I decided to take a free online 2 week course through Future Learn. If you haven't heard of this organisation before Google it. There are some very interesting Continuing Education courses run by top universities around the world on offer online.
Rating 9/10
I suppose I was bored. I had no direction of what I wanted to do. I had already established a blog and was starting to upload slide shows and videos onto Youtube. I have a Facebook account but abandoned it because it was taking up too much of my time and was invading my privacy.
This course "The Power of Social Media" was the best thing I have done. It opened up the world of social media to me. The course itself is different to any other online course I have done. Most online courses are static ie here are the modules - read them - do the asignments , submit them and sit the final exams. There is no interaction with any of the other students doing the course online.
With this online course you have the opportunity to get to know your fellow students by setting up a profile including uploading a photo of yourself and posting for example your interests, profession and why you are studying this online course prior to the course commencing. Besides reading fellow students' profiles and comments throughout the course you can also " like", "reply" and "follow" fellow students.
The course is 3 hours a week for 2 weeks however like quite a few students I had to spread it out over 2 weeks due to work and social activities (exercise) commitments . I would go to work during the day and study for a few hours after work each night until I completed all the modules for week 1 and week 2.
I became a "social media socialite" At the end of the 2 week course I did a rough count of the number of "likes" "replies" and "followers" to all my comments I posted for all the modules during the course. Last count was 40 likes, 14 replies and at least 2 followers.
Following are examples of my posts during the 2 week course to fellow students that were liked and/or were replied to.
"I only have one thing to say about social media profiles - "stalking""
The above was a very early posting and it attracted an immediate reply.
"Interesting but yes I agree very theoretical. Does that make it 6 degrees of separation that I'm not the only one in Australia doing this online course?"
I was replying to a fellow student's post and in doing this attracted a "like" and a reply from another fellow student as follows
"No I'm grinding my way through it too :)"
"I refer to my earlier post about quality verses quantity. The whole point of Twitter is to give people a voice. Sometimes a single statement from a single person can be more powerful and influential then the masses. Does anyone out there agree?"
The above post I made (ironic as I don't even use twitter as a social media platform) attracted at least 1 "like"
"As a social media experiment I kept my Facebook account open but do not use it, instead I opened it up to all 18 - 22 year olds. So far it's been very interesting what this age group gets up to on social media and what they freely and openly post not just on Facebook but on all social media platforms to everyone out there. Some of it I just don't understand, some of it I like but there are always components I deem to be a little inappropriate for posting on social media.
One of my work collegues is a vegan and this is the type of campaign she posts and likes on Facebook
"The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They are not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men."
Alice Walker""
I think I also posted that I liked this campaign because it was to the point. The above posting attracted multiple "likes" and also a reply as follows
"I like your comments and your Facebook experiment. It has given me an idea to pass on to the marketing team here in Qatar. Thanks."
Towards the end of the course I opened my Facebook up to the 45 - 50 year old age group as well and the results were also interesting leading me to add another post about both age groups posting about a mutually inclusive subject of animal welfare.
Before posting the above comments I had a mental blank and could not think of anything to post as a discussion topic relating to that module so I posted the following comment and it actually received 1 "like"
"I can't think of any campaigns - Donald Trump? Is the campaign about him or is he the campaign?"
"I am a bit lost on this section of the course. Can someone please explain what this section of the course is all about."
I was extremely lost on what this module was all about even after reading fellow students' posts. Someone even posted a comment about whether this was actally approriate for a beginner course and when I read a fellow students comment on "mythical rebirth" I was even more lost so I phoned a friend or 2 actually. I texted one and emailed another. The texted acquaintance was no help at all but my other friend I emailed who resides overseas explained it to me and then I understood a little better in relation to social media. All that came to my mind when I read this module was Wikipedia and Conchita Wurst Eurovision and her song "Rise Like A Phoenix" which was no help to me! Maybe my friend should have done the course!
Oops sorry about delay - going through my posts and noticed this was still in "draft" I must have forgotten to post this in my diary back in April - posted now.
Have completed quite a few more online computer related courses since - Maths Puzzles which was a bit of fun and currently studying week 2 of Functional Programming in Haskell course.
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Tuesday 27th September 2016 - Free Silent Ice Skating Festival Festival
What the? Yes it is free. Yes it is a temporary outdoor ice skating rink but the thought of combining a silent disco using head phones and skating with 44 other inexperienced ice skaters - a lot of them still using "seals" " penguins" or "bobbies" as we call them to aid them as well as skating in an ever increasing puddle of water is not my idea of fun or exactly safe although it is stated that only 45 people are allowed on the ice at one time. I have already seen and heard a daughter with skates and ear phones on hardly able to skate yell out to her mother next to her "I can't hear you!" To add to the "atmosphere" it is dark and windy. Skaters are now starting to karaoke to the music from their ear phones whilst skating around and around the rather small ice rink and how about texting on their smart phones whilst skating around the ice rink to add to all the other activity - I can see an accident or two waiting to happen!
I'll give this festival festival a miss and go for a proper skate at Macquarie on a proper sized ice rink!
I'll give this festival festival a miss and go for a proper skate at Macquarie on a proper sized ice rink!
Saturday, 24 September 2016
Sunday 25th September 2016 - Another do nothing day as I am still sick
Firstly @ Jean thanks for your get well comment.
Still no replacement for my Samsung Note 7 . I was advised possibly Saturday as they were only replacing 250 per day - it has been over a week now since I returned my original Note 7 purchased to Samsung for a replacement. Not happy!
Still no response to my 3rd email of inquiry from the new management company in regards to my timeshare. I am getting very concerned. I am beginning to think that there isn't actually a board or management company looking after the remaining 8 timeshare units at the Cascade Lodge. If there is I have never met heard or seen them and I certainly did not vote for them at the so called last annual general meeting!
These so called annual general meetings are held usually in November each year - far too late for my advance plannings and ones I can never attend because I don't reside in Canada or the US . They are usually held in obscure places often outside of Canada in the US . Last year I attempted to listen in on the annual general meeting via a webinar type arrangement but had so much difficulty hearing any questions and feedback it was pointless. It sounded like it was in someones garage and there were only 2 board members/people present at the meeting and they were re electing themselves. I let them know how unprofessional the annual general meeting was.
I am getting rather sick of all the disputes, complaints, even lock out threats and basically poor and unprofessional attitude.
Therefore I am calling on anyone that is reading my blog out there that is a US or Canadian resident for assistance. I am particularly interested getting in contact with anyone who also owns a timehare in the Cascade Lodge in Whistler and had purchased it through Whiski Jack originally. I would like to know their feedback and comments good and bad and complaints problems legal action etc they have had past and present in relation to owning their timeshare. Apart from me there are no other Australians who own a timeshare through Whiski Jack in the Cascade Lodge in Whistler and a very small proportion of people residing in Canada and US who own one as there are only 8 units in the Cascade Lodge left that are owned by people who originally purchased from Whiski Jack or associated organisation.
Please note : I am not interested in Intra West, Worldmark/Wyndham or Resort Quest Owners who own a timeshare at the Cascade Lodge only Whiski Jack timshare owners.
Feel free to pass on my details to anyone you know that maybe able to help me in my comments with thanks in advance.
Still sick and have to work tomorrow. Hopefully on the mend in the next few weeks.
Final word : welcome and thanks (merci!) to new countries reading my blog - you now join my worldwide audience of
USA - top 2 audience
Australia - top 2 audience
France - top 5 audience
Germany - top 10 audience
South Korea
Apologies if I have left a country out - I am going by the audience analytics.
You maybe wondering why there is a QR code attached to this blog. It is one I created whilst I was doing an online course and contains a message from me. I would be interested to hear what happens if you scan it. Hopefully it won't cause any harm as it is a static not dynamic QR code so it won't actually collect any statistical information as far as I know. It was a bit of fun to create though. Looking at the QR code it looks like a lot of detail is contained within the tiny square.
Now try this static QR code. This one may not make sense if it scans. It contains repetative binary code. A code within a code within a code.
Still no replacement for my Samsung Note 7 . I was advised possibly Saturday as they were only replacing 250 per day - it has been over a week now since I returned my original Note 7 purchased to Samsung for a replacement. Not happy!
Still no response to my 3rd email of inquiry from the new management company in regards to my timeshare. I am getting very concerned. I am beginning to think that there isn't actually a board or management company looking after the remaining 8 timeshare units at the Cascade Lodge. If there is I have never met heard or seen them and I certainly did not vote for them at the so called last annual general meeting!
These so called annual general meetings are held usually in November each year - far too late for my advance plannings and ones I can never attend because I don't reside in Canada or the US . They are usually held in obscure places often outside of Canada in the US . Last year I attempted to listen in on the annual general meeting via a webinar type arrangement but had so much difficulty hearing any questions and feedback it was pointless. It sounded like it was in someones garage and there were only 2 board members/people present at the meeting and they were re electing themselves. I let them know how unprofessional the annual general meeting was.
I am getting rather sick of all the disputes, complaints, even lock out threats and basically poor and unprofessional attitude.
Therefore I am calling on anyone that is reading my blog out there that is a US or Canadian resident for assistance. I am particularly interested getting in contact with anyone who also owns a timehare in the Cascade Lodge in Whistler and had purchased it through Whiski Jack originally. I would like to know their feedback and comments good and bad and complaints problems legal action etc they have had past and present in relation to owning their timeshare. Apart from me there are no other Australians who own a timeshare through Whiski Jack in the Cascade Lodge in Whistler and a very small proportion of people residing in Canada and US who own one as there are only 8 units in the Cascade Lodge left that are owned by people who originally purchased from Whiski Jack or associated organisation.
Please note : I am not interested in Intra West, Worldmark/Wyndham or Resort Quest Owners who own a timeshare at the Cascade Lodge only Whiski Jack timshare owners.
Feel free to pass on my details to anyone you know that maybe able to help me in my comments with thanks in advance.
Still sick and have to work tomorrow. Hopefully on the mend in the next few weeks.
Final word : welcome and thanks (merci!) to new countries reading my blog - you now join my worldwide audience of
USA - top 2 audience
Australia - top 2 audience
France - top 5 audience
Germany - top 10 audience
South Korea
Apologies if I have left a country out - I am going by the audience analytics.
You maybe wondering why there is a QR code attached to this blog. It is one I created whilst I was doing an online course and contains a message from me. I would be interested to hear what happens if you scan it. Hopefully it won't cause any harm as it is a static not dynamic QR code so it won't actually collect any statistical information as far as I know. It was a bit of fun to create though. Looking at the QR code it looks like a lot of detail is contained within the tiny square.
Now try this static QR code. This one may not make sense if it scans. It contains repetative binary code. A code within a code within a code.
Friday, 23 September 2016
Saturday 24th September 2016 - No New posts this weekend I am off sick. Apologies
I am pretty sick with the flu and have been for most of the week with a very bad cough.
My fault continuing to go to work and doing too much and not resting up.
All the stress of waiting for my replacement Samsung Note 7 - yes the exploding phone I purchased and paid upfront barely a week before the faulty battery and recall was announced - still using my dying 3 year old Note 3 which is about to physically die by the end of this year. It has been put through a lot!
Other stress over non response to emails sent to the timeshare I own overseas and the change of management yet again in under a year - last 2 management company's contracts terminated by either party (companies) early due to disputes and mismanagement of properties.
I really need to look into legal action as an owner. The possibility of showing up and unable to access my apartment overseas in January is getting too much for me. I have deadlines and it is a struggle every year. I purchased this back in 2000 in good faith for relaxation and all it has given me is an increasing amount of grief. Just letting everyone know about the downside of owing any property overseas and not being a local resident.
If anyone can help me with a legal contact overseas in BC Canada that can help me deal with my problem greatly appreciated just make a comment and I will read it. Thanks.
I caught this flu from Sundays Running Festival - queuing up in the rain for stuff after the race when it started to pour and was quite cold, I should have gone straight back to the hostel I was staying at and had a hot shower something proper to eat and a lie down.
This will give readers of my blog time to catch up at least.
Thanks to eveeyone out there who has been and is reading my blog.
My fault continuing to go to work and doing too much and not resting up.
All the stress of waiting for my replacement Samsung Note 7 - yes the exploding phone I purchased and paid upfront barely a week before the faulty battery and recall was announced - still using my dying 3 year old Note 3 which is about to physically die by the end of this year. It has been put through a lot!
Other stress over non response to emails sent to the timeshare I own overseas and the change of management yet again in under a year - last 2 management company's contracts terminated by either party (companies) early due to disputes and mismanagement of properties.
I really need to look into legal action as an owner. The possibility of showing up and unable to access my apartment overseas in January is getting too much for me. I have deadlines and it is a struggle every year. I purchased this back in 2000 in good faith for relaxation and all it has given me is an increasing amount of grief. Just letting everyone know about the downside of owing any property overseas and not being a local resident.
If anyone can help me with a legal contact overseas in BC Canada that can help me deal with my problem greatly appreciated just make a comment and I will read it. Thanks.
I caught this flu from Sundays Running Festival - queuing up in the rain for stuff after the race when it started to pour and was quite cold, I should have gone straight back to the hostel I was staying at and had a hot shower something proper to eat and a lie down.
This will give readers of my blog time to catch up at least.
Thanks to eveeyone out there who has been and is reading my blog.
Sunday, 18 September 2016
Sunday 18th September 2016 - Blackmores Sydney Running Festival
As you all probably know from reading my previous blogs that I retired after 25 City to Surfs and this is the first year I did not do the 15 km City to Surf.
In it's place I am doing my first 9 km Bridge Run in place of the City to Surf. My aim was to finish the race in 1 to 1.5 hours which I successfully achieved today (even taking time to take photos along the race course).
A few days ago I had spoken to one of my customers who was also doing the Bridge run about the weather forecast which was rain rain rain. The rain fortunately held off until about midday today when I had completed the race although at times there were a few very light "spits" of rain during my run.
As soon as I reached the finish line I grabbed a free bottle of water then collected my medal picked up a free copy of the Sunday newspaper before heading down to the clothing bag collection area to collect the bag I had packed containing a change of clothes a bottle of water a pair of socks and some snacks including a bar of chocolate which I had dropped off a few days ago at the Race expo after picking up my race kit.
After collecting my bag, I headed down to the Recovery Village looking for a sausage sizzle that supports the Scouts but this year was unable to find one. I needed a free massage but the queues were too long so went straight to the first Blackmores stand and picked up some free fruit.
There was so many things to do in the Recovery Village - free yoga classes, first aid if needed, free coffee, more free water, free packs of blue jelly beans, free wristbands, free photos, food and drink stalls, free activities and entertainment stage, Nova hosted a stand with free ice cream, tattos, sunscreen and other items, Rebel had a merchandise stall to purchase running gear and Blackmores even had a kids activity tent where free milk formula for todders was given out and face painting for kids.
It started raining quite heavily and became quite cold so the crowd started to leave the Recovery Village as they completed their races. However a die hard crowd remained to queue up for photos with the Harbour Bridge in the background and free coffee. (I have posted my photos on my Facebook page).
After collect a whole heap of free stuff which included 2 sets of photos via email and sms and 1 hardcopy with matching photo frame, 2 wrist bands, a free bottle of water, a banana, a mandarin, a kids t shirt, a sun visor, a mocha, a newspaper,3 packets of blue jelly beans, a sample tube of sunscreen, a nova tatoo and airfresher, and a calico bag containing a full can of toddler milk formula colouring book and pencils - I headed back to the YHA I was staying at by train. On my way to the station I stopped to cheer on the full marathon participants who were already soaking wet from running in the rain. They were almost to the finish line which was located in the Opera House forecourt.
Back at the YHA I had a shower something to eat and drink and caught up with my blogging. It is still pouring with rain and cold. A good rest of the day to sleep and stay indoors.

In it's place I am doing my first 9 km Bridge Run in place of the City to Surf. My aim was to finish the race in 1 to 1.5 hours which I successfully achieved today (even taking time to take photos along the race course).
A few days ago I had spoken to one of my customers who was also doing the Bridge run about the weather forecast which was rain rain rain. The rain fortunately held off until about midday today when I had completed the race although at times there were a few very light "spits" of rain during my run.
As soon as I reached the finish line I grabbed a free bottle of water then collected my medal picked up a free copy of the Sunday newspaper before heading down to the clothing bag collection area to collect the bag I had packed containing a change of clothes a bottle of water a pair of socks and some snacks including a bar of chocolate which I had dropped off a few days ago at the Race expo after picking up my race kit.
After collecting my bag, I headed down to the Recovery Village looking for a sausage sizzle that supports the Scouts but this year was unable to find one. I needed a free massage but the queues were too long so went straight to the first Blackmores stand and picked up some free fruit.
There was so many things to do in the Recovery Village - free yoga classes, first aid if needed, free coffee, more free water, free packs of blue jelly beans, free wristbands, free photos, food and drink stalls, free activities and entertainment stage, Nova hosted a stand with free ice cream, tattos, sunscreen and other items, Rebel had a merchandise stall to purchase running gear and Blackmores even had a kids activity tent where free milk formula for todders was given out and face painting for kids.
It started raining quite heavily and became quite cold so the crowd started to leave the Recovery Village as they completed their races. However a die hard crowd remained to queue up for photos with the Harbour Bridge in the background and free coffee. (I have posted my photos on my Facebook page).
After collect a whole heap of free stuff which included 2 sets of photos via email and sms and 1 hardcopy with matching photo frame, 2 wrist bands, a free bottle of water, a banana, a mandarin, a kids t shirt, a sun visor, a mocha, a newspaper,3 packets of blue jelly beans, a sample tube of sunscreen, a nova tatoo and airfresher, and a calico bag containing a full can of toddler milk formula colouring book and pencils - I headed back to the YHA I was staying at by train. On my way to the station I stopped to cheer on the full marathon participants who were already soaking wet from running in the rain. They were almost to the finish line which was located in the Opera House forecourt.
Back at the YHA I had a shower something to eat and drink and caught up with my blogging. It is still pouring with rain and cold. A good rest of the day to sleep and stay indoors.

Saturday, 17 September 2016
Saturday 17th September 2016 - Beams and Spice Alley
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Opera singing red carpet walking costumed light live performance |
I went to this event last year (refer to my other blog Dulcinea.yee.simplesite.com)
This year the highlights were more of a combination of music and visual arts for example live bands accompanied by wall projections and/or light show (refer youtube video uploaded), a lady singing opera whilst walking down a strip of red carpet wearing a beautifully made dress with metallic bits (apologies for being unable to describe what she was wearing - refer youtube video uploaded), the one man electronic band syncronising projections of computer generated graphics/artwork and the silent cinema.
Then there were the food stalls, trucks , pop up bars/gardens and regular features such as paint your own artwork, live graffiti artists, the projections on walls of buildings in laneways, light displays and the long table - amazing what a few Ikea lights and a few box graters can do to create some table centre pieces to make the long tables "pop" and of course the silent disco was back.
I rate this event 9/10. (Refer to my youtube videos now uploaded)
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Main set of stairs leading from Central Park to Central Park Living Mall - shopping and dining as well as AMBUSH Gallery on top floor. |

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silent disco |
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silent cinema |
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Paint It Yourself Artwork |

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Neon Life Drawing Workshop |
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one of the" Long Tables " |

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Light show accompanying live music |

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Graffiti Art |
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One of the pop up bars/gardens |

Off Kensington Street (which is actually a lane itself) there is an older
hidden lane which has been converted to form Spice Alley. Words cannot describe what you will find compacted in this alley. Lots of lanterns, tables and chairs and wall to wall restraurants, cafes and other eateries along the entire lane way. Think the famous Hawkers Lane on the lower ground floor at Chatswood Westfield except all outdoors. I did not actually eat there as every table and chair was taken and every cafe eatery and restaurant that Saturday night was full. I just soaked up the atmosphere by reading the menus of food and drink and taking quite a few photos (attached). I would like to revisit Spice Alley another day to sit down and eat when it is not so busy.
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