Sunday, 3 May 2020

Monday 4th May 2020 - May The 4th Not Be With You This Year

Yes it's the 4th May 2020 today and the Force is definitely not with us this year that's for sure - earthquakes, eruptions,  floods, fires, homelessness, wildlife destruction, unemployment, recession and a worldwide pandemic makes 2019/2020 an extremely bad 2 years - is there worse to come?

Usually on the 4th of May, people would be dressing up and heading off to some Star Wars event or convention but not this year due to social distancing or social isolation so it will be all online.

I woke up early this morning and the first thing I did was to put my laundry into the washing machines downstairs ( yes I finally ventured downstairs). I washed everything I could fit into the 2 industrial sized machines.

After that I emptied my rubbish out into the bins outside ( yes I ventured for the first time again since last Thursday outside)

Yuk how I hate doing both. As soon as I returned I washed my hands and I used the hand sanitiser near the entrance for the first time - I don't even think anyone has used it as it is still quite full but it stinks and stings.

It's 6.30 am so I should venture downstairs soon and empty my clothes into the dryer before having a shower and looking for more jobs and what other fee free courses to do.

I may go out today to Chatswood and maybe to the closest Officeworks on the otherside of Chatswood.

Laundry wash and dry all done - really weird thing was happening with the drying cycle today and I've never seen it happen before. When the drying cycle you have set it to stops it usually stops spinning and there is a message on the digital display indicating that you can now open the dryer door. I  had set the second drying cycle to hot and 30 minutes whilst I washed my dishes and had a shower which took me well over the 30 minutes. When I went to open the door my washing was still spinning around with no heat at all even though I was now able to open the door as indicated on the display. Did someone open the dryer door whilst I was having a shower therefore stopping the drying cycle? I am unsure. My clothes were cold when I opened the dryer door which stopped the cold spinning cycle. I take all my clothes out and clean the lint basket heading straight upstairs - usually I fold all my dried clothes as I pull them out of the dryer but this time just chucked them into my IKEA bag and headed straight upstairs before anyone else appeared from behind me.

I checked my phone in case there are any important messages - It's amazing how,everyone not just all your friends and sometimes even family members, cease contact with you once you become unemployed and register for welfare payments. I am beginning to feel this is what they are doing now one by one. This is what happens during social distancing resulting in social isolation. I really want to work and because I haven't been really unemployed since the last Australian recession I am coping but not coping as well as if I was working even if it was just 1 day a week. I hate being on welfare payments but if I wasn't on it I would be homeless so I am grateful that I have a roof over my head and food in my stomach and that I am in good health ( although I'm just getting over a bout of  bad vertigo bought on by a blocked right ear which became worse due to an allergic reaction of some ear drops).

Did not make it out of my apartment today. Made a cauliflower soup instead and watched tv whilst starting a 4th IT related short course online through Future Learn. I am a week behind but will catch up by the end of this week. My aim is to do as many short IT courses as I can whilst unemployed.

My friend got back to my text which is great to hear as I was beginning to think she was MIA. She is fine but like me cooking and reading at lot.

Got a response from a blogging job I applied for on Gumtree - they would like my phone number to discuss however I am not too keen to provide it to them. After 2 previous not so genuine positions vacant responses I received I am being cautious so was going to respond to her tomorrow. This looked as if it was a 3rd "dodgy" job advertisement as the person responded on the same afternoon that her ad was no longer available!

Waiting  for tonight's episode of Masterchef.
I can't believe I fell asleep in my Star Wars t shirt during Masterchef  and didn't watch the first episode of Have You Been Paying Attention which just returned on tv.

3.30 am Tuesday morning and I wake up to catch up on Have You Been Paying Attention watching the whole episode. I followed this up by catching up watching last night's Masterchef episode but fell asleep yet again!

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