Friday, 23 September 2016

Saturday 24th September 2016 - No New posts this weekend I am off sick. Apologies

I am pretty sick with the flu and have been for most of the week with a very bad cough.

My fault continuing to go to work and doing too much and not resting up.

All the stress of waiting for my replacement Samsung Note 7 - yes the exploding phone I purchased and paid upfront barely a week before the faulty battery and recall was announced - still using my dying 3 year old Note 3 which is about to physically die by the end of this year. It has been put through a lot!

Other stress over non response to emails sent to the timeshare I own overseas and the change of management yet again in under a year - last 2 management company's contracts terminated by either party (companies) early due to disputes and mismanagement of properties.
I really need to look into legal action as an owner. The possibility of showing up and unable to access my apartment overseas in January is getting too much for me. I have deadlines and it is a struggle every year. I purchased this back in 2000 in good faith for relaxation and all it has given me is an increasing amount of grief. Just letting everyone know about the downside of owing any property overseas and not being a local resident.

If anyone can help me with a legal contact overseas in BC Canada that can help me deal with my problem greatly appreciated just make a comment and I will read it. Thanks.

I caught this flu from Sundays Running Festival - queuing up in the rain for stuff after the race when it started to pour and was quite cold, I should have gone straight back  to the hostel I was staying at and had a hot shower something proper to eat and a lie down.

This will give readers of my blog time to catch up at least.

Thanks to eveeyone out there who has been and is reading my blog.

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