little lighter as well then the custard in a churros. The eclairs not being enrobed in a chocolate coating also makes them more delicate then the churros. I rate these Japanese style eclairs especially the lychee one a 9/10. At around $5 - $6 each they are not the cheapest dessert but are absolutely delicious light flavourful and the crunchy texture is so nice.
Photos attached.
Not the cheapest sushi place and there was not much that wasn't raw. I won't eat raw fish. I settled on a katsu prawn and a seaweed salad "handroll" - nothing special about them I rate it a 6/10 display looked better then they tasted
Melbourne Central The Shot Tower & Giant Stopwatch
Breadtop - flossy sandwiches I will not touch but the fried buns are a must try. I rate them a 8/10
Mango or Lychee & Raspberry custard choux
I found these delicious choux pastries which are not quite the Spanish custard filled chocolate coated churros I was planning to purchase but just as addictive possibly even more addictive. Apparently we have a store in Paramatta 7and when I looked it up one in Wynyard as well although they did not seem to have as many flavours or variety of pastries. Unsure if the Wynyard store is even open. Maybe i should pay it a visit. So impressed with these, I sent the above photo of the store display and text message to my American day trip bus buddy advising her that she should try them.
ME: "Have you tried these? They are better then the custard filled chocolate churros I was planning to purchase. The shops that sold the churros have closed down. I found this choux pastry store underground at Melbourne Central"
"No I haven't tried them😋 I'm going to try them before I head back home😃"
"I'm actually on my way to a Taste Of Melbourne tour! A guide is going to take us to different restaurants arnd the city🙌😋👏"
ME "wow. I wish I could have joined you on it. I am about to board the xpt back to Sydney :("
ME: " train is here but it needs to be cleaned then moved up before passengers board it."
"I know! I wish you were with me too😩 You eat like a Champ🏆😁 "
"How long is the train ride??"
ME:"overnight departs 7.50 pm tonight and arrives approx 7 am Fri. Usually it's late but hey like in North America the passenger trains have to give way to the freight trains"
ME:"did you end up finishing all that leftover food?"
"Ok! Well I guess you'll be sleeping well on the Train 🚆 😴 "
"YEP!!! I finished it ALL😋 It was Delish!!!"
ME:"nope someone bound to be coughing all night!"
ME:"still cleaning the train"
"🤣🤣🤣 You're Soooo right! Or crying and fussy baby 😬"
"I'm at this park waiting for others to show! Supposed to be Here at 7pm..."
ME:"who is the foodie your with. trying to Google them"
ME:" paid or free" ( I tried to Google food tours in Melbourne and could not find any on that night. I did not hear back from her again so I guess her tour had started and i was about to board the train back to Sydney anyway)
At Southern Cross Station it is still a wait until until the XPT departs for Sydney at 7.50 pm. At around 6.30 pm the XPT arrives from Sydney into Southern Cross Station with passengers. After they all alight, the train is cleaned by a crew of maintenance workers. During the cleaning process the train is moved forward along platform 1 where it is stationed permanently before it departs again for Sydney at 7.50 pm. During this time no passengers waiting are allowed to board the train. I watch the platforms next to platform 1 ie platforms 2A and 2B arrive with passengers alighting and boarding the trains and trains shutting and unshunting before driving past each other without any issues. These Vline trains are all run on diesel and they don't turnthe engines off so passengers waiting on platform 1 are breathing in the diesel fumes. No wonder we get cancer! it's disgusting and I have to double up my mask. The passenger sitting next to me on platform 1 complained how she was getting headaches from the fumes.
Watching Vline trains on platforms 2A & 2B shunting and unshunting and passing each other
Finally given the go ahead to board I find my seat and stow my luggage in the luggage racks. My luggage moved during the night therefore there may have been quite a bit of luggage overnight stowed.
Friday 5th August 2022
Day 6
Arrived Back In Sydney On the Overnight XPT.
Arrive back in Sydney around 8 am which is about an hour late which is typical of the 1980s XPT service. It was another rough sleep in first class seating overnight in car B seat 42 . Yes there was coughing but not as badly as the trip to Melbourne. This time they got my seat correct and again there was no one seated next to me all the way from Melbourne to Sydney when I asked the train attendant checking tickets.
Outside of Campbelltown on the outskirts of Sydney it was covered in a thick blanket of fog before 7 am.
The xpt arrives back at Sydney Central just before 8 am with an apology and explanation announced. A broken down freight train I think at Harden station where the xpt had to request permission to change tracks and travel around the broken down freight train and reduced speed limits were the causes of the delay.
It was a quick toilet stop before heading straight home on a train and a bus - well not quite, I stopped off for a sausage macmuffin from Maccas at St Leonards Station for breakfast . I was meant to select a sausage and egg macmuffin but accidently selected a a sausage macmuffin - at least I correctly amended no plastic cheese and just light oil only. I was so hungry I ate it on the spot.
Hardly home I receive a text message at 9.17 am this morning from the customer service manager - yes whilst I am still on leave without pay as follows - a personal text message not one via the whats app group chat as follows ( I did not respond to the whats app group chat as I am on leave)
"Hi can you please let me know if you would like to come to the road show on the 24th of August for electrical and hard home. There is a comm about this prizes to be won. I need to RSVP for it so can you please let me know if you can do it thanks heaps😊😊😊😊"
My one word response was just a "yes" . What else could I say I still have not heard anything about my transfer which was suppose to happen at the end of July or mid August and obviously it's not happening if the customer service manager is sending me this message whilst I am still on leave for a future date in August.
I still have to respond to that job with KNC for 3 months which is a casual job
Once home I took my rubbish out. Read my emails tried to catch up on my blogs and emptied my clothes to be washed. I don't have any change for the laundry so have to wait until I go grocery shopping to get some. Maybe I should have done it at the YHA before going home as I did have time. I had a bit of foid in thefridgeso made myself something to eat. A nice piece of murray cod that I coated in olive oil and herbed butter ( lo eft over from Melbourne) and criumbed in seasoned curry and mixed herbed ( left over from Melbourne) rice flour and baked in the oven. It was delicious. I had this with a fruit salad i also prepared ( fruit I had leftover in my fridge and also from Melbourne). i took most of my leftover food back to Sydney with me. Nice to have a proper home cooked meal.
I tried to sleep early but could not.. After the fire and ice activity at the hot springs we were advised that we were meant to feel as if our bodies had rurun a marathon and feel tired. I felt fine but now arriving back in Sydney I feel as if I am having a very bad case of jetlag - a very delayed reaction possibly ( post script this feeling of tiredness continued into the weekend)
News catch up time after not having a tv or time to watch the news daily due to early daily activities scheduled.
It's Meghan Markles 41st birthday today
Prince William flies a helicopter to the Commonwealth Games with his co pilot Princess Charlotte on board whilst Kate took the train.
Australia won more gold and silver in the discus event. In the wheel chair marathon Australia also won gold and silver. 65 medals in the pool and also 2 gold in time trials womens and mens cycling. Australia's Diamonds lose to Jamaica but still in semi finals of netball. Diving gets silver medal. Australia is at the top of the medal tally with a total of 132 medals .
The US will not let China isolate Taiwan.
21 flights cancelled over several airlines at 3 different airports earlier during the week - this was caused by a computer glitch? Really ? And not due to the long queues to check in and get through security and having to arrive at the domestic airport 2 - 3 hours before flight departure times, staff shortages due to COVID and flu, lost luggage, out of airline's control baggage handler strikes, delayed flights and cancelled flights ( This is why I refuse to fly and would rather take the train when possible instead!)
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