Friday, 24 June 2016

Saturday 25th June 2016 - Lyrical Jazz Beginner Dance Class

I haven't checked the forcast for this weekend but it looks like a very nice weekend.

Today the sun is out again and still quite warm and I hope it will be the same tomorrow.

Today is my usual Lyrical Jazz beginner dance class . Still thinking about going for a swim afterwards. Depends on if the sunshine holds up until 430 pm.

Besides the huge cruiseship docked at Circular Quay Overseas Passenger Terminal, there is a giant igloo under construction outside of the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA). Exhibition opens last day of June also our end of 2015 2016 financial year.

Tomorrow I will be attending a face to face training session in the city in preparation for working at the Federal Election on polling day on 2nd July 2016.

The pressure was on a few weeks ago to complete all the online training modules and passing the assessments for this polling day position in between my 4 week coding course, work and attending all my prebooked events and activities in Sydney and interstate. An extremely busy schedule.

Once the Federal election is over and my coding course is complete I plan to take another break interstate. (will keep everyone posted)

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