Saturday 23 December 2017

Sunday 24th December 2017 - Dulcinea's Archives on Christmas Eve

I'm working until the bitter end on Christmas Eve but have a bit of time whilst waiting at the bus stop on my way to work this morning so I thought I would find and share some of my other photos and possibly videos of my adventures pre blogging.

1. Winterfest @ Bondi Beach. Yes that's correct an outdoor ice rink right beside the beach. It is meant to be an annual event during the coldest winter month although in the past years due to lack of sponsorship the event has been pulled. 

2. The Peace Arch @ the Canadian US boarder crossing near White Rock on the Canadian side where my friend drove me to and parked her car in one of the nearest car parks so we could stop and take some photos of the Peace Arch . I was carrying a very small back pack and taking photos when a broader officer approached me and asked where I had come from as he thought I had walked across the US Canadian boarder avoiding detection from boarder officers - my reply to him when asked the question was "the car park!" My friend and I had no intention of traveling to "the dark side" as we didn't even have our passports with us!

3. Food colours used in the snow can be a lot of fun. Above are 2 examples of my first and only attempt of colouring snow. Exhibit 1 "Happy Birthday Unicorn Fart" - pass! Exhibit 2 " Bleeding  Snowman"- fail!

4. Does this location look familiar? It should  as it was in a tv series. Yes "Storybrooke" is a real bakery in Steveston Fishing Village located near Richmond BC Canada which sells freshly baked bread loaves onsite in woodfire ovens. However don't  let the 
resident baker lure you inside the entrance to the store as he tried to with me. It just felt wrong - he was a little creepy and there was a sort of a Hansell and Gretel feeling.  I feared I would never get out of the store once I was lured inside as it was a very strange set up with loaves of bread displayed on shelves inside the store with no counter as seen through 2 very large front windows. Customers were served via the front door outside from the street which was a split door opening at the top half of the door - refer above photo.

5. Pana Chocolates - a must visit on one's trip to Melbourne. Their chocolate bars are available at selected retail stores but a visit to one of their chocolate cafes is special. Above is just one of their dessert slices you can purchase there unavailable from selected retail stores

6. A train trip to Ballarat just to see the city's architecture is  a great day trip from Melbourne. The grand architecture of Ballarat is illustrated above. Ballarat Railway Station is a grand white building complete with an internal overhead walkway bridge and staircases which is the only way to get across the station from platform 1 to platform 2 over and above the series of railway tracks.

7. If you love French food you must visit Hardware Lane in Melbourne's CBD and eat at this cafe. Coffee served in a bowl which you drink with a spoon or ham and cheese meltie on a crusty bread roll - both French style. Service and menu are bilingual.

8. Australia Day celebrations in Whistler are  probably just as big as they are in Australia.  Rain sleet or snow Australians line up in sometimes freezing conditions and in heavy snow from the crack of dawn to get into The Long Horn. Often only wearing shorts a singlet or t-shirt thongs and the good old Aussie flag draped around necks for warmth. Ugg boots are a more sensible option. I never go to he Long Horn - opting for an on mountain backcountry snowshoeing tour on Australia Day or a snow cat and on mountain dinner with other Aussies with a dare to cover the Canadian  flag which is a permanent fixture with an Australian flag (but only for the night) - refer photo above which is a little dark but the flag is visible in the background.

9. Ok this not from my archives it was actually taken in the city on  Boxing Day when the post Christmas sales were on.

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