Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Monday 31st May - Sunday 6th June 2021 - Week 62 Of Under Employment & What To Have From Chatswood Mall Markets When I Can't Be Bothered To Cook

Monday 31st May 2021

Myer 8 am - 4 pm stock.

One and only last sale of my stock day was 2 dinner sets to a customer who insisted that she could fit both in under her baby in a pram. I was right she could only fit 1 and I had to do a shop and drop for her so she could return for the second set after taking the first set to her car.

Tuesday 1st June 2021

First Day of Winter

Day off

No plans just catch up on life admin and sleep in.

Still trying to work out if the guy in unit 1A downstairs has moved out or not and whether I am the only resident in the entire apartment block.

The bins were not taken out last night which is strange as the guy in Unit 1A usualky takes them put the night before and wheels them back in that afternoon when they are empty. 

For once there was no construction work between 12 midnight and 3 am in the morning. I switched on my light the night before and the noise just stopped- I must have scared them off!

Made myself breakfast & lunch for tomorrow and continued with my laundry I did not quite finish on Sunday.

Wednesday 2nd June 2021

Myer 10.30 am - 5.30 pm service all day and it was very busy during the stocktake sale. 

The customer service manager and team leader are both on holidays - time to chill - so good mot having them around.

text to write off and disposal of 11 blue & 15 grey  AH & G faulty cheese knife sets. Broke one but did not matter as they were all being disposed of from team leader.

Gee management don't communicate- team member ticket girl who was on stock today told to check if the Stanley Rogers cutlery sets on a tabletop had been restocked - of course they were I did it on Monday as I advised I would do.

Phone order very old lady for 2 Sheridan ribbed bath sheets

One Myer One sign up but I forgot to scan it to be recorded against my Myer metrics.

Change of shift start finish time for this Friday thank goodness

Basket problem item not found and sold as set of 2 online but single in store with separate tags with codes and prices.

Why does ticket girl's brother need a set of food scales? does he need a mortar and pestle with that? Did ask!?

Thursday 3rd June 2021

Day off.

It's a really wet day but I have to venture out.

I take my rubbish out to the bin area but notice that the door of unit 1A is slightly open. Damn it I am not the only resident in the entire apartment block! 

Next stop a bus to Chatswood to recycle my 13 plastic water bottles that I had accumulated.

It's Thursday so there are the Chatswoid Concourse markets on today and tomorrow. Feeling a little hungry , I decide to stop off and get myself a Turkish Gozleme - but not just a spinach and cheese one - the works ie spinach cheese beef and mushrooms. I haven't had one for so long therefore wonder if they still taste as good as they used to. For $12 I sure hope so. All finished I rate it a 7/10. There isn't as much spinach in them as there used to be and too much meat as well as not enough mushrooms and cheese but nice and hot with a wedge of lemon.

I dropped my bunny mask and my nose is running but I always carry a spare mask and tissues.

Where to next? I need groceries but have booked a ticket to go to tonight's Powerhouse Museum late night session - the first of a series of 4 or 5 over the next weeks on Thursdays. I booked a ticket to 4 of the late night sessions so if I don't feel like going tonight I can go to a different session. 

Still scared to travel into the CBD due to COVID and it's so dark wet and cold today.

Would like to also visit the upmarket IGA supermarket in the city. I have been wanting to find out what all the hype is about but keep forgetting to go or am too tired or sick to go.

Putting my rubbish into the nearest bin at Chatswood Station I spot a scrolling advertisement outside the KFC concession which was for the Dine & Discover Vouchers accepted here. Are they serious? The whole point of registering for the free 2 x $25 Dine & 2 x $25 Discover Vouchers was to encourage people in NSW to get out and ear drink and explore NSW again eg when I used mine to see Sculptures at Scenic World ( refer previous blog) not to encourage the consumption of junk food and create obesity! 

Home and prep for work again tomorrow. Not feeling the best with my allergies still and really don't want to go to work.

Friday 4th June 2021

Myer 11.30 - 5.30 am stock.

What a shocker of a day.

It begins with a knock on my door without any advance notification for a fire inspection. Apparently I was sent an email on 30th May a nd a letter in my mail box informing me of this. I checked my email and there was nothing received so I had to confirm Nova Property Management that their emails were being received my me via a test email sent on the spot. The inspection was between 9 am and 10 am this morning. I was just about to leave for work. The inspector did not even put my smoke detector back on so now I will have to find something I stand on tall enough to snap the smoke detector back on to the ceiling. I was also informed that the building is going up for sale and there should be a letter issued to residents soon ie 14 days notice. Should I be looking for another place to live apparently not quite yet as it will probably be an investment property for the new owners I was advised. 

After the inspection I rushed to get to work as I needed to recharge my Opal card yet again - it is costing me too much to get to and from work. This is why I hate 6 or less hour shifts as it takes me too long to get to and from work. There are not many stores in Warringah Mall that recharge Opal cards and I  try to avoid the ones that charge a surcharge. So Woolworths is my only choice at Warringah Mall. No surcharge but you don't get any loyalty points either for Opal card recharges. So I line up at the service desk 30 minutes before I start my shift and there is only 1 male customer in front of me. Great should be quick but no he caused a queue to bank up behind me. He wanted to purchase over $1000 worth of cigarettes but first tgey would not scan then when they finally did, his payment would not be accepted so 20 minutes later I am still waiting in the queue  and at 11.25 am I had to abandon the queue in order to make it to work in time. The incident does not end there.

I texted a team member on stock with me the following message after work.

"You know that man that was trying to purchase the $1000 + worth of cigarettes? obviously he had a problem because I went back to Woolworths as soon as I finished work to recharge my opal card and he was there again but this time he had to wait for the manager and he saw me and gave me this funny look.i didn't have to wait long this time and as soon as I recharged my Opal card I was off. Did not even wait for my receipt!"

Whilst I was at work today someone from the dermatology centre in Chatswoid rang me and advises me that there has been a cancellation next Monday and if I wanted to bring forward my appointment from 8th July 2021 to 4 pm on Monday. Are they crazy, I had just requested leave for the 8th July 2021 to attend the appointment which has been approved . I am working on Monday and ca not just take a day off at the last minute.

I put out so much stock today I lost count of how many cages I actually emptied between 11.30 am and 5.30 pm but had some help from the team member from VM. I left cages of stock such as towels sheets and electric blankets in cages on the dock instead of taking them down to the reserve as it will save time on the weekend during the stocktake sale due to not having to retrieve products for customers from the reserve when required.

So glad my shift was only until 5.30 pm today. There was no way I was staying back until 6 pm getting home by 8 pm and having to leave home at 7 am tomorrow for a 9 am - 6 pm shift!. I REALLY did not want to be at work today for a 6 hour shift that was only added after I requested leave for my specialist appointment.

I did not wear enough clothes today and it was a freezing day today so had to stop off at the newly opened Target converted to Kmart to purchase a jumper of some sort. It is the best Kmart. I ended up buying a $22 light weight hooded soft jumper in dark grey. I know it will be something I will wear for a while. I would have preferred a black turtle neck warm jumper in black to wear at work but could not locate any.

Home on the 280 bus. Sleep. A long busy shift tomorrow. I hate working Saturdays!

Saturday 5th June 2021

2 Myer One sign ups . The first one I forgot to scan and the second one was for a customer who purchased over $500 worth of products so I encouraged them to sign up as they had already earned enough points for a $20 reward voucher from their purchases today although they will have to wait until the next quarter to get it.

Another phone order today for a customer in Tasmania via Myer Hobart for a queen sized Beau & Bonnie grey sausage dog printed quilt set.

I had a suspected shop lifter today and had to call a manager. He had a scrunched up Myer plastic bag with a t shirt (that still had a white security tag attached to it) in it which he took out and claimed he purchased last Saturday however he did not have a receipt. Without a receipt I could not remove it as there was no p roif of purchase. He also had a label from what he claaimed was from a Champion brand item of clothing but did not have that item with him. The manager comes and removes the tag but advises the customer that the t shirt does not usually have tgat type of security tag attached to it ( probably correct as they are usually the circular ones) not wanting to accuse the customer of shoplifting. In between the manager arriving the customer was asked if he had purchased the item with a Myer One card and that he could find the receipt if he downloads the app. Of course the customer had to advise us that it was the one time he did not use it for his purchase. The suspected shoplifting story does not end there. My very last sale of the day was a Champion hoodie with a security tag attached to it however there were no labels on it. Was it possible that the Champion label the sispected shoplifting customer had with him with no item attached was removed from this customer's item purchased or just co incidental???

Home around 8 pm in time to watch the SBS Sing along at 8.30 pm. I wasn't interested in watching this at all live from Sydney Town Hall but by the end of the program even I was singing along at home with the hundreds of thousands of viewers at home around Australia. Favourite performance was the Penrith High Signing Choir.

Sunday 6th June 2021

Day off

I did nothing except slept in watched tv prepared for work tomorrow. No venturing out today.

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