Friday 18 May 2018

Saturday 19th May 2018 - Prince Henry & Rachel's Royal Wedding

Who cares?! How many people around the world will be having princess parties?
At least a dozen people I spoke to yesterday were collecting things in preparation for theirs.

I will probably be watching it tonight from 9 pm but no princess party for me. For American royal fanatics they will be up at 3 am in the morning watching it, so happy it is at a more civilized time in Oz.

So what exactly do people do at princess parties? Dress up and wear a tiara , have tacky royal props such as life size cardboard cutouts of Harry & Meghan, high tea with chicken and cucumber sandwiches and scones with tea and biscuits all in the shape of crowns. One woman was even hopping on the bus as I was getting off it in a full ivory statin ball gone complete with strands of pearls round her neck but no tiara or hat.

One customer of mine was preparing for her princes party and asked how she could make little stack cakes high tea sized and was planning to make biscuits as well. I persuaded her to purchase a set of 3 princess themed cookie cutters instead of a rather large single crown cookie cutter. I advised my customer she is not Cinderella so you don't really need the shoe cookie cutter but she does need a crown and what's a princess without a castle! Agreed.

Another customer having a princess party  advised it was a great excuse to drink heaps of booze - I mean champagne!

Anyway I hope the marriage lasts as I don't think it will and even advised my first customer having a princess party that she may be back for stuff for the divorce party!

Otherwise another unplanned weekend.
Today there is the Northside Markets on and the annual Aldi Ski gear sale which I bet will be likened to the annual boxing day sales with people queuing up for a few hours to get in before the Aldi stores open! Yep big headlines about this "unfair customer tactics" sale around Oz today.
Postscript : I actually went to the Aldi ski sale but much later in the afternoon. As usual the whole 2 aisles of  ski gear had been tossed everywhere making it very difficult to find what you needed. People were spending hours going through the endless piles of ski wear and accessories to find what they needed. My tactic was remaining calm and only spending an hour or so there. I found the pants in the style size and colour I needed however could not find a matching jacket but then again I only had to sieve through about a 5th of the entire 2 aisles of ski clothes and accessories. I decided that I would come back or go to another Aldi store. I usually get what I need when all the hype is over therefore not too concerned about all the pushing and shoving.

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