Saturday 14 January 2017

Sunday 15th January 2017 - Advance Posting Australia Day In Whistler

It's been far too hot to blog so I have given it a break.

This is a shout out to anyone who will be in Whistler on 26th January 2017 and will be celebrating Australia Day there along with the other 80 - 90 % of the population vacationing working or residing there - me included!

Yes I will be there again!

OK most Aussies with their friends will line up from probably the crack of dawn often out in the cold snow or rain in their shorts t shirts ugg boots trackie daks zink and Aussie paraphenalia eg flags just to get access into and party at "The Longhorn".

Have I ever been inside the Longhorn? Only once but not on Australia Days.

I prefer the more sophisticated cafes and resturants such as "Blacks" (I hope I have my eating venue correct) - yes there is the dreaded cover charge to get in just like the Longhorn but I would rather the more peaceful atmosphere with a glass of wine and a proper meal then the loud pub party scene.

At night there is not only The Long Horn but "Garfunkles" and some other interesting venues also offering Australia Day celebrations such as I think it is called "Tommy Africas ".

Then there is the Triple J top 40's and cricket- for my international readers if you don't know what that is google it .

Whistler has more then 1 supermarket and liquor store - word of advice byo it is probably cheaper - cheap and nasty Aussie wines in Whistler can cost double of what you pay in Australia - it may be cheaper to buy in Vancouver - particularly if in short supply and no Australians don't drink FOSTERS BEER!

You can't escape the annual Australia day celebrations in Whistler. The staggering idiots often seen the day before Australia day around the village, how about random breath testing on the slopes - I've only seen this once and it was a very long time ago.

Smack in the middle of The President's Day Long weekend and Robbie Burns Day one could be pissed for an entire week in Whistler especially if you have one parent who is Australian, another parent who is Scottish and you are American - even better if you are gay you can continue to celebrate Winter Pride the following week!

But getting back to the serious side of Australia day you could actually celebrate Australia day at any ski resort with a unique or memorable experience - One Australia day I went up on a "Cat" and had dinner up on the mountain at night with other Australians bringing my flag with me and being dared to hanging it up over the restaurants Canadian flag ( I think it was) - yep I did and somewhere in my photo archives I have the evidence.

How about going on an on mountain snowshoeing tour on Australia day - I took my flag with me - a great escape away from skiiers boarders and Australia Day activities - yep have photos of me with my Aussie flag wrapped around me doing a snow shoeing tour in my photo archives as well.

Total escape from Australia Day  - not even in Vancouver - expats go to Mooses Down Under to eat drink and party through the night on Australia Day.

4 more days and counting..............

If anyone would like to get together with me and do something on Australia Day - let me know by  sending me a comment!

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