Monday 11th January 2021
Day off checked Kronos 8th January 2021.
By now I would be into week 2 of my annual holiday in Canada but this I am stuck in Sydney not even allowed to travel interstate to Victoria.
My body is suffering. Allergies are really bad as you probably can read from my blogs. I need cold weather I need my annual natural cyrotherapy session - the annual Polar Bear Swim where I run into almost the freezing sea water at English Bay on NY day which resets my body's immune system followed by a month of Aquafit shallow classes in an indoor heated pool and hot tub containing chlorinated water and uv light. This annual "treatment" really helps and I have been doing this annually since the mid 1990s almost every year. Miss it and I suffer through the Australian Summer.
First thing I did was pack my lunch for work tomorrow. Done.
Checked Kronos and updated my calendar with changes to shifts - yes there are changes again!
Today I started my morning with a few online fitness classes run by the YMCA in Vancouver. I can't physically be there as I normally would be during this time of the year and I don't think they are running any acquafit classes at the moment as it looks like the pool and hot tub is closed as well as the change rooms and only a few fitness classes are running mainly yoga and pilates however they are running a series of free virtual fitness classes one of which was a 30 minute cardio dance class which started and ended to the minute. Good workout.
Still thinking of going for a skating session after lunch but there is no discount as it is school holiday mega skate every day from 9 am today to 4 pm today with a $25 no skate hire flat rate. No last hour cheap skate sessions. It is really hot. I want to go to the beach but the bus from Chatswood to Balmoral Beach direct was cut on 20th December 2020 and the only way to get there now is the 144 bus to the Spit and walk 15 minutes (uphill coming back!)
I don't really want to go to Manly as there are just too many people and too risky as the Northern Beaches have just come out of lockdown.
On my way to the ice rink to see if they have a cheap skate for the last hour of the mega skate session if not I can skate for the last 2 hours of the session or miss it altogether and go shopping leaving skating for another day or night.
I actually ended up skating for the last 1.5 hours of the session and it still cost me $25 as there is no last hour skate discount. I could have waited to skate at the cheap skate 1.5 hour session tonight from 8 pm - 9.30 pm but I have to work tomorrow and still have laundry to do tonight.
After the session finished at 4 pm I topped up my groceries from Coles then Aldi and finally Woolworths. I purchased another 2 products to try. Photos below
From Aldi on sale for $1.20 a 100g box I will rate this product straight away 9/10 I love them so addictive I could eat boxes of them over plain rice crackers! Not too salty and made in Australia from at least 60% of Australian ingredients! Look like chips but tastes like a nice rice cracker with a slight flavour of sour cream and chives. Will have to purchase more! Postscript I did end up purchasing more and it tastes so good with humos! ( maybe not the correct way of spelling it!)
From Woolworths $5 for 6 pack. I know I did not enjoy a similar flavour in the Sams range ( refer my previous blog) but because the last Carmens was quite nice although a little too hard like a toffee bar, this is suppose to be a kid friendly flavoured bar. Sounds really nice and I do like my stewed apple and custard. I open the box and these bars were not on special and at $5 for a pack of 6 the bars are a little smaller due to them being kids "lunch box friendly". But it's the ingredients and taste that count. I just tasted one as soon as I arrived home washed my hands and took off my mask to wash it. So what did I think? It has a slight apple taste which tastes a little less sweet and artifical then the previous Sams equivalent bar but I can't taste the custard drizzle. More chewy in texture but that's not a bad thing then the Sams equavalent bar. Rating 7.5/10 still not one of my favourites but I don't mind it. Like the Sams equivalent I probably would not purchase it again. There are a few other new bars I would like to try. I put at least 3 new ones back as they were either too expensive contained too many peanuts/ ingredients I am allergic to or I was unsure of the favour combination such as white chocolate and peach ( in the past I had some apricot and oats combos which smelt like vomit and put me off dried apricots and peaches combined with oats).
Tuesday 12th January 2021
Myer 9.30 am - 3.30 pm new shift added to Kronos 31st December 2020
Checked Kronos shift changed to 10 am - 5.30 pm for today on Kronos 7th January 2021.
Well today was no fun. A whole day behind the counter almost on my own. So many customer returns. Faulty and broken stock from online purchases delivered to people's homes. Wrong sizes and wrong colours purchased. All sorts of fun and games. Quilts sheets quilt covers etc all being returned.
Poor customer returned a lightweight wool cotton quilt that was not the right fluffiness which she had laid on top of a bed and laid on. Usually we don't take returns of quilts due to health regulations so I had to get authorisation from a manager who allowed the return. The customer actually exchanged the quilt for another one which I suggested to her due to her allergies however I didn't check whether it was quilt or mattress topper and she had to return the incorrect mattress topper to be exchanged for a quilt in the same range. Oops! She did love it though.
I almost forgot how to do a till reconcilliation and cash clearance today as it has been so long since I have done one. I did mention previously that I spend so mu h time doing stock that I would forget how to use the register! It turns out that the cash clearance machine does not take the new $100 notes. Too bad there were no old $100 bills in the till they were all new ones. Had to clear $50 notes instead.
I just lost a whole paragraph I had written about a particular customer. I have had another customer who was similar at my previous job. So what do you do with them? I try not to serve them. So this particular customer is a more mature European lady who purchased some hand towels from me a while ago when they were not on sale. She approaches me at the counter when I am on my own serving and asks me to refund all of them then repurchase them at the sale price as well as paying with a gift voucher. Meanwhile there is another customer queuing up waiting to be served behind her. So I said to both of them I'll just find someone else to assist me to the waiting customer as the lady in front of her could take a while so I called over a team member from the Electrical department who was suppose to be on the Homewares counter but was chatting to his other Electrical department team members. I got him to serve the lady who wanted the refund and repurchase whilst I served the lady behind her that was waiting. ( cheeky aren't I?) The lady who wanted a refund and repurchase asked me when I returned "Is there a problem?" I said "No, I just had to get someone to help me as there is someone waiting to be served behind you" - I don't think she even thought about anyone waiting to be served behind her. A little inconsiderate I thought. Postscript Just as well I didn't serve the lady who wanted a refund and repurchase, she also purchased a clearance Rita Ora bedding item and returned it the following day! However if the sale all went on the same original receipt instead of on a separate new receipt then my name will have the negative sale against it. We don't even take clearance items back but team member "ticket girl" actually advised her of this and said that she would do it for her this one time. We all know who this customer is!
Finished at 5.30 pm. Took the ipads back to be signed in, one had gone missing but Electricals could have it. My last customer for the day was just before closing and funny enough she could not find her 3 kids. She called out to them but there was no answer. She had told them to stay put inside Myer. I hope they were not playing hide & Seek in Myer and locked in overnight. Outcome unknown as I was not the last team member to lock up and had left the floor.
Home on the 280 bus to Chatswood at 6 pm.
So tired I stopped off at Woolworth Metro Chatswood and purchased a teriyaki chicken rice bowl for dinner as it was around 8 pm by the time I arrived home and I was too tired to cook. Even tomorrow's lunch was a bento box of water crackers berries tasty cheese slices mini cucumbers and tomatos with macadamia nuts rice crackers and dried blueberries as well as museli bars and water.
Sleep really late.
Wednesday 13th January 2021
First thing before work today was pay my rent today in advance. Done
Myer 8 am - 4 pm ( assume stock) new shift added to Kronos 31st December 2020.
Checked Kronos 7th January 2021 no changes to shift.
Checked Kronos again 11th Jasnuary 2021 no change to shift marked with an "x" means stock all day
Nothing much to say today but another day of conflicting communications between managers.
I just did what I thought had to be done.
First cage off the dock Australian House & Garden sheet sets onto shelves which were mixed in with Heritage sheet sets. Second cage off the dock also Australian House and Garden Quilt sets. 2 half cages what a waste so I consolidated both cages of sheet and quilt sets into one to put out onto the floor at the same time to save time . Done before the store opened - as requested by customer service manager
Next moving 2 display trolleys of very heavy dinner sets one Cashmere the other white basics and consolidate them with the 2 existing displays. Done before the store opened as requested by the customer service manager.
Next was to find out what needed to be done but I could not do so as the customer service manager was downstairs at the group huddle which happens most weekdays 15 minutes before the store opens. So I have to wait to find out where to put the 2 large empty display trolleys. They can't stay where they are on the floor in store as they will be an obstacle to customers when the store opens at 9.30 am. So I push them against a wall for the time being.
Ok I am told to find the VM team members and ask where to store them off the floor. I took one off the floor to the dock landing and did not have to take the other one as a team member from VM did it for me already.
Next the customer service manager asked me to write down a list of all the quilts so we can work out how to redisplay them all. Well that job went out the window as the customer service manager and VM team decided to do it themselves in the afternoon.
Not know what I was suppose to do, I was told to assist the VM team with their manchester displays. I had been told off previously for putting the new organic stonewash sheet and quilt sets onto the wall where the decore was going to be moved to the following week and advised that it would be double handling. I did it anyway as only half of the stock had arrived and I did not have enough stock to fill the entire 2 walls. Today one wall had been removed however the other wall still had most of the new range I had displayed on it. The problem was someone had decided to mix in the old percale cotton and sateen ranges in with it so all these had to be removed again which is double handling anyway. I just took off anything that was not the organic stone wash range and tossed them into a basket nearby as i did not have a trolkey or cage. I was going to organise the wall and ensure sheet sets were separated from quilt cover sets in this new range. I don't know who decided it but they are now abandoning the original plan to put the home decore on the wall and keeping my idea of the quilts or sheets on the remaining wall in the new organic stonewash range. So as I was assisting the VM team with this I was told by the assistant store manager to go and put out the cookware that was on the dock. I was so angry I did what I was told to do and with revenge I just dumped whatever I found from a cage onto whatever cookware display I could find not caring about what it was or whether it was the same range. I have no idea why she asked me to do cookware there was none on the dock only that 1/3 of a cage full of Tefel frypans. Done
I then was told to move onto glassware by the customer service manage so spent the rest of the afternoon tidying up and marking incorrectly priced krosno glassware in between serving customers if or when required and assisting the online team finding stock.
I did have a late lunch break at around 2.45 pm - yep my shift ends at 4 pm and policy is that you ate not suppose to have a break less then an hour before you finish. Stuff that! I'm not on the floor so I can have a break when I like.
When I was serving today I get a call on my phone and thought it was from the customer service manager but it was only from the team leader who I am getting a little annoyed about. I am serving a customer at the counter and am in the middle of a transaction when my phone rings and say "I am with a customer can I call you back?" Instead of a straight yes it was a please check your mcomms and metrics as soon as you can. For F*** sake - I checked it previously and when I check it again there was nothing important on it to read. Gee thanks I sold 1 reusable bag and got 5 points towards that stupid $20 reward voucher I said in my previous blog would take me, was it - 6 months to earn? and an extra 10 points for some other shit. Who cares. Not worth interrupting me whilst I am serving a customer - they could have sent me a text message instead. This is one way to get low customer feedback scores - oh but Myer managers are too dump to realise this!
I must have unloaded and displayed the equivalent of 7 - 8 cages of stock today. That's pretty good as these cages can contain stock that weights double my weight. This is why if I work 3 ir 4 days I need 3 - 4 days rest and I don't usually get that.
Home on the 6 pm 280 bus to Chatswood . Yep I have to wait almost 20 minutes until the next bus as I finish at 5.30 pm and by the time I return to chargers & sign out the ipads grab my stuff out of the staff locker punch out and bag check - it takes 10 - 15 minutes including walking all the way to the bus stop.
Did I do any shopping on my way home I think so for ingredients for my super chicken salad sandwiches I prepared for tomorrow. I am already tired but at least I have a yummy lunch to fuel me tomorrow!
Blog & sleep. My right ear is still blocked but I think it still has a lot of wax in it. Still scratching a lot - my body is really not coping with the heat and constantly changing weather in Sydney.
Thursday 14th January 2021
Myer 10 am - 3 pm new shift added to Kronos 31st December 2020.
Checked Kronos 7th January 2021 no changes to shift.
Checked Kronos again 10th & 11th January 2021 shift changed in Kronos to 8 am - 4 pm with an "x" again meaning stock all day again.
Today I was on stock duties all day but there was a lot of miscommunication of what everyone was suppose to do. Yesterday afternoon I was doing glassware - not just getting glassware off cages but getting a marker and covering up any incorrect prices on Maxwell Williams labels on boxes before putting them on the shelves and display tables on the floor as well as tidying up all shelves and tables so all stock looks neat tidy and in their correct place. Any excess glassware I left in a cage with a sign "reserves" on it. Yes Maxwell Williams is still sending Myer new stock with old pricing on them but not all of their glassware range is incorrectly priced some is correctly priced and some are actually priced at a higher price then the recomnended retail price which I left as customers won't mind if it is $10 less then the label price when scanned through the POS system. They do mind if they are overcharged though.
I went and told one of the team members in VM who was putting out the manchester that I am going to continue with the glassware I started yesterday and she said that she was told to do the glassware. She did not know about the incorrect prices so if she did put out the glassware without checking the prices on the boxes, there would be customers complaining that they were being overcharged for the glassware - AND think of all the double handling to correct it!!!!! So I explained this to her and continued with it. So I continued this until I was told by the team leader to stop and let another team member from VM to do it as she thought I would go crazy doing glassware all day. This was after the store opened. I was fine doing the glassware and had a system going, bring the cage out, scan one box of glassware if price is incorrect black out all of the same product's labels with a black marker before putting them on the shelves and display tables - again tidying and matching the display wine glasses up as well to maximise the stock out on the floor for this weekend's super sale - yep yet another Myer sale! When are they ever not on sale?! So I was asked just to check all the glassware in cages out on the dock and then give the glassware to another team member from VM to put it out onto the floor. So how was I suppose to check - it had been easy for me on the floor with the cages of glassware as i just scanned a box of each at the nearest POS for a price check but I could not do this on the dock unless i had a hand held scanner which I was told by the team leader was playing up yesterday during a department's scan count did tgey loose all their stock take data? she could not tell me and advised me to go down and ask the opoerations manager if I could have a scanner gun. Stuff that she was wasting my time. She said to me why don't you use my phone take photos of the glassware barcodes and enter them at the point of sale system nearest to the Mens Shoes department. Such a waste of time as I can't scan the barcodes from the photos I took (due to eg bad position of product on cages orpoor lighting) so have to type the barcodes in individually. Luckily there were not many left to to. Before moving onto my next job, There was actually a scanning gun and label printer in the cupboard behind the Homewares counter. A few team members were already using it for clearance labelling . I asked where the team member had got it from (as I was told I would have to ask for one) and the said from the cupboard. Total waste of my time and more importantly why should I have to use my camera on my phone for work????Someone else was put on glassware forthe afternoon- yes the glassware was passed on from one person to another today before they put out the cages I was told to abandon i had to explain to them what i had done before they continued. There was so much excess glassware to go to the reserve as it could not fit on the floor. I even asked " Do we need to build another Great Wall of Krosno?"
I wasn't even on the floor serving today but did serve any customers that approached me even signing up one customer and asking for round up of purchases for donations from others. The target was 1 Myer sign up from each team member which originally was 5 but 4 had already been reached by the time I signed my customer up. And yes I actually remembered to scan the barcode afterwards to register my sign up this time! I think they ended up with 9 Myer One sign ups by the end of trading today according to Friday morning Mcomms.
After doing the glassware ( too bad if boxes of glassware have been missed previously on outposts are incorrectly priced) I was told yet again to put the cookware out on the dock. For the second time in a row, what did the assistant store manager not understand? There was and is no cookware on the dock to put out when I asked . Any cookware that was on the dock I had to wait until it was security tagged before I could put it out so I put out a cage of random items Kitchenaid utensils, AH& G clocks MW crockery ( which I did not put all out) and other bits and pieces as well as another cage of boxed and unboxed roasting dishes and pudding basins ( Christmas is well and truely over and nobody wants a pudfing basin now could have done with this lot before Christmas with off those customers asking me for one but Myer was sold out). So before I could put this cage of new boxed roasting trays and pudding basins out, I reorganised the existing cookware so all series of Tefel is together on one set of display tables and all cookware brands that were currently on sale were together on another set of display tables ie Analon Ballarini and Circulon ( unfortunately Raco was on a shelf somewhere else and probably would not fit with these 3 brands). As soon as I did this a customer approached me and purchased an Analon cooks pan with lid.
I made up a separate display table with the remaining Stubb on top and all the roasting trays underneath. There was not enough stock to make up a complete roasting story yet but I am sure there will be more tomorrow for someone else to put out.
I lost another few paragraphs of my blog so annoying because it crashed again.There was another 2 cages of cookware I took out onto the floor which was now ready to be put out after being tagged. Just as well - I had wheeled out the cage of miscellaneous items to be put out including the Kitchenaid utensils and the cage full of boxed roasting trays and was putting them out when the assistant store manager snuck up on me and says hi and looked at what I was doing. I advised her that there wasn't any cookware on the dock to put out yet as it was still being tagged so I am putting out the bakeware. She said that the displays were looking fuller already so she was happy with what I was putting out. I had told the team leader that there was no cookware to put out as it was being tagged still. I had filled up the front 2 displays already with Cooks Collective boxed sets previously so it did look a little fuller from the front 2 display tables but I was waiting on more stock to fill the back Tefel table and Kitchenaid shelves which were half empty.
The next cages of Cookware were Kutchenaid pots and pans in 3 colours so I filled the shelves up with them.
I also finally got a cage full of Tefel cookware that was now tagged and ready to put out so I moved the Analon and combined it next to the Circulon cookware display table and added the Ballerini cookware to it in the middle. All these brands I put together for a reason - they were all on sale. Raco was too but it was around the corner on another shelf and did not fit on the tables. Now customers don't get confused of what's on sale and what's not on sale. I also removed and placed the sale signs onto these tables of Analon Circulon and Ballarini . I didn't have a sale sign on the 2 Tefel display tables behind or the Stub and roasting tray tables as they were not on sale. There was so much Tefel stock to put out the entire 2 tables were full yet none of it was on sale. Job complete. Postscript Someone put the incorrect sale signs up the following day - since when is cutlery glassware and dinnerware the same same as cookware? I still haven't worked out who is dumping in the Homewares and maybe it is the same person putting the wrong sale signs up against the wrong products! And I put the boxed pudding basins up high for a reason they are not on sale for a start and nobody is going to buy them after Christmas however whoever made the table of Stub and roasting trays into a roasting story took most of the pudding basins down and mixed them in with all the roasting trays and added whatever else that was baking related in amongst them - the table looks a bit shit compared to other table displays as it looks like bits and pieces have just been thrown together. The Stub range ended up having the top of another table I think next to the Tefel range.
It's Super weekend this weekend so the idea was to cram as much stock out on the floor as possible.
15 minutes before my shift was going to end I knew there was another cage full of Kitchenaid utensils and gadgets in boxes stacked full. I thought I could be able to restock these really quickly as I had a system going for their display stand ( and despite being moved around was still in quite a neat order) however as soon as i pushed the cage through the double fire doors from the landing of the dock area onto the store's floor half of the boxes stacked in the cage topples out of both sides of the cage all over the floor. Whoever stacked this cage had stacked it incorrectly. There was not enough weight to stack the boxes correctly without support and no wedging of boxes tight inside the open cage. A team member nearby came to my rescue and I thanked her for doing so when she asked if i nerded help. I sure did to put all the boxes back onto the cage that had fall out and off it. I ended up advising her that I only had 15 minuted until i finished my shift so I will return it to the dock instead of putting it out onto the floor as planned as I had just wasted 15 minutes of my time fixing this little disaster! I had to tell a fellow team member on stock what hapoened and asked him to continue with it tomorrow. I think he thought it was funny - I don 't think he would have thought so if it was him that had selected that cage to put out onto the floor! He was sitting there having another snack resting when it happened!
After returning the cage quickly to the dock I went straight up to the staff lockers and waited until the clock struck 4 pm then punched out using the time clock near the staff exit/entrance door. We still had to go down to the ground floor and exit via cosmetics front entrance of Myer because the store is still open.
5 pm and it's raining as the 280 bus travels over the Roseville Bridge towards Chatswood and stops as the sun comes out as soon as the bus is on the other side of it. Nope it's actually a lighter sun shower now. As soon as I reached Chatswood it was sunny and dry.
No stopping off to shop today ( I had a small shop for a bottle of water and some tom tomatos at Woolworths during lunch after eating one of two chicken salad sandwiches I had prepared and packed last night).
Home eat tv and sleep. Did not do anything as tomorrow is my day off.
Friday 15h January 2021
Myer 12.30 pm - 5.30 pm originally added as a new shift on Kronos 31st December 2020.
Checked Kronos 7th January 2021. Shift cancelled therefore day off.
Great I may have some things I would like to see and do if I can be bothered to get out of bed!
Still haven't done my laundry but have managed to venture out today to see the art installation Groundswell outside Customs House in the forecourt which is free and part of the series of Sydney Festival events. Refer my Youtube video for details.
I rated it a 7/10 because it did not work very well when I was on it. Needs more then one person on it at a time due to weight needed to activate it. No backpacks QR code scan sanitiser available temp checks? maybe not as it is boiling being an outdoor art installation. If it rains it may close early due to slippery surface of the tilting disc you move on. Maybe queues on weekend to experience it. Vibrations present. Suitable for kids but younger kids need supervision as platform tilts up and down and there is a height difference in some areas of the moving floor.
photos below ( also refer to my Youtube video uploaded)
A light rail trip back to Town Hall and onto a 340 bus again back to Chatswood. This maybe the last time I travel on this bus between Chatswood and Bondi Junction as the bus service and route has been scrapped altogether as of 24th January 2021. Not happy!
Another shop on my way home. I need bread of skme type. At Woolworths I spot these new flavoured croissants photos below
Cheese & tomato croissants. Rating 6/10. There was some type of herb(s) through it but I could not taste the tomato. There was definitely cheese melted on top of it and it was quite strong through it although it smelt and tasted like blue cheese or some type of stinky cheese - maybe this was what set my allergies off that night. i was dying to taste it but only had one from the packet without anything with it. It did not taste that great to me 6/10. Stick with the plain ones and if you must the chocolate filled ones. If you can find almond ones great nut I haven't seen any. I think that's the type of fancy croissant you would find in a Melbourne A grade Woolworths or Woolworths Metro not Chatswood Woolworths Metro. The serving suggestion on the back of the packets makes the croissant look so much more appealing to eat and it probably tastes better like that as well! Certainly did not taste the best untoasted on its own.
Back home on the 144 I did do yet another small grocery shop at Woolworth Metro. I was a little hungry so purchased a small box of chicken chippies which I haven't had for a while.
Laundry wash and dry took me so long to do so I was up until midnight and none of my clothes were dry even after being in the dryer for almost an hour and a half total. They were all still wet and it didn't help that the washing machine did not wring out the clothes dry properly and that someone had clogged the fabric softener dispenser this time so I had to again clean it out before I could use the washing machine. I hope my clothes don't go mouldy overnight as they are all damp still. I need to re- dry them again when I get home from work tomorrow. Yes work for exactly 4 hours and 15 minutes. What a waste of time as it takes me that long just to get to work and back and in the midfle of the day as well!
Bed by midnight.
Saturday 16th January 2021
Myer 10 am - 1 pm new shift added to Kronos 31st December 2020.
Shift changed to 10 am - 2.15 pm today on Kronos on 7th January 2021.
Checked Kronos again 11th January 2021 no changes to shift.
A few things hapoened today at work.
Poor team member "ticket girl" was rostered on with team member " I want to be team leader" today who share the same name distinguished by their initials of their last names however on the "day sheet" team member " ticket girl" was left off the day sheet and team member " I want to be team leader" was written on it twice. " Excuse me! How rude!" I agree but then again Myer managers are notorious for not getting team members' names right - Since when did my name morph from Dulcinea to Dulci to Dulcianna and mistaken for Juls constantly?
I was asked if I could stay back ( again) by the customer service manager I could have but was hopping to get back home in time for the "I want to dance with somebody" learn the routine free dance class at 5 pm online ( I didn't make it back on time anyway to sort out any technical issues before 5 pm I had so missed the virtual class anyway). I initially said yes but then said no when I remembered the above. After this I was treated differently by the customer service manager and assistant store manager. Let's just say that I was bullied a bit by them after I said no I could not stay back. This is the first time I have actually said no to them to stay back. I don't think it is fair that managers can change your shifts at the last minute whenever they like yet they don't approve of you turning down shifts. Hey all team members do have a life outside of Myer. Myer is certainly not my life. I know another team member who is now looking for another job as well. This Tuesdays Talent the one I said I now have to share the wall with was right when he said to me " Unless you are a manager, there is no career progression ( propects) at Myer - there maybe for the younger team members" - looks like not even for the younger generations!
I have another product from Aldi I am trying. They are a little bit more expensive then the normal box or packet of chocolate chip cookies and don't specify the % of chocolate chips because they are gluten free. I decided to try them as an alternative to the original boxed and individually wrapped packets of gluten free chocolate chip biscuits I used to buy from Aldi that look like they are now discontinued. Those were really good and I think contained the same amount of chocolate chips as the normal chocolate chip cookies. 40% dark chocolate chip cookies are my favourite. Rating 7/10. Nothing like the original gluten free chocolate chip cookies i used to buy from Aldi. These are dryer and have this really strong dominating coconut oil flavour. Maybe more chocolate chips in dark may help. Still OK as a gluten free alternative.
photo below
Work Shop ( quick Aldi only ) Home.
Must remember at 5 pm to book and join another free online SDC class to run through the "I want to dance with somebody" routine again today.
Sunday 17th January 2021
Day off.
No new shifts added as at 4th January 2021.
Lunch for tomorrow is prepared and in the fridge. It is noodles with spinach and duck poached in miso and vegetable stock with soya sauce seasame oil seasame seeds garnished with shallots basil and cortiander leaves. A side serving of blackberries 2 gluten free chocolate chip cookies a museli bar or 2 and a bottle of water
If you get Whats app team group chat messages on your days off in relation to work which I am getting on my days off you add a cheeky message to let all your fellow team members know.
Example below of a messages I get on my days off and you can't actually switch the whatsapp off ( I can't seem to unless it is backing itself up)
My laundry is in the dryer a third time - hopefully it will all be dried properly this time round and not still a damp dry like Friday night - yes my damp laundry has been in a laundry bag since Friday night as I did not have time to do anything yesterday afternoon after work even misding out on the online dance class due to technical difficulties or not being able to join in late. I hope I am able to join in the actual performance event next Saturday.
I didn't venture out today. I have decided to wait until I have my next day off. I think by Friday I will again be too tired to do anything again.
I checked Kronos again and the week after next week I have only 3 shifts all 8am - 4 pm all stock and no service. My hours have been reduced and according to other team members will get worse during the months of February and March 2021. The scaling back of the JobKeeper government Corona supplement paid to employers in March 2021 is probably an impact on the cutting of shifts by Myer.
Did almost nothing today except watch YouTube sleep eat watch the food channel take the rubbish out and updated my diaries not in that order though.
Still do tired.
Sleep. Work again tomorrow.
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