Monday 22nd November 2021 & Week 87 Of Total Unemployment Due To Stand Down
Week 7 Of "Freedom Day" ie Freedom Day 2.0
Day 15 of phase 3A of NSW reopening after 90% double vaccination reached for double vaccinated only.
Rain in Sydney is to continue all week and not much sun will be seen this week. 9 am and it's grey and overcast with a slight wind but it is still dry after raining last night.
News headlines include :
A woman has died from being struck by a tree whilst hiking due to the poor wet weather conditions in the Hunter region.
The investigation site of missing toddler William Tyrell is being washed away by the heavy rain. piece of cloth has been found for forensic investigation. The creek that was drained has filled with rain again therefore has to be refrained. . The weather is holding up the second week of investigations. His foster grandmother is in court on child assault charges has hired a lawyer as she appears in court. She is the some person of interest in the William Tyrell case.
2 boys almost drowned in the swollen Lachlan River rescued by a police officer nearby who jumped in and saved them. The area is still under flood watch and a warning issued not to drive through flooded areas or swim in swollen waters.
There is a partial bus strike today where Opal card machines will be switched off - a free ride to passengers but at a cost to tax payers. At the same time another industrial dispute over pay conditions is happening where courier FEDEX workers have taken action and gone on strike again causing another delay in the delivery of Christmas parcels. There is the reality of not getting your online orders for Christmas in time.
It's the last weeks of parliament sittings and 2 liberal senators ( back benchers) have withheld their votes on the passing of religious discriminati bill by blocking the pandemic laws from being passed. Barnaby Joyce has argued that they are wasting their time as vaccination mandates are at state government level not federal government level. Is this backflip to how Scomo initially wanted a nationwide vaccination mandate a plop to attract voters? or is it just a breach of human rights, anti discrimination and freedom of speech laws for a country to mandate vaccination laws?
The queen is back out and about again. She will be attending the christening of 2 of her great grand children born earlier this year cousins August ( Princess Eugernie & Jack Brooksbank's child) and Lucas ( Zara Phillips and Mike Tydall's child). The queen was determined not to miss this - of course she was ( and not because it is the first time 74 years that she will be without her husband) after Charles and Camilla making the effort to bring back 72 bottles of holy water from their curren royal tour to the Jordan River . I wonder why 72 bottles? more great grand children? or just a import limit or luggage limit?
The unconvincing mystery of Chinese tennis player Peng after accusations she was forced to have sex with a government offical continues eventhough she explains via video conferencing that she is safe and well living in a house in Beijing wanting privacy to spend time with friends. Her social media account was taken down and she was missing for 2 weeks. An awkward situation for the International Olympic Committee as the Winter Olympics is coming up in Beijing in February 2022.
Black Friday sales have already started this year earlier then usual. Offically Black Friday and Cyber Monday is from Friday 26th November 21 - Monday 29th November 21 ie after America's Thanks Giving which Australia doesn't usually celebrate because we're Convicts not Pilgrims.
There were 180 COVID cases in NSW & 1 death today. The single and double vaccination rate have continue to stall and fallen way short of the 95% double vaccination target rate. I think everyone that wants to be vaccinated in NSW has been vaccinated. There is about 3 - 4 % of people who have had 1 vaccination but have not received a second vaccination and about 5 - 6 % of people remain unvaccinated. Only a lityle over 91% of people are fully vaccinated . All figures relate to NSW only.
It's 4.30 pm and it's been raining again. I haven't done my laundry instead did a bit of online shopping ( click & collect - a kettle to add to my Christmas baubles to be collected at Myer Bondi) and applied for more jobs. I am determined to leave Myer. I texted an unvaccinated team member about how I was told by the NSW Electorial Comission that being unvaccinated is not an excuse to not to vote or a valid excuse to apply for a postal vote as voting is conducted at churches halls schools and rsls and places where all are welcome. Really ? Not according to NSW Health orders only churches or places of worship have only allowed the unvaccinated never schools and certainly not RSLs not even until 15th December 2021 , so why am I as an unvaccinated person not allowed to work at a polling place that is a church when unvaccinated people are allowed to vote? It just does not make sense.
The team member rang me back and we had a chat. We talked about Myer's AGM and how signs indicate that the company is going down!
After advising the team member about this, what do you know? News headlines advises that pre polling has now opened today and unvaccinated citizens of NSW ( voting is only compulsory for 18 and over Australian citizens refer my previous blogs) have turned up to vote at churches and halls only to be rejected and turned away by polling officials employed by the NSW Electoral Comission ( This would not have if Mr Perrottet had not delayed the unvaccinated the same freedoms as the vaccinated from 1st December to the 15th December 21 as the local elections were postponed until 4th December where all would have been able to vote, It would have meant that prevote may not have been able to vote now but would still have 3 days before the actual polling day to vote as a worst scenario) . It goes to show nobody listens to what I have to say whether it be recorded on my blog or in writing elsewhere. What I write about is never bullshit - it seems to always happen after I write about it. I knew situation would happen.
I placed my laundry into the machine and took my rubbish out into the red bin before taking it out as it is rubbish collection day tomorrow.
Tuesday 23rd November 2021
Week 7 Of "Freedom Day" ie Freedom Day 2.0
Day 16 of phase 3A of NSW reopening after 90% double vaccination reached for double vaccinated only.
Another wet morning with more rain forecasted until the end of this week. The sun is trying hard to come out at 6 am this morning after raining through the night. It actually became a bit cold overnight. 12 noon and it's raining again. The team member that I texted advised me that Thursday is good weather . I think she wants to meet up for lunch at Manly. I think I might go as I've been wanting to go for a ride on the dodgey new Manly ferries ( Emerald class I think they are called that replaced the larger older green and yellow Ferry Mcferryface Ferries) thats if they are operating - they apparently don't dock properly at low tide and may have a few holes in them I hope not!
What a morning! I can't imagine what would have happened if I wasn't around and had left for work as normal already by 6 am instead of having beeen stood down. If you go back to my blog about a year ago, I wrote about an out of control car driven my a woman who smashed into the front mail box block knocking it down just hitting the side of the apartment building slightly before coming to a stop in the front carpark beside unit 1A. At that time the guy residing in unit 1A came out of the apartment to deal with the accident and therefore I didn't have to. This time the impact was more severe, with a faster larger louder impact and almost in the same spot. Again I did not see the accident just heard it but this time I had to deal with it as I am the only one left living in the entire apartment block. There was again only a single (this time blue) car involved with a single passenger, (this time a male) the driver. The airbag on the passenger side window saved The driver. The car is a write off with back and front bumper bars ripped off, completely blown flat tyres, the entire driver side smashed and door ripped off as well as damage to the passenger side of the car from where it smashed into the ramp's handrail outside the entrance to unit 1A. The car came to a stop in front of the neighbour's fence which does not seem to have had any damage to it. The main damage again was to the front block of mail boxes which were repaired by using the remaining bricks relaying and cementing them together to form a solid structure again from the last accident ( they were temporarily held together with a length of timber for quite a while) . Unlikely to be repaired this time round as the damage to them is more severe. Maybe the mail box block should be moved to the other side of the front brick wall. The tow truck guys did advise me that if they owned a MV they would not park it on the same side as the mail box block. I agree and now I know why the guy that used to reside in unit 1A always parked his truck on the opposite side of the front car park ( unless someone else took this spot) and I thought it was always for easy access driving out of the carpark. Maybe he has witnessed similar accidents before I started residing here!?
What happened? I have no idea, I had just woken up, was watching the news, had a drink of juice, was on my phone writing and was planning to take my laundry out of the dryer before 7 am as well as planning to go out when I heard this huge bang. It sounded really close and really familiar. I looked out my window and saw a pile of rubble - the sight of the front mail box block completely knocked over - No not again I thought! Where was the car ? Panicking I grabbed my keys , my phone put whatever I could find on my feet and ran downstairs in my pjs to see what had happened. I go around the front car park next to unit 1A and spot the blue car, I see that someone had spotted the passenger and I asked where they were. The driver was still in his car with no other passengers and ok except for his right arm which was bleeding. He was on the phone. He gets out and continued to speak to his friend on his phone asking him to come and get him. The driver did not sppeak much English but he was able to tell me how he was Chinese and spoke Mandarin which I don't speak. I speak Cantonese. He asked me for the location address so he could locate it on his phone to tell his friend. I asked if he was ok but dial 000 and tell him to stay put and sit down. I did not think it would be so difficult to get through to an operator when you dialled 000. Seconds count - lucky this was not a real emergency. I asked for the police and ambulance but they said they would dispatch the fire brigade first to check if there was any leaking fuel from the car. They asked me quite a few questions. It took a while and the fire brigade were first to arrive followed by the ambulance. Then the tow truck and finally after the fire brigade and ambulance had done their job and left the accident site the police finally arrived but only for a brief moment - what took them so long? shift change I was advised. All the police officer asked me for was my details as I was the one who rang 000 and asked the tow truck drivers if they had the guy's details then asked if the ambulance had taken the guy to the hospital before leaving probably to interview him. The ambulance were very thorough with the guy ( I got a chair out from one of the styled rooms for the guy to sit on whilst the ambulance officers examined him) and so were the fire brigade. Everyone including the tow truck driver ( who even offered me a coffee) were very helpful with what details I needed to obtain off the guy for insurance claims. The neighbour even poked his head over the fence to help although he was only visiting. I contacted the property manager and I took photos of everything and sent her the details. It was all over before 8 am with the tow truck drivers the last to leave - they reversed the car onto their larger truck when it arrived - they had to wait for a larger tow truck as the car was too damaged but driveable - just! to fit onto the small tow truck.
This apartment block must be jinxed. Everything happens here. I asked the tow truck drivers why accidents keep happening as the drivers that cause these accidents do not seem intoxicated (as I advised the emergency services of this) . He said stupid drivers and the shitty cars they drive. He told me how the car dealership diagonally across the main road also has constant accidents where cars end up crashing through their gates almost into their showrooms. I had just put my rubbish out and the mini red bin out for rubbish collection day but noticed it was missing off the kerb. So where did it go? There was no sign of it. Was the crash so powerful it flung the bin out of sight? this remains a mystery. Was it possibly moved by the ambulance or fire brigade? It just could not see it anywhere. Oh well no garbage pick up at 8.30 am today. There is a large red spare bin thank goodness. By 8 am the car is gone and the only thing that remains is the rubble of the mail box block scattered acrosd the front carpark outside unit 1A.This will take time to clear and replace. It's far too heavy for me to remove. I forgot my mask which I wear everywhere and contracting COVID did not even cross my mind until now as I was exposed to and in close contact with the driver who was in the car accident, several ambulance officers, several fire brigade officers, 3 tow truck drivers , a police officer and several neighbours or bystanders. I was more concerned thst the driver was ok and being looked after, the car was safely tied away and contacting the property management company of the accident and forwarding her with the drivers details as well as taking and sending photos of the accident.
The car written off - damage to both driver & passenger side
The entire mail box block destroyed again but worse then previous accident - great excuse for me not voting at the local elections. The postal voting papers are non retrievable out of the mail box.
The neighbour's fence
Damage to railing outside unit 1A
I just spent all my time trying to do a prevote for the local elections as I don't want to be fined. I have run into all sorts of problems but hopefully I have voted sucessfully using an I vote as I have no other options to vote.
The NSW Electorial Comission keeps insisting that you can do a prevote if you are unvaccinated yet news headlines reported how prevoters were turned away because they were unvaccinated. You have to vote where you are enrolled to vote there is no absent voting therefore in order to do a prevote I have to go all the way to Bondi Junction. What happens if I turn up and am turned away when I get there? I'm not risking it and wasting my time. I can't do a postal vote which I should have received weeks ago but only received yesterday it seems as I have been checking and I only managed to see the postal vote this morning in the mail box after the accident. I can't get it out as the mail box has been crushed and the whole block of mail boxes has been knocked over and it is far too heavy to move. A replacement set of postal voting papers to be sent out to me is impossible as I have now have no mail box and repairs or replacement of the mail box block will take months. Election day is in 2 weeks time. So an I vote is my only option how ever when I try to enter my date of birth on their website it won't accept it defaulting to 2004 so I am on the phone again to the NSE Electorial Comisdion who tells me that there is something wrong with the website and to try again later. I would not accept tbis as I have been trying to apply for an I vote for days and same thing it won't accept my DOB. I had to explain this so many times for the NSW Electorial Comission officer. Then she was asking me for a physical residential address- I'm suppose to be a silent voter!!! I'm not giving them my my actual address. Finally they managed to set me up for an I vote after asking for my email address phone number date of birth and wherr I am registered to vote- talk about lack of privacy and being a silent voter! The vote was easy to cast but not easy to apply for and confirm my vote was accepted. Ok I get a receipt # and a message to say my vote has been submitted however to verify this is the procedure:
Verification Service
Available for one hour after submitting your vote
If you would like to check if your vote has been recorded correctly, the New South Wales Electoral Commission has a verification service. You will need to:
- Download the iVote Verification App onto a separate device
- Use the Verification App to scan the QR code below
- Input your iVote number and password
If you have yet to install the Verification App, please follow the instructions on ***********
As far as I am concerned I have a receipt # and it came up with a "submitted" message therefore as far as I am concerned I have now pre voted for the NSW local elections to be held on 4th December 2021. I don't think anyone applying and casting a vote will be bothered to do the above process. There is no way the government of Australia will ever get to a computerised voting system! Really to scan a QR code given to verify you vote you need to have a second device and download a separate app? I had enough trouble using the I vote on my phone with misding ta vs and options - their website never works on a phone - all their training courses , enrollment to vote forms, I vote applications , etc don't work properly on a phone and can't take voter volumes trying to access it. ( not functioning due to voter volume was the excuse given for me not being able to enter a simple date for example into their system - an electoral office offical telling me to log in later and try again is just poor customer service - I don't want to be fined for not voting).
After so much drama today , I didn't get to do much except put my Christmas tree up ( finally), go downstairs to check if I could actually access the mail box and retrieve my postal vote papers ( just in case someone tries to raid the mail box blocks for any personal information for ID fraud ( there should not be any personal mail in the mail box block as nobody ever used the mail boxes and I only used it for that one off postal vote), I also looked for the missing mini red gsrbage bin still nowhere to be found , made a Japanese curry using a brand that I will never buy again - it was awful and I will stick to my usual brand I use in future, I also made a banana and mandarin smoothie, had a shower and washed the dishes.
This was actually awful when I made it. I am even a bit concerned about the endless amount of ingredients it contains. It wasn't even sweet or spicy like a Japanese curry should be. May more like an American Japanese style curry with a name like Vermont. I used 4 blocks ie half the packet to not even get close to what a small packet of S & B Japanese medium hot curry flavour gives ( my usual Japanese curry brand so issue which wasn't available where I went shopping). Never again will I buy this brand and I rate it a 3/10.
My Christmas tree finally put up and it's not quite finished yet - still a work in progress as the lights are missing. Oops that should have been the first thing to hang on my Christmas tree. All the ornaments on my tree are ones I have been collecting over the decades however there is one that is missing buried deep in my storage somewhere from 1986 - a pewter Christmas ornament my uncle gave me when I first travelled to Canada. I wish I knew which box it was in ( along with my novelty chunky Santa lights and another set of Christmas lights ( can't remember what they were).
I fell asleep after watching the Chase The News & The Cook Up only to wake up again at 10 pm to the sound of night road works across the road.
News headlines today continue on from yesterday with new ones that include ;
The William Tyrell investigation continues with delays due to rain. His foster parents face court today over accusation of assult on another foster child. Both can't be identified and have hired separate legal teams.
Conflict continues over vaccination mandates and the passing of bills in parliament with Pauline Hanson's demands against a vaccine mandate or she will not give her support for other bills to be passed whilst bogan Jackie Lambie is more then all for a vaccination mandate lashing out during a parliamentary sitting. (I take back what I said in a previous blog on how TAS was the best state to be living in during the COVID pandemic with Jackie Lambie lashing out about the vaccine mandate and saying what she said there is no way in the world I would want to live in TAS unless she is no longer an MP representing the state of TAS!She is such a bogan).
What the? Canada has introduced Cannabis by Uber. Only in Canada! First Uber Eats now Uber Cannabis with a catch you have to pick it up yourself - I don't get it? They didn't even have Uber share ride services ( they call it ride hailing services) in Canada! Lyft was what they used before Uber was recently allowed to operate.
NSW has had 173 COVID cases & 2 deaths today.
A car ploughs into a Christmas parade in the USA kilking and injuring several people at the event. The man has been identified as an amateur rapper with other offences.
Boris Johnson goes gah gah whilst address a group of business leaders during his speech where he list track of his notes and started rambling on about the Pepper Pig theme park he went to with his toddler son and making strange rooomm rooomm car noises and at once stage apparently referencing himself to Moses? How bizarre. Is he losing his mind? Some seem to think so and for a while now.
South Australian border reopens to NSW and Victorian residents with restrictions - must apply for a permut to travel, must be fully vaccinate etc etc. At least SA is not being like QLD who are demanding travellers who want to enter their state to have actual proof from a pathology lab test result from a negative COVID test hence having to pay around $150 per person to obtain this.
Wednesday 24th November 2021
Week 7 Of "Freedom Day" ie Freedom Day 2.0
Day 17 of phase 3A of NSW reopening after 90% double vaccination reached for double vaccinated only.
Another yucky day this morning with forecasts of more rain today and the rest of the week.
Today I rang and ordered a replacement red bin as the mystery continued as to where the missing mini red wheelie bin disappeared to. It was still full of rubbish when I put it out the night before. I hope someone didn't steal it and/or put it somewhere that caused the accident yesterday morning as a result. I put it where it normally should go and it was quite heavy so very unlikely to topple over. If it was not by the car or toppled over it would have bern visible nearby but it was nowhere in sight yesterday when I looked around. Maybe it was taken away because it is not a standard sized red bin - This unit block ended up with 2 green bins for some reason. Ah the mysteries of the waste bins! Aparently every Monday and Fridays someone comes around and checks for any damaged or misding bins. Yesterday was Tuesday so if they did they would have taken it on Monday sometime during the night as I only put the red bin out later that night and only the mini red bin - I still have the big red bin thank goodness. The lady I rang to get a replacement bin this morning was not very helpful or nice with an "I don't know and I don't care" customer service attitude.
I ventured out today after lunch with nothing particular in mind that I had to purchase except I was running low on toothbrushes, Palmers Cocoa Butter ( which I can't seem to find the unfragranced jumbo bottles of), maybe some Christmas Christmas lights and a loaf of bread. I had to return my plastic bottles and get some laundry money at least.
On my way out, a lady who lives down the road asked me what happened and I explained to her how this was the 2nd time this has hapoened except this was a more severe impact and how the guy that used to live in unit 1A dealt with it last time. Somehow the conversation turned into how the guy in unit 1A died. I was told that his name was John. The woman also told me how she asked the police the very next day he passed away how he passed away and found out that it was not suicide which we both suspected, he was not murdered which was why the police asked me if I had seen anyone suspicious hanging around the apartment block but an accident where he had tripped in his apartment fell and bumped his head against a cupboard or something. Yes I was correct about how he drank- which was why the police asked me about this as well . I did suspect he had a drinking problem which explains why the night before rubbish collection day I heard a bin full of cans and bottles being emptied into the yellow wheelie bin although I could not see them, I have seen the yellow bin full of beer cans and bottles before and nobody else at the time residing in this apartment block drank and it also explains the beer cap I found in the washing machine. The lady also told me that he got caught for drink driving and had his licence taken off him. Which explains why the truck he usually drove to and from work had suddenly disappeared . I thought that he had been laid off due to COVID like the rest of us. No, he was due to appear in court just before he passed away according to the lady to appeal to get his license back and apologise as he made a stupid mistake and had 2 beers before getting into his truck thinking he was not going to be over the limit - but he was. His job probably meant everything to him and to not be able to go to work because he could no longer drive probably made him depressed . She also told me that he was looking great after he quit smoking- yep he was but I think it all went downhill in the days before he passed away which explained how he looked thin and frail just before he passed away. He actually did say to her how he had made a mistake by drink drink driving and said he might as well commit suicide. The only question remains was if he died by accident, was he actually intoxicated? Was that why I was hearing thumps in the early morning just before his passing which I had told police sounded as if someone had fallen out of bed but I didn't think too much of it as there are always strange banging and thumping noises inside the apartment block at night still are for no reason. Everyone knew him and he was a kind man ever since I moved into the apartment I sensed it and the way he assisted that poor woman that crashed almost into his apartment that day. I did feel a bit bad the day he passed away that I didn't reach out to him and get to know him more and I still do feel that way. Maybe I should have said hi more often but he kept to himself most of the time . The last person to speak to him was the last resident in unit 10 I think on the top floor before he moved out - I spotted them having a chat together. Where ever he is now I and I am sure everyone that knew him all hope that he now resting in peace. The only unanswered question remains is was it just a co incidence that he passed away 1 day before the apartment block was due to be auctioned off ( It didn't happen in the end I don't think) and that it was rubbish collection day . Did he not want me or anyone he knew see how much he had been drinking? He made sure the yellow bin was emptied by the garbbos and pulled back in with the blue bin but left the red rubbish bin out on the kerb.
I had a great chat to the lady then went on my way on the bus to Chatswood. I wanted to go to Bondi Junction to my storage to get stuff, to empty my po box and also to pick up my Christmas ornaments and kettle at the same time from Myer's click and collect but I still haven't received an order confirmation to pick up my kettle. It's been 3 days now. My ornaments are ready to pick up but I'm not going to make 2 trips out to Bondi so will wait.
I returned my bottles then went to Zapp Variety where I found a similar poinsettia garland to the one I already had which is great as the other one does not quite wind around the entire tree only half of it. This will balance out the tree now! Still no lights as I can't decide if I should go for flashing coloured lights or stick to the white solid mini snowflake lights. I am trying to keep my tree as natural as possible- if I can find some red berry lights ( not fairy lights) that would be great and go well with the tree. I just don't think multi coloured lights would go with the clear snowflake lights and glass icicles hanging all through the tree.
Next stop Coles where I just got some lamb and bread for dinner. I like to buy the Coles ginger bread person as a part of the proceeds from the sale of them goes towards red kite. This year 5 cents from every hinder person sold goes to this charity. What is odd this year is these gingerbread people are so politically correct. 1. It is just l labelled gingerbread not gingerbread man not even woman.2. He is wearing pants. Whoever made them ensured that he was well covered in chocolate from the waist below the belt down including his feet and his entire back to to bottom so no bum crack or nudie Santa gingerbread person this year. So what did I think of this year's gingerbread person, it's not ginger bread but more of a shortbread biscuit. Far to buttery and not enough ginger or mixed spice. A bit no hum compared to previous years. I don't like chocolate on my gingerbread, I like them naked and with a lot more spice and ginger and a little different in texture softer puffer and not as buttery or crumbly. I rate it a 5/10 for the donation factor and It's only 65% made from Australian ingredients this year. Still has no artifical colours or flavours but probably lots of sugar! I think Santa gingerbread has lost some weight too due to inflation and COVID.
Caught the bus home. As soon as I get home I don't even have time to take my mask off when I see the guy that crashed his car into the apartment block with his friend loitering around the car park and trying to get in wondering what they were doing ( I assume showing his friend where he crashed and the damage he caused as he did not have an opportunity to when he was taken away to the hospital that day he crashed) . I asked them from my window what they were doing. They were looking for the property manager to speak to her and did not seem to understand that she was not onsite here. I grab my keys and phone and go downstairs to talk to them. They said that they had not heard from her about the insurance . They asked me to give her their number and get her to text him back ( I am writing they because the guy who crashed his car can't speak English well and needs his friend as an interpreter - not that his English is much better and texting is better as his written English is better) . They did not even understand that the sign was a for lease sign think the property was up for sale. I had to instruct them to take a photo of the front for lease sign as the oroperty manager's telephone numbers are on it so the guy who crashed his car did so and I said I would pass his number onto the property manager for him and get her to text him and if he does not hear from her to contact her himself. I asked how he was and he is fine just a few cuts and scratches on his right arm. I said that I would pass the message on and said good bye. I sent the property manager the number of the guy who crashed his car as soon as I got back upstairs . I did not send her his number as I got it from the tow truck driver and wanted did not know if it was correct nor did I have direct permission to so now that I have checked with him and he has given me the ok to have passed his phone number onto the property manager. It's all upto her to now contact him. She has all the photos and details of the car crash and damage to the property.
Oh look I just exposed myself maskless to 2 more unmasked strangers!
I really didn't realise how late it was by now. It was almost 7.45 pm, no time to bake the lamb roast I wanted to prepare for dinner and I'd missed The Chase, The news and The Cook Up however I managed to watch most of 8 Out of 10 Does Countdown and my favourite documentary Could You Live On The Breadline on SBS on Wednesdays at 8.30 pm but fell asleep towards the end of it as I was so tired. It rained again through the night and into the morning and it was cold again. Never a dull day in my daily life even when I am unemployed. I am awake at 1 am this time - the swishing of MV driving by in the rain is really loud. I am up catching up on my blog. The team member from Myer that texted me ( not ex team member ticket girl, I texted her back too about how the guy in unit 1A died but the other unvaccinated team member) about meeting up for lunch with her tomorrow at Manly because she thought there will be some nice weather that day, I think she may be wrong about that as it is forcasted to rain again. I'll text her back tomorrow as it may still clear up. We can only meet up together under the singles bubble and the unvaccinated rule of groups of 2 only being able to meet up COVID restriction rules still in place ( Yes there are still COVID restriction rules and regulations still in place that have been forgotten about by the NSW state government). I went shopping today at 3 other stores at least and did they really bother about proof of double vaccination or even check?- NO, I just did the right thing and scanned my QR code to check in each time. I am still seeing people not scanning the QR codes or check in with smaller stores and supermarkets that don't really care or never had double vaccination mandates rules and regulations to enter them. I could not find things I needed so purchases alternative things like cheese cloth instead of calico ( for my pudding) .
News headlines for today include :
QLD premier announces travellers to the state no longer have to pay the $250 for PCR tests required for entry into the state.
A Jetstar pilot has been arrested over the disappearance over 2 campers ( old investigation but continuing investigation) 2 years ago
Jackie Lambie says she may have to change her phone number over a alleged One Nations senator leaked her phone number and she has been receiving abusive text messages after her outburst yesterday in parliament in regards to vaccine mandates. She gives her phone number out to veterans and people with depression freely to contact her so I don't understand her problem. If you make your contact number public of course you will receive unwanted text messages and calls. Everyone does once you give anyone your phone number - all she has to do is block the unwanted numbers!
People are saying a man is being unAustralian for getting a Southern Cross tattoo removed.
There was a tragic drowning on the Yarra River due to rapids with 2 people rescued whilst conoeing - one died whilst the other was rescued.
La Nina is offically here hence the wild woolly and extremely wet weather conditions around Australia. It's summer and the wet season should have been over by now but it is still raining and even a lot cooler then usual for this time of the year.
The Boxing Day Sydney to Hobart yacht race is back on this year after being cancelled last year due to COVID .
The queen is not amused with some documentaries about the royal family behind the scenes with how they deal with the press/media.
Black Friday sales continue as it gets closer to the actual sale date which originated from sales after Thanks Given and is not an Australian sale tradition. This is probably used as a l art ditch to boost sales before Christmas.
Health officials want to keep masks on through Christmas although there is yet again talk of bringing forward freedoms possibly for the unvaccinated. Make up you mind NSW government! You've already caused havoc with the NSW local elections as to whether you can vote in person if you are unvaccinated . The NSW premier will be attending a meeting today specifically in regards to mask mandates as he is sick of wearing the. Now there is the push for everyone to get the flu shot as they think there will be a flu spike. Bullshit especially as we are going into Summer and haven't had any cases for 2 years - deh that's because everyone has bern concentrating on COVID and made to wear masks! The government thinks it will be because of the return of overseas travel who are the alleged flu spreaders and therefore recommended to get flu shots upon returns from overseas travel. Flu shots not compulsory at the moment but let's see how far the government will go in the future to push for a flu vaccine mandate.
25 year old Wimboledon Australian tennis player Ash Barty has announced she is engaged. Congrats to her!
There were 248 COVID cases and 2 deaths in NSW today. The 2 deaths again were older had other medical conditions and one was double vaccinated the other partially vaccined. Both died in hospital. There is still a pattern from these deaths.
Not quite Armageddon yet but the by plan by NASA to test blast an asteroid off course to prevent it from crashing into Earth in the future.
Thursday 25th November 2021
Week 7 Of "Freedom Day" ie Freedom Day 2.0
Day 18 of phase 3A of NSW reopening after 90% double vaccination reached for double vaccinated only.
Happy Thanks Giving!
After raining for most of the early morning it has stopped and is now a dark grey overcast day again this morning around 8am. I have been awake since 6 am and watching the news.
I'm spending too much of my time in the morning tracking down my click and collect from Myer. I tried to track my order online and It's not working. I have rung the customer service number several times now and am constantly on hold for so long I hang up each time. I've tried the online chat but it isn't very helpful. It's been 4 days and I made the order online right after my Christmas baubles order - they are ready to collect but the kettle on the other order isn't. If it is like this when it's not Black Friday I wonder what it's going to be like on Black Friday!
Today I was suppose to meet up with the unvaccinated team member who texted me at Manly for a walk and lunch. She didn't confirm so I texted her again today asking indirectly about it. I said it isn't raining where I am and she texted back saying that it was where she is so is waiting for it to stop. I had other plans so took the opportunity whilst it wasn't raining and hoping the rain would hold off by taking a bus then a train then walk to Circular Quay to try and get on one of the new Collins class (I mean 😉) Emerald class ferries to Manly. The next one wasn't for a while when I arrived at Circular Quay but there was an iconic green and yellow Ferry Mcferryface type ferry docked at wharf 3 about to depart. I decided to take it to Manly and take the Emerald class ferry on my way back unless the death turns and pours down with rain where I have the option to bus it all the way home from Manly.
Whilst on the ferry passengers were treated to an impromptu aero acrobatics show from a black hawk helicopter weaving in and out over the Sydney Harbour Bridge and flying upside down in loops between one set of the Sydney Harbour Bridge's pylons before ripping loops in the skies above us. I unfortunately didn't get any good photographs or video of the training exercises performed the the black hawk helicopter as it apoeared very suddenly out of nowhere.
I made the right decision and upon arriving to Manly walked around Manly avoiding The Corso as it will tempt me to buy stuff and I don't need anything except fresh air and exercise outdoors. I decide to take a walk to Shelly Beach from Manly Beach on the opposite side to Manly Wharf. The waters were rough but there were surfers and ocean swimmers. I miss going for a wade in the ocean. So I walk along the Manly Scenic Walkway to Shelly Beach, the wide 2 way bike/pedestrian path that winds it's way along the foreshore of the Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve taking loads of photos and video footage stopping at The Bowers and Fairy Bower Ocean Pool before continuing to Shelly Beach and walking back to Manly Beach. Where I stopped off at GYG for a mini spicy chicken burrito and a stop off at Aldi for some salt and pepper cashews, cranberry juice and a bottle of sparkling mineral water - you can never have enough botled water - not so keen on the floating bits in the bottle of cranberry juice which I pointed out to the checkout operator who made the dumbest comment about it I had ever heard which was the floaty bits in the bottle of cranberry drink were the antioxidants nly because he read on the bottle that it was "full of aantioxidants". I had time for a toilet stop as well as the ferry back to Circular Quay was a normal ferry but the next one due at 5.15 pm was an Emerald class one. Photos below
From Shelly Beach you can continue your walk into bushland or turn back towards Manly on long the walkway
Spot the native protected bush ( brush) turkey - not for the Thanks Giving table! ( aparently not goid eating anyway i've been told - flesh is too tough)
The Boat House , cafe & kiosk at Shelly Beach
Entrance gate to Walkway from Manley beach to Shelly Beach
Manly Beach with it's little shelters
Rockwall warning signs along walkway
The Bower a small set of cafes ( closed when I visited) and shop
There is a lot of interesting flora along the walkway to spot
Save the wzter dragons signs found along the walkway
Nice touch of a sculpture beside pool
Basic outdoir rinse shower
Upgraded Fairy Bower Ocean Pool currently closed
New toilet and Cameroon block along the walkway opposite Fairy Bower Ocean Pool
This was an interesting carving on one of the sandstone rocks
Back towards Manly Beach
Along the walkway there are these sculptures amongst the stone wall
Shelly Beach
I wasn't the only person keen and curious to travel on one of these dodgey Emerald ferries today. On my way over on a normal ferry an elderly couple were in discusdion about their sailing schedule and whilst on the Emerald ferry back to Circular Quay which was on schedule departing at 5.15 pm I overheard a group of elderly Chinese men speaking in Cantonese comparing these new Emerald ferries as being similar to the ferries travelling from HK to Guangzhou. Well there dodgey ferries are manufactured in Asia somewhere. So below is a summary of what I thought of the new Emerald class ferry ( photos attached) I have uploaded a video of my walk from Manly Beach to Shelly Beach onto my YouTube channel already but also have some short snipet videos of my ferry rides which I will upload onto YouTube at a later date to demonstrate the difference in docking and size.
What I liked about the new Emerald class ferries
1. smooth ride inside and outside
2. different configurations of seating arrangements forward facing rows, forward and backward banquette and table seating ( great for working or doing homework with a laptop or notebook , eating and drinking, group socialising or families) and 2 forward face 2 backward facing seating sets etc
3. plenty of leg room and access for wheel chairs, walkers, prams, scooters etc
4. toilets at end of ferry easy to find
5. flip seats to maximise space
6. travel time seems s little shorter
7. Unobstructed views from outside deck seating
What I didn't like about the new Emerald class ferries
1. Extremely noisy in and outside
2. Not faster then older ferries eventhough it seemed like it, it still took 30 minutes one way and it seemed the ferry was using an awful lot of power as if it was an effort for the ferry to travel at the same speed as the old ferry ie struggling hence the extremely noisy engines
3 constant buzzing noise from overhead PA system
4. Too many fire extinguishers around free standing not attached to anything
5. Much smaller vessels
6. No automated docking ramps, single file gang planks for boarding and alighting to/from wharf / ferry. ( one end which is positioned so close to the edge of the dock it's scary if the ferry moves and the gang plank falls down the gap between the ferry and the wharf ). I can see why there may be some issues at low tide with alignment.
7. fixed direction seating
Rating 5/10. Pay a bit more and catch the privately owned Manly Fast Ferry - only saves you about 10 minutes one way but it is more efficient - unless you are a train plane and ferry enthusiast like me.
As soon as I alighted the ferry at Circular Quay it started to rain and it just go heavier as I walked to the light rail - I wasn't going to walk or catch the train to Wynyard which was a good decision as it bucketed down with rain by the time I reached Wynyard and had to cross the road to Wynyard Station from the street level light rail. There was a brief but loud crashing sound of thunder very near by. Later that night on the news that busy but loud crashing sound of thunder had taken out the power lines and/or signal box causing chaos during peak hour on a few train lines which I think ould have caused delays on the train line stopping via Circular Quay Station city circle line out to the Western suburbs. Fortunately I caught the light rail and the Northern lines were unaffected but quite packed ( more exposure to COVID via strangers although most people obeyed mandatory mask rules in place on public transport) . I debated whether to alight at St Leonards or Chatswood - either way I would still have to walk and cross the roads home. So decided to alight at St Leonards walk and wait for a bus which too forever during peak hour! photos below of the Emerald class ferry.
This was what I disliked about the new Emerald class ferries - a narrow single file gang plank in contrast to dual level boarding & alighting with an wide automated docking ramp.
Work and Study area
Banquette seating around front window
rear outdoir deck seating with unobstructed views of the harbour
outside stairs to access bottom level
good lighting inside
all manual docking - no mechanical ramps lifted or lowered on these ferries onto docks
flip up seats in front/back configuration ideal for groups or families who want to sit together or a wheel chair, walker or prams ( which are not so easy to board or alight due to the narrow manual gang planks)
ferry entrance/exit lower deck
Emerald class ferries are named after Northern Beaches.
rows of bench seating outside deck rear of ferry
upper deck no access to
stairs to crew only upper deck
outside stairs to lower deck
There are 3 seats thst are partially covered on top outside deck of the ferry - This is where I sat in case it rained.
visible life jackets above outside top deck
forward facing seating
Inside top level of ferry
Inside stairs to lower level of ferry where you board and alight
As soon as I arrived home, I washed my hands washed and hung my mask up had my now stone cold mini spicy chicken burritos the rest of my salt and pepper cashews and watched whatever news was left to watch, The Cook Up, 8 Out of 10 Does Countdown and fell asleep for some reason missing A Girl's Guide To Hunting Fishing & Wild Cooking on SBS. I did manage to catch up on watching this when I woke up during the night and there was a rerun.
News headlines today :
There is a new Police Commissioner- the first female police commissioner.
A migrant boat capsizes in English channel. unsure of numbers on the boat. Rescue to continue and search for the missing . Freezing conditions increases the likeliness of survivors. At least 31 people drowned including women and children. There werr at least 25 boats - 24 made it acrosd the channel 1 did not. Migrants paid $5000 each to people smugglers to get on these migrant boats.
Religious discrimination bill is still awaiting to be passed and the vaccine mandate and pandemic bill debate continues to cause conflict within Parliament amongst MPs with rebel anti vaccine liberal MPs . If there is the constant message from the Federal government that there is not a vaccine mandate yet there is pressure from state governments for vaccine mandates the question is why aren't all MPs vaccinated? Hypocrites? Government should be leading by example. If there isn't a vaccine mandate within state and federal government then there shouldn't be a vaccine mandate for the residents of each state and Australia as a whole. It is not one law for governments and different law for the people who won't have a freedom of choice - This is not how democracy works - This is dictatorship! Is the goverment being held under hostage or are the residents of Australia being held hostage? Anyway whst has an Religious anti
discrimination bill got to do with a vaccine mandate or pandemic bill? Just f***ing pass the bills as long as they are to the benefit of the people of Australia and not to the benefit of the government's ( which they usually are) NO to vaccine mandates NO to a pandemic bill and if the religious discrimination bill is a fair one and does not discriminate against LGB... community or others then just go ahead and pass it.
The Queen continues her Royal duties out and about - people are concerned about her purple hands , she has actually had them before and it's to do with a circulation problem in older people ( good reason for her to wear gloves to keep them warm so they don't go purple).
Rain rain & more rain. Rain of predicted 25 - 100 mm with the peak hitting today. It's going to be a very long wet colder Summer wehich is forcasted by meteorologist to last for upto 6 months!
Singer Rod Stewart has new music. He still has all his hair and he is in his 70s! Not a fan of his latest music clip. His interview was more intetesting.
There were 276 COVID cases in NSW and I assume there were no deaths as I could not find any information on the death numbers instead there is a massive shift in figures being reported. You have to shift through the emphasis in the break up of all the other breakups of hospitalisation figures, number of cases in each region of NSW, sewerage detection areas, overseas acquired cases, break up of vaccination rates and even the push to get vaccinated before you even can find the number of COVID cases in NSW overnight on the Health NSW website.
- NSW will overhaul some COVID-19 restrictions once it hits its next vaccine milestone.
The next mile stone is 95% double vaccination rate or 15th Drcember 2021 whichever comes first. It is likely to be 15th December as vaccination rates have stalled for quite a while now in NSW.
"Update on further easing of restrictions
Adjustments to previous settings scheduled for this milestone include:
- Masks will only be required on public transport and planes, at airports, and for indoors front-of-house hospitality staff who are not fully vaccinated (previously all indoors front-of-house hospitality staff regardless of vaccination status). Masks will be strongly encouraged in settings where you cannot social distance;
- No density limits (previously one person per 2sqm);
- COVID safety plans will be optional for businesses and will be supported by SafeWork NSW;
- QR check-ins will only be required at high-risk venues including hospitals, aged and disability care facilities, gyms, places of worship, funerals or memorial services, personal services (e.g. hairdressers and beauty salons), limited hospitality settings (including pubs, small bars, registered clubs and nightclubs), and for indoor music festivals with more than 1,000 people; and
- Proof of vaccination will no longer be required by Public Health Order for most activities (businesses can still require proof at their own discretion). Proof of vaccination will still be required for indoor music festivals with more than 1,000 people."
The report is quite long and goes on and on. It can be found on :
Why did the NSW premier delay full freedoms for everyone from first of December to 15th December 21? It would not have made any difference . NSW reached the double vaccination rate of 90% before 1st December 21. He broke his promise. Now vaccination rates have stalled and it is unlikely it will reach the 95% double vaccination rate. There is almost no difference between 90% and 95% double vaccination rate in terms of contracting COVID and spreading COVID. It would have prevented the local election preventing and on the day voting confusion of whether unvaccinated citizen could vote in person or not if he had stuck to the 1st December 21 all welcome to the same freedoms . I would have been working at the elections, prevoters would not have been turned away from prepolling venues because they were unvaccinated despite being told the unvacvinated could vote in person and I would not have been told that being unvaccinated is not an excuse for applying for a postal vote nor would I have had to apply for an I vote as my only option of voting due to the unfortunate car accident destroying the mail box block.
To me it does not matter anymore and hasn't for a while now whether I get vaccinated or not unless I want to travel. I have suffered enough throughout the pandemic. I am due to finally get my first vaccination on 1st December when 3rd vaccinations have already comnenced. I have decided that I am not going to get vaccinated. It would have been such a different situation but I can't tolerate anymore stupidity and I'm not willing to risk the extremely likely chance of getting an adverse allergic affect as a result of getting vaccinated. A I said previously I am not an anti vaxer but a cautious vaxer and in light of everything that has happened and everything that has happened to be in the 2 years of the pandemic and based on scientific data I have decided that I am not going to get vaccinated at least not until I have to. If there is really and truely no vaccine mandate in Australia then I should be free to do everything the vaccinated are able to do. Everything that has happened to me during the pandemic and to everyone I have known, has not in anyway motivated me to get vaccinated but has actually discouraged me from get vaccinated and to delay my vaccination for as long as possible because it became no longer important if and when I got vaccinated. If things had turned out different for me then it would have been very likely that I would have had my first vacvination by early to mid October 21 even earlier but things happened that did not have to happen - life needs to move on from the COVID pandemic with or without vaccination. We all need to move on as the pandemic has turned everyone's lives upside down without the need to. Whether I end up getting COVID or not I no longer care.
Friday 26th November 2021
Week 7 Of "Freedom Day" ie Freedom Day 2.0
Day 19 of phase 3A of NSW reopening after 90% double vaccination reached for double vaccinated only.
Apologies to my readers I am a little behind in my blog but thanks to whoever has already viewed by YouTube video I just uploaded last night!
It 's an awful morning and just stopped raining around 8.30 am. I slept in today until 7.30 am after waking up last night or early in the morning ( I didn't check the time) to the cursing and yelling of the couple who must be living on the streets nearby possibly near Coronation Park. There are a lot of domestic violence abused, alcoholics, substance addicted, mentally unstable and homeless people loitering around this area. Usually passing through however they have been loitering around this apartment block in the carpark out the front which does scare me sometimes during the night. Lately not so bad as it's been so wet and there is nowhere for them to hand around as there is no shelter from the wet and wild conditions. It is raining again and still raining at 10 am. Today is a day at home I think.
Almost 10.30 am and the property manager actually paid me a visit this morning. She is here to assess the damage with a tradesman. She said police did not have a record of the accident/incident - of course they don't they came after the fire brigade ambulance had left with only the tow truck driver waiting for his bigger tow truck to arrive. The single police officer took my details down and the driver advised me yesterday that he was interviewed by the police whilst he was in hospital . Aparently not only does the driver not speak English he hasn't got insurance coverage but wanted to pay for it himself.
I also reported the missing red bin and how I've ordered a new one to the property manager who advised me to advise her if a red replacement bin does not turn up.
Oh look I've just been exposed to 2 more unmasked strangers and was again not wearing a mask! I think that now 15 or so strangers I've exposed myself to in less then a week where I was not wearing a mask and they were all not wearing a mask! This will be interesting Will I contract COVID before on or after my vaccination due date of 1st December 2021? My exposure was not by choice - it was due to an emergency. If I get COVID I hope I can recover before 12th December 21. If I get COVID which I hope I don't but if I do I won't be able to get vaccinated and have to at least delay it. This is wherr my so called " overactive immune system" will affect the outcome. Yes my immune system I've been told by that dermatologist is not suppressed but overactive hence my severe allergies and ezcema conditions.
Centrelink fortnightly income submitted.
Just before 12 noon, the small red wheelie bin has appeared next to the large wheelie bin again. Where was It? Or was it the new replacement one. It looks new but I haven't gone downstairs and had a closer look. It is Friday and I was advised that every Monday and Friday someone does travel around the area to replace and repair red wheelie bins.
It is so wet outside. The swishing sounds of MV passing along the road is so loud. By 1 pm it has become windy but the rain has stopped and although it is still overcast and grey, the sky is trying hard to try and let the sun peep out but it just can't .
I watch the Food channel whilst catching up on my blog and blended up a bottle of juice are from white nectarines, black berries and strawberries with a spoon full of Manuka honey and half a time juiced.
Breakfast was a cup of hoot green tea, a piece of burramundi with herbs fried shallots chilli flakes cumin garlic paste soya sauce sesame oil ground pepper turmeric and fennel seeds and the rest of my manderin smoothie ad well as a mascapone promote cherry tomatos and spinach wholemeal sandwich.
Happy Black Friday!
Black Friday sales traditionally the day after Thanks Giving. I had a look this morning and there isn't much of a bargain online really.
News headline this morning include :
A man trained in jujitsu runs out of his house naked when he hears a 15 year old teenager trying to steal his car in the night putting him in a choke before neighbours hear the commotion to help him. He finally let the offender go as he didn't want to deal with all the police paperwork and just wanted to go back to sleep when asked why he let the offender go. All caught on cctv. Would you want to deal with the police if you were in that situation?
Rain Rain and more rain. Today is suppose to be the worse of wet and wild weather. Ah La Nina!
Warraga man Dam set to spill yet again! Flooding in regions continues.
With no new progress or leads , the investigation into the disappearane of William Tyrell continues 11 days in with the search extended due to the extreme wet weather conditions and the disappearance of the elderly couple while camping continues with the stood down Jetstar pilot suspected with their disappearance still under investigation. The suspect pilot has been charged and held .
Chinese spy ship spotted in Australia waters in our exclusive economic and exclusion zones - part of their military training exercises off the coast of Darwin - I don't think so! Very concerning. They have been actually surveillancing the Australian waters beyond the top of Darwin as far down as Sydney for 3 months where their presence was known. Scomo has said they were closely watching us so we were closely watching them and it has been reported that it is not uncommon for foreign ships to observe military training exercises and not the first time China's spy ships have been spotted in Australian waters.
Josh Frydenberg has been caught on camera during Scott Morrison's speech struggling to open his water bottle before passing it to Barnaby Joyce who after struggling to open it finally does passing it back to Josh Frydenberg - the result Josh Frydenberg has appeared with a sprained finger and advises everyone that there is no excuse for the treasuer to have a sprained finger holding up his bandaged injured finger not to be able to open a water bottle. Is this even news worthy?
Madonna has had her raunchy photos blocked on Instagram - who cares. Is she cryong out for attention ? Who knows. Ageism maybe.
Troops are departing Townsville to join armed forces already there for the Solomon Islands to control the civil unrest there to restore law and order. China again is playing a part as the cause of the unrest.
There were 261 COVID cases in NSW today and again I am finding it difficult to find the number of deaths. There were zero deaths.
There is a COVID alert SW of Sydney in Cronulla were 14 people have contracted COVID from attending a funeral.
There is a new COVID strain originating from South Africa therefore a push for booster shots. Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Lambda and Mu or is that going to be Nu ( as in new) ? Whatever COVID strain or mutation this is , the new COVID-19 variant, called B.1.1.529 and is much more contagious. Border closures are already in place in a few countries overseas with more countries reviewing their travel restrictions. The big question is will this new COVID strain be resistant to current vaccines? Another reason why I should not get vaccinated - it will take another 2 weeks to know vaccine efficacy. I don't actually think this is long enough to see if the vaccine needs "tweeking" . Oh the new variant has a name Omicron.
Saturday 27th November 2021
Week 7 Of "Freedom Day" ie Freedom Day 2.0
Day 20 of phase 3A of NSW reopening after 90% double vaccination reached for double vaccinated only.
It's still raining and a little windy at 8 am this morning after a cold patched through the night and of course rain. It was barely 15 degrees at 9 am this morning and there is around 10 - 15 mm of rain yet again. I was hoping to get out to Cabartia by ferry and take a walk to catch the Mortlake Ferry or Putney Punt - not today. 11 am and it's just starting to clear up although still breezy grey and overcast. The rain has stopped.
The rain stopped for quite a while after lunch so after having a shower washing the dishes and doing a few other things I ventured out but only to Chatswood. I could not be bothered to wait for the bus so walked to a few bus stops away before waiting for the next bus, gee It's cold I have a hoodie on but needed to pull out and put on my waterproof wind jacket as well. First stop was Zapp Variety to look at the Christmas lights then to Daiso which was very disappointing as they had absolutely no Christmas lights next was onto the Dollar store in Westfield which had heaps of Christmas lights but I could not make up my mind as to whether to get the garland with little rd ferry lights or get some coloured red berry flashing lights which were around $24 ratger expensive and too many but rather difficult to find. Maybe I should slick to white ferry lights in the shape of snow flakes or flashing white ferry lights. I do like the thought of having multi coloured flashing ferry lights but somehow don't think they will go with my green and red themed Christmas tree. Onto another independent Korean gift store which had almost no Christmas products at all. Time to go grocery shopping again first stop aldi then into Coles Local which had hardly any Christmas items there as well. I was tempted to go to Target but my QR code scanner and check in was playing up. The QR codes scan fine but the service new check in app is playing up and not letting me check in or out.
I spotted a open round bacon tomato spring onion and cheese Danish at Coles on a bottom shelve amongst the range of Sonoma bread loaves which looked so delicious I decided to purchase one. At $5 each I hope they are worh it. after finishing my shopping so decided to eat it before heading home. It was very nice and satisfying - up there with my favourite pastries from French pastisserie cafe in the Rocks Le Renaissance and a market stall I used to buy my quiches and pastries from. I rate this Danish from Coles a 7/10. I rated it a little lower because I found it very salty although it was packed full of flavour and satisfying that I did not have to eat anything else afterwards. It was really tasty and cheesy . I am wondering what types of cheese was in it as I got an allergic reaction from it - I think it may have been a stinky or mouldy cheese which I can't tolerate at all. Photo below
Before going grocery shopping at Aldi and Coles I found and visited Santaland since I can't make it to Melbourne to see this year's Myer windows. Santaland was pretty cute but there were no Santa just lots of lit up Christmas trees. Photos below & short not so great video uploaded onto my YouTube channel - apologies I left off the reading bunny and no Santa present at the time of my visit - sorry kids.
I repack my groceries and walk to the bus stop home. I wash my mask and my hands and it is cold so go to bed early as my allergic reaction is annoying me.
I think the wet weather is finally over as it is past midnight and I am awake scratching and it has not rained all night. Looks like it will stay that way. I have a snack a drink a toilet break and watch some food channel programs before falling asleep and sleeping in until 8 am the next morning.
The main news headline for today are
There is flooding in several regions in the Western regions of NSW and Waragamba dam has spilled which will cause flood problem down further. Tully has had 65 mm of rain! How long is this wet and wild weather going to continue? It is so wet the Harbour Bridge can hardly be seen.
It is the last day of schoolies week in QLD and students are not deterred by the wet and wild weather conditions still out and about celebrating.
Gladys ( Yes former NSW premier who resigned over corruption investigations by ICAC) has made headlines again and is rumoured to be returning to politics by running for Federal Government! No..........There is an election coming up next year.
Investigations continue with the William Tyrell case and police are determined to find his missing body finding pieces of evidence ( material) buried deep in a dam area.
Pat Cummins takes over the cricket captaincy of Tim Paine as the 47 cricket captain with Steve Smith as his vice captain despite his former involvement in the sandpapergate ball tampering scandal in 2018 where he was banned from captaincy for 2 years.
Schoolies week for new and VIC starts today. most popular places are Byron Bay in NSW and Lorne in VIC.
Now I want to discuss the new variant Omicron.
I have so many question in regards to this mutation. If sources of information are correct then my questions are valid topics of discussion.
Firstly the first known case of Omicron appeared on the 11th November 2021 in South Africa but it was not identified and confirmed until around 22nd November 21 which means there was a long incubation period of around 11 days and was thought to have been a result of someone who had AIDS that was not treated properly with retro antiviral therefore a viral mutation possibly occurred due to a combination of viruses. It is a known fact that there are a large number of people who are HIV positive or have AIDS in South Africa therefore why isn't there any urgent research being done with the link between people with AIDS and COVID and what types of treatment these people are receiving, how are they being treated ie with what drugs and how these drugs they are being treated with interact or react with different COVID vaccinations? I always had a theory that somehow there was a link between the viruses and drugs used to treat both of them. So if the incubation period is so long ie around 11 days then why ( again if information is correct) will there only be a need of 2 weeks to determine vaccine efficacy? This is far too short I believe. If you look at the time required between getting vaccine # 1 and vaccine # 2 there is a minimum wait of 2 weeks originally much longer but no less in order to build up the antibodies. What can be determined in 2 weeks? There is such a push for everyone to get their second and now 3rd booster shots and how only receing the first vaccination won't protect you from the Delta strain fully and was therefore ignored as a result by the NSW government - ie people were divided into the unvaccinated or fully vaccinated ,the partiaally vacvinated were just ignored. I hope that by governments of countries that reinforced the vaccine mandate on all it's residents or pushed for the highest double vacvination rates as possible have not wasted everyone's time and caused unnecessary suffering as a result I terms of adverse reactions long and short term and even death. Again if information is correct all the current vaccines regardless of type and dosage have been tailored to stop the Delta strain of COVID ( not even the pre Delta strains as there was no vacine for them - they just disappeared) therefore it is a targeted vaccine. Since the mutation the spike protein of the Omicron is no longer the same as the spike protein of the Delta strain so the vaccine won't be able to recognise it there rendering it useless in fighting it because it can no longer stick or bind - think of it like a ball and socket or 2 pieces of a jigsaw puzzle - the 2 pieces either it in perfectly or you are trying g to force 2 pieces together which clearly don't go together and will never got perfectly together. the key is not to be like a jigsaw puzzle but to be like the hooks and eyes of a piece of Velcro. The currently vaccines were not designed to be like Velcro but jigsaw puzzle pieces therefore if a mutation comes along, the vaccine has to be "tweeked" think of our current complex tax system in Australia - it only got so complex because when there no precedent , the ATO just wacks on a new piece of tax legislation without thinking about how it will affect any existing tax legislation - hope I am making sense. So back to the need to "tweek" the current vaccines in order to include any new variants for efficacy- this would be similar to having annual flu shots which would be pretty inconvenient if there was a vaccination mandate - imagine the economic cost of having to tweet a vaccine every year for the entire world to be vaccinated every time there is a new variant. This is the wrong way about trying to fight COVID. As mentioned previously I might as well be a diabetic if this is the way the current vaccine efficacy is. My other concern has always been drug resistance , overuse of drugs ie over vacvination can lead to viruses no longer responding to drug treatment think of TB for example. So there has got to be a better solution in the fight against this Covid pandemic. Natural immunity with good hygiene and plenty of fresh air and natural sunlight and a healthy lifestyle and mask ettiquete.
There were 235 COVID cases in NSW today and I assume no deaths as I again could not find any figures for this.
Sunday 28th November 2021
Week 7 Of "Freedom Day" ie Freedom Day 2.0
Day 21 of phase 3A of NSW reopening after 90% double vaccination reached for double vaccinated only.
End of another week of phase 3A and Freedom Day 2.0. End of another week of unemployment and no responses from any of the jobs I applied for.
Today was overcast and grey with a slight breeze but no rain at all. I was so lazy I did not venture out. I hope it will remain dry tomorrow as I would like to venture out. Wasn't well today as I had some Turkish pancakes and reacted to whatever cheese was in them I love cheese but know I shouldn't eat it but i do and suffer the consequences. I have to stay away from certain types of cheeses , unfortunately I pastries purchased you sometimes can't identify what types of cheeses are mixed into them.
I watched tv all day today and YouTube as well as sleep. It's quite cold later in the afternoons.
News headlines today included;
There were more protests in QLD NSW and VIC against a vaccine mandate with Pauline Hansen making an appearance on the Gold Coast.
Flood alerts are still in place in Gunnedah with a forecast top of 23 - 25 degrees C in Sydney today and some showers ( there still no rain at 8.30 am this morning).
Concerns continue as to whether the new ( the word COVID has now been dropped in front of mutations) variant Omicron and countries around the world have tightened international travel restrictions to stop the spread of this new variant. I Australia arriving travellers are directed to quarantine whereas other countries have banned flights entering their countries.
Orders have been cancelled due to parcels not reaching people in time for Christmas. It's been 7 days and my click and collect basic ss kettle still is not ready to collect! Myer has a 21 Day holding period for orders so if you don't pick your order up within 21 days, it is cancelked and refunded. The rate my order is going it will be cancelled before it is even ready for me to pick up and it will probably not get to be before Christmas even when I ordered it early.
Scott Morrison is out and about meeting voters - oh really already ? a reminder there is a Federal election coming up soon. There is poltical unrest from both far lefts and far rights with Pauline Hansen ( QLD) and Jacqui Lambie ( TAS) both tugging in different directions with some interesting speeches given by MPs during the last days of Parliament sittings.
There were 165 COVID cases in NSW today and I assume no deaths again today.
Monday 29th November 2021 & Week 88 Of Unemployment Due To Due Stand Down
Week 8 Of "Freedom Day" ie Freedom Day 2.0
Day 22 of phase 3A of NSW reopening after 90% double vaccination reached for double vaccinated only.
Happy Cyber Monday!
Black Friday Sales Continued over the weekend ending today with Cyber Monday.
Another night without any rain but it had some cold patched overnight. I wake around 6 am and it is still grey and overcast but dry and calm. The sun is still trying hard to peep out.
Breakfast was a quarter of a half chicken that I roasted in unsulted butter with chopped up herbs sun dried tomato turmeric cumin fennel garlic salt flakes ground pepper fried shallots chilli flakes soya sauce and sesame oil ( photo below) Absolutely yummy on a sandwich with mixed green leaves! The secret is basting it with the juices produced. It keeps the roasted chicken moist and skin crispy. Add a few mini tomatos in the pan to roast .
Not much new news today but I certainly had a full day venturing out.
This morning I get a phone call in regards to my appointment to get my first Pfizer vaccination on Wednesday 1st December 2021. I decided to cancel it. There is something just not right about the vaccine so it will be interesting to see what happens long term to all those people that did get vaccinated in NSW either only partially vaccinated , double vaccinated or have already had their 3rd booster vaccinations as well as all those who remain unvaccinated which is still about 5 - 6 % of NSW residents instead of the government's previous forecasted estimate of only 2 - 3 %.
I text the unvaccinated team member advising her that I have decided not to get vaccinated and have today cancelled my GP appointment. She asked why I made the decision and all replied in a text message back to her was a single word "Science". She texted back with an OK emoji.
So back to what I got up to today.
Ok so this morning I took my rubbish out to the new replacement mini red bin and I threw all my laundry into the washing machine after washing my dishes and having a shower. I let the washing machine run whilst I was out and upon my return home will place it into the dryer and wheel my mini red bin out for rubbish collection day tomorrow ( hopefully it won't go missing again - people are still using it as a public bin no matter where I put it , someone had dumped their bag of dog poo in it before I even put any rubbish in it or put it out for rubbish collection!) All done.
I took the bus then the train into town and walked to David Jones to see the Christmas windows. It seems they have moved their series of Christmas windows over the past few years to a side street rather then curving them around Market and Elizabeth Streets and they are much less spectacular. This makes it really difficult to photograph and video due to the reflections of passing traffic and people during the day but I'm sure it's better at night when it's dark. (Photos below and I have uploaded a short video onto my YouTube channel of just one window holding my camera as close as possible against the glass windows to eliminate the reflections (which I don't think the security guard standing outside DJ's roped off areas was very happy about). The story is about a little girl who finds a pet star. Simply called "My Pet Star", this childrens book is available for sale at David Jones. This year's window is very cute with a very simple story line which is ideal for kids. Quite sophisticated and the quality of the workmanship in each window is exceptional this year. I love the owl which turns it's head high up in the tree and the little girl with the telescope but the shooting star was probably the cutest feature. I think I prefer this year's Christmas windows to last year's. It is very modern. I rate it a 8/10 I do think it will be even more enjoyable at night when it's dark with all the twinkling lights and the shooting star minimising the annoying reflections of passing traffic on the Windows.
Onto my next destination which is broken up into 3 parts. I walk down to Circular Quay ferry wharf and catch the Parramatta Rivercat to Cabarita. From Cabarita wharf I could walk back to the foreshore to the left and hang around Cabarita Beach which is a little boring or head right. You can guess which direction I was headed in. To the right along the following route below. ( so many photos and videos unfortunately this blogging site takes forever to upload them - will try my best to upload as many as I can)
Cabarita Part 1 - Walk From Cabarita Wharf to Mortlake Ferry/Putney Punt Slipway Return via Breakfast Point and along Hilly Street
It's a 30 minute walk from Cabarita Wharf to the Mortlake Ferry/Putney Punt therefore allow another 30 minute walk back.
There is s short walk from Cabarita Wharf to the actual foreshore over a pedestrian gang way as the wharf is actually floating in the middle of the Parramatta River. As you walk to the foreshore you see a bus stop and to your left is Cabarita Beach but to your right is where I was heading today towards the Mortlake Ferry/Putney Punt Via Breakfast Point and beyond to Wangal Reserve.
This is a great walk as it is a wide open walkway along the foreshore which does narrow at times and also branches off to even narrower trails closer to the foreshore below. A warning sign advisers visitors that these are unsuitable for prams and wheelchairs. I hate hiking in bushland and will only do it in the middle of winter and only when it is covered in snow requiring snow shoes so not much chance of finding me hiking in dense bushland off the beaten track around Australia.
There are warning signs everywhere along the walkway along with memorial and information signage. Along the foreshore there is plenty of flora including native Australian plants like bottle brushes. Mangroves, bin chickens , white butterflies, washed up and tightly clung onto rocks oyster shells and a variety of bird life are all present and alive around the forshore. On the opposite side of the walkway contrasting lawns from luscious bright green manicured lined with palm trees tightly clustered wooden houses and low rise apartment complexes with white picket fences painted in pastel and neutral shades of paint tried with white towards Breakfast Point line the foreshore with unobstructed waterviews. Patched of bushy parkland and trails leading to elsewhere ( which I did not explore) were also visible.
There is the skyline of Sydney's CBD in the distance visible as you look towards Cabarita Wharf and towards Breakfast Point the Mortlake Ferry/Putney Ferry ramps.
There is a cute little bridge you walk across before Breakfast Point and the end of the walkway is marked by an open brick entrance/exit into a road. Walk upto Hilly Street and past the ugly old medium to heavy industrial buildings and the sheet opens up to modern apartment blocks and houses. Turn right on Hilly Street and you soon reach Mortlake Slipway and Punt Park ( where the sandstone sign is just as big as the park which is more like a reserve). In between you have reached the ramp to the Mortlake Ferry that will take you across the Parramatta River to the other side and becomes the Putney Punt ramp. One toll free MV and foot passenger barge with 2 names!
Cabarita Part 2 - Mortlake Ferry/Putney Punt Return
Well the rain held off all day today and I finally made it as a walk on passenger to take a ride on this " barge" ( according to Wikipedia it's one of 10 remaining vehicular cable ferries operating since the 1920s , this one protected by heritage under National Trust ) . I managed to get on the very first service from the Mortlake side and a few cars were already waiting at the gate on Hilly Street near Punt Park (more like a tiny reserve with a big sandstone sign ) next to the Mortlake Slipway for it to open at 2.45 pm. It takes about 15 minutes to load the cars and any foot traffic onto the punt ( there was no other foot traffic today I was the only foot passenger) . Don't forget to check in by scanning the QR code at the passenger shelter. Once on board the barge, there is a special covered seating area for foot passengers so if it starts to rain you should be fine - just don't get off at the other side at Putney as there is no shelter in the park . The crossing is 5 minutes one way therefore my return crossing took 15 minutes loading and unloading of mvs x 2 ie each end and 2 x 5 min return river crossing. During the weekdays the barge service runs limited services between 6.30 am - 9.30 am and 3 pm - 6 pm and on weekends services run continuously between 10.30 am and 5.30 pm. Warning don't get on the very last scheduled barge service back to where you need to get to. Today it was not too busy but you can always spot mvs driving down the hill to the gates especially on the Putney side and just missing the barge which had just left the "ramp". I love how this barge is not very busy and is FREE ie no tolls for mvs and no Opal card required for foot passengers. ( it is privately owned and operated in conjunction with transport for NSW) So why use the nearest bridge to cross the Parramatta River when you can use the barge to get across the Parramatta River?! This reminds me a little of the Horseshoe Bay West Vancouver to Snug Cove Bowen Island ferry I catch ( refer my YouTube video) but much smaller and shorter more like the Bruny Island barge ( refer my YouTube video). This is a great day out for parents and kids. With parks and play grounds on either side of the Mortlake Ferry/Putney Punt and walkways to explore everywhere. I totally enjoyed my first visit to Cabartia! So glad the rain held off for my day out. Rating 9/10. If you are planning to visit Sydney don't just stick to Manly or Bondi go out and explore Sydney's other not so famous waterfront suburbs. Only one disadvantage public transport by bus and ferry takes forever and not very frequently serviced. So close yet you feel so far away. photos below
Very first barge service @ 2.45 pm getting ready to dock at the ramp on the Mortlake side for waiting MV to drive onto.
MVs on the barge waiting to depart. I asdume the barge us driven by a very noisy diesel engine???
view from the barge as it travels away from Mortlake
View on the barge from the special undercover seated foot passenger area
MVs parked on the barge. passengers must remain in their MV whilst on the barge and engines turned off
A bin chicken outside Punt Park making It's way down to the barge
Cabartia Part 3 - Toilet Stop And Exploring Wangal Reserve
Wangal Reserve Mortlake not to be confused with Wangal Park Croydon a few suburbs away also in the inner Western suburbs except further inland away from the waterfront
I still had a bit of time after my little ride on the barge so explored beyond the Mortlake Slipway down Hilly Street towards Wangal Reserve. I was actually looking for a toilet and according to Google maps there weren't any near the Slipway or along the walkway. Where there is a playground or park there should be a toilet block near by so I found one but I was too scared to go into the female toilet because it was a " bush type toilet block" a dark brown brick shed with a concrete floor that attracts spiders. Yep there were spiders and cobwebs everywhere. I did not want to get bitten on the bum. I ended up using the disabled toilet thinking I had locked it but some one from the outside managed to partially push the doir open before i yelled out. the lock did not lock p properly and there was a spider in a web right near the lock and door handle. I was really quick because I was scared so wasn't caught with my pants down fortunately! I washed my hands and left as soon as I could. Time to walk around the reserve, but only a quick walk around as tgere were warning signs around to beware of swooping birds! Did they mean unfriendly crows? There were a few crows around the foreshore walkway. I reached a circular clearing with a small sandy area . Was not sure where I was - was tbis the Anchor Lookout Point? Was this Bay West? I'm unsure so i keep walking around. I could not see any anchor. I start walking back after taking in the views of the foreshore. The reserve is ideal for parents and kids with a nice playground and easy walking trails - supervision of kids still needed as it is plenty of water surrounding this reserve.
Time to start walking back to Cabarita Wharf which will take me a little over 30 minutes as I have walked a little further down Hilly Street and the entrance to the foreshore walkway back via Breakfast Point. Photos below ( also refer to videos uploaded onto my YouTube channel)
Cabarita Wharf is actually a floating pontoon in an L shaped configuration in the middle of the Parramatta River and it is a short walk along a pedestrian gang way to get to the actuaal foreshore of Cabartia.
There are caution and warning signs posted everywhere along and around Cabarita.
Breakfast Point - good to know that I was walking in the right direction
So much interesting flora and bird life around the foreshore.
Oyster shells washed up along the sand and rocks amongst mangroves
This entrance/exit is end of the walkway around Breakfast Point towards Cabarita Wharf and Beach. From here it's a short walk upto Hilly Street past some old medium to heavy indutrial buildings ( not the most scenic route to walk up). You will know when you get to Hilly Street when you see blocks of new apartments and nice houses
The walkway along the foreshore towards and around Breakfast Point past this cute little bridge becomes wide immaculate covered in luminous green lawns fresh after the recent heavy rainfall lined with palm trees and a large tight cluster of medium density almost uniform in architecture wooden housing and apartment blocks with a pastel colour scheme and white fencing. Get me wondering who lives here? It must cost a fortune to live here and where am ? I am transported back walking along the foreshores of False Creek/Granville Island or Steveston fishing village in Canada when in reality I just walking the foreshores in the municipality of Canada (Bay) in Australia
It took forever for the next Parramatta to Circular Quay ferry to arrive. It was later afternoon but I still needed to do some grocery shopping on my way home at Woolworths Townhall. I could have stopped at either IGA Locale but after my last visit I wasn't keen especially as I needed main stream groceries not specialty grocery items. I was the only one at Cabarita wharf and the 502 bus had just departed - should I have just taken the bud back to the city? Too late. The arrivals/departure boards were not working properly. The indicator board on Side A towards Circular Quay was completely out of order and the indicator board on Side B towards Parramatta was doubtful as it just did not change and kept reading 28 minutes until the next Circular Quay ferry when it was due in about less then 15 minutes! Someone else heading to Barangaroo arrived e wharf soon after so I was not alone. The ferry finally arrives. Cabartia so close to the CBD you can see the city skyline from the wharf yet it seems so far away reminding me of the rather expensive West Vancouver suburb along the Seawall of Dundarave in Canada.
Arriving back on the Rivercat back to Circular Quay, it looked as if it was very lightly sprinkling with rain but didn't lkast very long at all. It could have just been a bit of sea spray. Back at Circular Quay I take the light rail the first to arrive but not the first to depart towards Town Hall. A lighting at Town Hall i went grocery shopping at Woolworths as planned . I hate how the checkout operator Chuck everything into your shopping bag without thinking how it will all fit so I had to repack it anywhere I could on the station floor. The checkout operator gave up packing my shopping bag when they could not fit the toilet paper rolls in ence my need to repack everything- all my groceries did all fit with room to spare!
Next stop was to find a Priceline as I needed some eye cream. I find one towards Wynyard along George Street. I had to purchase the eye cream today as it was on special and today was the last day of Black Friday sales. Bargain as I found I had accumulated another $5 voucher. So bargain I managed to get this eye cream for almost half price.
I decided to walk back to Town Hall Station munching on my Chikko Roll on my way via The QVB building. There is actually a proper Christmas tree suspended above the ground floor upto the top floor of the building in the same location as the previous giant Christmas ttee. This year the Christmas tree was not dripping in crystals as it usually is a nd tgere was no trunk- the giant Christmas tree was suspended off the ground floor of the QVB. The tree was still spectacular however you could not see it from the ground floor you had to view it from the floors above . The best view of the tree was probably from the top floor looking down. Instead of crystals it was decked in large stars and baubles with lots of lights. Photos below
On the outside of the QVB there were flashing red white and green Christmas lights.
Further along George Street at Martin Place the giant Christmas is finally up and its also decked out with huge baubles. Is this tree larger then the QVB tree and is it the largest Christmas tree in Australia? photo below
Finally home on the train from Townhall and a bus home.
Arriving home after taking the mini red bin out and putying my laundry in the dryer, I wash my hands, wash & bleach my mask and hang it up to dry before putting my groceries away and watching the remainder of the news, The Cookup and 8 Out of 10 Does Countdown.. dinner is the remainder of my roast chicken on a sandwich juice green tea and one of 2 of the limited edition Cobani Christmas yoghart I had purchased at Woolworths Townhall. Photos below. Cute aren't they?! only in the packaging so far. I have only tried the flip Santa's milk & cookies. I did not enjoy this at all but kids might. There is nothing really special about this Xmas special yoghart apart from being low fat I believe. Yep you could tell it was low fat - bland yoghart with a side of tiny biscuit sprinkles to sweeten it. Every yoghart brand and their dog is making these wet/dry yoghart mixes and have bern doing so for a while. I only bought it because it was the last one on the shelf and was on special for $1.50 - it was not the only limited edition flavoured tub yoghart on spoecial. i should have just bought the Elf's mince pie and maybe the Dairy farmer's pineapple & coconut yoghart instead. I rate flip santa's milk & cookies a 5/10. Stay tuned for my rating of let's mince pie which I am saving for a later date ( also the last one on the shelf and on special at same price)
Rating 8/10 much better subtle minced fruit pie! Great with oats and fruit even Cocao powder
Before going to bed I was interrupted with a text message in response to my looking for a job advertisement I still have on Gumtree. Yes I am still looking for work. No one is responding to my applications or are just taking too long to.
A person named mark who I think is a scam therefore I have not responded to his second inquiry sent me the following text via Gumtree.
"Hi. I have a job for immediate start. Cash in hand available. Do you have a resume available? "
I responded a text message via Gumtree with "Sorry don't do cash in hand jobs" particularly with no description of the job or details of company
He then responds with the following text message via Gumtree
"I am looking to hire a table waitress for regular shifts. If interested please provide a contact number for an immediate phone interview. Thank you"
So I respond with a text message via Gumtree
"I'm a bookkeeper and have no experience as a waitress"
He sends me another text message via Gumtree ( Yes he is persistent and by now I've fallen asleep and lost interest so don't respond to his next 2 text messages which I can't even understand
"It’s available. But can put you on the books also. Whatever your preference"
"Can you do account keeping?"
To me this sounds so dodgey. So I still have not responded. I have sent a few resumes already to responses and have not heard back from them So this one is no different. I don't want to send my resume off to just anyone. I like to research tgem first online before deciding either to forward my resume to them or not. The above is a definite not.
News headlines today are similar to yesterday and include :
Flood watch continues around NSW as waters start receeding.
Omicron variant has now reached NSW and possibly VIC and asymptomatic cases arriving from overseas are in special isolation. Questions are being debated as to whether to continue quarantine free period for returning travellers to NSW or to resort back to 14 day quarantine. 72 hour quarantine from non hotspot countries in place.
There was a guy on a shooting spree down near Wollongong.
There were 150 COVID cases in NSW today and zero deaths I assume as I am unable to find the figures for the number of deaths.
Tuesday 30th November 2021
Week 8 Of "Freedom Day" ie Freedom Day 2.0
Day 23 of phase 3A of NSW reopening after 90% double vaccination reached for double vaccinated only.
Today is the last day of Spring but it doesn't seem like it. The sun is hardly out and it was cooler again last night. It is still dry and not raining however more rain is forecasted - maybe not this morning but later . I slept in until 7 am this morning. not a bad sleep but I did wake up around 3 am because I went to sleep earlier last night as there was not much on tv last night.
9.30 am and the bins have not been emptied this morning - the garbos are very late this morning!
The Bush ( brush) turkeys are out and about. one popped out from nowhere next door and just strolled along the main road on the footpath. It's not common to see them wondering along main roads busy with traffic and areas with high density housing. I saw one in the backyard of the apartment I used to live in near Chatswood. I have yet to see one wondering around Chatswood shopping precinct though. Dirty bin chickens ( ibis) you see everywhere even along the main road because they love rubbish bins but bush turkeys not as much because they like to dig up gardens not rummage through bins and are protected unlike the bin chicken although they are being tagged and studied to track their migration patterns.
It's 11 am and the rubbish collection has been missed. Everyone else has taken their bins back in and when I went downstairs to check the red mini bin and it was still full so I rang Lane Cove Council to see what was going on. They told me to leave it out. I explained how people were dumping stuff in the bins and how there was an accident last week and the red bin just disappeared and was just replaced after I rang to request it. For good measure I actually lodged a missed rubbish collection online this morning.
Today is a another do nothing day for me except clean out my fridge take my laundry out of the dryer and catch up on my YouTubing and blogging. I do have an appointment at 4 pm this afternoon. brief but done over the phone.
I look out the window and it looks as if it has been lightly raining again today as the road is wet.
I did absolutely nothing today except upload my videos onto my YouTube channel and catch up on my blog from yesterday which is still not finished. Photos take too long to upload.
I watched the news, The Cook up and 8 Out of 10 Does Countdown then sleep only to wake early in the morning Wednesday and going back to bed again.
I awake to so much local and overseas news on tv today.
Barbados has become an independant country and is technially no longer part of the Commonwealth group of 15 remaining countries by becoming a republic today replacing the Queen as the head of state with their own Dame Sandra Mason Prince Charles was invited to the ceremony - he arrived as the furure king but will leave as a civilian of Barbados. ( maybe not the best way to describe him but close enough) .Prince Charles was appeared jetlagged during the ceremony and Rhiana named a national hero.
Investigations continue with the search for Russel Hill an Carol Clay the 2 elderly missing campers now that Greg Lynn the stood down Jetstar pilot has been charged and held for murder. Searches are taking
A family has found a snake wrapped around the rear vision mirror in their car - not uncommon with the recent wild weather around Australia
Ghislaine Maxwell faces court in relation to her association with Jeffery Epstein in the grooming of young girls for sex. She could be in jail for 80 years if charged.
Omicron Omicron Omicron. If It's so mild ie only a scratch throat tiredness why is everyone making such a fuss about this few variant. NSW now has another 2 cases making it a total of 4 today ( Vic also has 1 case ) The new variant " Omicron" has been labelled high risk and more transmissible then the delta variant. The Japan and South Korea travel bubble has been delayed until 15th December 21. Overseas skilled workers & immigrants and international students who were set to be welcome back to Australia on 1st December 21 has also now delayed until 15th December 21. Australian citizens and family can still return to Christmas for Australia. What about people who have plans to fly overseas for Christmas - Will they be able to travel and come back ok? Still to be discussed at a meeting today. WA has shut their borders to SA NSW & VIC because Sa has opened their borders to NSW and VIC. QLD is watching every state very closely. does that mean TAS & NT are the only neutral states you may be able to visit over Christmas? Plans to review booster shots - ie fast track them for everyone as Australia still has enough vaccines left over - hold on - What happened to having to pay back the batches of millions of vaccines Australia borrowed from Singapore UK and Europe in December 21? Not likely to happen now that Omicrom has energed. A 4th booster shot already in discussion? No more lockdowns we have to live with COVID don't panic - what is the government actually doing? I suppose daily reporting of COVID case numbers in NSW will change again. 2 week period of review of how Omicron is transmitting ? why 2 weeks? What types of data and information can be observed and collected in such a short period of time. Greg Hunt gives his address to the nation. at 9 am this morning.
There were 179 COVID cases in NSW today which include the 2 Omicron cases and three deaths. All 3 deaths were in hospital, had other medical conditions and all partially vaccinated. 1 was in there 40s ( m) 1 was in their 50s (m) and 1 was in their 60s ( f). It is interesting how there is a link between COVID and other medical conditions in almost all the patients that died. There should be more information and data provided as to what these other medical conditions were. By the end of today there were now 4 cases of Omicron in NSW ( with a further cases found in the community)
It was revealed that Prince Charles was the one who asked about Harry & Meghan' s son Archie's skin colour in a book. Who cares! Really? Is this piece of news actually true? Legal action probably unlikely but lawyers are on standby.
Katie Perry ( the Australian fashion designer) Verses Katy Perry ( isn't that pronounced Catty Perry not Katie? the singer). We all know who will win the legal case over the name. Katie Perry opened her store the year Katy Perry released her single. Claims over trade mark copyright. Isn't this old news? why is it resurfacing after how many years now ? I remember this legal action originally making news headlines back in 2006 ?! Why is this case will going on????!!!!
The next Federal election is likely to be in May 2022 although 29th March 2022 was looked at. March 29th - that date sounds familiar for some reason although I can't quite put my finger on the reason.
Guests in a pub in the UK have been snowed in overnight.
Australian Indigenous actor David Gulpilil
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