Monday 24th August 2020
Very interesting analytics of my blog. The number of readers from the UK now equal or are more then the number of readers from the USA. Australia still has almost a 3 times lead at the top. Thank you again to all the new readers from countries that have previously not read my blogs. I hope you will check out my YouTube channel and read my previous blogs on all the interesting events I have attended in the past and previous places of interest I have visited. I only wish I could attend more events and visit more places of interest. I miss travelling and attending unique attractions. I need a good dose of snow but can't seem to get there due to being booked out or my very erratic work schedule where I am unable to plan ahead - not even a week ahead due to last minute amendments.
I just checked my what's app and something is going on with it. It looks like it has removed the Myer team group chat off it or I could be wrong . It's not backing up for some reason. Humm?? I don't work again until 29th August 2020 so will have to see what happens.
I just lost a whole 2 paragraphs of my blog again. Very angry!!!! My blog is constantly crashing.
It is such a beautiful day today and I had to venture out. I knew I wanted to go on a ferry ride around Sydney Harbour but had no idea where I wanted to go so I just started walking towards Greenwich Proper. I don't often venture down to Greenwich Proper as I live closer to Chatswood. It's been a while since I visited Greenwich Village ( refer my previous blog in search of the Greenwich IGA which is over 1 km away). This time I decided to keep walking and try and find The Greenwich Baths although they are still temporarily closed. I did not manage to find the baths but asked the locals the best way to get to Greenwich Point Wharf and they pointed me to follow the most scenic coast line bush walking track behind and below residential areas and the main roads. They told me to keep walking to my left straight along the narrow and slightly uneven track . I asked if I could get lost and they said no and that it was only a very quick 10 - 15 minute walk where I will get to a clearing and just across I will see the wharf. I followed the track and there were other people taking their walk along it. It took me much longer then the 10 - 15 minutes to get to the wharf as I was taking so many photos along the way of the unique architecture of the residential buildings and harbour views - taking it all in. Today was a great day to explore Sydney. I knew I wanted to go on a ferry ride around Sydney Harbour to discover ferry wharves I have never visited. You know when you're on a ferry bound for certain destinations but wonder how you would get to certain other points around the harbour? Today was one of those "discover wher the bays are" days. Photos below
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I wait for the ferry from Greenwich Point Wharf .( the public wharf - I was hoping I walked to the correct wharf as there is apparently and according to Google maps another private ferry wharf Greenwich Wharf further down and quite a walk away with completely different ferry routes and a very limited service probably to service the local communities). The next ferry does not depart until 1.07 pm and is headed to Cockatoo Island via Clarke Rd Wharf (closest public wharf to Woolwich Wharf which is currently closed) but I asked if it was quicker for me to travel to Cockatoo Island then back towards Circular Quay and was told that it was - I was the only one boarding the ferry from Greenwich Point Wharf everyone else was waiting for the Circular Quay ferry. Same ferry it just travels around in a loop therefore you just stay on at Cockatoo Island and head back towards Clarke Rd Wharf, Greenwich Point Wharf, Birchgrove Wharf, Balmain East Wharf before arriving back at Circular Quay Wharf. It is a very relaxing ferry loop and I am glad I stayed on the ferry. There are no public toliets at Greenwich Point Wharf ( unless they are located at the top of the wharf on street level) so if you need to go it is better to hop on the first ferry as they usually have toilet facilities on board ( yep there sure was x 2). I could see in the far distance from the ferry the 3 huge communication towers each located a 1km or more away from where I reside way in the distance.
I have also uploaded photos of the coastal bush track onto my Facebook account & uploaded a short video of my walk onto my YouTube channel.
I caught the tram from Circular Quay to Haymarket as I wanted to see the current art exhibition at The A4 Centre For Contemporary Asian Art but it was unmanned or closed when I arrived but you could see the current exhibition of tapestries from outside through the gallery's front windows. It is a really small gallery therefore it may not be worth paying it a visit except from viewing it from the outside.
Instead of catching the tram back up to Townhall I walked and stopped at the station ( before the maze of barriers were put up) for a quick toliet stop before doing a top up shop at Woolworths Townhall, recharging my Opal card and getting another $10 in coins for laundry.
There was 1 grocery item I had been meaning to buy and try for a while now. I purchased 2 packets of them @ $3 per packet. One for me and one to send overseas. I am surprised that they are still manufactured and in Australia! They are called Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs - a mouth full and I hope I got the product name correct. I grew up with this product but can't remember what they tasted like back in the 1970's and 1980's. I can't remember how many times I may have had them as plain or buttered popcorn was what I ate mostly and a lot of the time it was home made. This product is a sweet popcorn and when I try it I will describe and rate it for you. It probably has changed a bit from the original 1960's recipe in terms of ingredients as well. It still has the distinctive psychedelic packaging although I'm sure it has changed a lot from the original packaging. OK first thing I notice is the amount of popcorn you get in the 175g packet - unlike other equivalent packets of caramel coated popcorn, this brand is not stingey as I opened the packet it was filled with air but there was a substantial amount of pop corn in the packet unlike other brands which tend to be filled with more air then pop corn. The next thing I noticed was the taste - some brands of caramel coated popcorn are far too sweet. This brand had enough sweetness to coat the pop corn with a subtle hint of salted peanuts. The closest alternative would be the Cobs Sweet and Salty popcorn although they are a lot lighter in sweet and saltiness then the Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs and don't contain peanuts. Overall I quite liked it and it was a very familiar smell when I opened the packet. Rating 7.5/10 - vegetarian friendly but NOT vegan, nut allergy or lactose intolerant friendly. Not as addictive as other popcorns such as Cobs Cheddar Popcorn which I can finish a whole 100 g packet in one sitting. I can eat a 175g packet of these Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs much more slowly over at least 4 sittings. Both of these popcorn brands are sometimes foods by the way as they are both either high in salt or high in sugar ( amongst other things) hence I prefer to eat plain homemade unsalted unbuttered unflavored popcorn.
Heading home on the train via the maze of barriers now put up around Townhall station - it is only 3 pm. Bus from Chatswood home
End of my adventures for today. 4 pm and it has suddenly turned cold!
Dinner and watched The Masked Singer & Have You Been Paying Attention, uploading of photos then to bed. End of my day out. My allergies are now extreme so still not sleeping well.
Tuesday 25th August 2020
Not planning to venture out today as I need another rest & life admin day today. I still have to do all my laundry. I have to take the rubbish out again and I need to clean the apartment again and prepare some meals as well as keep on top of other things.
It is meant to be quite a nice week so I will have plenty of time to see or do things on my list I have made up before my next shift at Myer on Saturday.
Another beautiful day today.
Today I caught up with uploading photos onto my blog, watched YouTube, SBS Food Channel and The Masked Singer and yes my allergies are still quite severe mainly my ezcema and yes I did do my laundry although only half of it and I did take the rubbish out as well. Always tomorrow to do the other half of my laundry or not.
Wednesday 26th August 2020
Another beautiful day but no plans again today. You have to be so careful where you go everyday - even a visit to your local shopping centre can be a risk of contracting the Corona virus. This makes it difficult for me to decide where to go or what to see. I just read that the annual Blackmores Running Festival that was scheduled to be run on the 20th September has now been postponed and the new date the organisers are now working on for the 20th anniversary run is the 8th November 2020. The annual City2Surf 50th anniversiary run has now been not only postponed but made a virtual event from an annual August event to a 18th October 2020 event.
You can tell if people that respond to my advertisement on Gumtree don't understand English - they think I am an employer hiring and not someone looking for employment. If I get these responses I just press the "Sorry It's sold already" button as a quick reply to them.
My What's App is up and running again. So I can't work out if I am being removed from the team chat group by someone or if What's App is just playing up.
I finally left to venture out at lunch time. Again I wasn't sure where to go so headed towards Circular Quay again and boarded a ferry to Cremorne Point. This is the first time I have visited this area and it's just a bus ride and walk away or a bus or train and ferry ride away. I had only planned to walk to and see the lighthouse located at Robertsons Point Lookout but ended up doing the Cremorne Point Wharf to Mosman Bay Wharf walk. I have to say this scenic coastal walk was a contrast to the Greenwich Point Wharf coastal walk. This coastal walk was along a mostly wider and more even pathway (instead of narrow uneven dirt tracks or trails) with several sets of stairs leading to parks above or secret gardens below. Stairs also lead to private residences above and below and there are stairs up to main streets and even a set of stairs leading to nowhere. The sounds of birdlife and the huge variety of plants and flowers along the entire walk were a real contrast to the Greenwich Point Wharf coastal walk which was more bushland. A marina and playground with a carpark are located at the Mosman Bay Wharf end of the coastal walk. There are connecting bus sevices at most wharves and the good thing is toilet facilities are located at or near each wharf between Cremore Point and Mosman Bay unlike the Greenwich Point Wharf coastal walk. The ferry service loops from Circular Quay to Cremorne Point to Old Cremorne to Mosman Bay to South Mosman wharves back to Circular Quay. Along the coastal walk look out for and read the various history of Cremorne information boards and look out for any monuments erected. There is very interesting architecture along the way as well. I didn't take any videos but took so many photos my phone's battery by the time I arrived at Mosman Bay Wharf was down to 10% and therefore I cannot upload any photos until my phone has been fully recharged.
Back on the ferry from Mosman Bay Wharf back to Circular Quay, I sit upstairs outside on an older style "Ferry MacFerryface" type ferry. I eat my now cold crumbed calamari rings on my 20 minute or so ride back to Circular Quay. ( there was only one other passenger seated on the upper outside deck at the other end therefore this was the only time I temporarily took my mask off to eat as soon as I finished eating my mask was back on).
A train back to Townhall to try and get some groceries but more importantly to top up my Opal card yet again before heading home via the maze of barriers errected around Townhall station - not as bad today at least I didn't have to walk out and around the block of the Station just to get into Woolworths Townhall! However you still can't access the Station toliets at the other end unless you said "Open Sesame" to one of the train officers guarding the no exit or no entry barriers to get through to the toilets.
Back at Chatswood Station and a bus home. There is nothing to watch on tv so I watch a bit of the Food channel again and some YouTube whilst charging my 2 phones and battery charger. I am rather impressed with the Target brand battery charger I purchased quite a while back - very reliable and sturdy due to it's silicone coating over it although a little chunky but then the higher the rating the bigger the battery charger.
Around 9 pm it's time for bed. End of my adventures for today - still haven't done my second load of laundry but there is always tomorrow.
If you would like to see photos of the Cremorne Point Wharf To Mosman Bay Wharf coastal walk other then just tge wharves themselves please refer my Facebook page.
Thursday 27th August 2020
I woke up around 2.30 am this morning as my allergies were really bad . This is the worst Winter allergies I have had. I am scratching and my skin is so dry even putting moisturiser on every day is not helping and cortisone cream is only a temporary relief. I take an antihistamine and wrote on my blog before the antihistamine kicks in and I fall asleep again. I sleep in and wake around almost 10 am.
Not really any plans to venture out again for today. I am still feeling really tired.
I watch the news and have a breakfast of banana, strawberry with manuka honey and vanilla yoghart followed by a toasted rye sandwich filled with cheese and leftover Mexican chicken and rice.
It is a beautiful day but I plan to finish my laundry today before maybe heading out later this afternoon into the city as it is late night shopping tonight.
I am trying to organise my photos into files and upload photos onto my blog today which takes me forever!
Damn it I was going into the city to see something as it is late night shopping but the shopping centre is not operating late night shopping hours at the moment and closes at 5 pm today. I was hoping to see it at night as it is just not the same lit up during the day. Oh well I guess I will be doing my second load of laundry tonight!
I guess there is not much on tonight except go back and re upload my photos onto Facebook of Wednesday's adventures as the blog crashed and I lost all the photos I was uploading that took hours yo individually select.
Sleep end of another day.
Friday 28th August 2020
I woke up at 1.30 am this morning and could not go back to sleep so had a drink and a snack. I also applied for another job because i love Dangerfield clothes and would love to work for them so I don't have to wear black all the time.This sleep interruption caused me to sleep in this morning until 7.45 am. It was sure cold overnight. Today I do plan to do a few things.
First thing I did this morning was log into Metrics and read any relavant information - new Myer One sign up packs coming - I haven't signed up a single person for Myer One membership because most people have one or they don't have time to sign up for one or they just don't want one. A reminder again that you can't force people to sign up and Myer should realky set up automatic sign up booths with a dedicated Myer One sign up assistant especially on busy days as not to hold up the register. Other news new ipad software, confusing clearance ticketing, Christmas merchandising photos signage and floor plan - go VM team!I only got 1 customer feedback response and despite all my effort only managed to achieve a score of 9/10 from that customer. Oh well at least it was not a bad feedback response under 8/10. I don't know how everyone else is managing to get so many customer feed back responses as I only get 1 a week if lucky. When I go shopping I don't want to be hounded with cudtomer service surveys to fill in online from every single shop I visited. I'll complete 1 as they are so long! Nobody has time for that. Looks like I didn't get a complaint from that awfully rude customer over the phone. Nobody should be treated like that and she didn't even know who originally served her - for all I know she could have made it all up.
Next log into WSS to check my last payslip. Looks like I wasn't paid for my last 3 hour last minute shift last Saturday 22nd August and possibly the previous Tuesday either . Will have to keep my eye out for this on my next payslip. something strange has happened on Kronos too I remember punching in and out and it was 2.27 pm or so when I punched out because I was still serving a customer at 2.15 pm and I punched out after that but it is not showing up on the Kronos app as me having punched in and out ie little arrows not appearing on screen.
Today is my last day of freedom before I start to work a few more 4 hour shifts from tomorrow ie Saturday. It looks like I am working quite a few Saturdays so can't go away on weekends to get out of Sydney or go to markets.
There seems to be a lag when I type so I am going to save and get out of my blog and log back in to see if it makes a difference.
Still lagging while I type. I think my phone has almost had it but I don't want the new Note 20 nor do I want the Note 10. Both have features on them that have know will be problematic eg green tinted screen issue, a camera that sticks out therefore causing the phone not to sit flat and therefore prone to damage due to being knocked around also causing water resistance and dust resistance issues over time, then there is the 5G service which is not readily available except in city areas - unsure if it is a health concern though, the dual SIM esim feature which may not be available overseas in some countries so will take some conversion of current number from SIM to e SIM and using the SIM slot for a physical local SIM instead of global roaming and finally the removal of the physical standard wired headphone jack which you can still use with a converter - who wants to carry extra parts or spend more money for their phone? If you are travelling you will still need the standard headphone jack as planes are not wireless headsets yet but you won't be able to use them on your phone without a $30 converter - what happens if you lose the converter or worse still lose your wireless $300 plus ear buds! or Both? even worse still. The question has been raised is this the last in the note series? I say yes It's all downhill from now. My favourite Note is still the Note 3 and the Note 7 ( prior to the exploding battery fiascos) but my Note 8 well it has served It's time but after 2.5 years It's already dying whereas my Note 3 is still running after about 8 years ( yes I do charge it up now and then for the memories). I am seeing if I can get my hands on a Note 9 which is a compromise - a new one outright not a refurbished one until the S21 is released.
Analytics are always fun to interpret. Why has the number of Portuguese readers equalled readers from the UK now ranking equal second? and catching up to Australian readers at the top? Nice to know that other countries are now discovering my blog.
Today I am venturing out to do a few things - try and recycle my bottles , get a few items on my shopping list I am running low on and hopefully heading into the city to see what I didn't get to see last night although it won't be as magical during the day. Hopefully it won't take too long as I still haven't done my laundry! Catching up on YouTube episodes and ( although I am no longer a fan of) Tiktok instead.
I take a bus to Chatswood where I return my 5 bottles for recycling before taking another bus to Townhall . I walk across to the QVB to see what I did not get to see yesterday - The Tree. This is not just any tree at 3 storeys high and dripping with hundreds of Swarovski crystals, it is the annual Christmas tree usually erected around the end of October for the holiday season. However this year a special tree was commissioned to try and bring some Joy to 2020. There were loads of comments on Facebook as to what people thought about having a Christmas tree up so early. Some think it is a great idea and should be made permanent others think It's far too early or unsure.
I loved the 2020 tree and all it's flickering lights and colourful objects hanging off the tree and colourful lights below it. The artist Gerwyn Davies did a fantastic job. To enjoy the tree you need to view it from all 3 levels and from all sides. It really is a photographer's paradise . I think my favourite view would be from the top level as the top of the tree reaches towards one of the domes of the QVB. This 2020 tree was up on 19th August and will be up until October before replaced with the real Swarovski crystal Christmas tree in November in time for the holiday season.
photo below and I have some video footage which I will upload at a later date.
A quick stop at priceline for some Zertec antihistamines before a train back to Chatswood to recycle my batteries at ALDI and a grocery top up at Coles.
About to head home to do my laundry and make some dinner as well as prepare for work tomorrow starting at 10.30 am which means leaving home the long way round at 8.30 am in order to get to work in time.
I place my laundry in the washing machine take my mask off wash my hands put my groceries away have something to eat and watch the UK version of ready steady cook before going downstairs and putting my laundry into the dryer. Two rounds of drying. Uploading of a YouTube video from today and finally sleep at 10 pm.
Saturday 29th August 2020
Myer 10.30 - 2.30 pm. Thank goodness that's over! Another one on one with the customer service manager today as it is the end of the month - my second one. I was suppose to see her in her office 30 minutes before my shift ended ie at 2 pm but to get there the lift was out of order so I had to use the goods lift and walk all the way around the maze of corridors to get to her office as well as being held up by 2 customers - one of whom I probably lost a sale of 2 boxes of glasses to as I had to leave her and the other customer in order to see my customer service manager before the end of my shift. I ended up staying beyond my shift finishing time. I am unsure if I get paid for it or not. It didn't go very well. Throughout my one on one as the customer service manager was receiving calls most of them were from team members returning her calls advising them to finish their shifts early today because it was quiet - at least 3 team members were told to go home early today which is not a good sign. I think I won't be with Myer much longer I am on probation until the end of September. I don't understand why customer orders are so important and why signing up people for Myer One membership is such a big thing. Not everyone wants to join Myer One. I had one customer today that did not have a Myer One card and when he asked what the benefits of a Myer One membership were and I started explaining about the for every $1 spent you get 2 Myer One points and how you get rewards the conversation ended there and it was basically a No Thanks. I repeat again you can't force customers to sign up for Myer One. So basically I need to I need to improve on Myer one sign ups and customer orders to 2 per week each. I know my customer service skills are there but I now need to work on "other areas" according to the customer service manager . I don't want to do the wrong thing so am being quite cautious about what I do being on probation. Maybe I should ask more questions or less I haven't worked it out yet. I will try and do more as I am not doing enough according to the customer service manager. At least I ready my Metrics although I don't understand all of it sometimes.
My blog just crashed again so I lost yet another paragraph of what I was writing about.
I had a few challenging transactions today.
I don't mind customers that pay with 3 or more types of transactions but I do mind if they pay with incorrect types of tender such as invalid gift cards or efpos cards. One customer wanted to pay with a gift card but I am unsure what type of gift card he was trying to pay with but it would not process and I kept getting an invalid tender message popping up so I kept having to clear it. Eventually it was sorted out with the correct card swiped by the customer.
The customer who wanted to pay with a digital birthday voucher, gift card and the balance with eftpos was not a problem however if they don't activate their digital birthday voucher it won't scan and I could work out why it would not scan - now I know.
The one time I want to learn how to do an online return - the iPad was down due to the software update . I took the customer over to electricals to see the manager who was on break but left the customer with whoever was working in electrical to try and do an online return manually on the POS although they don't like doing this.
A lady found some Christmas cards ( yep another sign that people can't wait until 2020 is over!) in the clearance section. She wanted 2 different cards. I scanned one and it scanned up at the marked down price however when I scanned the other card it did not scan at the marked down price so I asked the customer service manager and she said just mark it down. She didn't say how ie $ or % so I took her direction and marked the 2nd card down to the same price as the first one using the item discount to $1.50. Technically I should have calculated the item discount by % but was unsure how much % discount the first card had been marked down by and would have had to do a manual calculation so just marked the 2nd card down the quickest and easiest way I thought of. As long as the customer was happy with that. She even told me the reason why she purchased the card and it wasn't for Christmas - She got a luttle creative & made one of the three words on the card "Turkey" a pun.
My blog is crashing again. This has got to stop I am now spending time looking into WordPress. I have set up a profile on it already although incomplete and at least uploaded a photo onto it and given it a name Dulcineasdiaries - at least this was available to use on WordPress as it was already taken on Blogger hence having to use dulcineasdiarycontinued.
About 99 % of the time I have to ask customers if they have a Myer One card. Most of the time they do and sometimes they don't again I don't force them to join as sometimes they don't live in Australia and there are times they don't even speak English ( yes I have had customers that purchase things but don't speak English). Quite a lot of the time customers will have a Myer One card but It's old and they are unsure if it is still on the system, they don't have it with them, or they can't remember if they have signed up for one ( or in some cases twice) or other reasons such as they have lost their card and don't have any details or requested a replacement card - no problem I can look it up for them especially now tgat the system has been updated and refined to look up memberships using 2 fields only instead of all 4 fields that must be entered correctly in order to find a customer's membership. I had one very organised customer who had made a previous purchase at Myer and she had to get the previous person who served her to do a look up for her Myer One membership therefore when I served her she handed me her receipt and advises me " Here's my Myer One membership number previously looked up so you can type it in and not have to look it up again".
I continue by rewriting what I originally wrote and lost on my blog.
I forgot about the stupid nomination for staff favourite or whatever it was - who cares. I would not know who to nominate.
Straight after work I went home and went straight to bed. Was not feeling the best as the one on one sessions with the customer service manager really stresses me out and my allergies and eczema break out.
Other news nothing to do with Myer is yet another theory in preventing the transmission of COVID - the use of mouthwash daily to kill the virus. If that has just become a theory well It's not new. I use mouthwash daily after brushing my teeth and last year way be for COVID I asked my then manager whether swishing your mouth with mouthwash actually helps you from getting sick ie cold or flu and her theory was yes. Just like me keeping and wearing a mask way before COVID due to my allergies - my theory that if everyone wore a mask from the beginning back in March COVID could have been possibly eradicated by now. Only now is the government starting to make masks mandatory in Victoria and only encouraging people to wear masks now in places where social distancing is not posdible eg public transport & retail. If everyone wore masks from the beginning we possibly and not have had the economic downturn we have had or are having now. Thing about it. Even the toliet paper hoarding period could have been prevented and business could have been more normal with the addition and assistance of social distancing, cleaning and hand washing/ sanitizing etc. JobKeeper and JobSeeker budgets would not have been as high as a result.
Sunday 30th August 2020
I could not sleep last night at all . I think I woke up several times during the night but really woke up around 1.30 am. I think working at Myer is taking a toll on me and my allergies. Stress is not good for eczema. The one on ones each month really stress me out. If only I was left alone to do my job and provide the best possible customer service I can but I feel I can't do this as so much pressure is put on me to do customer orders and sign up any customers for the Myer One membership ( Myer one lookups are now so much easier with mobile # and surnames - no more duplication of membership card numbers appearing for sane customer) and do transactions I have not come across yet. I don't understand why. Keeping track of things like reading my Metrics and what types of transactions I put through the register even doing a simple thing like not doing a parcel pick up slip for a customer who just wanted to get something to eat from the cafe just near the tableware display on the same floor who was only gone for 15 minutes ( yes that one and only incident was so long ago but was bought up again in the one on one), with cameras watching my every move through the store - it's bordering on my invasion of privacy. Myer should be concentrating more on shoplifting of their stock which at the one on one was bought up when I mentioned how I like to walk around the kitchen and homewares sections every now and then to ask if customers need assistance just to discourage shoplifting by making the customers aware that someone is actually watching. If shoplifting is so bad maybe Myer should be more proactive - I just wonder how many suspected thief reports employees actually lodge through the POS ?
I slept in until around 7.30 am this morning and it is a perfect day outside but I just don't feel like going out. I have been rostered on to work again tomorrow so need to put all my energy into preparing for that.
I need to catch up on my blog from yesterday as well as it crashed again.
After thinking about switching over to WordPress there are a few problems which is why I have not decided to do so. The 2 main ones would be porting this blog over to new one on WordPress and if you use the free version you don't own your actual website therefore it could be deleted and you would not have a backup as well as being unsure of the limitations on the number of "pages" allowed on the free version of WordPress. It probably won't lag in typing as much or not let me link or upload videos or multiple photos at a time and it is probably won't keep crashing and also have a lot more features and functions but until I explore further I will continue with this blogger site.
Maybe a project for me to explore today after I finish catching up on my blog along with other bits of life admin to do.
3.45 pm today and I am still in bed and watching tv all day in between YouTube and blogging. I just don't feel like doing anything today. I don't even feel like going to work tomorrow.
I made myself a seafood chowder in my slow cooker - it's ok but it wasn't made with the love I usually make food with.
I used octopus and barramundi fillets cut up and added cream, vegetable stock, pepper, fried shallots, freshly chopped shallots, corn , potato, carrots, celery, baby spinach, fresh lemon thyme and fresh dill.
I've read my metrics again - and get a what's app message to say the online orders is up and running again.
I applied for a few more jobs hoping to work for a smaller organisation and closer to home as it will become a problem to get to and from work especially closer to the Christmas season adding extra stress I don't need. I don't want to keep travelling upto 2 hours with transfers each way to and from work. What haspoens if there is a major accident and I can't get to work. I've already experienced one bus accident travelling home from work.
Tonight is the premiere of Plate of Origin on Channel 7 China verses Australia. The Chinese team won tonight's cook off. Next teams up to cook are Greece verses France tomorrow night.
It's 8.30 pm time to pack and prepare for work tomorrow. Then sleep.
Second last day of Winter and end of another week.
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