Friday, 21 September 2018

Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd September 2018 - Spring Harvest Festival @ Elizabeth Farm & Spring Swim @ Balmoral Beach

After a massive weekend of fitness activities last weekend , I decided not to do a dance class this weekend but instead just head to Balmoral Beach to relax. The temperature today will reach 20 or so degrees C by noon but it is a little overcast with a slight wind.

Tomorrow will be more of an adventure as well as Tuesday morning with a last minute surprise event I am attending. More about this later and I am so excited about this invitation only event.


Photos of Balmoral Beach today - not as crowded as last weekend but The Bathers Pavillion was still full of diners and there were quite a few people out and about on the sand and a few in the water. Lots of water vessels in the background - a great day for sailing.

Sunday morning and I am still on the train to Parramatta . It is now 10.30 am and I am not even half way there. When I arrive at Parramatta Station it is still a walk to Smith Street and a wait for the next shuttle bus which is quite infrequent. I hope I make it to the CWA scone making session and Bloomfields pie crust making session.

I arrive at Parramatta Station just in time to find my way around to get on the next shuttle to Elizabeth Farm run by The Sydney Bus Museum. I am the only passenger on board. It took forever to get there via Parramatta Ferry Wharf. At 11.30 am exactly I walk through the front entrance of Elizabeth Farm in time for Broomfields pie crust demonstration. The courtyard where the cooking demonstrations are being held are full. Not enough seats. I am sitting on my backpack but will have to sit on the ground soon as I am unsure if it will take my weight.

Still waiting for the demonstration to start.

How rude they ask you for a gold coin "donation" upon entering the Spring Harvest Festival -  that's not a donation that is an entry fee when the event is advertised as free. Having no cash I will donate at the end of my visit if it is worth it. I used their third party ATM and there was a $3.50 transaction fee and I only withdrew $20 cash. Now you know why I never use 3rd party ATMs. Always request a third party ATM receipt when withdrawing cash!!!

The Perfect Pie Crust With Ryan Broomfield demonstration @ 11.30 am was quite informative and there were loads of questions asked eapecially about the milled flour used. Next time I go to The Tramsheds I will have to go and have a look in detail at Dust which specialises in self milled flours.

Next demonstration at 12.30 pm is Scone Making Secrets with the Country Women's Association. This time I have a front row seat as I arrived early.

Do your scones always turn out like bullets ie rock cakes rather then scones? Then this detailed demonstration of the tips and tricks of how to make perfectly light and fluffy scone would have saved you.

A final look around the gardens and market stalls. No free samples of scones or pies. The pies were available for purchase at the market stall - unfortunately by the time I arrived to purchase one the only ones left were pork and chicken and I don't like pork. There were at least 3 other flavours of pies on the menu all sold out before 1 pm! Heaps of chicken and pork and vegetable curry pies left - the ones nobody wants both cold and hot.

Smile for the camera- I showed him this photo and it got the thumbs up

The Sausage Man  (Stephane Pois of Steph's Gourmet Foods - French cuisine made using the finest local produce) & His Family - like father like son - his son is now fully in charge of the chorizo grill ( with just a little help from mum above ). This market stall is always present at the Spring Harvest Festival - his chorizos on a stick always sell out before 1 pm  - good to see he has increased his quantities this time round!

pork pork and more pork!

By 1 pm there were only Broomfields chicken and pork pies and vegetable pies left

pretzels new to this Spring Harvest

gelato stall

picnic area

more market stalls

The kitchen garden outside Elizabeth Farm House

deck chairs set up for talks

kids and composting workshop

butter churning demonstration for kids ( and adults)

Entrance sign to Elizabeth Farm & House

signs indications where talks and workshops are.

I purchased a spurtle for $13 from the museum market stall to mix my porridge with then last minute walk around - no butter churning or grain milling. Seen it al before but took photos of kids and their parents learning about worm farms and composting. 

Headed back on the next shuttle bus back to Parramatta and onto the train back to Chatswood - such a long train trip home falling asleep for about half an hour. Hungary I stopped off to have a tofu sushi roll at Chatswood Chase before getting the next bus home. So much to do tomorrow!

CWA scone making demonstration video has also been upload onto Youtube .

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