Thursday, 27 October 2016

Thursday 27th October 2016 - Brothels, Birds & Boxes at Work

It has been a crazy and somewhat bizzare day at work today.

A new Accupunture and Massage Parlour opened up today right next door to whete I work.

There is a deli on the otherside of this Accupunture and Massage Parlour and first comment the owner of the deli makes to us is "So you are right next door to a brothel" or something along that line.

I often joked to customers during it long and noisy construction that it may be a brothel because it looked far too swish to be an Accupunturist and Massage Practice.

Our response to the deli owner was for him to try it out first before we did. One of the ladies from the book store across from us also made the brothel comment. As a promotion free massages were given out and massages were done in the front waiting room area - fully clothed of course.

My work collegues had different observations of the massage parlour - one was willing to give it a go and had an appointment for tomorrow another made a comment of why it looked like a brothel - there are lights outside each "consultation" room to indicate if a room is vacant or occupied.

"Happy ending"  # 1  perhaps?

One of my work collegues was remerchandising the entire store in prparation for Christmas when she found behind a pile of products inside an acrylic bridge used for displays a tiny bird. it was absolutely still so she called one of her other collegues over to have a look and asked if she was seeing things or if it was a bird she saw which she thought for a moment was for part of her Christmas merchandising products. The bird started moving slowly and it became obvious that it was injured. How on earth it got into the store and how long it had been there remains a mystery as there is no entrance to the store near by.

A crowd of very concerned customers soon hovered around the little injured bird practically arguing over what to do. One of the regular customers advised us to call Wires so my work collegue did. The little injured bird was picked up by a customer with a paper towel and we found a small box for the customer put it in. On hold to Wires but was advises they could not do anything until it had been examined by a vet so the same custoner took ut to the vet. we all wanted to know the outcome there asked her to ring us back which she did later.

If the little injured bird had ended up in Woolworths down the riad it probably would not have survived - probably crushed bt stock, wheeled over by unexpected trolleys or just crushed by crowds of people - it would not have been noticed by anyone.

Maybe it was a good omen or karma.

Happy ending # 2

One of our Christmas products came from the supplier with 3 CDUs to be assembled and displayed with the products. Unfortunately on this occassion the supplier did not enclose any instructions on how to assemble any of these CDUs. What made it more difficult was the 1st CDU had all the correct number of pieces but the second CDU had faulty printing making the CDU look crooked and came with an extra piece which my work collegues and I could not figure out whether it belonged or not.

In the end I managed to figure out how the 1st CDU should look, complete with the product to be displayed in it before leaving work. I advised my work collegues to assemble and use the 3rd CDU instead of the 2nd one and gave a quick instruction on what the display should look like and to use the 1st CDU as a guide to assemble the 3rd CDU.

Happy ending # 3.

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